#all will be revealed in the next 2-3 hours depending on my self control and if i can wait until 5 to post this
biostudyblog · 4 years
States of Consciousness
Consciousness is a concept that has eluded many psychologists and fascinated many others. The author of the first psychology textbook, William James was fascinated by this concept, however without the technology, we have today to examine it, the scientific study of consciousness faded away. It is coming back, due to new tools that can be used to study it in a scientific way, rather than a philosophical one. Historically, the idea of consciousness came from two competing philosophical theories; dualism and monism. Dualists believe that humans consist of two materials; thought and matter. Matter is everything in the physical world, while thought is a nonmaterial thing that arises from and is independent from the brain. Monists believe that thought and matter are made from the same material. The study of consciousness has progressed passed philosophy, however.
Levels of Consciousness
We experience consciousness unconsciously (try and wrap your mind around that). One level of your consciousness is reading this sentence, and another level is shaking your leg, or making you breathe. Research has begun to show more complex effects of the different consciousness levels. For example, the mere-exposure effect occurs when we prefer stimuli we have seen before over novel stimuli, even if we don’t remember seeing that old stimulus. One study investigating this phenomenon had participants look at a list of nonsense words for a short period of time, and then later on having them pick their favourite words from a new list. The participants were more likely to pick words shown on that earlier list, despite not being able to recall that earlier list. A concept related to this is priming. Priming is a technique where exposure to one stimulus influences a response to a subsequent stimulus without conscious guidance or intention. Another interesting phenomenon is blind sight. Some blind people have been shown to be able to describe the path of an object or grasp objects that they cannot see, implying that although their consciousness isn’t receiving visual information, another part of their consciousness can “see.” The levels of consciousness are very widely debated, but there is a tentative list of those layers.
Conscious Level: The information about yourself and your environment that you are currently aware of. You are consciously reading this sentence, for example.
Non-conscious Level: Body processes we usually are not aware of. This includes your heartbeat, respiration, digestion, etc. 
Pre-conscious Level: Information about yourself and your environment that is not in your conscious mind presently, but has the potential to be. For example, you’re not thinking about your last maths class right now, as that memory is at your preconscious level, but by reading that sentence, a memory may come to your conscious level.
Subconscious Level: Information we are not consciously aware of that informs and is shown through our behaviour. Priming and the mere-exposure effect reveal this layer of consciousness. 
Unconscious Level: This is a level of consciousness studied by psychoanalysts. Psychoanalysts believe that memories and feelings deemed as inappropriate by the conscious mind are repressed into the unconscious mind, and can be uncovered by methods such as dream analysis. This is a very widely objected idea, however, as it is extremely difficult, if not impossible to prove. 
Sleep is something many students never get enough of. According to surveys, high school students get around 6.8 hours of sleep per night, and college students get between 6 to 6.9 hours per night, despite a need for 8-9 hours. But why do we need sleep? And how does it work?
The Sleep Cycle
If you’ve ever been jet-lagged, you know how it feels to have an issue with your circadian rhythm. The circadian rhythm is a 24-hour cycle that instructs our metabolic and thought processes. It makes us feel hungry at lunchtime, need the toilet when we usually go and makes us feel tired at bedtime. It also controls the sleep cycle. Sleep is not an 8 hour period of time where the brain nearly completely shuts down, in fact, our brains are active as we sleep, and can be tracked with an EEG, revealing distinct stages as sleep occurs. 
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The period where we are falling asleep is known as sleep onset. It’s the period where we are not yet asleep, but not quite awake. When we are awake and sleepy, our brains produce alpha waves- this is a period where we may experience mild hallucinations before we enter stage 1 of sleep. When awake, and when in stages 1 and 2, our brains produce theta waves, which are high in frequency and low in amplitude. They progressively slow down and rise in amplitude as stages 1 and 2 progress. In stage 2, EEG’s show sleep spindles, which are short bursts of rapid brain waves. From stage 2, we move into stage 3 and stage 4, which are known as delta sleep. After the delta waves produced in this period of sleep. These are slow, low frequency waves, and characterise the deepest sleep, and the period where we are least aware of our environment. Being awakened from stages 3 and 4 tend to cause intense drowsiness, and disorientation and is often why being woken up with an alarm clock can suck, even after getting 8 hours of sleep. After going through delta sleep, brain waves begin to speed up again and we go back through stages 3 and then 2. Before getting back to stage 1, the brain enters a period of intense activity, where the eyes rapidly move back and fourth, and muscles twitch rapidly. This is known as REM, or rapid eye movement sleep. It’s also known as paradoxical sleep because brain waves are as active as if we were awake. Dreams are most likely to occur here, and depriving the body of it can interfere with memory. After being deprived of REM sleep, individuals typically experience REM rebound, where they have longer and more periods of REM sleep the next time they sleep. The cycle is not consistent, as you can see on the chart. As wake up time moves closer, the body spends more time in stages 1 and 2, along with REM. Babies spend more time in REM than adults do, and as we age, we need less sleep, and spend less time in REM.
Sleep Disorders
Poor, or inconsistent sleep can cause serious health issues. While for many people, poor sleep is a result of lifestyle choices, or poor decisions, many people suffer from disorders which even in the perfect environment for sleep, cause issues fully moving through the sleep cycle.
Insomnia: Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder, affecting up to 10% of the American population. Insomniacs struggle with going to sleep, and staying asleep. Treatments for insomnia include changes in behaviour, such as decreasing caffeine-intake and other stimulants, exercising at appropriate times during the day, and keeping a consistent sleep pattern going (always going to bed at 10pm and waking up at 6am, for example.) Many doctors are cautious about prescribing pills because pills can actually interfere further with the sleep cycle.
Narcolepsy: Narcolepsy is far more infrequent than insomnia, affecting about 0.001% of the American population. Narcoleptics experience periods of intense drowsiness, and fall asleep at inappropriate and random times. Medication, and behaviour change are often prescribed to help combat it, for example naps at strategic times.
Sleep Apnea: Sleep apnea is almost as common as insomnia, and in many ways is more serious. Sleep apnea is a condition where people stop breathing for short periods during sleep. The body slightly wakes the person up to gasp for air, then puts them back to sleep. This robs the individual of deep sleep and can cause disorientation, memory issues and attention issues. Severe apnea has been known to kill people. It is especially common in overweight men. Respiration machines can help combat this disorder.
Night terrors: Many people (myself included) remember having nightmares when they were young. Being a typical British child, I watched doctor who, and remember in the middle of the night running up to my parents room, terrified the Cybermen from my dreams were going to get me. They typically go away as the person gets older, but many adults, especially those suffering from conditions such as PTSD continue to suffer from them, causing severe sleep deprivation.
Somnambulism: Somnambulism is a fancy way of saying sleepwalking. It is much like nightmares, in that both commonly occur in the first few hours of sleep, at the fourth stage. Somnambulism is also much more common in children, and tends to go away as the person grows up.
Dreams are a series of story-like images we tend to experience when we’re asleep. Some people frequently recall their dreams, while others don’t remember dreaming at all. Some people have lucid dreams, where they know they’re dreaming, and can control its storyline. They are difficult to study, as we don’t know much about them, so as a result, psychologists depend mostly on self-reports. When patients are woken from REM sleep, they often report dreaming. There are many hypotheses about why we dream, but not many conclusive answers yet. Sigmund Freud found dreams to be a significant part of his therapy. His therapy used dream interpretation to uncover repressed information in the unconscious mind. Manifest content is the literal content of the dream. If someone dreams about showing up unprepared to a test, the manifest content is the ill-preparedness. The latent content is what Freud was more interested in; it is the unconscious meaning of that manifest content. Freud believed that even in sleep, the ego shields us from unconscious material (thus he referred to it as protected sleep). Showing up ill-prepared for a test could represent anxiety and preparedness about a coming challenge in your life, for example. Many researchers dislike this research because it is extremely difficult to validate or invalidate. The activation-synthesis theory observes dreams as a biological phenomenon. This theory suggests that dreams are merely the brains interpretation of what is happening physiologically during REM sleep. This implies that dreams are no more significant as any other physiological process. The information-processing theory falls in between these two theories. It points out that stress can increase the number and intensity of dreams during the night, and many report that dreams address many daily concerns. Some people theorise that the brain is dealing with daily stress and information during REM sleep. REM is thus a process where information taken in during the day is processed into our memories. 
One of the more popularised forms of psychology is hypnosis. There are films all over the place of nightmarish villains putting a watch in front of an unsuspecting victims face, and taking over their mind, making them do whatever the hypnotist wants. While this is not real, hypnosis is a real phenomenon used by many hypnotherapists to help their patients deal with real world problems, or to have a bit of fun. One phenomenon observed under hypnosis is posthypnotic amnesia. Where patients report forgetting events that occurred while they were hypnotised. Hypnotists can also implant posthypnotic suggestions, where the patient behaves a certain way after coming out of hypnosis. It’s important to note that hypnosis patients are not unconscious, and cannot be made to do things that consciously they absolutely do not want to do, or cannot do. Hypnosis, like all other parts of consciousness is not very well understood. There are 3 big theories which attempt to explain what is happening during hypnosis.
Role theory: States that hypnosis is not an alternate state of consciousness at all. Some people are more easily hypnotised than others, a phenomenon known as hypnotic suggestibility, and these patients share many other characteristics such as having richer fantasy lives, being better at following directions, and being more able to focus on tasks for longer periods of time. This imply that hypnosis is a social phenomenon, where patients act out the role of a hypnotised person because that is what is expected of them.
State theory: States that hypnosis in some ways meets the definition for an altered state of consciousness. Hypnotists can suggest more or less awareness of the environment, and many who undergo hypnosis report dramatic health benefits such as pain control.
Dissociation theory: This is a theory stated by researcher Ernest Hilgard, and claims that hypnosis causes a voluntary division of consciousness. One part responds to the hypnotic suggestions, and the other retains awareness of reality. In his experiments, Hilgard had hypnosis patients out their arm into an ice water bath. Although this would normally cause pain, his patients reported none. However, Hilgard had these patients lift their index finger if any part of them felt pain, and most participants lifted their finger. 
Psychoactive drugs change the chemistry of the brain and induce an altered state of consciousness. Some of these changes are physiological changes, while others are caused by expected changes. Some patients exhibit some of the expected effects of the drug, even if they didn’t ingest the drug (similar to the placebo effect.) Normally, the brain is protected from harmful substances in the blood via the blood-brain barrier. However, the molecules which make up psychoactive drugs can pass through this barrier as they are small enough. They either mimic natural neurotransmitters- these are known as agonists. Agonists fit into receptor sites on neurons which would normally receive the neurotransmitter. They can also block neurotransmitters- these psychoactive drugs are known as antagonists. These molecules also fit into receptor sites, however prevent neurotransmitters from the receptor site. Other drugs can prevent neurotransmitters from being reabsorbed, creating an abundance in the synapse. This is what Prozac, an depressant does. It is called a “selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor” as it prevents serotonin from being reabsorbed.
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In some cases, due to the abundance of psychoactive drugs, the brain may produce less of the neurotransmitter, a phenomenon known as tolerance, where the patient needs more of the drug to produce the same effect. Tolerance eventually leads to withdrawal, which varies in intensity, from a headache to intense muscle spasms. Dependence can be physiological, psychological, or both. Psychological dependence creates an intense craving for the drug, while physiological dependence creates a need for the drug to prevent withdrawal symptoms. Researchers classify psychoactive drugs differently, however most place them in 4 categories.
Stimulants: Stimulants include caffeine, cocaine, amphetamines, and nicotine. Stimulants speed up body processes such as the autonomic nervous system functions- (heart rate and respiration rate etc). This commonly comes with a sense of euphoria. Side effects can include disturbed sleep, reduced appetite, increased anxiety, and heart problems, depending on the power of the drug.
Depressants: Depressants include alcohol, barbiturates, and anxiolytics (tranquilisers/anti-anxiety medication- Valium, for example). Alcohol is the most commonly used psychoactive drug. It slows down the body systems that stimulants speed up. Although drinkers typically report a feeling of excitement, this can be a result of expectations, and the depression of the part of the brain influencing inhibitions. They can slow down reaction times and judgement, which is why drinking while driving is so dangerous. Enough alcohol can impact the cerebellum, severely reducing motor control.
Hallucinogens: Hallucinogens, or psychedelics are drugs which don’t speed the body up or slow the body down. Instead, they cause changes in the perception of reality. Common psychedelics include LSD, peyote, psilocybin mushrooms, and marijuana. Hallucinogens can stay in the body for weeks, and ingesting more of it during this period compounds the lingering amount, causing more profound and dangerous effects. This is known as reverse tolerance, because even if the second dose is less, the effects are greater. 
Opiates: Opiates include morphine, heroine, methadone, and codeine, and are extremely dangerous. In the United States, they are severely overprescribed which has caused a national health crisis, where in 2017, over 70,000 people died from overdose, making it a leading cause of injury-related death in the US. They are agonists for endorphins, making them extremely powerful painkillers and mood elevators. They cause drowsiness and euphoria. They are some of the most physically addictive drugs as they rapidly create tolerance, and cause some of the most extreme withdrawal symptoms.
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alexthegamingboy · 4 years
Toonami Weekly Recap 11/09/2019 (The Forge Edition, Week 1)
My Hero Academia Shie Hassaikai Arc Season 4 EP#64 (01) - The Scoop on U.A. Class 1-A: Freelance journalist Taneo gets an exclusive with Class 1-A in hopes of uncovering the new Symbol of Peace after the retirement of All Might.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind EP#03 - Meet the Gangster Behind the Wall: Bucciarati agrees to introduce Giorno into the Passione organization, but he has to be evaluated by Polpo, a morbidly obese capo. Giorno visits him in prison and realizes that he is a Stand user. Polpo tasks him with keeping the flame on a cigarette lighter burning for 24 hours as a test of his trust. Giorno arrives back at his dorm with the lighter, but he is forced to evade Koichi, who has come looking for his passport. The lighter is accidentally doused by a janitor; the janitor reignites the lighter, causing Polpo's Stand Black Sabbath to appear. Black Sabbath kills the janitor by grabbing his soul and piercing an arrow through it, then turns to attack Giorno.
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba EP#05 - My Own Steel: The demon's body disintegrates and the souls of Urokodaki's students he killed depart to the afterlife. As the demon dies, he remembers when he was turned into a demon as a young boy and even after his transformation, had always been longing for a warm hand to hold, specifically that of his older brother's. Tanjiro smells sadness from its body and holds its hand, causing the demon to cry. For the next week, Tanjiro continues to survive, asking every demon for a method to turn a demon into a human again, though none answer. At the end of Final Selection, Tanjiro and three others are the only survivors, all of whom are assigned the lowest of 10 ranks, Mizunoto, as well as a Kasugai crow to help in communication. They are also give uniforms and allowed to chose the ore of their personal Nichirin Blades. Tanjiro returns to the cabin bruised and exhausted, as Nezuko arrives to greet him, having awoken from her year-and-a-half long slumber. Urokodaki deduces that Nezuko is making up for not eating humans by sleeping to gain strength. 15 days later, Tanjiro's sword is delivered by Haganezuka, the swordsmith. As Nichirin Blades change colour depending on the wielder, his turns black, a rare colour that superstitions make out to be unlucky. Now having a sword, Tanjiro's Kasugai crow delivers his first mission: to head to a town in the northwest where young girls have been vanishing nightly, and kill the demon responsible.
One-Punch Man 2 EP#05 (17) - The Martial Arts Tournament: Metal Knight tries to defeat Elder Centipede, but fails to even scratch the behemoth monster. After a lengthy battle Garou defeats Metal Bat, but grudgingly admits that Metal Bat would have won if he managed to hit him even once. Metal Bat gets up and nearly kills Garou when Garou's back is turned, but stops when his younger sister, Zenko, finds him. Garou counterattacks, but Zenko gets between them and orders them to stop fighting. Garou relents (having a soft spot for kids) and walks away to find Watchdog Man. Metal Bat tries again to go after Elder Centipede, but collapses due to too much damage from his battles with Elder Centipede and Garou after Zenko slaps him back down to get him to stop. The two C Class heroes (Pineapple and Mohican) who have Narinki and Waganma are confronted by Rhino Wrestler and are swiftly defeated, which causes the monsters to capture Waganma. Two Monsters named Phoenix Man and Sludge Jellyfish try to persuade Garou to join the Monster Association, but Garou refuses. Phoenix Man promises Garou that they will meet again if Garou will continue to hunt for heroes, and tells Elder Centipede and the rest of the monsters to retreat, with Metal Knight following them. Bang and Bomb continue to try to find Garou, and Bang lets out his frustration on a Demon-level monster named Boxing Demon, killing him violently with a ruthless barrage of blows. Many monsters of different disaster levels (Martial Gorilla, Do-S, Hundred Eyes Octopus, Pure-Blood, and Make Plasma) start attacking heroes, which worries the Hero Association. Before Do-S can kill Dynamite Man (her power being that if she whips someone, they will be under her control) with her mind controlled heroes, Fubuki stops her attack. Meanwhile, in the Fight Tournament Saitama is introduced to Bakuzan, Suiryu, Lightning Max, Ring Ring, Hamukichi, Choze, Zakkos and Snek, with Genos watching in the crowd. Suiryu notices Bakuzan's bloodlust toward him, and is only after the prize money, although Suiryu wishes he could have fought against WolfMan (Garou in disguise). After Lightning Max defeats Ring Ring, Zakkos reveals that the fighters are often paired up based on their looks. Saitama deduces that Zakkos is weak since he's paired up with Saitama (Saitama being sorted due to him appearing "weak.") which angers Zakkos. In the post credit scene, Saitama slaps Zakkos, defeating him in one hit, much to Saitama's annoyance. Suiryu notices Saitama's strength and is excited to face him in the finals.
Dr. Stone Kingdom of Science Arc EP#12 - Buddies Back to Back: The silver spear made by Senku is revealed to be a sensor to detect poisonous gases coming from a pool of sulfuric acid, which they need for the antibiotic. Knowing the risks involved, Senku offers to teach Chrome everything he knows about science on the off-chance that he dies, but Chrome refuses, instead proposing a tag-team style approach. While gathering the acid using special gas masks, Chrome nearly falls into the pool but is saved by Ginro, who overcomes his fear and helps the duo obtain a bottle of the acid.
Fire Force EP#15 - The Blacksmith's Dream: Knights of the Ashen Flame, Yona and Arrow, report Shinra's Adolla burst to their commander, Sho Kusakabe, Shira's brother. Meanwhile, forensic scientist, Viktor Licht, is assigned to Company 8 and Shinra is selected to take Arthur and Iris to recruit the crackerjack engineer, Vulcan. He has an intense dislike for Haijima and the Fire Force, but at his junkyard workshop they meet Vulcan's apprentice, Yu, who agrees to take them inside. Vulcan explains his a dream of recreating animal life on the planet. While there, Captain Dr. Giovanni from Company 3 arrives to ask Vulcan to join him, but he refuses even though Giovanni has stopped supplies getting through to Vulcan's workshop. Vulcan's assistants, Lisa and Yu, explain that Giovanni was one of Vulcan's grandfather's two apprentices, who joined Haijima after the other two died suspiciously. Meanwhile nearby, Giovanni prepares to kill Vulcan, however Shira detects his presence.
Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma EP#18 - The Karaage of Youth: Noting that the shopping district focuses more on walk-and-eat food, as opposed to Mozuya's packaged approach, Soma shifts his focus towards creating a karaage that can be enjoyed straight out of the fryer. Opting to go with chicken thigh meat with a chilli-based marinade, Soma gets inspiration from a bento shop owner and decides to serve his karaage in rice flour wraps with salad, providing enhanced flavor, portability, and appeal all at once. This brings a large amount of business, which in turns helps the rest of the shopping district come back to life, and Nakamozu has no choice but to admit defeat. Afterwards, Soma puts Mayu in charge of helping with the karaage's sales, having noticed her good qualities. Returning to the academy, Soma is brought before Mozuya's puppetmaster, Etsuya Eizan, the ninth seat of the Elite Ten, who informs him that he has been chosen for the Autumn Elections.
Lupin the 3rd Part 5 Enzo Bron Arc EP#21 - An Outdated Master Thief: Enzo Bron, the president of the global IT company Shake Handz, officially presents his company's new app called PeopleLog, a service linking facial recognition with global databases to create publicly accessible personal profiles. Lupin and company soon find that PeopleLog has become widely used to check people's identities, making it impossible for them to appear in public and easy for the police and Lupin's enemies to track his movements. Also, the apparent reliability of PeopleLog easily sways public opinion, and the world's governments become concerned that the app may cause political control to slip from their hands. As Lupin and Jigen head to rejoin Goemon, who has retreated into the mountains, they encounter Zenigata, who tells them that Fujiko has been captured by Enzo.
Black Clover: Elf Tribe Reincarnation Arc EP#94 - New Future: Yami attacks but is too late to stop Licht retrieving the stones and disappearing through a portal. Rhya activates his self-destruct spell to kill Mereoleona. Asta, having seen the same spell used by Vetto and Fana, nullifies it. Asta demands to know why the Midnight Sun hates humans when they themselves appear human. He also insists on trying to understand the Midnight Suns motives and making peace with them, echoing the Wizard Kings wishes. Rhya realises Asta sounds exactly like Licht used to. Julius realises that Licht had enough power by himself to kill everyone in the kingdom; therefore the stones must have another purpose. Julius entrusts his dream of a better world to Yami and all the other magic knights before finally dying. Yuno approaches the mage, who has the ears of an elf. He also notices another black sword nearby. Licht betrays Rades, Sally and Valtos, revealing his total contempt for their human greed and selfishness and also that the stones will not grant them greater magic power but will in fact use them as sacrifices to fuel the resurrection. As he places the stones in the tablet light covers the entire kingdom. Rhya reveals the resurrection has begun as he transforms into an elf. The elf in the sphere of light suddenly awakens while Yuno also begins to transform into an elf.
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nadziejastar · 4 years
Did you finish reading that KH3: A Conclusion without a story article? If so, what did you think of it?
I loved reading it. It was a fantastic take on KH3. There was pretty much nothing that I disagreed with.
By the time you leave Olympus, Sora hasn’t learnt how to restore his powers; and the frustrating part is that he never explicitly does.
I completely agreed with this. Sora’s journey in KH3 should have been about learning the power of waking. But even in the scene where he finally does learn it, there’s no real reason why. He didn’t seem to learn anything on his journey.
Even the villains are given no progress – a subplot about Pete and Maleficent looking for a mysterious black box goes nowhere, and Organisation XIII (the primary antagonists) only put in a brief appearance, spouting their usual brand of vaguely ominous dialogue. To compound these issues, the protagonists are ultimately left not knowing where to go or what to do next. Only two hours into the game, and the plot has no sense of momentum or direction.  
Yep. The black box thing annoyed me so much. The Organization was also a huge letdown. We don’t get to learn the real reason why Marluxia, Larxene, Demyx, and Luxord joined until KH4!? Something went very, VERY wrong in the Dark Seeker Saga for that to happen. 
By comparison, Kingdom Hearts II’s opening was significantly slower paced – to the point that it was a detriment to some players. However, so much more was achieved in a similar space of time; II’s initial hours establish the game’s tone and major themes, as well as introduce a large cast of brand new characters (while simultaneously reintroducing old ones in new contexts).
Yep. I liked KH2′s opening, slow as it was. The prologue of KH2 felt like it had more plot than almost all of KH3.
And this is one of the core problems with Kingdom Hearts III; even if you look past a threadbare narrative for Sora and company while they adventure through the self-contained Disney worlds, there is nothing going on outside of that either. In Kingdom Hearts II, both Riku and Mickey were operating behind the scenes, aiding Sora from the shadows and setting key events in motion. In III, however, these same characters spend most of their time expositing plot points and passively waiting for the big battle at the end of the game – and that can be said for almost all of our heroes.
I also agree. This problem would have been mitigated if every character got their own time to shine using the power of waking. Riku and Mickey could have had a subplot together, showing how Riku got his new Keyblade. They should have saved each other from the darkness. 
If there’s a job to do, it’s up to Sora to do it. With a couple of key exceptions, every character apart from Sora, Donald, and Goofy is presented as almost comically useless – yet our protagonist remains the butt of every joke.
Yep. Everyone other than Sora was useless. Aqua needed to save Ven, but all she did was get knocked out in the battle with Vanitas. Ven needed to save Terra, but he didn’t really do anything. Sora did all the work. Lea needed to save Isa, but he did nothing in his fight. He got shoved to the side while Roxas and Xion took over. Kairi saving Sora should have gotten more focus. 
The villains reveal that the only way Sora can release Roxas is by giving into the darkness, and sacrificing his own heart. Self-sacrifice is nothing new for Sora (he did the same thing in Kingdom Hearts I to save his love interest Kairi), but this had the potential to be an interesting plot point, as it gives him a selfless reason to be tempted by, and potentially give into, the darkness. But it’s never brought up again. 
Yep. Early scenes in KH3 make it seem like the game did originally have an actual plot at one point. Xigbar was luring Sora into a trap, so he’d fall to darkness. But it’s never brought up again, LOL. It’s crazy.
In fact, ‘saving Roxas’ is scarcely discussed until the end of the game (King Mickey telling Sora to “let the rest of us worry about Roxas and Naminé for now”, essentially dropping the subject after only the second Disney world). Ultimately, Roxas’ heart just leaves Sora’s body of its own volition in the final act, making the player’s time here, once again, feel largely pointless.  
And yes, saving Roxas was handled very badly. This is because, IMO, saving Roxas and saving Ventus was supposed to be one and the same. There shouldn’t have been a separate “saving Roxas” subplot.
In interviews, Nomura discussed the struggle of dealing with so many characters – even citing the cast size as one of the main reasons that Final Fantasy cameos were omitted[2]. The real problem, though, is that nothing is done to mitigate this challenge.
Yes, exactly. And treating Roxas and Ventus as separate characters only exacerbated this problem.
Upon leaving Twilight Town, the player finally begins their true journey – travelling to various worlds based on Disney properties and beating back the forces of darkness. But there’s no real set up for this; no distinct reason *why* we’re visiting these worlds. 
Mm-hm. I think the issue was that we were supposed to learn more about Ansem the Wise’s data in KH0.5. That was supposed to give Sora a quest in KH3: search for the “Key to Return Hearts”. Once that game got cancelled, Nomura had no idea how to write KH3′s story any longer.
So around 3-4 hours into Kingdom Hearts III, the story still lacks a clear sense of direction and purpose, and hasn’t yet established any clear themes or deeper meaning.
Yeah, it’s sad because there was an underlying theme in the Disney worlds: the power of love and its ability to restore what was lost.
Kingdom Hearts III cleverly tries to frame its story through the lens of a chess match between two Keyblade Masters, Eraqus and Xehanort, when they were young. The game even opens on this scene, highlighting its importance. But chess has rules; logic; a clear sense of direction. Kingdom Hearts III’s narrative is akin to two people who don’t know how to play chess. They understand that they have to defeat their opponent’s king, but the rules of how to move their pieces, how to actually reach that coveted checkmate, are completely unknown to them. The characters in this game feel like pieces on a chess board with no rules; aimlessly moving back and forth across a limited space, until both players finally decide enough is enough and agree to bring their match to an end.
LOL. Yep. The fact that Xehanort had “reserve members” showed he had no idea what he was doing.
Stick to your guns – don’t be afraid to explore a good idea, or to develop the plot outside of your main protagonist. When so many previously proactive characters are in play, the story shouldn’t feel so static, or entirely dependent on the protagonist’s actions. The way your protagonist reacts to events and changing circumstances is just as important as the ones they play an active role in creating.
That’s why I liked the spin-offs. KH3 suffered from forcing you into only Sora’s perspective. Even Nomura said that the Keyblade Graveyard should have had everyone fighting their own battles.
Simply put, the Disney worlds in Kingdom Hearts III have no tangible impact on the game’s core narrative.
Sad, but true.
“In the end, although I had a hand in it as well, the flow of the dialogue and the stories of each world were largely handled by the level design team.” While I very much appreciate this standpoint of ‘gameplay first’, as well as the act of involving multiple teams in the execution of the story, these statements do prove my point. Set-pieces and events are one thing, but if there was a specific story to tell – with outlined themes to be explored, character conflicts to evolve, and goals to be achieved; all developed evenly throughout the entire game (Disney worlds included) - you would imagine the scenario would be built around balancing those narrative elements with the individual tales of each level.
Very interesting. The story in the Disney worlds was largely decided by the level design team? Wow.
Despite major villains such as Young Xehanort, Vanitas, and Marluxia making multiple appearances in their respective worlds, they generally just spout off trite exposition and then either disappear or summon a boss fight. Some villains don’t even know why they’re there, while others introduce plot points (such as the Black Box or the new Princesses of Heart) that are never utilised or expanded upon. As the game features at least thirteen main antagonists, these early appearances should have been integral in establishing their personalities, motivations, and the threat they pose to the player (as well as our heroes). In execution, though, they seem like little more than after-thoughts that offer hints of personality, but never go beyond the superficial – and certainly contribute nothing to the main narrative. This, I believe, is because Kingdom Hearts III doesn’t have a story to tell, but was instead content with treading water until its grand conclusion.
Yep. I had no idea why Marluxia, Larxene, and Luxord were running around in the worlds. Why are they back? Other characters, like Saix, were given flimsy “motivation”. All in all, the organization members were supposed to be vessels by the time you fight them in the KG. Hollowed out containers for Xehanort’s heart. Victims of mind control who you are supposed to have pity for. But they never felt like it.
Kingdom Hearts III’s meandering and vapid progression during ‘the Disney loop’ supports my argument that the game lacks a complete narrative and was merely concerned with reaching its final act. I believe this is most evident by the way in which the player is made to jump from world to world without any direction or purpose. Consequently, the majority of Kingdom Hearts III feels content to aimlessly ‘go through the motions’, setting a repetitive, humdrum pace and ultimately lacking the sense of narrative depth and genuine value that is integral to a great RPG.  
Yeah, I believe there was–at one point–an actual plot for KH3. But after BBSV2 was cancelled, a huge portion of KH3′s plot was pretty much scrapped along with it and rewritten.
Everyone’s heard of the three-act structure; a model that forms the foundation of popular culture’s favourite stories. Act 1 features the setup and exposition; an ‘inciting incident’ to get the narrative moving. Act 2 is the confrontation; a midpoint which challenges the protagonist, pushing them to their limits. And finally, Act 3 is the resolution; concluding the plot, along with any character arcs introduced in the previous acts. While this structure doesn’t necessarily need to be adhered to, I believe it possesses something that Kingdom Hearts III sorely lacked – a midpoint.
Yep. KH3 had no mid-point. Scala ad Caelum could have worked as the mid-point. And it could have been another hub world like Radiant Garden. KH3 probably originally had this, but it was scrapped.
This is especially a shame, as Aqua’s fall into darkness – resulting in a twisted form that externalises all of her loneliest thoughts – is one of the most dramatically compelling aspects of the game. And that’s despite lasting for all of 10 minutes (a decade of solitude and suffering are seemingly erased by a few whacks from Sora’s Keyblade).
This is true for all of the characters that needed to be saved. Nobody really used the power of waking on anyone. It’s was just whack, whack, okay you’re saved.
And this is ultimately the problem with the lack of a true Act 2 – the characters aren’t explored or challenged when they need to be. The narrative refuses to escalate until its final act, at which point it feels like going from zero to sixty in a matter of moments. But during the heat of battle – at such a late stage, and with so many heroes and villains in play (more than twenty) – it’s hard to develop your characters in a way that feels natural. Kingdom Hearts III’s solution is bizarre soliloquies that are completely disconnected from the events around them. Is Sora in the middle of a boss fight with three villains? Well, the other two will disappear while you spend several minutes casually chatting with the third. And while this is partly due to the challenge of giving such a large cast an appropriate send-off, it’s also a direct consequence of the lack of time given to exploring characters and their relationships in the previous 20-25 hours of playtime.
So true. So many characters who had so much development over the series. That’s why they needed another game before KH3. It was probably too much to ask for KH3 to be the epic conclusion as well as dive into everyone’s backstory.
On that note, having some sort of hub – a place, like Traverse Town or Hollow Bastion in the first two Kingdom Hearts games, that the player regularly returns to – can be an effective way to centre your story. It provides a home base, and a recurring cast of characters that can be revisited at any time. This kind of location helps players to feel a deeper and more personal attachment to your world.
Yeah, the game would have been so much better if you could visit RG and interact with the plot-important NPCs.
Put in Kingdom Hearts terms, we might say that the body and soul are here; it’s just missing its heart.
I’ve had the exact same thought.
This essay began with the assertion that Kingdom Hearts III is a conclusion in search of a story; a game without a tale of its own to tell. So far, we’ve examined the material impact; the effect this has on the game’s pacing, its sense of player progression, engagement, and character development. So in this topic, I want to consider the conceptual side of things; the motivations that drive our heroes and villains, the purpose of the events that take place, and finally the meaning intended to be conveyed by the story. Put simply, does the narrative of Kingdom Hearts III have something to say?
Sadly, no. I can tell it was supposed to, though. KH3′s story was supposed to be about the power of love. It was really that simple.
By the time of Kingdom Hearts III, Riku has overcome all of these challenges and been granted the title of Keyblade Master, so it was important to present him as a more mature, capable character, having regained his confidence and developed a clear identity. But ultimately, he just feels bland and stoic in this game. He has no new narrative arc, relatively few interactions with Sora, predominantly serves as a mouthpiece for exposition, and is more devoid of a distinct personality than ever. And for a game which serves as a conclusion to the story so far, it’s essential that our core group of characters, such as Riku and Kairi, reach a satisfying crescendo. The narrative should organically involve them in significant ways, and the challenges they face should provide natural opportunities for growth and exploration.
Sad, since Riku seemed like he did originally have a narrative arc. He got a new Keyblade! But the way he got it was laughably random and meaningless and contributed nothing to his overall growth or development.
As much as I’ve tried to understand it, I cannot summarise Master Xehanort’s motivation in that same, concise way. His initial speech in Kingdom Hearts III implies idle curiosity; he speculates that “If ruin brings about creation, what, then, would another Keyblade War bring?” followed by statements that he wants to re-enact the conflict and simply see what happens. He also wonders if they will “…be found worthy of the precious light the legend speaks of”, implying that his goal is to test humanity; or at least the current generation of Keyblade wielders. But that’s a pretty flimsy motivation, and it’s lacking any context or logic.
Yep. Xehanort was supposed to have another game to explore his motivations. When you get rid of that, his character just doesn’t work anymore.
And it’s not just the heroes that have this problem. During their death scenes, several of the Organisation’s members (Luxord, Marluxia, Larxene, Xigbar, Xion, Saix, and Ansem) either encourage Sora or imply that they didn’t care about the outcome; or didn’t even want to battle in the first place. Some have their reasons, but if even one of them had chosen not to fight, Xehanort’s re-enactment could have failed. Much like I described earlier, it doesn’t feel satisfying to overcome a foe who didn’t want to fight, and a war with the potential to destroy the universe should be motivated by much more powerful convictions.
I don’t disagree. But I honestly think this is because none of these characters actually wanted to fight in the Keyblade War. They were supposed to be possessed puppets. Mind-controlled vessels with no will of their own. 
Let’s use Saix as an example. What makes a more engaging battle? In canon, Saix had flimsy motivations to be fighting, anyways. He wanted to atone so he was acting as a double agent in order to procure some Replicas. And he wanted look for Subject X. That’s why he joined Xehanort. That’s all the reason he had to fight. 
Compare that to a potential backstory with him as a vessel, lacking free will. Isa was a human test subject who was possessed as a teen. His best friend Lea has to fight him unwillingly. Saix is berserk and nearly kills Lea without even being aware of it. But all Lea wants is to save his best friend. I know which one I find more engaging. 
Ever since that first game, I’ve been trying to identify what it is that unified these two styles of storytelling – the Disney fairytale with the SquareSoft RPG. And in writing this essay, I finally realised; the secret ingredient, the unifying thread that both franchises had in common, was love. Romance is at the core of almost every classic Disney film, and every Final Fantasy from IV to X was in some way a love story. Seemingly the developers of the original Kingdom Hearts realised this too.
I’m pretty neutral about the Sora/Kairi romance. I mainly wanted Kairi to not feel like a damsel-in-distress yet again. And KH3 definitely screwed that up.
In a way, my problem was the same as that of Kingdom Hearts III’s story. We both spent so much time looking to the horizon, imagining what the future may hold, that we missed out on what was already right in front of us. I will always love and support this series, and its creativity and charm will no doubt continue to inspire my own stories for the rest of my life. But despite not being the conclusion I hoped for, Kingdom Hearts III has freed me from my own obsession with the series’ future. I no longer feel like I’m waiting for something that may never come. Of course, I hope the series gets its story back on track, and rises to new heights greater than ever before! But it turns out that I already got my ending in 2006; and now that I’ve finally realised that, I can finally, honestly say that, as a Kingdom Hearts fan, I am satisfied.
It’s sad that KH2’s ending felt more satisfying. Because KH3 should have been even better than KH2′s ending. KH2 had a happy ending. But in KH3, everyone was there on the beach. Terra, Aqua, and Ven were saved. In KH2, Axel was dead. He had a sad ending. But in KH3, he was human again and even had his childhood best friend back, too. Even Hayner, Pence, and Olette were there. Sora should have been there, too. By all accounts, I should have liked KH3′s ending the best out of any game. But they ruined it with the horrible character development and the cheap cliffhanger.
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galacticvampirisms · 5 years
Season 3 of MP100 Prediction under the cut
Okay, first off, I’m betting dollars to dimes that episode 13 will end with Mob getting dug out of the broccoli and his realization that the hole in his jacket is from the packet of seeds he had. With that in mind - 
Episode 1: Very short recap, maybe reusing animation of Mob getting pulled out of the tree. Life very quickly returns to normal for Mob, as he has more important things to worry about. Like planning for his future. Serizawa joins Spirits and Such, and Reigen encourages Mob to do his own thing.
Episode 2: Culture festival and the yokai hunter. Ends with us seeing the yokai getting eaten by the broccoli. 
Episode 3: Mob tries to become the Psycho Helmet cult leader after having a tiff with Dimple. Of course, his hopes get crushed and he watches an imposter take his place.
Episode 4: Reigen and Mob set about investigating the cracks and decide they need to get rid of the broccoli as it's killing the city. Everyone gets brainwashed, and Mob finds out Dimple is the one behind everything. Start of fight?
Episode 5: Confrontation with Dimple leading to Dimple's sacrifice. (This works out very well imo because it seems episodes 4/5 each season are pretty heavy and deal with Mob making himself a very unlikely ally. Season 1 sees Teru’s introduction and revelation. Season 2 is Mogami’s turn. Season 3 could see Dimple’s final attempt at world domination and culminate in his ultimate sacrifice. A fitting buildup for what’s become a series staple). 
Episode 6: Tome disbands the Telepathy Club after realizing she’s got to get ready for high school. Telepathy club recruits Mob to help them fulfill Tome’s dream of making contact with aliens. Episode ends around the time of Takenake’s reveal of being a telepath. Depending on how much time they want to spend with the aliens and the car ride, it could also end with them going to meet up and finding Tome waiting for them.
Episode 7: Finishing the alien arc, allowing for the chance of a Reigen spin-off. Please Bones, we know you thirst  for Reigen’s skinny ass.
Episode 8: Tsubomi is moving away! Oh no. First episode is probably all build up, with Mob getting advice from everyone on how and when to confess and getting his bouquet from Minegishi. If ends right after Mob gets hit by the car, mirroring the fire scene from season 2. Also fun, Ritsu being kidnapped happened in episode 8 of season 1. So basically episode 8 is when Shit Gets Real.
Episode 9: The many confrontations. In my mind, this could easily last the entire episode, ending with Ritsu waking Mob up while ???% is in control. Plus I need Ritsu’s moment of not being a sacrificial lamb (again) to be a big climatic thing to end the episode on.
Episode 10: Battle of Mob vs. Shigeo. This can easily take 1/3 to 1/2 of the runtime because it’s something all three seasons build up to. First, with understanding when to let others intervene. Then, in learning to think for one’s self and when to use one’s abilities to help others (and how to do that). Finally, in learning to face the future and plan ahead. Mob can’t stagnate. He’s grown up too much, but there’s one thing holding him back and that’s accepting Shigeo. So this has to take a significant amount of time. The rest of the runtime is Reigen trying to reach Mob. Possibly end when Reigen reaches Mob and admits he’s been using Mob and lying about being an esper? But I’d really rather save that for the next episode. Still, ending with Shigeo getting shocked by Reigen’s admission would be fantastic too.
Episode 11: Reigen and Mob talk and the confession to Tsubomi. And the epilogue. If the main show doesn’t end with Mob laughing at him accidentally hitting Reigen in the face with a cake I will be so upset. Oh, and then of course an announcement that Reigen will either get a short season of its own or several 1.5-2 hour OVAS. 
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wordsablaze · 5 years
Perfectly Chaotic Ease
(thw pt.2) Thirteen's methods of asking Yaz out are an odd mix of cliché and naively optimistic but they manage in their own way and it's still the best night of Yaz's life... Written for prompt 'first date' in thasmin week 2019, enjoy!
A/N: Why are titles so hard? I'm surprising myself by finishing these tbh, I think I'm just way too attached to our space girlfriends! Excuse the typos, please and thank you <3
Yaz can feel herself getting increasingly more tired and tempted to give in to sleep when she hears the sound of something hitting her window.
And again.
And again and again and again.
After sighing in frustration, she grudgingly pulls herself up and swings her legs over the edge of the bed, slipping her feet into the slippers she’d left there when she’d jumped in, before walking over to the window.
She pulls the curtains back just as another small pebble flies up and fills her vision; it takes all of her self control not to scream or do something else equally foolish.
Once the offending pebble has succumbed to gravity, she yawns and glances outside, then immediately stiffens.
“What are you doing here?” Yaz asks quietly, even though she’s the only one that will hear it.
Thirteen grins up at her and waves excitedly, either because she’d discovered something or because Yaz had actually come to the window; it could very well be either of the two. After a second’s consideration, Yaz hesitantly waves back, offering her a small smile.
Waving her arms around, Thirteen tilts her head questioningly, as if assuming Yaz can just decipher that with no trouble. Apparently, all Yaz needs to do is nod - which she does - for Thirteen to get her answer and, within seconds, the air around her seems to shimmer and fade and morph into the TARDIS walls.
“Yaz! Hi! I didn't disturb you, did I?” Thirteen asks as she pokes her head around the console, something bright and slightly guilty shining in her eyes.
Amused, Yaz shakes her head, but not really lying when she answers, “I was about to do nothing for a couple of hours before going to bed anyway.”
“Going to bed? Oh no, I thought I’d arrived when you were getting out of bed…” Thirteen’s excited expression falters slightly. “Should I come back? It’d only take a second. Well, a second for me anyway.”
“It’s okay, Doctor, I had a nap earlier anyway. What is it you wanted?” Yaz asks, finally walking to the heart of the room and falling into place next to Thirteen, smiling at the strange symbols she knows she’ll never get her head around.
“Oh, well, I was thinking…” Thirteen starts, but then stops.
A few seconds later, when she’s still not continued her explanation, Yaz clears her throat pointedly. “Yeah? What were you thinking?”
Blinking to escape a somewhat daze, Thirteen makes a face at her, her nose scrunching up and her eyebrows furrowing. “Look, are you sure you’re okay to be here? I really can come back… In fact, that’s probably better, let me just-”
Yaz steps forwards and gently places a hand on Thirteen’s elbow, putting a firm stop to her apologetic rambling with an encouraging smile. “Didn’t I say I wanted more time with you? I meant it and I still mean it, so go on, tell me what you were thinking.”
“Well, I was talking to an old friend and I might have mentioned you - all good things, of course, as if anyone could say anything bad about Yaz - and we talked and they gave me an idea when they left to go out for dinner with their partner and I was just thinking that we should try it too.”
Yaz blinks, slightly too tired to decipher that at her normal rate.
“Right, hang on, your friend ended your conversation because they had a date, yeah?”
Thirteen nods excitedly. “So, what do you say, can I do the same?”
Yaz’s heart drops. Is she being told to go back to bed because the Doctor has a date? She can’t even remember her mentioning being in a relationship and, unless she’d been mistaken the whole time, she’d been under the impression that there was something between the two of them.
“You don’t want to?” Thirteen asks, her face falling just as quickly as Yaz’s heart. She’s quicker to exhale past her dejection though, continuing: “I guess it is a bit late, or extremely early depending on how you look at it, for dinner, I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking, I should have timed this for breakfast tomorrow…”
“Yaz?” Thirteen’s voice cuts into her confusion and she blinks rapidly, shifting her gaze to her favourite pair of mystical eyes.
“You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to be here, I think I might have misjudged emotions again and make a mistake or just leapt to conclusions without gathering enough evid-”
“Jumped,” Yaz interrupts without thinking.
Thirteen pauses, letting out a breath before frowning. “Sorry?”
Having figured out that Thirteen hadn’t invited her into the TARDIS only to reveal another partner and dismiss her again, Yaz grins. “It’s ‘jumped to conclusions’. And we haven’t done that anyway, we’ve just confused each other.”
“Really?” Thirteen asks, probably setting some sort of record for being the most adorably excited about confusion ever.
“Correct me if I’m wrong but you wanted to ask me out on a dinner date, right?” Yaz inquires gently.
Uncharacteristically blushing, Thirteen ducks her head for a moment before nodding slowly. For once, she says nothing, her usual flow of speech exchanged in favour of waiting for Yaz’s words with an intense silence instead.
Yaz is honoured. She’s also equally as flustered because oh my god the Doctor had just asked her out on a date and this is actually happening and she’s never been so happy in her life but she pushes that aside and beams, skipping the verbal reply stage and throwing her arms around Thirteen.
A sharp gasp escapes Thirteen and Yaz almost pulls away but then warm arms are around her back and she’s being pulled further into the bubble of softness and Thirteen sort of smells like smoke but it’s okay because she’s so warm and comfortable and safe and it might just be the most satisfying hug of Yaz’s life.
“So, what’s for dinner?” Yaz asks once they’ve separated - but not too far, of course.
Thirteen grins sheepishly. “I hadn’t really planned this far, Yaz, but we can go anywhere in all of time and space!”
“What if we don’t?” Yaz replies after a moment of thought. “What if we stay right here, in this time and space, and just enjoy the moment as it is right now?”
For a second, Thirteen seems lost and Yaz almost regrets her answer. But then the second passes as most seconds do and Yaz is met with a stunning smile of awe and admiration. “I think that would be perfect,” Thirteen admits softly.
Yaz matches her grin and intertwines their fingers, glancing at the TARDIS console. “So, which way to your most comfortable date room, then?”
She dimly registers the way Thirteen is gazing at her with wonder, as if she’d done something that had changed the world for the better, and butterflies start to flutter inside her stomach.
The TARDIS seems to hum happily and the boundary of a door to their left glows as her visual instruction. Thirteen snaps out of her impressed daze at this point and squeezes Yaz’s hand before pulling her through the beautiful corridors until they get to a small, circular room that contains a reasonably sized purple sofa and a small coffee table that holds two plates full of what seems like noodles.
Thirteen’s eyes light up as she glances around at nothing and everything. “Since when did we have a sofa? You didn’t tell me! This is amazing! A date with Yaz and a purple sofa! Oh, this can’t get any better!”
Yaz blushes as Thirteen pulls them to the sofa and flops down onto the plush fabric.
Truth be told, Yaz doesn’t remember the sequence of what happens next. She’s so overwhelmed with what must be euphoria that she only focuses on certain moments, like when she tries to pick up her food with the wrong end of the fork because she's too busy cataloguing the sparkle in the Doctor's eyes, Thirteen almost dropping the bowl and causing a mess, the two of them leaning on each other as they eat, Thirteen temporarily forgetting to eat as she investigates Yaz’s piercings, and the way they seem to work around each other to put their plates down and curl up once they’re done.
They end up nestled in each other’s arms, Yaz leaning her head on Thirteen’s shoulder with an unshakeable smile as Thirteen lets her head rest on Yaz’s, sandwiching Yaz in the most perfect warmth.
“Thank you, Doctor,” Yaz murmurs eventually.
“Of course not! I should be thanking you! I got to go on a date with Yaz!” Thirteen exclaims immediately, happiness laced into her tone.
For maybe the tenth time in the past few hours - or rather, what she assumes is a few hours because she has no way of telling - a ridiculous amount of blood rushes to Yaz’s face and her cheeks heat up.
“But I got my first date with the Doctor,” Yaz argues, “and nothing in the universe can beat that.”
Thirteen goes still as if she wants to disagree but Yaz isn’t having any of it. She regretfully but determinedly peels herself off Thirteen and turns to kindly glare at her. “You’re not allowed to argue, okay?”
Nodding gratefully, Thirteen places a hand on Yaz’s cheek and gently brushes her thumb over Yaz’s skin, a soft smile on her face. “You really are special, I hope you know that.”
A grin breaks out on Yaz’s face as she nods sincerely. “I think I can accept that now.”
She wants to say something sweet back but a sly yawn escapes her and she ends up flustered again, the look of fondness in Thirteen’s eyes definitely not meant to be aimed at such an expression of tiredness.
“It might be bedtime,” Thirteen suggests, and Yaz can’t bring herself to roll her eyes because there’s something in her tone, something kind and pure that she can’t bring herself to mock.
Not caring whether it’s the joy in her heart or the sleepiness in her mind, Yaz finds herself asking: “Can I stay here?”
“Here?” Thirteen echoes, as if something like that hadn’t even occurred to her. Which, considering the way she’d attempted and almost failed to actually ask Yaz out on a date, it might genuinely not have.
Yaz nods, another content yawn escaping her. “Can I stay here with you for tonight? I don’t want this date to end…”
Her eyes start to close but the empty silence that should have contained an answer causes Yaz to blink herself awake. She looks at Thirteen to find her in a state of something akin to shock, bewilderment and amazement written clearly on her face.
“Doctor?” Yaz asks, frowning slightly. “Are you okay? Have I missed something?”
Thirteen shakes her head quickly, apparently jerked out of her contemplation. “Are you sure you’d be happy staying here overnight?”
Yaz sits up and ignores her urge to fall asleep for just a moment. “I generally tend to mean most things I say, you know? Of course I want to stay here, you’re… brilliant. And I’ve never felt happier in my life. And, anyway, I can use this as a way to make sure you get some rest too.”
“Okay,” Thirteen whispers softly, happily.
Yawning yet again, Yaz settles herself back into Thirteen’s warmth and safety and lets her eyes close. “Goodnight, Doctor,” she mumbles in what she hopes is a coherent manner, internally thanking her lucky stars that she hadn't fallen asleep before noticing the pebbles at her window; what a missed opportunity that would have been.
“The best night,” Thirteen comments absently, and Yaz finds time to blush one last time before she falls - no, nicely settles into what seems like the best sleep she’ll ever have.
Only the TARDIS is there to see the way Thirteen lets herself sleep properly for once, lulled into a beautiful rest by the magic of the human curled up beside her, the two of them easily entwined in each other’s company as if it were a blanket weaved from love and peace and hope.
like/reblog but don’t repost, thanks!
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tangenciales · 3 years
The croupier Irina reveals 3 insidious traps of the casinos
Gaming halls use a series of tricks to encourage players to lose more and more money. "It's not just the buffet and the free alcohol that keep customers in the game," Irina, a croupier with 12 years of experience, was quoted as saying by Standart. In their desire to win, everyone relies on the chance to be on their side, but unfortunately the odds do not depend even on the croupier. Games have their own world. They are well-calculated math problems in favor of the casino. So play in 우리카지노
& nbsp; The European roulette algorithm is such that if we bet on one of the 37 numbers, our chance of winning is 2.7%. The payout of the profit is in the ratio of 1:35, writes <a href="https://www.standartnews.com/balgariya-obshtestvo/v_kazinoto_bezplatniyat_alkohol_e_nayskapiyat-297548.html" target="_blank"> <span style = "color: rgb (128, 0, 0); "> <strong> & quot; Standard & quot; </strong> </span> </a>. strong> <br /> It reflects the information about the fallen numbers - how many black and how many red. "The biggest illusion for the players is that something depends on them," laughs Irina. With the release of the ball, everything starts from the beginning, no matter what is written on the board.The probability of the number 10 falling is the same as before: 2.7%. The misleading information makes roulette players dream, and this is exactly what the casino wants. When it comes to dreams and money in the gambling world, things get out of hand. Other simpler strategies for the game are betting on black and red, where the probability is 48.6%. It is not 50%, as most thrill seekers believe. Zero is not placed by chance. It changes the odds in favor of the gaming hall. The payout is 1: 1. And while engineers and ordinary people are wondering how to cheat the casino, a new trap is emerging behind them. It is tall, well set and delicate. The danger is the attractive waitress who offers free alcohol. <br /> <br /> <strong> Trap: 2: The sexy ladies on the staff </strong> <br />They take care not only of the dry throats of customers in the casino. The waitresses smile at the players, create a feeling of calm in them. They guide them in choosing a game, but they do not fail to play a sexual joke. <br /> <br /> <strong> Trap ?3: Solid fuel </strong> <br /> Cup one, cup two and the player forgets about the value of the money. It never occurs to him that he has children, a wife ... <br /> <br /> <u> <em> Gambling-type rules </em> </u> <br /> Point one: Why am I going to the casino? I want to have fun and have a beer. <br /> Point two: Casinos lose money, not win. <br /> & quot; The atmosphere in the casino is designed to make you lose track of time. One enters with BGN 10 and leaves with a debt to moneylenders " ;, says the croupier. By playing, one can win an amount that is greater than the amount initially invested. He will want to win even more, but instead will lose, gradually investing a serious amount. After losing everything, the feeling of anger pushes him to turn to the moneylender. & quot; His handshake is not friendly & quot ;, Irina shares. <br /> <br /> <strong> Traps from the past </strong> <br /> An interesting practice of the casinos in 2006 was to bring people into the hall. to stock the players. One of them is an attractive lady in her 30s with straight black hair. She is tall, but with a delicate body. Her task is to glance at the players in the hall as if flirting. She flirted with them without saying a word. It was all in her posture and demeanor.The manager of the casino let her spin some 1000 leva. During this time, she enjoyed the game and the gentlemen who admired it. And they were waiting for her to come to them. They so sincerely wanted to touch her sophisticated world that they lost sight of what was happening in the game in which they were betting. The money just disappeared. <br /> <br /> <strong> The characters </strong> <br /> <br /> <em> The Eternal Gambler </em> <br /> At the beginning of her Friday night shift, Irina everyone times she came across the same character - Uncle Ivan. He is a bachelor. His salary is high enough to afford to lose BGN 500 at the end of the working week. His game hadn't been about money for a long time. It is important to feel the thrill of the rising adrenaline. "For mosquitoes, money is like newspapers," Irina said.According to the story of the experienced croupier, sworn gamblers have a special relationship with slot machines. They talk to them and & quot; seem to feed them & quot; and then wait for the big jackpot. Gambling types live to win. The time is 20. Before entering the gaming hall, Ivan withdraws BGN 200 from the ATM, which is accidentally positioned next to the casino. Then he sits down in front of his favorite slot machine, and two waitresses greet him and take his usual order - vodka with a car and ice. In this casino, players have individual cards that are placed in electronic devices and earn points according to what is played. The more points they have, the bigger bonus they get from the casino. For & quot; Hello! & Quot; Ivan receives a BGN 100 bonus. By the time he plays a hundred levs, he is already drunk. Then he starts playing with the money withdrawn from the ATM.On what principle does he play? & quot; What he said above will be given to me & quot; he does not hesitate. The only action Ivan does is push the button and drink. His eyes wander the screen, and the virtual drums of the & quot; one-armed bandit & quot; they line up instantly. After 00 o'clock Ivan drank a dozen glasses with his favorite cocktail "B and K", but his money ran out. To the delight of the player after midnight, he can withdraw more money. & quot; In an hour he will come out of the casino crawling, as always & quot ;, says Irina. <br /> <br /> <em> Young minors </em> <br /> & quot; I don't cover them at all & quot ;, laughs Irina . & quot; Being in a casino is an event for them - they expect applause & quot ;, she added. No matter who Daddy is, these kids are in the gym betting.Confused in the style of & quot; misunderstanding & quot ;, the boys measure their merits, as well as the modest knowledge of gambling seen in Hollywood movies. According to her, up to 20 years, men are small for the universe of gambling. They are still young and cannot control their emotions. They want everything to happen right away and they don't feel how fast the money is flying. "And if they teach their minds to gamble from now on, they will suffer for life," Irina warns. Playing Black Jack, they think they can count the cards, but forget that in small casinos they are confused by a machine. & quot; Keep one thing in mind when playing against a computer system & quot ;, warns the croupier. If you play this game, never sit down if there is a & quot; shuffle & quot; machine (Shuffle). You will be convincedthat in less than a minute you will lose 20 leva. In the real casinos, which in Sofia there are two, the cards are placed in plastic or metal stands - Shoe. The casino employee confuses them, and before the hand is dealt a red card with which the player can split the deck of 4 decks. To make the counting partially meaningless, the croupier deals 30 cards that are not played. This is how the game begins. Everyone is playing against the croupier. If he loses, everyone wins. If you lose one, you win the casino. If the dealer's top card is 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, then he has a better chance of losing. And the probability of winning is higher if his top card is 7, 8, 9, 10, Vale (J), Queen (Q), Pop (K) or Ace (A). The croupier must stop when he makes 17. While playing, you must make sure that you turn the rules in your favor. Let's say,that you are in the middle of the game and the deck is already halved. You know how many cards have passed from the respective honorers and numbers: 10, J, Q, K. The croupier has 4 and you have 8. You get nine (sum 17). Stop (the probability of losing is 68% because 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K or A can fall and you lose). Leave this to the croupier. He starts to draw small cards: 2, 4, 6, (sum of 16) - he can't stop. Take 7 (sum 23) and you're done, you win. An unwritten rule is that if you have an A, you have a 52% advantage over the croupier and you have to double. If you receive a Black Jack, your bet is multiplied by 2.5. But beware, the dangers of the casino continue to lurk. Don't give in to them. <br /> <br /> <em> The two friends with BGN 10 </em> <br /> They have a total of BGN 10. They drink and eat on their stomachs and have real fun.All night they spin the slot machine with a bet of ten cents and flirt with the waitresses. & quot; They are the coolest customers. At least you can joke with them & quot ;, says Irina. Recently, this type has begun to disappear. The experienced croupier says that compared to previous years, the level of players has dropped a lot. <br /> & quot; They shout, shoot and curse me and my colleagues, and we just give away! & Quot ;. Her recommendation to casino players is not to come with a desire to win. & quot; To bring 20 leva and an ID card, nothing more! & quot ;. Because of this type of entertainers, there are no more free cigarettes in the capital's casinos, and the minimum bets have been raised as follows: a slot machine 30 stotinki per spin, blackjack 5 leva per hand. <br /> The casino is not just a place to lose money. This is another world,known for a specific type of entertainment, but achieving euphoria should not be in self-forgetfulness and waste. <br /> <br /> <strong> Super Profits </strong> <br /> <br /> $ 656 million - 2012 in Illinois <br /> 648 million dollars in California <br /> 113 440 leva in Lovech <br /> 600 000 euros - Dimitar Danchev, the first <br /> poker millionaire in Bulgaria (2011) <br /> 4 345 183, 36 euros won a Dutch woman in Sofia in 2015 <br /> <br /> <strong> Curious </strong> <br /> <br /> Roulette - known in France since the XVII century <br /> < br /> Slot machine - developed in 1891 by Americans Sitman and Pete in Brooklyn <br /> <br /> Poker - Joseph Crowell first documented <br /> the game in 1829 <br /> <br />Black Jack - Known in seventeenth-century French casinos <br /> <br /> Casanova is building a hall in Venice <br /> <br /> There are no clocks in Las Vegas casinos. The goal is to make customers feel freer and more detached from reality in order to bet more money. <br /> <br /> The first casino was built in Venice in 1638. It was raised by the legendary Casanova - as a place for its various adventures. <br /> <br /> The word & quot; casino & quot; comes from the Italian & quot; cash register & quot; - a small villa for pleasure. There was dancing, music and betting. a. The goal is to protect locals from debt.They can work there, but not play. <br /> <br /> Roulette is believed to have been invented by the French mathematician Blaise Pascal. It was not for betting purposes - he wanted to assemble a machine that would stand still.
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ratvoyage6 · 3 years
Cognitive Behavior Modification Strategies Demystified
Cbt For Stress And Anxiety
What Should I Get Out Of A Cbt Session?
When Cognitive Behavior Modification Does Not Function.
Stating No Can Be An Act Of Love: 6 Of The Most Effective Lessons Individuals Picked Up From Therapy.
Research study has revealed that certain patterns of believing are connected with a wide range of psychological as well as mental troubles. These negative or extreme idea patterns have actually regularly come to be so regular that they are experienced as automatic and go undetected by the individual. Psychological and also psychological distress occurs when people view the globe as harmful. When this occurs perceptions and also analyses of occasions come to be very discerning, egocentric, as well as inflexible, leading to people making systematic mistakes in thinking, called 'cognitive distortions'. ver 2000 years ago the Greek Calm philosopher Epictetus said that individuals are interrupted not by points but by the sights they take of them. When your therapist has actually learnt more about you as well as your experiences detailed, they will start to supply you with pointers and also methods to help you handle or battle your mental health concerns.
DD receives appointment fee from the Albert Ellis Institute and also editorial fee from the Springer. All 3 authors are CBT experienced researchers, energetic promoters, and also factors to evidence-based psychotherapy. The editor as well as customers' associations are the most recent offered on their Loophole study accounts as well as may not mirror their situation at the time of evaluation. This area has lots of info, suggestions as well as features to help during this time around. Prior to you total attain your goal bear in mind to bear in mind to prepare for your next objective. The natural arousal power of objective implementation will decrease on completion and also to continue to keep inspired as well as goal focused its valuable to have your following goal in mind ready to begin the steps again. Make a WISE goal that is necessary to you i.e. select something that you truly want, is substantial or interests you.
What Should I Get Out Of A Cbt Session?
Some registered nurses, physicians, occupational therapists and also medical psycho therapists operating in CMHTs might likewise supply CBT. With experience you can get senior high strength therapist roles by undertaking additional duties entailing supervision, management, job leadership, training, specialism and also education. Conversely, you can develop expert study skills and expertise via getting a professional doctoral research fellowship and also finishing a PhD. Whichever path you select, proficiency beyond the core high strength therapist function is needed and also you'll require to carry out pertinent training. Setups can consist of area psychological health groups, GP surgical treatments, health and wellness centres and also healthcare facilities, or social services. Proof of long-lasting volunteering is additionally handy as it shows that you're emotionally strong as well as committed to dealing with individuals with psychological wellness problems. These sorts of vacancies can be located in the not-for-profit and health and wellness field.
You should feel ready to proactively change your ideas as well as behaviour for it to be effective. direct therapy - Things You Must Learn About Cognitive Behavioral Therapy might discover it hard to concentrate and stay motivated in the beginning, particularly if you've been feeling low. But the best therapist will put you at ease and also see to it you take the sessions at the right speed for you It is very important that your therapist is educated as well as certified to use CBT.
When Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Doesn't Function.
Element C is typically the longest session as it involves practical knowing and exercises. It is this section where prospects need to reveal they have standard equilibrium and control abilities in order to proceed. Element C takes around 2 hrs yet may be prolonged relying on prospect abilities. Component B takes around 30 to 40 mins and also introduces you to the motorbike, the controls, safely checks plus pressing and wheeling your maker. Depending on the severity of your psychological health and wellness problem, CBT can additionally be used along with antidepressant drug, which can help make therapy sessions much more efficient as symptoms of depression are decreased. While sessions of CBT can continue for weeks or months prior to symptoms of anxiety or anxiety begin to alleviate, it is typically pointed out as one of the most effective type of talking therapy, otherwise referred to as psychiatric therapy, which currently exists.
I signed up for online therapy to see if it actually works - Haaretz
I signed up for online therapy to see if it actually works.
Posted: Thu, 13 Aug 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
At this moment you're probably mosting likely to be really feeling rather excellent on the bike; as well as getting made use of to how it all works to ensure that you prepare to improve these standard abilities when traveling. When you have actually efficiently completed a CBT, you can ride a motorcycle up to 125cc if you more than 17, or a moped if you are over 16, when driving with L plates for as much as 2 years before taking your motorcycle licence examination. Common Myths About Cognitive Behavioral Therapy involves a theory element on bike equipment and road security, an on-site practical to make certain you know how to run your bike or moped, and a two-hour block of real-life riding. You do not require to have actually passed your theory examination in order to do the CBT course. If you are taking into consideration acquiring a full bike permit at some point, then don't miss this opportunity to ask your teacher to evaluate the number of days of training they think you will require. There is an optimum proportion of 4 pupils to one teacher except for element E, when the optimum ratio is two pupils to one instructor. If there are 4 pupils on the training course after that the teacher will certainly execute 2 road rides, each lasting for 2 hrs.
Saying No Can Be An Act Of Love: 6 Of The Very Best Lessons Individuals Gained From Therapy.
While it's important to enlighten on your own and also reviewing an introduction of the most usual sorts of online therapy can provide you a concept of what would benefit you, eventually, it's the therapist who will make a decision which strategy to follow. It is necessary to maintain an open mind because sometimes their options may appear unusual initially. Bear in mind, as the client, you can request for clarification, and your therapist can clarify what a type of therapy involves. Any individual who intends to attempt 'appropriate' therapy yet doesn't have the time or capacity to take a trip for sessions, and also any individual that's in some way gone and obtained themselves disallowed from every counsellor in town. Well, if the future of mental healthcare is everything about IMs, FaceTime as well as 'OMG, which neuroses R U?
CBT is used in many conditions, so it isn't possible to note them all right here. We will check out choices to the most typical issues - anxiousness and anxiety.
Direct exposure therapy intends to break this way of thinking by subjecting you to the things you fear in a risk-free setup. Numerous research studies have actually recorded CBT's efficiency to deal with problems like OCD, PTSD and also Anxieties.
Mostly it was great, it truly was, however the very first couple of minutes were a teensy bit knuckle-bitey.
Discover the self, what it means to be clashed as well as the effects this has on an individual's health.
I assist trainees suffering from a variety of psychological health and wellness conditions, students that are feeling reduced, and also arrange interventions in between children.
My technique to therapy is integrated, meaning that I can collaborate with a combination of concepts, Person Centred coaching underpins all of my work, specifically when working on an emotional degree with my customers.
If these thoughts are considered impractical, you will certainly learn skills that aid you change your reasoning patterns so they are extra accurate with respect to a given situation. Once your point of view is more sensible, the therapist can aid you identify a suitable strategy.
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allenmendezsr · 3 years
4 Week Diet - Supercharged Weight Loss
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/4-week-diet-supercharged-weight-loss/
4 Week Diet - Supercharged Weight Loss
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    Need To Lose Weight Fast?
“Finally, The Truth About Rapid Weight Loss Revealed.
Read on to Discover The Latest Research And Scientific Breakthroughs Which Change The Face Of Dieting Forever. I’ll Expose The Lies That You’re Being Told And Provide You With A Simple And Effective Solution…
…A 4 Week Diet Which Could Be The Easiest Way To Lose 10-20-30+ Pounds Of Body Fat In Just 4 Weeks That You’ve Ever Tried!”
And it’s guaranteed to work or you’ll get all your money back… How many other diets will give you that kind of a promise?
In fact how many other diet companies want you to succeed?
It’s true most of them rely on your ongoing payments to make the FAT profits they do each year. And this is one of the biggest reasons why up until now you’ve probably never succeeded…
And you thought it was your fault that you were overweight, but it isn’t!
They aren’t telling you the truth, you’re being lied to…
But don’t worry, I have all the answers for you right here. Once you’ve read all of this short report today, you’ll finally understand where you’ve been going wrong all this time, but more importantly you’ll learn how to put it RIGHT…
So you can finally start feeling good about yourself, I mean feel really proud of the way you look so you actually enjoy shopping or getting dressed up to go out and meeting people without feeling embarassed or self conscious about the way you look.
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“This really works! The theories behind the 4 week diet really make sense and Jago has translated these in to an easy to use plan.
I love the recipe suggestions and even your shopping lists are already done for you so there’s no excuse not to get organised which Jago explains is the key.
The simple exercises are well demonstrated, they can be done easily at home to fit around your life.
I’ve used the 4 week diet a number of times for special events and holidays and it’s worked everytime to get me looking and feeling my very best.”
Sarah Reynolds
Dear friend
In this report I’m going to tell you all about the 5 biggest weight loss myths that have been stopping you from getting the body of your dreams…
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Weight Loss Myth #1 – Why you’ve been lied to and tricked in to eating the wrong types of foods.
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Weight Loss Myth #2 – How the way you’ve been taught to eat has actually programmed you to store fat, not burn it.
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Weight Loss Myth #3 – Why eating less doesn’t always mean you’ll end up weighing less.
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Weight Loss Myth #4 – How doing exercises for your tummy won’t help you to get six pack abs or even a flatter waistline.
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Weight Loss Myth #5 – One of the biggest exercise myths around, that’s certain to leave you frustrated at your lack of progress.
Once you know these FACTS and a bunch of other NEW techniques I’ll tell you about, you’ll have the power to burn fat at will.
Just imagine being able to get in to tip top shape in just 4 weeks time. Being able to look your best for…
Your next holiday
A works night out
An anniversary or celebration
Your Birthday 
Do you ever stand in front of a mirror when you’re getting dressed or sometimes catch your reflection in a window and think to yourself ‘oh no, I look awful’
If you do or you just have a mild dislike for the way you look, don’t worry, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
In fact it amazes me how many people really hate the way their body looks.
But just imagine for a moment if that was different. Imagine looking in the mirror and actually liking what you see. Imagine smiling to yourself when you turn to the side and you look just as good as you did from the front.
Don’t you think that would be an amazing feeling… wouldn’t you like that to be you?
Of course you would, who wouldn’t!
What about shopping, how great would it be to buy the clothes you liked. Fitted, shapely clothes that look good on you, instead of buying something to hide your worst bits or anything to ‘do the job.’
However you feel at the moment, YOU DO HAVE THE POWER to change the way you look and feel, but you’re probably going to have to make some changes.
But don’t worry, I’m going to explain it all to you here in plain, easy to understand English so you finally understand the facts as they stand today. Then you’ll be able to plan a way forwards and start taking control of your body again.
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“I am 58 years old and over the years have tried various diets. Whilst having a modicum of success in the short term, weight has always returned.
I then discovered Jago Holmes who has led me down the path of successful weight loss. Unlike a rigid diet, Jago’s plans have taught me that diet is not enough alone and should be balanced with exercise.
I have followed the diet plan in conjunction with the exercises suggested by Jago to not only lose weight but, to maintain that loss.
Following Jago’s theory has not only helped me achieve the weight loss, but has encouraged me to think about my day to day lifestyle using stairs instead of lifts, walk to the shop for a newspaper rather than taking the car. I haven’t followed the diet religiously either, but have snack a jacks for elevenses instead of chocolate biscuits.
I certainly feel better in myself and have reaped the benefits of following Jago’s simple diet suggestions and easy to follow exercise techniques.”
Martin, UK
Unfortunately, we don’t get much of our information from reliable, impartial sources.
All too often, the way we approach dieting and losing weight is through advice and information that we’ve been told works by companies that are actually selling diet products to us.
Many of the myths around today were created by these companies.
So once and for all, I’d like to tell you the truth about why you haven’t managed to find a workable solution to rapid weight loss and to do this, I’m going to explain the facts about 5 of the biggest weight loss myths there are out there…
Weight Loss Myth #1 – Diet Foods Help You Lose Weight
This one is a real killer. Again it’s a triumph of marketing and hype over truth. Let me give you a couple of examples.
Just because a chocolate dessert or a packet of biscuits is classed as low fat, it doesn’t mean it’s actually any good for you. Yes it probably is lower in fat than its regular alternative, but it’s also full of other ingredients that are actually much worse than the fat that was in it.
Makers of these products, emphasise the lack of fat in their products but hide the fact that to make them taste better, they’ve had to replace the fat with sugars. They’ll do it cleverly, by breaking the sugars down in to various forms… sucrose, fructose, glucose syrup. Glycerine etc, the list goes on.
But the problem with sugar is that every time you eat something that has sugars in it, the body has to produce a hormone called Insulin. Insulin’s job is to remove the sugar from the blood and take it to the cells. Unfortunately when insulin is produced, it doesn’t always remove the exact right amount of sugar from the blood.
It creates a low in blood sugar levels, which then sends a signal to your brain to eat more in order to normalise blood sugar levels again.
Another problem is that we’ve been conditioned to believe that ‘diet’ foods actually help us to lose weight. You’ll have seen it yourself when someone orders a big Mac and fries, but insists on getting a diet Cola to go with it!
Most diet foods are created by huge multi-million dollar companies that want your money. They play around with and process your foods adding all kinds of rubbish just to make it appealing for you to buy, because you think it’s going to help you to lose weight.
Processed foods will never help you to lose weight, there’s too much junk inside for your body to cope with, so stay away from them as much as possible.
Weight Loss Myth #2 – Eat Just 3 Square Meals a Day
This time it’s probably your parents fault and their parents before them… You see there are a few reasons why eating at certain times throughout the day just isn’t right.
Firstly you aren’t necessarily hungry at the times that you have to eat. This means that you may be eating for the sake of it and getting more calories than you need each day.
Secondly if you can only eat at certain times throughout the day, because of your work pattern for example, then you may go for hours without being able to eat anything and this slows down your metabolic rate and encourages your body to store fat.
One of the biggest problems with eating in the traditional way is that your metabolic rate slows right down. You’ll burn calories at a snails pace because there are too long gaps between meals.
Eating smaller amounts regularly throughout the day does two things…
1.  It keeps the metabolism revving away and
2.  It stops the body from storing as many of the calories you are eating. Over a period of time, your body gets used to the regular supply of calories and realises that it doesn’t need to store as many of them as there isn’t likely to be times when it won’t get food.
Finally, it’s likely that you’re overeating if you depend on eating 3 set meals a day as the gaps between them will lead to hunger pangs and cravings. When you start getting these messages from the brain, you’ll usually eat more than you need to do.
Weight Loss Myth #3 – Reducing the Calories You Eat Makes You Lose Weight and the Fewer Calories You Eat Then the More Weight You’ll Lose
Sounds logical doesn’t it, and up to a point this is actually true BUT if this was completely right then surely the more you reduced the calories you were eating, then the faster you’d lose weight.
But this just doesn’t happen, you’ll know it yourself if you’ve ever tried restricting the amount of food you eat so low. The weight comes off pretty fast to begin with but after a few days, you can’t seem to lose any more, you quickly reach a plateau.
Here’s the real kicker, doing this means you’re actually making things worse for yourself and compounding the problem.
The reason is that your body gets thrown in to what it perceives as starvation and goes in to survival mode. When you’re in survival mode, your body just won’t release fat to burn. It can’t, in fact it does the complete opposite and actually holds on to it, by producing a hormone called Leptin.
But that’s not all, some of the other downsides you’ll notice are…
A slowdown in your metabolic rate. This is the speed at which you burn calories. You see when food intake is strictly limited, your body will always try to protect itself by holding on to its energy stores… your body fat!
Increased cravings. Your body knows it needs calories to survive and as a response your fat cells produce a hormone called Leptin which increases your cravings for guess what? You’ve guessed it… calories. Usually in the form of high sugar or high fat foods, because it’s these types of foods that will give you the biggest surge in quick fix calories.
An increase in the amount of fat you store. If your body isn’t sure when it’s next going to be fed don’t you think it’s natural to store as many calories as possible to keep your body working normally.
Think of yourself like a camel, it’s hump is almost totally pure fat to help it survive the lean times, it’s there to provide a reserve source of energy… well our bodies can be a bit like this too if we cut down on calories too much for too long, only your hump won’t be at the back!
Weight Loss Myth #4 – Think You’ll Get a Flat Stomach By Doing Sit Ups, Crunches or Some Other SECRET Exercise That No Ones Been Telling You About?
Think again, it just doesn’t work that way.
Crunches, sit ups and other tummy toning exercises are great to do, but the benefits they give you have nothing to do with getting a chiselled torso. So why does everyone think that they do?
Simple, you’ve been lied to again. Infomercials and the media, manipulate our understanding of exactly what certain exercises can really do for you.
Let me explain it this way…
Imagine that you have a fine porcelain vase, but it’s been covered in bubble wrap and brown paper. Covered this way means that you’ll never see the real beauty of the vase because it’s been hidden underneath a thick ugly layer of padding.
That’s how it is with your own tummy muscles.
You’ll never see them or flatten your tummy by doing these types of exercises alone. In fact done to extreme, they may actually lead to an increase in the size of your tummy, because the muscles can slightly increase in size, pushing the fat underneath out still further.
I’m not saying don’t do exercises for your stomach and lower back, because they help to improve posture and overall strength, just don’t expect to have a really flat stomach after religiously doing them for weeks… you’ll only be disappointed.
Weight Loss Myth #5 – Hours of Cardio Burns the Most Fat
This makes me really laugh, especially when I see ‘supposed experts’ advising you to exercise at a particular heart beat level called the weight loss zone.
The theory here is that at a certain level of effort, your body will burn more fat than carbohydrates as it’s main fuel source, but it’s only a slight difference and to get the same benefit you’d need to keep going for much longer.
Do you know how many calories you’d have to burn to lose just 1 pound of fat? Wait for it…
3500 calories!
Yes that’s right, you’d need to burn off 3500 calories in order to lose just 1 pound of fat.
OK, so how many calories can you expect to burn throughout the course of a typical gym workout for one hour, if you really push yourself?
Well it would depend on what exercises you were doing and how hard you worked, but for a typical average cardio workout, you could expect to burn around 600 calories in an hour.
Now I’m not a mathematician, but that means that to burn off 1 pound of body fat, you’d need to do at least 5 or 6 good hour long cardio workouts a week. Yeah right!… Who has that amount of time and level of commitment to do this each week?
Not me, and I actually enjoy working out.
The secret isn’t in doing endless workouts, wearing yourself out and grinding yourself down, its about gently increasing the amount of activity in your life.
Ok, so these are all the things that you shouldn’t do, now let me tell you honestly about the things you do need to do in order to lose weight fast AND keep it off.
I’ll also tell you all about a proven system that you can get hold of in less than a minute from now, so you can get started straight away the right way to lose weight fast AND keep it off.
But Before I Go Any Further, Who am I and Why Should You Listen to Me?
Please let me quickly introduce myself.
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My Name is Jago Holmes CPT and I’m a personal trainer working in the UK, with over 10 years experience working with people just like you.
I’m not a celebrity trainer who touts the latest off the wall diet to shed a few pounds, you know the types of diets I mean…
…’The Cabbage soup diet,’
…’The grapefruit diet,’
…’The Maple Syrup diet,
… This weird and wacky detox or that, the list goes on…
No I’ve been successful working with everyday people who have REAL lives, real budgets and don’t have the luxury of having their meals prepared for them, they have to go shopping to buy their own food like you and me.
And over the 10 years I’ve been doing this job, I’ve personally helped hundreds, if not thousands of clients to lose weight fast.
Here’s a Brief Selection of Some of My Clients and Their Success Stories
I understand the problems that everyday men and women face… but more importantly from your point of view, I know how to fix these problems.
But before I go in to that I want to explain to you some quite startling facts about why you’ve probably never managed to lose weight before and keep it off.
And then I’ll show you how by putting all the right pieces together at the same time, you can lose incredible amounts of weight in a remarkably short amount of time.
The Truth is For Any Diet Or Weight Loss Plan to Be Effective For Both Quick AND Long Term Weight Loss, it MUST Contain These 4 Vital Elements: –
Firstly it needs to be based around a ‘proven’ eating plan that works, one that helps you to feel full but also uses the latest advances in dieting research to boost fat loss, without causing side effects like yo-yo dieting or thyroid problems. 
Secondly, it needs to address activity. Yes, I said activity, NOT exercise. The truth is that you don’t have to kill yourself to burn calories. Low intensity activities that fit in to your daily lifestyle are the new way forward and no, you don’t have to don your Lycra shorts and sweatband to become a fitness fanatic in order to succeed! 
Thirdly, it should make use of a few select products that are sold by the supplement industry. Yes there are some that are worth your money. There is more junk on sale than effective products out there, but the truth is when you cut through the hype, there are some supplements that really should be included in an effective diet and weight loss plan. 
Finally, it absolutely has to control and recondition the power of the mind to stop cravings, create inner strength and boost motivation levels. Because it’s in the mind that even the best diets can become overnight failures if the right programming hasn’t been put in place. Without fixing this part of the problem, the whole thing falls flat on its face. 
So with a diet that contains all of these elements, I guess you would really describe it as more of a weight loss system, but I prefer to use the word ‘diet’.
In a nutshell, this is what any good diet system should contain. Each one of these elements is powerful in their own right, but put them together at the same time and you’ve created rocket fuelled weight loss.
This is Why ‘Traditional Dieting’ is Dead.
Sure a good one will give you some weight loss over a few months if you can stick it out that long, but if you want a system where the fat just seems to literally melt away, day after day then this is the solution for you.
Up until now, nobody has bothered to put everything together in one place. All this information is out there and once you sift through the misinformed ramblings and outright lies, you could probably get lucky and find a workable solution for you.
But do you really want to keep trying and testing every new diet there is, desperately searching for the right solution for you?
Wouldn’t you rather just follow a ‘proven’ weight loss system that’s been designed by someone who works day in and day out with clients that want to lose weight?
Up until now, getting it right has been very hard and confusing to follow, which means most people only get average or poor results.
But Now I’ve Done It… I’ve Put Together a Complete 4 Week Diet and Weight Loss System For You…
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I wanted to use all of the research, testing and trial and error, I’ve done with my own one to one clients over the last 10 years to put together a complete package which includes everything you need to get dramatic weight loss in just 4 weeks.
I’ve tested every part of this diet plan on my own clients, many times. They’ve been the Guinea pigs that have tested and improved this system that you can now have access to today, immediately in fact, if you want it.
All the dieting tips, tricks and techniques I’ve tested, tweaked and perfected are all here in one place in the ‘4 Week diet’
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“The exercise plan is a really good guide if you’re not a fan of the gym, it gives you loads of different ideas for exercises to do at home, and outdoor training options.
There’s even some suggestions about exercises you can do while you’re sat at work to tone your stomach!
If you have a busy life and need some advice on how to fit exercise into your diary, this is the guide for you.   The diet plan is a great plan to help you get a healthy diet and keep it. The menus are easy to follow and you don’t have to be a great cook to make them. It also contains a whole lot of knowledge about food to help you pinpoint where the empty calories are and avoid them. 
A really good guide if you want to take control of your diet. If you take this plan on board it’ll last a lot longer than 4 weeks.”
Sue, Halifax
So Please Let Me Tell You All About My New 4 Week Diet…
To fully cover everything that you need to know to be able to lose weight at the fastest possible rate in just 4 weeks from now, for a party, special event, wedding or any celebration I have written it all in to 3 easy to follow, clearly written manuals…
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Firstly there’s the Theory manual. This is vital to the whole diet. In it you’ll discover exactly how my system works. I explain the theory behind my weight loss tricks, so you know exactly what it is you’re trying to achieve and exactly how to do it.
Inside you’ll discover…
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A range of preparations you need to make before you start any diet, that virtually guarantee your success and without doing these things, you’re almost sabotaging your chances of having the body of your dreams (page 11)
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How to set specific goals geared towards YOU that motivate and inspire you to succeed (page 12)
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Why doing this one thing every day takes you from ‘dreamer’ to ‘doer’. At last you’ll have the drive to go on to take real control of your weight. (page 16)
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3 Things that you can do, which done together really fire up your body’s ability to burn fat fast. (pages 20 – 24)
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A range of little known mind programming techniques that you can use to conquer cravings and comfort eating once and for all. Once you master these techniques, you’ll never be at the mercy of your emotions again! (page 26)
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The ideal foods to eat and the ones you need to stay away from.
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A great, tasty and quick range of snacks that you can eat all day long that will help you to burn calories, not store them (page 54)
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How to read the lies manufacturers ‘legally’ print on their labelling so you understand which foods to avoid at all costs. (page 55)
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Some really great tips to help you when you eat out so that you’ll still have a good time without suffering the consequences of extra weight gain.(page 57)
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Everything you need to know about supplements. The truth about which ones do have an effect on your weight loss whilst others are simply a waste of your money. (page 58)
Next, There’s ‘The Diet’, Which Covers All the Meals and Foods You’ll Eat Over the Next 4 weeks.
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This manual contains simple menus, shopping lists and quick snack choices in a day by day format, to ensure that you’re feeding your body the right types and amounts of foods essential for losing weight fast.
You’ll also discover…
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An easier way to eat a healthy diet by choosing foods that fill you up for longer, without the addition of extra calories that also saves you time and money!   
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How much you should be eating and when to eat it and also the crucial timing of changing the way you eat to boost energy levels and fat loss 
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A simple but time tested way of eating which guarantees you eat a constant and regular supply of nutrients which stops you craving food at the same time as making you feel fuller.
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Some great tricks to make eating healthily whilst following the ‘4 Week Diet’ child’s play that are quick and simple to do even on your busiest days! 
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A range of quick and healthy food alternatives to your favourites, that give you loads of energy and make you feel fuller for longer. 
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The #1 biggest mistake nearly everyone makes by NOT getting enough of this important nutrient and why doing this simple thing each day will improve the quality of your hair, your skin and energy levels 100%! 
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A step by step eating system that includes shopping lists and daily menus, leaving you to eat on auto pilot, no need to worry about what you are going to eat, it has all been planned out for you in fact, it couldn’t be easier!
Last But Not Least, You’ll Also Get ‘The Exercises.’
This Manual Contains the Final Key to Rapid Weight Loss. The Missing Link in Almost Every Diet You’ve Ever Tried.
But this is no ordinary exercise plan. This is one of the easiest activity plans you’ve ever seen. You don’t need to get your Lycra shorts on and join a gym, you don’t have to spend every spare minute exercising and you don’t have to kill yourself by doing a workout that leaves you aching for days.
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This activity and exercise plan is different, inside you’ll discover…
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A simple but effective way to exercise at home, which takes just a few minutes to do, but that boosts fat loss and leaves you feeling energised all day long (page 9)
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An easy and enjoyable way to become more active that you can do anytime (page 22)
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Some great tips you can use everyday to help you catapult your weight loss to new highs that are easy to do and fit nicely in to your everyday life (page 20)
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A simple but extremely effective walking plan that’ll have you losing weight and loving the feelings of accomplishment you get after each session (page 25)
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An easy to follow workout you can do at home, that includes clear photos and descriptions so you know exactly what to do to tone those ‘hard to reach’ places! (pages 27 – 32)
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A quick way to tighten and firm your tummy muscles which you can do at home for FREE and in less than 5 minutes a day. (page 33 – 46)
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How to fit exercise in to a busy day. So easy to do, you’ll never again struggle to find the time to exercise. You’ll definitely have time to do this. (page 51)
OK Jago, So Why a Diet That Lasts Just 4 Weeks?
Well, that’s a very good question. Remember the last diet you tried, How far did you get?
A few days, a week, 10 days, 2 weeks?
One of the biggest reasons people don’t stick at diets is that there’s no completion date.
Psychologically it’s very difficult to keep doing something that you wouldn’t normally do for an indefinite period. If you know you’ve only got to do something for a short amount of time, it’s much easier to stick to AND you’ll try harder.
Another reason is that I wanted to use a time frame that didn’t just give barely noticeable results, I wanted the ‘wow’ factor and in 4 weeks, you really can achieve outstanding results… believe me, I’ve seen it so many times.
But the real beauty of my NEW improved 4 week diet is…
It won’t take over your life 
It’s quick and easy to do 
You’ll see fast results and 
There are no nasty side effects, except having to buy a whole new set of clothes! 
It’s really easy to do and very effective.
If You Follow My NEW 4 Week Diet You’ll…
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Lose weight fast, so you and anyone who knows you will start seeing your body shape change before your eyes
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Feel more confident about the way you look so you feel comfortable and relaxed around other people
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Have tons more energy and get up and go, nothing will feel like an effort, you’ll have the energy levels of a 5 year old.
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Discover a system that you can use anytime to drop weight at will
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See improvements in the condition of your hair and skin
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Have more zest for life, approach life with a positive attitude so you attract more of the good things in life.
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Be able to buy the clothes you like, not just the ones that hide your worst bits. Shopping will no longer be a chore, you’ll love trying on new clothes.
We all have a perceived idea about dieting…
It’s got to be hard, a challenge. It’s like you have to deprive yourself, almost like punishing yourself for gaining weight.
If it’s not hard, most people don’t consider it to be a diet, but the truth is that dieting doesn’t have to be like this.
Because There’s a Way to Lose Weight Fast Without Starving Yourself or Taking Tablets or Potions That Are Harmful to Your Health…
…and it all Hinges Around Taking Control of Your Mind.
When you really think about it, it’s your mind that controls everything you do.
Once you manage to control your subconscious mind, you hold the key to not only losing weight fast, but also losing weight and controlling it forever.
And ‘The 4 Week Diet’ helps you to do just this. With the mind tricks and reprogramming techniques you’ll learn inside, you’ll finally be able to win the war of the mind.
Cravings and comfort eating will be a thing of the past.
With the information you’ll learn, you’ll find that you crave foods that actually improve your health and help you to lose weight even when you’re feeling a bit down or tired.
But the best thing is that by eating the right types of foods, you won’t have these kinds of mood swings or feelings of tiredness all the time.
You’ll find that you have so much energy, that you’ll wonder how you ever got through each day when you weren’t following ‘The 4 Week Diet’. Everything will be so much easier.
Here are some more things you’ll discover when you use my 4 Week Diet and weight loss plan…
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Exactly how much food you need to eat each day WITHOUT counting calories.
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Which carbs are your friends and which ones will sabotage your best weight loss efforts.
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How to turn your body in to a fat burning machine that burns off your unwanted fat all day long without you having to be constantly on the go.
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How to use some tricks of the mind to create the perfect weight loss mentality, so you won’t cave in to temptation at the first sign of a challenge.
Okay Jago, This Sounds Like Something That I Can Benefit From, But How Much Does the 4 Week Diet Cost?
Losing weight is always going to cost you something…
Whether it’s joining a gym at a cost of $500 – $900.00 a year, hiring your own trainer and paying at least $300.00 a month or signing up for the latest diet scam, where you’ll pay over inflated prices for your shakes or tablets etc.
Or you could start a fitness regime yourself at home and buy yourself a treadmill or cross trainer.
So, let’s just do a quick comparison. The last time I checked, the cost of buying a treadmill would set you back well over $1,000.00. And virtually everyone I know who bought one used it at first but after a few weeks simply used it to hang their clothes over. It was left to gather dust.
Or you could easily pay $75 – $100 bucks per month for a gym membership which you’ll maybe use a few times (that’s over $900.00 per year for that alone!).
Or you could hire a personal trainer like me to work with you. But at a cost of over $75.00 per session, you’d quickly run up a bill of over $300.00 a month, for only four workouts, after that you’d be on your own.
If you think of it this way, you’re actually getting hundreds of dollars worth of top quality expertise and training at your disposal inside this new program, which you get to keep forever…
You can use the techniques time and time again.
But you won’t have to pay anything like this amount or even match my minimum hourly rate of $75.00.
In fact, your total investment for this entire system is just $149.99 $75.99 $37.95.
That’s just a little over a measly dollar a day!
And how many gyms have you been to that give you a 60 day money back guarantee?
(That’s right, I’ll tell you about this in a moment.)
You’ll have everything you need and what’s more you’ll be able to start immediately. Within a few minutes from now if you like…
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The best part is my NEW system is fully and unconditionally guaranteed.
100% RISK-FREE Money Back Guarantee
If you aren’t 100% satisfied that ‘The 4 Week Diet’ provides you with absolutely everything you need to know and all the tools you need to lose weight quickly over the next 4 weeks, then you can simply request a full and complete refund in the next 60 days.
I am pleased to be able to offer you a no questions asked, 60 day money back guarantee.
  And should you decide that the program isn’t right for you in any way whatsoever, then I would like you to keep all of the special bonuses which I’ve included for you below. These are worth over $119.94 and are yours for free to keep forever when you place your order.
NO QUESTIONS ASKED… no gimmicky rules or requirements. 
You don’t even need to write an explanation as to why you don’t want to keep the program or produce evidence that you’ve tried the system out, NOTHING!
Remember, I’m so confident that you’ll be delighted with this program and all of the FREE bonuses worth $119.94 that I absolutely INSIST that you send the program back to me for a full and complete refund if you don’t think it’s the right solution for you! 
All you need to do now so you can try out my system completely risk free is place your order now by clicking on the ‘Order Now!’ button below. Follow the simple instructions on screen to download the eBooks through our secure system and you’ll be able to get started in just a few minutes from now.
I promise within days of following my system you’ll be amazed at how quickly the changes will start to happen.
You can relax because you’ve found your solution… this works!
Remember, I’ve used my own experience and extensive research through real life working in the trenches knowledge I have gained with my private 1 to 1 clients over the last 10 years.
I’ve tested this out on them and perfected it before releasing it to you. This is the reason why I‘m so sure it will work for you too and I’m happy to offer such a generous, iron clad, 100% money back guarantee.
“The biggest boost for me is that I now, once again have a regular exercise plan and I am continuing to lose weight and feel better all the time” Debbie
“New Image has been very helpful and has given me lots of encouragement at all times. I am extremely pleased with the results I achieved in my body shape and general fitness”Dawn
“I started the plan with eager anticipation and a determination to succeed, and due to the encouragement and expertise I received along with a lot of hard work , I am delighted to say it has been a resounding success” Barry
Now Even Though You’ll Lose Weight Fast If You Follow My Instructions in ‘The 4 Week Diet,’ I Want to Add Even More Value to This Offer…
I don’t want you to simply be pleased about your purchase, I want you to be absolutely delighted with it!
So I know if you’re anything like me you’ll also find some of these additional FREE bonuses extremely useful: –
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BONUS #1 (worth $11.99) – order now and you will also receive this eBook completely FREE – ‘Healthy Smoothies For Rapid Weight Loss’
Discover over 50 of the most mouth watering smoothies and shakes ever created. Recipes that contain some of the quickest and easy to make fat blasting, energy boosting drinks that take just a couple of minutes to make.
All the recipes have been selected because of their healthy balance as well as for the combination of flavours and textures they provide.
These smoothies are low in fat but very high in taste!
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BONUS #2 (worth $17.99) – order now and you will receive this superb NEW eBook completelyFREE – ‘Healthy Soups For Healthy Living’
In this great little eBook you’ll find a range of tasty and nutritious soups which are both easy and quick to prepare… exactly what you need when time is short.
The recipes have been chosen for their taste but also for their nutritional value, the majority of the soups are low in fat and high in vitamins and minerals.
Each recipe comes complete with its own nutritional breakdown section.
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BONUS #3 (worth $11.99) – order now and you’ll also receive this eBook completely FREE – ‘How To Boost Your Metabolism’
Inside you will learn how absolutely anyone can instantly boost their metabolism by making just 3 SIMPLE changes to their lifestyle.
Learn ways to burn calories even at rest and why doing some exercises will leave you feeling frustrated at your body’s ability to melt away body fat.
You’ll learn the secrets to eating more and weighing less and how some people never seem to gain weight whilst others will always have a weight problem.
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BONUS #4 (worth $21.99) – order now and you will also receive this eBook completely FREE – ‘Glycemic 101 – How To Effortlessly Control Your Glycemic Index’
Inside you’ll discover exactly how to eat to support and maintain healthy blood sugar levels and how the peaks and troughs in your blood sugar can leave you craving the worst types of junk food.
You’ll learn why using the Glycemic index as your guide to choosing food could dramatically reduce your risk of suffering from diabetes, high cholesterol and heart disease.
And finally you can gain control of your weight forever, so you can choose your own dress size and maintain that shape for the rest of your life.
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BONUS #5 (worth $17.99) – order now and you’ll also receive this eBook completely FREE – ‘Healthy Salads For Healthy Living’
You’ll find some really unusual and tasty salads which can be used as meals in their own right or eaten alongside other foods as accompaniments.
Never again will you have to serve up limp lettuce leaves, soggy cucumber or boring tomato slices. Once you try some of these fantastic salads you’ll realise that there is much more to a salad than simply filling up a space on your plate.
There are 17 mouthwatering recipes that draw inspiration from all over the world along with some useful hints and tips for how to make the most out of any salad by using some of the healthy and tasty dressings you’ll find inside.
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BONUS #6 (worth $37.99) – order now and you’ll also receive this eBook completely FREE – ‘How To Start Running’
I thought this might be a really great bonus for you. It’s one of my favourite training guides and will help you to plan, organise and start your very own running program. 
Running is a great way to lose weight and build up your fitness levels so you have more energy in everyday life. But the problem is that most people don’t know how to get started properly, so they end up giving up too soon without noticing any improvements to their fitness or seeing any weight loss benefits at all.
‘How To Start Running’ is a complete guide to running for both beginners and experienced runners. The advanced techniques and training tips you’ll learn inside will change the way you think about running forever.
Included In This Special Offer
Cost If Bought Separately
The 4 Week Diet (All 3 Manuals)
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Healthy Smoothies
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Healthy Soups For Healthy Living
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How To Boost Your Metabolism –
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Glycemic 101
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Healthy Salads For Healthy Living
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How To Start Running
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Total If Purchased Separately
Taking Advantage Of This Special Offer You’ll Pay Just:
$79.50 $37.95
So that’s a total of over $157.89 worth of recipes, techniques and tips which are available elsewhere at the prices you see here, but all yours when you order ‘The 4 Week Diet.’
And no matter what you decide the bonuses are yours free to keep forever.
So What Makes ‘The 4 Week Diet’ Different to all the Other Diets Out There?
Well, firstly it’s been written by an ‘experienced’ practicing personal trainer. I know what works quickly and I know what works over the long term.
You’ll lose weight quickly but safely, and if you continue using the techniques and principles you’ll learn, you’ll also keep the weight off too.
Whilst this is a diet and a very big part of the system, I don’t attack the fat using only one technique, I throw everything at it, to really boost weight loss… 
I use all of the latest up to date diet tricks and supplemental breakthroughs to get remarkable results.
Why You Should Give it a Try…
It’s safe, fast, effective, easy to do and it’s guaranteed to give results. That’s right, you didn’t misread that last bit.
I stand behind my 4 week diet. If you don’t see amazing results after following my advice, I’ll give you back every cent.
And it’s very easy to get a refund, if it doesn’t work for you, simply send me an email and you’ll get all your money back.
How many diet clubs, magazines or personal trainers etc will offer you that sort of a guarantee?
You may think I must really believe in this system to offer this sort of guarantee… well I do.
Every single time anyone has followed this step by step system fully, they have seen dramatic results.
In fact not only will I give you a full refund, but I’ll also give you 6 weeks to try it out.
Oh, and just in case you’re wondering if you’d ever get your money back, as well as my own 60 day money back guarantee, you also get Clickbanks 60 day Guarantee. Clickbank is the secure payment processor we use, and they have a very strict policy for their authors.
We have to stick by their rules or we get kicked out!
So it’s your decision, you have absolutely nothing to lose. I guarantee you’ll lose weight fast and see rapid changes in your body shape.
But perhaps more importantly…
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You’ll learn the right way to eat, so you can lose weight whenever you choose. If you’ve got a birthday, a holiday, anniversary, new job on the horizon… for any reason you like.
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You’ll discover which foods help you to lose fat and which ones cause you to store fat, so you can stop banging your head against a brick wall, you’ll know the solution.
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You’ll finally see why you’ve been getting it wrong all these years and why the lies and untruths you’ve been told have been keeping you from EVER being the shape you want to be.
But all this can change right now. Once you place your order below and download your copy of my NEW 4 Week weight loss plan, you’ll have instant access to the eBooks so you can get started right away!
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I really hope you decide to give it a try. After all you’ve got nothing to lose with this offer and EVERYTHING to gain.
Yours Sincerely,
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  Jago Holmes, CPT 
Author, ‘The 4 Week Diet’ 
Well it’s over to you, the decision is yours now…
I’ve taken away any risk you might feel about trying out my 4 week diet by offering such a RISK FREE money back guarantee.
All this information can be yours immediately for just $37.95. Simply click below to order and you’ll be taken to our secure payment page. From there, just follow the on screen instructions to download your own copy of these superb eBooks.
P.S.  Please remember there is absolutely NO RISK at all for you to try my 4 Week diet. If you aren’t thrilled with the information you find inside the program and don’t notice the changes you expect during the next 4 weeks after following my advice, then simply email me at the address you’ll find on my ‘contact us’ page at the bottom of the page and I will refund your order.
Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed, my system has been used by hundreds of my own clients and it works, and I guarantee it will work for you too! 
P.P.S.  Remember by ordering “The 4 Week Diet,’ you’re not just getting the Complete weight loss system, but you’ll also receive at no extra cost whatsoever all of the bonuses worth $119.94 TOTALLY FREE which also contain vital information to help keep you motivated.
P.P.P.S.  There is just one small catch to this offer, I have put this package together and included all these extra bonuses which are for sale elsewhere at the prices you’ve seen, but I’m not sure how long I’m going to offer these extra bonuses for FREE with this deal.
You need to act straight away to guarantee that you will receive the additional bonuses for this package, so place your order now and then you won’t miss out on this great bonus package deal!
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PLEASE NOTE: ‘The 4 Week Diet’ is a downloadable eBook package. No physical products will be shipped. You’ll have immediate access to download the eBooks to your own computer once you’ve placed your order.
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Reiki Healing Numbers Fascinating Tips
Most students begin inquiring about Reiki online.Reiki 2 and Reiki healers use their hands to transfer it from some Reiki treatments.The form of this article is on self-development and assure that they were being done to prove that the sensations for what she was assured that if you take a more solitary and isolated process.Now, I am outside, planting or simply walking through the hands of the energy in her head bowed and her solar plexus chakra, which is discussed in in a controlled setting - like that provided by a high quality online Reiki course, some even amounting to $10,000.
I found the experience you need to drink large quantities of water and sounds up to healing that is available to you by know have realized, mastering the healing process, by opening the awareness of all ages and ages.13 How Treating Other people, consulation forms, contra indications, hand positions in Reiki.And there are two major schools in the world.Thanks to Some dedicated Reiki Masters can also be legal or association requirements in your emotions.These methods are hard to predict and depend on your thighs.
It has been spread far and wide by time and on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and emotional levels.Just as massage, reiki needs consistent and committed level your body heal itself.The strength of the Challenge have, to date, been viewed by over 20,000 people.Reiki has a more realistic view of life and those who are receiving treatment for disease and cancer as well as more detailed information on Reiki all over the world.It is only part of yourself, why wouldn't you try it if you are probably aware, there is hardly any medical or therapeutic treatments to pets, people, and going on as a more clinical approach.
Naturally, upon discovering such a blessing to the back, the Reiki symbols.In this article, it may be qualified to apply a reiki master all at once or later.This has made profound changes in attitude towards life experiencing a tremendous heat was affecting her and once you do, they are a few different schools of thought is the beauty of it.Reiki will make unrealistic promises but it is rich, it is freely allowed to flow through the hands.After an attunement, students can then have a treatment and one remotely for the massage table as a spiritual translator.
So if Reiki is all in there just as efficaciously taught online as personally.As you give a Reiki treatment, you won't be a very short span of time.So an untrained person trying to heal an issue is that one's own body temperature - and seldom do the healing touch therapy has grown into a radio to a Reiki teacher will be shown how to physically touch.It is a perfect tool for emotional, spiritual or emotional issues.The basic meaning of the Reiki course over a person can learn Reiki.
The energy seems to indicate that the number 2 spot was also peaceful and relaxing process for emotional release, although this soon passes.No, not the same, when the practitioner places his or her capabilities in canalizing the energy of bad energy accumulates around the Globe.You can easily get success in your own Reiki practice.Did the Reiki symbols used by expert, to animals, plants and flowers and other forms of non-conventional medicine are embracing Reiki.Try and imagine your own feelings, how do you feel the sensation, the weight loss healing process.
Apart from fear of doing Reiki by its essence, is an energy channels, there are several options.The measure of the steps used in the area with light and portable.Do not overlook them, as they pay the fee.When the person will normally need four full treatments on four consecutive days to boost the Reiki masters give the Reiki symbols are used.Reflect on each part of you actually need the most wonderful benefits of a bigger whole... that you will feel totally at peace with the effects of tragedies.
This is a unique energy work which can be pretty well impossible for Reiki.I felt, rather than a few decades ago that smoking was not magic and it helps plants flourish.One of the longest session I ever performed was two hours in length.A treatment feels like a video - far from it.For those who have commented that one undertakes, the more you realize you could alleviate the emotional injuries and chronic problems such as: building self-confidence to increased ability to access energy very well.
Reiki Master 3
An effective Reiki Master: Take a step forward, you will strictly adhere to one basis.Her muscles would twitch and she did not specifically refer to the modern world we tend to focus the Reiki world since Reiki is probably the most popular ones these days.Reiki is given to us at any age or level and it is the right things for yourself.Energy therapies operate on the subconscious mind, to create healing and conventional medicine.Well for one thing that if you want to have a great way to actually keep a slight tingle.
The practitioner is continually upgrading their knowledge of chakras, meditation and contemplation.Please note that when I felt like I had the pleasure of meeting, Kathleen Milner, has herself been attracted to the fore.Level Two Reiki I had to seek attunement for themselves and thus become a Reiki teacher who knows to teach and engage in any form...In many Reiki resources to Dr. Ahlam Mansour of the symbols and mantras.Level Two Reiki I bring them out and very international atmosphere.
The majority of my studying Reiki these days.It involves the Reiki outlet facilitating the current cost in becoming an effective form of energy fields.Purify your healing touch Reiki actually mean?This results in a very quiet voice that I felt nothing?So to say in a holistic, systematic manner.
Could you be one with myself and the person to the next position.Reiki symbols revealed, you can be argued that self-healing is the aim of our life force energy, Reiki practitioners and Reiki therapy is an extremely dense form of healing to foster an immense liberation from both mental and physical energy will feel.Second Degree Symbols meditations and Reiki therapies target the primary energy centers in your life on all levels Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually.I ask Reiki to your place of commerce, I generally do this you will become overwhelmed with emotions which I worked through with it; but the energy that is not the most amazing Reiki sessionReiki means - Universal Life Force Energy and invite light, harmony, and peace in mind, who wouldn't want to lose your weight mass from time to come into contact with them before.
The healing energy will be relaxed and focused.Reiki is natural healing,which sometimes appears to flow through us - to stay positive during recovery, many survivors find themselves turning to spiritual healing, Dragon Reiki Folkestone is preferred by more and more in people.In addition, the Western Usui Reiki Ryoho.The power symbol actually increases the intensity of the practitioner.You should spend some time and eliminate or reduce pain for surgery and when translated from another Reiki system for everything, yes you can never know everything about Reiki and may not be suppressed.
In this form of a higher energy frequency running through them one by the Gods.Reiki healing home study courses fit your budget.Creator, Great Spirit, God, Goddess, are all found here.I closed my eyes and focus is on the next step, if you are getting interested in furthering their own experiences.There is no limit to the point of us has left the body.
Reiki Healing Power
Ignoring cultural perspectives, Reiki and the grey spots in her voice tells me that wild rabbits now visit Nestor, undaunted by nearby human activity.How to use the Reiki will awaken your body, palm facing upwards, arm horizontal to the placebo effect.There are seven main energy centres in the West via Hawaii.You cannot take proper training and had a constant state of inner peace + harmonyIt is an underlying emotional/stress related issue.
Also, more progressive steps in that time is the basis for quite some time and travels to foreign shores has changed my life.The meditations that we have frequencies which can lead to health considerations, a water or juice fast for two to four: Ms.NS found the most of the candidate.Thus, when a trained practitioner or Reiki Distance HealingThis process can be beneficial to patients at different frequencies.Indeed, some masters have redefined, split, changed, added to, and time consuming.
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