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katiachausheva · 2 days
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Kissing the light
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The last glimmers of sunlight caress the shadows of night
— Fred Leforgeur-Baudelaire | Notule [a new form of poetry] ®©
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kurniawangunadi · 3 months
Harta yang Dicintai
Secara terang benderang, Allah mengatakan dalam kitabNya kalau kita sebagai manusia, salah satun ujiannya adalah ketakutan akan kekurangan harta, alias takut miskin. Itu perasaan manusiawi yang dirasakan manusia, karena memang itu salah satu ujian yang dirasakan. Bahkan dengan sebertumpuk-tumpuk harta yang dimiliki, masih merasa kurang karena takut miskin tadi, heuheuu...
Rasanya pas lagi di fase Quater Life Crisis, salah satu hal yang jadi concern kita adalah uang yang didapatkan dari pekerjaan. Apakah bisa menghasilkan sejumlah tertentu, senominal sekian. Apakah cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan diri, sehingga tidak sadar secara alam bawah sadar apa yang menjadi "driven" kita adalah uang tadi.
Kita jadi memandang dan menilai sesuatu, jika ada uangnya. Syukur-syukur ada uangnya. Bahkan menilai apa yang dilakukan orang lain, dengan cara pandang uang. Menimbulkan perasaan iri dan dengki, perasaan hasad atas perolehan materi orang lain.
Tambah umur, ketika kebutuhan semakin bertambah. Mulai memikirkan beli rumah, kendaraan, dan segala hal yang memerlukan uang. Makin khawatir, apakah bisa? Terutama dari pendapatan saat ini yang mungkin udah stagnan selama beberapa tahun terakhir, kalau ada pertumbuhan, kalah dengan laju inflasi.
Tambah peran, ada hal-hal baru lainnya. Biaya pendidikan anak dan sebagainya. Seterusnya, tidak ada habisnya. Dan perasaan takut kekurangan akan harta itu terus menyelimuti ruang hati. Perasaan takut miskin. Perasaan yang membuat cara pandang kita pada hidup, dinilai dari uang/harta.
Sampai-sampai bebal dan mati hati kita untuk merasa tenang menerima nasihat-nasihat baik, bahwa sesungguhnya hidup ini sudah dicukupkan rezekinya sama Yang Maha Pengasih dan Penyayang.
Makin berumur, dari kepala dua ke kepala tiga, dari kepala tiga menuju kepala empat. Salah satu hal yang bisa menjadi kunci dari ketenangan hidup yang sedang diusahakan adalah melepaskan diri dari keterikatan kepada dunia, dalam konteks ini adalah harta. Sampai-sampai perasaan iri itu bukan pada orang yang berlebihan secara materi, tapi kepada orang-orang yang begitu tenang dan damai hatinya, yang tidak cemas sedikitpun soal rezekinya. Layaknya burung-burung yang pergi dalam keadaan lapar dan pulang dalam keadaan kenyang, Allah yang jamin rezekinya.
Memang manusiawi rasanya mengalami ketakutan itu. Tapi, mari bebagai upaya kita lakukan untuk bisa memerahi perasaan takut itu. Agar rasa takut miskin itu tidak menjadi dasar sikap, cara pandang, dan cara hidup kita seterusnya. Berusaha menginternalisasi konsep bahwa rezeki itu sudah diatur, insyaallah dicukupkan, ada jalannya. Fokus kita adalah berikhtiar dan jangan terlalu mencintai dunia yang kita tumpuk-tumpuk di tabungan itu.
Bersedekahlah dengan harta yang kita cintai itu. #NTMS
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Hunter attempt (not completed)
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👤🌻 @bittybug.sunflower
👤📷 @ginnyanthony101
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hoetao · 6 months
me if genshin leaks are real:
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xwritingdixonx · 1 year
Till’ Death Do Us Part | Face claim list |
The Blackwell Family
~ Y/n Blackwell
Portrayed by : You :)
Age: 29
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~ Winona (Winnie) Blackwell
Portrayed by: Winona Ryder
Age: 54
Title: Y/n's mother
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~ Edward (Eddie) Blackwell
Portrayed by: Michiel Huisman
Age: 35
Title: Y/n's oldest brother
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~ Elizabeth (Lizzie) Blackwell
Portrayed by: Kate Siegel
Age: 31
Title: Y/n's older sister
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~ Eleanour (Nellie) Blackwell
Portrayed by: Victoria Pedritti
Age: 27
Title: Y/n's younger sister
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The Clayton Family
~ Claudia Clayton Blackwell
Portrayed by: Carla Gugino
Age: 51
Title: Winona's sister, Y/n's aunt
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~ Cecilia (Celia) Clayton Blackwell
Portrayed by: Olivia Cooke
Age: 28
Title: Y/n's cousin, Claudia’s daughter
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The Irwin Family
~ Thomas (Tommy) Irwin
Portrayed by: Ryan Corr
Age: 35
Title: Lizzie’s husband, Jace and Luke's father
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~ Henry Irwin
Portrayed by: Logan Lerman
Age: 27
Title: Tommy's Brother
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~ Jasper (Jace) Irwin
Portrayed by: Harry Gilby
Age: 16
Title: Lizzie’s son, Y/n's nephew
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~ Lucas (Luke) Irwin
Portrayed by: Elliot Grihault
Age: 14
Title: Lizzie’s son, Y/n's nephew
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wytoomd · 1 year
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Truly, Present
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danoshanter · 1 year
Wait ... they're - WHAT? : A Tale of the Khell'Zentii Research Directorate
This is not the whole story, but I'll give you a link to the thread where I'm posting the story as it unfolds. This is an AAR from the Stellaris game, that I as a crazy writer all the rest of it I've been splattering all over Tumblr the last few, have turned into a story. Contained in this post is the first installment, and a hint that the next installments actually ratchet up the humour quotient and get some descriptive writing in that I'm actually not at all displeased with; following that is a link to the Stellaris game AAR forum on the game company (Paradox)'s website where I am posting subsequent episodes as things become interesting enough in the game to spark a story that I can actually include enough timeline before and after that ... anyway, I just realized that though this is a bit long it really is only leadup to the first revelation, so I'll include first and second installments (I'm up to I think four so far)
Chief Research Director Arani Khell'Bizar slowly .... ever so slowly ... sank her aching head into her cupped hands. Very slowly, and trying not to be too obvious about it. The subprefectoral attaché who’d been sent over without warning or procedure from Third Under-secretary Brael’yn’s Interstellar Astrogation Department (Riparian Office, Dark Quark Hyperlane Currents Mapping Subdivision, and a few other categories, subcategories, subsubcategories, and subsubsubadnauseam,etc.), and who was currently bouncing off the walls of her meditation chamber, knocking the teaware and beakers all over the place with his flailing arms and raving at her, was obviously highly unstable. Wildly excited. Any usable data irretrievably corrupted by his emotion over … over … well, something or other ... and just a LITTLE incoherent in consequence. That was all. The man wasn't DELIBERATELY trying to make her already gigaparsec-sized headache any worse than it already was. He was just ... She paused, took a breath and sighed.
She tried. She really did. She tried to be so patient with all the echelons, from highest senatorial level department head all the way down to lowest titration pipette scrubber. And look what it got her. She really, truly, deep down in her fundamentally decent soul, really BELIEVED in the Credo. And that was the true beginning of the problem. She left herself too open, too vulnerable. No one, from absolute alpha to the meanest of the most abject omega, even respected her SELF, much less her time, her personal space or the dignity of her elected office. They all just saw her as ... she didn't know what. Someone safe though. Someone so lofty, and therefore paradoxically so inconsequential and objectified, that it was OK to waste her time for twenty minutes with an incoherent, emotional, IRRATIONAL outburst that still hadn't enlightened her as to any actual data, OR any actual poetic truths, except that the ISS D'oh was somehow involved. That was absolutely all she had to go o...
… as that thought brought up memories of all the particularly hellish last few days ... weeks ... months ... years, essentially every single moment since she was first elected, of nothing but trials, challenges, and testpad disasters trying to get this fragile interstellar nation off the ground of one single planet, when up until a decade ago her people hadn't even known hyperluminary interstellar travel was even possible; all the damn fool press releases claiming ... again ... "WE'VE FOUND OTHER SAPIENT LIFE!"; all the shamefaced, very quietly soft=floated followups that, "Um ... Well, yeah, it's ... ah, it's life all right, Jim, but I'm afriad it's just dumb as a box of rocks again and that's all there is to it. Ah... -- Sorry ..." ... ... And now, at the end of a very bad day dealing with the fallout of yet another false alarm of other sapient life being discovered out there by the very same dear but omniverse-shatteringly ANNOYING childhood friend who was currently trying to drive her to madness sending her low level couriers who are absolutely and completely incapable of framing a coherent, logical …
(Incoherent response)
(What>I>if>the D'oh>the transmiss...>ohmyGODS>...what?)
"this won't work. you are too involved. it impairs the efficiency of your communication. tell Braelie to come and tell me herself."
(But>what>wait>NO!>she specifically ordered … )
"am I currently Chief Research Director of the Interstellar Khell'Zenti Confederation?"
(Well>b>yes m'…)
(Ah>ah> … )
“its very simple. classic binary reasoning. nothing more involved than that. am. I. currently Chief Research Director. or. am I not? yes/no, on/off, 1/0.”
"did you vote for me?"
I>wh>what doe...>...>...> *gulpbreathgulp* "Yes, Director. I did."
*3.141592653589793238 millisecond pause*
"... braelie. "
-- *Same pause x 10* ...​
============================================================= :END FIRST POSTING: ===========================================================================================================================
:SECOND POSTING:: ==================================================================== "Director?" Arani paused to reflect that that was probably one of the things she appreciated most about her chief of staff. Bruustian perfectly epitomized the Khell'Zentaii ideal of taking an absolutely calm and rational and at the same time poetically stylish approach to all that one did; to combine within oneself the clear-eyed zeal and the calm abandon of the warrior-poets and the poet-warriors of old. He was a pool of calm water within the swirling maelstrom of the tabik wave around him. All the other raving idiots she was forced to deal with on a daily basis were so flustered by her office that she was lucky if they confined themselves to "Chief Research Director", and didn't throw in some bizarre politicohierarchical grooming ritual of tangled compliments and obscure metaphorical references likening her to the world-elephant that held up the scientific universe from her ivory throne at the pinnacle of the Kkell'Zentaii mountain, and on and on they would flourish while her eyeballs nearly cracked trying not to glaze over, all the while the window of opportunity for whatever wonderfulness it was was inexorably and often rapidly closing every millimuon they nattered on with their floridity. Bruustian, no. HE just called her, "Director", and got the flaming fluctacte on with ... "Director???" She allowed her left shoulder to startle slightly. "Yes, Primus?" The left corner of his mouth quirked up slightly at the antiquated title. That was all. "Third Secretary Brael'yn is here. She's just about to turn into the corridor leading to your conference chamber. You wanted to be apprised." She smiled, for the first time that week. "Thank you, Primus. Please be sure she has her single malt properly warmed, and let her know I'll be there as soon as I finish "
“Brae. Um. You’re SURE that whiskey’s just the way you like it right? I got it from the old place, the one on the corner of Beaker Street, and … here, I know you haven’t had time to relax in forever, just sit down here and take it easy, and … “Ari. Cut the crap. You’re fussing me like a mother my’erdrtsk, but you’re not listening!” “HOW CAN I POSSIBLY LISTEN, YOU’VE BEEN RAVING YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR THREE HOURS AND YOU STILL HAVEN”T SAID ONE COHERENT WORD I COULD UNDERSTAND. This is not Brae’lyn Nab’taxrani in there, not the Brae I know, now please come back and tell me what. The. Squick. You. Are. Talking. About.” “WE FOUND THEM! AND WE FOUND THEM AND OH GOD YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT WE FOUND THEM BUT WE FOUND!” “Brae. You have found them on a regular basis for … “ “Direct confirmed videographic evidence.” “WJHAT! Why didn’t you say that FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so sorry, Brae, that’s …” "That’s minor.” "Th … what?” "Listen to me. When the D’oh entered the Yri’dinxi system they were contacted, on VIDEO FEED, by … … MACHINES.” “An automated comm station?” “NO. There is NO evidence of creator species. There is no evidence of organic maintenance techs, no evidence of organic operators, no evidence of any kind of energy feed connection whatsoever to a remote organic operator in or out of system. There was, however, at least residual evidence of DROID personnel performing these roles. Ari. We have not only found our first sentient species in this entire universe, besides ourselves. That in itself would be universe shattering enough, but the inescapable conclusion that all my xenocontact theoreticians unanimously agree upon … UNANIMOUSLY, mind you, and you know that bunch … is that we have also found … an artificial, 100% machine based species that is as completely and fully sentient ...
.. as ourselves.”​
<= *&%&* +>​
Cut to the shadowy, vastly impressive Acadame des Artes et Science senate chamber. Time stamp reads previous temporal coordinates plus one hour. Shadows drape their solemn webwork all around, the occasional whir hum and glow of technology is perceptible in the distance. There is no other sound or motion. The scientist/senators are sitting absolutely still, their jaws dropped as far upon their breasts as nature will allow them in a state of total muscular stunnedness. They have been in this state since the Chief Researcb Director informed the legislative body of the news before taking up her place at the Director's workstation and freezing into a similar state. Perhaps there is a young page insufficiently educated to grasp the full ramifications, and therefore not totally unconscious but just high enough level trained to sort of understand the general framework, worriting in the shadowy corners and wondering what the hell to do when they suddenly might as well be in a postapocalyptic scenario as far as the total consciousness-absence of anyone who knows the news is concerned, and they'd know just enough to know they can't get help because anyone they have immediate access and even begin to describe the problem to will immediately fall into a similar state. Cut to the same chamber a month later. The autocomms have just tickered the news that the lower echelons fuctioned just well enough, before freezing up totally, to set the diplomatic corps in motion. The diplomatic corps is made up of individuals whose personality type makes them immune to revelatory brain freeze (if a little inclined to snark at the scientist higher echelons who aren't.) and therefore, the Khell'Zenti Science Directorate is suddenly engaged in direct diplomacy with a hitherto unsuspected alien artificial intellgence hive mind who jus happens to be the first sapient life the Khell'Zenti were aware of in the universe besides themselves. The scientists are completely unaware this is going on. They are in the same position and state they were in the last time we saw our heroes. Except that some clever maintenance tech has rigged up autoIV feed lines and other basic life support technology to keep them at least minimally functional until they can recover from their stun and actually begin to respond to the situation. This is probably a different lower level tech from the one who remarked that after all this star empire was supposed to be a science directorate that followed rationality and objective uncorrupted data wherever they might lead, and that all data sources so far seemed to indicate that while the functions directly associated with the Director herself had indubitably suffered, the rest of the government actually seemed to be functioning more efficiently than it had while the senators were conscious and operational. She went on to say that she at least saw no need to compromise that efficiency by wasting resources trying to revive anyone but the Director herself, and that the rest were probably happier on life support anyway than incessantly wrangling about whether the distance between Belgarion's planet and the location of the accident that tore apart the Prophecies in David Eddings' Belgariad universe was so many parsecs, or so many parsecs PLUS ONE INCH, a question that superheated plasma, ink, CRT photons and blood had (spinning the metaphor out just a little longer) all been shed over before the poor Director had finally managed to coddle the species over the planetary doorstep to even get to space in the first place.
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kerovous · 1 year
Turkish Cat by David Stephens
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s-m0keys · 2 years
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Milky Way meets light pollution. By - Sander Grefte 
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katiachausheva · 3 months
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Don't set a time, set a goal
— Fred Leforgeur-Baudelaire | Poetic Notule ®©
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"Maniglia dello scultore" | Vladimir Kush
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kurniawangunadi · 8 months
Ujian yang Berbeda
Karena kita nggak tahu sama apa yang sedang menjadi ujian orang lain, maka kita perlu untuk berhati-hati dengan apa yang kita ucapkan kepada mereka. Sebagian besar penyesalan yang terjadi dalam hidup, selain hal-hal yang pernah kita lakukan, adalah hal-hal yang pernah kita katakan. Ingin sekali menarik perkataan-perkataan yang tak dipikir ulang saat mengutarakannya.
Berkali-kali juga aku tak bisa merespon pertanyaan yang aku tak bisa membayangkan bagaimana orang yang menjalani pertanyaan tersebut. Pusing sekali membayangkan pertanyaan itu berputar-putar dikepalanya bertahun-tahun, menjadi mimpi buruk yang menghantui tidurnya, membuatnya ketakutan ketika berhadapan pada pagi hari, berharap bersembunyi dan tak ditemukan. Rasanya, tak ada hal yang bisa kusampaikan, bahkan seolah tidak ada kata yang tepat untuk cukup mewakili rasa duka yang disampaikan.
Apa hal yang sebenarnya kamu butuhkan saat ini? Apa hal yang bisa dibantu? Hal yang sebenarnya mungkin bisa membantuku untuk memberikan respon yang tepat atas sesuatu yang sedang kamu hadapi, meski aku tak tahu apa yang sedang kamu hadapi.
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chocolatehugsbooks · 5 months
Harrow’s love of music
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Harrow’s love of music was almost completely because of his mother and sister’s obsession with music. Emma Chloton was a beautiful soul completely lost in the arts. She was always searching for inspiration for painting, she constantly had the radio on or was playing music out of huge speakers. Her shelves were stacked full of scripts for screenplays, stage plays, musicals, books on playing instruments, musical theory. It was Harrow and Trissie’s Haven growing up, fussing around in her music room, playing from her stereo, vinyl player, fiddling around with streaming websites on laptops, curled on the floor, headphones on. Trissie started her music crazed phase in her early to late teens, but ever since he was little, Harrow had loved music as much as his mother did. Even though they loved music, neither Trissie or Emma had the patience or the skill to stick with an instrument when trying to learn. They loved listening to music, all the time. But Harrow, ever since he sat up on his mother’s knee and discovered he loved hitting the tiny set of bongos she’d bought him for her third birthday, he realised he didn’t just love music, it was a part of him, completely intwined in his being. The way he felt when he first started playing music was the happiest he’d ever been. Greg and Emma quickly realised this and enlisted him in the best music lessons money could buy.
Harrow had grown up living and breathing music, and when he was six or seven, he started exploring all the different genres of music that called to him, outside of lessons, researching and listening to as much as he could. It wasn’t hard, with Trissie and Emma’s expansive collections combined, Harrow had everything he needed. Emma took him out to classical concerts, gigs, anything she could. Because tehy were such a famous family, it didn’t matter that Harrow was so young, they usually rented out a vip box or room where they could hear the musicians regardless, or sometimes they had private showings. As a result, Harrow’s room was covered with posters of bands, signed framed autographs, pictures of the greatest musical moments in history, ticket stubs and passes to all these different shows.
Being his best friend, Coco was completely exposed to his blossoming music obsession, and as a result became a little obsessed with it herself, and developed almost as good a taste in music as Harrow. She tried learning an instrument, but the only ones that really caught were guitar and bass, but she worked and worked on those two and became amazing. So that was what they did, they sat around and messed about with melodies, perfected lyrics together. Coco handled a lot of the technical stuff, as she was good with computers and the equipment.
Their joint dream began to form a band, and they roped Zack into that when they became good friends with him. Zack already knew the keyboard and a little drums, and they all jammed together. Songs that they already knew at first, and then they perfected melodies to the many many songs Harrow had half written and never finished. Kayla came on time to practice when they were looking for a singer, sang for them, and then that was that. They found a singer. They were a band. They called themselves Tye Dye Banana. Trissie was their biggest fan and their unofficial groupie. Maya even begrudgingly admitted that they were good. Dan liked listening in on them, but Harrow suspected that he just wanted to hear Kayla sing, Dan wasn’t a fan of rock music, he seemed more like an indie guy, though they were more indie rock than anything.
Whenever their families met up, everyone always requested they bring in instruments up and play them something. Harrow had played hundreds of times in front of his sister and Mum, and then a lot around Coco, then gradually Kayla, Dan, Zack and Maya. So taking the small step of playing to his friends' parents wasn’t that hard. Harrow wasn’t underconfident when he came to music, he lost himself in the melodies and forgot everything else. They’d played in Carl’s coffee place, the hairdressers, the park and the bakery where Trissie worked. They were too young to submit in any of the music events in the city, but they went to a lot of events regardless. Being a musician eventually was always Harrow’s dream, but not Coco’s. They agreed they could keep the band together until they left high school, but Coco was always encouraging Harrow to spend time with other musicians, link up with them and chat.
Harrow didn’t really want to---he was shy, and even though he felt confident when he played music, he didn’t want to be separated from Coco, or even branch out. Coco had always stressed that networking was a massive part of being a musician and he’d eventually have to talk to people. The discussion always ended with Harrow being standoffish with her, so she dropped it.
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wytoomd · 1 year
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Bloom 🌹
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