#all i could think of is mikayla or amelia
mirakeul · 3 years
i want to make a pseudonym, i just don’t know what lol
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3wisellamas · 3 years
OK KO Cast on the Infinity Train:
KO doesn't think he has any issues, that he's a happy, well-adjusted kid -- but then he gets on the train with a number in the high 400s and he's just like "What." He might be able to repress his negative emotions and hide them from himself, but there's no hiding them from the train!
Enid's number is pretty damn high with her identity and trust problems, though at least she gets through those pretty early. She might actually be the one who, if she meets up with any of her friends, would actually put in the work to get her exit first, but refuse to take it until the others got theirs as well.
Rad would literally just start out at, like, 35 or something, since like Jesse his main problems are his shitty friends and his need to be A Man. But, he'd take FOREVER to bring it down even to 34! Less because he's not willing to better himself and acknowledge his sensitive side, and more he just gets distracted by a car full of cats. ;v;
Dendy just wouldn't be on the train, period. MAYBE she'd get on with, like, a 12 from going a little too far with her experiments or insecurity about her heroic-ness next to KO, but that's about it. Which is a shame, I feel like she'd really get a kick out of learning how it all worked!
Now we're getting into the good stuff: Mr Gar. His number would be QUITE high (still triple-digits though, maybe 700s?) and the instant he understood what that meant he would immediately hide it, and go into denial that he has any issues at all, causing it to slowly increase until an entire army of denizens finally smack some sense into him. Like in the actual OK KO episode that dealt with him going into an artificial game world to reduce his numeric fear level, he'd probably need a lot of help from others to be able to face his past, and deal with it in a healthy way instead of just shoving it under the rug.
Carol...I get the feeling she'd actually be pretty high too, though not as high as Gar, at least as long as we're talking about season 1-2 Carol. Like Amelia, she's got a dead boyfriend to deal with, but with the added baggage of getting pregnant with and raising his son after his death! And of course, depending on the timing, we could be talking four or five digits for season 3 post-Big Reveal Carol, or even more during the finale.
Lord Boxman would be...about average number-wise, honestly. Like 200 or so. All the train really wants is for him to say "Yeah, my whole deal with friendship and being a control freak is because I really need to move on from my friend who betrayed me all those years ago." But...he won't say that, this is Boxman we're talking about. On a mechanical, robot-controlled train. One-One better watch his back, because he's coming for him!!
The Boxbots, if they're even eligible for numbers, are for the most part gonna be very high three-digits to start out with, since being mass-produced as plaza-destroying weapons and slave labor for an abusive dad who constantly invalidates their emotions and forces them to compete for his affection makes for a pretty crappy life overall. (Specifically, I'm thinking low 900s for Ernesto, 990s or an even 1000 for Darrell, 800s for Shannon and Raymond, and maybe high 300s for both Mikayla and Jethro) But, ironically, I think they might set new records for getting their numbers down quickly? Just give these kids some patient denizens willing to show them love and teach them how to stand up for themselves and they'll be alright. ;v;
Professor Venomous will start out with numbers all the way up his arm. I have exactly zero doubt he'd be the Simon in this scenario, since the man can't face a single one of his thousands of problems to save his life. Plus...I'd think the Chrome Car would be particularly rough for him if he happened to pass through it, which we know he totally will. Getting off the train, if he even ever does, will NOT be easy.
Fink probably gets a decently high number, from all of her boss' secrets she's had to keep, like around 250 I'd guess, but she just doesn't care. This is a train where literally anything can happen, and she is GOING to cause problems on purpose! :3
Foxtail's number is HIGH. Though she'd likely figure things out and seek to bring it down soon enough, there's gonna be a lot of cars she just straight-up suplexes out of frustration along the way. And I'm not talking every denizen in the car, I'm talking literally disconnecting and suplexing the actual train car. Also, she'd be the one to try escaping via the Wasteland, though at least she shouldn't have too many Ghom problems (rather, they'll have problems with her!)
Elodie would REALLY depend on where you pull her from. Pre-POINT Prep arc, you're looking at a SERIOUSLY high number, that'd likely only go higher -- though I do get the feeling that, EVENTUALLY, she'd figure out that she's fucking up and try to atone, like Grace, but not before she's a train-wide celebrity just basking in it all. Post-POINT Prep-but-pre-Dark Plaza Elodie might be a little better, more willing to acknowledge she needs to work on her friendships and how she interacts with people, but she still might be a bit of a disaster at first. Season 3 Elodie would be the most willing to listen and deal with her flaws -- still a high number though, I really get the feeling she ended the show still very much a work in progress, with a lot of issues we didn't quite get to see.
Crinkly Wrinkly ends up on the train with a number of -100. He gets off by murdering someone and bringing it up to zero. One-One just shrugs and sends him on his way.
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daedricsheep · 7 years
Something I wanted to put on facebook but I tend not to get emotional there.
An open letter to my friends.
Pardon me a moment of sappiness. There are few words with which to describe how much I love my friends. I'm not close to many, but in my life I've never disliked someone more than I like someone else. I don't value everyone. Some people could use a good look in the mirror or a face through a desk. I can count on one hand the number of people I'm truly close to, but some of the people I've met in the last few years have been incredible and I'm lucky enough to call a few of them friends. I don't show that often enough so if you think this might be about you, then it probably is.
I carry more weight on my shoulders than I probably should. I’m fearful of what might happen to anyone at any given moment because I wasn’t there, not that I honestly believe I could do much, I’m obligated to try. I want to be there for everyone, and I expect this of myself when I know it’s not realistic.
I let people down. I disappoint and anger people. I’m lazy and selfish and arrogant. Yet somehow I know people like (and this is not in any order), @scatteredintellect, @thatll-do, Mikayla​, Amelia, Chris, CJ, Kerri, Cat, Kat, Talon, Collin, and the list continues. I love you all more than I can put into words.
I lost a friend last year. I don’t know why or how he died. I know he was severely depressed and I can’t change that over night but I know I wasn’t there for him. I waited for him to reach out. I don’t know if he killed himself or if there was a complication with his diabetes or whatever else it could have been.
I do know one thing for certain, is that my drive, the one thing that keeps me going, is a most basic need to understand this love. Where does it come from, and why is it so valuable to me? I’m sure other people feel this way too. Maybe not everyone. Maybe not even a majority, but I know for damn certain all of the people that I’ve been so lucky as to call a friend know what I’m talking about.
The people I love are intelligent, resourceful, witty, and absolutely brutal. I would lay down my life for any one of these guys because there’s a spark in each of them that’s fucking SCREAMING, “LET ME LIGHT THE WORLD”. Some of them don’t see it. Some of them do. I don’t care. It’s my job to remind them it’s there. It’s my job to help them remember that people are good. Stupid, but good.
Evil exists, and it plagues everyone in some way because we all experience loss and trauma differently. I’m dedicating my life to the mission of maintaining a republic worthy of these people, and the millions out there like them.
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crctv-intelligence · 7 years
S1, E7: "Sofia's First"
PREVIOUSLY ON INTELLIGENCE: The shooting that occurred in DC plays first, followed by the bombing of the embassy in DC. Next in the montage is the scene of the thwarted bombing in Budapest that ends with the explosion inside the marketplace. Changing pace, Mikayla's battle inside the airport bathroom in Turkey occurs before she knocks her enemy out and sees his passport from Spain. Alexander and Mikayla are in Spain on the futon with Sofia. The scene where Sofia showed Alexander her pictures is shown again where Alexander suddenly makes her stop. He points to the picture of the man Mikayla had her bathroom brawl with and tells Sofia to take pictures of him if she sees him again. In the final stretch of the recap, the ending of the last episode replays as Mikayla and Alexander agree to read Sofia in before they head back to their respective home countries. (Scene 1: Budapest, Turkey. Outside of Police Station) The guard that stopped the Embassy bombing, recognizable thanks to recap at the beginning of the episode, is walking out of the police station and turning to walk down an alley towards his personal vehicle. His head is down, hands busy as he tries to put on winter gloves. He looks up to see a hooded black figure blocking his path. He turns quickly and starts to run the opposite way when another future dressed the same way stops him. He fumbles to access his firearm, his gloves making the action difficult before he is shot from either side by both hooded men. The two scatter while the camera pans in from up above on the officer and hero now bleeding to death on the ground. (OPENING CREDITS) (Scene 2: MI-6 Headquarters. Amelia Roberts' Office) Amelia has her head buried in files, thick black frames surround narrow lenses so she can see the task at hand clearly. The sound of her door swinging open makes her tilt her head upward, a single hand coming under her chin to keep her tired head steady. Alexander steps into her office, an indistinguishable look on his face. "Fairborn... How'd it go?" She asks, a smirk on her face. "More sex and more intel, I hope." "Sex yes, intel. Uhhhh," the blonde operative brings his hand up to his neck and rubs it a few times. Amelia cocks her head to the side, her fingers sliding her glasses off of her face before setting them down on her desk. "Waters isn't a free lay, you nitwit!" Rising from her desk, Amelia walks around her desk until she's standing toe-to-toe with her subordinate. "You sleep with her, you bring me intel. That's how this works. That's how this all works," she says furiously. Alexander sniffles and purses his lips before lifting his head proudly, not even looking at her as he speaks. "You remember what my actual job is right?" Bowing his head, he looks down at the shorter woman. "You remember what your job is, right? We are supposed to gather intel to prevent bad things from happening. Clearly based on what's been happening around the world, neither of us have been doing a very good job." Amelia swallows, a death glare locked on Alexander that can chill viewers to the bone. She reaches behind him and pushes the door shut before walking forward into him, forcing him up against the wall. "Don't you fucking condescend me in my own office. I know my job. You know your job. We've never had to discuss it before. You've always been the one operative I could trust to do side jobs for me while still getting the important jobs done. Maybe now I should find someone else." Alexander shakes his head as his hands find his pockets. "Look, she doesn't know anything about your piece of pie because Jo doesn't trust her. She has her tech friend looking into it but Jo is suspicious. That's where we stand, Amelia." Alexander suddenly walks forward, reversing the series of events that occurred just moments before as he backs Amelia into her desk. "You just remember something, you crazy old bitch. I've got just as much on you that you've got on me." Amelia is not timid by any means, her firm hand pushing on Alexander's chest and forcing him stumbling backwards. "Fine. You want to talk shop? What'd you find out about the guy from the airport?" Alexander removes his hands from his pockets and crosses his arms over his chest. "His passport is from Spain despite his obvious Russian nativism. Waters just read in a new asset. Young photographer from America living in Spain. She had pictures of our target already so she decided she was our best chance." Amelia is clearly thinking about something once he concludes his debrief. "Why Spain? I get wanting to divert attention away from the true source of the attacks but... Why Spain?" Alexander nods in agreement. "It didn't make sense to me either." "There's something we're missing. You and Waters need to get back and fill in the blanks." Alexander laughs softly and claps his hands together. "Yeah, I don't think that's going to be so easy... Jo found out she was there with me. Might be tricky to get Mikay- to get Waters out in the field again," Alexander catches himself calling Mikayla by her first name instead of the more impersonal last name. Amelia sighs as she walks towards her door and bumps Alexander out of the way. "I'll see what I can do about Waters. You stop falling in love with her," she slams the door shut behind her as quickly as she opened it, leaving Alexander alone in her office. (Scene 3: Streets of Barcelona, Spain) Sofia is picking up a few apples at an open air market, her camera draped from her neck. It's incredibly crowded, the CIA's freshest asset being bumped into from all directions. Her smile is immaculate as she thanks the vendor before it suddenly fades away. Through all the hustle and bustle she hears a Russian accent speaking Spanish. Even though she's fluent in Spanish, it's not her native language and the accent makes it hard to comprehend exactly what they're saying. Partial translations appear on screen. "...matches... bleach... safe..." Sofia's eyebrow raises at this as she slips the apples into the cloth bag hanging from her shoulder before bringing the view finder for her camera up to her eye and removing the lens cap. Pretending to capture the marketplace, she makes sure the man is always somewhere in the frame. Doing surprisingly well, she even makes it a point to capture who he's talking to and who is standing near him as well. Sensing his transaction is about to end, Sofia drops the camera lower and pretends to be reviewing the pictures she just took, using tips the two operatives gave her the night prior such as using peripheral vision. Doing this, she watches the man cross the street to a stand set up with home appliances. The only thing she can translate might just be the most important. "...pressure cooker..." Sofia's jaw drops for a moment before she reminds herself to keep her composure. She smiles at her camera monitor and continues to take pictures, capturing a close up on the box that is handed to the man. There's a name written in permanent marker on the box, almost as if it was being held for him. With as tight of a shot as she can get, she takes multiple pictures of the name that she can't quite distinguish under the pressure. The man turns and slips into the sea of people coming and going from the market. Sofia busies herself looking left and right with the camera, pretending to be more invested in the surroundings than the man. She gasps when she finally turns back to look straight up the road and the man is right in front of her. She snaps the picture again anyway. A setting on her camera decides the lighting isn't right, and the flash pops up on top of the camera before going off. The man blinks and makes a look of disgust. Sofia begins to panic as she apologizes profusely to the man in Spanish. He scoffs and walks past her. That seems like the end, but multiple times he looks over his shoulder at her before finally disappearing. There's a beat before the screen goes black for commercial break. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (Scene 4: Mikayla's Apartment) Our favorite brunette operative is pacing around a fairly barren living room inside of an apartment building in Virginia. Looking like the living spaces of someone who is rarely home, rightfully so, most of the surfaces are blank and decor-less. After a knock on the door, Mikayla Waters moves through her apartment and to the door to offer a friendly smile to the person on the other side as she opens it. "I come in peace with food," Garrett jokes as he raises the brown McDonald's bag into the air. "Figured after all your time away you'd be craving a good old fashioned American cheeseburger." She snatches the bag away happily as she nods her head to invite him in. "You guessed correctly." She has the burger out of the bag before the bag even touches the counter. Turning to rest her butt against the edge of the marble island counter top, she unwraps the burger while Garrett looks around. "You still haven't made this place very much of a home," the techie notes. "When have I had the time?" she mumbles with a mouth full of food. He shrugs his shoulders. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe while you were pacing around up here for God knows how long." Mikayla's face tells Garrett that she's furious how he knew that. "You should really shut your blinds if you're going to wander around like a taskless robot," he laughs as he moves his eyes towards the bare window. Mikayla narrows her eyes and shakes her head, finally swallowing a piece of her burger before speaking again. "You're a creep, you know that?" He shrugs again, wandering over to the window so he can draw the blinds himself. "Kind of have to be a creep to do what we do, don't ya think?" His tone indicates it's a joke but it really is a valid question. She nods to the side once. "Fair point." She takes one last bite of her burger before setting the tiny portion left on the counter with the wrapper beneath it. "So, uh..." Mikayla begins as she hops over the back of her couch and plops down on the seat. "Jo make a big office-wide announcement about my punishment?" Garrett chuckles softly as he sits more casually beside her with a seat gap in between them. "Not really her style. But of course I hacked in to view your file because I'm a nosy bastard." "And?" Mikayla asks. Garrett sighs. "Two week suspension pending a review from Jo and the Director of Homeland Security." Mikayla raises an eyebrow. "Why Homeland?" Garrett can only shrug. "Maybe because you were involved with someone from overseas so they want to make sure you weren't turned in the process." Mikayla rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "Un-fucking-believable. He's an ally! The U.K. and U.S. relations are good..." Mikayla's mind wanders. "Did you ever find out exactly what happened between Jo and Amelia?" The camera cuts to a close up of Garrett's face as he looks away from Mikayla. "Oh, uh. No. It's a dead end," he says, an obvious lie to viewers at home. "You know," Mikayla starts to speak as she slides over on the couch. "We're trained liars but you never could lie to me." Garrett turns to look back at her, his face somewhat surprised by how much closer she is now. "What's going on?" she asks, her tone genuinely concerned. "I've talked to two different people and they've both told me this is a road not to go down," Garrett says, trying to relay the warning to her in a less intimidating way. "We're already on that road and we're stranded with a flat tire. We can't turn around now," she states poetically. "Alright, look," Garrett says as he pulls his right leg up under his butt so he can turn on the couch and sit face to face with her. "All I know is Amelia and Jo were both field operatives at the same time and apparently they got involved with each other - romantically - and when the Agency sent in an extraction team something happened. Source wouldn't tell me what, just said that it ended with the extraction team all getting blacklisted and fired from The Agency." Mikayla's eyes are wide open in bewilderment. "And put both rulebreaking operatives into positions of power amongst their respective agencies..." Garrett nods slowly. "So many holes to fill in still." "Well is there a mission report?" Mikayla asks. "There was," Garrett admits. "I saw the first page and by the time I came back from meeting with the anonymous source in D.C. the report was gone." More bewilderment from our heroine as she asks "How does official Agency documentation just disappear from cyberspace?" Garrett shakes his head. "Jo Jones decides it shouldn't exist," he explains simply. (Scene 5: Barcelona, Spain - Nighttime) Sofia is still wandering around the city with her camera around her neck. She's walking along a street side cafe when the sound of a car engine becomes faintly audible off camera. We cut to a view of the front of her as she walks, headlights of a car indicating that it's driving slowly behind her in the distance. She's so busy reviewing her photos that she doesn't notice at first. Continuing to walk along as if nothing is wrong, the new asset suddenly looks up when she sees someone crossing the street a few hundred feet ahead. Proving that the low cut Converse sneakers on her feet were a wise decision, she quickly veers off into an alley between buildings. The car speeds up and so does the J-walking man. The camera follows her as she breathes heavily amidst all of her running, one hand on her camera to keep it from banging against her as she sprints. She looks back and sees the street crossing man not far behind her. She turns another corner and ends up in another alleyway headed towards a road. As she reaches the road, the car that was trailing her stops in front of her. With enough room to run, she turns the corner and continues to run down the street. Thinking quickly, she clumsily pops open the flap on the bottom of her camera and ejects the blue SD card. She reaches into her bra and secures it in the strap, removing her hand with another SD card in hand. While still running, she replaces the new SD card into the camera and turns down another street. Once she sees no one around but can still hear the engine, she drops the camera and continues to run out of sight from street level as she slips into another alley. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (Scene 6 : Mikayla's Apartment) Hours have elapsed since we last saw the CIA's ex-lovers have a discussion about the mysterious history of their superior. The two are now much more relaxed on the couch, wine glasses in hand as they giggle at something that occurred before the scene change and commercial break. Mikayla fidgets with the glass in her hand, clearly with something on her mind. "What?" Garrett finally asks, hoping she won't shut him out. "What happened to us, Gar?" He sighs as he leans forward to set his glass down on the coffee table before making himself comfortable on the couch again. "Come on, Mik, it's not that complicated. I wasn't fit, you were. I left the farm and traded a gun for a headset and you stayed behind because you were the star." "I was the star?" she asks, clearly flattered by the compliment. "Brash, a little unpolished and a total egomaniac but yeah. You were the star," he confesses amidst a barrage of somewhat insulting terms. "And now?" she asks, clearly not ready to let this discussion end. "And now," Garrett says as he leans forward. The music intensifies, heavy beats setting a suspenseful but romantic mood. Their lips are about to touch when he speaks again. "You've been drinking and I've been drinking. And nothing good can come from that." Surprising the fans with his drunk restraint, he pulls back and chuckles softly. "No, now you're the rule-bending operative and I'm just the guy that sits at a desk." "Oh, Gar." she says sounding sad as she rests her hand on his shoulder. "You're not just the guy that sits at the desk. You're the rule-bending guy that sits at a desk while helping me kick some ass here and there." He looks at her with narrow eyes. "Was that supposed to make me feel better? Because I don't know that it di-" he can't finish his sentence, a kiss from Mikayla stopping him before he can. Just how she interrupted him, her ringing phone now interrupts her. She pulls away from the kiss, Garrett sitting stunned with rosy cheeks and a big grin on his face. "Oh, shit," she says as she grabs her phone off the table. "What?" Garrett questions. "It's my asset," she says, concern in her voice. "Sofia, what's up?" she tries to ask casually into the phone. We now cut back and forth as each person speaks. "I got pictures of the guy you guys told me to," she says, still huffing and puffing for air. "That's great, that's amazing. Why do you sound like you're out of breath?" Sofia has her hands on her knees as she looks up and down, left and right from inside the alleyway. "He must've seen me. A man and a car just chased me around the city. I ditched the camera to hopefully get them off of me but I still have the memory card." Mikayla covers her mouth with her hand and closes her eyes. "Okay, okay. It's only a matter of time before they notice and come looking for that card," Mikayla tries to explain calmly. "Do you have someplace you can stay besides your apartment?" "No, no. I'm all alone here," Sofia begins to cry as she explains. "It's okay, it's okay. Just breathe. We will help you, alright? We're going to help you. If it's safe to move I want you to lock yourself into your apartment. Barricade the door with the futon and whatever else you have that's heavy and wait for someone to come get you," Mikayla speaks clearly and firmly. "Wait. You're not coming?" Sofia asks, sounding disappointed. Mikayla sighs. "I got pulled onto another op," she lies. "But I'm going to try. You're going to be okay Sofia. Alright?" "O-Okay," the asset says nervously into the phone. The call ends with us back in Mikayla's apartment. "What's going on?" Garrett asks. "She's compromised," she mutters as she pulls her coat from the top of a barstool begins to put in on. "Well Jo isn't going to let you go, you're suspended," Garrett tries to explain. "She's my asset," Mikayla spits back. "You know what, Garrett. You go home and I'll deal with Amelia," she says rather harshly before exiting the apartment and slamming the door behind her. In the hallway, she begins typing a message. The recipient: Alexander Fairborn. Mikayla looks up from her phone as the elevator doors shut, serving as a fade to black before the credits. (CREDITS) Mikayla Waters ... Isabela Montoya Alexander Fairborn ... Asher Valentine Jo Jones ... Candice Cornell Amelia Roberts ... Xanetia Petrova Garrett Parker ... Benjamin Perry Sofia ... Lola Alvarez
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crctv-intelligence · 7 years
S1, E6: "A Spain In The Ass"
(Scene 1: Sofia's Apartment - Daytime) Mikayla is in Sofia's kitchen, her hands busy stacking the dishwasher that clearly does not get much use based solely on the messy appearance of the kitchen. "Sofia, I need you to do me a favor," Alexander whispers while Mikayla is still in the kitchen. "Of course, anything for you guys," Sofia responds. "The guy in this picture," Alex says while pointing to the laptop screen. "If you see him again, I need you to very carefully and very discreetly get a few more pictures of him and anyone he may be with. It's her father and she thinks he may be having an affair," Alexander lies. "An affair?" she asks, her gasp showing how appalled she is. "Wait, is that why you guys really came here?" "It's a big part of it. We both really do want to take nice shots of the city though," he lies again. "So, do you think you could do it?" Sofia nods with a confident smile. "Of course! And I'll be very discreet, don't worry!" Sofia fails to reassure Alexander before she stands and walks into the kitchen. "Hey, do you need some help with that?!" Alexander groans as he looks just off camera. "Ohhh, we are so fucked." (OPENING CREDITS) (Scene 2: CIA Headquarters. Targeting Officers Division) Garrett is seated at his desk, typing away on his computer. We cut to see his screen, a Mission Report with Amelia Roberts' name at the top of it. His eyes dance back and forth before he frantically exits out upon hearing Jo call his name. The camera cuts again to show Jo Jones, seated at her desk, as tech-analyst Garrett Parker enters her office space. "Close the door," she says without looking up at him, the pen in her hand pointing to that very door behind him. He does so, his body clearly tense as she presses a button on her desk and the space between the panes of glass fills with a smoke-like substance to create privacy glass. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" she asks, doing nothing to help ease his obvious tension. "I'm, uhm... What is this regarding?" he asks as he begins to pivot back and forth nervously using his left foot as leverage. Jo finally looks up with a less than displeased look on her face. "I think we both know what this is regarding..." The tall, tan nerd sighs deeply as he hangs his head. "How long have you known? I mean... how long have you known that I've known?" his eyes have a doe-like innocence to them when he looks to her for some form of comfort, not that he expects to receive any from his cold-hearted superior. "It doesn't matter how long I've known," she yells as she angrily tosses the pen down onto her desk at the same time she rises to her feet. "I didn't expect much from her, but you Parker?! You know better!" Garrett's expression suddenly changes. First he's confused, then he's smug. All which goes unnoticed as Jo turns on her heels and groans aloud while raking her fingers through her hair. "I'm sorry, Jo, I-" Jo turns back around quickly and cuts him off. "If they're working together, I'm already going to be mad. But if they're sleeping together, or doing anything of the sort, I'm going to throw the book at both of you so goddamn hard..." Jo storms out of her office and disappears from the floor altogether. Garrett's smug grin returns as he retakes his seat at his desk just as the phone rings. It's a number he doesn't seem to recognize, but he answers it anyway. "Parker," he gives as a simple answer, knowing if it's an operative on the other line they'll know the code to speak in return. "Listen carefully and try to act like this is just normal conversation," the deep, mysterious voice of a man says from the opposite side. "South side of the Vietnam Veteran's Wall. One hour." Garrett begins to mumble through a response before the guy speaks again. "You're smart, Agent Parker. But there's a lot you don't know." The call ends and Garrett looks at his phone with a bewildered look before he calmly packs his laptop into his bag and throws it over his shoulder before exiting the building as casually as he can manage. (Scene 3: Sofia's Apartment - Nighttime) "¡Buenas Noches!" Sofia says happily as she waves from her doorframe before closing it and leaving Mikayla and Alexander alone. "Look at you and me, sharing a bed," Alexander brags." "It's not a damn bed," Mikayla retorts. "Does it really matter? We're sleeping together, aren't we?" "Go to hell, you whore," Mikayla jokes a little too harshly. With a roll of her eyes and her body, she turns her back to the British intelligence agent. He sighs and lays down beside her, his body actually turning in a way that doesn't pit him up against her back. Mikayla notices this and rolls back over to face him. "What, no more comments? No grinding up against me?" The Brit sighs again as he runs his hand through his hair. "Look, I know I've painted a picture of myself, but that's not who I am all the time. Alright?" "Hey," she says as the camera catches a close up of Alexander's sad eyes. "It was just a joke. I mean you probably really are going to hell but I don't think you're a whore," she jokes a little better this time, a smile on her face to make sure he gets it. "I appreciate it.. And I'm sorry for all of the comments and jokes and gestures. Well, most of them. I'll never be sorry for what happened in that bathroom in D.C., even if it did end with you throwing up on me and almost breaking my nose," his smile is softer this time. It's still cocky, but it's also completely genuine in appearance. "Sorry about the nose and the vomit. Not sorry about the sex," she counters with a little seduction of her own. With a raised eyebrow, Alexander leans back so he can get all of Mikayla's face in his sight. "You're not?" "I'm not," she admits. "At the risk of inflating your ego more than I already have... It didn't completely suck. You were actually pretty good." The camera cuts back and forth between them several times before Mikayla closes her eyes and leans in towards him, her lips pressing to his in a kiss. It's a simple kiss that lasts a good ten seconds before he picks her up and rolls her on top of him. The camera focuses on her phone vibrating on the table with Jo's name on the screen, the blurred image of him helping her remove her top still visible in the background. We travel across seas to CIA Headquarters where Jo is making unhappy faces with her phone to her air. "Hey, you've reached Miranda! Sorry I missed your call. Leave a message or I probably won't call you back," Mikayla's voicemail is spoken from her current alias. Jo bites her lip. "Mikayla, it's your mother... I know you are in Spain hooking up with that boy I warned you about and I want you to come home. Right now!" She hits the end button and takes a deep breath before dialing again. We cut to the scene of a man in a black hoodie standing outside of Sofia's apartment building. He brings the phone up to his ear but we don't hear him utter a word. "Watch her like a hawk. If you have a chance to extract her, do it." That's the extent of the call before the hooded figure tucks the phone into their pocket and crosses the camera, the movement serving as a Blackout to lead into the commercial break. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (Scene 4: Vietnam Veteran's Wall - Evening) Garrett walks along the sidewalk, his breath visible in the chill air. With his phone to his ear, we hear the tail end of the same voicemail answering message Jo got when she called Mikayla. "Listen to me, Mom knows about him. You need to forget about the pictures and say goodbye to both of your friends. Be careful. Love you sis," Garrett leaves his voicemail using the same 'family ties' alias that Jo did. He hangs up just as he arrives at the south side of the wall, the rendezvous point his anonymous caller set up just an hour before. Garrett paces back and forth with his hands warmly inside the pockets of his peacoat as he awaits the arrival of this mystery man. He hears footsteps behind him, and turns to see a man in glasses pointing to the wall. "Act interested, there's cameras but nothing to pick up audio," he directs as his finger comes up to a random name on the wall. "Who are you?" Garrett asks. "I know you accessed that mission report. Did you finish reading it?" the stranger asks. Garrett shakes his head. "Well, no. Jo called me into her office before I could get fully into it." The man scoffs. "Three operatives were blacklisted and forced to resign from The Agency as a result of that mission. One operative wasn't," he admits, the distain present in his voice. "Jo?" Garrett takes an educated guess. The stranger nods. "She was tangled up in a tricky situation with an MI-6 operative. Things got messy and when The Agency sent us in to extract her, shit hit the fan." "What happened?" Garrett asks again, his curiosity obviously peaked. "I'm not going to waste time telling you anything that's in that report. But what's left out of that report is that the situation wasn't just business. The three of us that got blacklisted saw Jo and the MI-6 op in bed. Together. And they weren't painting each others' nails." "Was it Amelia Roberts' husband?" Garrett takes a very logical shot in the dark, but the stranger shakes his head to indicate he guessed incorrectly. "It was Amelia Roberts," he drops the bombshell so nonchalantly that the bass drop of the background music shakes viewers to the core. (Scene 5: Sofia's Apartment - Late Night) Alexander is tracing random patterns on Mikayla's bare back, a white sheet the only think covering either of their asses. "You're amazing, Waters," he whispers quietly directly into her ear so Sofia can't hear from her bedroom. Mikayla smiles as she bows her head and giggles. "Not bad yourself, Fairborn," she whispers before planting another peck on his lips. "Hey, I think you're phone went off a couple times. I couldn't hear it over you saying my name over and over, I just happened to see it light up," he admits, that cocky attitude and smile both back. The CIA rookie chuckles as she slaps his bare chest before rolling over to reach over and retrieve her phone. "Voicemails from Garrett and Jo..." she expresses her discovery aloud. With her finger plugging one ear and her phone up to the other, she arches her brows and tries to focus on the messages. After both play, she shakes her head and begins to breathe heavier than before. "Shit, shit, shit," she says as she drops her phone on the futon where her breasts were just moments ago so she can rise to her feet, taking the blanket for herself as she wraps her waist in it. "What? What's wrong?" Alex asks, concerned. She bites her lip and bows her head. "Somehow Jo found out I'm here with you. She told me to come back which is one thing but Garrett told me to abort the mission and cut ties with the asset," Mikayla says frantically. "Okay, okay. Breathe," Alexander says soothingly as he rises from the couch, his bare ass exposed to the camera as he crosses the floor and places his hands on Mikayla's shoulders. "Maybe you should go back, but we shouldn't drop the asset. She has the only visual proof of our target and she's the only one in a position to tip us off if he shows back up," Alexander explains logically. "You're right... But if we leave her here alone and unprotected, we've gotta read her in first," Mikayla expresses her concerns with a tone that she knows Alexander won't challenge her on. He nods slowly. "You're right," he says as he nods to Sofia's bedroom door. "What? Now?" Mikayla questions. "You have to get back. And if Jo knows, then Amelia probably knows so I have to go too. If we're doing this, it needs to be now." His accent proves to be soothing to the shaken Mikayla. "Alright... Let's read her in," Mikayla finally agrees as they both head to the bedroom door. There's a distant shot as the door closes again behind them, fading out as the credits start to roll. Mikayla Waters ... Isabela Montoya Alexander Fairborn ... Asher Valentine Jo Jones ... Candice Cornell Garrett Parker ... Benjamin Pratt Amelia Roberts ... Xanetia Petrova Sofia Ruiz ... Lola Alvarez
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