#all gop are bastards
nando161mando · 9 months
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Rehabilitation, not Devastation. Fuck The Police.
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
Cops won't go into a room to save children, but health care workers went into rooms to save covid patients wearing goddamn garbage bags as PPE and days-old N95 masks and teachers would risk life and limb to protect their students(and they have less funding than the police)
it takes cops approximately 2400 seconds to 1.5 minutes (40 to 90 minutes) to storm a classroom but only three seconds to shoot a black child playing with a toy gun in a park and 540 seconds (9 minutes) to kill a black man with two thousand pennies in front of forever traumatized witnesses including children.
What a fucking awesome country with a awesome law enforcement , we’re making other countries proud
In case you are not aware that last statement was sarcastic. we’re a horror show, this country is not just going to hades in a hand basket, it is hades in a hand basket
teachers among other essential workers are the real heroes and last week proved that. police are not heroes otherwise they would have saved twenty one people as quickly as they were willing to kill and/or traumatize innocent black men women and children so yeah, America is not the greatest country in the world and defund the police
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How to be a white ally!😊✊✊🏻
To be an anti racist white ally, you must listen to POC voices! But only if they’re left wing POC!!! Right wing people of color are just brainwashed pawns of white supremacy! They just wanna be the last one conservatives kill when they kill all the black people!!
When you encounter a person of color that is conservative (A.K.A. dirty white supremacist Uncle Tom🤬) you must remind them that they are black and educate them on anti blackness! You, as an white anti racist activist, need to remind them that they’re being brainwashed by the Conservatives and they are supporting the party that hates black people and laughs when they die. They may find you to be a nuisance but they need YOUR help! They don’t understand the African American experience like you do!
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With everything going on in the world right now in terms of the chaos and insanity going on. Such as the growing rise of Fascism & authoritarian extremism happening in parts of Europe and other regions as well. Since election day is coming real soon...I seriously can't stress enough on how FUCKING important also highly critical this 2022 election is. No joke actual lives and basic rights and freedoms are at severe stakes here, and as an young black woman living in this country which is already exhausting but seeing the levels of hate also people running for office who are election deniers , QANON and MAGA conspiracy theorists, Christian fundamentalists & those who genuinely wants to see people like me and my family and including other minorities to be put in our place is really terrifying.
Everything is on the line during these midterms...especially democracy as a whole also including Voter rights, reproductive rights and bodily anatomy, LGBTQ rights, marriage equality, interracial marriage, basically any other civil rights is up for grabs if these White-supremacy loving, literally bigoted GOP as well as corrupted and backwards conservatives, white evangelicals assholes take full power come election day. Than you can truly say goodbye to both democracy and your rights or anything else you otherwise care about because it all will be gone if these bastards have power. Especially if your a person of color or a person who is gay or any part of the LGBTQ community also if your Jewish and Muslim then you already got a target on your back for these people to came after if they get in office.
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It is time to say it.
You. Yes, you, the person reading this. Yeah, I am talking to you directly.
If you are a liberal - in the American sense, mind you - and you are reading this: Go read Marx. If you do not want to do that, fuck off with all the other Liberals in the GOP. Yes, you heard me correctly. I just called "Conservatives" "Liberal". Did I shake your world? Did I topple your fucking little cloud castle? Did I spook you? Flabberghasted you, even? Well, guess what: You are not a leftist.
Being progressive does not make you a leftist. Under any fucking definition of the word. It makes you a vaguely decent human being, I am willing to hand that to you, but I am not even going to commend you for it because it really doesn't: It's the bare -god-damn- minimum.
If you use "Socialist" and "Liberal" interchangeably: Go fuck yourself.
If you use "Liberal" and "Leftist" interchangeably: Go fuck yourself.
Liberals are not even centrist: they're centre-right wingers. You're centre-right wingers. All you liberals reading this. Reject the American political spectrum. Reject your stupid-ass big-tent Democratic slogans; reject the bastard bourgeois who bomb kids.
You heard me. Fuck your Obama, fuck your Biden, fuck your Teddy -goddamn- Roosevelt, he was an imperialist pig. Do you idolise JFK? Get the fuck out of here. Franklin Delano Roosevelt? Do you even know what he did to the Mexicans?? Go read a fucking history book, then read Marx, then come back, and then maybe we can talk, and conceivably you could call yourself a leftist.
So long as "Liberals" (Which really only means Social Democrats, Third Wayers, Social Capitalists, Neoliberals, Ordoliberals, Bleeding-Heart Libertarians, and other such capitalist supporters, right-wingers and moderate rightists in American terms) are considered "Left Wingers" or "Leftists" or call themselves those names, the Left will be unable to act.
Liberals are not leftists and, I would like to add, Liberals cannot be progressivists. Capitalism is inherently conservative: it cannot generate genuine progress because real progress and change can only originate within the proletariat through revolutionary action, both political and cultural (See my piece on Situationism.).
In short: If you consider yourself a liberal and a leftist, and you think we communists and socialists are on your side... Stop thinking that, and if you want to be with us, pick up a book, or an audio-book, or both, or one of the many actually leftist resources such as this beautiful site and read, get educated, become a leftist, a true one, one that wants to change things for real. I might make a post clarifying the part about capitalism being inherently conservative, but that's for the future. Until then, study your theory for the sake of my sanity (So that I no longer must hear Liberals being referred to as "Leftists") and for the sake of Humanity so we may change things for real.
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northern-punk-lad · 6 months
Sorry to tell you this is you don't know but the FNAF creator is a hard core right winger who maxes his donations to the GOP. Including Trump.
Oh I know all about Scott like he’s a bastard man a evangelical fundamental Christian I was honestly surprised when people where surprised when it was revealed he’s Republican 
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n99cents · 9 months
Whenever I see "agab" I think either "assigned gremlin at birth" or "all gops are bastards"
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nando161mando · 8 months
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When cops steal it's legal
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sonicenvy · 1 year
thinking about how one of those crappy things that you have to do when you work at any wide open public space or school or whatever in America is that annual active shooter drill or active shooter training. It's one of those things that honestly so fucking depressing about living in this country, that you have to constantly be prepared for the possibility that some nutjob with guns will randomly decide to attack your workplace or your school. Like ... is this a thing in other countries?? idk. But it sucks that not only are such individuals out there, but that in this country those bastards have ready and easy access to military grade guns.
The worst part is that over half of americans are in favor of stronger gun control and 81% of Dems/lean dems are in favor of stronger gun control. We want to improve gun control in this country, but the current laws are not in our favor.
So, for now, all you can think, in the back of your mind is will it come to me? when will it come to my community? There was a mass shooting 20 miles from where I live last year, and that day, while the shooter was still at large, all I could think about was will it come to us?
I think one of the top things I hate about living in this country is literally this specter of tragedy that we all have to live in. Schools, parks, parades, shops, movie theaters, clubs, and many more public places are all tainted with it. It happens nearly every day across our country. Guns are the leading cause of death for CHILDREN in this country -- in 2020 alone over 1000 children died by firearms in America. I fucking hate this so much. I honestly feel as though the NRA is a national terrorist organization for championing guns and easy gun ownership. Thousands of people in this country needlessly die because of firearms.
If you live in a country that doesn't suffer from massive, needless, tragic gun violence, I don't think you can understand. The fact that so many of these tragedies happen across this country that they blur together in our collective memory is horrific and, frankly, traumatizing for so many Americans. You just have to sit with the quiet background memory that it can come to you at any time. It is so common that employers like mine have their staff do drills or training for the possibility of an incident -- they're like clockwork, like a fire drill or a tornado drill.
I don't know where I was going with this post beyond being angry about the state of affairs over this issue in my country. Every time I have to watch those active shooter training videos for my job, it just makes me angry and sad. It's not fair that we have to live with this, that we have to sit with this, and it makes me furious when people from other countries (especially smarmy europeans) make fun of this whenever a shooting is so big that it reaches the international news. The things that I saw that some smarmy europeans say in the aftermath of Uvalde made me see red. CHILDREN died.
once again, the actual, main, central political theme of this blog is that the GOP and the NRA should rot in hell.
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gayteensupreme · 2 years
*sees AGAB*
my brain" all gops are bastards
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vellichordragon · 1 year
I’m gonna be blunt.
I do not and will not forgive Elisa Shupe.
Yeah, I’m glad the emails were leaked so these anti-trans GOP bastards are caught red handed trying to kill us and I won’t deny the importance of the whole thing.
But it’s too little too late and I will never forgive you for throwing us all under the bus just because you were having a difficult time with your own identity. You have done irreparable harm by allying with the people who want us dead in the first place. I know they preyed on you when you were fighting your own demons, but they wouldn’t have been able to if you weren’t already dedicating your time to trashing your trans siblings as part of the gender critical movement.
Live your truth, whatever it means for you, but stay the fuck away from me.
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While this absolutely fucking goddamn sucks...I swear this country truly becoming more exhausting each and every day. Its pretty ironic as soon as I heard of this news about Roe vs. Wade being completely stripped when about a hour earlier I was just planning on calling for a appointment on getting a exam to get more refills on my birth control pills for my periods to be regular again, and now this bullshit. That's will be the next thing these GOP alt-right FUCKERs will try to overturn and abolish next, to stop women from getting access to birth control or other kinds of contraceptives. Honestly at this point it wouldn't be shocking considering you have a Ohio lawmaker that's thinks pregnancy from rape is a opportunity for a woman no matter how young or old she is....So if a eleven year old girl gets raped by her father and gets pregnant from it then I guess that young girl should be happy for her rape and see it as a good thing because now she gets to be a mother right!?  Well I guess The Handmaid's Tale wasn't entirely fiction after all huh, now that this happens the next thing they'll come after is gay marriage and then go for interracial marriage as well as other LGBTQ rights & protections since there already viciously attacking trans kids and banning books like true Fascists. UGH I'm getting so fucking sick of this crap....really Fuck the whole GOP & all these other unconstitutional ,hypocritical, MAGA QAnon far right bastards & the religous right also these Christian fundamentalists straight to hell.
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