#all aboard the Oh Shit We Fucked Up train!
tsuki-sennin · 1 month
A forbidden technique among alchemists. A fusion made of man and Chemy.
And then, after that... a look into the past of that man...
Spoilers, I guess...
-Hello, Zukyumpire! ...you're not featured in this episode, are you?
-Hoooooo... a vision of later in the episode, eh?
-Interesting how Steamliner gets to... Digivolve, bein' real, before Hopper1 does.
-...you like them ancient, huh?
-Don't lie to Mama Ichinose :<
-...are we even following Chemy Law anymore?
-Not bad, Sabi!
-This stationery is anything but it seems!
-Wait, battle records-
-Kamen Rider lore...
-Ahhhh, Mr. Daybreak again.
-All of these funny little guys.....
-Steamliner :D
-He's so smol!
-The pain of Dread...
-No doubt Minato-sensei's feeling it too.
-Mere dolls, eh?
-"Our next chemical trick..."
-"Your turn, Minato-kun."
-That's an awful lot to assume there, Kyoka-sensei.
-Wow, Minato-sensei's handwriting looks an awful lot like a typeface.
-Our entire collection! Reduced to rags!
-Hopper1 kicked us!
-"Back, you fool!"
-Dread: Type One.
-Unicorns on a train. Like the Friendship Express was evil and fucked up.
-Geryon the type of mf to cheat at 52 card pickup.
-"Steamliner, what the heck man???"
-"My boys... how could we separate them...."
-My boy Hotaro is finally dabbling with forbidden alchemy.
-"I win, suckers~!"
-Blinged out.
-Yeah, he's just like Madwheel~!
-All aboard the
-Hype Train~?
-I jan? I jan? Suge jan?
-Iron Gotchard!
-No speed... just pure unbreaking strength!
-Okay, maybe a little speed.
-Kinda reminds me of Fourze Magnet States.
-Hi Warptera :)
-Tenliner ran out of Steam...
-Kudoh Fuga.
-"You asshole!"
-Ohhh, I wonder...
-Is the reason that Hotaro got so knocked out so quickly was because it needs a Gotcha to balance out?
-What're we learning now, Pops?
-Is this Hotaro's dad?
-No, definitely not
-Ohhhhh, Fuga's a lot older than Minato then.
-Ohhhhh, that's the Rubik's cube origin.
-"I want you to remember this."
-Fuckin' Geryon man.
-Goddamn, Majade's wild.
-More Malgams.
-Off goes Hotaro-kun.
-Good lord, Hotaro has no chill.
-Choo choo, motherfuckers.
-Minato-sensei... how many futures would you rob just by aiding and abetting Geryon?
-Tough love...
-Iron Knuckle!
-Welcome back :)
-"So, that's all the teacher could do. Lachesis, do me a favor."
-The final plan
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sebsxphia · 2 years
when it was just you and hangman in the common room, you'd ask him why he was such an asshole towards you during classes.
"you know what, Lieutenant Seresin? i didn't think you'd stoop so fucking low to insult someone like you did to me today, i thought you and i got along", you'd mumble, sitting down on the couch.
"yeah well, having friends isn't going to get you far in life" he'd scoff, as he walked over to the fridge to grab a drink.
you'd try to not tear up, but not sadness, you're fuelled with anger since he treated you so poorly and practically embarrassed you in front of the team, which made you more furious than you needed to be.
"you're a fucking asshole, no wonder why no one likes you here" you'd chuckle, looking up at him.
"i'm not the one who got bradshaw to defend them, am i?"
"you know for a fucking fact that bradley cares about everyone here and will stand up to you, you prick, now fucking leave me alone" you'd reply, before getting up, shoving yourself into his shoulder before walking out of the rec room, leaving him alone, like he thinks he deserves to be.
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bestie. bestie. BESTIE.
oh my god, like holy shit. that’s incredible, you’re so fucking good oh my god!!!! the way you entwined it with what i mentioned about bradley into it was amazing. oh my GOD!!!!
all aboard the ANGST TRAIN and I totally agree with the last bit, Hangman believes he deserves to be alone.
Do we think Hangman would apologise? Or do we think he’s so stubborn, he’s just gonna let it go and continue throwing digs at you?
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salvatoreren · 5 months
I finally watched AOT's last episode and frankly, I am not okay, I have been sobbing a river oh my fucking god.
Anyways, it was really good, as expected of MAPPA anyway, I was pretty much crying the whole episode actually.
I have complaints, mostly because of the not included anime, little things like not having the flashbacks of Armin of reading a book in the rain, the squirrels etc. etc. I would have love to see them in the market and the way to the boy who sought freedom, goodbye was not implemented, I WAS WAITING FOR THAT COME ON
The anime only scenes were good too, like Levi giving food to the refugees, falco and gabi, i wish we saw their outfits tho, they slayed with that one.
the way they played 13 no fuyu, im killing myself, ive been listening to that shit since 2022 which mind you was when i was active once more in aot, the fucking flashbacks my god, that was so tragic RAHHH
THE SAME BIRD WE SAW ON S4 ENDING 1, oh my god, the opening was really cool omg, it perfectly showcased eren's journey, what he went through, despite being absent in the final chapters, it still showed Eren was still the protagonist...Which isayama did not understand when he made 139
Yes, I am bitter still with the ending, no, I am not hearing anyone out and no, I am not going to pour my disappointments with it STILL, here because yeah.
It's such a shame that's the last and final time we'll ever see it, devastating tragedy omg.
Now that's out of the way.
It's been a long and fun ride, regardless, the final season has been going for what three years, i've been with this series for three years, it was fun really it was, this series took such a simplistic and cliched approach then twisted into something more complex and truly gutwrenching. 2020 was nothing without AOT, in my opinion, watching AOT broadened my media consumption, yanked me into the anime world and i already have so many fandoms i'm in.
2020 was a hard time too, i couldn't have done it without this bloody series, god, i remember aboarding the train hype, everything was everywhere, fics, art, videos, memes etc. All those I read influenced my writing style, all those theories made me think more critically, those memes and videos of it made me laugh. It's funny how a series like this one comforted me so much.
I remember being so traumatized by the first episode i'm like who the fuck would ever like this series with this much blood and that night i immediately searched for eren fics because i was like who is this boy i like him, i fucking dreamt of the beast titan, all those nights racing with my sister who could finish the series first, i literally woke up at 4 just to watch it before she could.
Fucking terrified which of my favorite characters were going to die next, literally sobbing over armin's death, god and the mindfuck with Marley and Eldians and Subjects of Ymir in the fray oh my god.
Can I just say, I wouldn't be who I was without AOT? Even with my cynical behavior, it's all because of it.
2021 who i never fail to reiterate and think fondly is good because of AOT as well, I figured wow, the final season is coming back, I should rewatch it again and so the hyperfixation began, i was sick too, almost dying too actually, dengue is dangerous and it was just a fond memory because i was watching aot and i acted like i never had watch these scenes in my life and despite feeling like dying i felt okay.
I was so batshit crazy when part 2 came out, that was the one that was actually peak AOT don't lie, I was literally screaming like i was giving birth OVER AN OPENING AND AN ENDING, i'll never forget any of it.
When I cried watching the whole episode, it really just occurred to me that this is really the end for AOT, i was only ever able to go through it because I have the anime and it what really kept the whole fandom alive, the anime's honestly the reason why it had this many fans as you can see.
And again the way it's heartwrenching for it to just be a simple series and then it's full blown war, jean and reiner holding out to each other, remembering how they used to be close and comrades then betrayals and war happened and it's all ruined.
The devastating realization of seeing the last few panels animated, watching the end flash through the screen, realizing there was nothing out of this now, no more next episodes, no more hype, it's gone and it's so devastating because how happy it made you, the way you'll never see these characters again, only in rewatches or art. But it's not the same.
I admit I don't feel as hyperfixated over it now, after getting burnt out of it last year, even good things go badly sadly and i was just here for eren now, but doesn't change the fact this series has nurtured my quarantine, i grew up with this series even if it was only recent, who changed the trajectory of my life and had me find my paths.
I'll never forget these characters who made my life, who brought life to the story, even if they were just moved by the plot now, i'll always have a soft spot for AOT, i will always love it, regardless how much i hate it, there will always be fondness within it.
It's kind of weird, really to see Levi who has done so much to the fandom just by existing and being drawn and animated now cease to exist? I suppose, looking at him feels weird like imagine comparing 2014 levi to 2023 levi now omg, that's where you really begin to realize how much time has passed and how much AOT has evolved AGAIN JKSDHJ
well, i'm still on eren's side, still hate what happened to him but i'll always love him, he is such an important character to me, i don't think i truly ever loved someone like him despite representing the total opposite of me, he just had that charm i suppose, his views are so hauntingly beautiful, idealistic, him representing hope, despite what he did, in the end he did what he could for himself and for his people IN MY HUMBLE ONION
eren yeager i'll always love you
i'm kinda scared what would happen to this fandom now, will it die now? Will it live? I doubt, I haven't even finished my eren fic and lol, either way i hope someone will still enjoy AOT, i hope still there will be new watchers.
This is long but this is just how I really feelt about AOT which I wholeheartedly do love and cherish with all the memories and the pain it gave.
Thank you Isayama for this world, for these characters, for these mindblowing revelations about war, life and freedom, for the heartaches and the joy.
Thank you WIT for raising AOT and truly breathing life to it, for garnering fans for it to be more appreciated.
Thank you MAPPA for continuing WIT's legacy, you are not the same but still delievered, thank you for carrying the final season and the fandom on your back, may you sleep well and have your deserved pay.
Thank you for the voice actors who breathed those memorable lines to be used in edits.
Thank you Linked Horizon for coming back, aot was iconic because of your openings.
Thank you AOT for everything.
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violetren · 9 months
Aether Chapter 27
This is the official start of my "Give Chance Rights, and also all their stuff back!" 2k23 campaign.
Of fucking course the government would lock away all their assets under the context of "we don't know if they count as a person" but that doesn't mean I'm not furious about it.
I am curious if Focus made the holo projector based on old knowledge, or if she just had one lying around as a remnant of her world/her travels.
Emilia might give her wife shit but she broke the mood perfectly after the "time at a different scale leaves us impossibly lonely" convo. It's nice for Maggie and Chance that they have each other to discuss that feeling with even if its not exactly a one to one comparison, they are the closest each other has got.
Also another instance of Varsha being a sweetheart.
Eurion is a total softie when she wants to be huh? Ordering ahead for Varsha and Maggie because she knows Varsha's metabolism, and because Maggie has been working hard and jumping on board with Jia Li's suggestion of teaching some special dragon meditation techniques the second the topic came up.
If Maggie and Varsha ever do dip a toe into polyamory they'd be far better off with Eurion than Sierra. And Eurion has been through a lot surrounded by all these hot unavailable lesbians, she deserves a little extra love.
I am ecstatic that Chance has jumped aboard Focus's peanut butter obsession train.
Oh that's what Bitch Boy Ragusa needs. Ties to a shady international cabal of criminals. He wasn't annoying enough already. Follow up book where Danny and Ayanda kick his ass into obscurity when? (mostly joking)
Also I fucking called the Unitarium funding Garrett theory! Nomi will be PISSED.
"How the fuck do you miss a whole ass fucking moon?" made me laugh because I can imagine the distress threaded into the annoyance at the levels of incompetency being shown.
I can't believe we got Chance, Stupidhead and Maggie in a room together and we didn't even get to see Chance snark at Stupidhead for how she's been treating Maggie the past couple of days because plot was happening.
Don't get me wrong, it's good plot. It's a fantastically comic-booky superhero plot and exactly the kind of story I expect and want to be happening as a vehicle to carry my messy lesbian romances. I just really want to see Sierra go from grumpy to speechless to defensively furious while Maggie puts her face in her hands and internally debates just teleporting to the other side of the planet instead of peace keeping, after Chance calls her Stupidhead to her face.
Using Emilia's origin story to explain what the potential threat was in a way that makes it clear and yet limits what we know another characters limited knowledge and perspective was a very cool way of going about this section. It expands on what we know of Airheart, it gives us an idea of the potential threat levels, and it just helps unfold more world building all in one go. Just a very clever use available writing resources, I like it.
I was so ready to just start laughing at the idea of later down the line Maggie purposefully trying to arrive to brunch after all the dragons so she doesn't accidentally get thrown into the aether when the assorted dragons roar their way in, and circumstances just never quite letting it work out. Just every other brunch Maggie's got some french toast, or a mimosa half way to her mouth and "Roar"*pop*"dammit"
But then she had some kind of revelation and now I have to balance the fact that I need to be up early to run the shop with my desire to read the next chapter rn immediately.
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thereyvan · 1 year
Humorous Chapter Titles: A Very Long Compilation
What The Fuck Is A Driver’s License 
In Which We Learn Why Tiny Demons Shouldn’t Drive Cars 
Asses Were Kicked In This One 
Welcome To Cry Time, Bitch 
Well, I Guess That Happened 
Not This Shit Again 
Why Does God Hate Me 
Stop Calling Me A Twink(I’m Straight And Have A Girlfriend) 
He Said That If You Call Him A Catboy One More Time, He’ll Scratch You 
Fuck The Moon 
I Fucked Your Mom And She Liked It 
Alexa, Play Can You Feel My Heart By Bring Me The Horizon 
She’s Cheer Captain And I’ve Been Suffering For A Really Long Time 
The Boys Are Back In Town(And They Brought Some Trauma) 
It Is Wednesday My Dudes 
Fuck You And Your Ugly Christmas Sweater 
Never Gonna Give You Up, Probably Gonna Let You Down 
Dance Dance Till You’re Falling Apart To Halftime 
Some People Shouldn’t Be Allowed To Adult 
Really? Right In Front Of My Crocs? 
That’s Not Even Remotely Reassuring 
Facing God And Moonwalking Into Hell 
Well, When Life Gives You Lemons, (Insert Screaming Here) 
You Can Probably Tell That The Author Failed Chemistry 
Standing On A Pile Of Corpses Whilst Eating An Entire Package Of Peeps 
Shitty Advice From A Dumbass Demon Guy 
Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, And Acceptance Of Depression 
Look At All Those Chickens 
Everyone’s Favorite Pedophile 
Sir That’s Our Emotional Support Asshole 
You Give Love A Bad Name 
Externally A Ghost, Internally A Zombie 
The Author Can’t Stop Traumatizing The Protagonist 
Falling Out Of A Tree 
That Wasn’t Supposed To Happen 
Literally Nobody Agreed To This 
When The Fuck Is This Story Going To End 
We Don’t Get Bitches, We Are Bitches 
The Good, The Bad, And The Even Worse 
This Meme Is Dead, But There Isn’t Any Way To Describe This Other Than Ohio Moment 
Oh My God, They Were Roommates 
Devastation Demolition 
Take This Chance Like A Pill 
I Would Literally Rather Be Dead 
Ohana Means Family 
Parkouring Into Purgatory 
You Take That Back 
Where Is Your Turkey God Now 
Rallying For Kinder Eggs 
All Aboard The Fun Train To Party Hell 
God Is Canon And I’m The Author Now 
We Put The “Fun” Into Dysfunction 
My Bed Is A Grave, So Shovel Dirt Onto My Sheets 
The Odd-yssey 
“He’s Well Hung” And I Am Hanging Up 
Orgasm Smile 
I Shot Romance In The Chest 
Who The Hell Ruined My Life(I Did) 
I’m A Loose Bolt Of A Complete Machine 
Stop Ending Every Sentence With Bitch, Bitch 
And Here We Have The Mentally Disturbed 
Professional Conflict Escalator 
Hey Look At This Rock I Found 
Crime’s Only Crime If You Get Caught 
Refuge In A Gay Nightclub 
Neurodivergency Called And Had A Panic Attack(They Hate Talking On The Phone) 
Ending Conversations Before They Start 
You Can’t Stop Me From Not Being Okay 
Suck My Co- Wait You Weren’t Supposed To- Oh… 
No, You Can’t Go Scuba Diving In The Wishing Well 
I Pissed Your Pants 
Dismember Me For Centuries 
Time For Crab 
Men’s Tits, Am I Right? 
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violetevents · 2 years
Lil snippet from an upcoming chapter of ‘to build a home’ because i really like the corroded coffin band dynamic aldjfalks
'Nothing Else Matters’ rattles around in his head for a long time, sticks to him in ways no other song really has. They write an album, and it’s fucking good, but he still can’t let go of ‘Nothing Else Matters’.
It only gets worse when Metallica releases the song as a single in April of 1992, and suddenly it’s everywhere. Even Steve mentions how he quite likes it in a phone call once, sending Eddie absolutely spiraling for a good three hours before realizing Steve probably just likes it a regular amount, and that the song probably hasn’t crawled under his skin the way it has crawled under Eddie’s.
He wants to do something with it. Needs to get this goddamn song out of his fucking system somehow.
Eddie mentions it to the band roughly two weeks before they play a gig in LA. David perks up immediately. “You want to do a cover?” He asks, seemingly excited about the idea.
“I mean, maybe?” Eddie says, fidgeting with his hair. “I was thinking about how it might be a nice break. We don’t really have any slow songs, you know? And this. I don’t know. It’s a good song. People like it. It’s recognizable. And we’ve done covers before, so it’s not completely out of left field.”
There’s a silence as the band seems to consider it. Gareth squints at him. “Goddamnit,” he says, after a moment. “This is about goddamn Steve Harrington, isn’t it?”
Eddie pulls a face. David laughs loudly. “Oh my god, it totally is,” he says gleefully, clapping Eddie on the back. “You sap.”
“Listen, I can take the occasional reference to bat swinging badasses in our songs. That’s actually pretty metal, all things considered,” Gareth says, folding his arms. “But now we’re dedicating ballads to the guy? Can’t you just, I don’t know, confess your feelings? Like a normal person?”
“I think it’s sweet,” Jeff says, “I’m in.”
“Yeah, me too,” David says, nodding enthusiastically. “Plus Eddie’s right, it is a pretty good song, and we are a bit lacking in slow stuff, so. I’m aboard the serenading Steve Harrington train.”
Eddie groans. “I didn’t say anything about serenading him, fucking hell. I just want to sing the song.”
“Sure you do, buddy,” David says, patting his head consolingly.
“All right,” Gareth says, sighing loudly. “Fine. If everyone’s in, we’ll serenade Steve goddamn Harrington. But this is the last fucking time I’m indulging in Eddie’s stupid romcom shit. Next time he just tells the guy. You know. Like a normal person.”
David and Jeff cheer, and Eddie rolls his eyes. His bandmates are idiots, sure. But at least they’ve got their hearts in the right place.
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maddiewritesstucky · 1 year
Hi lovely, am I too late to hop aboard the writing ask game train? Lobbing an ❌ and 🤡 your way plus all the good vibes for getting back in the groove.
Hey buddy, never too late! 😊
❌ What's a trope you will never write? I don’t think I could ever write something in which they don’t end up together. I couldn’t write them breaking up, I have one fic where they had broken up in the past and were reuniting, but I don’t think I could ever make a breakup happen on page. I can’t do angst without a happy ending, I’m not emotionally robust enough for that 😂
I have already answered 🤡 here, but I’ve written a handful of things that make me laugh so here’s another one! I’m pretty much always laughing when I’m writing my JockVerse idiots, so here’s an exchange from Feels Like Team Spirit:
“I genuinely cannot believe there are actual human women out there who’ve let you fuck them.”
“You’re about to let me fuck you.”
“Yeah, well, I’m concussed on a semi-regular basis.”
“Yeah, yeah, just get on my dick already, oh my god you take a million years with this.”
“I’m—!” Steve’s whole face screws up in aggravation. “We haven’t done this in a while, I’m not just gonna take it without prep, you asshole.”
“So prep, then! Quit whining, we got Fates to appease!”
“Well if you’d stop pulling dumb shit I could focus on what I’m doing.”
“Stop pulling dumb shit,” Bucky parrots, “I’m Steve Rogers, I can’t take my own fingers and a joke at the same time.”
Thanks for the ask (and for the good writing vibes!) 💜
From the emoji ask game
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kob131 · 2 years
Okay. Imma level with you. I don’t like rwby. I jumped ship after volume 8 tore something in me. But even I think that but you described from IceQueendom sounds stupid, like blatantly out of character. Does.. does Japan just have a thing about being an “adult”?
Okay, now that I'm on a laptop, I'd like to walk everyone through the whole thing. Because the issue here is a lot bigger and more complicated than what I mentioned.
Okay, to really understand the gravity of the issues here, I'm gonna need to widen the scope a bit...or a lot depending on your view.
So, back during the second attempt to save Weiss, Ruby and co. made it to the Nightmare Grimm in the dream and try fighting it. Nightmare-Weiss interrupts them and causes Ruby to cut herself on the thorns of the Nightmare, which Shion said they shouldn't. Why? Shown later.
So after getting rejected and leaving, everyone goes off to recoup and encounter Penny, Sun and JNPR individually. Through their talks, they come up with a plan. That being that they save the train from being robbed, use that to change the dream and get deeper within. From there they open up one of the cages housing Dream-JNPR, showing it to be a fun little carnival inside while keeping the door open. Jaune (who went in), snags a Relic that was inside, leading to a bunch of Kid-Weiss' running out.
They proceed to rush out of the cage, talking about a bunch of kiddy desires and touching the dream constructs, making them spout the same kiddy desires. Including a living statue of Jacques. ... This is important. All's well and good...until the Kid-Weiss' turn Kaiiju sized and everyone turns into...'freedom' zombies? I dunno. Nightmare-Weiss retaliates by doing some Mary-sueing combat and teleports them all back in while animating what looks like a giant statue of Jacques Schnee to fight them. Oh and the Jacques Statue got turned into the Arma Gigas.
Shit gets fucked, Ruby loses the Relic, we get shots of the places that once had the Relics being taken over by the Nightmare, Jaune and co. escape to the train which the Nightmare can't attack because Jaune's Big Dick Energy keeps it at bay and Ruby stumbles aboard. Ruby wonders why 'Weiss' didn't want the Kid-Weiss' running about. Jaune barfs up that speech about controlling your emotions and Ruby, having been infected by the Nightmare, succumbs.
Okay so-unpacking time.
For some stupid reason, they focus on Ruby being hurt by the Nightmare after indicating that it's bad. Then...never bring up why no one mentioned her clear injury.
But the big issue here is the Jaune speech. The Kid-Weiss' are portrayed as being rather disruptive and destructive...but the latter is only dangerous due to the Nightmare's influence and the former fails because they are disrupting what is clearing a metaphor for the destructive influence that her family has on her and how it has damaged her. While Jaune talks about controlling your emotions- Weiss clearly does that TOO MUCH. She's so restrictive that she's bound to snap and break without relaxing.
And wanna know what doesn't help this point at all? The Kid-Weiss' demands not being all that bad. There are some obviously selfish ones like 'I wanna eat candy all the time' or 'I wanna play all the time'. But considering Weiss' backstory and her family...these aren't all that bad. Some even take on darker tones like 'I wanna play with my friends' or 'I wanna go outside when I want' or the mantra of 'I wanna be free!'
Remember Mirror Mirror? That song Dream-Pyrrha sung? Yeah, it's sequel song 'Mirror Mirror Part II' is all about how Weiss yearns for freedom and independence. Which makes those supposedly childish desires kind of...you know...deserved?
Oh and we haven't the worst yet. Because we have three other lines- "I wanna have fun talking to my family', 'I wanna have fun talking to Mommy and Daddy' and 'I want them to spoil me'. So, who says these? One of the Kid-Weiss'? One of the machines?
No, the Jacques Statue. Whose last words before transforming into the Arma Gigas in a fucked up parody of Weiss' summon is 'Da...ddy...Mo..mmy...'. And the thing the Nightmare is guarding? Weiss' Volume 4 dress. The writers knew what they were working with and at no point during Jaune's speech did anyone go, "Uh...this is kind of self-defeating. Can we do another draft?"
But as if the Weiss side wasn't bad enough, they decided to fuck up the Jaune and Ruby side. Jaune is a boy inspired by the stories of his heroic family and desires to live up to their legacy. And Ruby is a girl inspired to be a hero by the fairy tales she grew up with, motivated by pure altruism and tries to stay true to who she is. These characters DO NOT WORK with this idea of locking away your childhood desires and emotions. Their arcs and motivations ARE their childhood dreams and desires.
And to truly kill any chance that this could work- Ruby is angsting over her inability to be a good leader. Something she already went through in Badge and the Burden. Which she then used to help Jaune with his own issues with leadership. So surely, Jaune. Ruby's first friend. Her foil. He could return that favor, right?
Nope, none of that works in IQ. They fucked Badge and the Burden by making Weiss into a shallow bitch and completely removed Jaunedice and thus that moment of bonding and support between them...AS WELL AS THEIR FIRST MEETING.
They put two close friends from the original discussing the issues they had from the original...and fucked it up so much that the only way to make sense of this is to substitute the original for IQ's setup...in this story aimed at new fans.
So far, as of Episode 8- the good to come from this is an example of professional writers fucking up RWBY, reminding me how lovely Ruby looks and Nightmare-Weiss' attire, showcasing her hips and legs.
Everything else? Getting shanked by Volume 1.
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hotdamnhunnam · 3 years
Ray ✈️ 💰 📚
Thanks for your request for my Emoji Fic Fest! 💗
Flying Fuck
Pairing: Raymond Smith x F!Reader Warnings: smut, swearing, rough punishing quickie in an airplane bathroom Word Count: ~1.3k Emoji Prompt: ✈️💰📚 (key words are in bold)
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For what feels like the thousandth time during this car ride, seated in the passenger side, your painfully OCD boyfriend adjusts his glasses on the bridge of his nose as he anxiously fidgets. “We could just slow down a little bit.”
Rather than letting up the gas you fucking hit it. “Oh and miss our flight? End up stranded at Heathrow all damn night? Don’t be an idiot.”
“We’ll book another if we miss it. Love, you’re way over the speed limit.”
You really couldn’t give less of a shit. “And what of it? You think I can’t afford a speeding ticket?”
Ray winces as you whiz right past the traffic light ahead, moments before it flashes red. He’s let you drive his precious car for once and this is how he gets fucking rewarded. “Just because you can afford it, doesn’t mean you should speed toward it. Had I known you’d be so reckless I’d have insisted on driving us instead.”
“Well I’d be driving at a reasonable rate, if we weren’t running so damn late. If you’d not spent ten hours packing all our luggage full of useless books that you’ve already read.”
Glancing up from the volume he’s currently reading, Raymond frowns in disapproval of your insult and your speeding. “Look, I’ve told you that these valuable books contain—”
“You’re just a nerd Raymond, I know that and you don’t have to explain. A softcore gangster with a strange college professor complex going on or something.” Hit the brakes as you approach a railroad crossing. Tap your fingers on the steering wheel while scowling in impatience at the slowly passing train.
Ray seems more than a little miffed at the ‘softcore’ shit so he suddenly goes harder on your ass. “Now once this train has passed, you need to calm your fucking tits and for the love of God just stop driving so fast. I’m serious Y/N. I won’t say it again.”
“Don’t be a drag.” You roll your eyes at him as the train crawls at a toad’s pace across the tracks and fucking lags. “If I cause damage to your precious car I’m sure you can afford all the repairs required, or even a replacement if your little heart desires, Mr. Moneybags.”
“You think I’d give a damn about the car if you go off and get yourself killed crashing straight into a truck? You think I’d give a flying fuck?”
“I’m in the driver’s seat so calm your fucking tits Ray,” you imperiously say.
To let off all the steam from this quarrel—and more importantly to punish you for being such a bad girl—Raymond plans to give you one hell of a hardcore flying fuck later today.
Of course you make your flight on time all thanks to your fast driving skills. Of course Ray doesn’t give you credit where it’s due and you don’t think he ever will. Just stony silence as he struts aboard and settles his fine ass into his first class seat with absolutely zero gratitude. So fucking rude.
Once the plane reaches cruising altitude… the fasten seatbelt sign flicks off and that’s his cue to punish you for your insufferable attitude.
With one quick gesture of his finger and that nasty little glimmer in his eyes of blue, you know exactly what your man wants you to do. There’s an unspoken code between you two. Especially when it comes to the critical business of getting screwed.
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Needless to say you’d fucking love for Ray to pound you in the bathroom but you shrug it off like you’re not in the mood. Stay seated on your stubborn ass. “I’ll pass. I think I’d rather sit and wait till we get served some shitty plane food.”
But then… his dominant hand reaches in your lap all of a sudden. And unbuckles your belt for you since you won’t do it yourself. You could’ve tried a little harder to prevent that but you didn’t ‘cause deep down you’re just a desperate little bitch for him and really can’t be helped.
Ten seconds later you’re there waiting in the bathroom stall—another thirty seconds later Ray raps thrice against the door which you then open so that he can slam you up against the wall—so hard and fast your breath escapes you in a slutty little yelp.
He locks the door behind him quickly. Repositions you with your face pressed into the mirror up above the sink. The fucking hasn’t started yet already you feel so utterly filthy. Feel the thick throb of his cock grazing the bare cheeks of your ass under your short skirt before you can even blink.
Ray is the master of efficiency. The king of hardcore quickies. Though he loves to take his time with you when circumstance allows… he also knows exactly how to meet a limit: how to use his words and deeds to get you instantly aroused. Hit climax in less than a minute.
You forgot this was a punishment however—that means you don’t get the privilege to reach that peak of pleasure.
Ray makes sure that you remember.
“Next time you decide to be a little brat like that and fucking disobey…” he grunts—palm striking down upon your ass with a sharp smack—his other hand pulling your hair back—as he snarls into your ear all dark and dominant, slamming his cock into the tight slick of your cunt, “…you can be sure there will be fucking hell to pay.”
You’re such a whore for every savage thing he does and every word he has to say.
“Just like today,” he goes on, knowing you can take it, stripping your dignity naked, though the mirror shows you’ve still got all your clothes on. “Since you misbehaved that way… this naughty little cunt of yours won’t get to cum undone, till I’ve given permission.”
God, it’s torture, when your man sets such conditions. Does it often, knowing that’s what you get off on. Taking orders. Yielding to him in submission. It’s your God-given position.
“Are you going to be a good little bitch and fucking listen?”
He reaches his right hand around and hooks two of his fingers firmly in your jaw—so you can suck them as you nod and moan a breathless yes, your whole body a desperate trembling mess—the image in the mirror is the filthiest picture you ever saw.
There’s just something about such rough punishing sex here in the bathroom of a plane… this flying fuck is straight up driving you insane.
Typically Ray builds to your orgasm in seamless sync with his. But that’s not what this fucking is. Today he drops his load inside you hot and quick, and then pulls out his massive dick, pushing you down onto your knees to clean him off with one long lick.
Just one—though you want so much more—he’s done—he doesn’t let you touch yourself and cum where you kneel on the bathroom floor. That isn’t what today is for.
Maybe he’ll fuck you in the airport when you reach your destination but not one moment before. Of that you’re sure.
Till then you’ll have to ride the flight out with a flood of his thick creamy cum dumped in this dripping cunt of yours. Of fucking course. He knows you have needs and desires that are setting you on fire and he’s going to deliberately ignore.
When you were pushing all his buttons earlier, you should’ve known this punishment would be in store…
Maybe you did. Because you’re that much of a glutton for this shit. With Raymond Smith you’ll always be eager to get pounded and punished like a naughty little whore.
Emoji Fic Masterlist
Emoji Fic Tag List – below; if you’d like to be added or removed, just let me know!
@happyhunnams @band--psycho @est11 @edonaspanca @starbooty @innerpaperexpertcloud @i-love-scott-mccall @six-camelot @alexa-rae-dreamz @coffeebooksandfandom @thesuicidalflower @flaireandsynch @helloheyhihowdyheya @gemini0410 @waywardodysseys @zozebo @bettergetusetoit @emilykjh @little-diable @rocketqueen @mrspeacem1nusone @miss-smutty @rayslittlekitten @abby-splace @chubbychubbs28 @miraclesoflove @tegggeeee @hunnambabe @missusnora @kesskirata @vixenrebellion @thexhostess @pomegranatearildreams @kandii395 @severewobblerlightdragon @itspdameronthings @niki-xie @cind-in-real-life @saweetspoiled @poge-life @few-proud-emotonal @samanthaisnthome @melodranas @soaharleys @charlie-hunnams-old-lady @simpmasterjr @nataliewalker93 @lovebarefootblonde @marvelousmermaid @tsukuyomi011 @sciapod @midnight-dreams-23
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sophiashortcake · 4 years
previous ❀ next ❀ series masterlist
𝟏𝟑. y/n shouldn’t be allowed to drink
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: kicked out of her home with no place to go, y/n is forced to move into her family friend’s home, who coincidentally is also the family of tsukishima kei, the boy who denied her confession.
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Kei knew he was shit at apologies.
His entire life, he never bothered to apologize. Sure, there were instances when he was a kid where his mother would scold him for playing too roughly with his brother and he would have to stubbornly mutter an, “I’m sorry.” Or sometimes he’d give a quick, “sorry” to Yamaguchi when he was being particularly snarky that day. But none of those were real apologies, none that would help him now. They couldn’t prepare him for when you walked through the door.
He heard the front door open from his bedroom, instantly knowing it was you from your soft footsteps. He had been sitting in his room, trying to think of what to say, but how do you apologize to someone who you unjustifiably called an attention whore who had daddy issues? (Kei cringed at the memory, realizing how much of a jackass he sounded.)
His hand hesitated when it reached the doorknob to walk out to you, what would he even say? He couldn’t even text you a proper apology (he’s pretty sure you blocked him anyway). Swallowing down his uncertainty, he turned the doorknob.
You had just reached the top of the stairs when he opened the door, your face instantly curling with irritation. Before he could even open his mouth, you marched to your room, and slammed the door shut.
“Y/N, wait!” He called, running over to your room.
He went to open your door, instantly throwing out his ‘no entering each other’s rooms’ policy, only to find it already locked.
“Y/N, open the door please-”
Your door flew open, your expression eerily bright.
“Oh? Are you here to call me an attention whore again?” You chirped. “Maybe you can grade my daddy issues!”
“Y/N, I’m sorry, you didn’t deserve that, I was just being a jackass-”
“Y’know, Kei? That seems to happen alot with you…” You hummed in fake thought, “have you ever considered, maybe you just actually are a jackass?”
“Kids! Akiteru’s home! Come downstairs!” His mother called from the kitchen.
“Go fuck yourself, Kei,” you snapped, before heading downstairs.
That couldn’t have gone any worse.
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At dinner, nobody could have guessed you were angry at all. You wore a cheerful smile, getting along with everybody with your animated conversation, well, besides him. You had ignored him all dinner, barely even sparing him a glance.
“Oh, I have something!” His brother said, before running into the kitchen. He came back and presented a bottle of sake. “I thought I would bring something home.”
“Akiteru, just because you’re the drinking age now doesn’t mean you can drink at dinner,” his mother sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.
“Oh, just let him pour us a glass, this is a special dinner since we barely see him anymore,” his father said.
“Pour the kids a glass too while you’re at it. Hayami, if you’re okay with Y/N drinking, that is,” he added.
“A small glass won’t hurt, we’re in the house anyway,” Hayami shrugged.
Akiteru fetched some glasses from the kitchen, pouring out small amounts and passing them along the table. He took a sip, ignoring the burn in his throat as he swallowed it down.
You took a small sip before coughing, patting your chest as you retched.
“Don’t tell me I raised a lightweight,” Hayami joked, poking your side. You fumed as she giggled.
The rest of dinner passed by the same, you continued to ignore him, making him lose hope you’d ever forgive him. As time went, he took notice how your cheeks started to flush, your swaying in your seat, and your higher pitched voice. You weren’t actually a lightweight, were you?
“So Y/N, how’s Kei at school? I wanna hear all about it,” Akiteru teased. Kei shot him a glare which Akiteru stuck his tongue out at.
“Kei is actually an asshole,” you slurred. “He’s rude, condescending, and I’m not sure why I ever liked him.”
The table stilled.
Oh no.
Hayami choked on her drink, his mother gasped, his father awkwardly sipped from his glass, and Akiteru’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head. Kei never wanted somebody to put him out of his misery more than he did now. Kei prayed to every god there was that this wasn’t actually happening, but there was a good chance this was karma, and God was actually laughing at him instead.
“Y/N!” Akane gasped, “you like Kei?” His mother was too meddling for her own good.
“Liked,” you clarified, “up until I confessed and he decided to grade my letter instead, in case you didn’t know, I failed with a D-!”
“Kei! I raised you better than this!” His mother hissed before turning back to you, “when was this?”
“The day we moved in. Imagine my surprise when I found out that day I was gonna move in with the guy who rejected me!” You dramatically whined.
Kei debated if he could stab himself with his pair of chopsticks.
“You graded her letter?” Akiteru replied, “What kind of asshole does that?”
“Thank you!” you sang, “y’know, I think you’re my favorite Tsukishima brother.”
“So Kei, why’d you grade her letter, huh?” Akiteru asked, turning the attention to him.
“I- Uh- Well I didn’t know her…”
“You could’ve just said no,” Akiteru deadpanned.
“He did it because he’s a jerk!” You exclaimed, your face in a pout.
“I know it had a few grammar mistakes and all but it’s the thought that counts!” You whined, tears starting to bubble in your eyes.
Not only were you drunk, you were a crying drunk.
“I think Y/N is done for tonight,” his mother chimed, “Kei, could you take her to her room and make sure she gets to bed?”
His shot Hayami a mischievous grin that Hayami grimaced to (and one that he nor Y/N picked up on).
Kei wanted to decline, but with the way everyone was staring at him, he decided it’d just be better to agree and get it over with.
“Alright,” he sighed, making his way over to your swaying form. He tried to throw your arm over his shoulder, but you wiggled free.
“I’m not going anywhere with you!” You protested.
“Y/N, could you please just-”
“No!” You barked.
He tried again, to no avail.
“Okay, you know what?” He muttered, growing irritated. In one fell swoop, he picked you up bridal style.
“Let me down!” You whined.
“When we get to your room, I will.”
You glared at him, but stopped trying to fight your way free. He exhaled in relief, and made his way to the staircase.
When you two were out of earshot, his mother leaned over to Hayami.
“I was thinking of a spring wedding,” she whispered.
Making your way to your room was quiet since you decided to stop fighting, you even wrapped your arms around his neck to avoid falling.
“You’re a real jerk,” you mumbled, your face buried in his neck, not brave enough to meet his eyes.
“I know,” he replied, nudging open your door.
He made sure to carefully place you down into your bed, as you already began to curl up.
“Cold,” you muttered.
“What? Do you want me to tuck you in too?” He quipped sarcastically. “Was carrying you to bed not enough?”
“Fine, fine, brat,” he replied, pulling your covers over you as you pulled it up to hide your face.
Poking your eyes up from the covers, “are you really sorry?”
“I am,” he muttered, “you didn’t deserve that, and I’m sorry I said what I did today, I really am.”
You yawned, “I believe you.”
“Wait, you do?”
You had already closed your eyes though, beginning to drift off.
He chuckled, of course you would fall asleep before he could ask more.
He made his way out to the door, turning back to you.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
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𝐟𝐮𝐧 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭: y/n still keeps the letter in her stationary box in her desk.
𝐚/𝐧: i literally rewrote this chapter five times before i posted it 😡 but i hope you guys are aboard the kei train now, he ain’t a bitch all the time!! well most of the time anyway teehee
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 (𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃!): @sinistersith @moronsuke @yougivemebutterfliess @saturnfarie @peachiikichu @what-happens-inside-the-box @nonoszrk @cece-lives-here @belli-jelly @cvlliesstuff @ack-aashi @mindofess @virgoamajiki @natsukitakama @shimy-deko @irenevyas @virgoamajiki @toaster-stick @little-dark-empress @h0ngh0ngh0ng @freyafolkvangr @winunk @estmagnifique @thechaosoflonging @ilovesupersoldiers @simpletype @burntcilantro @ryryryleigh @animatedrapture @intothatbluebluesky @resetrestartandreplay @lostmarimoismyhubby @witcherydotcom @kukiisan @not-venice @grapesauze @amberisnotcrazy @tarasaoristark @ammemuts @cloudymotel @loving-unicorns106 @strawberryssel @kakaokenma @cadelinha-de-haikyuu @wowie-issa-me-amario @pruemania @vitalthot @kageyamasgirl @abswrites @kac-chowsballs
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leiawritesstories · 2 years
Coming Soon...
A Rowaelin pirates AU!!! Based on a few different anon prompts involving pirate Rowan and pirate Aelin (and also Rowan with a ponytail 🥵) as well as some elements from POTC. Hope you all enjoy! No idea when it’ll start being posted, but I hope soon, and I’m very very excited to share it with all of you!
Word count: 1,043
Warnings: language, cranky Lorcan
Captain Rowan Whitethorn stood astride the centerline of his quarterdeck, hands clasped behind his back, feeling the steady rhythm of the waves beneath the sturdy hull of his ship, the pirate Doranelle. Eyes trained on the horizon, he swayed ever so slightly with the familiar pitch and yaw of the ship, her timbers weathered by many voyages, many skirmishes, and the tread of many, many boots. 
Lorcan Salvaterre, his First Mate, tromped up the stairs to the quarterdeck. “Cap,” he grunted in greeting, touching the side of his cocked hat. 
“Lorcan,” Rowan nodded back. “News?”
“Nothing remarkable,” Lorcan replied, taking up the same stance as Rowan. “No sightings, no shitty weather incoming, no Royal Navy bastards thinking they can slip into our sights undetected.”
“Excellent,” Rowan grinned. “For I have news.”
“Oh do you?” Lorcan barely raised his brows. “What’d His Bloody Majesty send you this time?”
“Oh, this and that,” Rowan smirked, delighting in tormenting his stoic First Mate.
“Spit it the hell out, Whitethorn,” Lorcan grumbled.
“Fine, fine, no need to get temperamental, Salvaterre.” Rowan tilted his worn old leather tricorne back even further on his head, angling it like the rakish, reckless pirate lord he was. “We’ve been assigned to slip a mole aboard the Terrasen.”
Lorcan Salvaterre, unruffled by even the most shocking of news, was dumbstruck. “Repeat that. I don’t fucking believe you.”
“We’re going to send two men to the Terrasen, and we’re going to keep Rolfe--pardon me, His Bloody Majesty--informed as to the goings-on of that ship.”
“Rolfe suspects Captain Galathynius is consolidating his supporters and his might to stage a coup.”
Lorcan whistled. “Ash Galathynius, King of the Pirates? Is he not barely an adult?”
“So I’ve heard,” Rowan snorted. “If he is trying to seize the throne, it’s probably out of some stupid misplaced birthright shit. Rhoe’s death was a shock for all of us; we didn’t even fucking know he had a child until this Galathynius showed up what, three years ago?”
“With a little ship and a mixed crew,” Lorcan scoffed. “He took a few prizes and thought he could play pirate. Well, we shall see how that goes.”
“He seems to have avoided capture thus far,” Rowan mused. “I shall be fascinated to hear what you report, Lorcan.”
“Fucking what?” 
“I am assigning you to this mission.” Rowan held up his hand in order, every inch the Captain. “No, Salvaterre, you don’t get to protest. Suck up your bullshit and accept the assignment. You’re the best spy aboard, and Fenrys is the best at disguises.”
“You’re pairing me with Fenrys?” Lorcan’s dark eyes flashed with indignation.
“I know he’s immature, Lor, but you cannot deny his talent for blending in.”
Lorcan grunted a string of the ocean’s finest oaths. “I can’t.”
“So then, Lorcan, the assignment?” Rowan extended his hand.
“I accept,” Lorcan muttered, clasping Rowan’s tattooed hand. “I’ll have hell to manage with Fenrys, but it’s nothing I can’t handle. I can always shut him up if he talks too much.”
“No murder allowed, Lor,” Rowan chuckled.
The First Mate cracked a half-grin. “Goddammit, Whitethorn, you take all my fun.”
Lorcan and Fenrys succeeded in getting aboard the Terrasen in a remarkably short time, considering how long it typically took to stow away on another pirate’s vessel. Crouched in their hideaway down in the ship’s hold, Lorcan went over the plan once more, keeping his voice low. 
“Captain Galathynius employs a mixed crew, men and women alike, so we shouldn’t have trouble blending in, as long as the women crew don’t recognize us as unfamiliar faces. Though if we start as we planned, by working on the lower decks before even trying to step foot on the upper, we should be able to be recognized by enough of the crew to pass.”
“How long before we can start going about the ship?” Fenrys asked. “I fear my spine is shrinking from being crammed into this corner.”
Lorcan shot him a foul glare. “Enough with the stupidity, Moonbeam.”
“All right, all right. But that was a serious question.”
“Two or three more days.”
“Fuck,” Fenrys groaned, “I’m going to go insane.”
It was all Lorcan could do to refrain from strangling the blonde. “You shut the fuck up, it’s not that long.”
“That’s what Essar said,” Fenrys snickered, biting back peals of laughter.
Lorcan’s face twisted into a stormy scowl. “Moonbeam,” he growled, “you’re treading on thin fucking ice.”
“Fascinating,” drawled a bored female voice from behind them, “as I believe we are actually in water.”
The two men turned their heads around very, very slowly. A petite brunette woman dressed in a loose shirt and tight pants tucked into knee-high boots, a pair of revolvers strapped to leather belts that crisscrossed her chest, stared them down, one brow lifted. 
“Would you care to explain yourselves before I shoot you as stowaways?” the woman inquired, her voice saccharinely sweet. 
Fenrys’s hands shot up in surrender. “Parlay?” he asked hopefully, turning the full force of his charming, panty-dropping grin on the woman.
She just drew both her pistols and aimed them at Fenrys and Lorcan. “On your feet.” They stood, coming out of their hideaway. She jerked her head, and two more women appeared from the sides of the hold with lengths of rope, binding Fen’s and Lorcan’s hands behind their backs. The petite woman flicked her head towards the stairs. “Up. You invoked parlay, let’s go see the captain. Rin?”
The blonde woman who’d bound Fenrys’s hands turned, already halfway up the stairs. “Yeah?”
“Let the Captain know we’re having a parlay.”
“Yes, ma’am.” The woman called Rin hurried off.
The petite woman gestured with her pistols towards the ladder. “Move, boys. We’ve a parlay to conduct.” Meekly, they headed up the ladder, the woman’s weapons more than enough encouragement to cooperate. They were directed down to the stern, where the Captain’s cabin was located. The woman, her sights still trained on the two of them, rapped twice on the door.
“The stowaways who invoked parlay, Cap,” the woman announced, ushering Fenrys and Lorcan into the Captain’s spacious, simply decorated office.
“Shit!” was the first thing out of both Lorcan and Fenrys’s mouths.
Captain Ash Galathynius was a woman.
~~~~~~~ *dun dun DUUUUUUNNN* And so it begins...
TAGS: This is my taglist for As I Am, please let me know if you want to be added or removed for this fic!
@charlizeed​ @cretaceous-therapod​ @loudphantomdragon​ @ingrid1234​ ​ @morganofthewildfire​ @rowanaelinn​ ​​ @story-scribbler​ @nicolivesinbooks​  ​ @flora-shadowshine​ @wesupremeginger​ @mackenzieclutt​ @stardelia​ @maeclin​ ​ @pen-paper-and-ink​ @nerdperson524​ @claralady​ @fireheartwhitethorn4ever​ ​ @julialovebooks​ @nesgoddessofdeath​​ @gracie-rosee​ @autumnbabylon​ @rowaelinismyotp​ ​ @clea-nightingale @shanias-world
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deathlikesdeep-dish · 3 years
“You’re Making Me Wet” (Zoro x Female Reader)
JUST UNDER THE WIRE BUT I FINISHED FOR BAE’S BIRTHDAY. It was not probably my best move to try and start and finish something in an evening, but here we are. A bit rushed, but I hope y’all enjoy this lil fic! I’ve been meaning to write this for a while, (specifically for the One Piece of Summer event) and haven’t gotten around to it. Inspired by the “We Can!” opening where the crew has a water gun fight, and sexy flirtation ensues. 
WARNINGS: cussing as usual, heavy suggestion but no smut! 
Zoro x Female Reader
Word Count: 1960
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It was a particularly hot day aboard the Sunny, and the crew was beginning to get a little stir crazy. It would be days, according to Nami, before you all would arrive at the next island, and Luffy’s heavy, bored sigh every ten minutes after he’d ask how much longerrrr was beginning to wear on the entire crew. 
“Goddamn it, Luffy, if I hear you ask that question one more damn time, I’m gonna lose my fucking mind,” Zoro growls from his usual spot.
“Not like there’s much there to lose,” Sanji mumbles under his breath as he walks back to the kitchen, to the great amusement of both Chopper and Usopp, though their laughter is cut short by Zoro’s sharp gaze. 
“Shut up, cook,” Zoro ground out. 
You giggle quietly, but don’t say anything.
“Boys,” Nami rolls her eyes from next to you. You, Nami and Robin are all lounging in the shade on the deck. 
You look over at Zoro, who has uncharacteristically chosen to shed his usual gear in lieu of swim trunks and a simple white t-shirt. Though this is not out of place, as the entire crew had donned their swim gear after the third straight day of heat, it is still jarring to see the swordsman out of his normal attire. It left much less to the imagination, and made it difficult to concentrate. His brow is still furrowed in annoyance towards Sanji, his lips a thin, tight line. He doesn’t notice that you are staring, which you are grateful for. You are also grateful that both Robin and Nami seem content to occupy themselves with idle chatter. They have been giving you a hard time recently about your sometimes unabashed attraction to the greenette. 
You can see the slight sheen of sweat forming on Zoro’s tanned forearms and at the nape of his neck and as he tilts his head back, your gaze follows the sharp line of his jaw. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, clearly attempting to calm himself down and you can see his facial features beginning to relax. How is it fair for someone to be this attractive, you think bitterly. 
Abruptly, as if Zoro felt your gaze, his eyes open and the flash to yours. They are vigilant at first, cautious, but soften when he realizes that it is you, and not some enemy, that is looking at him. You realize, stupidly, that he has trained his Haki to notice any sort of energies directed towards him, and you could kick yourself for being so careless. 
He smirks a bit, but otherwise does nothing. You flush brightly and look away, turning to ask Nami a question but you find that she is no longer in her spot.
“Hey, where’d Nami go?” You ask Robin.
“I think she went to talk to Luffy about something,” Robin replies vaguely. 
“Oh,” You say, looking around. Luffy, too, has vanished from his normal spot atop the figurehead. 
“Come to think of it,” You say a little more loudly, attracting the attention of the other crew members nearby. “Isn’t a little too quiet?” 
“Huh, you’re right, y/n,” Chopper says. “It is really quiet...” 
Before you can utter another word, you hear the loud yell of your captain from the helm. “Gum-gum….WATER GUN FIGHT.” He leaps onto the deck with a cackle and begins rapidly firing a water gun at Usopp and Chopper.
“Hell yeah! Talk about a super soaker!” Frank yells out, his Franky water cannons emerging from his shoulder pauldrons, primed and ready to go. 
Nami yells out to you and Robin. “Robin, Y/n!” You both look up and see her toss a similar water weapon to each of you with a mischievous grin. You catch it with a loud laugh. 
“Oh, you idiots don’t even know what’s about to happen,” You say evilly, launching up from your chair. 
“Oh yeah?” Usopp challenges, and the battle ensues. Since you joined the Strawhats with Franky in Water 7, you have been through many battles with your nakama. And in some of these, you recall with unpleasantness, you weren’t sure if the crew was going to make it out all in one piece. So, it is with great pleasure that you engage in this battle, one where the only stakes of the loss are cleaning up Sanji’s dinner or helping Chopper get a mat out of his coat. You, along with Robin and Nami, are in immediate opposition to Franky, Chopper, and Usopp. Your captain is, of course, trying to take all of you on at once. 
Sanji is still in the kitchen, probably preparing some sort of fruity drink for the ladies, and Zoro is to the side, being an overall dolt and spoil-sport. He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest, leaning against the side of the ship as he curls a dumbbell. 
“Nami, my sweet!” Sanji calls out, busting through the door with a tray of drinks, completely unaware of the chaos unfolding. 
“FRANKY SUPER CANNON,” Franky yells, firing a jet of water directly into Luffy. The blast is so powerful, that the Luffy is launched into Sanji, who is then launched into the marimo as he sits with his weights. The three of them are also immediately drenched with water from Franky’s cannon.
“Hey, what the hell!” Zoro barks out, standing up with a menacing glare.
“Stop getting in the way, moss-head! You knocked down my drinks for the lovely ladies!” Sanji replies with equal rage. 
“Why you….” Zoro replies. “Give me a fucking water gun. I’m gonna kick this cook’s ass.” 
“Ha! Not a chance, you couldn’t even touch me, cretin,” Sanji says. 
Luffy is cackling as Franky tosses two more water guns to Zoro and Sanji respectively. 
“Don’t wreck my ship!” Frank yells out with a laugh, as Zoro and Sanji are brought into the fight. The battle continues for a while longer, Zoro wanting desperately to use his swords (aiming a gun was not exactly his strong suit) and Sanji not wanting to use his delicate chef hands too vigorously (my hands are only for cooking and women, he’d say). Zoro, turning his attention away from Sanji, who is being attacked by Luffy and Robin, looks around to find you. You’ve been hiding from him intentionally, knowing that he would show you no mercy. 
“Oh, y/n…” Zoro calls. “Where have you been hiding? Don’t think I’ll let you get away scot-free.” 
Hearing his voice, low and taunting, throws an unexpected pang of desire down your spine. You bite your lip in an effort to remain silent. You know that you hiding is pointless. He could find you in a second with his Haki. He’s teasing you intentionally. Does he know how desperately aroused that this is making you? 
“Got ya,” You hear in your ear from behind you. You jump at the sudden closeness of his voice and yelp a bit. 
“Ugh, Zoro,” You complain, hoping he doesn’t notice how breathless you are. “You’re such an ass,” You turn towards him and meet his gaze. He is much closer than you thought, so when you turn around and look up, your noses nearly touch. He makes no moves to back off, challenging you. You take a step backwards, cursing in your mind, and rip your gaze from his. This is a mistake. Your eyes settle on his torso. The white t-shirt he has been wearing is all but translucent now, soaked with water from the fight. The fabric clings to each line of his chest and abdomen, and even though you’ve seen him shirtless many times before this, there’s something particularly erotic about him being fully clothed and yet so exposed. 
Your lips are parted as you let out a shuddering breath. You take a step back, trying to regain composure, only to find your back against the side of the ship. He is very close. And you have nowhere to go. “Uh,” You stutter. You look up at his face again, which was yet another mistake. You are now close enough to trace the lines of his face with your eyes. You notice, for the first time, how ragged the scar over his left eye actually was. You feel a tinge of sadness, wondering for a long moment how it happened, and hating the thought of him suffering. 
That thought quickly leaves your mind, as he reaches to place a hand on either side of your head, leaning in. “What the problem, y/n?” He teases.
Since when has the socially awkward first mate become so incredibly seductive?! 
“Zoro,” You start, droplets of water from his hair and his arms dripping onto your skin. “You’re making me wet.” You finish without thinking. 
His grin widens and you don’t realize why until you remember the words that had just come out of your mouth. You flush bright red and you bury your hands in your face immediately. 
“Oh my God,” Your words are muffled by your hands. Oh my God, please just fucking kill me now.  
After a moment, you feel warm fingers wrap around your wrists, to pull your hands to the side. You try to ignore the tingling sensation emanating from his touch. 
“Sorry. Didn’t mean to make you wet,” He says slyly. “Let me fix that,” he finishes before stepping back to strip off his shirt. The two of you are far enough away from the rest of the crew to feel particularly vulnerable. Though you know, of course, that Zoro poses no threat to you, you are beginning to feel like your dignity may end up being threatened if you’re not able to get your shit together. 
“Zoro, what are you doing?” You ask in a near whisper.
“Y/n,” He breathes. “You must know that I can sense you.” He looks you directly in the eye, his dark gaze penetrating. “I know your energy. I know when you’re near.” 
You are disarmed, unable to look away. “I’ve trained myself to know. Because I need to know that you’re safe.” You are taken aback, not expecting to hear something so sentimental come out of the swordsman’s mouth. 
“I know when you’re looking at me. I know when you stare. I can sense your heart racing right now,” He continues, leaning in so that his lips barely brush yours. 
“I can sense that you want me in the same way that I want you,” He says finally. 
Wait, what? You think, your mind hazy. He had never once given you any indication that he felt this way. “What did you just say?” You ask.
“I said that I want you.” He replies simply. 
You don’t know what to say. You’d never even allowed yourself to consider the possibility that Zoro may feel something like this for you. 
“You don’t have to answer right now,” He reassures you. “And there’s no rush. I want you to feel comfortable, y/n.” 
Your heart is warmed by the gesture and you are grateful that you are going to be able to have some time to process this information. Nami and Robin are going to lose their shit, you think.
“But y/n,” Zoro says, the same sly tone back in his voice as leans down to your ear. “If I catch you staring at me while I’m shirtless again,” He gently tugs your earlobe between his teeth. You gasp, nearly collapsing. “I make no promises to go slow.” His lips trail to the hollow beneath your ear, and you brace your hands against the wall of the ship. 
“I may be honorable,” He whispers. “But I am a pirate.”
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I accidentally wrote a 5k fanfic about incidents caused aboard the ghost by differences between species
I've been reading a lot of those old tumblr posts that are like “what if humans are actually just really, really hardy and alien species would be just completely blown away with the shit we put up with without a second thought” and it's got me thinking about the crew of the Ghost trying to get used to each other at first with three humans that are all just absolutely fucking insane, even more so than even your average human.
Rebels spoilers ahead, as well as a trigger warning for blood, vomit and general injuries
It starts with Hera and Kanan. It’s just the two of them, aboard the Ghost, and it takes some getting used to.
At first Hera is shocked by the way Kanan's body seemingly has no limits. He has never once complained about the temperature of the ghost, even when they were running low on power and Hera could feel her limbs start to get sluggish from the cold. Two weeks later he somehow managed to find his way back to the ghost after being in -2 degree Celsius weather for a half an hour with no coat on. When he walked back through the hatch with snow blowing in his loose hair and a red nose and said “it's cold as shit out there” after Hera had been panicking about losing him for the literal entire time, she had to practically scrape her jaw off of the floor. She would have been dead after a few minutes, and yet here he was, now steaming from a shower and shirtless, bitching about how the caf maker was broken.
As time went on, she learned his body did have some limits to the heat. At about 35 degrees he got irritable and short, but that was about when she started getting uncomfortably warm, too. But he would tolerate it. And more. He kept impressing her with the things he somehow managed to pull off, in conditions she would have thought would kill him. He could get knocked around far more than she thought he should be able to, and would haul himself back to the ship with a grin every time.
The way his body worked constantly surprised her. She noticed it first in how quickly he healed, and in how much he ate.
He could eat literally anything. Things she thought were poisonous for most species. He loved chocolate, and would easily eat ten times the amount that would send her to the hospital to get her stomach pumped. He could withstand a ridiculous amount of alcohol, and could drink unprocessed coffee with no problem by the cup. Caf didn't seem to really affect him because his body processed it so fast. And he ate so. Much. it was ridiculous. The good thing was it didn't really seem to matter what.
Hera didn't need much food, but it had to be good. It had to count. Too much filler and she would lose strength. Her body couldn't process a lot, and if what she got wasn't exactly what she needed, her health went downhill, quick.
Kanan was not the same. He could, and would, eat anything. He didn't have any noticeable preference for plants or meat, or the quality of the food. If he could get his hands on it, he would eat it. He would eat food out of the refrigerator she would have considered to be dangerous. He put appalling amounts of random, unrelated food in a pan, cooked it, and acted like that was an acceptable thing to do. Omelets? She hated the very idea but he seemed to think they were wonderful.
And yet, for all that, they had once been stranded for over a week with only enough rations for one, and Kanan had insisted that she take the vast majority of the ration bars. She pushed back, and he then presented her with the absolutely shocking fact that humans can survive for over a month with no food. She was absolutely flabbergasted, and he took advantage of her stunned silence to press another ration into her hand, smirk at her and say, “I can take it. Trust me.”
Another thing she noticed very quickly was how fast he healed.
He could be bleeding openly one minute, and the wound seemed to close itself the next. She knew human blood had clotting factors far beyond that of nearly any other being, but it was ridiculous how fast he sealed himself up. Further into their relationship she got to see this close up when she accidentally touched some of his congealed blood on the floor of the refresher after cleaning him up. She had had to turn away and take a few deep breaths at the slimy, gelatinous texture. He had gently huffed out a laugh.
“Kinda gross huh?”
“Yeah... it's… unique.”
“I've always been kind of fascinated by the way it congeals so quickly. Handy I guess.”
Out of sheer curiosity she had run the end of a pen through the small puddle and been horrified to see that it mostly stuck together.
“It just… does that? Inside you? And that doesn't cause problems?”
“It can. If it clots when it's not supposed to. But mostly it keeps me alive.”
And it did. And though she wouldn't say it to his face, his ability to pull through seemingly anything took just one more worry off her plate. His wounds would be almost completely closed in often under a week, where she would have been dealing with bandages and salves for a month. He almost never got infections, and could keep going with seemingly incapacitating injuries.
They had once narrowly escaped a fight with a gang of imps and made it back to the ghost with almost no problems. She had a sprained ankle, so he had supported her most of the way there, and they had patched up each other's scrapes. He had needed a bit of training so he didn't just slap a bandaid on what could have been a potentially life threatening injury for her, but he did alright. It was only later, when they were sitting in the cockpit, well into hyperspace, and he had coughed suddenly, when things went sideways. She turned to see blood seeping out of the corner of his mouth, and more on his hand when he pulled it away. They both looked at it for a moment, then Hera almost blacked out as a sudden wave of adrenaline washed over her.
“Kanan you're- are you- let me make the calc- are you dying?”
“What? Oh- no I had thought I just cracked a few of my ribs but it would appear I must have broken at least one of them.”
“BROKEN? Your bone? Like in half?”
“I- yeah?”
“Chopper we need to get to the nearest med center right now. Tell them were coming. I dont care if its a fucking imperial light cruiser”
“Wait no lets not be hasty-”
“Okay i know it looks bad but really i'm not going to keel over and die right now. Make sure it's a safe med center and cheap too. I can wait.”
“Kanan your bones are literally broken.”
“Yeah. It's happened before and it will happen again. I've broken my arm twice. I've broken one of the bones in my lower leg. A couple toes. At least one finger. And don't even get me started on my nose. It didn't always look like this.” At that he had huffed out a small laugh, but then winced and brought a hand to his lower chest. Almost as an afterthought, he reached down and pulled up the hem of his shirt. She had started to avert her eyes at the sliver of hip he showed, but as he pulled the shirt up higher and revealed more, she felt the breath taken out of her. His skin was mottled a whole host of awful colors, angry and puffy. He coughed that wet cough again and said, “Maybe I do need a med center after all”
She was incredibly relieved when they dropped out of hyperspace and into the welcoming arms of medicine. She was less happy when Kanan was returned to her, that night no less, with only bandages around his chest and a note to “take it easy for a while” she was appalled to say the least.
His ridiculously resilient body sometimes created just as many problems as it solved, though. He got into bar fights after downing enough alcohol to kill a bantha, and got the piss kicked out of him. He ran headfirst into danger with little consideration for life or limb. He was reckless, and incredibly hotheaded, and overall behaved like a clown. She had no idea how the Jedi accepted humans into their ranks, if Jedi he was. Restraint, my ass.
His recklessness applied to food as well. He didn't really seem to mind what he ate, content with the knowledge that if it didn’t work out, he could always regurgitate it back up. Twi’leks could not vomit, like many other species. It was yet another bizarre human trait. The ability to purge substances from your body without them having to pass through your entire digestive tract and cause more issues had always seemed like a neat trick to Hera. That is, of course, until she saw it in action.
She was roused one night by a strange noise coming from the refresher, and she had padded to the door, only to find it open. Blinking in the harsh light, she saw Kanan curled on the floor, wearing no shirt. His hair was loose and hanging around his face, and he was panting heavily. She only had time to say “Kanan, what-” before he coughed and vomited into the bowl.
Her immediate reaction ricocheted from “Oh my god he's dying” to “I’m actually going to die just having to witness this” to “Oh stars he is actually dying” so fast she could barely process it. She was immediately horrified but had no idea how to help him.
“Kanan are you- do you need a medic? How- chop- CHOPPER! How do I help you? Are you hurt?”
He had turned and peered up at her with puffy eyes and a runny nose. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He tried to talk but his voice came out too rough and he had to try again. Even then it was strangely thick.
“Hera? Are you okay?”
“Am I okay? Am I okay Kanan? You're in here dying for stars sake and I have no idea how to help you and where the hell is chopper-”
“Hey. hey.” He turned away for a moment and took a long breath in through his nose. “Calm down for a sec. I feel like shit so you're going to have to talk slower. Are you hurt or something?”
“Hurt? No I'm not hurt i’m just- you- you're in here- I don’t even know-”
He closed his eyes and took another long breath in through his nose.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah i’m just… trying really hard not to throw up again.”
He opened his eyes again and looked up at her again.
She shifted against the door frame. “But you're… okay? This isn't life threatening?”
He huffed out a soft laugh, then seemed to immediately regret it as he dropped his head between his knees for a moment. Then he cleared his throat and tipped his head back up.
“No. I'm good, I just ate something bad at that pub. And I also probably drank a bit too much as well. But I think it was definitely the squids fault.”
“Oh. So this is… normal?”
“More so than I would like. Yes.”
“Okay so…” she took a deep breath to calm her nerves now that it was apparent he wasn't in any imminent danger. “Do you need anything? How can I help you?”
“Some tea maybe. Some crackers. Anything ginger you have. It'll work itself out with time.”
She stood in the door, unsure of what to do, wanting to help him, and watched as he drew a quick breath in and closed his eyes again.
“Hera. Tea. Now”
As she dashed to the kitchen she heard the sounds of retching from behind her.
  There were some strange things about humans that became interesting as their relationship developed beyond mere captain and crew. His hair, for example. At first she had thought it was appalling, the sheer volume of it. It was everywhere. But all it took was threading her hands through it a few times, and hearing the wonderful noises he made, before she quickly changed her opinion.
Related to his hair was the fact that humans seemed to enjoy a certain level of pain, which she could not understand. He would moan audibly when she tugged at his hair, which startled her the first time, in the best way. Once, when she was feeling particularly adventurous, she had dragged her sharp canines across the delicate skin of his throat, and had been surprised to find the taste of metal filling her mouth, sharp and bright. She was even more surprised at the way he had shuddered and come apart beneath her, just like that.  
Then, later, when Zeb and Sabine joined the crew, there was yet another learning curve as Hera adjusted to another human as well as a Lasat, and Zeb adjusted to Kanan and Sabine at the same time.
Sabine was just as reckless. She was a fighter too, but she didn't have the force to help her out. Hera had more than a few small heart attacks in the early days of Sabine's presence before she fully appreciated that she could take almost as much of a beating as Kanan. Sabine had once walked over a half a mile back to the ship with a broken leg, and when Hera pressed her on just how she managed to do that, Sabine had gotten quickly tired of the argument, ending it with a, “I don't know what to tell you, Hera! I didn't have any other options! I had to do it, so I did.”
Hera was used to most of Kanan's strange human quirks, but Sabine presented a new and entirely alarming one, which Hera first came in contact with on a supply run. Sabine needed a monthly supply of medical supplies. Hera knew very little about menstruation, as that was a trait entirely unique to human females. Why their biology decided that it was necessary was completely beyond Hera, it seemed incredibly inefficient. Sabine made as little fuss about it as possible, but Hera had embarrassed everyone about three months in when Sabine asked hera to go get her data pad from her room. Hera had burst back into the common room, and only then was able to identify the smell Sabine was carrying with her that had been tugging at the edges of Hera’s mind all day. Blood. She turned on Sabine with a very distressed, “Sabine are you injured? Are you sick?”
To which Sabine had responded, with a distinct note of confusion, “No? Why?”
And Hera, without thinking, had said, “There's blood all over your bed? Did you hurt yourself?”
Sabine had gaped at her for a moment, then blushed ever so slightly. “I uh- I forgot to wash my sheets after... Sorry. I forgot about that before I told you to go into my room.”
Hera still had not connected the dots and was opening her mouth to further interrogate Sabine as to why her bedsheets were covered in blood when Kanan had jumped up and said, “Hera! Let's go for a walk, yes?” and pulled her gently out of the room, but not before she heard Zeb turn to Sabine and say, “So, why were you bleeding?”
Zeb apparently hadn't had much contact with the more alarming of the humans' quirks, as he had his own room, until Ezra showed up. Then Zeb had to learn for himself just how absolutely wild human biology was for himself. He arguably had a rougher go of it, because while he had the rest of the crew to help him out, he was literally sharing a room with a teenage human.
The first time Ezra got food poisoning was just about as rough for Zeb as it was for Kanan and Hera, except it happened in Zebs room.  Ezra was mostly self-sufficient, but Zeb had come hollering down the hall. He had broken the “do not open my door without knocking” rule Hera kept firmly in place, but she couldn't even be mad at him. Hera was just glad Kanan had been in his own bed that night. She had woken to see Zeb standing in her door, his fur standing up like a spine down his back, one ear folded inside out, panting hard.
“Hera the kid- he’s- I don’t know what the fuck happened but he- I think he’s hurt- or- or something but I don’t know how to help him- it’s Ezra-”
At which point Kanan, who had been woken by Zebs racket, slid open his door wearing only his sleep pants. He took one moment to assess the situation, looked down the hall and said, “Oh, Ezra’s throwing up. Do you want me to take care of him, Hera?”
Hera sighed and got up from her bed.
“No, you get Zeb some tea or something. I've learned well enough how to hold hair back at this point.”
Zeb, still looking entirely horrified by the situation, allowed himself to be led into the galley by Kanan. Sabine poked her head out of her door, decided this crisis did not involve her, and went back to sleep.
The same situation had happened the first time Ezra had gotten a bloody nose in the middle of the night. It was the kind Hera had witnessed with Kanan, and knew firsthand how horrifying it was if one didn't know humans noses just Did That sometimes. It was a middle of the night kind of bloody nose, where Ezra had presumably woken up with blood all over his face and in his mouth and in his hair and on his sheets, and had tried to catch the blood in his hands, which was all well and good until he somehow had to get down from the top bunk and open two doors to get to the refresher. That left Zeb to wake up to a room smelling of blood, with blood on the floor, on the door panel, and a trail leading to the refresher where he found Ezra leaning over the sink which was also, conveniently, covered in blood. All it had taken was for Ezra to turn his face toward the creature standing in the door and say “Zeb?” before Zeb was hurtling down the hall in a panic, calling for Kanan to come help him because the kid was dying.
Sabine, who had been up working on a project, was the first to respond to this particular “The human is dying!” call. She took one look at Ezra, standing in his pajamas with blood on his hands and said, “That sucks,” and turned back to her room.
Hera, who was making her way down the hall to check on if Ezra really was dying this time, had the pleasure of seeing Sabine turn back and say, “If you want a tampon to stop up the bleeding, they're in the bottom left drawer.” This worked surprisingly well at stopping Ezras bloody nose, because he was blushing so hard there was no blood left for his nose. Hera turned back to comfort Zeb, telling him she had reacted the exact same way the first time Kanan had woken up with a bloody nose. She saw him come out of his panic in time to realize she had effectively confessed to sleeping with Kanan, but wisely decided not to say anything. Nothing he didn't already know.
The humans were absolutely bizarre to spend time around. They ended up installing a wall in the galley that had live plants in it, not because they needed fresh plants to eat, but because their brain chemicals got thrown off if they weren't around plants for too long.
They had empathy for everything. Hera had once witnessed Ezra cry in a market when they passed a fruit stand with a deformed Meiloorun. When Hera asked why he was crying, he had looked up at her with these huge eyes, sniffed, and said, “I just feel so bad for it! No one will buy it!” They had, of course, bought it. Kanan tried not to get attached to anything, but he apologized for bumping into inanimate objects, and Sabine got visibly sad when they had to throw out a good piece of gear because it was broken or old.
They all three loved swimming. They were awful at it, just barely flopping around on the surface, but any time they were near even relatively safe water, they were in it, having the time of their lives. Kanan had once explained to Hera that humans have an extra fun little bit of evolution called the mammalian dive reflex, which slows their heart rate and lowers their blood pressure when they are in water, making it calming and enjoyable. Hera was skeptical until she watched Ezra calmly floating down a river on his back and wished she had that, instead of feeling nothing but panic anytime she had to float in water.  
They were mimics. They could replicate a stunning array of sounds, from animals to tech. Ezra's favorite way of annoying her was to make the noises her ship made when something went wrong, just to see how much she would panic before she realized it was him. They would sing along to anything, even if it was just instruments, and Hera would never admit it, but she loved Kanan's voice.
They could sleep anywhere. One of her favorite memories was walking around Chopper Base after a particularly exhausting mission and finding the three of them, Kanan in the middle, with one kid leaning on either shoulder, asleep, leaning against a crate. They had looked so peaceful, and yet she was again surprised at them. It was far too cold for her to even consider sleeping, there were fighters landing only a few hundred meters away, people running all over, and they were snoozing with smiles on their faces, just glad to be home.
And humans would pack bond with literally anything. She had thought Kanan was bad until she met Ezra. It was ridiculous. Her father had said that she was improper for developing a fondness for a droid, but the kid formed a relationship with everything that moved. It got them out of a few tight spots, sure, but she would never get used to having to sit still as some enormous predator loomed in their faces. The sight of Ezra staring down a cat the size of the ghost on some jungle planet, the cat's fangs mere inches from his face as it huffed at him, was something she would never forget.
They were wild and hard headed and strong and made her life so much more interesting.
Early on, Kanan’s strange human ability to adapt to seemingly anything had been a momentary point of contention between the two of them, and was still something she struggled with. It took time for her to be okay with the fact that humans and Twi’leks were just built differently. But it frustrated Hera how weak she felt compared to him. It infuriated her the way he could just walk off something that would have killed her. She had always striven to be adaptable and up for anything. She was strong, and she knew it. But she felt her inadequacies sharply next to Kanan. Early in their partnership they had been in the galley repairing themselves from yet another fight, when Hera had turned to see Kanan casually sewing his own skin up with a needle. The way he could just puncture his own skin like that, with nothing more than a wince and a hiss of breath, had made her see red for a moment and she had to excuse herself to the cockpit to take a breath. They had talked about it, and he had helped her to realize that she was, of course, strong. Humans were adapted differently, so it was entirely unfair for her to be comparing them. But they could compare emotionally, and she was one of the strongest people he had ever had the pleasure of knowing. The two of them were forged in war, and had been through incredible things. She had fought prejudice and overcome so many obstacles to get to where she was, the best pilot in the resistance, without question. As he had said the last part, she heard him smirk a bit, and looked over at him, bathed in the blue light of hyperspace, to find him with a little crooked grin on his face and his hair falling down around his ears. She had felt her guarded heart open a little bit more at that, and had to turn and gaze back out at the stars before her heart opened completely to this rogue of a man.
Later, pressed against his chest in a supply closet, hiding from some stormtroopers, she would marvel at just how fast humans' hearts beat. She knew they were supposed to beat about two times faster than a twi’lek, but his seemed like it was fit to fly out of his ribcage. She found herself thinking, “Is it supposed to be doing that? Is this why he's such a hot headed idiot?” Later she would discover it did not always beat that incredibly fast, usually just a bit faster than hers. It made him ridiculously warm, and also may have contributed to why he was so quick to anything. Not rushed. Not hasty. Just quick. Quick to anger. Quick to smile. Quick to fight. Quick to laugh. Quick to love.
Maybe that was why it was such a shock when he finally reached his limit. She had gotten used to him pulling through impossible situations. She had forgotten that they had limits, just like her.
And then, years later, a glimmer of hope. Ahsoka and Sabine, travelling the galaxy over, searching for Ezra. While Kanan was gone forever, she still had a chance to get one of her boys back.
And of course, there was always Jacen. Her beautiful little boy, who was soft and sweet and yet surprisingly strong, just like his father. And Hera was comforted to know that wherever this wild galaxy would take him, he had Kanan Jarrus’ blood coursing through his veins to keep him safe.
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ichayalovesyou · 3 years
We watching Star Trek: The Motion Picture for the first time boys! (Live Reaction):
So is Decker related to Commodore Matt Decker from The Doomsday Machine?
It’s Spockkk! Jim V’ger called out to him from the edge of the Galaxy
“His calling lies elsewhere” yeah, with his husband! Kohlinar isn’t for fixing your emotional issues dude! It’s for coming peace and oneness once you’ve figured them out yourself!
It’s Jimmmm I see you’ve supplied yourself with a substitute cuz you can’t fathom not having Spock a vulcan science officer aboard.
Awww Jim and Scotty are so happy to be back! Wholesome af, awewwwwww Jim loves the enterprise and his space family so effing much guys I’m gonna cryyyyyyy. Wow, they really spend a looooot of time just being like “look at this cool ship isn’t so cool we finally have a non-shoestring budget look at this cool ship we maaaaade.” 😂
Uhura! 😍 Sulu!!! 😍😍😍 Chekov!! 😍 my babies are here!!!!!!
That’s a cool ass warp core actually! Deckerrrrrr listennnnnnn sorrrrrryyyyyy but you can stayyyyyy as an XO? Oof, Jim got called out! Oof!
JANICE RAND?! Ohhhh my god that teleporter malfunction was brutal, that was ohhhhh wow jeezus oh my godddd. (I heard that in the book the other person that wasn’t his science officer was his second/ex wife? I don’t remember)
Lieutenant Ilia is an alien? I didn’t actually expect that but it makes sense. BONES!! Lol he’s so grumpy but of course he’s like “...okay.” When Jim’s all like “I need you 😏” oh wow Bones, who’d you shave for? Huh? God these two, at least Jim has like, half a brain cell back lmao.
Bones “I’m going with you to deal with Decker so that you don’t say stupid shit.” McCoy. Poor Kirk is a little rusty on the space life situation yiiiikes. Bones is like “get your head out of your ass Jim.” And he’s like “No. 😘” I guess I’ll see who’s right (probably bones, as usual).
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MY BOYFRIEND IS BACK 😍😍😍😍😍- Jim, basically. Even Decker is like 🤩, awww Bones and Jim are like “you good...?” OOF got cold shouldered!! Poor baby. Sidenote: damn Sulu’s got some biceps.
Even after Kohlinar training you can’t help but sass McCoy huh Spock? And poor Jim is just like “babe, PLEASE, just sit the fuck down so I can talk about how much I need you.” *gets cold shouldered again*. OOP “is there anything else?” so much for Kohlinar Spock goddamn 😂
God every time Jim says Spock he sounds so frickin desperate, dude we get it you’re in love 😂 Also does Decker just exist to not be listened to? Lmao.
If I got any complaints at all about this film it’s the ugly uniforms and the just-a-tad-too-long ooo-ing and aaaa-ing scenes.
Frickin loud scary space laser probe “absolutely I will not interfere!” I love you Chekov 😂😂😂 OH NO ILIA!! 😨 ohhhhh shit, that guilt just hit Kirk like a freight train oooooooof.
The ooing and aaaing may be too long but V’ger is admittedly, REALLY freaking cool 🤩 oh shit V’ger hijacked Ilia “infesting” is a red flaaaaag 😬 man I totally get what people are saying that V’ger might be a very early form of the Borg.
Oooh, the actress playing Ilia is good! That emotion behind the eyes! Nice!! Seeing really interesting cinematic parallels between Decker trying to get Ilia back and Jim trying to get Spock back. They’re both disconnected from their purpose and their emotions and trying to find their way back with the help of their romantic counterparts.
“V’ger orifice” Girl that’s a bootyhole!
Spock laughing? Ohhhh boy, wow he’s like, straight up back to his old self. Oh my GOD everyone stfu it’s HAPPENING 😍🤩😍🤩😍🤩😍
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“Is this all that I am? Is there nothing more?” Spock... babeyyyyy 😭
“V’ger is a child” this time you’re on the right track sympathizing with the machine. “It knows only that it needs, but like so many of us, it does not know what.” Gee Spock, what are you talking about, definitely not about your feelings for a certain person in your life?
*insert deleted scene where Spock weeps for V’ger that we freaking DESERVED and is canon in my heart*
Oh!!! Voyager 6! It’s The Changeling on stereoids!! And they’re explaining it’s heritage to it lol awwwww. Good shit!!!
Aw yissss Decker gets to be cool at the end hell yeah!! Oooooh shit sailor moon transformation sparkle boy?! What???? Hell yeah! WHAT?!?!?!?! Cool shit cool shit cool shit!!!!!
Teaching a robot with the power of love FUCK YEAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!
Awww bones “it’s been a long time since I delivered a baby” and talking about human emotions and stuff. The triumvirate is whole again, Spock is happy with himself for once! Warm fuzzies all around! Aww yeh ☺️☺️☺️
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whirlybirbs · 4 years
will you, maybe, write something for our favorite apex legend mirage? a lil drabble? pls mother i miss your writing :)
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 ✶   —    pity party for two    ;    mirage / legend!reader
summary: you’re the newest legend. this season is off to a shit start. featuring elliott, your pitiful comfort meal, and an empty bar.
pairing: elliott “mirage” witt / legend!reader
a/n: all aboard the apex legends train, chooooo chooooooooooo, catch me fawning over apex n overwatch like it’s my job these next few weeks. yay season 5. 
"Christ... Newbie, what the hell," comes a voice from over your shoulder with words pointed in pause, "is that?"
Elliott Witt's finger is then unceremoniously jabbed in the direction of your snack.
As he rounds the counter of his bar — quite literally speaking, it is his since he owns the place — you narrow your eyes critically at the figure in front of you and inspect him oh-so-carefully.
This Mirage doesn't flicker. Fake-Mirage does.
After this morning's match, you learned that lesson.
(It only took you launching yourself full speed in his direction, hellbent on tackling him to the bottom of King's Canyon, to learn the aforementioned lesson. That Mirage had just disappeared in a pretty scatter of light particles, sending you careening to the canyon below. It wasn't a good moment. The fan-forums certainly seemed to love it, though.)
Elliott braces a hand on the countertop and leans. He mimics your skeptical, little expression (as cute as it is) as the corners of his lips quirk.
"No magic tricks here, sweetheart," he smirks, "But, I got ya good this morning, didn't I?"
Your frown spurs you to pull your eyes from Elliott. His face falls immediately. Your shoulders slip. You become impossibly small, then, perched on the barstool before him.
No comeback? No witty banter? C'mon, you always played along. Hell, you were one of the only few who could dish it back just nearly as good.
He watches, a bit worried, as you take another bite of...
Elliott winces.
"Is that... ramen?"
"Yes," you mumble, "With —"
"Peanut butter?" Elliott's face is all sorts of screwed up.
"And siracha," you add, sounding mildly offended at the insinuation you'd forget to add a bit of heat. The rather pitiful looking meal sits in a small ceramic mug, no doubt dragged down the handful of blocks from your own apartment in Solace City to here: his bar.
"Okay," he breathes, waggling a finger in the direction of the mug, "That’s just sad."
"I am well aware," you mutter, forking a heaping pile into your mouth and chewing, "That's, like, the whole fucking point."
Elliott narrows his eyes. Still, you avoid his gaze.
"Alright, enough with the pity noodles. What's up? Murder-robot got your tongue?"
You fork the noddle pile. Elliott is, like, 87% sure that look on your face is the distant cousin of a pout. It's just more heart-breaking because you're sad. Like those commercials with the kicked puppies. Except he kicked you. Off a cliff.
"I don't wanna talk about it."
Ah, fuck. Elliott blinks, brows screwed up tight.
"... Is it because I kicked you off a cliff?"
Your shoulders sag again.
You're quiet.
Elliott shifts his weight froom boot to boot.
The bar has settled down, and as another patron shambles up from a back booth, Elliott sends a holo-pilot over to take the drink order. The real him stays rooted in his spot; uncharacteristic worry is stuck on his face.
"Listen," he starts, "I'm sorry —"
"It's not because you kicked me off a cliff," you say, "It's because I'm terrible."
"... What?"
"I'm terrible. We're twenty days into the season and I haven't even come out top five in a single match."
Suddenly, Elliott can see the dam-wall breaking; and if he's being honest, one: he hadn't even realized there was a dam, and two: he hadn't completely expected you to be honest about how you were feeling.
Not with him. With Bloodhound or any of the other vets, maybe, but...
You and Elliott were like two sides of the same coin — charming, witty, distracting. It came with the terroritory of being the younger legends. And while you had a better reign on the support catagory, Mirage was ever the offensive player. It wasn't often you and the holo-pilot came face to face in the arena. The banter was, arguably, what won you a spot in the hearts of fans. Being likable was easy for you. Just like it was for him.
The fans were clammoring for any sort of interaction in the arena between you both in recent weeks. Fan forums were buzzing.
They certainly got it today.
You bury your face in your hands.
"I am such a loser."
"Hey," it's chiding, "No, no, no, no one is comin' for my mantle as Legendary Loser, not happening."
"I already took it," you grumble into your palms, "I took it when I made myself peanut butter siracha ramen as a comfort meal."
"We all have our comfort meals," Elliott waves a hand through the air, "Mine is cosmic brownies. Whole box of 'em. Big glass of milk and... See, see, c'mon, back to planet Solace, newbie."
Your hands fall and you really do pout now.
(It's very cute.)
"This is your first season," Mirage says with a sudden warmth, not even flinching when his holo-self returns like the fading of double-vision. His words are sincere, "We all suck ass our first season."
You're quiet for a second. You eat another forkful of noodles.
He tries his best understanding look as you sit with his words.
Then, you speak.
"... How come you still suck ass if it's your seventh season?"
Elliott's jaw nearly drops.
"You — you seriously are comin' at me with that? Bustin' outta your pity party, guns a blazin'?"
The way you shrug is cute, too. Your smile digs into your cheeks. "You set yourself up for that one —"
"I was being nice," he nearly cries, throwing his hands, "Last time I do that for you, newbie..."
The silence that rises up between you both is... oddly comfortable. Elliott hates contemplative silence, but... this is nice. 
"Thanks, Elliott."
He feels like Revenant really did rip his tongue out this time. Murder-bot for sure has his tongue. He blinks. 
"Thank you," you repeat, eyes flicking across his face, "I mean it. Even... Even if I deflect with... y'know. Jokes."
"Alright, alright," Elliott flicks your hand, trying to dispell the sudden rise of tightness in his chest at the moment of vulnerability, "Quit stealin' my shtick."
You gawk. "You suck."
"So do you," he grins, "Both of these facts have been established. And, as a fellow suckee... Just know I'm always here to listen. Even if you bring your nasty, nutty, spicy ramen to my bar like it's good or something."
"Wanna bite?"
"Not even a little bit."
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tbhwhocaresanymore · 2 years
Nancy Drew Thoughts and Theories: She’s Back!
And by she I mean me! The true protagonist!
Hi everybody slightly-less-long time no see. As previously stated even though my faith in tv writers as we know it has been like completely destroyed, I have jumped back aboard the Nancy Drew train and can I just say I am so happy I did because season 3 has been WILD.
I’m not going to like totally recap the first seven episodes here because that would take way too long so I’m just going to give some general thoughts about the season so far and a few theories I have for where it might go in the second half.
Also can I just say it appears the writers have dropped the god awful voiceovers for good and thank God because things have progressed to the point where I hate voiceovers with a passion. Forward!
The main overarching mystery of season 3 is who is the demon behind the Frozen Hearts killings, and how does Temperance Hudson fit into it?
First off can I just say I absolutely love the work the costume/makeup department did on the freezer demon? (That’s his name btw, freezer demon. Frozen hearts killer is just too many syllables.) Like those creepy long-ass fingers, the teeth with no lip, the overall slightly scarecrow-esque aesthetic? You just don’t get this shit with cgi.
On a second note I love him as a villain but I don’t find him entirely threatening because of a theory I will get to later so mark this as a save spot. ***
Bess is learning MAGIC and I fucking called it all the way back in season one when she was in awe of Victoria, I was all “I want Bess to be her magical apprentice” God I’m a genius. So excited that one of the characters is finally developing supernatural abilities, and also holding out hope for George to manifest psychic powers but baby steps. Truth be told I can see Bess becoming incredibly powerful, especially if she’s going to reform the women in white. They’ll need someone to teach them, probably Bess, so she’s going to have to get pretty strong.
How fantastic would it be, just a quick side note, if Bess went down a similar path to Willow in Buffy and became ultra mega powerful and went to the dark side in a fit of rage and grief and the others had to unite to take her down somehow? I just think that would be awesome.
George and Nick! Oh my what to say about George and Nick. Separately they’re doing like pretty well. George confronted her birth dad about being a deadbeat, something I’ve been waiting on for ages, one Fan dad down three to go! (I feel like they can’t all suck. Like one of them has to be dead or redeemable or something.) How crazy would it be if Victoria came back from China with a new baby? It won’t happen but just saying. I always knew the George shortened lifespan thing would not be permanent, but it is nice to have that specter of impending doom lifted from her shoulders, even though I WILL miss Odette. Like Bess and George are cousins in the book so I didn’t love that she was falling for a ghost in George’s body, but I just thought it was SUCH a sweet and poignant ship. And God that scene where Bess is having to destroy the crystal and is sobbing you better believe I was also crying and I don’t normally cry at tv shows unless it’s about how much I hate it. So yeah George is doing pretty good, and I’m so excited we’re finally getting to learn more about her sisters because Jesse is amazing and I love her. Nick is doing considerably less good! Like yeah he’s finding a purpose and opening his youth center, he’s engaged, but as Addy so kindly pointed out, he never really dealt with any of his jail related trauma. Honestly I feel kind of bad because until the writers literally spelled it out for us I straight up kind of forgot that Nick went through so much (jail, Kate dying, Tiffany dying, murder suspect, supernatural Aglaeca target, etc) in such a short amount of time because he’s always just been rolling with it. I’m glad they reminded us all that Nick has indeed Been Through It and are going to take some time to explore that.
But Nick and George together??
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Oh my god don't hate me it’s not really that dramatic I promise. But season 2 was mostly pretty smooth sailing, and now in season 3 it seems like they’re having some kind of big fight every other episode. Episode 5 they have a big fight about Mr. Dad that doesn’t get resolved until next episode, and then episode 7 George refuses to call Nick as she’s possibly DYING and when she is ready to call him Nick has up and skedaddled on some sort of trauma side quest. I don’t know exactly where the show is in universe, but Nick and George have known each other for less than a year and they’ve already moved in together, blended their families, gotten engaged. One of the reasons Nick and George moved so fast is because of the shortened lifespan, combined with a honeymoon phase I feel. Now that George has her normal life expectancy back, even if they don’t break up (which I kinda feel they have to like just for a little while) I do expect them to put a pause on the engagement, just for a bit. I have some theories how that might go down to be posted later because it’s already 2 am and I have work tomorrow.
Ace had a storyline that made me cry tears of joy tbh, that thing with Mr. Bobbsey where Ace saw the blood on his hands and was immediately like “get out of my car”. If this were like any other show on the planet I guarantee you Ace would’ve been all ‘omg is that blood’ or something equally stupid and just given him a ride. But no, this is Nancy Drew and our characters have fucking brains in their head. So Ace kicked him out, solved the problem, low key stabbed his girlfriend in the back (RIP Amanda Bobbsey you deserved better) but hey man you do what you gotta do, and I enjoyed a morally challenging storyline where the character like makes the right moral decisions. It’s refreshing.
Maybe it’s because episode 7 was the last one I watched but God Carson and Ryan are straight up 2 of my current 3 favorite characters. Watching them as teenagers I was absolutely losing my mind, definitely in my top three favorite episodes ever. Their dad duo dynamic (say that three times fast) is beautiful, and comedic, and Carson doubling as a dad to Nancy and a dad to Ryan while simultaneously teaching Ryan how to dad? Poetic cinema. I don’t really think the Carson and Jean relationship is like built to last. I think it would be interesting to explore how much power prosecutors have in the legal system (i.e. pulling Ace’s plea bargain) and their differing philosophies could drive them apart. Also every time Ryan talks to Nancy about Lucy I start crying. Absolutely beautiful. Would it kill the writers to have like her ghost in the background during fucking one of those conversations? Apparently! But yeah no complaints.
Wait I lied I have one complaint. They really should deal better with that Ryan slept with George thing before Nick puts Ryan to work in a youth center. Like the writers will let George acknowledge it, see: conversation with her dad, but not Ryan for some reason. Like Nick. My dude. My guy. He literally low key groomed your fiancee as a teenager, had an affair with her, said he’d leave his wife for her, and you thought to yourself “I’m going to put him to work with kids”. Like don’t get me wrong I love Ryan, and (god forgive me) I am willing to move on from the sleeping with an underage girl thing because (A) it was different show runner and (B) the writers have worked hard to turn him around and redeem him, but it’s something I feel should be addressed you know?
Nancy Drew! Titular bitch. Kicking supernatural ass all over the town. Not going to a four year college, represent. I also didn’t go to a four year college at first, some of us got our general credits at our local community college. Although I do recall reading an interview sometime last year where the writers mentioned a potential post college time jump? So we’ll see if that’s completely wrapped up. Until then though she is pursuing the freezer demon with a vengeance! She’s also much more like emotionally stable this season, so hopefully no more Nancy sobbing alone in her room on her birthday. God that scene wrecked me.
Can I just say I’m in love with Temperance Hudson? Like I’ve been straight the last 22 years but I would marry her if given the chance. She is just so fucking funny, she’s a fun villain! The show hasn’t done a fun villain yet and I’m enjoying it. Every time she comes on screen I clap my hands maniacally and I can just list one liners of hers off the top of my head like it’s my job. “Auto correct is my nemesis.” about stealing Nancy’s blood: “I mean to be fair, she was done with it.” And God I’m so invested in her! I’m like really hoping that even though she’s obviously a villain right now, she’s one of those villains like Dr. Doofenshmirtz where she sticks around post villain arc and becomes an unwillingly rehabilitated good guy who helps out the heroes while slowly learning morals. I just love everything about her and want her to stick around is that so wrong?
While I’m on this character we’re going to switch from thoughts to theories!!!
“Oooooh, Temperance was cast out for seeking a dark power beneath the town, freezer demon is a dark power beneath the town! I wonder if it’s related!”
No but really, how have none of the characters mentioned this yet. Like you just two days ago learned this thing was kept BENEATH THE TOWN and nobody made the connection. Do I personally think it’s the thing Temperance is after? No! I think it’s a misdirect! But it’s not much of a misdirect if nobody brings it up. The freezer demon was free at the beginning of episode one to kill corn maze man, and at the end of episode one Temperance used the cat’s heart to drip blood on a map, hinting she’s still looking for something. What is it, I don’t know but I can’t wait to find out. Plus even if Temperance isn’t the freezer demon’s unlocker the dead guy still had Icarus moths on his clothes, they had to have gotten there somehow. And I’m dying to know, who is it that Nancy reminds her of that she failed to save? Can’t be her daughter who took the wraith making machine upstate and carried on the Hudson line. I wonder if whomever it is was Temperance’s motivation for becoming a woman in white?
Also, it might’ve been just me, but when they were all questioning Temperance she seemed VERY touchy about the wraith of Gorham woods. Everything else she just brushed off with mild annoyance, but when calling the wraith “an ill conceived mistake” there was like a snap in her tone. Like I thought we were done with the wraith but idk, maybe not. If Temperance knew she was going to be killed, why try the wraith trick at all and not just let them kill her? What was the wraith even supposed to do in the first place just suck the life out of people?
I THINK ADDY WILL BECOME A WOMAN IN WHITE. At this point one of Bess’s love interests has to stick, and they can’t get rid of a second Native character, and she’s employed at the youth center, so I’m betting Addy will stick around. Plus she knows about magic already (I think?) since Bess was all “I dealt with a haunting” and Addy was just like “that’s hot”. I’m curious how Nancy’s flirtation/romance with Park will end. My current theory is that he won’t be able to handle the supernatural stuff and skedaddle, but it’s also possible that once the frozen heart case wraps up he’s like “well my job is done off to the next city” but that just seems kind of boring. Temperance could also kill him which I would be into, but it seems unlikely they would kill two of Nancy’s boyfriends. Last small theory, Ace keeps mentioning getting his second job so I’m betting it will be important somehow. Onto the PROPHECIES.
“One of you will be the other’s demise. One of you will betray your true love. One of you will lose your heart. One of you will wreak havoc on this town. One of you will forsake what is dearest to you. Only one of you will fulfill your destiny and that will cause the rest to fall.”
God I fucking love prophecies like this. Just little small short ones, I’m very picky about prophecies cause like free will and everything and this is right in the sweet spot. So before I dive into who’s who I acknowledge that the last line might be saying only one prophecy will come true and that will make the others not come true, BUT I instead choose to believe one of the prophecies is meant for Ryan because otherwise why the fuck was he even there? I am assuming the prophecies wrap up by season’s end btw.
One of you will be the other’s demise. So I have a hesitant theory that this one could be Nancy because obviously nobody is going to die, BUT somebody IS going to lose their heart. And if my Ace mom dying theory is correct, that could be another definition of demise, and if Nancy were to somehow cause it? Potentially to save Ace? God just imagine it. Aside from that idk, we started with a tricky one.
One of you will betray your true love. I’m going to get hate for this but this prophecy is also the main reason I think Ryan should be included, because I think this is his prophecy. I am just hesitant to think the writers would describe any of the current pairings as true love so early on, (Bess and Addy Nick and George Nancy and Ace) especially when two of them weren’t even together at prophecy time. But I think it’s obvious from just about everything that Ryan’s true love was Lucy Sable. And as everyone knows I am a very fierce bring back Dead Lucy proponent, so if Ryan were forced to somehow betray Lucy, probably to save Nancy or something, god that would be gut wrenching in the best way.
One of you will lose your heart. Two main ideas about this one. We keep getting hints about Ace’s mom dying, with the heart problem for example, and in Nancy’s sex dream Ace was literally missing his heart so it’s possible his mom is going to die. OR, Nancy describes Horseshoe Bay as “this town is my home and it’s my heart” so how angsty would it be, if after finally claiming this town as her own, Nancy loses it to save it or something? Like imagine at the end of the season they have to get rid of Temperance by banning ALL Hudsons from the town or something Nancy and Ryan included, so she loses Horseshoe Bay her heart? I think that could be fun, plus then in season 4 we have to find a way to let her back in (and Ryan).
One of you will wreak havoc on this town. I feel kind of confident in saying this one is Bess. Like I feel it’s almost obvious. She’s learning magic, magic wreaks havoc, it even rhymes. Plus I’m not really sure who else it could be, the others don’t fit. But I’m also confident that Bess would never hurt the town on purpose, so mayhap she loses control or something. We shall see!
One of you will forsake what is dearest to you. Again, this one could be a lot of things. Personally, I think this one could be Nick leaving George. Kind of anti climactic for the word “forsaken” but hear me out. Nick could be like ‘hey George turns out I’ve been running from a whole lot of trauma and so I do love you but I also need to like find myself’ or something like that. BUT this one could also be Nancy forsaking Horseshoe Bay or something similar, because it says you will forsake WHAT is dearest to you, not WHO. But unless it’s like Ace sending Florence to the scrap heap I really don’t have any strong feelings about it.
Only one of you will fulfill your destiny. We are also ending with a tricky one and I’m saying George for selfish reasons. I still think she will be manifesting psychic powers at one point, and if it’s genetic from her mother one could argue it’s her ‘destiny’. If she’s doubting it and herself and drawing away, she could withhold vital information from the others causing them to fall in some metaphorical way, which I would of course enjoy.
More theories!
Let me just say Hannah Gruen is not evil. Absolutely no way. So here’s what we know. When Temperance broke the barrier the power went out and Hannah went with the key, presumably to free the freezer demon. She hasn’t been seen since. The freezer demon has two “confirmed” human kills, (SAVE SPOT ***) corn maze man and Jake the racist cafe owner. Becket Dow who made the padlock was around in Civil War time so 1860s, so freezer demon has been in jail for probably just over a hundred years, we assume to keep it from freezing out hearts and idk, eating them? We don’t know what he does with them. Nancy’s theory is that Hannah unleashed freezer demon and he’s now just like having fun idk. There is ALSO something knocking on the Drew/Hudson door every night for like two weeks.
Since Hannah isn’t evil (god she better not be evil or I will be so mad I got back into this show) I have two main theories about this. One, the demon is not the one doing the killing, Temperance is. I know Nancy and Co. have now agreed that Temperance wouldn’t just move in and immediately start killing, but she MIGHT if she knew something else would get caught for it. And she happens to know about a heart freezing entity located conveniently beneath the town. The demon didn’t attack Nancy and Ryan when they were right in front of it twice now. Once at Icarus Hall, yes Nancy keeps saying “it attacked me” but bitch I promise you it was just standing there. A second time in the cage tunnels when it just wanted its doll back. They’ve worked out that the freezer demon apparently has some kind of rules about who it attacks, but what if the freezer demon is not attacking anybody? Maybe it’s only ever wanted to freeze rat hearts and somebody else is killing humans. Or it’s being controlled/magically forced into killing humans against its will. The why of its victims remains unknown, like just the corn maze guy sure because he’s like stalking Hudsons, but all Jake did to audience knowledge was be racist, he wasn’t a threat to Nancy or anyone else. My SECOND theory is that Hannah IS somehow the freezer demon. This one is a little out there I admit it. So I’m thinking way back in yester year the then-keeper subdued the demon, and since it wouldn’t fit into a historical society storage box, they locked it in the basement instead behind glass that read ‘FOR EMERGENCIES ONLY’ or something. Hannah somehow sensed that the barrier fell and went to go free the demon in hopes of somehow using it against Temperance. The doll contains Hannah’s soul/human essence or something, which is why the demon is protective of it. When its job is done, it will somehow use the doll to release its soul.
Theory 2A is that Hannah tried to release the freezer demon as a last resort, Temperance like beat her to it, and Hannah’s disembodied form is now knocking on Nancy’s door every night trying to get help somehow. Not a great theory but it’s all I’ve got.
I would love to hear YOUR theories on the freezer demon, the phantom knocker, and if you’ve totally forgiven Ryan or not. Don’t be afraid to leave your thoughts in the replies or my ask box, and hopefully I’ll be seeing you soon after Nancy Drew season 3 episode 8, the Burning of the Sorrows.
(There is high key a 50% chance that title is referring to how the entity that feeds on sorrow goes after Nick and he symbolically burns some trauma related stuff in a garbage can to Move On or something. Calling it.)
On a final note for all the Nick x Nancy shippers out there I would like to say put into the universe that as soon as Nick and George break up Nancy and Ace will get together and then we can get some pining on Nick’s part which would be fun okay bye.
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