yalnzardc · 1 year
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uzman1r · 2 years
15temmuz#receptayyiperdoğan#reis#azerbaycan#pakistan #akparti_tr #cumhurbaşkanı#mhp#bbp #akgençlik #uzunadam #15temmuz #tsk#islam#iman#Kur,an#osmanlı#ottoman #vatan#asker#özelharekat#bordoberelil #lider2023#reisicumhur#akparti#@tcicisleri #@suleymansoylufan#süleymansoyluyalnızdeğildir#hakanfidan#mevlütçavuşoğlu#hulusiakar #fahrettinkoca#öncevatan (Avcılar, İstanbul) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc3Sz3hFzup/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cemakkilic · 16 days
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Yirmi iki yıldır siyasal islam ürünü AKP ülkenin başında. Ne söyledilerse tam tersi oldu. Ne ekonomi bıraktılar ne de adalet!.. Hayvancılık, tarım, sanayi yok edildi. Heryere fabrika yerine hapishane açtılar. İmam Hatip liseleri, kuran kursları ile doldurdular Türkiye'yi... Toplum fakirleştikçe ahlak kalmadı. Sonuçta; ne kadar çok din o kadar iflas...
Denizci eskisi, blog yazarı, bostan korkuluğu
Cem Akkılıç twitter: https://twitter.com/Cemology1
@Süleyman SOYLU
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fisiltihaberleri · 2 months
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Belediye Başkan Adayı Yusuf Alemdar “Sakarya’nın kültürel zenginliği ülkemize örnektir” Cumhur İttifakı Sakarya Büyükşehir Belediye Başkan Adayı Yusuf Alemdar, Doğu ve Güneydoğu Anadolu kanaat önderleriyle bir araya geldi. Alemdar, “Sakarya’nın kültürel zenginliği ülkemize örnektir. Farklı kültürlerin bir arada kardeşçe yaşadığı şehrimize Doğu Anadolu ve Güneydoğu Anadolu’dan gelerek zenginlik kattınız. Hep birlikte kadim şehrimizde bir ve beraberiz. İnşallah birlikteliğimizi sürdüreceğiz” dedi. Işıksu ise istişare kültürünün çok değerli olduğunu ve bunu sağlamanın memnuniyetini yaşadıklarını kaydetti. Cumhur İttifakı Sakarya Büyükşehir Belediye Başkan Adayı Yusuf Alemdar, AK Parti İl Başkanı Yunus Tever ve Adapazarı Belediye Başkanı ve Başkan Adayı Mutlu Işıksu ile birlikte Doğu ve Güneydoğu Anadolu kanaat önderleriyle bir araya geldi. Programda bölge temsilcileriyle fikir alışverişi gerçekleştiren Alemdar, sıcak karşılama için teşekkür etti. Programda ayrıca AK Parti Adapazarı İlçe Başkanı Samet Çağlayan, AK Parti Adapazarı Gençlik Kolları Başkanı Efe Kuşdili, Ağrılılar Dernek Başkanı Mehmet Berke ve davetliler yer aldı. https://www.fisiltihaberleri.com/haber/belediye-baskan-adayi-yusuf-alemdar-sakaryanin-kulturel-zenginligi-ulkemize-ornektir-10296.html
#akparti #türkiye #receptayyiperdoğan #mhp #istanbul #ankara #rte #reis #izmir #akp #cumhurbaşkanı #chp #başkan #turkey #vatan #devam #receptayyiperdogan #vakittürkiyevakti #reisicumhur #erdogan #turkiye #millet #uzunadam #akgençlik #lider #bursa #devletbahçeli #konya #islam #bayrak
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howdoesithappen · 4 years
Acute Kidney Injury (AKI)
1. In a nutshell  Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a term used to define a marked reduction in kidney function over a short period of time. AKI can occur in a number of different situations; laboratory and clinical manifestations of AKI can differ depending on the underlying cause. AKI is classed as being either pre-renal, renal (intrinsic) or post-renal. Measurements of renal function and obtaining a detailed clinical history from each individual patient can help determine AKI classification. AKI is relatively common in hospital settings, affecting up to 15% of inpatient populations. It is particularly common in those who are critically unwell and receiving intensive care where rates of AKI rise sharply to around 60%.In the UK, the cost of AKI to the NHS is thought to be in the region of £630 million.
In most cases, the damage caused by AKI is reversible if treatment is administered promptly and any underlying cause is addressed. 2. What causes it? Pre-renal AKI arises in situations where there is decreased renal perfusion. Any underlying medical condition that adversely affects the circulatory system can have a profound effect on renal function. Heart failure (”cardiorenal syndrome”), sepsis, blood loss, dehydration and severe burn injuries can result in pre-renal AKI. Intrinsic or renal AKI occurs when there is direct damage to renal parenchymal tissue. This can occur due to an ischaemic or inflammatory process; renal artery stenosis and glomerulonephritis are important causes of renal AKI. Additionally, exposure to exogenous substances such as antibiotic drugs and contrast dyes used in radiography have been linked to the evolution of renal AKI. Post-renal AKI is rare and typically results from obstructive pathology affecting both kidneys. Benign prostatic hyperplasia, renal calculi (kidney stones), and malignant neoplasms are the common clinical culprits.
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Figure 1. The pathophysiological mechanisms of Acute Kidney Injury. 3. What are the symptoms? The signs and symptoms of AKI will differ depending on the underlying cause and degree of renal dysfunction. Decreased glomerular filtration will cause oliguria and nitrogenous waste products (urea, uric acid, creatinine) will accumulate in the blood (azotaemia). There are many symptoms of azotaemia, they include malaise, nausea, lassitude, vomiting, headache, increased thirst, anorexia and, in sevre cases, uremic frost. Uremic frost occurs when urea and urea derviatives are secreted through the skin in sweat. Patients with AKI may also develop flank pain. 
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Figure 2. ‘Uremic frost’ seen on the forehead of a patient with advanced azotaemia. 4. What’s going on? The pathophysiology of AKI is driven by it’s underlying cause. As a cause of pre-renal AKI, advanced cases of hypovolaemia can cause the kidneys to lose their ability to auto-regulate and maintain an adequate glomerular filtration rate. Clinically significant azotaemia quickly develops rapidly in this setting.  Rhabdomyolosis is a notable cause of intrinsic AKI. In this setting, the breakdown of muscle tissue causes myoglobin to accumulate in the renal tubules resulting in decreased urine output and kidney damage. Cytokine dysregulation can also be an important cause of intrinsic AKI. TNF-alpha, IL-1 and IL-6 have all been implicated in the development of intrinsic renal inflammation, sclerosis and obstruction.  Post-renal AKI results from urinary tract obstruction. The obstruction may be intrinsic, as in kidney stone disease, or extrinsic, in cases where there may be enlargement of the prostate gland or neoplasms located in the peritoneum.  5. How is it treated? Urine output and renal function must be monitored closely in all patients with AKI. Pre-renal AKI will respond well to fluid challenge. A diuretic medication such as furosemide may be used in situations where there is severe volume overload in order to avoid cardiopulmonary complications.  Hyperkalemia can have fatal consequences for the AKI patient. Potassium levels must be closely monitored, and if hyperkalemia develops it must be treated promptly. Options to lower blood potassium include dietary restriction, IV dextrose and beta-agonists, calcium gluconate and dialysis as a last resort for refractory cases of hyperkalemia.  Sometimes, renal-replacement therapy may be required in pre and intrinsic AKI. Surgical treatment can completely resolve cases of post-renal AKI. 
6. That’s interesting... Difficult clinical situations arise in the setting of “cardiorenal” disease. Here, AKI results from low cardiac output  and decreased renal perfusion. These patients are dependent on the angiotensin-II mediated vasoconstriction of the efferent renal arterioles to maintain an adequate  renal perfusion pressure. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors are a mainstay in the treatment of heart failure, and are necessary for delaying disease progression, but may contribute to AKI by inhibiting the formation of angiotensin-II and consequently causing deranged renal perfusion pressures.
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gulmeleksude-blog · 6 years
Yolun Açık Olsun REÎS..😊❤ @rterdogan @caferturkyilmaz06_rte #akparti #receptayyiperdoğan #reisicumhur #uzunadam #akgençlik #reis #erdogan #baskan #erdoğan #liderlerinlideri #lider #millet #devlet #milletinadamı#Cb #başkomutan  #Receptayyiperdogan #cumhurbaskani #baskomutan #halk #türkiye #cumhurbaşkanı #rte #vatan #emineerdoğan #turkiye #dünyalideri #Akp #Hedef2023 #Uzunadam# https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo-CB2sAACZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=d1b4lf3jdlzr
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yalnzardc · 1 year
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yalnzardc · 1 year
Ya Allah Bismillah Allahu Ekber
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yalnzardc · 2 years
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yalnzardc · 2 years
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yalnzardc · 2 years
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uzman1r · 2 years
15temmuz#receptayyiperdoğan#reis#azerbaycan#pakistan #akparti_tr #cumhurbaşkanı#mhp#bbp #akgençlik #uzunadam #15temmuz #tsk#islam#iman#Kur,an#osmanlı#ottoman #vatan#asker#özelharekat#bordoberelil #lider2023#reisicumhur#akparti#@tcicisleri #@suleymansoylufan#süleymansoyluyalnızdeğildir#hakanfidan#mevlütçavuşoğlu#hulusiakar #fahrettinkoca#öncevatan (Avcılar, İstanbul) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdVgWi-lLna/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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uzman1r · 2 years
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15temmuz#receptayyiperdoğan#reis#azerbaycan#pakistan #akparti_tr #cumhurbaşkanı#mhp#bbp #akgençlik #uzunadam #15temmuz #tsk#islam#iman#Kur,an#osmanlı#ottoman #vatan#asker#özelharekat#bordoberelil #lider2023#reisicumhur#akparti#@tcicisleri #@suleymansoylufan#süleymansoyluyalnızdeğildir#hakanfidan#mevlütçavuşoğlu#hulusiakar #fahrettinkoca#öncevatan (at Avcılar, İstanbul) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfdjFLaNXrT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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uzman1r · 2 years
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15temmuz#receptayyiperdoğan#reis#azerbaycan#pakistan #akparti_tr #cumhurbaşkanı#mhp#bbp #akgençlik #uzunadam #15temmuz #tsk#islam#iman#Kur,an#osmanlı#ottoman #vatan#asker#özelharekat#bordoberelil #lider2023#reisicumhur#akparti#@tcicisleri #@suleymansoylufan#süleymansoyluyalnızdeğildir#hakanfidan#mevlütçavuşoğlu#hulusiakar #fahrettinkoca#öncevatan (Avcılar, İstanbul) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce0h_Q-tmIa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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uzman1r · 2 years
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15temmuz#receptayyiperdoğan#reis#azerbaycan#pakistan #akparti_tr #cumhurbaşkanı#mhp#bbp #akgençlik #uzunadam #15temmuz #tsk#islam#iman#Kur,an#osmanlı#ottoman #vatan#asker#özelharekat#bordoberelil #lider2023#reisicumhur#akparti#@tcicisleri #@suleymansoylufan#süleymansoyluyalnızdeğildir#hakanfidan#mevlütçavuşoğlu#hulusiakar #fahrettinkoca#öncevatan (Avcılar, İstanbul) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce0IF4FtXtK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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