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My altar for Noumenia and Agathos Daimon, Gamelion 2024. Highest and central, we have Zeus Ktesios, He who brings bounty into our home. To the left is Hestia, who is eternally due a portion of all offerings. To the right is my Agathos Daimon, in the form of a cobra, which I consider an especially sacred snake. My libation is some delicious coffee and my offering is Gala apples (my favorite) and lavender colored daisies. My kathiskos for the month is also on the altar. When I move Zeus back to His regular place in my kitchen, the kathiskos will go too.
I burned a combination of royal amber, frankincense, and sandalwood oil, which actually caught on fire because I didn't realize I had gotten oil on the outside of the burner. It just isn't January without my annual Practice Fire Safety, Dumbass!!! reminder.
I separate my kathiskos into liquid and solid to prevent spoilage.
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thewitchfarhan · 6 months
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My current altar setup - still honoring Autumn 🖤
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Plus my newest edition - my Agathos Daimon 🐍
I found a small branch in the forest that had naturally grown in this curved shape. It brought to life images of the Agathos Daimon - so I brought him home and wrapped him in thread 🥰
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tomicscomics · 1 year
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Suggested by Mike Ciandella on Twitter!  Pope St. Agatho's feast day was January 10th, so it was perfect timing.  Thanks Mike!
JOKE-OGRAPHY: According to tradition, St. Agatho was elected pope at the very old age of 101.  He served for only 3 years before dying (...because he was over a 100 years old), but in that time he managed to squash a whole heresy.  In this cartoon, Agatho's mother plays with him and dreams of his bright future, saying he might even be the pope someday.  The bitter jerk beside them says, "Not in a hundred years!"  When someone says something like, "Not in a [hundred/thousand/million/billion] years, they mean, "That'll never happen."  In this cartoon, the miserable hag is trying to be mean, but her ill-intentioned idiom is accidentally prophetic!
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ray-does-witchcraft · 7 months
2024 Attic Calendar - January
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Currently working on my own version of the adapted Attic calendar! So far I only have January, but February is almost done as well. Fair warning, this goes in depth about what the festivals/celebrations are and how to commemorate, so this post is gigantic. Attention: This is for the SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE!
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⛧ [10/01/24] [Hekatombion 40th] - Hekate Deipnon
WHAT IS IT & WAYS TO CELEBRATE: It takes place at the end of the Lunar month. Hekate means "bringer of light", so at the darkest part of the month, we prepare our homes for the transition to a new month and offer her a meal. Think of it as a mini new year; clean/cleanse your house (especially altars), get rid of things you don't want to bring into next month (physical, spiritual, etc), and leave Hekate an offering at sundown (preferably a meal, but if you can't afford to waste food, just give her something else. Maybe bury or burn it if you can). Here's a list of good offerings (best left outside or at her altar, if you have one for her):
Cake (especially lit with candles)
Poppy seeds
Incense (Frankincense, Lavender, Jasmine, Citrus, Dragons blood, Rosemary, or anything you have at hand)
Tea lights
Oil lamps
Crow/Raven/Own feathers
Poetry, Literature, Music, Hymns, etc
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⛧ [11/01/24] [Metageitnion 1st] - Noumenia
WHAT IS IT & HOW TO CELEBRATE: The Noumenia is the first day of the visible New Moon and is held in honor of the household Gods. The Noumenia is a celebration of the start of a new Hellenic month and seeks blessings for the household. Honestly? You can just kick back and relax if you want or can, to invite calm energies into the upcoming month. But, if you (like me) want to be a little extra, here's some ways to celebrate:
Start a new personal project or hobby, or just pick back on things you've been putting off.
Set intentions for the coming month, and make plans for any of the month’s upcoming festivals, or for any of your personal upcoming plans.
Leave offerings for your deities.
Moon/stargaze, maybe meditate under the Moon.
Do a reading with your preferred divination method with the Theoi, asking what you should focus on in the coming month.
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⛧ [12/01/24] [Metageitnion 2nd] - Agathos Daimon
WHAT IS IT & HOW TO CELEBRATE: One of my favorites! Daimons are household spirits that look after you and your family, so this is a day to honor Him! Pour a libation (especially wine, but mine likes milk better to be honest), make an offering, light a candle, maybe even make Him a lil altar! He's heavily associated with snakes, but aside from that you can offer (or put in His altar) anything you correlate with abundance, good luck, protection, etc. These guys are so overlooked and I love them. Here's a more in-depth post about Him and the holiday.
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⛧ [13, 14, 16, 17, 18/01/24] [Metageitnion 3th, 4th, 6th, 7th & 8th] - Athena, Aphrodite/Hermes/Eros, Artemis, Apollo, Poseidon
WHAT IS IT & HOW TO CELEBRATE: Not exactly festivals, that's why I compiled them into one section, but these Lunar days are sacred to these deities in that order. Maybe leave them an offering or light them a candle, maybe even just devotional acts! Here's a good list of offerings for each:
Owl feathers/imagery
Toy weapons, athames, etc
Olive oil
Olive tree branches/leaves (real or not)
Clear crystals
Silver jewelry
Incense (Frankincense, Dragon's Blood, Cedarwood)
Olive oil
Baked goods
Anything vanilla scented/flavored
Golden jewelry
Flowers (especially roses and anemones)
Sea stuff (sand, seashells, water, etc)
Self care products
Rose quartz
Incense (Frankincense, Rose, Myrrh, Jasmine, Cinnamon, Vanilla, Cypress)
Currency (real or not) (especially foreign)
Playing cards
Travel tickets
Olive oil
Cool rocks
Incense (Frankincense, Myrrh, Safron, Dragon's Blood)
Honey cake
Sweets (he likes candy a lot)
Olive oil
Rose quartz
Flowers (real or not)
Heart-shaped objects
Incense (Frankincense, Myrrh, Rose)
Animal related stuff (Imagery, bones, teeth, etc)
Moon related stuff
Clear quartz
Bows & Arrows
Wild flowers
Pine cones
Olive oil
Silver jewelry
Incense (Frankincense, Cypress, anything woodsy)
Sun related stuff
Arts and crafts
Clear quartz
Bows & arrows
Olive oil
Honeyed chamomile tea (he loves it)
Golden objects/jewelry
Divination items
Incense (Frankincense, Myrrh, Cypress, Clove, Cinnamon, Bay)
Toy horses/horse imagery
Photos of the sea
Olive oil
Incense (Frankincence, Myrrh, Pine)
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⛧ [25-27/01/24] [Metageitnion 15-17th] - Eleusinia
WHAT IS IT & HOW TO CELEBRATE: The Eleusinia was a thanksgiving festival held to honor Demeter for the gift of grain. A modern way to celebrate is to have a big dinner (maybe include some breads and baking) and give thanks to Lady Demeter through it! Thank her for grain and the agricultural processes that we benefit from!
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⛧ [28/01/24 ?] [Metageitnion 18th ?] - Adonia
WHAT IS IT & HOW TO CELEBRATE: A festival mourning the death of Adonis, one of Aphrodite's human lovers. Traditionally, it was celebrated only by women (as a trans guy, I personally don't give a fuck and celebrate it anyway). Also, there's no source for an exact date, so this is an educated guess at best (most sources just refers to it as taking place "midsummer"). For a way to celebrate, I found this amazing hymn/poem. Remember to honor Aphrodite on this day as well.
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⛧ [30/01/24] [Metageitnion 20th] - Hera Telkhinia
WHAT IS IT & HOW TO CELEBRATE: A minor sacrifice for Hera, taking place in the suburbs of Athens. Again, not a lot of info, but if you worship or have a connection to her, maybe read her a hymn, pour a libation honor her on this day! Here's a Orphic hymn to her:
Hera, incense aromatic herbs and spices. You are seated in a cerulean cavern, having the form of air,    Íra queen of all, happy one who shares the bed of Zefs, You provide gentle breezes which sustain the soul. Mother indeed of storms, attendant of the winds, all-begetting. Apart from you life and generation cannot be found;    Mingled with the majestic air you partake of everything. You alone hold sovereignty, ruling over all. You are the stream which flutters down through the rushing winds. And now you, happy Goddess, many named, queen of all, Come with a countenance of kindness and joy. 
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eclectic-misfit · 2 months
i'm so excited because from tomorrow to wednesday i'm going to celebrate, respectively, hekate's δειπνον (deipnon), νουμηνία (noumenia) and αγαθός δαίμον (agathos daimon) for the first time ever 🥹 i can't wait to experience them
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piristephes · 9 months
As I go through my day To the Agathos Daimon I pray For his fanged smile keeps me safe and His hiss is a bliss in every way
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hermeneutas · 10 days
Outros Deuses e Seus Epítetos - Agathos Daimon, o Nobre Espírito.
Continuando nossa série de postagens sobre os Deuses, hoje focaremos em uma deidade peculiar e, principalmente para aqueles fora da religião, pouco conhecida integralmente. Falaremos hoje de um daimon muito importante -- Agathos Daimon, o Bom (Ou Nobre) Espírito!
Representado como um jovem com uma cornucópia ou como uma serpente, o Daimon é um espírito dito responsável pela prosperidade do lar, sua proteção e, no caso de locais com plantação, um guardião da boa colheita.
Em outra visão da mesma deidade, o Agathos Daimon também é descrito como um espírito atribuído a cada pessoa. Um daimon pessoal de cada um, capaz de guiar, ensinar e proteger, similar ao eudaimon descrito nos escritos de Platão. Era por vezes dito que o Agathos Daimon era o consorte de Tique, a Sorte, e por isso tinha domínio sobre nossa própria prosperidade.
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Em termos de culto, o Agathos Daimon não era uma deidade com templos cívicos na maior parte da Hélade. Seu culto era de natureza doméstica quando acontecia, com libações simples dedicadas a ele.
Por vezes, o Daimon era sincretizada com diversos aspectos de Zeus, como o Zeus Meilichios (Zeus, o Afável) que era representado como uma serpente (uma representação ctônica) e Zeus Ktésios (Zeus dos Bens), onde era honrado com a feitura de um kathiskos -- um pequeno recipiente selado com azeite, comida, grãos e mel, dedicado mensalmente ao Deus do céu neste aspecto doméstico, invocando sua prosperidade.
Além de Zeus, os Deuses Baco e Hermes são alguns dos que levam a associação direta ao daimon, tendo-o como epítetos endereçados a si próprios. A forma de honrá-lo seria com uma libação no segundo dia do mês helênico, onde costumeiramente se derrama uma libação de vinho na terra para este espírito auxiliador.
Na região de Kemet (o Egito), o Agathos Daimon fora sincretizado com o Deus Sérapis e era cultuado em templos na era helenística principalmente. Sua origem é debatida mesmo nos tempos antigos, com Hesíodo afirmando em seu Os Trabalhos e os Dias, que os bons espíritos da "Era de Ouro" eram estes daimones que guiam os mortais.
Independendo da forma e origem, todos se complementam no aspecto benévolo do Agathos Daimon, tal é a nobreza de seu nome aqui. Estabelecer um vínculo com este espírito, faz parte de uma comum prática entre os politeístas helênicos modernos.
Por fim, encerramos o post com o Hino Órfico 73, que sincretiza o Agathos Daimon com o próprio Zeus: "Ao Daimon [Zeus]. A ti, poderoso governante Daimon temeroso, eu chamo, Zeus brando, doador de vida, e a fonte de tudo: grande Zeus, muito errante, terrível e forte, a quem vingança e torturas terríveis pertencem. A humanidade de ti em riqueza abundante abunda, quando em suas habitações alegres tu és encontrado; ou passa pela vida aflito e angustiado, os meios necessários de bem-aventurança por ti suprimidos. É só teu, dotado de poder ilimitado, para manter as chaves da tristeza e do deleite. Ó santo e abençoado pai, ouça minha oração, disperse as sementes do cuidado que consome a vida, com mente favorável aos ritos sagrados, e conceda à vida um final glorioso e abençoado.
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aceofcupsbiggestfan · 3 months
Welcoming the new month, Noumenia is the first day of the new calendar month in the Attic (Athenian) calendar. It is the second day of the three-day festival of Hekate's Deipnon, Noumenia and Agathos Daimon. It's held to honor household Gods, cleanse and clean as well as honor ancestors.
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Noumenia is the holiest day of the month. Traditionally, it was held as a day of rest and feasting for ancient Athenians. Men were also said to hold wrestling matches. It is said in Sparta that Kings held out meats and barley for citizens.
Gods worshipped during this day include household gods Hestia, Zeus Ktesios, and Zeus Erkeios. External Gods to aid in calamities were Hermes, Hekate, Apollon Agyieus, Apollon Noumenios and Selene.
Traditionally, a hymn was sung to honor Selene as she began to wax. The hymn can be found here.
Traditional Offerings:
Honey Cakes
New Moon Water
Flowers / Seasonal Decor
Fresh Meals
Refreshing the Kadiskos and Khernips
Traditional Acts:
Cooking a family meal
Cleansing and cleaning
Making Monthly Khernips
Many modern Magissas (Witches) and Hellenic Polytheist revive their homes with a cleansing this day, invoking Hestia and any other Patron Gods/Goddesses.
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polyphanes · 2 months
A Prayer for the Paredros
One of my favorite works of scholarship regarding the PGM is Eleni Pachoumi’s monograph The Concepts of the Divine in the Greek Magical Papyri.  It’s a great overview and analysis of…well, exactly what it says on the cover, breaking the various texts in the PGM down according to three major sections: the personal daimōn, the paredros, and the concept of deity and divinity itself as it might…
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princesmeadow · 2 months
Happy Agathos, Daimon!
May this music serve as a thank you to the gods of Olympus. may they hear this music and be overjoyed at its thankful energy. May it make their days lighter in spirit.
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rosehaunt · 5 months
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jason-hates-grass · 6 months
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thewitchfarhan · 7 months
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Μακάριος Νουμηνία! ||| Makários Noumenia ||| Blessed Noumenia!
This is the first time I am observing the Athenian Monthly Calendar - and my first time celebrating Noumenia. For this, my first Noumenia, I decided to do devotional art to my Household Gods and crate and decorate my Kadiskos.
I created icons for each of my current household Gods. I have my Agathos Diamon, a lightning bolt for Zeus (who I do not currently worship but I wanted to honor Zeus Ktesios on my Kadiskos), a letter for Hermes, a ceremonial flame for Hestia, a kalimba on a sun for Apollon, and a clam and pearl for Aphrodite.
I’ll take more pictures in the morning, once everything is dry and the lighting is better - but I wanted to share this before Noumenia ended.
Goodnight 🌙
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verdantlyviolet · 11 months
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Agathos Daimon. I’ve had this art piece for some time now and it’s my favourite piece in the house. Having it right here in the open area, so clearly seen in the main room of my home, brings me such joy.
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athenaion · 15 days
i spent last night with some muslim friends celebrating chaand raat (literally "moon night") and having henna done and my henna design is a little snake curled around a moon and given that the attic calendar celebrates 4/9-4/10 noumenia/agathos daimon, i am tickled pink by the timely little agathos daimon on my hand. little good spirit. tiny friend. khaire!
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thegodsaremyhome · 2 years
Agathos Daimon
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First, what is a Daimon?
In general a Daimon is simply a term the ancient Greeks used for spirits, and they have nothing to do with the Christian demons. In fact, there were both benevolent daimons (Eudaimon) and malevolent daimons (Kakodaimon.) They were somewhat of an inbetween of mortals and Gods; semi-divine beings. They were not as powerful as the Theoi, but more so then a mortal. It was believed that one could not speak directly to the Gods, and it was daimons that were the intermediary, the messengers for us to the Gods. 
There were two types: the Golden Daimon, and the Silver Daimon. Golden Daimon were a race of humans that lived during the golden age, and were transformed into daimon after death. They ruled the skys, and granted good harvest to those who were good and just. Silver Daimon were the second generation of humans to be transformed into daimon, less powerful to their golden counterparts and ruling over the earth. They had less authority over mankind, but their influence was still strong. Kakodaimon come from this silver generation, less pure beings that abused their power over us.
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So then what is an Agathos Daimon, and why are we celebrating Him?
Agathos Daimon roughly translates to “good spirit” or “noble spirit.” Originally, He was a daimon seen as the protecter of vineyards and cornfields, and said to bring good luck and protection. He was the companion to Tyche, but was also associated with Dionysos, or even seen as just an aspect of Zeus Ktesios. It was custom to drink or pour out a few drops of unmixed wine in honor of Him during every symposium or formal banquet. Libations were also poured if one crossed paths with a snake, creatures heavily associated with Him, on the road.
He was later adapted into a more general type of daimon that presided over a household, looking over the house and it’s inhabitants, as well as the pantry and food of the house, and bringing good luck and protection. Some accounts say that everyone had their own guiding Agathos Daimon. These Daimons were typically depicted as either a snake or as a young man holding a cornicopia.
No matter which belief you hold, The Agathos Daimon is a bringer of protection and fortune to our food, our homes, and our loved ones, so it’s no wonder as to why they were celebrated so frequently.
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What is the holiday associated with Him, and how can you celebrate?
On the second day of the month, immediately following Noumenia, A day dedicated specifically to the household and spirits that protected it were held. It was the last of a trio of holidays that closed out the previous month and opened up the new one. Unlike Noumenia, the holiday preceding this one, its releatively simple. 
As stated above, it’s traditional to offer a libation of unmixed wine to the Agathos Daimon. You could take the time after dinner(or really during/after any feast or formal party) to pour a libation to Agathos Daimon. On this day, pray to him for His continued granting of fortune and protection to you and your household. If you have something specific to ask him for, now would be the time to ask(maybe with an extra offering as well.) 
If this is your first time reaching out to the spirit, take the time to introduce yourself as well! Sit with Him for a little, maybe tell Him about yourself. Although, if it’s not your first time, that shouldn’t stop you from chatting with Him either, especially about matters of the home.
If you don’t have one already, you could build a small altar to him. Decorate it with things you associate with good luck, and abundance, as well as snakes. If you don’t want to build a brand new altar, or don’t have the space, decorating your pre-existing altar with things that you associate with good luck on this day would also work. 
Although this day is mostly dedicated to Agathos Daimon, you could also set aside time to say a prayer and make an offering to Zeus Ktesios. Especially since the two are heavily associated, and some even see Agthos Daimon as an aspect of Zeus. If you have a Kathiskos*, you can refill it today in honor of him(after cleaning it out on Hekate’s Deipnon or Noumenia.)
Agathos Daimon is a relatively simple holiday, but an incredibly important one. Creating a bond with The Agathos Daimon will be a priceless connection, one that will bring much abundance, love, and protection into your life.
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Sources: Golden Daemones - Theoi.com  Silver Daemones - Theoi.com Daemon - Mythology.net Agathos Daimon - Hellenion Agathodaemon - Wikipedia  Agathos Daimon - Patheos.com
Other links: *Kathiskos - Hellenion
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