#agapito adolfo
yandereaffections · 3 months
Agapito comforting and possibly taking s/o from their shit relationship
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it would be amazing if he hadn't already killed the bastard that routinely had you upset to be honest, a true miracle that was definitely influenced by his own angel, so you wont have to worry about your "boyfriend" going off the rails.
Don't get him wrong, Agapito would lead any fucker in his way into a drug induced comatose no hesitation, unfortunately he cant take that route due to caring about your mental health so the long way round is how it has to be
If your current toy wasn't such a terrible partner Agapito would actually have to do some digging. Every so often your stalker pulls up whichever of your accounts hes signed into and seeing that your already are thinking about leaving makes everything so much simpler 
Agapito sees the opportunity to show you there's no one else to rely on like him, which isn't particularly hard when that current partner of yours is barely giving the minimum effort you need, and best believe each precious moment of his angel finally admitting to wanting more, wanting better, sends him in orbit. Agapito holds in the excitement in his chest quite well, seeming composed as if the simple sentence "i want to break up with them" while your ranting to him doesn't open the long awaited chance to punt that fucker of yours out of the way.
As long as you give the word Agapito gladly eliminates the competition and claims back his rightful spot besides you, don't worry about whatever stresses you had before Agapito is here now, kissing your forehead and ensuring that you feel genuine love compared to whatever that bastard gave you
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sanagustindehipona · 1 year
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Día litúrgico: 06 de noviembre del 2,022. Trigésimo Segundo Domingo del tiempo ordinario. Ciclo (C) #𝗦𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗼𝗱𝗲𝗹𝗗𝗶́𝗮 San Alejandro Sauli, San Esteban de Apt, San Félix de Toniza, San Iltuto de Gales, San Leonardo de Noblac, San Melanio de Rennes, San Pablo de Constantinopla, San Protasio de Lausanne, San Teobaldo de Le Dorat, San Winoco de Taruanense, Beato Abilio Sáiz López, Beata Adelfa Soro Bo, Beato Adolfo Jaime, Beato Adolfo Mariano, Beato Agapio, Beato Agapito León, Beato Agrícola Rodríguez G. de los Huertos, Beato Agustín Renedo Martino, Beato Alberto, Beato Alfonso del Sagrado Corazón de María, Beato Alfredo Fanjul Acebal 𝗔𝗹𝗲𝗹𝘂𝘆𝗮, 𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗹𝘂𝘆𝗮. Jesucristo es el primogénito de los muertos; a él sea dada la gloria y el poder por siempre. (Apocalipsis 1,5.6) 𝗔𝗹𝗲𝗹𝘂𝘆𝗮. † 𝗟𝗲𝗰𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗮 𝗱𝗲𝗹 𝗘𝘃𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗼 𝗱𝗲 𝗡𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼 𝗦𝗲𝗻̃𝗼𝗿 𝗝𝗲𝘀𝘂𝗰𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗼 𝗦𝗲𝗴𝘂́𝗻 𝗦𝗮𝗻 𝗟𝘂𝗰𝗮𝘀 (𝟮𝟬,𝟮𝟳-𝟯𝟴) 𝗚𝗹𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗮 𝗮 𝘁𝗶, 𝗦𝗲𝗻̃𝗼𝗿. En aquel tiempo, acercándose algunos de los saduceos, esos que sostienen que no hay resurrección, le preguntaron: «Maestro, Moisés nos dejó escrito que si muere el hermano de alguno, que estaba casado y no tenía hijos, que su hermano tome a la mujer para dar descendencia a su hermano. Eran siete hermanos; habiendo tomado mujer el primero, murió sin hijos; y la tomó el segundo, luego el tercero; del mismo modo los siete murieron también sin dejar hijos. Finalmente, también murió la mujer. Ésta, pues, ¿de cuál de ellos será mujer en la resurrección? Porque los siete la tuvieron por mujer». Jesús les dijo: «Los hijos de este mundo toman mujer o marido; pero los que alcancen a ser dignos de tener parte en aquel mundo y en la resurrección de entre los muertos, ni ellos tomarán mujer ni ellas marido, ni pueden ya morir, porque son como ángeles, y son hijos de Dios, siendo hijos de la resurrección. Y que los muertos resucitan lo ha indicado también Moisés en lo de la zarza, cuando llama al Señor el Dios de Abraham, el Dios de Isaac y el Dios de Jacob. No es un Dios de muertos, sino de vivos, porque para Él todos viven». 1️⃣Primera Parte https://www.instagram.com/p/Cko3tEFroJj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Evangelio del día 06 de noviembre 2,022. Trigésimo Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Ciclo (C) #𝗦𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗼𝗱𝗲𝗹𝗗𝗶́𝗮 San Alejandro Sauli, San Esteban de Apt, San Félix de Toniza, San Iltuto de Gales, San Leonardo de Noblac, San Melanio de Rennes, San Pablo de Constantinopla, San Protasio de Lausanne, San Teobaldo de Le Dorat, San Winoco de Taruanense, Beato Abilio Sáiz López, Beata Adelfa Soro Bo, Beato Adolfo Jaime, Beato Adolfo Mariano, Beato Agapio, Beato Agapito León, Beato Agrícola Rodríguez G. de los Huertos, Beato Agustín Renedo Martino, Beato Alberto, Beato Alfonso del Sagrado Corazón de María, Beato Alfredo Fanjul Acebal 𝗔𝗹𝗲𝗹𝘂𝘆𝗮, 𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗹𝘂𝘆𝗮. Jesucristo es el primogénito de los muertos; a él sea dada la gloria y el poder por siempre. (Cf. Apocalipsis 1,5.6) 𝗔𝗹𝗲𝗹𝘂𝘆𝗮. † 𝗟𝗲𝗰𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗮 𝗱𝗲𝗹 𝗦𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝗘𝘃𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗼 𝗱𝗲 𝗡𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼 𝗦𝗲𝗻̃𝗼𝗿 𝗝𝗲𝘀𝘂𝗰𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗼 𝗦𝗲𝗴𝘂́𝗻 𝗟𝘂𝗰𝗮𝘀 (𝟮𝟬, 𝟮𝟳-𝟯𝟴) 𝗚𝗹𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗮 𝗮 𝘁𝗶, 𝗦𝗲𝗻̃𝗼𝗿. En aquel tiempo, se acercaron algunos saduceos, los que dicen que no hay resurrección, y preguntaron a Jesús: «Maestro, Moisés nos dejó escrito: “Si a uno se le muere su hermano, dejando mujer, pero sin hijos, que tome la mujer como esposa y de descendencia a su hermano. Pues bien, había siete hermanos; el primero se casó y murió sin hijos. El segundo y el tercero se casaron con ella, y así los siete, y murieron todos sin dejar hijos. Por último, también murió la mujer. Cuando llegue la resurrección, ¿de cuál de ellos será la mujer? Porque los siete la tuvieron como mujer». Jesús les dijo: «En este mundo los hombres se casan y las mujeres toman esposo, pero los que sean juzgados dignos de tomar parte en el mundo futuro y en la resurrección de entre los muertos no se casarán ni ellas serán dadas en matrimonio. Pues ya no pueden morir, ya que son como ángeles; y son hijos de Dios, porque son hijos de la resurrección. Y que los muertos resucitan, lo indicó el mismo Moisés en el episodio de la zarza, cuando llama al Señor: “Dios de Abrahán, Dios de Isaac, Dios de Jacob”. No es Dios de muertos, sino de vivos: porque para él todos están vivos». 1️⃣Primera Parte https://www.instagram.com/p/CkouN2QruuA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cuddles-and-kisses · 2 years
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felsdumpsterfire · 3 years
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As promised @yandereaffections! One Agapito Adolfo coming up UwU
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cgtmetalmadrid · 4 years
Libertad sindical: un convenio colectivo no puede obviar ni minorar los derechos establecidos en la LOLS
La previsión del Convenio Colectivo sobre las Secciones Sindicales no puede desconocer ni neutralizar los derechos establecidos en el art. 10 de la LOLS (Sentencia del TS de 14 de mayo de 2020, reitera doctrina).
El caso concreto enjuiciado
La Sala de lo Social de la Audiencia Nacional dictó sentencia el 23 de mayo de 2018, en el proceso especial de tutela de derechos fundamentales, en la que, estimando la demanda, emitió el siguiente fallo, declarando:
» a) El derecho de UGT-FICA al nombramiento, en la empresa demandada, de tres delegados sindicales estatales con los derechos y garantías previstos en el artículo 10 de la Ley Orgánica 11/1985, de 2 de agosto, de Libertad Sindical , así como los que de dicha condición dimanan.
b) Que la empresa demandada ha de reconocer como delegados sindicales estatales de UGT-FICA, a Adolfo , Luis Pedro y Agapito, y en consecuencia, ha de permitirles y posibilitarles el ejercicio del conjunto de los derechos que dimanan de tal condición, reconocidos, entre otros, en el artículo 10.3 de la LOLS y, los de ahí derivados, tales como los que se establecen en los artículos 64 , 66.2 , 68, del ET , y 38.2 de la LPRL , y cualesquiera otros concordantes.
c) Que la empresa demandada, con su negativa durante meses al reconocimiento de los delegados sindicales nombrados, ha vulnerado el derecho de libertad sindical.
Condena a la empresa además a abonar al sindicato la cantidad de 1.500 euros en concepto de indemnización por el daño moral soportado.
La sentencia de la Sala de lo Social de la AN estimó la demanda al considerar, tras recordar lo preceptuado en la LOLS, que la jurisprudencia que ha interpretado los preceptos legales en liza llevan a la estimación de la pretensión de los demandantes, con cita de la doctrina recogida en la sentencia de 8 de febrero de 2018.
Y ello porque lo dispuesto en el Convenio Colectivo, en su art. 37, no viene a impedir tal conclusión ya que es una opción de la que disponen las organizaciones sindicales para organizarse a nivel de centro de trabajo, ampliando las previsiones legales.
Continúa y conoce la sentencia del tribunal supremo en: http://sincro.com.es/blog/tribunales/libertad-sindical-un-convenio-colectivo-no-puede-obviar-ni-minorar-los-derechos-establecidos-en-la-lols/
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2YrZQXH via IFTTT
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yandereaffections · 6 months
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Agapito wants to be the one that pierces your lips, romanticizes the very idea of it. He wants to be the one that numbs and gets his last kiss in before sanitizing and sliding a needle through his angels flesh, being the one to help accessorize you is an honor.
Now if you don't manage to go out and get pierced by an actual professional it's actually Jamari that ends up handling the whole jewelry process, not agapito. Is this grown man grumpy about this? Yes, but it's been agreed that Jamaris steady hand and percussion is safer for their babies lips, that doesn't mean agapito doesn't get his kiss in though.
These two can deal with not kissing you for awhile no problem, they'll worship other sections of your body in the meantime. From your knuckles up to your collarbone and jawline, agapito and Jamari won't stop just because your lips are off limit for a bit.
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yandereaffections · 1 year
Gimme the man, the myth, the legend. What if our sleep set ups are incompatible? What would he do? (One likes it hot the other cold, opposite pillow opinions)
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There's no such thing as too much and it comes to his angel,, or at least when it comes to money, if it's too cold for him in the comforts of his own bed he's gonna make you his new weighted blanket whether you like it or not
After a rather unpleasant night for both of you he'll note down your requirements for comfort and his own, you'll see the old bed agapito probably had for at least a decade before knowing you replaced with one of those sleep number mattresses, complete with pillows and blankets of the texture you love. Agapitos willing to meet you halfway on anything, he loves you after all, though that doesn't mean he won't demand an extra helping of affection for his efforts.
The real issue y'all have is how agapito unconsciously wraps himself around you, he may not be the warmest human radiator but he'll definitely still make you wake up sweaty if you're not the type to tolerate warmth. Best case scenario is to get one of those cooling blankets, cause if the love of his life dares to push him away he's gonna get real grumpy.
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yandereaffections · 11 months
Listen, I just need my man, throw anything at me (preferably maybe I get high as hell while he stays sober)
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This man sitting around sober while you're high out of your mind without him? Good luck figuring out how to make him do that.
Anytime you're willing to let all your guard down and get fucked up best believe agapito isn't passing up the chance to accompany you. Don't get him wrong he spends basically all his time admiring you when intoxicated, nothing else his brain wonders towards than the love he has for you to an almost overwhelming point, but sober? Agapitos basically a bystander, a babysitter in a way where he charters to his angels every need with such a slight staring problem. He'll watch over you enough that you'll notice, wondering what could possibly be going on in his head
Let's say you do manage to make him sit this one out, doesn't mean agapito isn't going to be any less obsessive than he is stoned. He cuddled up to you encouraging his angel to take just one more deep inhale, then another and another until your spinning out melting into him. If he isn't getting fucked with you he should at least get to enjoy this time with you right? There's nothing better than how you make him your whole world, basking in each gentle loving touch he bestows upon you, laughing at the stupidest things together.
Agapito has a folder on his phone dedicated to the pictures of his angel high as hell, smiling at how noticeably fucked you are. You'll never get to see them unless he's sure there won't be a demand for them to be deleted, this little stash of you is precious to him.
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yandereaffections · 1 year
Agapito Adolfo (YA’s Oc) Masterlist
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Stereotypical bad boy Agapito Adolfo
Character Description
Finding him beat up in the alley
S/o that people usually harass
Bringing him a homemade meal during work
Asthmatic S/o
Somone picking a fight with S/o who looks intimidating
S/os passion requiring them to be outside
The Purge
Starving Succubus S/o to the point of cheating  
Yandere Letter
Vampire Agapito w/ a tasty S/o
Musical S/o playing Spooky Scary Skeletons
Zombie Apocalypse
Crime Boss S/o
Starving Succubus S/o to the point of Fainting
Virgin S/o
Artistic + Baker S/o
Wearing Agapitos Clothes
Torturing a very cute S/o
Sensitive S/o
Chubby, Short S/o
Calling him “Daddy” in public
S/o running off to punch someone
Snuggly S/o sleeps nude
S/o loves spicy foods
S/os never been given a gift
Sweet Toothed S/o
S/os the head of a motorcycle gang
No Weed smell in the house Rule
S/o eats to much Edible the first time
Squeeze Agapitos ass
S/o loves Pokemon
Sweet Darlings also a assassin
S/o forgets to take care of themselves frequently
Affectionate yet Flustered by PBA S/o
Sexually Harassed S/o TW
S/os kidnapped by a rival gang
Aggressive Male S/o trying to fight Agapito
Neko Darling
Putting work first
Sick s/o not taking care of themselves
Accident prone s/o
Touch starved s/o who draws unwanted attention to themselves
Hyperactive S/o
S/o crying cause he came home bleeding
S/o being ok with their kidnapping
Soft HC
S/o has no self control and eats what their allergic to
S/o splitting their tongue
Thinking his S/o ran away
S/o cleaning everything cause of COVID
Nia VS Agaptio piece
Figuring out his S/os pregnant
S/o has night terrors
Pushing Agapito to cry
S/o who calms down when their hair is played with
S/os sleep schedule is out of wack
S/o getting hurt when saving a kid from being abused
S/o dressed up in lolita fashion
S/o getting addicted to his drug stash
Goth S/o and him making a intimidating couple
Forced to cuddle him and loving it
Kidnapped S/o playing tag/hide and seek
S/o who is immune to poison
S/o who loves affection but is stubborn
Sick S/o
Yandere S/o whos a ex assassin killing a rival that hurt him
Ignoring your boyfriend Challenge
Crush has a big dog
S/o whos a politician (male reader)
taking care of his S/o who got in a street fight
Asexual/Aromantic S/o
Pranking him for April fools
Romantically inexperienced S/o
telling him I Love You
Going to the park with icecream as a date
Sleepy S/o who can kick ass
Sadistic HC
S/o getting kidnapped in the middle of the night
Celebrating his angels birthday
S/o with spiderman like powers
S/o who got over a drug addiction not wanting to be around him
Celebrating Halloween
Werewolf Agapito
Drider Agapito Hunted down
Werewolf S/o who looks just like a dog
S/o who has never experienced halloween
Platonic Yandere father
Artist S/o
Caregiver S/o
Soft Headcannons
Rejecting Agapito
S/o who flinches at sudden movements
Charming the reader
His controlling behavior
Extremely quiet S/o
Autistic Darling
S/o who overworks themselves
Arguing HC
Idol S/o
Darling with Top Energy
S/o refusing to date after losing their ex
Wholesome misunderstanding
Cop s/o trying to get him arrested
Darling likes to feel him up when shirtless
Teaching S/o Spanish curse words
Darling whos scared to fall asleep due to truama from their ex
Falling for a single mother
getting high with Agapito TW
Dependent S/o
Small soft and romantic things
S/o saying “i wish i could crawl under your skin”
S/o saying “i wish we were seahorses so i could give you my 1000 babies”
Brave S/o whos afraid of bugs
Detective S/o that can incriminate other rival gangs of Agapitos
Panicking over S/o getting stabbed
Yandere Alphabet: A,B,D,F,H,L,M,T,Z
S/o who cant fall alseep without him
Finding his S/o injured after a fight
S/o who can see through his manipulation
Comforting Autistic S/o through a meltdown
Darling going through a breakdown due to school work
S/o whos upset cause all their friends seem to leave them
Darlings love language is bite
Finding out crush is dating his brother
Agapitos first love trys to kill the two of you
S/o with financial anxiety
Darling who actually loves his yandere behavior
S/o whos a child of a Mafia Family
Kissing headcannons
S/o who is convinced they don't deserve to be well because of their parents abuse
Angel can escape through sleep walking unknowingly
Terrible cook s/o tries making him a meal
Psycho analyzing and calling him out for his behavior
Almost shooting his S/o
Assassin S/o who must complete a final mission to retire
Seeing Angels cutting scars for the first time TW
S/o w/ Histrionic personality disorder
Finding out S/o is pregnant with quintuplets
Preparation toward kidnapping S/o
Cannibal S/o
S/o whose unbelievably quiet  
Darling loving how their attacker said “Knife, to meet you” before stabbing them
Making pregnancy/family life ads pop up on his phone in attempt to convince him to start a family
Replicating Shojo Manga moments with S/o
Short angry male S/o whose only affectionate towards him
Flirting with Agapito the first time you meet him
Keeping notes on S/o pre-kidnapping
Finding unsent love letters from S/o
S/o suddenly showing they can speak spanish
S/o whos old fashioned when it comes to romance
Darling who is a professional dancer
S/o singing Lo Que Siento by CUCO
Reaction to His Workers being attracted to his S/o
Group of women talking bad about his S/o
Running into each other when planning on kidnapped each other
Circumstance/reason agapito would drop his job
Blind S/o making a clay sculpture of his face
Kidnapped S/o who doesnt fight just cries themselves to sleep
Caregiver S/o prt 2
Male S/o that willingly went to prison
S/o loving him but their wariness keeping them away
Letting S/o have a position at his job
Punishment for a escaped S/o
Platonic yandere HC
Neighbors hearing kidnapped s/o and calling the police on him
S/o asking weird questions cause your planning a birthday party for him
S/o loving his possessive nature prt 2
Shy angel works at a restaurant
His cuddle libido & what he wears to sleep
Angels friend is obsessed with them and doesnt like agapito
Sending a friend to reject him for you
Just kidnapped his darling HC
S/o that randomly disappears in the house
Finding out you write fanfics of him
Finding out angles been hiding a boyfriend from him
Helping S/o during a heat stroke
Finding out about his career and ghosting him
napping on him in sketchy situations
How would his ex’s describe him as a boyfriend
“I love you, and I know you love me too. Even if you refuse to admit it.”
“I’m sorry, I know it hurts.”
“You went out yesterday. Stay here, I’m still tired.”
How Agapito would pace your relationship together
His future goals with his S/o
“Alpha male” trying to steal his S/o
Agapito finding out his S/O is pregnant but they dont force him to listen
Angel coming out as Demipansexual
Letting his Angel tag along during work only for his workers to ask for their number
More sadistic agapito HC
Angel whos always stressed/drained from work
how he would edge his way into a college darling’s life
Irritated Agapito asking S/o where he stands in the relationship
Hunted down
Werewolf agapito prt 2
Werecat agapito
Watching Netflixs YOU w/ Agaptio
Ghost S/o
Vampire Agapito prt 2
Fluff HC of Agapito with: Cuddles, agressive affection, Kissing and being possessive/ protective
Haunted House w/ scaredy cat S/o
Finding out Angel has stayed up 24 hours
Celebrating the fall with his holiday-crazed angel
What costumes he would wear for halloween growing up
Scary movies
Real haunted house
Werewolf agapito during The Purge
Comforting his S/o HC
Friends with benefits
S/os bestfriend is evicting them
Walking in on yandere s/o taking care of a body
Aro S/o giving a yellow rose for valentines
Randomly placing underware in his hands for valentines
Finding out S/o actively daydreams about another character
Kidnapped S/o finding out he plays violin
Finding former delinquent S/os yearbook
Angel whos dedicated on spoiling him
Walking into yandere s/o with a body at their feet
S/os always getting hurt
Going on a hotel getaway w/ agapito
Skittish kidnapped S/o asking for a massage 
S/o making gifts whenever their hyper fixated on a craft
Forcing his stubborn S/o to the ER
Autistic S/o feeling safe unmasking around him
Having Easter dinner w/ S/os family
Kidnapped S/o being a master at hiding around the house
Agapitos work HC
Wearing agapitos jacket
Celebrating angel passing all their exams
Kidnapping S/o only to find their allergic to something in the house
Angel going on a hunger strike
Sugar daddy HC
S/o has a secret side gig as a bodyguard
Stubborn S/o refusing to let him help cook
Possessive HC
Pinning after a detective S/o on his case (comission)
S/os a member of a rival gang that kidnaps him, though is nice to him despite that
S/o being possessive of Agapito
Kidnapped S/o taking a vow of silence in protest
S/o who has extreme social anxiety
Small romantic things in a relationship
S/o wants to adopt a dog
Courting a newbie in his drug ring
Yandere Alphabet C,E,H,K,S,V,Q,X
Yandere Alphabet B,D,I,Y
Moving his angel in HC
S/o sneaking out to go dancing
Demon agapito stalking HC
Zombie Agapito
Captured siren S/o
Werecat S/o
The Purge HC
Platonic S/o came back from the dead as half ghost
Life threatening situation w/ Werewolf S/o
Demon S/o
Zombie Apocalypse 
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Teasing him at home 
Somnophila w/ male s/o 
Topping Agapito 
Daddy Kink 
Catching him jerking off to a picture of you 
S/o who gets horny when high 
Naga Agapito Breeding kink 
Incubus Agapito feeding off of you and helping with your siblings 
Male S/o wearing a Bunny Outfit 
Cockwarming HC 
BJ at the workplace 
Licking a popsicle seductively 
Male s/o whos been teasing him all day 
Knife & Blood Kink TW
Sitting on his face 
Favorite Position w/ Male S/o 
Lactation & Body Worship 
Kinks Headcannons 
Riding Male S/o
Incubus Agapito stealing his angels underwear
Non-con HC TW
Werewolf Agaptio/Darling Noncon TW
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yandereaffections · 2 years
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Because it’s kinktober and because I felt like it, tasteful nude Agapito.
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yandereaffections · 1 year
Jamari and/or Agapito with a aro darling extremely stressed with there class workload? -Aro anon
Always a joy to see you posting ^^
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Agapito definitely ends up making your stress worse with how much he genuinely doesn't care for any type of school work, but with that said he does his best to help you out,, in his own way of course. Jamari can't stop him once the man starts attempting to assist you, he'll watch from the side lines ready to take the role of damage control.
Agapitos not the go to person when it comes to academics, not a book smart person in the slightest, though when it comes to cheating he's pretty skilled. He's out here with the answers to a major handful of your assignments and some AI help with writing out your papers that are due
Jamari on the other hand is the opposite of agapito surprisingly, he's done his time in college and knows the finals struggle. He's supporting you via snacks and praise when he see improvement on whatever project your working on, not to mention he's the ultimate study buddy, willing to go back and forth with you on whatever subject necessary
Agapito never thought he'd be set aside due to the lack of academic smarts but he does provide a much needed role in this relationship, he's the stress relief, the one forcing y'all to take moments of rest and dragging you to enjoy other things even if you feel you don't deserve it with all the work that needs to get done. Believe agapito when he says you've already done so much, he's been waiting for you two to be finished with whatever class work that's taken your attention from him for what felt like forever.
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yandereaffections · 2 years
Good morning!
May I request Agapito and the purge?
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Agapitos over all body language when you mention the topic of the purge screams 'i don't care', not a single worry behind those eyes. If he wasn't sworn on protecting his angel agapito would probably be treating it like any other staying inside day expect with a weapon at all times and various escape routes, though he might be the worst person on his street in regards of the law so it's not much to bother with
When it comes to you on the other hand he's incredibly worried, agapito doesn't care if you've had experience fighting and sneaking past others who were dedicated to taking your life, if he loses you to some fucker who couldn't care less simply because of the day he'll go ballistic. Therefore agapito's actually taking caution this year, a nice little bunker for you two to chill in and possibly get through the day with a bit of edibles so the scent doesn't call out your hidey hole.
A whole day with his angel scared and clinging to him? God what a privilege, if it wasn't such a dangerous holiday all around he'd want it to happen multiple times year round simply to enjoy you cuddled up taking in all the comfort he can supply.
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yandereaffections · 2 years
Succubus Agapito stealing undergarments (making it gender neutral and shit)
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Agapito is kind enough to give you space when other matters tend to distract you from taking care of his needs, though there's always a price to doing so and it's usually a piece of your clothing that's been worn for a while more recently, perfectly saturated with your scent and warmth
He has no shame about it either, agapito has already made plenty of advances to get you desperate and underneath him, the least you can do is take off your underwear for him to take or turn a blind eye when he rummages through your dirty laundry
There may be no sexual energy to feed off of from using your underwear as his own personal toy but it definitely does provide the relief he's looking for. With being in a high all agapito would need is your scent to get off, imagination absolutely filled with all the positions he's memorized and admired you in before, it's nothing close to the real thing yet he's undoubtedly grateful for something from his angel to cum on
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yandereaffections · 1 year
Agapmari (Agapito x Y/N x Jamari) (YA’s Oc’s) Masterlist
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Two bastards sitting in a tree k.i.s.s.i.n.g Agapimari-
Poly Agapito/Darling/Jamari
Cuddle Headcannons
Finding escaped S/o left pregnant, raised one of their kids when they were hiding
Narcoleptic S/o
Male S/o secretly selling weapons to gangs
S/o nervous to divide their time between them
S/o likes piggy back rides
Himbo Male S/o
S/o who can easily sneak up on them
Kidnapping S/o as a team
S/o who loves dangerous stuff and getting into all kinds of trouble
S/os kind and caring friend obviously having a crush on them
Werewolf HC
Constantly taking pictures of them as werewolves like their your puppies
Post apocalypse AU
S/o can’t decide how they could cuddle both of them
Comforting their darling during a panic attack
Caring for a stubborn Sick S/o
Aro s/o worried they dont get how much they care for them across
Yandere Alphabet A,Y
Aro s/o falling asleep on them
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Food kink w/ male s/o 
First time 
Dom energy S/o being Sub for them 
Male S/o w/ a high libido
Dom incubus S/o
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yandereaffections · 2 years
Agapito with a werecat reader? He is allergic to cats, how about werecats?
(Cant help but think of Giovanni with a persian, byt Agapito with a big junglecat who has no patience for anyone messing with him)
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Agapito may have some scary dog privileges himself but he'd also be very excited for you to have your own scary cat appearance yourself, can you imagine the power couple vibe the two of you would give off? His ego is already growing with the thought of it.
He wouldn't think much of how he sneezes constantly the first few times he gets to go out with you, simply popping a allergy med everytime he plans on crossing paths with his angel assuming you have cats at home that are causing the constant reactions. However he was definitely not prepared to find you transformed as a whole giant cat, promptly freaked out frozen in his stop until he figured you two were the same person.
Your man isn't gonna know how to take care of you as a whole cat, he usually avoids felines yet here his love is purring and rubbing at his legs. According to what Google says agapito ended up opening up a big box for you to sit in and made some type of major meal of fish for his kitty. Sooner or later his allergy meds aren't going to work with how much he's taking them, it's a absolutely pleasure yet torture to be with you angel.
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