#adrián’s fanfiction
catarsis96 · 6 months
Hice este fanfic drabble para este día 31, nunca había escrito yandere así que no sé si hice un buen trabajo.
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Advertencias: Yandere Alucard Tepes x Reader femenino. No acepto o consiento cualquier comportamiento dañino, obsesivo y/o posesivo cualquier otro. Esto es sólo una ficción.
Sinópsis: Después de acabar con su padre, Alucard se había quedado solo, Trevor y Sypha tomaron sus caminos, quedando él solo en su frío castillo, hasta que decidió salir al pueblo más cercano y te vio.
La mujer que se volvería su más dulce compañía.
“Por favor, Alucard, déjame ir”
Alucard no había pensado que amar a alguien más podía cambiarlo, era como un poder más fuerte que todo lo que existiera. El sentimiento de amor era más que solo palabras bonitas.
Él esperaba hacer de su castillo su tumba, la vida parecía quitarle todo lo que se le atravesaba, ya no sonreía, no había colores y brillo, no había vida en sus ojos, era solo un cuerpo vacío. Como un fantasma. Se había quedado solo, Trevor y Sypha tomaron sus caminos. Él debía de hacer una nueva vida, pero no se sentía con la energía para hacer algo, no tenía a nada y nadie. No tenía compañía.
Pero fue cuando salió del castillo y decidió ir al pueblo cercano en busca de provisiones y también para alejarse, aunque fuera un rato, de las sombras que lo volvían loco, cuando te conoció por primera vez. 
Tu entusiasmo y forma de ver la vida, a pesar de que había sido amenazada por Drácula, le llamó la atención, le hizo recordar a su madre. Fue extraño para él, pero quería volver a verte, decidió que tomaría como excusa ir al pueblo por comida, a pesar de que su alacena estaba llena, él solo quería verte.
Te habías quedado sorprendida cuando lo conociste, no pensaste que algún día conocerías a un Damphir, al hijo de Drácula. Alucard te atrajo con su belleza, su rubio cabello, esos ojos brillantes y su calidez. Pero nunca pensaste que lograrías enamorarlo, que serías la obsesión de alguien sobrenatural como él.
Quería tenerte para él solo, llevarte a su castillo y mimarte y cuidarte de todo lo que te lastimara, quería tu amor solo para él. Y por las noches, quería tenerte debajo de él.
“Te traje algo delicioso” Ignoró tu súplica anterior, puso la charola de plata sobre la mesa de noche de esa habitación que se volvió tu prisión. 
Miraste la comida que te había preparado, sonreíste sin ánimos, por el olor de la carne y la fruta picada supiste que estaba muy bien cocinada, después de todo, Alucard sabía cocinar.
" Quiero ir a casa, Alucard" 
"Adrian" Te corrigió él, desde que te había llevado a su castillo te había pedido que lo comenzaras a llamar por su nombre real.
"... Adrian, llévame a casa." Volviste a decir, esta vez con su nombre.
"Estás en casa, mi amor." Él sonrió con extremado amor.
Te estremeciste ante su mirada de amor extremo y desmedido. Comprendiste que él había perdido a su madre por la ignorancia de la iglesia, que su papá había perdido la cabeza en cuanto su esposa murió, lo comprendiste al pie de la letra y te compadeciste de él, era un joven que perdió a su familia y que estaba solo, quisiste darle tu amistad, solo eso querías, no que llegara al punto de llevarte a su castillo para nunca dejarte salir y pedirte que le amaras como él lo hacía.
"¡¿Qué haces?!" Exclamaste sorprendida, Alucard te había besado.
"Dejaste de hablar y quería saber si estabas bien." Alucard se rió por tu sobresalto. Se lamió los labios, como si hubiera probado la más dulce miel.
"... Y ahora quiero otro beso más."
Sus ojos brillaron, y fue ahí donde te diste cuenta que nunca te dejaría ir de su lado.
Que te volverías su más dulce compañía. 
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fandomblr · 3 years
For Diverse Tolkien Week I decided to boost one of my older fics on AO3 since today (Monday the 22nd) is a day geared towards women of color in the Tolkien legendarium:
So! Here is my fic The Wives of The King, featuring Indis of the Vanyar as a WOC.
This is also a polyamorous, queer, wlw, and bisexual pride fic but because of being a college student and student worker sadly I don’t have the time to make new art or fanfics for her. If I get a break I will be sure to spend it making diverse fanart/edits/maybe even fics depending on how much time I have!
Thank you @diversetolkien for making this amazing week, I’m so excited to see what other fans come up with!
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noora-nora · 5 years
Nora and Alejandro Fanfiction Part Five ❤️
Sunday 1:08
Nora walked into her bedroom and shut the door as silently as possible trying not to wake her parents. She then leaned up against the door sighing with glee. She couldn’t stop smiling, she felt like she was on cloud nine. She took her phone out of her purse and put her purse on her desk. Nora plugged in her phone, which was currently on one percent, she then proceeded to text Eva confirming that she had gotten home safely. Nora knew that despite how late it was there was no way she was going to be able to fall asleep anytime soon, so she decided to write what had occurred between her and Alejandro in her journal.
She got her journal from her nightstand and her favorite pen and proceeded the lay on her bed and write. Even thinking about it made her smile so wide it hurt. She couldn’t seem to write fast enough for her feelings flooded onto the pages of her journal. She recounted her magical kiss was Alejandro though it lasted only ten seconds it felt like time had stopped for them allowing them to consume themselves in their moment of bliss. She wishes it could have lasted for an eternity, but they were interrupted by a loud sound coming from above them. From what Eva had told her on their bus ride home Adrián had gotten into a fight with his ex-girlfriend’s new boyfriend. The fight had gotten so bad that the guy hit Adrián so hard it knocked him out causing even more of a commotion. Despite being both reluctant to rejoin the party, Nora wanted to make sure that her friends were okay.
Nora couldn’t comprehend how bizarre the party went, though she didn’t know if it was the fights and the almost fights that had occurred or the fact she and Alejandro kissed. She slowly ran her thumb over her bottom lip where Alejandro had first kissed her. Even remembering it she still felt the heat of the kiss. She closed her eyes and tried to remember every moment of that kiss so it could be engraved in her mind for the rest of her life. The feeling of Alejandro’s hand moving from her cheek to her hair made her feel as if she was on fire. He had run his hand through her hair causing Nora to feel as if she floating. When Alejandro had placed his mouth on hers she felt this electric wave within her that went from her lips all the way to her toes.
After writing five pages she yawned and thought it was best for her to go to bed. She thought would Alejandro text her in the morning? Should she be the one to reach out to him? She had never been in a real relationship before and didn’t know what to do. Oh god, she thought were they even in a relationship? She convinced herself to stop concerning herself with her thoughts and feelings about Alejandro.
She put her journal away and got up from her bed to get ready to go to sleep. She took off her party clothes and wiped her lipstick off. Nora reached into her second dresser drawer which held her pajamas. She picked out a pink tank top and blue and white striped shorts. She went into her bathroom and brushed her teeth, halfway through she heard a loud engine sound. Nora blamed her sleepiness and assumed she was imagining it. She applied some of her favorite lip balm and turned off her bathroom light, reentering her bedroom.
She was about to turn her lamp off to go to bed when she heard the engine sound again, but this time she knew it wasn’t coming from her imagination. It was so loud that it sounded like it was coming from right outside her house— It couldn’t be, Nora thought. She opened her balcony door and stepped outside into the cool night air and peered down the street. Nora couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Down beneath her looking as suave as ever was Alejandro with his motorcycle. She wanted to scream and yell, what was he doing?!? Not only coming to her house without permission, but in the middle of the night! Alejandro took off his helmet and gave Nora a million dollar smile. Nora did have to admit that his smile did make her less mad at the situation.
“What are you doing here?!” Nora tried to speak loud enough for him to here, but still quiet so she wouldn’t wake her parents.
“I wanted to see you,” Alejandro said as if his visit wasn’t a big deal.
“It’s almost two! What were you thinking?!”
“I was thinking that I wanted to see you, so… I came to see you.” He smiled again trying to calm her down.
He couldn’t help admire her despite her not welcoming him as he thought she would. He thought that she was adorable in her pink tank top and her shorts. It was really the first time he was seeing her away from everything; school, parties, really any public place. It was just him and her, alone in the middle of the night. His feelings for Nora heightened every time he saw her, just when he thought she couldn’t get any more beautiful she proved him wrong. She did it again as she tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. Alejandro so desperately wanted to be the one to touch her hair. He looked around for any way he could climb up to her. He noticed that there were bricks sticking out of her house leading up to her balcony. He put his helmet with his bike and proceeded to climb.
What was he doing?!??!! Nora was freaking out and didn’t know what to do or say to stop him.
“Are you crazy?! You are going to fall!” Nora knelt down and extended her hand as he was an arms reach away.
She helped him climb over her balcony rail and there they stood face to face.
“Okay, you are literally insane!” Nora couldn’t process what just happened she felt like she was currently in another universe where Alejandro climbing to her balcony was a thing that just casually happened.
“It’s nice to see you too.” Alejandro smiled. He had to restrain himself from reaching out and touching her cheek which was slightly pink from the cold air.
Nora then realized that not only were she and Alejandro together on her balcony, but she was in her pjs. A wave of self-consciousness came over her, she tried desperately to ignore it.
“Alejandro, seriously what are you doing here?” Nora needed a proper explanation for this spontaneous appearance.
“I told you, I wanted to see you so I came.” He said nonchalantly.
“And you thought this was a good idea? Coming here to my house in the middle of the night!”
“Well… yes.”
Nora gave him a look saying that he was in big trouble. Before she could scold him the coldness of the night air became very apparent. She couldn’t help but shiver. Alejandro noticed this and took off his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. Nora in return gave him a smile thanking him.
They locked eyes and Nora felt her chest tighten and her heart begin to beat faster and faster. Alejandro leaned in to kiss her.
Nora put her hand on his chest stopping him, “what do you think you’re doing?”
Alejandro was taken back, he was confused, “um, I was trying to kiss you?”
“I need you to go now before my parents wake up.” She gave him a look saying that she would not take no for an answer.
He reluctantly sighed and began to turn back around to begin his descent down her balcony.
Before her reasoning could interfere, Nora’s emotions took over and Nora reached out to touch his shoulder motioning him to turn back around.
“Alejandro, wait,” she pleaded.
Her heart was in control and she only knew that Alejandro, the guy she had such deep feelings for was in front of her and that they were alone on her balcony. Before she could think twice about she launched herself into him, wrapping her arms around his neck and placing her mouth on his. He responded by placing his hands on her lower back, pulling her closer to him.
Standing together as one on Nora’s balcony in the middle of the night consumed by their feelings for each other, both Alejandro and Nora knew that this kiss would certainly not be their last.
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whatishydrogen-blog · 5 years
Oof help me y’all
What’s that fanfiction where Alya thinks Adrián and marianette where making out but really they were just transforming into chat noir and ladybug.
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fandomblr · 3 years
Today the prompt for Diverse Tolkien Week is LGBTQA+, so I will be posting one of my older fics that follows the prompt! So!
Here is my fic Maglor’s Muse, which is a Daemags (Daeron x Maglor) fic!
Here Daeron is asexual biromantic and Maglor is asexual and queer (I don’t want to label him but I don’t really see him as having been attracted to his wife at all and it being more of an arranged marriage thing as I mention in the fic, so he’s more leaning towards the mlm side). I hope y’all enjoy!
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