#address the jotun thing you cowards
Today on Things I Desperately Want But the Show Is Highly Unlikely To Give Me:
Y'all...what if there was a Loki variant that's stuck in Jotun form? And naturally the main Loki comes across him, and thus is literally forced to look at himself like that, and the Jotun Loki is also devastated because a) he's the one stuck in that form and b) is horrified at being seen by himself. So we have these two Lokis just desperately trying to avoid eye contact and both having breakdowns for related but slightly different reasons, and they still have to be around each other because *insert handwavy plot reason here* and just. the psychological whump. imagine.
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worstloki · 3 years
what an absurd discussion. are these anons completely unfamiliar with fiction??? metaphors, analogies, symbolism...? fantasy and sci-fi have strong roots in fictionalizing real life experiences, including slavery! x-men and its allegory for lgbt+ discrimination? fiction's written by human beings about human experiences in story-form w more or less immediately recognizable reality, but it's about human issues. one of the thor writers even confirmed loki's story touches on racism and colonialism
that's true and even without any showrunner's input the movie itself is pretty clear on presenting the themes, but I know there are a lot of people who watch casually who missed the imperialism thing Asgard had going on until Thor: Ragnarok, and it's not as if the MCU is to be trusted on representation of plentiful sorts.
#i'm more concerned of what the canon media went on to do with the established setup#but I can see how it would offend people to compare their real struggles to that of a fictional character#specifically one that is considered controversial (for some reason??)#so it could be a case of how associating similar words with a fictional representation impacts how people see the actual issues#which is fair#but it makes more sense to me to acknowledge the good and bad aspects of how the thing was presented#because otherwise you get people deciding what good and bad rep is and that's allowed to vary from person to person#and then it devolves into discourse which amounts to invalidating what people do or don't like#it's a whole mess#like........i've talked about how Loki is a jotun presented in a sympathetic light and Laufey's motives were understandable too#neither are presented as idiots even though they're referenced as monsters and cowards and all#looking at just Loki leaves us with a kid being stolen from their home/culture and raised to see it as lesser#regardless of whether Loki was legitimately abandoned or not#the film leaves enough things open for interpretation with loki and the themes are heavy on top of that#(which is why i get angry thinking about all the dropped/mocked themes around loki every now and then ahahahahahhAHHAHA)#but#if most people miss something that can be seen in the text upon analysis then that's... the text#if the creators didn't intend to put a message about something in that can be seen within the text then that's... the text#if a topic is addressed sensitively or not in the film then that's... the text#like. you get what you get from it#and that applies to every work of fiction#people get different messages from loads of things#but if i was being yikes in addressing something like anon suggested i still want to know so i can see if i should change something or not
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Beauty and the Beast
TITLE: Beauty and the Beast CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: 41/? AUTHOR: nekoamamori ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki is under a spell that will return him to his Aesir one if he learns to accept himself for who he is RATING: T (so far)  NOTES/WARNINGS: Also on AO3 here
Loki spent months on Jotunheim, rebuilding and restructuring the court and society.  It took a lot of work to rebuild Jotunheim to what it should have been for centuries and Loki threw himself into his work, trying to forget everything else.  He tried to forget Morgan, tried to forget the Avengers, his home, his beloved mama.
He failed miserably.  
Breya touched Loki’s arm to get his attention one afternoon while he was on the throne.  Her eyes had that glazed look of someone in the middle of telepathic communication.  Loki gave her his attention, knowing she didn’t demand his attention lightly, especially while he was working.  “The guards have apparently found an Asgardian in our realm,” she told him, her voice slightly dazed, as she was holding two conversations at once.  Loki was used to the signs from his own knowledge of telepathy.  
Loki raised an eyebrow at her words, confused.  “Why would an Asgardian be here?” He asked as he adjusted one of the gold coins on the belt at his hips.  He’d learned to wear the Jotun fashion while he was king here.  It was still strange to show so much skin when it was all but blasphemous to do so on Asgard, but he wasn’t on Asgard anymore.  Asgard wasn’t home anymore.
He had to keep lying to himself about that particular point. 
Breya shrugged, drawing Loki’s attention back to her.  “I don’t know, but that’s what they say they’ve captured,” she replied.  She didn’t have to question why there was an Asgardian, only report on it.  “They want to kill it,” it was statement, but stated as a question, asking if she should let them kill the Asgardian. 
“No. Bring them to the palace,” Loki replied on the off chance it was someone he still cared about, despite what he pretended to the court.  
Breya nodded and her eyes glazed again as she gave the order to the guards.  It didn’t take long before the prisoner was brought before Loki, bound in chains.  Her form was slight, especially compared to the frost giants around her.  She looked even smaller in the chains, a frail former-Midgardian.  A blind one at that.  Her gaze was nowhere near his throne, staring straight ahead as she was shoved into the petitions spot before the throne. 
Loki stared in shock and horror at seeing her, his heart fell.  She shouldn’t be there.  How the Hel was she there?
Of all the things Midgardians had created, the word ‘fuck’ was definitely among the best and most useful. 
He had left her to protect her.
Fuck fuck fuck.  
How the fuck was she on Jotunheim?
She was fucking blind! 
And too damn resourceful.
Loki had to fight hard to school his expression as he addressed Morgan.  He couldn’t show weakness, couldn’t show her that he cared.  He had to keep this a clean break, for her life, for her safety.  “Asgardian, how did you get here?” He demanded coldly, with ice in his tone. 
Her head whipped up at the sound of his voice.  She tried to pinpoint him through her blindness.  She wanted to run to him, but couldn’t with the frost giants guarding her.  He’d been gone for months and he nearly didn’t sound like himself, but she would recognize the sound of his voice anywhere, even with the unfamiliar ice in his tone.  Loki watched her carefully.  He saw the wariness in her eyes at how formal and cold he was being to her.  She finally spoke and he saw the effort it was taking for her not to shiver, not to appear any weaker than a blind girl already did on Jotunheim. 
“A portal between the worlds and a locket,” she replied carefully.  The wariness was in her voice, in her very being.  She’d reverse-engineered the tracking spell in the locket he’d given her with his hair in it in order to find him. 
“Why are you here? There is nothing here for an Asgardian,” he informed her coldly.  It killed him to do it, but if he broke her heart thoroughly, he could make sure she didn’t do anything this stupid again. 
He sounded so cold and distant that it threw her.  She didn’t know what was going on or how to respond to him.  She finally spoke again, stating the obvious.  “I came to find you,” she finally said, doubt in her voice.  
“Shall we kill it, sire?” one of the guards asked, a bit too gleefully at the prospect of killing the Asgardian, especially a defective one like this handicapped girl. 
Loki shook his head firmly.  “No. Take her to the dungeons. I will speak to her privately. No harm is to come to her,” he growled the last, a warning to any who might dare defy him.
“Yes, sire,” the guards replied, though sounded disappointed.  They dragged Morgan away by her chains before she could so much as protest.
Loki groaned and sagged in his throne, though he didn’t have the luxury to do so.  He recovered quickly.  He had to.  He ordered Breya to clear the court for the day.  He had matters to attend to.  Breya looked up at Loki after the throne room was empty of everyone else.  “Everything ok?  I can go deal with her for you.  Send her back to Asgard?” She suggested.  Loki was clearly upset by the blind girl’s presence.
“No. I need to speak to her myself. I will get her off world once I do. She doesn’t belong here,” Loki said, though it hurt to say.  He didn’t want to send her away, but he couldn’t risk hurting her again.  Breya nodded and let him leave.
Loki made his way to the dungeons, trying to figure out what to say to Morgan as he went.  He found her in one of the cells, as ordered.  Her chains had been removed and she was sitting on the floor of the bare ice covered cell, knees to her chest and breathing frost.  The dungeons weren’t heated and were as cold as the outside of the realm of ice.  She clearly hadn’t heard him approach over the other sounds in the dungeon so he had a moment to observe her.  He saw the black handprint on her wrist hadn’t vanished or even faded.  
He moved to stand in front of her cell.  “What are you doing here, Ana? It isn’t safe,” he couldn’t keep the love and gentle caring from his voice, no matter how cold he tried to be.  
She scrambled to her feet to address him.  Her gaze was slightly off.  She was out of practice talking to him.  “Wou vanished without a word to anyone.  I came to find you,” she was more open when he was talking more normally.
“You should not have come. Jotunheim isn’t a place for Asgardians. I left for a reason,” Loki told her firmly.  He saw her expression fall, then steel itself.  He recognized her backbone as coming from Tony.  They could both be stubborn as Hel.
“I love you.  Of course I came.  You left all of your friends and family without telling anyone why,” she replied firmly.  She wasn’t giving up on him, no matter how much he wanted her to.  “We’re worried about you.  No one knew where you went or what happened to you,”
Loki looked away from the fierce determination in her eyes.  He had to break her heart again.  He had to send her away. He had to keep her safe.  “I cannot go back with you. I will have a few of my guards take to the bifrost circle and you will return to Midgard. I have a duty here,” he told her.
“Loki, no! Please.  I don’t want to lose you!” She protested from her side of the bars.  It was easier on Loki to not touch her.  So he stayed out of reach.  She came so far and had worked so hard to find him, to make sure he was alright, to bring him home.  She wouldn’t give up now. 
“Look what I did to you! I’m not safe. You are better off without me. You will be going back to Midgard, Morgan. I’m sorry. But I have to stay here. My people need me,” he said with a snarl. He couldn’t go home with her.  He couldn’t risk her.  
He loved her too much.
“It was an accident!” Morgan insisted.  “I love you, Loki and I’m not better off without you.  Nor am I giving up on you,” the stubborn streak was back.  She wouldn’t give up.  She would come find him again and again if she had to to get him to see reason and come home. 
“Morgana, no,” he said with an exasperated sigh.  She was impossible to argue with, much like her father.  “You should not have come.”
“Of course I should have.  We’re all worried about you,” she reminded him that she wasn’t the only one who cared.  Thor and Frigga were worried too. 
“You shouldn’t be. I’m fine. I’m where I should be,”
“I don’t want to lose you,” she repeated, reaching a hand through the bars toward him.  She’d nearly touched him, but he was just out of reach. 
He stared at the black handprint on her wrist and backed up, shaking his head. “Don’t touch me, Morgana. It isn’t safe. I will not hurt you again, accident or not. You will be going back to Midgard. Inform my brother that I am fine but I have a duty to Jotunheim now. You will not return,” he told her, the cold edge returned to his voice.
She withdrew her hand, looking hurt for an instant before she glared up at him.  “And how are you planning on stopping me? I’m not giving up on you,” she had far too much faith in him. 
“Give me the locket, Morgana. Now,” he snarled.  He couldn’t keep going through this, couldn’t keep letting herself put herself in danger.
It finally hit her then that he didn’t want her anymore.  Heartbreak filled her eyes.  But he made himself clear when he demanded the locket back, knowing what it might cost her if she didn’t have it, didn’t have his protections.  She hesitated a moment, but Loki’s resolve didn’t falter.  She would be safe without him, without the locket.  Or so he tried to tell himself.  She was in far more danger from him. 
Defeated when he didn’t relent, she took off the locket and tossed it through the bars in his direction so he didn’t have to risk touching her.  Loki caught it, but couldn’t bring himself to look at her, couldn’t face her heartbreak.  He was too much of a coward for that.  His silver tongue turned to lead and betrayed him.  He couldn’t just end it cleanly.  “I do love you. That will never change. But I must do what is best for you and for the realm,” he said softly before he turned his back on her. “I’m sorry, my love, my Ana. But this is the only option,”
“I will always love you, Loki,” was her only reply.  Her voice was defeated, knowing she’d lost him.  Despite his words, he didn’t want her.  He wouldn’t listen or change his mind.  He was stubborn and insistent on breaking everyone’s hearts for his own stupid reasons.  
Loki sighed heavily and left the dungeons as fast as he could.  He stopped two of the guards and informed them to take Morgan to the bifrost circle, commanding them not to touch her or they would die horribly by his hands.  Once that was done, he headed to his room, sealing himself inside.  He couldn’t deal with people after having to send Morgan away.  
/She’s gone/ Breya tells Loki awhile later.  
/Good. You will continue my duties for today. No one is to bother me./ Loki replied firmly.  He would not be interrupted. 
/Alright, brother/ she replied, worry in her tone, but she wouldn’t press him for answers, not when he sounded so heartbroken and hurt.
He cut the connection to Breya and the dam of emotions finally opened when he was well and truly alone. He managed to fall into his bed before the floodgates opened and he sobbed out his heartbreak.
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lucianalight · 5 years
If you were the one writing a show about Loki, how would you write it?
That depends. Are we counting IW and EG or not? Because if it was my decision I wouldn’t kill Loki in IW. At least not like that. Stupid, pointless and sadistically graphic. If I killed him in IW, I would definitely resurrect him in EG and let him help fighting Thanos, the one who abused and tortured him, in the final battle. So following this plot, Thor wouldn’t leave his people either. And together they would rebuild New Asgard to become an actual power not a fishing village. Because with Loki’s knowledge and power as a master of magic, they had a chance. So the show would be about Loki, the Agent of Asgard(I’m not going to stop talking about how I want an AoA adaptation :P :D), would go on  missions, try to finding resources for New Asgard, defeat their enemies, finding other Asgardians in the universe including Sif. And along the way making friends like Verity Willis(give us a Loki and Verity friendship you cowards!) who understand him and help him with his issues. And each one of his adventures would be somehow tied to Loki’s issues. His parentage and race would be addressed. Loki accepting himself as a Jotun, accepting his skin, using his ice powers. There would be flashbacks of his childhood. How he was the outsider and always mocked for his abilities. And it would be tied to Verity, his first true friend who accept Loki for who he is. When he would go after Sif, their history, complicated friendship end in betrayal and misunderstanding would be shown in flashbacks and in present time they would reconcile. When an enemy capture and tortures him, there would be flashbacks of his time with Thanos. I would definitely let him and Thor talk for once about their issues, their past and their family. Let them have a real reconciliation. Loki’s path of redemption would continue with him being a hero. But not a classic hero. Loki get to be himself and be validated for it. Using his abilities, mischief, magic and trickery to succeed. And at the end we get a Loki who has reconciled with his brother, have new friends, his issues are mostly solved and not only others come to love and appreciate him, but also he has learn to love and accept himself. That’s what I’d love to see in a Loki tv show.
If we consider what the current MCU gave us, the only plot I’m interested to see or I would write about, would be AU Loki adventures. And there are numerous possibilities with Loki having Tesseract and on the run. Where would he go? What does he want now that he is free and his mind is his own? I’d definitely turn it into a redemption arc that shares a lot of things with what I mentioned above. Loki finding friends, dealing with his issues and trying to make up for what he had done in his own way. One thing for sure though, I wouldn’t write a Loki changing history or a kid Loki story.
I think what happened to Loki in IW and EG was the worst thing possible. Killing him made sure that his story can’t go forward. And escaping with the Tesseract after Avengers erased his redemption arc in TDW and now another redemption arc should happen. And that’s if they go for a redemption arc and I really doubt it. Anyway, maybe what I wrote here is boring but I really like to see Loki heal more than anything and that would be the focus of what I would write.
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