#a general fatigue and tiredness CONSTANTLY to the point of sleeping way way too much..
fiti-vation · 5 years
hey i love your blog i really wanna ask you something. i really feel tired everyday even though i dont do anything and i feel like my energy is drained and i dont have any energy to do anything. do you know what kind of things i should eat or drink or do?
Hi there,
I’m happy to hear that you love my blog. That said, I’d like to apologize for the late reply, hopefully you are feeling better.
What's the difference between tiredness and fatigue?
I would like to start by pointing out here that what you are experiencing seems to be more like fatigue to me than tiredness. We all experience tiredness at times, which can be relieved by sleep and rest. Fatigue, on the other hand, is when the tiredness is often overwhelming and isn't relieved by sleep and rest. Is that the case for you? That being said, although I minored in social sciences of health, my knowledge in terms of health is nowhere near that of a health professional. My first recommendation, if your condition has not improved since you last wrote to me, is that you consult a healthcare practitioner to determine the underlying factor of your constant fatigue. Of course, I do not want to worry you, but if you are telling me that you constantly feel tired despite not doing anything this could be a sign that something isn’t right internally. You could be suffering from an underactive thyroid, hormonal imbalance, coeliac disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, anemia, anxiety, etc. 
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By consulting with a health professional, tests will be performed, and you will receive a clear diagnosis of the cause of your chronic fatigue. The important thing to keep in mind here is that one’s diet varies according to their state of health – for instance a cancer patient won’t have the same diet as a diabetic individual. Fatigue and a lack of energy are a big problem for many people, but these problems can only be addressed if you know what is wrong. Based on your diagnosis, you and your doctor can work together to develop a lifestyle plan that suits you. Treatment is focused on the underlying cause of tiredness.
I cannot stress enough that the first thing for you to do is to go see a doctor. If you have a family doctor, then book an appointment as soon as you can. Note that most family physicians tend to be general practitioner also called a GP or generalist, meaning they do not specialize in one particular area of medicine. Once you test results come back, if your GP cannot assist you, he or she will refer you to a practitioner that specializes in your condition. Let’s say you suffer from hormonal issues, you’ll probably be referred to an endocrinologist, but then again, a GP may be sufficiently knowledgeable to help you.
Different type of tiredness
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Given that my postsecondary background is in social sciences, I can only answer your question from this perspective. In this regard, I’d like to emphasis that there are different types of tiredness. Causes of fatigue can be psychological, physiological, and psychosocial; someone can be drained on many different levels. Are you feeling spiritually, mentally, emotionally or physically tired? Generally speaking fatigue can be classified as:
Physical fatigue: A person finds it physically hard to do the things they normally do or used to do, for example, climbing stairs. It includes muscle weakness. Diagnosis may involve a strength test.
Mental fatigue: A person finds it harder to concentrate on things and stay on task. The person may feel sleepy, or have difficulty staying awake while working. Note here that spiritual distress and emotional exhaustion would fall in this category.
Thinking versus expressing: While the terms mental health and emotional health are sometimes used interchangeably, they are distinctly different. That said, you really can’t have one without the other and an imbalance in one can pull the other out of balance as well.
A good way to think about mental and emotional health is like a tag team. Mental health refers to your ability to process information. Emotional health, on the other hand, refers to your ability to express feelings which are based upon the information you have processed. So, if your cognitive function is hindered by depression or anxiety, for example, you may struggle with accurately identifying a situation. This can then trigger inappropriate responses because those responses are based upon inaccurate thoughts.
Emotional exhaustion usually occurs when someone experiences a period of excessive stress in their work or personal life.
Spiritual distress: Spiritual distress is a disturbance in a person's belief system. As an approved nursing diagnosis, spiritual distress is defined as "a disruption in the life principle that pervades a person's entire being and that integrates and transcends one's biological and psychological nature." 
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Even if the underlying reason for your extreme lethargy is found to be physiological – don’t neglect working on your mental and spiritual well-being. Someone may be physically energetic, but mentally drained and vice versa. I have always been a firm believer in the mind, body and spirit being interconnected. According to the Canadian Mental Health Association
Mental health and physical health are fundamentally linked. People living with a serious mental illness are at higher risk of experiencing a wide range of chronic physical conditions. Conversely, people living with chronic physical health conditions experience depression and anxiety at twice the rate of the general population. Co-existing mental and physical conditions can diminish quality of life and lead to longer illness duration and worse health outcomes. This situation also generates economic costs to society due to lost work productivity and increased health service use.
Understanding the links between mind and body is the first step in developing strategies to reduce the incidence of co-existing conditions and support those already living with mental illnesses and chronic physical conditions.
Mind – body and soul
Consulting a doctor is the first step towards your well-being, but you should also start looking around for possible reasons for feeling exhausted all the time. Start looking for factors in your life that are contributing to your constant state of lethargy. Are you constantly feeling tired because of your occupation, your relationships, your environment, etc.? Once you have identified some of the possible factors that are causing you to be constantly drained, start to eliminate or work on improving them. Let’s say that your group of friends is exacerbating your condition – then perhaps you should start removing some toxic people from your life. In one of my old posts I have talked about a concept known as the 7 dimensions of health.
The 7 dimensions of health postulates that health/wellness goes beyond exercising and eating healthy. Wellness is the pursuit of continued growth and balance in the seven dimensions of wellness. Too many people think about “wellness” in terms of physical health only; as something we achieve by eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, etc. The word invokes thoughts of nutrition, exercise, weight management, blood pressure, etc. Wellness, however, is much more than physical health, it involves much more than your pant size. Wellness is a mindset and a holistic way of life. It means that we take responsibility for the quality of our lives, striving for balance in all areas. Wellness doesn’t accidentally happen. We have to pursue it—intentionally. Wellness is a full integration of physical, mental and spiritual well-being. It is a complex interaction that leads to quality of life.
Wellness is commonly viewed as having seven dimensions. Each dimension contributes to our own sense of wellness or quality of life, and each affects and overlaps the others. At times one may be more prominent than others, but neglect of any one dimension for any length of time has adverse effects on overall health.
Closing thoughts
Overall, the main important point to remember from everything I’ve discussed is to go see a doctor. That being said, if you feel exhausted all the time, it may also be time to start re-evaluating certain aspects of your life. There may be additional factors that are making your condition worse. Yes, a physician will help you re-energize physically and perhaps mentally with proper treatment based on your condition, however when it comes to re-energizing your emotional and spiritual self, I believe most of the work has to come from within – from you.
Although, I don’t really have any diet tips for your condition, I hope that you will take into consideration some of the lifestyle advices I have briefly discussed.
Best of luck!Steph 😊
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your-dietician · 3 years
Sleep Disorders 101: Insomnia - Sleep Dallas Blog
New Post has been published on https://depression-md.com/sleep-disorders-101-insomnia-sleep-dallas-blog/
Sleep Disorders 101: Insomnia - Sleep Dallas Blog
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Insomnia develops in one of every four Americans each year, but despite its prevalence among the general population, insomnia continues to be vastly underdiagnosed. As explained in a 2016 study, patients should be screened for insomnia consistently as they age, as aging and diabetes are most commonly associated with insomnia symptoms.
And while aging is a very broad risk factor, screening is important to tackling insomnia head-on as 27% of insomniacs don’t realize they have the condition. 
Considering insomnia is such a widely documented sleep disorder, it’s fair to wonder how this is possible—but insomnia is a bit more complex than simply having it or not. See, 30-35% of people suffer from mild insomnia, meaning that their symptoms aren’t as obvious as someone who suffers from moderate or severe insomnia. On top of that, individuals can suffer from acute (short-term affliction) or chronic insomnia (long-term affliction).
Regardless of where one may fall on the insomnia spectrum, getting diagnosed is essential to getting on a path to effective treatment. Even with mild insomnia, a sufferer may continue to experience symptoms two years after the initial point of diagnosis. 
Has this gotten you thinking about those sleepless nights and exhausting mornings? Read on to see if you’re one of the 70 million Americans affected by insomnia. 
Do I Have Insomnia?
Insomnia can be experienced in three degrees of severity: mild, moderate, or severe. Insomniacs on the milder side of the spectrum may not experience a significant impact on their social functioning or work productivity, but as the severity increases, insomniacs can become crippled by conditions.
The challenge for those who have suffered from mild insomnia consistently throughout their lives is pinpointing the normal from what’s actually not normal and maybe having adverse health consequences.
Mild insomniacs report receiving inconsistent sleep—they may great sleep for a few days and then fall into a bout of restless sleep, which brings on the following symptoms:
Mild anxiety 
Daytime fatigue 
Consistent tiredness 
For insomniacs who suffer from moderate or severe insomnia, it’s obvious that there is an issue because they experience a significant impact on their personal and professional lives. They experience all of the above symptoms but to a more severe degree.
Moderate insomniacs report almost never experiencing a good night’s rest and can feel the impacts of their sleep deprivation in all aspects of their lives.
 Severe insomniacs may feel completely suffocated by this disorder. On top of having trouble sleeping each and every night, there will also be noticeable differences in their ability to maintain relationships and stay on top of their work duties. 
Other important specifics about insomnia: 
You may be diagnosed with insomnia if your sleep problems persist for at least a month. 
Insomnia may lead you to become anxious about sleep, exacerbating insomnia-induced anxiety.
There isn’t a specific test that can be done to diagnose insomnia—it’s fully diagnosed based on patient-experience. The exception is if insomnia is an underlying condition of another serious sleep disorder, such as obstructive sleep apnea or narcolepsy.
You can also suffer from chronic or acute insomnia:
Chronic: A person with chronic insomnia consistently suffers from their insomnia for at least three nights a week, for three months, on a cyclical basis. 
Acute: Typically lasts a maximum of three months and stems from a stressful life event. As you recover from the event that triggered insomnia, symptoms should also begin to subside. 
Treatment For Mild Insomnia
If you suspect that you have mild insomnia, it is important to talk to your doctor and not ignore your symptoms. Insomnia, in any form, can be an indicator of a much larger, and potentially more serious, health issue. Luckily, for those who do have mild insomnia, there are some basic steps you can take to try and improve your sleep. 
Don’t nap during the day. Naps can offset your already precarious sleep schedule. Instead, plan to start getting ready for bed earlier than you already do and set an alarm at the same time every morning—even on the weekends. While getting up “early” on the weekends can be difficult, it’s important to maintain a consistent sleep and wake regiment until you start getting quality sleep.
Exercise earlier in the day versus in the evening. Being active can affect when we’re able to fall asleep. How? By working out in the evening, our biological clock starts to think we want to be more alert in the evenings. By exercising in the morning or early afternoon, we’re keeping a schedule that promotes our brain slowing down in the evenings and our body releasing the sleep-hormone melatonin before bed.
Your diet is intrinsically linked to your sleep health. Consume a balanced diet of sleep-promoting foods. Avoid caffeine starting at least six hours before bedtime, avoid drinking alcohol too late in the evening, and limit dense, heavy foods directly before bed. 
Your bedroom should be exclusively for intimacy and sleep. Working in bed/in your bedroom has been shown to be detrimental to our sleep health. Separate those spaces. 
Avoid screen usage right before bed. The blue light emitted by electronic devices keeps our brains active. Instead, take a bath, read, or journal directly before bed. 
According to the Mayo Clinic, certain forms of alternative medicine have also been shown to improve sleep:
Melatonin, which can be found at most groceries, pharmacies, and markets is a natural sleep hormone our body needs to have a regulated sleep cycle. While taking over-the-counter melatonin may improve our sleep that evening, it’s not considered a long-term solution for insomnia. 
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine used to treat pain and help with stress management. For insomniacs, this can help alleviate the stress that can leave our brains “running” from thought to thought when we lay down to sleep. Again, while acupuncture can temporarily relieve insomnia symptoms, it’s not a long-term solution. 
Yoga and Tai Chi are two stress-relieving practices that have been shown to improve sleep. Both practices relax the body, lower blood pressure and reduce anxiety. 
Meditation is full of benefits –not only is it shown to improve sleep, but it can also help control chronic pain, reduce anxiety, improve memory and attention span, and lower blood pressure. 
Treatment for Moderate and Severe Insomnia 
While all the above suggestions are great for anyone suffering from insomnia, for those that suffer moderately and severely from insomnia, non-pharmacologic therapies and pharmacologic therapies may be necessary. 
Stimulus Control Therapy: According to a 2010 NCBI study, “Stimulus control therapy is based on the premise that insomnia is a conditioned response to temporal (bedtime) and environmental cues that are usually associated with sleep.” In this form of therapy, the patient retrains their brain to associate their bed and their bedroom with sleep. 
Sleep Restriction Therapy: The same 2010 study defines sleep restriction therapy as a therapy that “…consists of restricting the amount of time spent in bed to nearly match the subjective amount of time spent sleeping.” Only sleeping five hours each night? That’s the amount of time you’re allowed in bed. By restricting sleep, sleep deprivation is slowly induced, causing the person to sleep more heavily when they do get into bed.
Relaxation Therapy: For some insomniacs, not only are their brains going nonstop during the day but at night as well—their arousal systems are constantly going. Relaxation therapy targets this. 
Cognitive Therapy: As mentioned above, some insomniacs begin to develop anxiety around their bed, bedroom, and sleep. Cognitive therapy’s aim is to break down the negative thinking around sleep and the sleep environment. 
Paradoxical Intention: This form of therapy works best on individuals who experience performance anxiety around sleep. The patient, instead of fixating on falling asleep, is encouraged to stay awake. Over time, this will change the way they think about sleep and the anxiety around sleeping.
All of the above therapies are best practiced under the supervision of a therapist, sleep physician, and/or general practitioner. Attempting to partake in any of these therapies alone or without the guidance of a professional may result in the insomniac’s symptoms worsening. 
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Insomnia doesn’t have to be your normal. Sleep physicians, like our very own Dr. Dibra, can help. Dr. Dibra is board-certified in sleep medicine and specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of sleep disorders. If you’re ready to take that next step to regain control of your sleep, click here to make your appointment.
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Each person responds differently to stress and emotions. Being sad once in a while is normal but when sadness persists for more than two weeks, you may be suffering from clinical depression. Your gender may affect the stress responses of your body. It has been found that women are twice as more likely to experience depression as compared to men.
Though, depression can occur at any age in women but most women face depression in their late 20s and early 30s. In India, the prevalence of depression is more in women between 30 to 69 years of age where the peak events of depressive disorders occur between 40 to 49 years of age. According to National Mental Health Association, one in every eight women in world experience depression at some point during their life time.
To pose a fight against depression, it is important to know about symptoms and signs of depression. Depression in women can range from mild to moderate and may become severe in some. Take a look at the following signs and symptoms which are generally experienced by women in depression:
Women May Feel Guilty , Worthless and Hopeless: Depression can make women blame themselves more than required for the mistakes they have committed. This makes them excessively guilty and low in confidence. They have no or negligible hope left in their lives and tend to feel worthless.
Women May Become Anxious and Fearful: Depression in women makes them more prone to anxiety and fear. Being nervous when going for an interview or going for a new job or when going for a stage show is pretty normal. Anxiety is much more than that. It is mostly a persistent feeling of uneasiness, restlessness, and nervousness that interferes with your daily routine. Disorders which make women anxious tend to interfere with women’s peace of mind.
Women May Isolate Themselves: Depressed women find social activities to be demanding and prefer to stay in isolation. When women tend to persistently avoid companies of dear ones which were once activities of pleasure for them, it may indicate s depressive disorder.
Women May Feel Constantly Tired: Fatigue is a leading symptom of depression. Neurotransmitter serotonin in human brain is responsible for feelings of happiness and neurotransmitter epinephrine is responsible for creating energy. Depression in women decreases the production of serotonin in women’s brains which further decreases the production of epinephrine. This leads to presence of chronic tiredness and fatigue in depressed women.
Women May Become More Irritable and Angry: Depression makes women irritated and angry at ordinary issues too. They seem to fall apart over the most trivial issues also. Anything and everything seems to trigger an outburst in case of depression in women.
Women May over Sleep or Sleep Less: Disturbance in sleeping patterns in women can also be observed in women suffering from depression. Sleeplessness with early morning awakening or sleeping for more than required time and not wanting to get up in the morning may accompany other symptoms of depression.
Women May Have Changed Patterns of Appetite: In depressed women, appetite may either decrease which would result in weight loss or appetite may increase leading to subsequent weight gain. Eating disorders may also accompany depression in women.
Women May Feel Suicidal: Depression makes women think of ways to harm self and end life. These feelings require immediate attention as suicidal thoughts are not only harmful for the affected person but also become the source of trouble for the whole family.
Women May Have Constant Physical Symptoms: In depressed women, physical symptoms which are persistent in nature such as headache, body pain, and upset stomach do not go away with treatment that targets only the physical pains. The only way to get rid of these pains is through holistic treatment which involves Ayurvedic herbal products.
Women May Lose Interest in Their Favourite Hobbies: Depression makes women lose interest in the activities and hobbies that were once their favourite. When loss of interest is persistent, it should be taken as a probable sign of depression.
Women May Have Severe Health Problems: Depression in women is linked to many health problems in women. Such health problems may include heart diseases, obesity and cancer. People with heart diseases are twice as likely to suffer from depression as compared to people who do not have heart diseases. Women with depression have more likely to have obesity as compared to women who do not have depression. Women with cancer are more likely to experience depression as compared to men with cancer.
Women require complete care to improve mental and physical health. Since 
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women are more likely to experience side effects of conventional anti depressants, it is better for them to include in their treatment kit natural Ayurvedic herbal products which can help in improving their mental health. Including Ayurvedic herbal products by Preserva Wellness would also lead to subsequent improvement in their physical symptoms. Providing remarkable improvement in depression in women are the following Ayurvedic herbal products by Preserva Wellness:
Giving Curcumin Supplementation – Stresaway Tablet: Stresaway Tablet by Preserva Wellness has been designed to improve the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Along with providing natural curcumin supplement, herbs such as gokhru, Ashwagandha used in the Stresaway tablet also heal and improve mental health. Curcumin can help in reducing symptoms of depression during beginning of periods i.e. menarche, during and after menopause i.e. permanent stoppage of monthly periods, and during other phases of women’s life. By managing symptoms of anxiety and depression, Stresaway Tablet reduces the chances of having suicidal thoughts.
Making Healthy Teacups – Daily Calm Tea: Preserva Wellness has made world’s first curcumin teas which are better than the normal turmeric teas. Daily Calm Tea is the only tea by Preserva Wellness which is neither a curcumin tea nor a turmeric tea but is made up of natural flowers and herbs which work to calm your nerves. Daily Calm Tea can thus help in countering depression and anxiety in women. From darkness to light, stand by your side the genuine Ayurvedic herbal products.
Contact us @+91-8373994904 or buy ayurvedic products online.
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cassolotl · 7 years
Self-diagnosis in relation to doctors, Tumblr, and the disability community generally
In which I continue to be baffled by people who are against self-diagnosis, complete with descent into a frustrated “get over yourself” rant at the end.
So a few weeks back I wrote a thing about doctors failing a lot of autistic people, and celebrating that autistic people are diagnosing themselves and finding community.
I’d like to add that getting formally diagnosed was really helpful to me, on a personal level and also on a practical one - having a bit of paper from a doctor saying I’m autistic has allowed me to have access to various services much more easily, and it’s also taken away any doubt that I am autistic and I do experience various legitimate difficulties as a result of that. It’s helped me to accept myself, and even though it shouldn’t it has helped other people accept me as I am too.
So yeah, I am accepting of people who self-diagnose but alongside that I do also encourage people to get formally diagnosed if they think it might help them. It’s not like you can’t accept and appreciate both methods of self-discovery, you know?
But the reason I’m here is to talk about the reality of seeking diagnosis and how that fits with self-diagnosis.
My story starts sometime last year. I’d been unable to work for about 10 years due to, basically, tiredness - since I was 20-21ish. (So by the time I started to feel my life was severely negatively impacted by this condition I was probably older than most people who get hassle for self-diagnosing on Tumblr, right?) I couldn’t keep a job or even volunteer work because I kept calling in sick for tiredness. In the end I gave up. The GP tested my blood and told me that I wasn’t anaemic and didn’t have a thyroid condition, so they slapped on me the label of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). There was no known cause or cure, and the treatment was graded exercise and CBT. She told me that with no other symptoms it’s considered by the NHS a psychological condition, and I supposed at the time that that meant it was psychosomatic, or like being unable to get out of bed due to depression. I was in my early 20s and not very familiar with the medical system, and I had no idea was autistic, and I just accepted the diagnosis. I was never really satisfied, because it felt like a cop-out, but I accepted it as best I could and moved on. I know now that CFS is usually not a condition on its own but probably a symptom with an underlying cause.
Fast-forward a few years, and I’d been diagnosed with autism and after some fighting the system I was getting support in my day-to-day life. I was around people who loved and accepted me, and I was getting therapy that was helping with, among other things, my autistic difficulties.
One day I noticed that my lower left leg felt weird. It was lighter and it felt kind of nice actually. It took me a few minutes to work out that this weird feeling was the feeling of a healthy, pain-free muscle. It felt weird, in other words, because it didn’t hurt. I had forgotten the feeling of no pain in my lower left leg. But the entire rest of my body felt this other thing - heavy, tired, unpleasant. You know, like normal, the way it feels every day from when I wake up in the morning to when I go to sleep at night. The thing that gets worse every time I walk around or up and down the stairs. I was so accustomed to pain that I thought pain was normal and how everyone felt, and a lack of pain wasn’t just a shock, it was difficult to recognise.
I realised that maybe my tendency to feel less tired and sleepy after taking painkillers might be a bit weird. I thought I was having a strange reaction to painkillers, in a caffeine way somehow, and I felt I shouldn’t take painkillers if I’m not in pain because that would be an unhealthy dependency.
But what if...
Everything is different when you’re autistic. I came to terms with the idea that my entire body is in pain all the time, and my brain has just stopped processing it as such. Even when I am paying attention and listening to my body and really feeling everything as best I can, I can detect no pain whatsoever. When it gets bad I feel like I have to go to bed and maybe nap, but when I get to bed I can’t sleep - and it’s because I’m not sleepy. I’m in pain, and I feel better for lying down in a nice comfortable bed in a safe place. And when I take painkillers, I magically feel better again.
Going to the GP about this wasn’t going to work. It could be anything. All-over pain could be a neurological problem, it could be cancer, it could be anything. I knew from experience that going to the GP with no other information wouldn’t work, because the fact that I hadn’t even been feeling the daily full-body pain I was in meant that unexpected diagnostic questions would confuse me and I would probably answer “I don’t think I have that” to everything. Yay autistic masking! \o/ She would say, as GPs have been saying to me for a long time, something like “I can write you a sick note and diagnose you with chronic pain but unless we have more symptoms to go on I can’t refer you to a specialist.”
However, for a while now I had been somehow connecting with people who had EDS. I followed people on Twitter who had it and even though I didn’t on a conscious level realise that we had things in common because they had pain and I thought I didn’t, I felt a kinship. I remembered the kinship I felt with autistic people before I realised I might be autistic too, and I made the connection.
For several months I self-diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS). It’s a rare genetic condition that affects your collagen, which in some people is very serious. Wikipedia told me that the classical type is experienced by 1 in 20,000-50,000 people. Surely it is really weird to leap to the conclusion, out of the blue, that I have this one very specific and rare condition? It seems so improbable. But when I looked at people with EDS, their lives were so much like mine. Their coping mechanisms and management strategies that they’d come up with deliberately to deal with their EDS were so similar to the stuff I was doing by accident just to get from day to day. If I had the same symptoms and therefore the same diagnosis it would explain everything that isn’t covered by autism and being trans.
So I went into research mode. It took months. That’s how it is when you’re autistic, alexithymic, and are very bad at self-reporting. The Beighton Score part was easy because they’re bodily tests you can do yourself at home with clear results - but for the rest, sufferers of chronic illness will remember the feeling of discovery that goes, “wow, I thought everyone had that?” It was much more difficult than that for me. For every symptom, I had to fight through layers of “but I don’t have that” and “okay maybe I have that but surely not more than most people” and “but if I had this surely my mum would have done something about it when I was a kid” and “I have this but I don’t dislike it so surely that can’t be a symptom.” Because when you’re alexithymic, sometimes you kinda lack the feeling that is like, this is unpleasant, I’d rather this was better, and actually maybe that’s possible. Sometimes things that cause other people great discomfort don’t even register to you as unpleasant. Yay alexithymia.
I had to trick myself into acknowledging my symptoms. I had to compare myself to other people in a way that wasn’t dismissing my own experience, which was a very new thing for me. “I experience this, yes, but have I ever actually heard anyone else complaining about experiencing it themselves? If not, it is probably safe to assume that my experience is unusual and causing me problems, therefore relevant to a doctor.”
I had a Google Document bookmarked in my browser, with headings for each symptom of EDS. I mulled the symptoms over in the back of my head for a long time, writing down symptoms as I became sure of them. Such is my symptom-normalisation that it took months to add these to my list:
Joints dislocating (or partially dislocating) without trauma such as a fall on a regular basis;
Dizziness and passing out from movement or exercise that shouldn’t normally cause dizziness and passing out;
Stomach aches pretty much every day.
During this process, the company who provide my support decided that my care plans didn’t fit their company policy of involving the service user in their care as much as possible. They rewrote my care plans to include constant references to me doing at least part of every activity, with a view to me eventually becoming self-sufficient and no longer needing their care. I explained to them that I was discovering that I had EDS, and could they acknowledge that sometimes I just need people to do things for me so that I had more energy to be independent on my own later. They refused. They said that they would not provide support for EDS until I was diagnosed. They said, in fakey neurotypical language, that they didn’t think I had EDS. They ended our contract over it, a couple of weeks before I was due to attend my rheumatology appointment, and all of this while constantly saying that their service was person-centred. Not that I’m bitter.
A lot of people would doubt their self-diagnosis and stop trying to see a specialist at this point. But I went through similar stuff when I worked out I was autistic and people with power over me didn’t believe me, so I kept going anyway. If I saw a specialist and they told me I didn’t have EDS, at least I’d know.
I started to say openly online that I had EDS. People with EDS accepted me immediately, completely, and without question. But I knew that there were people out there who would tell me that they wouldn’t take me seriously until I was formally diagnosed, and would assume (since I blog on Tumblr) that I was just doing it to get disability points or whatever. “They say they’re nonbinary, autistic, asexual, aromantic, and now they’ve decided they have a rare genetic condition. Yeah, right. I guess their oppression points aren’t getting them enough attention. What a special snowflake.” For serious, the frequency with which I am assumed to be a teenage girl will not be at all surprising to a lot of people reading this. My reluctance to disclose my age and gender online gets me accused of teenage girlhood by TERFs and Tumblr-haters all around, especially if they know I’m on Tumblr. In reality I’m 30, mostly post-transition as openly nonbinary with the kind assistance of the NHS, and formally diagnosed with everything I say online that I have. (I do have some things that I’m not formally diagnosed with, and those are MH things that I don’t trust the NHS with for many legit reasons and I don’t talk about them online much.)
I learned that the type of specialist professional who can diagnose me is a rheumatologist. Eventually I made an appointment with my GP and printed out my symptom list document for her. It began, “if you’re reading this I think you can help me get diagnosed with and treated for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.” For each symptom I described the severity and how often I experience it. From my 10+ years of GP dismissal for bad periods that turned out to be endometriosis requiring a hysterectomy, I remembered the magic words: “I’d like a referral to a [specialist] please.”
My GP happily referred me to a rheumatologist at my request, and I was on their waiting list for a few months. When I eventually arrived my document of symptoms was even longer; I’d managed to clarify a few more while I was on the waiting list.
I have told you this story to show you how long I prepared for my diagnosis appointment, how much effort I put into diagnosing myself and how much I had to know to even see a specialist who could diagnose me - and to emphasise how anticlimactic getting a diagnosis actually is.
The rheumatologist was very kind. He read through my document, which took a few minutes. And then he said to me, in neurotypical language so I’m hugely paraphrasing and he did not sound this rude in real life:
“I don’t know why you’re here. You know you have EDS, you don’t need me to confirm it. You know there’s not much I can do to treat you, and you’ve had it all your life so at 30 years old you have come to terms with the symptoms and you have lots of coping mechanisms and self-management techniques.”
He was kind and listened to my concerns. Here they are in bold, along with the rheumatologist’s response.
I’m not a doctor, I can’t ever be really sure, I wanted to talk to a doctor to confirm it because maybe I have something else kinda similar or I’m just wrong. “You have most of the symptoms, and you’re well-informed. You seem to be a pretty clear case to me. What can I do to help?”
Perhaps there are treatments or services that you can help me access? “It’s mostly a case of managing it all yourself at home on your own. Try to go out for a walk every day, and don’t rely on your knee braces because your knees need to get strong enough to support themselves and knee braces won’t help with that. But you will probably always experience this cycle of crashing and having to build up your strength again very very slowly. No one else can really help you with that.”
I’d like a bit of paper to show to people who want proof of my EDS, like the DWP (who provide income for disabled people in the UK) and support companies. “The DWP don’t care about bits of paper. They ask you to do a series of exercises like lifting your arms and moving your head around.”
This last one was difficult to hear, because the DWP would indeed declare me fit for work based on their usual tests, and the only thing that gets me out of that situation is letters from medical specialists describing my symptoms. Me describing my own symptoms is not proof enough. To put it another way, me saying “I experience daily pain all over my body” is not proof to the DWP, but a doctor saying “Cassian tells me they experience daily pain all over their body” is totally strong evidence.
The fact is that the support company who ditched me should not have needed a piece of paper saying I have EDS to provide me with support that suits my needs. They were happily providing me with support for autistic difficulties despite never having seen a diagnosis letter. They should have listened to me stating my needs, and then written care plans that suit those needs. But like the DWP, a piece of paper from a doctor saying “Cassian has these symptoms” carries more weight than me saying “I have these symptoms.” It’s kinda twisted, and my diagnosing doctor didn’t know it, but that’s how it is.
So basically, this is all to tell you that people on the internet totally trash self-diagnosed people on the internet, and say “I’m not gonna believe you unless you get a formal diagnosis, you’re making people who really have these conditions look bad, please stop” - but when you actually do get to see a doctor they have no problem whatsoever with self-diagnosis and they don’t understand why anyone would seek diagnosis for a condition that they already know they have. Doctors, they know, are for working out what’s wrong with you. If you already know the name of your condition, you don’t need to talk to them. If you are successfully self-managing and don’t need treatment, you don’t need to talk to them. And as far as they are concerned, you shouldn’t need to have a diagnosis letter to have your needs recognised and respected by companies and local authorities when seeking support.
“But Cassian,” some people will say, “you are quite a special case. You’re older and more experienced than most self-dxers on Tumblr, you did a lot of research for a long time, you did everything right. It’s a spectrum, you know? Your self-diagnosis was valid, but there’s a lot of blatant fakers out there on Tumblr.” NO SHUT UP. You cannot judge people on the internet like that! You know nothing about them and their life! And even if you feel doubtful of their self-diagnosis because of the way they talk about it or whatever else superficial reason, that doesn’t mean that they are making it up! You deciding that I am legit and they are not is PURE PREJUDICE and you can take your backhanded compliments elsewhere!
So like, let’s just go over that in very clear words so you know where I stand. I understand that diagnosis and disability and mental illness are complex and nuanced issues, BUT. Self-diagnosis doesn’t magically become invalid just because you say it does, and holy crap even if teenagers on Tumblr were giving everyone else a bad name no one would know because doctors and the DWP and local authorities and anyone who has any power over us at all DON’T H*CKING USE TUMBLR and have no idea that you think teenagers are making it up for attention. All of this tug of war between “self-diagnosis is valid (✿◡‿◡)~” and “self-dxers are attention-seeking Tumblrinas that give legit sufferers a bad name” happens in a little internet bubble that the VAST MAJORITY of people are blissfully unaware of, Jeeeesus Christ on a bicycle.
Okay, thanks for listening, I’m glad to get that out of my system.
[Also posted to Medium.]
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yesnolimitsworld · 4 years
Reiki Healing to Bust Stress
Today our busy lives are full of daily pressures, deadlines, hassles, and demands, which result in us becoming highly stressed and anxious.
Unfortunately for very many of us, this stressed state is with us constantly every day.
For most people a small amount of stress can actually help motivate and help us to perform better under a little pressure; operating in a form of ’emergency mode’.
However, being in this stressed emergency mode for longer periods can have serious effects on your physical and emotional health.
Inability to make decisions,
Lack of concentration;
Constant worrying;
Negative views;
Short temper;
Poor memory;
Distant appearance;
Aggressive behavior for no reason;
Overreacting to situations;
Feeling overwhelmed and isolated;
Depression and unhappiness.
* 77% regularly experience physical symptoms caused by Stress.
* 73% regularly experience psychological symptoms caused by Stress.
* 48% feel Stress has increased over the last 5 years.
Maybe you have an existing health condition?
Do you find that your symptoms flare up or get worse when you feel stressed or anxious?
So clearly it’s vitally important to control how you react to stressful situations and do all you can to keep stress at bay.
Many people try to avoid taking medication to control the devastating effects of stress and instead look for a natural solution.
One such wonderful complementary therapy is Reiki Healing.
Reiki, pronounced “ray-key”, is derived from two Japanese words which loosely translate to “Universal Life-force Energy”.
This ‘life force energy’ refers to the natural energy that is invisible but is all around us and is freely available for everyone.
This invisible energy also runs throughout our bodies.
At times our energy levels are depleted, and the energy flow in our bodies becomes slow or is ‘trapped’ and ‘blocked’.
This can lead to feelings of tiredness and a general lack of energy.
In fact, we often say things like “I’ve got no energy today” or “my body feels out of cinque today” don’t we?
This can be because our internal energy is trapped or blocked.
Reiki works on the basis that the person who gives the Reiki (sometimes known as a ‘Reiki healer’) taps into this natural energy source and acts as a conduit by transferring some energy through their hands to the person or animal receiving the Reiki.
Reiki is a very gentle and totally natural non-manipulative healing therapy, which anyone can do either on themselves or other people, as well as for animals too.
It simply involves laying hands gently on various parts of the body and holding the position for a few minutes before moving the hands to another position.
Or, you can hover your hands over the body without actually touching.
There is no pulling, pushing or prodding or any form of manipulation.
There is no invasion such as with needles and no potions or tablets are involved either.
It is purely about gently placing hands on the body or hovering over the body, transferring this energy to the receiver helping to create a healthy energy flow to encourage the receiver’s body to self-heal.
Reiki is a holistic natural therapy – so simultaneously it could assist you on a physical level at the same time as helping with any emotional issues such as stress or anxiety – in fact, the two could easily be interrelated.
One of the biggest benefits of Reiki is its calming effect, which can really help relax you after a busy day at work or whenever you find yourself in any stressful situation.
Some Other Wonderful Benefits of Reiki for You and Your Loved Ones:
Releases stress;
Reduces anxiety;
Increases energy levels;
Helps reduce pain and suffering;
Help to keep existing health conditions from flaring up when stressed;
Complements all medical treatments;
Helps speed up recovery following illness or surgery;
Totally harmless;
No needles;
No manipulation;
Totally natural;
No pills or potions;
Available whenever you want it –when you are trained to give Reiki yourself – read on to see how you can easily do this;
Improves sense of wellbeing;
Helps calm nervousness;
Boosts the immune system;
Minimizes feelings of fatigue;
Lowers blood pressure;
Aids better sleep;
Accelerates bodies self-healing;
Promotes a natural balance;
Assists in clearing toxins from the body;
Phew ….. that’s an impressive list, isn’t it?
Many people find a Reiki session so totally relaxing that they fall asleep either during or after the session has finished.
Because Reiki is so simple to perform there is no need to carry out any preparation prior to giving a session.
You can start and finish giving Reiki as and when you want to, or whenever it’s required.
The awesome thing is Reiki is very gentle and simple and can do no harm, instead, it can only potentially good things for you.
There are basically 3 main ways that you can get some Reiki for you and your loved ones.
1) Book a Reiki Session
You can seek out a Reiki practitioner near to your location and book a session with them.
You will obviously need to pay a fee.
Prices vary but you should expect to pay around $60 [£50] for a 45-minute session.
Be aware though that you might need several sessions to work on a particular problem.
Reiki shouldn’t be considered a ‘one-hit-wonder’.
2) Attend a Training Course and Learn Yourself.
Anyone and everyone has the ability to give Reiki healing.
No special skills are required and you do not need to be ‘gifted’ in any way as some Reiki practitioners might lead you to believe!
The key to being able to give Reiki healing is to be ‘attuned’ to Reiki.
This is a short harmless process that releases your natural in-built ability to give Reiki.
This attunement forms part of a training course where you should receive a manual and guidance on how to give Reiki to people and even yourself.
Only a Reiki Master is able to carry out this attunement process.
Usually, on such courses, you receive a Reiki Level 1 or Reiki First Degree Qualification.
3) Learn Reiki yourself via a Quick and Simple Home Study Course (except there’s no studying to do),
Not everyone likes to attend a live course … all that traveling, taking too much time out, and having to share with strangers.
There is a much quicker and cheaper option to make sure you are shown how to give Reiki to help lower stress and that is by enrolling on this Reiki for Stress Home Study course from Rob Fellows Reiki, which is ideal for you if you want to give Reiki to yourself or a loved one.
On this course, you will be attuned remotely to Reiki, and Rob will send you his comprehensive color manual showing you where to place your hands for maximum healing effect on yourself and other people … which you will be able to download immediately.
The manual also covers a host of other really useful stress-busting information with sections on what foods to eat, and those to avoid, and lots of other techniques to help you cope with stress and stressful situations on a day by day basis.
You will also receive a Reiki Level 1 qualification and your certificate to prove it.
In fact, you’ll actually receive not one but TWO certificates.
The first is your Reiki Qualification and the second confirms you’ve been guided on how to use Reiki to help lower and control stress.
The beauty of learning Reiki for yourself is that you will then be able to give Reiki to yourself, and other people whenever you want to and whenever it’s needed.
Quickly and simply.
Learning Reiki on this course from Rob Fellows Reiki is very easy as there is no studying, no essays to write, and no exams to take.
And the cost is only about the same as booking just two sessions from a Reiki practitioner – but instead, you’ll be able to give hands-on Reiki to yourself and anyone else forever.
International Reiki Master Rob Fellows will personally attune you remotely to trigger your natural in-built ability to give Reiki and then you will literally be able to give Reiki healing straight away … and this new skill will last you a lifetime.
Then, the more you practice the stronger your energy becomes.
It’s as simple as that.
Katsumoto Atwood N.M.D, Illinois, USA helps his wife with Reiki who suffers from Anxiety:
” I gave my wife Reiki as she suffers from Generalized Anxiety Disorder ( G.A.D ).
I started with the crown chakra and began to work my way down spending approximately 3-4 minutes per area.
After I finished with the top of the head I moved on to the temples and then the ears.
By this point, she told me that I needed to stop. when asked why the response I got was: “it feels weird your hands are so hot and I am getting a little nauseous.”
I explained to her that this was normal as it was the body’s way of detoxing.
So, I finished with her ears at which point she decided to take a shower and head to bed.
Now I don’t really know if she will admit it or not, but I am pretty sure that was one of the best nights of sleep she has had in a long time.
I mean I live near railroad tracks and hear trains blow their whistles every day and let me tell you the snoring she did that night put those trains to shame (Laugh out Loud ).
She told the next morning that when she awoke she had felt refreshed and was full of energy.”
For a great simple Home Study Course that covers everything you need, you can give Reiki to help combat stress.
Take a look at Reiki for Stress Home Study Course from Rob Fellows Reiki.
Hopefully, this has given you an insight into this simple gentle, and totally natural healing therapy and is something that you will now try with yourself or your loved ones suffering from stress.
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The Fantastic And Undesirable About Espresso
výběrová káva Coffee is just one of the most well known beverages in the globe - it is also mega company. Coffee crops are cultivated in far more than 70 international locations. It is an significant export commodity for Latin The us, Southeast Asia, and Africa. 50 percent the populace in The united states drinks espresso on a every day basis. Starbucks, founded in 1971, is now the world's most significant coffeehouse chain with above twenty,000 retailers in a lot more than sixty nations. In the final 5 a long time (2009-2013) on your own, Starbucks' share value has risen far more than seven-fold. Provided this popular acceptance, it is no surprise that many men and women have wondered if ingesting coffee is an unhealthy habit. Caffeine, following all, is a stimulant drug and is addictive. For many years, clinical suggestions from organizations like the American Heart Association has indicated that espresso may well guide to high blood force and is undesirable for your heart. You may possibly even have been advised that coffee will give you an ulcer. Nonetheless, in modern several years, there has been an monumental volume of new research that has just rather significantly exonerated espresso. Is espresso excellent or undesirable for you? The subsequent summarizes the most recent conclusions on coffee and how it might really rewards your overall health. Even more, if you are a common espresso drinker, there are certain points about espresso that you must also be aware of. Last of all, know that espresso might not be appropriate for every person, if you have certain conditions, you ought to not be consuming coffee at all. Latest Research On The Health Benefits Of Espresso Although not each solitary research exhibits coffee to have well being-advertising and marketing houses, the vast majority is relatively constructive. Apart from caffeine, coffee consists of a normal blend of polyphenol anti-oxidants, bioflavonoids, B natural vitamins, and minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and chromium. Study shows that not only are the non-caffeine components of espresso anti-inflammatory, they function with each other synergistically to support neutralize the harsher consequences of the caffeine. In addition, coffee may essentially activate helpful pathways in our bodies at the DNA stage. These scientific tests present that reasonable coffee use on a typical foundation reverses cognitive impairment, cuts cancer chance, stabilizes blood sugar, and rewards the coronary heart. In other words, espresso can help reduce the risk of several conditions: Alzheimer's disease Cancer (such as breast, colon, endometrial, kidney, liver, and oral) Diabetes (variety 2) Coronary heart disorder (which includes heart rhythm problems and stroke) Parkinson's ailment Prostate most cancers Significant Info For Coffee Drinkers Even though espresso may well have all the incredible overall health rewards, not all coffee is the same. In addition to, how and when you consume it makes a big difference as well. Generally choose natural and organic. Coffee is a crop that is intensely sprayed with pesticides, therefore, you ought to pick only espresso beans that are licensed natural and organic. When feasible, acquire sustainable "shade-developed" espresso to assist prevent the continued destruction of the tropical rain forests and the birds that inhabit them. Generally get complete bean. Only invest in entire beans that odor and taste refreshing, not stale. You do not want to obtain pre-ground coffee since you in no way know whether or not it is currently rancid by the time you get it. Darker roast is excellent to light-weight roast. The darker roasts, these as French, Italian, or all those utilised to make expresso and Turkish coffee, are larger in neuroprotective brokers than the lighter roasts. Darkish roast espresso restores blood degrees of the anti-oxidants vitamin E and glutathione more effectively than light-weight roast coffee. Darkish roast coffee is also simpler on your abdomen as it includes a chemical that prevents your stomach from making excess acid. Ideal time to drink espresso is in the early morning. In accordance to some analysis, coffee may increase your metabolism by up to twenty per cent. Therefore, getting a cup of organic coffee or just one shot of espresso in the morning is ideal. If you workout in the early morning, have your espresso before work out as scientific tests display that coffee boosts athletic functionality, not following as the caffeine may well interfere with your body's muscle-creating system. However, do not go overboard, one particular or two cups in the early morning really should be the optimum for the day. Consume your espresso with no sugar, artificial sweetener, or commercial creamers. Or else, you are undoing all the wellness added benefits of coffee. Excess sugar consumption increases the possibility of insulin resistance, suppresses the immune system, and perpetuates addictive food actions. If you like dairy and can tolerate it, you could incorporate organic or if possible grass-fed full milk or cream to your espresso. Skim or non-body fat milk typically has a lot more sugar than entire milk, whilst professional creamers tend to have unsavory components. Keep away from flavored and novelty coffees. These merchandise typically have a myriad of chemical additives. Use non-bleached filters. If you use a drip coffee maker, prevent working with the shiny white chlorine-bleached filters. Some of the chlorine could leach into the coffee throughout the brewing procedure. The bleached filters may also incorporate unsafe disinfection byproducts this kind of as dioxin. Steer clear of plastic cups. Be thorough about the container you consume your coffee from. Plastic cups might leach BPA and Styrofoam cups may leach polystyrene molecules. Your best bets are glass, ceramic, or stainless metal coffee mugs. When Espresso Is Not Right For you? If you are expecting, you really should fully avoid working with caffeine. If you have an problem with diminished adrenal operate or adrenal tiredness, caffeine can in fact make additional tension on your adrenal glands. In this day and age, many individuals are consistently stressed and fatigued, and depend on caffeine for sustained energy to get through the day. If this is the situation, it is a convey to-tale indication that your overall body is not performing properly and you want to tackle the underlying challenges. Adrenal tiredness can wreak havoc on your wellbeing. The adrenal glands have an effect on every single organ and method in the human body - from metabolic process of carbohydrate, protein, and excess fat, to fluid and electrolyte equilibrium, cardiovascular technique, immune technique, hormonal technique, and even your sex generate. Thus, if you have adrenal exhaustion, pumping your system with caffeine is basically heading to aggravate your challenge in the long run. Espresso has a diuretic influence. If you have challenges with electrolyte equilibrium, you might want to steer clear of it way too. If you consume espresso and have troubles slipping asleep or tend to wake up in the evening, you could be caffeine sensitive. Caffeine degrees range dependent on the sort of roast, grind, and brewing method. Darker roasts have a lot less caffeine than lighter roasts. The finer the grind, the higher the caffeine in the coffee. Drip coffee has much more caffeine than espresso simply because the brew time is substantially longer. If you encounter sleep problems from the caffeine, you may possibly want to differ your type of roast, grind, or brewing system or cut down on the quantity you drink just about every working day and make certain you only have coffee early in the early morning. If you knowledge belly cramping, coronary heart palpitations, or other symptoms immediately after consuming coffee, you could essentially have a meals intolerance. There is also the likelihood of mildew (coffee is a dried food and may well incorporate mould) or other contaminants in the coffee that cause a bodily response. What About Decaffeinated Coffee? To date, there is yet conclusive proof showing regardless of whether decaf espresso holds up to the benefits of caffeinated espresso. Restricted studies ended up conducted making use of decaf coffee but the kinds that do look to be promising. Nevertheless, since caffeine is a central nervous technique stimulant and can end result in dependence and withdrawal symptoms, decaf espresso is possibly the way to go if you like the style of coffee. When you obtain decaf espresso, constantly pick natural and organic and Swiss H2o Course of action, which is a chemical-free system to extract caffeine. Beware that just about all decaf coffee found in coffeehouses and grocery merchants is processed with the chemical solvent ethyl acetate. You want to steer clear of this type of decaf espresso as traces of chemical solvent nonetheless keep on being in the coffee. Decaf coffee by legislation has to have at minimum 97 p.c of the caffeine eliminated. For reference, a shot of espresso at Starbucks has 75 mg of caffeine, a limited (8-oz) brewed coffee has 175 mg, a tall (twelve oz) 260 mg, and a grande (sixteen oz) 330 mg. As you can see, if you have several cups a working day, the caffeine can increase up rather speedily. In conclusion, espresso is loaded with anti-oxidants and useful vitamins and minerals that gain your well being. Nonetheless, be careful with the stimulant influence of caffeine as it can turn into really addictive. Caffeine is also a source of stress for your adrenal glands. Thus, drinker be mindful! If you like the flavor of coffee, mixing normal with decaf may possibly be a very good way to gradually minimize down on your dependence of caffeine.
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