#Yuji The Coolest!
sadcena · 3 months
I've read jujutsu kaisen already and I decided to watch the show. I have only one question.Why is the music so bad?
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theclearblue · 5 months
Ok this chapter did fuck hard though I can't even be mad really.
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demon-blood-youths · 1 year
||Horror Book Chapter 3: How to Be Evil: Scared Straight Beyond Prank Part 1
Hi everyone! This is deamon-mun and this is horror book chapter. A series started by no other than the amazing @the-silver-peahen-residence who has a knack for horror.
Now for the characters!
The cast of Jujutsu Kaisen ( muses from @the-silver-peahen-residence ) - Yuji itadori, Ryomen Sukuna, Megumi Fushigoro, Nobara Kugisaki and Gojo Saturo.
My OCs: Taz Hellion, Kinie Ger and Daichi PheoniX
----- Summary -----
During class, the first-years recivced a mission from Gojo Saturo. A bunch of curse users who are using their cursed techniques to prank innocent people for the sake of fame and notirertiy. This angers the sorcerers due to incidents that harms people. To combat this mission, Taz had an idea. A horrifying idea that surprises everyone. 
What would be the idea?!
--------- Tokyo Jujutsu High -----
Just a normal day in Jujutsu High.
Classes are going well. With the addition of Daichi Pheonix in the class, the class just got a little bigger. So far, Taz and Daichi are doing well in their studies. 
“Hello class! Tonight...you four have a mission.” Daichi PheoniX is not ready to take on his mission despite his self-taught experience which most of it is misguided. He is getting there thought. But Dacihi is present for the mission briefing. He keeps on writing his notes.
“Now this is going to be challenge because you’re not dealing with cursed spirits this time.” Gojo informs the four. This got the class blinking.
“Whaddya mean, sensei?” Yuji asked curiously.
“Better be not running errands and getting the cake you wanted.” Nobara frowns. 
“Hm...” Megumi said in agreement.
“I don’t mind! I love getting cakes for sensei.” Taz smiled.
“Taz. Don’t let Gojo-sensei take advantage of you. Don’t enable him and his sweet tooth!” Nobara whined which got a chuckle of Gojo. “I wish my little Taz but no. You’re going to deal with some curse users.” Gojo informs them. 
“Curse users?” Megumi furrowed his brows. This got the three a bit serious now. Taz can see the expression on big brother, Yuji’s face alright. 
“Curse users?” Daichi questioned.
“Yes, they are opposite of Jujutsu Socerers, little Kisho.” Gojo saying his real name making Daichi huff a little in annoyance. “Curse users are people who use cursed techinque for bad things. Harming others and doing malicious things.”
“So bad guys...who aren’t cursed spirits but people who have cursed energy to do bad stuff.” Daichi summarized. 
“Exactly!” Gojo nodded.
“Oh.” Taz said. Like that guy from the haunting mummy corpse incident in Tokyo.
“But this is a little different.” Gojo said.
“How is it any different.” Megumi asked. So far, they got some missions that were normal but with curse users. Humans with cursed energy who uses cursed sorercy to commit crimes and other bad things. The process of dealing with them is defeating them and leave to the high-rank sorcerers above. Sometimes...it’s either locking them up or execution.
“You will see.” Gojo had the projector ready and went to Youtube. This got the five confused. Gojo copy and paste a link. The video shows three boys who are giggling and are doing something. One of them had a cage which is the sound of growling. They were on the streets of Shinjuku. The ringleader is trying to gather a crowd to witness something amazing. A amazing pet. They opened the cage which got the five gasped. It’s ugly and it is screeching little. It looks like a dog with a long snout in a size of chibhube with lizard legs. 
A cursed spirit.
----- Video ------
“Huh? There’s nothing there!” One bystander asked. 
“Yeah. What are you trying to pull?!” Said another.
The ringleader chuckles and gives a nod to one of his accomplices. A few people gathered just to pass time. Some lingering around as they are hanging out. The accomplice with the dark brown hair smirks and snaps his fingers and then...the cursed spirit charges. Disappearing into the crowd. 
“Just keeping watching, people! Just keep your mind open!” The ringleader chuckled. Then gasps and screams are heard from the crowd making ringleader grin wider. “MY LEG!” She screams in terror. The camera pans in the woman’s ankle has bite mark on it.
“What the hell?!” One of the bystander screams, backing away from the woman. The screams got some people’s attention.
“Careful! Careful! Everyone! It’s on the loose. The invisible pet is on the loose!” The ringleader tells. “Don’t panic! It will sense your fear!” The ringleader said, trying to calm the crowd down. 
Then another shriek. “Something bit my hand!” A salaryman shows a bite mark on his hand to the crowd making non-sorcerers dumbfounded. Those bite marks are too real to be fake. 
“Ah! I got bit!” 
“I can’t see it! Where is it?” One man looks around as he also got bit. This got the cameraman cracking up. 
“Ow! My leg! Oh god!” Cried a highschooler. “Something bit me!” She cried as she bursts into tears.
“What the hell. This gotta be fake!” Said one skeptic. 
“This ain’t fake. Something did bit me!”  Said the salaryman. 
“You must be an actor!” Said the skeptic.
“AM NOT!” Salaryman said angrily. 
“Someone help! My hand is bleeding!” Said a highschooler as her friends are looking at her wound. One of her friends pointed at the trio. “What the hell?! Who are you guys!”
“Yeah! This ain’t funny.” Said an older man. “I got bit too.”��
“Huh?! Whaddya mean! It’s just a prank, bro!!” The ringleader laughs. The video cuts short.
------ Video Ends ------
“What the hell is this?” Megumi said, now ticked off. Even Yuji and Nobara didn’t like this as they saw the entire video. Taz looks very concerned while Daichi had a good idea on what this is but he needs more confirmation. 
Gojo sighs. “This is one of these cases where curse users uses their sorcery to gain notoriety while relying on the ignorance of non-sorcerer’s populace. Unlike the ghost hunters, these guys are the real deal as they can see the cursed spirit and use their sorcery to benefit themselves.”
“Is there any more videos of these guys doing this, sensei?” Yuji asked. Gojo nods, he shows the same videos of the two people. The video is Finding the Lost Wallet goes Wrong. 
------ Finding The Lost Wallet Goes Wrong Video ----
The ringleader snickers while one of his accomplies. The one with the brown hair tells a girl that he lost his wallet, using his charm on the girl. The girl nods and helps. They look around the park which seems to be Uneo park. She is near the pond and suddenly. The ringleader does something. A black mist grabs hold of the girls’ legs and with a lift followed then a huge splash! The girl has falls to the pond.
“Oh my god! Are you okay?!” Said one of the accomplices, going to help the girl but she slipped and fell into the pond once more. 
The girl coughs. “W-what hapepend?! Something got my legs!” The girl looks scared.
“Must be the spirit of Ueno Park!” The 20-something man lied. The girl looks startled. 
The scene cuts to a man who also experience the same thing.  Then another persona and another. 
The three delinquents were laughing their asses off which are getting the students pretty upset.
“Those jerks...” Nobara said as Taz nods in agreement. 
“Oh there is another one! This one is a bit famous and got our attention.” Gojo said.
“What could be possibly worse than this?!” Nobara asked. Gojo go to the third final video. Stay Inside the Dark Box Challenge. The ringleader offers any passerby 50,000 yen if they stay inside the box for five minutes. 
The five students are now wondering what this antic entails....and they are not looking forward to this. At the same time, Kinie and Sukuna are watching from their inante domains. 
---- Dark Box Challenge Video  -----
“Hey there! Want to win 50,000 yen if you stay inside that big box there for 10 minutes?” He asked one man who looks a bit down on his luck. His eyes lit up at the challenge in getting some free money.
The box in question is big and is size of casket on the large size. There were holes so the other can breath safely but it is oscboruce by black drape but it doesn’t affect the holes in anyway. The accomplice escorts the man into the box and closes it. 
“Alright! Go!” The ringleader presses the timer. 
One minutes passes. Nothing.
Two mintues and soon....the man begins to speak. “Hey...something is crawling on my leg.”
“Just the wind!” The ringleader quickly said while the camerman is snickering. 
Three mintues passed.
“Uh! Something is in here with me!” The man’s voice is getting scared and before the five minute is up. The man screams, “LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT!” The accomplice opens the door and the man bolts out of the box and yelling in fright.
“Oh well!” The ringleader shrugs. “Who would be next.”
Then they seek other contenders. From man, woman, to highschoolers and middle schools to the eldery. All of them scream in fright within three minutes and want to be let out before the five minute mark.
The last one is a high school boy crying as there are tears in his eyes. The trio are laughing their asses off once more and inside a box is something move. It had long hands and it is upside down. A cursed spirit.
“You just got pranked!” The ringleader laughs while the two boys are laughing with them. 
This put a nail in these guys’ coffin.
“These....” Megumi begins as he glares at the three boys. Are you kidding me?! They’re using cursed spirits to do these things?! Have they lost their mind?! And using sorcery to do these damn things?! 
“The hell!” Yuji yelled angrily. Did they use a cursed spirit against people like that. Yuji can’t let that slide. Ever.  
“What the hell?! Did they use a cursed spirit for this challenge!” Nobara shouted. All those poor people are going to traumatized because of these damn jerks. 
“That’s so wrong....” Taz said. 
“Ugh...you gotta be kidding me....these assholes....” Daichi said angrily which got the four turned to the rookie. They never heard Daichi being this angry. “Uh! Sorry! I mean...uh...I think I know what they’re doing...” Daichi sighed.
“You do?” Megumi aksed with a raised brow.
“Yeah....they’re doing pranks...” Daichi sighed.
“PRANKS?!” The three shouted in disbelief.
“How are these pranks?!” Nobara pointed at the video. 
“Yeah! Someone got hurt badly from the first one and second!” Yuji said angrily. 
Daichi rubs his neck, “Because it isn’t, these guys don’t know how to do good pranks that doesn’t involve hurting someone. They doing this to get views and do this under the pretense of pranking people as an excuse. That’s why they said, it’s just a prank. They’re using their sorcery to get what they wanted.”
“That is exactly right, Daichi.” Gojo nods. “These curse users are using sorcery and controlling these cursed spirits to get more famous. Of course nobody knows how they did it and there were complaints against them. But police hasn’t found any evidence of wrong-doing because they lack cursed energy which means they get away a lot.” Gojo hums. “So you four are going to figure out on how to find them and stop them.”
“I think we can put an a stop to them.” Megumi begins. 
“Yeah let’s beat them up!” Yuji said.
“Make them wish they ever been born!” Nobara yelled. All three are ready to dish out some punishment on these so-called curse user pranksters. But then Taz has an idea. A horrifying idea. 
“Or we can scare them beyond straight with our own prank..” Taz begins. These got the four students turn to them. They look at Taz.  
“Did Kinie give you an idea?” Nobara asked to which Taz shakes her head. “No...these people are not going to learn if we fight them. They’re going to run away from us and try to make fun of us. So we need to prank them to the point where they don’t do anymore pranks anymore.” She begins.
“So what are you thinking, lil sis?” Yuji said. 
“We gotta scare them so bad that they think they’re dying. We gotta put fear into them! Scared Beyond Straight!” Taz begins with determination. 
“EH?!” The four stared at Taz in disbelief even Sukuna is surprised to hear from the pup. Kinie is surprised to hear this too and she didn’t say anything or suggest this idea! So the cursed spirits are interested in hearing what Taz has to say. Gojo is now intriguted by Taz’s words. “And how are you going to do it, Taz?” Gojo asked. 
“Shdwkyz said that if you want to teach people like that a lesson. A good lesson so they can remember in their very soul. You have to terrorize them to the point where they give up and to the point of tears and making sure they accept defeat.” Taz said.
That’s pretty dark.... The students and the teacher thought. Kinie never thought about that and she agree that’s dark too. Even Sukuna never thought the pup had such a mindset to a problem like this. 
“So to do that...you have to trap them in a place that’s away from the city or somewhere deep in the city like a house. Where they can’t get away and have no place to go.” Taz begins. “Then you have to set up places where you make them think they reach the exit but every time they reach it. It’s gone. You have to make them abandon hope and make them fight for their lives before you put fear in their hearts and thwart all their efforts. You have to make them lose their minds so they can accept defeat. Make them despair..” Taz said seriously in her emotionless voice. She is saying word for word that Shdwkyz taught her. 
“Sis...” Yuji begins while Sukuna is thinking. Wow. 
“Er...” Daichi blinked.
“Huh...” Megumi said.
“Um..”  Nobara said. Now all the students are thinking. 
What in the HELL did Shdwkyz teach her?! 
“Wow. That sounds like a brilliant idea!” Gojo said with a smile much to his students’ disbelief, liking where Taz is going with this. “Now the question is how we’re going to lure them?”
“Uh! Well..” Taz blinks, “I don’t know...maybe we send them a message or...I haven’t thought about it.” And Taz is back with her innocent self as she is thinking about it. 
“How about I join in?” Daichi asked with his hand raised. “I’m not going to join in for the sake of fighting but I can use my status to get them to come as a collab. We can lure them that way.” Daichi suggested. 
“Nice thinking, Daichi!” Gojo applauded. Yuji, Megumi and Nobara nodding in agreement. 
“And we are going to use our cursed techiques to scare them straight!” Taz exclaimed. 
“YEAH!” Nobara, Daichi and Yuji are now excited and riled up while Megumi nods, he doesn’t show it but he likes this plan, alright. Someone needs to teach these curse users a lesson. 
“With Yuji, he can make things shake and scare them with his super strenght by breaking down the walls.” Taz said. Yuji nods. “I like that, sis!”
“Megumi can use his shikigami to chase them.” Taz smiles. Megumi said. “Yeah..I think my shikigami are enough.” 
 “Nobara can trap them and hit them with nails after Daichi leads them to the trap!” Taz said. Nobara chuckles evilly. “Yeah....I can’t wait to show them mine.” While Daichi is nodding, now feeling pumped.
“Pup. What about me?” A voice is heard. It’s on Yuji’s cheek. It’s Sukuna who is now liking this plan. “I can help the brat here. Just this once.” He said, referring to his vessel. 
“Wait...really?!” Yuji said, blinking as he is surprised to hear this. 
“Why the hell not? Those punks are treating Jujutsu sorcery as a some kind of joke so we need to teach them how terrifying it can be.” Sukuna chuckles evilly. The students are hesitated but knowing Sukuna, he knows how to put fear into people. So having him can work. 
“Sure! Mister Sukuna! Knowing you, you know how to do scary best!” Taz said. Sukuna grins on his mouth. “Perfect! Alright brats! I going to teach you five how to be EVIL for this night! Because we’re going to teach these punks what real Jujutsu Sorcery is about.”
“I shall join in this hunt as well!” Kinie pops up from Taz’s head in quoll form. “With my hunting expertise, I make this experience enjoyable.”
And thus....the mission begins with Gojo’s encouragement. Oh dear lord...god save these curse users’s souls. They’re going to learn tonight from these seven. 
To be continued....
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chaosnightmare · 1 year
i think the thing really with yuji uekawa's sonic art is that he seems less concerned with what the characters are "doing" and more concerned with how he can convey a given characters attitude, style, and personality clearly without saying a single word or having the character "do" anything but just stand there. which is how you get art like THIS:
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where you have no idea what theyre meant to be doing or what situation theyre in, but you do probably have a general idea of who this character is as a person just by looking at the way they hold themselves, just by how they strike a pose. also you know that its the coolest shit in the world
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satoruhour · 9 months
IDK IF U WILL SEE THIS OR ANYTHING BUT! is it ok if i request smth small and it starts off with gojo and the reader having a lil bit of banter by text, and the reader then says “satoru ur so pretty u should start a kissing booth for easy money” (as a joke ofc) and he was like “good idea” and went offline, making the reader freak out for the rest of the day until they came back to their apartment….. and found satoru set up a whole kissing booth in their living room
a/n: this is so cute!!! ty for the request anon <3 in this megumi is under satoru’s and reader’s care, tsumiki never went into a coma, and you’re married too / 1.3k
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you loved satoru’s compliance. when you tell him that he should never cook again as a joke, he listens with a wide grin and a face that’s burnt on one side, sweeping the hard charcoal pieces of pancake into a pan. when you tell him you have two left feet, he simply laughs and just plops you onto his own, making you look like a fool waddling around.
a lovesick fool.
you’re left smiling into open space until a notification cuts you out of your daze, smile twisting into a questionable expression as your husband sends a picture of him posing in front of some boba tea shop, a promotional banner stating get spanked by one of our staff and get a free cup of boba tea!
[9:17am, the strongest and handsomest and coolest husband 🩵]: bet i’ll do it
[9:18am, delivered]: satoru. now. youll do it even if i dont bet you???!!?!!?!! 
[9:18am, the strongest and handsomest and coolest husband 🩵]: hmm… compelling argument, i’m afraid you’re correct
a few minutes pass and you are confident it’s him asking for a spank with a blinding smile on his face, probably pointing to one of the male staff because i have a wife at home, y’know? she’s so pretty and hot-headed and hot and—
[9:20am, the strongest and handsomest and coolest husband 🩵]: photo attached
boba acquired 😈😈😈😈
[9:21am, the strongest and handsomest and coolest husband 🩵]: oh yeah, one of the staff called me pretty. was a guy btw. had to flash him one of my peace signs and i just know he swooned
the raise of your eyebrows returned, though you stifle a chuckle.
[9:21am, delivered]: he did not swoon i promise you
and another picture comes in, his face all up in the camera with a comical pout on his face and your laughter comes out more freely this time, basically hearing the looks you’re getting from the commuters in the subway, though your eyes are only focused on satoru, on the curvature of his lips and the peek of his baby blues behind the sunglasses you bought for him.
[9:22am, delivered]: joking. you’re so pretty, you know that right
years ago you would’ve told yourself that it’ll only fuel his ego, but that was long before gojo satoru had decided you were everything and more; where he values everything you say, where you’re all he worships. one compliment from you could shut him up forever.
[9:23am, delivered]: you should totally start a kissing booth for like …. $4 a kiss or something
it’ll be easy money ngl and then we can share the gains 
[9:23am, the strongest and handsomest and coolest husband 🩵]: woah… good idea baby. alright then!
and gojo satoru goes offline immediately, leaving you left out in the cold, confused and perplexed when the satoru??? where the hell did you go??? texts fail to be read. it’s not often he does it, usually sending you a plethora of hearts or some stupid ugly sticker before the conversation ends. on the way to the school, you’re continually texting him, too, looking way more distracted than you would like to be in front of the students.
“sensei? any reason why you keep checking your phone?” yuji asks after lunch in the classroom, both arms tucked under his head.
“hm?” you answer but your eyes are still glued to the screen, the taunting ‘last seen at 9:23am’ taunting you endlessly and megumi looks like he has half a mind to just blurt it out, but he thinks it’s worth seeing your reaction later as he takes one more look at his adoptive father’s updates, sending picture after picture of his progress and he keeps the device tucked under to avoid any suspicion.
[14:09pm, my terrible father figure i guess]: do NOT !!!! SEND THIS TO MY BEAUTIFUL WIFE . i wll literally humiliate you in training later if you do
megumi sighs.
[14:10pm delivered]: don’t you already? also stop texting me loser she’ll find out 
the raven-haired boy later is left to comfort you later when you’re holding onto the phone a little too tightly, and by then you’ve already gone through every possible thought. satoru dying, satoru meeting a curse that’s higher than a special grade, satoru on a rampage to kill the higher-ups, satoru—
“you’re going to die worrying about gojo-sensei like that.” and you roll your eyes, hand fishing around in your bag for the keys to your shared home while your eyes never leave megumi. it’s been like this for as long as you can remember: you being the voice of reason, megumi taking your rambles like he always has, gojo usually just laughs.
“yeah? well? how could i not?” you fumble with your keys and pick out the right one, putting it in the keyhole easily from the many times you’ve done it and you swing open the door, “not when he’s the strongest who has to take care of so many things without any rest! what if he got distracted and took down infinity? what if he—”
and sometimes you hated gojo’s compliance (you’re lying to yourself).
upon opening the door, the living room was full of cardboard boxes and cut out shapes, paint over the floor and on his jujutsu uniform, an all-knowing, but still stunning grin that you wanted to slap off of him. the chaos of the cardboard led to one thing: a small counter completed with a tip jar, his free cup of boba tea and a large sign that said kissing booth: $4 for a smooch!
and a smaller sentence is parenthesis, ‘free for my baby.’ the statement almost, almost gets you but you manage to ask him in a monotonous voice, “what are you doing, gojo satoru?”
“hi…?” megumi smiles secretly to himself before closing the door for you, putting the keys in your outstretched hand and it’s sort of the routine the three of you fall into everyday now. alas, with tsumiki staying in her university’s dorms, it was a little lonely for megumi, but the two of you were enough entertainment for him.
“well i was just listening to you!” gojo gestured to the whole place, which will probably be a pain to clean up, “who can blame my silly little brain for wanting to do a project to make my wife happy?”
you cross your arms in retaliation, but in all honestly, you wanted nothing but to greet the sorcerer with an embrace, something you’ve been meaning to do since your worrisome attitude from the morning. reluctantly, you frown while you make your way to the makeshift counter, immediately leaning forward before satoru puts a finger on your lips with a teasing smile.
“ah! four dollars please!”
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“i was really worried, y’know,” the words are muffled from the way you’re buried in his neck that night, inhaling the scent that you missed all day. it’s summer in japan at the moment, but you find yourself craving his skin more than ever, a hand going up to brush through his stark white hair.
“’m sorry, baby,” satoru pulls away from you, as with you, sending you a small smile before pecking your forehead, “i promise to tell you what i’m up to from now on.”
you lean forward to close the gap, and all the kisses you exchanged earlier were definitely not enough. softly, your arms wrap around his shoulders while a leg goes over his body, gojo sounding out a little surprised hum at your eagerness. smiling into the kiss, satoru only plants more kisses to your nose, your lids, to your eyebrows and your chin, and another gentle one to your lips.
“even if it’s arts and crafts or maybe attempting to make you some strawberry tarts.”
you slap his chest lightly, a faux shocked expression filling your features, “i thought we agreed no more strongest sorcerer in the kitchen?”
“of course, sweet girl,” satoru lands one last deep kiss to show you truly the extent of his love. but even then, he knew it wasn’t enough, so he hoped, at least his words were, “i only ever listen to your voice —  none else matters.”
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i love him
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Hi! Do you still happen to be taking prompts? 🙂 I love your work so much ❤️ I'd love to see Shoko being a big sister figure to Nobara please, I would just die!
Nobara seems to gravitate towards cool older women. I can see her looking up to and getting attached to Shoko as she always gets into fights and hangs out with Shoko regularly to get patched up or even to just follow her around. She admires how level-headed and steady Shoko is (which counterbalances Nobara's temperament perfectly). She thinks Shoko is so effortlessly the coolest, and Nobara wants her attention all the time.
Meanwhile, Shoko starts affectionately considering Nobara as "hers" (like how Gojo has Megumi, and Nanami has Yuji), and Nobara brings out a maternal/nurturing side of her that she didn't know she had. She adores Nobara's spunkiness but hates (loves!) this new terrifying feeling of caring/feeling responsible for someone in her "custody", and she actively worries about Nobara (unlike how Shoko normally doesn't get into other people's business and just lets people be). 🥺
Omfg sorry for dumping all that headcanon on you, I got carried away lol. Thank you if you ever accept this! And also thank you for your art in general! You're super talented! ❤️ -kzc
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Thank you for the ask, it was lovely reading through it.
I assume they're talking shit about Gojo so there's that
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ichorai · 1 month
ties that bind ; nanami kento ; november 4th.
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pairing ; nanami kento x reader drabble synopsis ; it's movie night—bring your own tissues! themes ; fluff, slice of life, established relationship (married), pregnant au warnings / includes ; lord of the rings fellowship spoilers, pregnancy, lots of blubbering from reader and yuji HAHA
series masterlist.
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4th november, 2018
The large glass bowl you had cradled in your hands was still quite warm, full to the point of near overflow with buttered popcorn. You slowly eased onto the middle of the couch (being seven months pregnant made all your movements irritatingly sluggish) with a wide grin.
“What is this movie even about again?” Nobara asked from your right, plucking three popped kernels into her mouth. There was clear disinterest in the film splayed over her features, but she was adamant on spending time with you regardless, even if the two idiots had to tag along with her. 
Yuji mirrored her actions from your left, except he took a fistful from the bowl. “Just the best fantasy adventure trilogy to ever exist on screen! It’s full of raw emotion, and the coolest action scenes, and the soundtrack is so—!” 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, can we start already?” Nobara barked, impatiently snatching the remote from Yuji’s eagerly-gesticulating hands. 
You hummed in agreement, before jutting the bowl towards Megumi, situated on a smaller, adjacent couch. “You want some popcorn, hon?”
“I’m good, thank you.” One of his legs crossed over the other as he leaned back, fixing his gaze to the screen.
You smiled fondly at the stoic, dark-haired boy and nodded. Then, you drew your eyes down to your husband sitting on the carpeted ground, his back leaning against your shins. “Kento?”
“We should start the movie first,” he said, glancing at the clock hung by the television screen. You’ve made him watch this about a hundred times before, and he was well aware of its lengthiness. 
“Okay, then.” You clapped your hands excitedly, Yuji practically vibrating in anticipation (this would be his fourth time rewatching). “You can press play, Nobara.”
With that, the five of you started the first Lord of the Rings movie. Unsurprisingly, the popcorn bowl was completely cleaned out two hours later (largely thanks to Yuji), but he volunteered to go make some more when Nobara started berating him. Nanami told him to stay seated, and left to go make another bowl of popcorn, brushing the tips of his fingers along your shoulder on his way to the kitchen.
By the time he came back, you and Yuji were holding onto each other, sobbing profusely. 
“Boromir was too young to die!” Itadori blubbered, furiously wiping at his leaking eyes with the back of his hand.
“He gave his life saving the Hobbits!” you added on with a warbling voice, dabbing at your face with a soaked tissue. 
Nobara and Megumi could barely hear the movie anymore, and so had taken to staring at the sobbing pair on the couch. 
“Is it really that serious…?” Nobara muttered, accepting the freshly-made bowl of popcorn Nanami handed her. 
“This happens every time,” Nanami replied, patting your hair from behind. 
Megumi frowned at a particularly heinous wail that emitted from Yuji. Samwise was willing to drown to get to Frodo, which was a completely understandable reaction, at least in your eyes. “Every time?” he asked his solemn-faced teacher.
“Every time.” Nanami sat back down in front of you and you flung your arms around him from behind.
Nobara snorted and munched on some warm popcorn, but not without leaning forward to snap a selfie of all of you, capturing Yuji mid-sob. There was the faintest of amused smiles on Megumi’s face, and he quickly threw up a peace sign for the photo.
“Why do you let me watch this movie? Never let me watch this again!” you cried, not entirely certain if your pregnancy hormones were at fault for your emotional state, or if the movie really was just that sad. Maybe both.
Nanami remained silent, but let you hold onto him as you cried through the rest of the credits with Yuji.
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nessieartss · 4 days
Since curse techniques manifest fairly young, do you think Sukuna ever accidentally, like, sliced through the curtains or a table or something just messing around as a kid
Scared the shit out of Jin while Kaori's like "knew this day was coming but what the hell was that"
meanwhile Yuji thinks that was the COOLEST THING EVER
ok but listen, they just chillin playing uno, yuuji then draws +4 on sukuna for the 6th times and he got so mad he accidentally sliced through the cards on yuuji’s hand without even realizing it
yuuji almost cried but he wanted to look cool in front of his brother so he just held it in
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gatlingart · 3 months
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Last month I did a sketch of Megumi with the hare's, I think they are the coolest shikigami to watch, that and the frogs always bring me so much joy omg
I love how they melt into blobs due to how many there are I'm so jealous of Yuji that one time he held onto one of the rabbits.
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thewritetofreespeech · 11 months
Howdy! Hope you're having a smashing day! Could I request Geto, Yuuji and Gojo with an s/o that has a cursed technique that allows them create portals to anywhere or anyone they know/been to?
JJK Boys + s/o with portal ability
Suguru Geto
A very unique, and useful skill.
An ability like that would make it very easy to move around. Not that it’s not already easy for him and his trope to move about undetected.
His primary use of their skill is not really to leave a location, but bring things to a location. This skill has the potential to bring large, strong, powerful curses to any location for his sport.
Because of their valuable skill they are very valuable to him. Even if he is gaslighting them a little into believing it.
Yuji Itadori
Thinks it’s just the coolest thing ever!
They can literally go anywhere they want?? Basically for free?? Yuji has always wanted to travel, so he thinks this if very exciting.
Doesn’t ask for portal trips for his own benefit, but will never say no to any adventure s/o wants to go on.
Saved his reckless neck more than a few times by portaling him out of curses mosh pits he’s found himself in, or collapsing buildings.
Satoru Gojo
Thinks it’s cute.
He can’t create portals, but he can basically teleport due to his speed for short distances. The portals are helpful for long distances. Saves on airfare.
Since they’ve known each other since their high school days, Gojo has always tried to get them to use their ability for mischief. Opening holes for people to fall into. Letting loose some bees in the practicum lab.
One time he had them open a portal in the ocean and it flooded the school. That one was not well received by the staff…..and they wouldn't let him keep the shark.
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rikeijo · 8 months
Hello! :) Hope I don’t seem like I am trying to cause drama. 😅 I would like to ask how different and / or similar is the YOI fandom in Japan compared to the English fandom? Another thing I’m curious about is how do Japanese BL / GL fans view view Western shows with LGBT+ characters? For example does The Owl House have a lot of GL fans or do they not really care about the show?
Hello! Thank you for the message!
I don't think that it's trying to cause drama... In case of YoI and all the very unusual things that happened with this IP, if we try to understand why it happened, imo, it's impossible to see the whole picture without taking into consideration how Jp anime industry&fandom perceive LGBT+ related stuff.
The main difference is that, in case of anime like YoI, in Jp, majority of people think "fujoshi" when they see it, not "gay representation/ LGBT".
This is a quote from an article I happened to read recently (link) that answers a lot of your questions. A person, who works for a company that specializes in BL marketing, talks about Jp and Asian BLs.
"In Japanese BLs there is a lot of settings and cliches expected to appear in the story. There is so much that I'll only give you an example here, one that is difficult to explain in words - for example, the seme (the man that leads in the romantic relationship) is cool and the most popular person in the class, and on the other hand the uke (the man that is led) is more plain, and a bit of an natural airhead - this pattern is one of the classics. In BL, part of the culture is to enjoy those settings and story templates.
Of course, in the West, there are also BL stories called M/M, which portray romantic relationships between men and they have a lot of fans in Jp. But according to Tsutsui: "In the West, those stories are created more in the context of LGBT and are of a different kind that Japanese and Asian BLs."
Also, in BLs there is a lot of taboos, called "jirai, landmines". If you detonate those because you lack understanding [of the BL culture], users will immediately go away.
One example of a landmine is when seme and uke swap places, called "reverse"."
Of course, YoI isn't BL, but fans of YoI ships have exactly the same mindset: one uke, seme(s), enjoying our fantasies, not interested in LGBT. Obviously, it's not 100% of the fandom, but the vast majority is really like that.
VicYuu (Victor seme, Yuuri uke) is the most popular ship (seme the coolest character x uke the main character "I'd like to read shojo manga, but they have women there and I hate those" template is the most popular fujo template for every story - for example, in case of JJK, the most popular ship is... Gojo Satoru x Itadori Yuji (15) with almost 700 millions views in total on pixiv). So, that Yuuri doesn't look uke enough and Victor looks like a "fa*got with fake eyelashes" (that's a quote), when he should be a masculine seme, in a lot of arts is one reason why fujos started to hate members of YoI staff. Just like that person in the article said - for fujos, it's a landmine. I've talked about it a few times before - one of the most hated YoI staff member is Mitsurou, and there is plenty of reasons why she was targeted, but one is that the way she draws Yuuri and Victor is more similar to how "YuuVic" fanarts are drawn (and often you can basically tell the ship by how the person draws the characters)...
I don't know a lot about The Owl House, but of course, it has fans in Jp as well - only, I think that those fans (of Western LGBT shows in general) are more from the progressive side and there is little overlap with classic fujos (so a kind of BL/dojinshi fan). Another example, the Witch from Mercury was also popular with the progressive people of Jp twitter and they were also bashing the IP holders because of the marriage controversy... Of course, more progressive people read BLs, too, but many are against being labelled as "fujoshi"... That's generalization, but fujos are those people who labelled and still call heterosexual love "normal love" - I think that says a lot.
In my observation, YoI's Jp fandom is in majority fujo-fandom (2016 was a few years ago...). In 2023, however, more and more people are more open and know more about LGBT+ stuff, so there is also growing "progressive" population of fans on twitter etc. and those people gravitate towards different shows/have different interpretations compared to classic fujos.
So yeah, generally & simply speaking, in Jp, fujoshi, BL =/= LGBT. And btw, as I was labelled fujo-hater in the past, I don't think it's "bad" that fujos like to feminize their uke so much to self-insert and fantasize about the masculine seme(s) loving them, effectively making the ship into a heterosexual ship, because that's what they prefer (although when a grown-up woman is fantasizing about a tiny teenager having sex with a man twice his age and size, well... I'm not sure it's healthy) but I just don't think that it has much to do with LGBT rights and being allies or anything like that, and that it's something that should be acknowledged, too.
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windlullaby · 1 month
I just came home from my two weeks vacation to Japan and look at me and my bf’s haul ✨ (excluding our other non-weeb and food haul)
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Almost every figure that we bought are from secondhand stores so we got most of them with half or even lower of the normal prize, but the previous owners are really neat with their stuff and they’re in super good condition!
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LOOK HOW HANDSOME AND SEXY HE IS 😍💗 I’d stare respectfully at this figure every single day.
What really surprised me was how hard it was to find Sukuna?? I went to over 20 anime stores just to find out most of the jjk stuff are either empty or only consists of mostly Gojo and Geto, and sometimes Yuji.
I’ve already given up when i finally found ONE single Sukuna figure on my last day in Japan. I didn’t even think that I would get this specific figure bc it was from a gacha series and it’s the last one (it’s like a grand prize)- just imagine how happy i was 🥹 (but also wondering how come the last person who owned this sold him away…)
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Mine is mostly bnha stuff bc it’s REALLY popular there and it was so easy to find them!
I mean look at them!! They look so friggin majestic 💕💕 The leftmost Katsuki is honestly one of my best buys! With so many seasons bnha has now there are dozens of Bakugo ’s and Hawks’ that I had to choose from (and ofc i had to add a matching bkdk too!)
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I think this figure is sooo beautiful!! Idk if any of you like or even watch Beastars but it’s a homage for one of my earliest dark/depressing anime that made me love the genre. Tbh Legoshi and Ruiz owned my heart for a second back then, and i can’t help but getting invested in Legoshi and Haru’s (Hal’s?) relationship.
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Last figure is Woowoo himself- I can’t believe I actually manage to find something Trigun! Found him at a little store that is so cramped I almost missed him. He will forever be the coolest figure I’ve ever had 🫡 (too bad i couldn’t find the matching Vash one. They’d look really good together 😔)
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The rest of my haul are smol gacha babies (i’m trying to find mini figures ones since i’ve had too many keychains), Suzume and bsd anime artbooks (i just wish there’s a Horikoshi Kohei and Harukawa Sango artbook!), and of course, plushies <3 (look at Scorbunny!! I fell for him instantly 🥹)
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romantichomicide95 · 2 months
• Why I like them: toge is a precious cinnamon roll. i think his cursed technique is so cool, one of the coolest tbh so i’ve always liked his character for that. he also is willing to stand up to people and he doesn’t back down from a fight. he’s also super protective of his friends which is adorable. he’s just a sweetie.
• Favorite episode (scene if movie): my favorite episode is the s1 fight against hanami with him, megs and noritoshi.
• Favorite season/movie: the jjk movie because i loved the way his friendship with yuta formed.
• Favorite line: tuna mayo.
• Favorite outfit: i love everything he wears and i wish i could wear something over half my face too because that’s so comfy to me haha.
• ОТР: none.
• Brotp: this is not indicated as a friendship really at all but i want him and megumi to be friends so bad for some reason. like if him, yuji and megs could be a male trio i’d love that. like similar to inosuke, tanjiro, and zenitsu in a way.
• Head Canon: i love all the sassy toge hcs people have.
• Unpopular opinion: none.
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kxmikomrade · 1 year
JJK Characters with a Venti!reader
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Characters: Itadori Yuji, Fushiguro Megumi, Kugisaki Nobara, Gojo Satoru Genre: FLuff, Crack, Can be read as romantic or platonic (completely platonic on Gojo's) Gn!reader Pronouns: Y/P [Your Pronouns] Type: Headcanon Warnings: I think just a bit of swearing Waiter's Notes: I wanted to try out a new twist, feel free to drop by and order if you like it! ^^ Author's Notes: Back to my jjk phase, and i noticed how there werent much 'character!reader's here and i really enjoy those so i just took it into my own hands. My reqs are always open!
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•Oh my Archons
•i cant with you two neither can Megumi tbh
•You're like two kids on a play date or smth
•He mostly doesnt understand your songs/poems so you're gonna have to dumb it down
•Tho he does like the sound of it
•He thinks your curse technique is the coolest thing ever like he has sparkles in his eyes every time you use it
•The way you control wind and make things fly is just so fascinating
•Please use ur anemo shit to make him fly. Bby has been dreaming of flying ever since he could eat weird solid food
•Sukuna would be so annoyed by you, and Yuji uses it to his advantage LMAO
•Though Sukuna prob knows who you are from a thousand years ago and just stays quiet about it because Yuji would definitely also use it against him
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•Man, give this guy a break, he already has to deal with Gojo and the one braincell duo
•He would describe you as loud or annoying but he actually tolerates you just because you can be calming sometimes
•He likes listening to your poems or songs, helps him sleep
•You go knocking on his window at 2am in the morning to sing him a song when he cant sleep 💀
•How you know about it? no idea. You just reply with ''The wind told me''
•Yeah he definitely needs sleep
•Same thing with Inumaki, Megumi doesnt sincerely respect you because of your antics. But he does admire you for your skill
•Esp the way you hold the bow and use attacks with no unnecessary movements
•He overall just likes your company if u just keep ur damn mouth shut unless ur gonna sing
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•To be quite honest with you, i think that she would think of you as a dumb potato aswell
•But she likes your beauty lets be real
•I'd like to think that you both get along well
•Shes your aggressive best friend now
•Ready to kick your ass and to kick ass for you.
•Someone insults your hairstyle? No problem, theyre already hammered to the wall
•Gonna perform a song? your makeup is done, go slay it!!
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•Oh my Archons part 2
•He was very amused when he found out your cursed technique could manipulate wind
•Listen listen, you're probably his favorite student with how much u side along his pranks and goofiness
•u basically took 20 years off their lifespan
•Like during winter, Gojo could dunk cold water on poor Megumi's head and u would send wind in his way 💀💀
•Is he considering murder? yes, definitely
•Gojo isnt even worried about you because you tend to use long ranged attacks and even if it comes down to short range, you're ready to beat your opponent up and summon your badass Black hole and start shooting them with your arrows that they end up being a porcupine
•He occasionally brings candied apples for you when he comes back from missions
•smh favoritism
•He would get SO smug when u write a song/poem about him
•He brags to everyone and anyone about it 24/7, they first thought it was cute, now its getting so annoying
•IF you're like 1000+ years old like Venti then expect this man to go *insert surprised pikachu* when he finds out
•I honestly have no idea what his reaction would be if he finds out you're a literal god 💀
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(626 words)
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3spurrrr · 6 months
Thinking about how nanami was never truly happy with the world. gojo, shoko, geto were all the happiest before toji arc rolled around and the vessel died. Before that it's reported that for gojo and geto it felt like that spring was the last warm spring they had felt. I'd like to think the same happened to shoko, because shoko is so nonchalant and whatnot and people seem to forget about her (even gojo himself), we still get glimpses though that she felt largely the same way about gojo and geto almost dying and geto turning into a curse user after toji arc. She had a change in character as well and would later also start picking up drinking and smoking because she felt stressed about everything and kept remembering the school days.
But back to nanami, he was always shot down. Nanami, as strong and stern as he can be, he has a really gentle soul and in many ways is more like megumi and yuji. He never really was happy and I feel so bad for him :(
I mean, sure there were moments where he felt good, probably during high school with haibara as well, but we never really get a "happy smiley" nanami :((((((((((((((( and out of everyone he is the top contender for a smile and some peace of mind
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visioncursed · 4 months
' there is something wrong with my brain. '
@vessuna  /  ANSWERED  .  HIS  STUDENTS  ,  itadori  ,  with  stress  etched  into  his  expression  &  downturned  gaze  -  the  weight  of  the  world  resting  heavily  on  his  shoulders  (  oh  but  he  bears  it  selflessly  ,  a  sacrificial  lamb  )  .   his  teeth  dig  slightly  into  the  inner  flesh  of  his  cheek  &  the  taste  of  iron  leaks  across  his  tongue  ,  metallic  &  brief  from  the  flesh  before  it  smooths  itself  over  ,  an  automatic  response  to  injury  .  the  link  of  understanding  always  proved  itself  to  be  something  sharp  ,  burrowed  into  memory  &  years  more  of  life  experience  would  allow  him  to  take  that  pain  ,  to  swallow  it  behind  a  smile  .  better  than  anyone  in  the  world  ,  does  gojo  understand  how  tiring  it  is  to  drag  those  chains  around  .  death  lingers  around  yuji  ,  locked  into  place  &  on  a  clock  -  sometimes  his  own  ,  sometimes  the  people  around  him  .  none  of  it  should  have  ever  been  his  burden  .  but  life  isn’t  fair  .  ❛  for  sure  .  only  a  crazy  person  would  try  their  hardest  when  stuff  sucks  the  way  it  does  for  you  .  most  people  would  give  up  ,  or  run  away  .❜ 
satoru  muses  &  pats  a  hand  gently  against  the  side  of  the  boy’s  face  ,  fingers  ruffling  into  the  hair  right  above  his  temple  affectionately  .  he  reminds  himself  that  the  tired  face  is  a  child  taking  on  too  much  ,  thinking  too  hard  about  things  too  dark  .  it’s  the  least  he  can  do  ,  to  shoulder  some  of  the  heaviness  ;  &  he  knows  that  itadori  is  intuitive  ,  emotionally  aware  in  a  way  that  most  teenagers  aren’t  ,  that  he  would  take  everything  that  satoru  gave  to  him  in  stride  &  find  the  meanings  there  that  he  needed  in  the  moment  .
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❛  if  there  wasn’t  something  wrong  with  your  brain  ,  you  wouldn’t  be  nearly  as  cool  as  you  are  yuji  .  you  shouldn’t  worry  about  it  .  that’s  coming  from  the  coolest  guy  you  know  ,  so  that  should  tell  you  something  right  ?  besides  ,  i’m  a  little  messed  up  in  the  head  myself  ,  &  i’m  the  strongest  there  is  .  take  it  from  me  ,  you’re  gonna  be  just  fine  .  i’ll  make  sure  of  it  .  what  you  should  worry  about  is  what  color  switch  you  want  ,  how  about  we  take  a  trip  &  you  pick  one  out  ?  ❜ HIS  STUDENTS  ,  who  he  would  protect  until  his  dying  breath  .  cheerfully  ,  he  moves  to  plop  his  hand  down  on  his  head  fully  &  smush  it  a  bit  ,  something  playful  &  distracting  . 
  ❛  invite  your  friends  if  you  want  ,  we  can  make  a  day  of  it   .  ❜ 
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