#Water Related Diseases
jabberwockprince · 10 months
Don't mind me casually following the fellas who put this quality hanahaki content on my dash, absolutely thriving right now and thinking about if I made some art myself what it may be like. In the meanwhile simply lamenting the fact that I can't quite imagine Neon J himself struggling with something like this in the nsr era- at best, the potential of being familiar with it from before, but he strikes me as direct enough that he wouldn't let feelings linger long enough to develop.
OH!!! HELLO!! I deffo encourage you to make art and content for it, it's very fun to see what everyone comes up with!!!!
the other day was so fun, all of us going back and forth with really good additions and stuff, so I'd love to discuss this with more ppl <333
I'm not too familiar with Neon J since I focus on 1010 waaaaay more lmfao, but whatever floats your boat!! the fun part about NSR being purposefully vague is that ppl can fill in with their own theories and headcanons!!
like, you could deffo characterize Neon J as someone aware of the disease, but too direct and straightforward to experience it himself in any meaningful way so it just goes under his radar most of the time (heh...........radar......heh). or just straight up forgetting about his experiences with hanahaki before becoming a cyborg and all, if you wanna include that one popular characterization of his memories being all fucked up / not knowing if he's a true person or had fake implanted memories
and he could still get hanahaki disease over feelings he's not aware he's repressing, similar to Eve - maybe it's harder for Neon J to notice that he's growing flowers due to his status as a cyborg? since he lacks a proper mouth, it's not as easy as coughing up a few petals. maybe he confuses the feeling of things growing inside with the feeling of phantom limbs, and he just keeps on unconsciously tackling his feelings properly before they can become a SERIOUS problem. maybe discovering that 1010 has been hiding their own hanahaki from him is the catalyst that makes him realize it could be happening to him, who knows!
or you could also think that he's been struggling with hanahaki and hiding it from everyone as well, which is so fucking hilariously ironic to me
there's also the subject of him being a war veteran and all, if you wanna get more in-depth about hanahaki within the universe instead of just individual characters? like, there's probably some fucked up training to ensure soldiers and shit don't choke up with hanahaki. I VAGUELY remember some concepts from very early fandom days about hanahaki being a thing you could REMOVE from your body, at the cost of never feeling anything ever again - a metaphor for becoming entirely numb and isolated from your own feelings etc, so yeah! go wild!!
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moomoomooing · 18 days
i also rambled an entire thesis abt hsr marastruck and running vs stagnant water concepts in shintoism at 12am at some point and while i have no motivation to write a paper for it without ot being related to a class, im very pleased with my unsubstantiated (the relationd are there but id love to add better research into shintoism, and i believe nordic?? culture has smth called mara as well, but its possibly linked to incest tho whoops) claims lmao
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greenthestral · 10 months
Achieving Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation for a Sustainable Future
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Clean water and sanitation are fundamental human rights and essential for the well-being and prosperity of communities worldwide. Access to clean water is crucial for drinking, hygiene, agriculture, and industry. Sanitation facilities ensure the proper disposal of waste and prevent the spread of diseases. Recognizing the importance of water and sanitation, the United Nations has set Goal 6 as part of its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In this article, we will explore the significance of Goal 6, its targets, and the actions needed to achieve clean water and sanitation for all.
The Importance of Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
Access to clean water and sanitation is not only a pressing global issue but also a matter of basic human rights. Shockingly, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF, a staggering 2.2 billion people worldwide lack access to safely managed drinking water, while an overwhelming 4.2 billion people do not have access to safely managed sanitation services. These numbers highlight the scale of the problem and the urgent need for action.
The consequences of inadequate water and sanitation are far-reaching and severe. One of the most significant impacts is the spread of waterborne diseases. Contaminated water sources and poor sanitation facilities create a breeding ground for diseases like cholera, typhoid, and dysentery. These illnesses disproportionately affect vulnerable populations, including children and the elderly, leading to increased morbidity and mortality rates. Lack of access to clean water and sanitation perpetuates a cycle of poverty and ill-health, as communities struggle to break free from the burden of preventable diseases.
Child mortality is also closely linked to the absence of clean water and sanitation. Unsafe drinking water and inadequate sanitation facilities contribute to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of children each year. Diarrheal diseases, in particular, claim the lives of many young children, as their weakened immune systems make them more susceptible to the harmful effects of contaminated water. Furthermore, the time spent collecting water from distant sources and the lack of proper sanitation facilities affect children's education and overall development, perpetuating a cycle of disadvantage and limited opportunities.
In addition to the human toll, inadequate access to clean water and sanitation hinders economic development. Communities that lack reliable access to clean water face numerous challenges. For instance, the burden of water collection falls primarily on women and girls, who often spend hours each day walking long distances to fetch water. This time-consuming task takes away from opportunities for education, income generation, and other productive activities, reinforcing gender inequalities and limiting economic empowerment.
Moreover, industries and businesses also suffer when water and sanitation are compromised. Lack of clean water can impede agricultural production, affecting crop yields and food security. Industries that rely on water, such as manufacturing and tourism, face operational challenges and increased costs when they must rely on alternative, often expensive, water sources. Inadequate sanitation can lead to environmental pollution, further exacerbating health risks and harming ecosystems, which are essential for the well-being of communities and biodiversity.
The gravity of the water and sanitation crisis necessitates urgent action and a comprehensive approach. Goal 6 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) recognizes the importance of clean water and sanitation for all and sets targets to address these challenges. Governments, organizations, and individuals must prioritize investment in infrastructure development, education and awareness programs, sustainable practices, and innovative solutions.
By investing in infrastructure, such as water treatment plants, pipelines, and sanitation facilities, governments can improve access to clean water and proper waste management. Concurrently, education and awareness programs can promote proper hygiene practices, behavioral change, and the sustainable use of water resources. It is crucial to empower communities with knowledge and tools to protect their water sources and ensure sustainable practices are adopted at the individual and community levels.
Sustainable agriculture practices also play a significant role in achieving clean water and sanitation goals. Implementing water-efficient irrigation techniques, promoting organic farming, and reducing the use of harmful pesticides and fertilizers can help conserve water resources and prevent pollution. By embracing technology and innovation, such as water purification systems, smart water management systems, and affordable sanitation technologies, we can bridge the gap in access to clean water and sanitation, particularly in remote and underserved areas.
Collaboration and partnerships among governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), businesses, and communities are crucial for progress. By joining forces, sharing expertise, and pooling resources, we can overcome financial constraints, leverage innovative solutions, and achieve more significant impact. International cooperation, aid, and support can also play a pivotal role in assisting countries with limited resources to improve their water and sanitation infrastructure and practices.
The lack of access to clean water and sanitation remains a global crisis with far-reaching consequences. The numbers are staggering, and the impacts on health, child mortality, and economic development are severe. Achieving Goal 6 of the SDGs requires concerted efforts, investment in infrastructure, education, sustainable practices, and innovative solutions. It is only through collaboration and a commitment to this fundamental human right that we can ensure a sustainable future where every individual has access to clean water and sanitation, leading to improved health, reduced poverty, and enhanced opportunities for all.
Targets for Goal 6
Goal 6 encompasses multiple targets that aim to address the water and sanitation challenges. These targets include:
Achieving universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all.
Ensuring access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all.
Improving water quality by reducing pollution and increasing water treatment.
Increasing water-use efficiency and ensuring sustainable water withdrawals.
Implementing integrated water resources management at all levels.
Protecting and restoring water-related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, and lakes.
Actions to Achieve Goal 6
To achieve Goal 6 and ensure clean water and sanitation for all, various actions need to be undertaken at local, national, and global levels. Here are some key actions:
Infrastructure Development: Governments and organizations should invest in infrastructure development to improve water and sanitation systems. This includes building water treatment plants, pipelines, and sanitation facilities to ensure access to clean water and proper waste management.
Education and Awareness: Raising awareness about the importance of clean water and sanitation is crucial. Education programs can help communities understand the benefits of proper hygiene practices and promote behavior change to prevent water pollution and ensure the sustainable use of water resources.
Sustainable Agriculture: Promoting sustainable agriculture practices can reduce water pollution from pesticides and fertilizers. Implementing efficient irrigation techniques, such as drip irrigation, can also conserve water resources.
Collaboration and Partnerships: Addressing the water and sanitation challenges requires collaboration between governments, NGOs, businesses, and communities. Partnerships can bring together expertise, resources, and innovative solutions to overcome the barriers to clean water and sanitation.
Technology and Innovation: Embracing technological advancements can greatly contribute to achieving Goal 6. Innovative solutions, such as water purification systems, smart water management systems, and affordable sanitation technologies, can improve access to clean water and sanitation in remote areas.
Water Conservation: Encouraging water conservation practices at the individual and community levels is essential. Simple measures like fixing leaks, using water-efficient appliances, and harvesting rainwater can go a long way in reducing water wastage and ensuring the availability of clean water.
Success Stories and Best Practices
Several success stories demonstrate that progress can be made in achieving Goal 6. For instance, in Rwanda, the government's commitment to improving water and sanitation services has resulted in significant improvements in access to clean water, particularly in rural areas. The introduction of community-led total sanitation programs in Bangladesh has successfully improved sanitation practices and reduced open defecation.
Challenges and the Way Forward
Despite the progress made, significant challenges remain in achieving Goal 6. Limited financial resources, inadequate infrastructure, climate change impacts, and conflicts are some of the obstacles that need to be overcome. However, there are opportunities to address these challenges. By increasing investments in water and sanitation, promoting sustainable practices, and strengthening partnerships, we can create a future where clean water and sanitation are accessible to all.
Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation is a critical component of the Sustainable Development Goals, highlighting the significance of access to clean water and sanitation for all. Achieving this goal requires concerted efforts from governments, organizations, communities, and individuals. By implementing the targets and taking necessary actions, we can ensure a sustainable future with clean water and sanitation, improving health, reducing poverty, and fostering economic development worldwide. Let us work together to make Goal 6 a reality and create a world where no one is deprived of this basic human right.
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absentlyabbie · 10 months
i'll tell you what converted me to being all-in on keeping cats indoors only:
living for a year and a half in a rural area with a sudden feral cat colony explosion on the property.
i moved in with my folks for a bit and at that time, one (1) stray cat mama had taken up residence on the property, but was too feral to let my mother anywhere near her. but especially after she brought three kittens around, mom fed her and the kittens in hopes they'd grow trusting enough she could catch for spay and neuter at the minimum. momcat stayed mean and hella wary, but the kittens would hang around a little nearer and play with my mom via long stick, but still wouldn't come close enough to touch or catch.
unfortunately, two of the three kittens were girls and started having kittens of their own before further progress was made, shortly after i moved in. and that was pretty much instant doom.
there were so many kittens. SO MANY. multiple litters. every time we turned around, more kittens.
we fed them. we hunted for and located the kittens every time anywhere on the property and would move them to a repurposed doghouse anytime a mama cat had them somewhere else, so that they could grow up human-socialized and we could spay/neuter them when they were old enough. (also it was a handy tactic to push the issue of the mamas getting more used to/trusting of us themselves. only really worked with one of them, though.)
and we watched them die.
we watched litter after litter of kittens never make it to the age they could be spayed or neutered. the moms stayed, for the longest time, too skittish to more than briefly touch, much less catch and crate for a vet visit.
it sounds like a silly joke to say i have kitten-related ptsd, but i absolutely do.
too many goddamn times i'd walk out of the garage and find the carport and gravel drive strewn with tiny bodies. others simply went missing, never to be found.
one in particular, i wish i hadn't found, and the visual literally haunts me still, almost a decade later.
i saw so many kittens die of snake bite, spider bite, wild dogs, birds of prey, hit by cars, respiratory illness, covered in fleas and eyes crusted with infection.
and we loved them all. scrimped for antibiotics if the vet could be convinced to give it to us despite our being unable to bring them in. bought flea collars and ointments. we cared for them and fed them and petted them and played with them, brushed their fur and cleaned up their little faces, put ice in their water in hot summer, rigged a heating lamp in their house in the winter.
and they died. horribly. that property is pocked with unmarked graves of kittens and cats.
all the best intentions, not enough resources, and it didn't matter anyways because the population went from three to almost twenty (at times, over thirty) in the blink of an eye.
they died and died and died. our hearts broke over and over again. the stress and anxiety wore us down like sandpaper. i think, by the end of it all, we managed to find less than 10 of them all homes, including batman the disabled kitten i found a home across the country through tumblr.
it was carnage and tragedy, frankly. and we were helpless.
it only ended because they started dying faster than they could be born, and because we finally caught the two remaining mom cats in traps and got them spayed.
the points about outdoor cats being invasive predators devastating to local wildlife populations is true and valid and important.
but i know cat people, and cat people who don't know better than to let cats outdoors. what matters to you is the cat itself, generally. the cat being happy and taken care of.
keeping cats outdoors, letting them outdoors, is not taking care of the cats. it's not protecting them. it's not giving them any happiness or invigoration that couldn't be provided to them as indoor-only pets with just a little research and effort.
they die. they get ill. they get hurt. they're at risk of predators, and cars, and disease, and carelessly cruel children and deliberately cruel adults. they're at risk of disappearing on you because someone else saw a cat outdoors and intervened to give it a better, safer life not in conflict with the local environment.
and if that offends and angers you that someone would just take a cat they saw roaming outdoors, even collared, and that it sounds like i'm endorsing that, i am, but not if you intervene and be that person yourself for your own cat.
if what matters to you is doing right by your cat because it's family and a living creature whose happiness and health and safety is important to you,
keep them indoors. not part time. always. exclusively.
edit: since apparently i need to clarify this, i'm saying cats should live inside, that they should not live outdoors, even part time. visiting the outdoors supervised on a leash or in an enclosed catio is not the same as even part-time living outside, and i am certainly not advocating against it.
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fairuzfan · 2 months
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The decision to pause deliveries to the north of the Gaza Strip has not been taken lightly, as we know it means the situation there will deteriorate further and more people risk dying of hunger.  WFP is deeply committed to urgently reaching desperate people across Gaza but the safety and security to deliver critical food aid - and for the people receiving it - must be ensured. Deliveries resumed on Sunday after a three-week suspension following the strike on an UNRWA truck and due to the absence of a functioning humanitarian notification system. The plan was to send 10 trucks of food for seven straight days, to help stem the tide of hunger and desperation and to begin building trust in communities that there would be enough food for all.  On Sunday, as WFP started the route towards Gaza City, the convoy was surrounded by crowds of hungry people close to the Wadi Gaza checkpoint. First fending off multiple attempts by people trying to climb aboard our trucks, then facing gunfire once we entered Gaza City, our team was able to distribute a small quantity of the food along the way. On Monday, the second convoy’s journey north faced complete chaos and violence due to the collapse of civil order. Several trucks were looted between Khan Younes and Deir al Balah and a truck driver was beaten. The remaining flour was spontaneously distributed off the trucks in Gaza city, amidst high tension and explosive anger. In December, the Integrated Phase Classification report compiled by 15 agencies including WFP warned of the risk of famine in northern Gaza by May unless conditions there improved decisively. At the end of January, after delivering food to the north, we reported on the rapid deterioration of conditions. In these past two days our teams witnessed unprecedented levels of desperation.  The latest reports confirm Gaza’s precipitous slide into hunger and disease. Food and safe water have become incredibly scarce and diseases are rife, compromising women and children’s nutrition and immunity and resulting in a surge of acute malnutrition. People are already dying from hunger-related causes.  A report issued Monday by UNICEF and WFP, based on recent data, finds that the situation is particularly extreme in the Northern Gaza Strip. Nutrition screenings conducted at shelters and health centres in the north found that 15.6 per cent - or 1 in 6 children under 2 years of age - are acutely malnourished. WFP will seek ways to resume deliveries in a responsible manner as soon as possible. A large-scale expansion of the flow of assistance to northern Gaza is urgently needed to avoid disaster. To achieve this, WFP needs significantly higher volumes of food coming into the Gaza strip from multiple routes, additionally, crossing points to the north of Gaza must open. A functioning humanitarian notification system and a stable communication network are needed. And security, for our staff and partners as well as for the people we serve, must be facilitated. Gaza is hanging by a thread and WFP must be enabled to reverse the path towards famine for thousands of desperately hungry people. 
I cannot believe this.
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lua-magic · 2 months
Astrology observations .
Vedic astrology, Natal chart only.
Best way to activate Venus in your chart is by activate the planets sitting with Venus.
Mercury conjunct Venus. Carry always book and pen with you.
Mars conjunct with Venus.
Carry small Copper metal with you.
Jupiter with Venus.
Carry any spiritual book with you always.
Saturn with Venus
Carry Rudraksh( seven mukhi) with you.
Sun with Venus.
Carry photo of your father or sun stone.
Moon with Venus.
Carry a small bottle of water with you or photo of your mother.
Venus with Rahu
Carry photo of your paternal grandparents or pet a cat.
Venus with ketu
Carry photo of maternal grandparents or pet a dog
Twelfth house is your expenses, foreign settlement, foreign travels, spirituality and hospitals as well
However, realm of twelfth house is very vast, it also includes, jail, mental asylum, isolation, yoga, meditation, connection with supernatural and intuition, and dreams as well
Twelfth Lord in first house.
Native will go to foreign travel or foreign settlement, it might give you health issues as well
Rahu in first house, also gives native foreign land settlement and gives you unique personality and disconnect you from your race and religion.
Twelfth Lord in second House
It might cause seperation from your family, and could give teeth and speech related issues.
It creates fluctuations in money 💰.
Twelfth Lord in third House 🏠
Makes you creative, intuive and great writer as well, you subconscious mind downloads information from another realm.
It might give foreign settlement to your younger siblings., or your younger sibling is from foreign culture.
Twelfth lord in fourth House
Could give you separation from your motherland, and mother or mother could be spiritual and meditation
It gives native isolation and intuition. You might spend lot of money on your mother as well.
Twelfth Lord in fifth House
It might give separation from your kids, or your studies and education or you will leave your education and work in other field not related to your education.
You might end up spending lot of money on your kids, or your kids might settle abroad.
It makes you intuive and give you interest in meditation and yoga
Twelfth Lord in sixth House
It is good, as you let go all your eniemies and your debt as well, so basically twelfth Lord will help you to solve problems related to debt, disease and eniemies.
Twelfth Lord in seventh House.
It might create problems in marriage, but it gives you foreign travel and foreign business partner.
Partner could be from different culture, race or religion, or partner could be spiritual or interested in yoga and meditation. You might get partner who is spendthrift or you spend on your partner alot.
Rahu in seventh House, also gives you partner from different race religion and culture.
Twelfth Lord in eighth House.
Could give you problem with your in-laws or you might spend lot on your in-laws.
It might cause you separation from your inheritance, and you have to let go alot of things in life, as both twelfth house and eighth house is of let go.
It might give you losses in life. It gives great Intuition, and intrest in spirituality and makes you great in occult.
Twelfth Lord in ninth house.
It might give you separation from your father, teacher or your guru, you might end up spending lot on your father.
You might leave your race and religion and settle to foreign country.
Twelfth Lord in tenth House.
You might end up leaving your work and change your area of work completely, it also gives you working foreign country, and foreign company.
Native can also work in hospitals, jails and mental asylums or in spirituality and meditation.
Twelfth Lord in eleventh House
Gives you obsession regarding to your desires, your relationship with elder brother or sister could effect negatively, gives you connection with foreign land or country.
Twelfth lord in twelfth House.
Is good, as the planet is in its own house, but as it is twelfth house Lord, it will give you, all the results of Twelfth house like, foreign travel, foreign settlement, isolation, and intrest in spirituality and meditation, if your ancendent is weak and afflicted could give you health issues and mental health issues.
Mercury in Twelfth house, give extra ordinary power to connect with spiritual realm and download datas, it could give anxiety and sleeplessness because now Mercury is getting connected to another realm, hence such natives are extremely creative in their ideas and even great writer.
Such natives have got great, imagination, some unique skill, visiualisation and creative writing abilities.
Venus is exalted, and shows devotion ro their partners.
Mars in twelfth house looses it's strength, hence native could face health related issues as well and also shows native will waste lot of his/her energy in sexual activities..
Jupiter is the house Lord shows native is good in counselling and teaching.
Saturn in twelfth house makes you lazy and you would procrastinate alot, however, it does makes you spiritual and good in meditation, if it is not afflicted then would give you opportunity in foreign land.
Sun in twelfth house looses their identity( Such natives have either two names or even if they get famous, they won't be known by their original name) and could give separation from their father and motherland.
Moon in twelfth House could give issues with your mother or separation from mother, and makes you spiritual and good Healer.
Mars retro, always get attracted sexually to someone younger than their age (huge age difference)
Your mind is now connected to spiritual realm and that could give msgs in dreams, Deja Vu, premonitions..
Rahu in twelfth house could make you obsessed with bed pleasure, but also makes you spiritual and good in meditation. Native could feel the presence of spirits or other worldly beings easily around themselves, and could give fear of death as well.
Person would connect to astral realm or suffer from sleep paralysis as well..
Venus retro are rarely satisfied in their sexual life.
Mercury retro can't express their feelings
Jupiter retro loves to advice people, and are great problem solver.
Saturn retro are hard working individuals and can has to do lot of work by themselves without any help from someone.
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reportwire · 2 years
Notes from the Field: Self-Reported Health Symptoms Following Petroleum Contamination of a Drinking Water System — Oahu, Hawaii, November 2021–February 2022
Notes from the Field: Self-Reported Health Symptoms Following Petroleum Contamination of a Drinking Water System — Oahu, Hawaii, November 2021–February 2022
Alyssa N. Troeschel, PhD1; Ben Gerhardstein, MPH2; Alex Poniatowski, MS3; Diana Felton, MD4; Amanda Smith, PhD1; Krishna Surasi, MD1; Alyson M. Cavanaugh, DPT, PhD1; Shanna Miko, DNP1; Michele Bolduc, PhD1; Vidisha Parasram, DrPH1; Charles Edge, MSN, MS5; Renée Funk, DVM3; Maureen Orr, MS5 (View author affiliations) View suggested citation In late November 2021, the Hawaii Department of Health…
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afeelgoodblog · 10 months
The Best News of Last Week - June 26, 2023
1. California's Lake Oroville now at 100% capacity following megadrought; 1st time since 2019
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Once a stark example of the drastic effects of California's yearslong megadrought, Lake Oroville has rebounded and is once again filled to capacity, data from the state's Department of Water Resources shows.
Lake Oroville, the state's most beleaguered and second-largest reservoir, is at 100% of its total capacity and 127% of where it should be around this time of year - a huge boost after the climate-change-fueled megadrought sucked away nearly all its water supply.
2. Blue whales are thriving in California waters – the story of their amazing comeback
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If you’ve recently taken a Southern California whale-watching tour, you may have been lucky enough to come across earth’s largest animal. Pacific blue whales grow up to 110 feet long and can reach a weight of 200 tons. Decades ago, blue whales were nearly hunted to extinction, and although still listed as protected under the Endangered Species Act, marine biologists and researchers are heralding a “conservation success story,” unlike any other.
According to a study published in 2014 by researchers at the University of Washington, the West Coast blue whale population has bounced back at tremendous levels, recouping 97% of its pre-whaling population
3. Newborn left in Florida Safe Haven Baby Box adopted by the firefighter who found her
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Zoey is now 5 months old. Courtesy Zoey's family
A firefighter in Ocala, Florida, was pulling an overnight shift at the station in January when he was awakened at 2 a.m. by an alarm. He recognized the sound immediately. A newborn had been placed in the building’s Safe Haven Baby Box, a device that allows someone to safely and anonymously surrender a child — no questions asked.
“To be honest, I thought it was a false alarm,” said the firefighter, who wished to remain anonymous to protect his family’s privacy. But when he opened the box, he discovered a healthy infant wrapped in a pink blanket.
That baby would become his daughter, Zoey.
4. Iceland suspends whale hunt on animal welfare concerns
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Iceland's government said Tuesday it was suspending this year's whale hunt until the end of August due to animal welfare concerns, likely bringing the controversial practice to a historic end.
"I have taken the decision to suspend whaling" until August 31, Food Minister Svandis Svavarsdottir said in a statement. The country's last remaining whaling company, Hvalur, had previously said this would be its final season as the hunt has become less profitable.
5. He wanted to pet dogs for his 100th birthday. Hundreds lined up.
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Alison Moore had a unique idea to celebrate her father's 100th birthday: a pet parade filled with as many dogs as possible. Her father, Robert Moore, has always adored dogs and wanted to pet every one he saw. So, Alison took to social media and invited the community to join in the festivities. Little did she know that over 200 dogs and their owners would gather for the heartwarming event.
The parade brought immense joy not only to Robert but also to attendees like Rodger, who has Alzheimer's disease, and his daughter Denise, who hadn't seen her father smile so much in a long time. It was a day filled with wagging tails, smiling faces, and love that made Robert's milestone birthday an unforgettable celebration.
6. Historic decision: Estonia legalizes same-sex marriage
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Tuesday, the Estonian government has survived a vote of no confidence in the Riigikogu tied to amendments to the Family Law Act and related legislation, which is granting same-sex couples the legal right to wed. 55 members of the Riigikogu voted in favor of the measure, while 34 voted against.
It is proposed that the institution of marriage, as defined by family law, be modified so that  any two natural persons of legal age, regardless of gender, may marry. The words "man and woman" will be replaced with the words "two natural persons."
7. US approves chicken made from cultivated cells, the nation's first 'lab-grown' meat
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For the first time, U.S. regulators on Wednesday approved the sale of chicken made from animal cells, allowing two California companies to offer “lab-grown” meat to the nation’s restaurant tables and eventually, supermarket shelves.
The Agriculture Department gave the green light to Upside Foods and Good Meat, firms that had been racing to be the first in the U.S. to sell meat that doesn’t come from slaughtered animals — what’s now being referred to as “cell-cultivated” or “cultured” meat as it emerges from the laboratory and arrives on dinner plates.
That's it for this week :)
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flowerandblood · 5 months
The Taste of Shame (3)
[ dom!modern • Aemond x friend sister • female ]
[ warnings: sex content, oral sex, smut, angst, domination and submission kink, butt slapping, cock warming ]
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[ description: Aemond works as a professional dom, fulfilling the various fantasies of his female clients - however, he guards his privacy and does not enter into any relationships with them, recognizing that he does not want or need it. It turns out that what he wants and what he doesn’t no longer matter when he meets his friend’s younger sister for the first time. Slow burn, sexual tension, doubts related to sex work. ]
Series & Characters Moodboard Aemond NSFW Alphabet
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
Never before in his life had he been so thrilled and terrified at the same time as the day she was to visit him − it was the first time he had ever invited anyone to his flat and the first time in four years he was going to have sex with anyone without signing a contract.
It was liberating in a way.
Of course, he had researched the area beforehand; she was someone who was completely inexperienced in these matters and was surely horrified by her idea of what he dreamed of doing with her, so he tried to reassure her that they would just talk calmly first.
He wasn't going to rush her, nor was he going to jump out with tying or toys when she was so unsure and scared. He was about more than domination − he felt something for her and had layers of tenderness towards her that made him look at the whole thing differently.
He also assured her, to comfort her in some way, that he too had his limits or certain things that made him uncomfortable. He explained to her that he felt out of sorts when a woman suddenly touched him or held him tightly during close-ups, it made him feel trapped and threatened.
She, on the other hand, liked the closeness of a man and touched him involuntarily, so she was afraid that it would make him feel frustrated − he reassured her that this was why they were talking about it, to know what to expect and to meet halfway, to offer something in return so that each felt fulfilled and safe.
When she told him she was taking the pills, he made an appointment for a medical check-up to make sure he wasn't carrying any disease, despite the fact that he had always protected himself well. He breathed a sigh of relief when the test results were negative, dreaming only of reaching his peak inside her.
On the day she was due to come to him he felt like a happy little child and didn't know what to do with himself. He cleaned up his flat, changed his bedding into fresh ones, put glasses of water and wet wipes by the bedside table.
Everything was ready.
When she knocked on his door he was afraid to move from his seat for a moment − only after a while did he walk over and open it for her, letting her in.
She stepped into the hallway of his flat and stood still, looking at him with big eyes, her lips tightened, her cheeks red, her shiny hair loose, on her body a light dress fastened in front with small buttons and trainers, on her shoulders a small backpack.
She was terrified.
"− come in −" He said softly, warmly, not recognising himself and surprised at how he sounded.
The tone of his voice towards his female clients was always polite, but cool and matter-of-fact at the same time.
She nodded, pulling off her shoes and stepping deeper, glancing around his living room and dining room, looking everywhere but at him.
"− would you like a drink? −" He asked out of politeness, feeling his gaze involuntarily escape to her bare thighs, wondering if she had underwear on beneath her dress.
She shook her head, swallowing quietly, her hands clasped together in front of her in a defensive gesture.
"No, thank you." She said quietly, and he felt his heart squeeze at the thought that she was sacrificing herself for him, that she feared she would neither like it nor live up to his expectations, that he would be disappointed in her.
He felt that he was faced with the challenge of proving to her how wrong she was.
That it was all just a matter of understanding the other person's needs.
"− do you want to get to the point? −" He asked bluntly; she looked at him quickly, swallowing hard, and lowered her gaze, embarrassed and abashed.
He hummed under his breath, delighted at how humble and sweet she was, feeling what he saw in his trousers.
That he could fuck her right now, on his dining room table.
But he had plans for her.
He approached her slowly − she flinched as he reached his hands into her backpack and slowly slid it off her shoulders, placing it on the floor. He grasped her cheek in his fingers and leaned against her − her pupils dilated in desire, her lips parted involuntarily revealing to him what she wanted.
He had never kissed his female clients, but her lips he had craved to taste in every way possible ever since he saw her for the first time.
"− if you have any doubts, tell me −" He whispered looking at her feeling his heart pounding hard, her skin under his hand seemed so soft he felt his fingers sinking into it.
She looked at him for a moment breathing unevenly; he could see that she was struggling with herself, that hundreds of thoughts were running through her mind at once.
"− I − I think I'm a little scared −" She muttered so innocently and so uncertainly that he felt a tightness in his throat. He grasped her cheeks in his hands and pressed his forehead against hers, soothingly stroking her warm skin with his thumbs.
"− tell me what you're afraid of −" He whispered softly and felt surprised at how he sounded − he had never spoken to anyone like this before, he had never cared so much about making someone feel safe with him.
She licked her lower lip, all dry from stress, letting out a quiet breath, looking at him with big eyes. She shook her head, letting him know that she wasn't able to get it out of her.
He knew what she was thinking about.
"− I won't hurt you − I won't cause you pain − I'm going to watch your and your body's reactions − if I have any doubts about whether what I'm doing is giving you pleasure, I'll stop myself − okay? −" He asked in a calm, warm voice. She nodded and smiled gratefully − he felt a squeeze in his heart and heat in his lower abdomen at the sight.
"Can I touch you?" She asked in a whisper, her voice trembling slightly in excitement and uncertainty. He smiled lightly and nodded, her hands immediately reaching for his face.
He pulled her to him and sank into her puffy mouths, murmuring lowly, feeling how full and moist they were. She moaned softly making his cock throb painfully hard in his trousers, reciprocating his kiss with a wet click, her fingertips trailing over his cheek, scar and jaw, making him feel goosebumps.
Despite the obvious subtext, there was something innocent in those kisses, some promise of peace and slow, tender fulfilment that he so longed to experience with her despite his idea of the night. He pulled away from her and ran the tip of his nose over hers before grabbing her hips and lifting her up, forcing her to wrap her legs around his waist and throw her arms around his neck.
They continued to kiss, lightly brushing against each other's lips as he unhurriedly headed with her to his bedroom. Only his night light was on, surrounding his room with a pleasant, warm glow − he laid her down on his bed and stroked her cheek.
"Do you remember what we talked about?" He asked calmly, feeling how fast his heart was pounding, how aroused he was − she nodded quickly, swallowing hard, all red.
"What's your safeword?" He continued slowly undoing the buttons of her dress, feeling her body tremble at the contact of her bare skin with his fingers.
"Peach." She said with embarrassment, and he smiled under his breath and hummed.
"That's right. Can you say it even when I tell you to be quiet?" He asked, lifting his gaze to her, and she nodded quickly.
"Exactly. You can say it anytime, even if you don't want to stop and just feel uncomfortable. Then we can have a quick talk about what happened and what I shouldn't do to make sure it doesn't happen again. Agreed?" He asked softly, involunarily licking his lower lip as he saw that, true to his assumption, there was nothing under her dress but her beautiful naked body.
"Yes." She whispered softly in a slightly trembling voice, her lips plump and glossy, slightly parted in an accelerated breath.
"Keep your hands above your head as you are now, be quiet and don't move. When I ask you something you are to nod or shake your head. Can you do that for me?" He asked softly and she nodded, looking at him with a trusting gaze from which he felt a tightening in his throat and a throbbing in his trousers.
He wasn't sure he'd ever been so turned on in his life, his heart pounding like crazy.
"− good girl − just let me take care of you −" He murmured, leaning over her face and kissed her lazily, tenderly, lingeringly, her lips parted before him and reciprocated his caress with her quiet sigh.
"− easy now −" He whispered, going his lips slowly lower, to her chin, to her neck. She smelled wonderful, of girly shampoo and shower gel; he knew that, like him, she had taken a bath before their meeting and he barely restrained himself from immediately sinking his face between her plushy thighs.
He did, however, want to become thoroughly acquainted with her body beforehand.
He felt a louder breath escape her lips as he pushed the material of her dress aside with the tip of his nose, revealing her naked breast to him, trailing his warm lips over it before pressing them to her hard nipple and beginning to suck on it.
He felt a shudder pass through her as she restrained her reflex with difficulty, wanting to touch his hair, to press him closer, but her hand returned immediately to its place.
"− you like showing them off, hmm? − when men can see your nipples through your fucking shirt −" He growled warningly, pressing his fingers tightly against the soft skin of her thigh, playing with her nipple in his mouth. He felt a huge shiver go through her − she stifled her moan that wanted to escape from her throat, shaking her head.
He gasped with satisfaction at seeing this, sliding his hand down to her thigh, trailing his fingers along the inside of it, the tip of his tongue teased her nipple before he began to suck on it again − he felt her body move beneath him, heard her press her lips together, knew she was dying of desire.
"− just like that − breathe deeply through your mouth −" He instructed her and she nodded, beginning to pant quietly as his hand slid down between her thighs, with slow, light movements of his fingertips teasing her puffy clit.
She pressed her lips together and stifled the quiet quiver that broke from her throat − he looked at her with a furrowed brow.
"− quiet − if I have to reprimand you again, I'll slap your butt so hard that you won't be able to sit on it tomorrow − do you understand? −" He asked lowly and she nodded, swallowing with difficulty, arching her eyebrows in despair as his fingers began to stroke her with more pressure, rubbing her clit in low circular motions, making her body shiver.
"− don't move −" He reminded her coolly, and she immediately froze, her thighs shaking, spread before him in a gesture of obedience.
He released her breast from his mouth with a quiet plop, trailing them lower, down her belly, until he reached her hips, leaving wet, hot marks on them. He heard her draw in a loud breath as he grasped her thighs in his hands and spread them wider in front of him, leaning over what was between them.
"− fuck, little one − so much has flowed out of you already −" He gasped approvingly as he ran his rough tongue over her hot, throbbing slit leaking from her moisture, her body arched, a sigh escaping her lips.
"− lie still −" He remarked to her, clamping his hand painfully tight on her buttock. "− this is my last warning −"
He growled, then leaned down, pressing his face against her womanhood and slipped his tongue deep inside her, unable to hold out any longer, eating her like a starving man.
He heard her whimper loudly and she covered her mouth in a helpless gesture to contain any sound − his hand slapped her buttock with all his strength, a squeal came from her lips.
"− be fucking quiet −" He hissed, rubbing the tip of his nose against her swollen bud, his tongue teasing and pressing the spot hidden between the muscles inside her again, he could feel her walls clenching around nothing, his mouth all sticky from her wetness.
"− what is it? − my sweet little girl is close already? −" He asked teasingly looking up at her − she nodded in shame and involuntarily moaned as he accelerated his pace, his hand again slapping her buttock with all his force, leaving a big red mark of his palm, which he massaged reassuringly immediately afterwards.
He pulled away from her, rising on his knees, unzipping his trousers quickly, feeling that he would go mad if he didn't feel her soon, his cock all swollen, leaking from his precum.
"− you're doing so good for me, baby − can you hold on a little longer? −" He cooed, grasping her hips in his hands, trailing his throbbing erection over her hot, wet folds, her body trembling − he hummed with satisfaction when she nodded her head, swallowing loudly, her sweet lips slightly parted.
He stroked her thigh with his hand, with the other guiding pink, leaking head of his cock against her heat, sliding into her a little, teasing her and himself for a while, panting hard − she pressed her lips together closing her eyes and stifled a cry.
"− tell me what you want − use your words −" He commanded lowly, rocking his hips, not sliding fully into her, pressing deliberately with the tip of his manhood the spot inside her from which her whole body was twitching.
"− p-please − please, deeper −" She mumbled in despair, and he knew it was over, that he couldn't take it anymore.
He tightened his hands on her hips and pushed himself all the way into her, her fleshy walls resisting him, clenching against him greedily, intensifying his sensation. They both moaned loudly, surprised at how intensely they felt each other.
"− oh fuck −" He muttered, with painfully slow thrusts of his hips stretching her fleshy walls apart, opening her wide on his cock, a whine escaping her lips each time the thick tip of his manhood rubbed the wonderful spot inside her again, his large hands stroked her smooth thighs in a tender, circular motion, knowing how much she needed his touch now.
"− I know, baby, but we have to take it slow − shhhh −" He hushed her, rooting into her with increasing ease, his cock slick with her moisture − he watching with delight as his length sank into her again and again, her hips trembling in his hands each time he slipped out of her almost all the way just to fill her with himself again.
"− so good − you squeeze my cock so fucking well −" He praised her, feeling the heat in his lower abdomen, their bodies slapping loudly against each other with the sticky click of her moisture, her cheek pressed against his pillow, her fingers clenched tight on his bedding, her eyes closed, her lips parted in absolute delight.
"− p-please − I − mghmm −" She mumbled, her hips coming up to meet his every thrust, her thighs spread wider in front of him, allowing him to enter her deeper.
He licked his lips seeing this, delighted, feeling that he was surprisingly close to fulfilment − he stared at her, focusing only on the heat inside her, her face welted from exertion, her cheeks wonderfully rosy, her lips puffy and shiny, her hair lying in disarray.
"− so pretty − my babbling little baby, hm? −" He hummed, clenching his fingers tighter on her hips, involuntarily starting to slam into her faster, panting with her louder and louder, his cock twitching with pleasure inside her − she was hot, tight and sticky, squeezing him so well that he closed his eyes, trying not to let himself cum too quickly.
"− y-yes −" She mumbled softly, sweetly, and he sighed hearing this, feeling a strong shudder pass through him.
He lost his temper and began to act instinctively, his cock stretching her with every thrust of his hips faster and more aggressively, her babbling turned into mewling, her mouth parted wide in surprise at how intense the sensation was.
"− oh God −" She cried out, panting loudly with him − he licked his lips feeling how hard she squeezed him, pounding into her with sure, violent slaps, not letting her escape, they both began to pant as they were fucking each other like crazy.
He sped up involuntarily, rooting into her like a madman, moaning loudly along with her, feeling shivers run down his spine each time he forced his fat cock into her tight interior again.
"− m − m gonna cum −" She mewled and after a moment her body arched in orgasm, clenching greedily on his cock, sucking it inside, her mouth parted wide in loud, surprised moan of pleasure.
He leaned over her and kissed her greedily, pressing his tongue deep into her throat, panting loudly, rooting his cock into her, heedless of her desperate whines, her insides oversensitive and sore from her fulfillment.
"− no, baby − just a little longer − I need to fill you − thaaat's it, there we go, oooh, fuckkk −" He gasped, coming hard at least, trembling and clenching his eyes shut, a helpless groan of relief escaping his lips as his semen finally spilled inside her.
"− oh God, baby − so fucking good − you did so well for me −" He praised her, placing tender, lingering kisses on her hot cheeks and neck, rocking his hips inside her for a moment longer.
She looked at him with misty eyes, swallowing loudly, breathing hard.
"− can − can I touch you now? −" She asked in a trembling voice, all hot − he smiled lightly and hummed, kissing her again, tenderly and softly.
He murmured contentedly when her arms immediately wrapped around him and pressed him against her naked body − he reciprocated her embrace and snuggled his face into her cheek, trying to calm his breathing.
He wanted to slide out of her, but was stopped by her hand gently gripping his buttocks.
"− can we stay like this? − just for a little longer −" She whispered embarrassed − he felt hot in his heart at the thought that she wanted to keep feeling him inside her.
He returned to his previous position and embraced her, lying down with her on his side, entwining their hands and legs, pressing his forehead against hers, gently teasing the tip of her nose.
"How do you feel? Are you all right? Did you enjoy it?" He asked tenderly, stroking her bare shoulder with his palm, wondering if he'd gone a tad overboard for their first time.
She nodded, swallowing loudly, her body pressed tighter against him, sweaty and hot.
"Yes. Can we take a nap now?" She asked in a whisper and he chuckled under his breath, kissing her nose with delight.
"You can nap at my place all night." He murmured and felt her move as she threw him a surprised look full of hope.
"Can I sleep here?" She mumbled and he snorted, running his nose over her cheek.
"That question assumes you have any choice. I have no intention of letting you out of my arms tonight."
Aemond Taglist:
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thexianzhoujade · 18 days
YOU'RE NOT HER | genshin impact fanfiction. zhongli x gn!reader — heavy angst, hanahaki disease, hurt/no comfort, mentions of blood & gagging (almost vomit), death, ‘unrequited’ love
idle chatter. this is a reupload from my old blog so if you want to argue that i'm stealing, i'm literally robbing myself <3 library waiting list. @lovingluxury @dumbificat @starryshinyskies @ryuryuryuyurboat @ainescribe @bfjax @soleillunne @sangoqueenkoko
aventurine's addition. "alexi, darling, don't forget to link 'you should have been her' for the readers. it is the infamous second part, after all."
oh that man, that gorgeous, benevolent man you’d fell in love with all those moons ago; with dark hair that fades into a glowing orange, resemblant of the sunset and his own geo vision. you had fell in love, yes - you thought he had too. the thought crosses your mind whenever he’s not by your side, not within your grasp like he usually is. typically, the man was serving his job at the wangsheng funeral parlour as a consultant.
you grimace when the tight feeling in your ribcage suffocates you. it’s getting stronger as time goes on, knocking the breath right out of your lungs and leaving you hacking up blood into a white handkerchief. zhongli had expressed no ends of concern about the situation when he’d find the bloodied handkerchiefs scattered around your shared home, ushering you to doctor baizhu as soon as possible.
you had begged baizhu not to utter a word of your condition to zhongli. he returned your pleads with a sorrowful look.
how could your love be so unrequited? had you been the only one true to your word this whole time? the mere thought stings at your eyes, tears threatening to spill as you shakily wash the dishes. zhongli isn’t home, not for a few more hours. he said he had business to attend to - that meant it wasn’t work related. was he cheating? you shake the sour thought away from your head, scowling.
you wonder if the oh-so-wise man could ever read the wrinkles appearing on your skin, aging you with every passing concern that you don’t voice aloud, with every day that goes by where you’re suffocating from the inside out. he never mentions it, perhaps he simply does not care. you feel the knot in your throat, sickening as you gag and splutter into the soapy water of the sink. you keep gagging, the knot doesn’t budge and you’re filled with an overwhelming sense of nausea.
your body grows tired. you slip down to your knees, banging elbows and other limp limbs against kitchen cabinets as you go down. finally, with one last cough, the knot exits your mouth. it falls to the wood floorboards beneath you, slimy and covered in blood but undoubtedly recognised as a glaze lily. its petals are shut, you understand that there is no music, no lullaby to be heard to lull the glaze lily to bloom. it’s an ancient flower, one you always used to admire before this curse laid upon you.
the front door to your house opens, keys jingling in a specific man’s gloved hands as he enters. you hurry to throw the glaze lily out of the kitchen window, submerging your hands in the sink once more as the metallic taste of blood and lingering aftermath of a floral tang swarms your mouth. you hold your breath, hoping you didn’t have the appearance of someone who had just coughed up a flower so violently.
a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist, suddenly you’re hit with the faint smell of aged wine and familiar scent of freshly dug earth. you smile at the thought, leaning back into his chest despite the pain tearing at your lungs and the burning sensation left behind in your throat.
“you’ve been coughing again—” zhongli’s voice reverberates close to your ear, hot breath fanning over your skin and your eyes raise from the dirty water to your reflection in the kitchen window, where zhongli’s warm amber eyes are staring at you so deeply.
“it’s okay, my love, i promise,” you lie through your teeth, hoping the man sincerely couldn’t read through you the way he used to, “this time it was a smaller amount than the last…”
you try to sound cheerful in your approach to the topic, careful to maintain that personality he’d apparently fell in love with one day in liyue harbour. zhongli makes a noise - is he doubting you? you watch as a gloved hand raises, nearing your face before his thumb wipes gently at a trickle of blood leading from the corner of your lips.
“i’ll speak to doctor baizhu in the morning,” zhongli states firmly, you almost bite back the words that taste bitter about him ‘caring’ for you, “perhaps you need a higher dose of your medication.”
the medication in question surely had been a ruse to fool the man, though you did not expect it to have worked. changsheng had uttered that you could not leave the bubu pharmacy without some form of medication, it’d look absurd in the eyes of the wangsheng funeral parlour consultant. in agreement, baizhu had qiqi mix violetgrass powder with sugar - the instructions were simple, mix it into the hot tea you’d drink with zhongli every evening.
it was sweet, not at all bitter and the scent of violetgrass made it bearable. apparently the inclusion of herbal properties was enough to fool your dearest partner or so you thought.
it’s hard to understand the fine line between a lie and a truth when the past few months, you’d been dating a man for someone whomst he was not. it was a struggle to understand the situation but it kept you up for endless nights, counting stars and tending to the numerous flora you’d planted in the garden underneath the moonlight - courtesy of your friend the traveler for appearing with so many countless seeds of blooms from across teyvat.
yet as you sit on the grass, staring at the pile of dead - and dying - glaze lilies you had acquired, the stars twinkling endlessly above you, you understood why he’d done it. he was judicious, hoping to protect you from his past yet keep you as his future. the thought made that pain in your chest tighten. you let out a futile whimper into the quiet night.
as you ponder zhongli’s status as liyue’s archon - the geo archon of all people, you begin to question your previous doubts. your breaths become struggled, your chest heaving as you lay on your back for some relief. trembling fingertips brush amongst blades of grass, hoping for a distraction as tears spill down your cheeks.
liyue is a beautiful country with vast mountains and yellowed plains that seem to stretch endlessly. its civilisation had become fruitful at the expense of liyue harbor, bustling with trade and the thing your partner had appeared to love the most; contracts. he has every right to be proud of the nation liyue had built to this day, despite claiming that he’d ultimately retired - “the people can do without me, they’ve proved that much.”
blood trickles from your mouth but it’s not gentle, it’s a rush, like a waterfall as it spills down the sides of your face and pools on the grass below you. it’s littered in an array of blue and white petals, matching that of glaze lilies - a flower you’d grown to hate. you struggle to get oxygen into your lungs with the rising level of blood that doesn’t dissipate from your parted lips, suffocating you as you try to no ends to breathe through your nose.
that is, if there was room in your lungs for such oxygen. twists and turns of branches and roots that climb to the walls of your organs, painting them with glaze lilies and filling them with fallen petals every time a flower wilts from the unreasonable conditions inside your body.
you’re proud of liyue; the magnificent, beautiful nation of geo that you got to experience in all of its glory. zhongli often times referred to liyue with feminine pronouns and as the light dies from your eyes and your chest ceases to rise, you can only think one thing with your last dying breath.
you’re not her.
© thexianzhoujade 2024. | reblogs appreciated | do not re-upload, copy, translate, etc. my works on any form of media.
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149panda149 · 6 months
TGCF: My theory on the inspiration behind the 4 calamities
In some of the oldest Chinese myths and legends, there are 4 guardian gods of the four cardinal directions - the green dragon, white tiger, crimson bird, and black tortoise, and each have a colour, season and element associated with them. I'm not sure if anyone has made this connection before, but I'm writing it down if anyone is interested. There are spoilers about the calamities' identity.
First, the 青龙 (qing long, green dragon) --> Qi Rong, Night-touring Green lantern.
The qinglong's territory is the East, and its colour is qing, which means green, or turqoise. Its element is wood, and its season is spring. Closely associated with royalty and the imperial family.
Now, for the similarities with our favourite green goblin. "qing" is literally the colour in Qi Rong's title, and his colour scheme. Qi Rong has a habit of hanging corpses from trees, which may be his relation to the element "wood". He does not have any obvious coleration with the season "spring"- perhaps he was born in spring. He is royalty, part of the imperial family as cousin to the crown prince.
Second, the 白虎 (bai hu, white tiger)--> Bai Wuxiang, White Clothed Disaster upon the Earth.
The baihu's territory is the West, its colour is white, element is gold/metal, and its season is summer. It is the king of all beasts, associated with disease and war, often used as a guardian symbol by soldiers.
On the other hand, Jun Wu's title, alias and colour scheme are all white, and has plenty of weapons that may be his link to the element of "gold/metal". I don't think he has anything to do with summer, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. He is king of the gods, a god of war, and the one to spread the human face disease.
As east and west are considered a pair, the guardian spirits are meant to reflect each other. In Chinese poems and such, symmetry is important, and both Qi Rong and Jun Wu were princes, one becoming revered by the highest of gods, covered with masks and false identities, one becoming the object of disgust by the lowest of ghosts, using his real name and face. There is a certain poetic symmetry to it, don't you think?
To the second pair. The 朱雀 (zhu que, crimson bird)----> Hua Cheng, Crimson Rain Sought Flower
The zhuque rules over the south, its colour is red, element is fire, and its season is summer. It is the king of all birds, more powerful than even the phoenix, immortal and undying. As such, in many places it is also considered a symbol of life.
Now, to the most popular ghost king: Hua Cheng. The english translation of his title is "crimson", and his colour scheme is indubitably red and autumn-y shades. He also re-re-met Xie Lian in autumn ( I think - I mean, the leaves were all red in the donghua??), and has died again and again to return like the zhuque. He is the king of all ghosts, with a great determination to live(sorta? are ghosts alive??) for his love.
Lastly, my personal favourite, the 玄武 (xuan wu, black tortoise)---->He Xuan, Black Water Sinking Ships
The xuanwu, also called a tortoise, is actually the only spirit to be a combination of 2 animals, a snake and a tortoise. It rules over the north. Its colour is black( sometimes depicted as dark blue), element is water, and its season is winter. In earlier legends, he is considered a guide and guardian to the netherworld, of death and of long life.
Thus, to our poor indebted water ghost. He Xuan's name is "xuan", the same! goddamn! character! as the spirit! His title and colour scheme are all to do with the colour black, and he is a water ghost because he died because of the Water Master. He has been marked by death, yet survived and vowed revenge. This, and the fact that his house is called the Nether Water Manor, is probably his relation to the netherworld of the xuanwu.
To the pair of south and north. Both Hua Cheng and He Xuan have suffered and suffered again, yet Hua Cheng chooses to linger on due to hope and love, and He Xuan due to revenge and hatred. But hatred and love are two sides of the same coin. If Hua Cheng hadn't experienced the hatred from his childhood, he wouldn't have thrown himself from the city wall and met Xie Lian. If He Xuan hadn't loved his family, so much, he wouldn't have broken that hard after their deaths to lose himself to hatred and empty vengence.
Aaaaaand that concludes this essay. Keep in mind that this is a theory, and probably even isn't true, but if anybody wants a more detailed description of the guardian spirits, or to know more about the similarities between the mythical creatures of ancient china and tgcf, I will be more than happy to make a part 2.
Thanks for reading!!
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voidpacifist · 8 months
I have a new brainworm about steve harrington that I need (NEED!!) to share
imagine this for me: it's 1983. nothing eventful happens, at least in the supernatural sense. steve and nancy still date, he still drops his terrible friends when he realizes they're not gonna support him if it doesn't fit their agenda, he still accidentally becomes close to a bunch of seventh graders when nance asks him if he can babysit--
(not that he'd ever say no to her, but it's not what he envisioned the summer of '84 to be like, okay?)
--and overall, things are relatively normal for him. his parents continue to be absent, but they still get excited for him when they learn he has a girlfriend or won a new award at the end of the school year for something sporty or what have you. they're not bad people, they just don't know how to be good parents. and they're always, always away.
but the thing about 1983, is that his final interaction with tommy before he "broke up" their friendship by dating someone kind and sweet and "perfect" like nancy, was him getting absolutely wailed on. enough that he went to the hospital with a severe concussion and some damage to his optic nerve. the doctors told him he already has something going on with his vision to begin with, probably a genetic disease passed down from one of his folks, that increase his chances of going blind earlier in life. meaning, if push came to shove, his vision could go entirely if he got into any more scruples with ex-friends or people who just generally disliked him.
and then lucas sinclair asks him for dating advice, because he likes max mayfield, the new girl in his class, and ultimately it lands steve being the chauffeur for their first date just days after halloween in 1984. by now, he and nancy have broken up — they weren't emotionally available in the ways they needed to be with one another, and steve knows his dream of the future is different from her own. this time, there's no speech about bullshit or faking it. they simply both know that their expiration is upon them and call it quits.
(it still hurts, but he told lucas to shoot his shot, because if there's anything he's learned by dating nancy wheeler, it's that projecting his heartbreak and hurt onto others is a gateway to toxicity in the water; and by god he is not sabotaging this kids emotional maturity, okay? okay)
so he takes the kids to bennys burgers, because lucas insists it's "cool enough" for this girl, and he doesn't want to overdo it by going somewhere too fancy. but when steve returns to pick them up, there's a hiccup in the plan.
billy, maxs step-brother and steve's most recent bother at school, is there, gearing up to try and scare lucas off, or do something worse. steve, anointed babysitter and generally protective friend, steps in without hesitation. the fight that results makes the local news. steve lands in the hospital again.
his vision doesn't go completely, but it goes enough. enough that he can't drive, enough that he'll have to find large print books or simply relearn to read altogether in braille. enough that he's advised to get a cane or a guide dog. enough that, when all is said and done, his old life has been completely upended.
(the same jonathan who has now swept nancy off her feet the way steve used to)
--surprisingly, is the one who ends up getting close to steve after this. he tells steve about what it was like when will was found after being missing for a week, about how he knows it isn't the same, but that he relates to the feeling of oh god, everythings different and nothing I used to have is coming back. he doesn't divulge on the details, but steve knows he's serious about understanding the feeling.
even more surprising is nancy, who commands him every day that god dammit steve, your life is not coming back unless you take it back yourself and then reassures him in the same breath that he's not weak for needing help doing so.
and then the kids join in too. and steve harrington isnt a king anymore of anything, but he's the king of his own life, he's the king of himself. he starts going back to school even when he feels embarrassed to be there, like he's an imposter or ill equipped. he starts going to public places just to meet poorly concealed whispers with something friendly and witty in return. he starts taking his power back in a way that never needs to hurt anyone, that never needs to hurt himself.
he also discovers he loves bright colors — neons and pinks and reds especially. he takes a trip with nancy and barb one day to indy on some sort of girls trip (they've long since made up since the first house party, and barb latches onto steve as a best friend shockingly fast in the wake of his and tommy's split), and it's there that he meets someone punk for the first time. he develops a fixation on the colored hair, the leather and spikes and denim with safety pins in it. he badgers the girls about teaching him how to wear eyeliner.
it's his gateway into punk style, which is then a further path into the subculture itself, into colored laces and battle vests and the politics and social aspects. steve takes to it like a fish to water.
the name steve harrington used to mean something entirely different. even though he calls his parents every day since the incident, even though they've been back to see him multiple times, even though they've tried to be present in their strange, semi-absent way, they still haven't seen him since his transformation from local jock to local punk.
needless to say, he spends a lot more time educating them about his "waywardness" and a lot less time actually excitedly telling them about the next color of his hair. but the harringtons aren't unaware — they can see how while this may be a creative way for steve to begin expressing and discovering himself, it's also an armor. no one really wants to fuck with someone who will trip you with his cane if you're being an asshole, someone who wears a lot of spikes and other sharp objects on their body for fun.
so they let it be. and they stay a little longer, this time.
this shift doesn't go unnoticed by the local gossips, but it also doesn't go unnoticed by the "freaks and geeks" at school. he develops, quite by accident, a reputation that rivals that of the king of freaks at hawkins. eddie munson wears the title proudly, clings to it with every antic and every quip that feeds into the rumors about him. but he respects what it took for steve to get here.
so he invites him along to a hellfire session. which turns into two. which turns into steve becoming a party member, which turns into him excitedly telling the kids he babysits that he gets it now, that yes, they can absolutely host their games at his house as long as they have rides back home.
but as he and eddie get closer as friends, eddie notices that as well as steve has done accepting himself as he is, he still misses the things he used to do without thinking much about needing sight to do it. contact sports and movies and other very visually inclined things. and listen, eddie's happy that steve has renounced the toxic social scene of jockdom, he really is, but he also recognizes a guy who misses pieces of his old life.
(he finds himself missing his old life, the life before wayne, all the time, just for the parts that didn't hurt him)
so eddie, much to steves surprise, suggests he try joining the swim team for the final quarter of his senior year. and hey, fuck it, what can it hurt? he's already a nerd now as well as a punk as well as disabled — he can go for one more oddball, not-quite-jock occupation. the coach has several stipulations, all of which steve takes in stride.
he's granted a tryout. he doesn't make it on.
eddie, in his wildest nightmares, doesn't touch sports. he's already athletic in other regards, naturally good at sprinting and lifting heavy things from taking equipment to and from band practice. he doesn't think he actually needs sports, but he's willing to go with steve to lake jordan to keep practicing. he's seen how stubborn harrington is, and he's not about to stop it.
eventually, they do these laps across the lake and back (it's a pretty small lake) just to get high once they're done. and fuck, if steve can swim the length of the lake, he can get a job at the new starcourt mall. and he does. he's there at scoops ahoy the bare minimum of hours they're required to give him to technically say he's employed, but at least he has work. his friends visit him there after their own jobs are done for the day, and eddie consistently shows up just to bug him.
robin, his coworker, is impressed and startled by this version of steve. she'd say she doesn't trust it, but there's nothing to trust really, about the shock of bright green hair or the way his eyes aren't actually that focused looking, or about the way he casually tells stories about getting high and swimming the length of lake jordan. not to mention, the chemistry he can't physically or metaphorically see between him and eddie is laughable to her, and entirely too obvious.
she ends up with one bad trip from the wrong dealer, and steve stays with her through the comedown, and she realizes she would probably die for him, because he sits there and listens to her buzzed ramble about tammy thompson and his bagel crumbs and other dumb shit from when he was still in high school. he's the first person she's ever come out to, and she's the first person he's ever thought could be a soulmate, the kind he'd never give his body but would marry in a heartbeat if she asked him.
he tells her about billy. she tells him about her mother. they tell each other a lot of secrets, more than he's ever told jonathan and nancy, or barb, or even eddie.
and then their workplace gets set on fire from a gas leak after hours. they pack up and go to family video, because they're a package deal. it's barb being on the crew that convinces keith to let steve take the job, and he has a new shtick joking about being a blind guy who likes movies.
then eddie probably takes him to one or two or maybe five. then they maybe make out after one of their swims. then steve starts going to eddies shows at the hideout, starts going with him damn near everywhere, and this was the kind of companionship he needed from the get go but didn't have. the kind where they support each other's interests without changing themselves for it, the kind where there is love born from fierce and unwavering friendship, the kind where loyalty is unquestionable but agreeing all the time is optional. and god.
steve harrington has been blind for a year. and he wears metal in his face and color in his hair. and he and his friends gather for movies just for the enjoyment of it. and he swims the lakes of hawkins with his boyfriend. and he plays dungeons and dragons with the kids who haven't let go of him just yet. and his parents aren't who he needs them to be yet, but they're trying. everyones trying. and eveyrone is enough.
and he's enough, at the end of the day.
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https-furina · 7 months
✎ you’re not her. ft. zhongli x fem!reader content. heavy angst, hanahaki disease, hurt/no comfort, mentions of blood & gagging (almost vomit), death, ‘unrequited’ love. w.c. tba.
you should have been her — part two.
oh that man, that gorgeous, benevolent man you’d fell in love with all those moons ago; with dark hair that fades into a glowing orange, resemblant of the sunset and his own geo vision. you had fell in love, yes - you thought he had too. the thought crosses your mind whenever he’s not by your side, not within your grasp like he usually is. typically, the man was serving his job at the wangsheng funeral parlour as a consultant.
you grimace when the tight feeling in your ribcage suffocates you. it’s getting stronger as time goes on, knocking the breath right out of your lungs and leaving you hacking up blood into a white handkerchief. zhongli had expressed no ends of concern about the situation when he’d find the bloodied handkerchiefs scattered around your shared home, ushering you to doctor baizhu as soon as possible.
you had begged baizhu not to utter a word of your condition to zhongli. he returned your pleads with a sorrowful look.
how could your love be so unrequited? had you been the only one true to your word this whole time? the mere thought stings at your eyes, tears threatening to spill as you shakily wash the dishes. zhongli isn’t home, not for a few more hours. he said he had business to attend to - that meant it wasn’t work related. was he cheating? you shake the sour thought away from your head, scowling.
you wonder if the oh-so-wise man could ever read the wrinkles appearing on your skin, aging you with every passing concern that you don’t voice aloud, with every day that goes by where you’re suffocating from the inside out. he never mentions it, perhaps he simply does not care. you feel the knot in your throat, sickening as you gag and splutter into the soapy water of the sink. you keep gagging, the knot doesn’t budge and you’re filled with an overwhelming sense of nausea.
your body grows tired. you slip down to your knees, banging elbows and other limp limbs against kitchen cabinets as you go down. finally, with one last cough, the knot exits your mouth. it falls to the wood floorboards beneath you, slimy and covered in blood but undoubtedly recognised as a glaze lily. its petals are shut, you understand that there is no music, no lullaby to be heard to lull the glaze lily to bloom. it’s an ancient flower, one you always used to admire before this curse laid upon you.
the front door to your house opens, keys jingling in a specific man’s gloved hands as he enters. you hurry to throw the glaze lily out of the kitchen window, submerging your hands in the sink once more as the metallic taste of blood and lingering aftermath of a floral tang swarms your mouth. you hold your breath, hoping you didn’t have the appearance of someone who had just coughed up a flower so violently.
a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist, suddenly you’re hit with the faint smell of aged wine and familiar scent of freshly dug earth. you smile at the thought, leaning back into his chest despite the pain tearing at your lungs and the burning sensation left behind in your throat.
“you’ve been coughing again—” zhongli’s voice reverberates close to your ear, hot breath fanning over your skin and your eyes raise from the dirty water to your reflection in the kitchen window, where zhongli’s warm amber eyes are staring at you so deeply.
“it’s okay, my love, i promise,” you lie through your teeth, hoping the man sincerely couldn’t read through you the way he used to, “this time it was a smaller amount than the last…”
you try to sound cheerful in your approach to the topic, careful to maintain that personality he’d apparently fell in love with one day in liyue harbour. zhongli makes a noise - is he doubting you? you watch as a gloved hand raises, nearing your face before his thumb wipes gently at a trickle of blood leading from the corner of your lips.
“i’ll speak to doctor baizhu in the morning,” zhongli states firmly, you almost bite back the words that taste bitter about him ‘caring’ for you, “perhaps you need a higher dose of your medication.”
the medication in question surely had been a ruse to fool the man, though you did not expect it to have worked. changsheng had uttered that you could not leave the bubu pharmacy without some form of medication, it’d look absurd in the eyes of the wangsheng funeral parlour consultant. in agreement, baizhu had qiqi mix violetgrass powder with sugar - the instructions were simple, mix it into the hot tea you’d drink with zhongli every evening.
it was sweet, not at all bitter and the scent of violetgrass made it bearable. apparently the inclusion of herbal properties was enough to fool your dearest partner or so you thought.
it’s hard to understand the fine line between a lie and a truth when the past few months, you’d been dating a man for someone whomst he was not. it was a struggle to understand the situation but it kept you up for endless nights, counting stars and tending to the numerous flora you’d planted in the garden underneath the moonlight - courtesy of your friend the traveler for appearing with so many countless seeds of blooms from across teyvat.
yet as you sit on the grass, staring at the pile of dead - and dying - glaze lilies you had acquired, the stars twinkling endlessly above you, you understood why he’d done it. he was judicious, hoping to protect you from his past yet keep you as his future. the thought made that pain in your chest tighten. you let out a futile whimper into the quiet night.
as you ponder zhongli’s status as liyue’s archon - the geo archon of all people, you begin to question your previous doubts. your breaths become struggled, your chest heaving as you lay on your back for some relief. trembling fingertips brush amongst blades of grass, hoping for a distraction as tears spill down your cheeks.
liyue is a beautiful country with vast mountains and yellowed plains that seem to stretch endlessly. its civilisation had become fruitful at the expense of liyue harbor, bustling with trade and the thing your partner had appeared to love the most; contracts. he has every right to be proud of the nation liyue had built to this day, despite claiming that he’d ultimately retired - “the people can do without me, they’ve proved that much.”
blood trickles from your mouth but it’s not gentle, it’s a rush, like a waterfall as it spills down the sides of your face and pools on the grass below you. it’s littered in an array of blue and white petals, matching that of glaze lilies - a flower you’d grown to hate. you struggle to get oxygen into your lungs with the rising level of blood that doesn’t dissipate from your parted lips, suffocating you as you try to no ends to breathe through your nose.
that is, if there was room in your lungs for such oxygen. twists and turns of branches and roots that climb to the walls of your organs, painting them with glaze lilies and filling them with fallen petals every time a flower wilts from the unreasonable conditions inside your body.
you’re proud of liyue; the magnificent, beautiful nation of geo that you got to experience in all of its glory. zhongli often times referred to liyue with feminine pronouns and as the light dies from your eyes and your chest ceases to rise, you can only think one thing with your last dying breath.
you’re not her.
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© https-furina 2023.
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aristia-pjoheadcanons · 4 months
author's note: a list of all of my headcanons
PJO related:
HOO crew HCS
Percy Jackson:
Poseidons children, blood bending
Percy + dehydration, thoughts
Percy x Jason x female!reader dislikes blowjobs + small boobs hc
Missing Reader x Platonic Percy
Percy NSFW x virgin reader
Percy Jackson NSFW P1
Percy Jackson NSFW P2
Percy x gn!reader taking a hit for him and almost dying
Percy kissing HCS
Hot things Percy Jackson does
Endearing things Percy does
Percy Jackson Icks
Percy Jackson x Child of Hades (SFW + NSFW)
poly!relationship percy and jason with you
Dating the daughter of hades
Dating a daughter of Apollo
Percy Jackson is very alluring
Percy Jackson makes his crush laugh
Percy Jackson is the type of guy…
What Percy would be like in bed
polluted water in NYC and Percy
dark! percy analysis + headcanons
Percy giggles
Jason Grace:
Jason coming home from quest (HOO) x jealous female!reader
Percy x Jason x female!reader dislikes blowjobs + small boobs hc
Jason NSFW thoughts
Jason Grace x general dating hcs
poly!relationsip percy and jason with you
Dating child of hecate
Jason eats raw meat
Thanatos x Daughter of Hades
Teen Ares thoughts hc
children of poseidon can control blood if their parents suffer from blood disease
ares gets emotional after wars
trials of apollo, GodTube
ares and athena contrasts
ares headcanons
children of ares are mature with handling conflicts
children of mars and ares
frank zhang and ares/mars arguing in his head
underestimating children of ares
thoughts ares with his fire eyes
ares headcanons
Luke Castellan as your boyfriend
Nico di Angelo flinches when he hears sirens
percy has a staring problem
cabin 5 headcanons
percy is pretty scary when he's angry
percy in love
percy jackson dehydration
ares kids hit themselves with a brush
children of ares, poseidon and aphrodite appearances hc
avatar zuko + hes a child of ares
harrypotter and pjo crossover
children of ares hcs
when a child of ares speaks, everyone will hear them
underestimating children of ares (yes, i know i put it twice)
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xueyuverse · 2 months
Links for donations to Sudan
UNHCR ACNUR: People are being forced to flee amid fighting and refugees are arriving in neighboring Chad in desperate need of help.
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is on the ground assisting newly arrived refugees and providing life-saving support.
CICV: Health care could collapse at any time, despite the best efforts of Sudanese health teams, who continue to work in extremely difficult conditions, caring for injured people and providing other essential services to the population.
There are severe shortages of water, energy, food and essential medical supplies.
Sudan Relief Fund: CRISIS APPEAL: Nearly 7.1 million people displaced in Sudan. Destruction of healthcare facilities, disruption of critical healthcare services like immunizations, newborn care and availability of healthcare workers is putting many at risk of death and life-threatening complications. We need every bit of help in generating a relief fund to continue our efforts in Sudan.
Sudanese family of 8 struggling to escape the War.
Emergency response in Sudan: UNICEF continues to call for an immediate ceasefire across Sudan, and reiterates its call for all parties to the conflict to respect international humanitarian and human rights law – including ensuring that children are protected – and that rapid, safe, unimpeded humanitarian access to children and families in affected areas is facilitated. Without such access, critical lifesaving humanitarian support will be out of reach for millions of vulnerable children.
Despite the challenges, UNICEF and partners have provided life-saving assistance to more than 6 million children inside Sudan and in neighbouring countries, including water, health, nutrition, safe spaces and learning.
Sudan: A deepening humanitarian crisis: Sudan has plunged into a conflict of alarming scale, leaving half of the population in need of urgent assistance to survive.
This comes on top of existing challenges including economic hardship, disease outbreaks and climate-related hazards.
Families are struggling to access water, food, fuel, and other critical commodities and they need urgent help.
Be a lifeline to Migrants in need: With almost 25 million people - half the population - in need of some form of aid, the situation is particularly dire for the more than 7 million people displaced within Sudan.
Periods Don’t Stop for War! Stand with Sudanese Women and Girls: They Need Your Help Now!: SIHA Network will partner with the PNDS (Fawta Tsed Alkhana – Pad Needed, Dignity Seeded) Initiative and Sustainable Development Response Organization (SUDRO) on a campaign to collective donations and use them to buy and distribute the crucial menstrual dignity kit items Sudanese women and girls desperately need right now.  
Through providing menstrual products, the risk on women and girls’ health can be decreased and their well-being can be improved. 
You can also donate to MSF International here and for MSF Sudan here.
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lua-magic · 4 months
Intresting facts about Moon in your chart.
Moon 🌙🌝 represents mother, food, mind and also the way you speak, that is why moon is exalted in sign of Taurus ♉ because it is sign of food, and speech.
Moon is also your emotions and is memory house of all your emotions, bad and good memories.
Debilitated moon has more traumatic memories, and has hard time letting it go.
Moon is 🌊 water, and we all know water stores memories.
Moon control the water elements inside your body, like your harmones, emotions and in women menstrual cycle.
Moon is the lord of fourth house which the house of mental peace.
So, moon is also your peace of mind, more better moon, more peaceful your mind is.
Whenever, slow moving planets like Saturn and Jupiter is with moon or aspect moon, native feel pressure in his mind
However, Jupiter moon conjunction or aspect makes native spiritual, religious and highly optimistic.
Moon with Mercury makes native fickle mind, as Mercury is extremely fast planet and moon is also fast but also gives business skill.
Native with exalted moon has round shape body and speech is soft and sweet and loves to eat variety of foods.
Moon in first house or first house lord .
Native wrong food habits and negative emotions, would destroy his body and personality.
Moon in second house or second house lord
Native wrong food habits and negative emotions would destroy his source of income and family.
Moon in third house or lord of third House.
Native wrong food habits and negative emotions, would destroy his communication and courage. You will plan more but won't be able to take actions.
Remedy is to have time table always with you, what you want to get done in a day.
Moon in fourth House or Lord of fourth house.
Native wrong food habits and negative emotions, would destroy mental peace and effect relationship with his mother
Moon in fifth house or lord of fifth house
Native wrong food habits and negative emotions, would destroy his intelligence, creativity, relationship with his child or his romantic relationships.
Moon in sixth house or lord of sixth house.
Native wrong food habits and negative emotions, give native debt, disease, and lot of eniemies.
Moon in seventh house or lord of seventh house.
Native wrong food habits and negative emotions, would destroy your marriage, and your Business.
Moon in eighth house or lord of eighth house.
Native wrong food habits and negative emotions, would give you sudden loss and pain, depression, grief and sorrows.
Moon in ninth House or Lord of ninth house.
Native wrong food habits and negative emotions, would destroy the morality, luck, and divine blessings and right guidence.
Moon in tenth house or lord of tenth house.
Native wrong food habits and negative emotions, would destroy the work and career of native.
Moon eleventh house or lord of eleventh house.
Native wrong food habits and negative emotions, would destroy his social circle and blocks his manifestations.
Moon in twelfth house or Lord of twelfth house.
Native wrong food habits and negative emotions, would destroy sleep, and spirituality of native and would make native isolated.
Jupiter is exalted in cancer, which is the house of moon, because when you have mental peace, blessings and luck comes to you easily.
Every planet has been given two houses to rule except moon and sun, as moon is the queen and sun is the king.
Wherever, sun is in the chart, that is house where your soul lives .
Moon is exalted in the sign of Venus, that is Taurus, ♉ when you make your moon strong or your mind strong, love, money, relationships all Venus related things will come towards you easily.
So, never take your mind as granted or treat your mind as dustbin, remember your mind holds the memory, same memory you are carrying it to next life, so learn to let go all your negativities form your mind quickly and easily.
Moon in sixth, eighth house and twelfth house natives especially should learn to let go, and detachments.
The more detached you are from the results more easily it will manifest in your life
Yes, that is one manifestation rituals for sixth, eighth and twelfth house moon, take it easy and don't give it excess potential it will manifest..You guys attract negatives easily, hence should and must follow some spirituality, occult, meditation and healing, ie sixth is the house of healing, twelve is the house of meditation and spirituality and eighth is the house of occult.
As above, so below.
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