#Virus Corona
chicosanchez · 1 year
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En Odysee: https://odysee.com/@chicosanchez:c/Oracio%CC%81n-a-San-Bozal-y-San-Antibacterial.-En-Directo:b
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En Ivoox: https://www.ivoox.com/oracion-a-san-bozal-san-antibacterial-en-audios-mp3_rf_104287834_1.html
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padoskawruh · 1 year
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(via Rs Juwita)
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poroskota · 2 years
Epidemiolog UI: Pandemi Terkendali, Sudah Waktunya PPKM Dicabut
Epidemiolog UI: Pandemi Terkendali, Sudah Waktunya PPKM Dicabut
POROSKOTA.COM, JAKARTA — Epidemiolog FKM Universitas Indonesia Pandu Riono mengatakan, kebijakan Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat (PPKM) terkait Covid-19 sudah tidak diperlukan menyusul penularan Covid-19 di tanah air dalam fase terkendali. Ia mengusulkan agar pemerintah menghentikan aturan tersebut. “Jadi mau mengakhiri pandemi ini harus rencana dan bertahap. Saya usulkan pertama…
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barometerjatim · 2 years
Usai 2 Tahun Lawan Covid-19, Eri Cahyadi Ajak Satgas Kampung Tangguh Ikut Lawan Kemiskinan
Usai 2 Tahun Lawan Covid-19, Eri Cahyadi Ajak Satgas Kampung Tangguh Ikut Lawan Kemiskinan
LAWAN KEMISKINAN: Satgas Kampung Tangguh Wani Jogo Suroboyo, saatnya lawan kemiskinan. | Foto: Barometerjatim.com/IST SURABAYA, Barometerjatim.com – Kemiskinan masih menjadi salah satu problem di Surabaya. Data Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) mencatat, pada 2021 masih terdapat 152.489 jiwa (5,23%) penduduk miskin atau naik dibanding 2020 yang 5,02%. Karena itu Wali Kota Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi mengajak…
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tss247 · 2 years
Bệnh viêm phổi cấp tính có nguy hiểm không?
Bệnh viêm phổi cấp tính có nguy hiểm không?
Nhà thuốc Hưng Thịnh Bệnh viêm phổi cấp tính có nguy hiểm không? Cùng tham khảo chia sẻ của chuyên gia để hiểu nguyên nhân gây bệnh, triệu chứng, mức độ nguy hiểm và cách phòng tránh nhé! Viêm phổi cấp tính là một bệnh lý đường hô hấp có diễn biến phức tạp và có nguy cơ ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe bệnh nhân. Bệnh viêm phổi cấp tính có nguy hiểm không là điều mà nhiều người quan tâm, nhất là trong thời…
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pemburugacor · 2 years
Aturan Baru Pengendalian Covid-19, Peserta Kegiatan Skala Besar Yang Dihadiri Menteri Wajib Tes PCR
Aturan Baru Pengendalian Covid-19, Peserta Kegiatan Skala Besar Yang Dihadiri Menteri Wajib Tes PCR
Laporan Wartawan , Rina Ayu JAKARTA — Satgas Covid-19 menerbitkan aturan baru terkait perkembangan pandemi. Salah satunya wajib tes PCR untuk kegiatan skala besar. Aturan wajib PCR ini dituangkan dakam Surat Edaran Nomor 20 Tahun 2022 tentang Protokol Kesehatan pada Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Berskala Besar dalam Masa Pandemi Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19). slot gacor gampang jp Surat Edaran ini…
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cailuongvietnam · 2 years
Phát hiện ca thứ 8 mắc virus corona ở Việt Nam
Phát hiện ca thứ 8 mắc virus corona ở Việt Nam
CafeSo.Net – Sáng 3/2, Bộ Y tế xác nhận nữ bệnh nhân 29 tuổi, là công nhân trở về từ Vũ Hán, dương tính với nCoV, nâng tổng số ca Việt Nam lên 8. Bệnh nhân ở Vĩnh Phúc, là một trong 8 người trở về từ Vũ Hán trên cùng một chuyến bay, trong đó có 3 người đã xác định mắc bệnh viêm đường hô hấp cấp do nCoV. Ba người này đang cách ly và điều trị tại Bệnh viện Bệnh nhiệt đới Trung ương và Khoa nhiệt…
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ancient-string · 1 year
Also did everyone catch the symbolism of the random man just hanging out in Glass Onion?
The one who always had a bottle of corona in his hand?
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nando161mando · 6 months
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Most of you are going as this for Halloween. And it doesn't even require a costume.
#COVID #COVIDisNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #COVID19 #eugenics #ableism
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nuppu-nuppu · 2 years
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chicosanchez · 21 hours
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Youtube acaba de censurar otro de mis videos. Si quieres saber lo que Youtube no quiere que sepas te invito a leer mi libro El Sueño del Emperador donde dejo registrada en papel la información que Youtube intenta ocultar relacionada con las manipulaciones y negocios que se hicieron durante la supuesta pandemia de Covid-19. Los enlaces directos a mi libro El Sueño del Emperador. De cómo borrar del mapa un holocausto:
En España: https://amzn.eu/d/1nhwzNh (Tapa dura, tapa blanda y kindle)
En EEUU: https://a.co/d/4qeeQSl (Tapa dura, tapa blanda y kindle)
En México: https://a.co/d/e8oEWbD (Tapa dura, tapa blanda y kindle)
En PDF: https://chicosanchez.com/libros/ols/products/el-sueno-del-emperador-de-chico-snchez-versin-digital-pdf
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socialismforall · 4 months
Weekly COVID-19 Update for 2023-12-24
COVID is still airborne, and COVID still very much isn't over.
Northeastern and Midwestern USA SARS2 virus levels in wastewater are *soaring*, Northeast is currently at 1500 copies/mL (~750 copies indicates a strong surge), and Midwest is at 1300 copies/mL. Southeastern and Western USA are maintaining relatively lower levels between 600 and 700 overall, but both are still climbing. See https://biobot.io/data for county-specific data as results can vary widely between locales.
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How to reduce your risk of infection? The SARS2 virus is airborne and can spread like smoke, so #MaskUp with an #N95 or better, avoid superspreader events and locations, and stay up-to-date on your boosters. Do it for yourself, so you don't catch SARS-CoV-2, and for others, so you don't spread SARS-CoV-2. Even if you're fully vaccinated, your risk of developing #LongCOVID following an infection is lower but not zero, and multiple reinfections increase your odds of negative health outcomes. Plan A always should be to prevent an infection from developing by wearing a respirator with a good seal around your mouth and nose (FFP2, FFP3, KN95, N95, N99, P100, etc.).
Holiday tips:
-If someone tells you that COVID is over, you might ask them why, if we didn't consider COVID to be over in 2020 or 2021, when the COVID wastewater levels were lower, why should we consider it over now, when the virus is circulating in even higher amounts?
-"Fewer cases" doesn't mean much when most of the at-home rapid tests don't get counted in official records, and the most accurate PCR tests are neither freely available nor given to everyone getting on a plane or attending classes.
-"Fewer deaths" also means less when you remember that about 1,200,000 of the most vulnerable people already have died from it, COVID-19 remains the #3 cause of death in 2023 (behind heart disease and cancer, the risk of both of which may be increased by COVID), and the risk of a Long COVID/post-acute COVID syndrome (PACS) disability or other potentially life-shortening organ damage (brain, kidney, lung, immune, etc.) isn't measured just by the death count. Also, the USA's life expectancy still hasn't recovered from the drop it experienced following the start of the pandemic.
source: https://biobot.io/data
source: https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/news/20231006/these-are-the-top-10-causes-of-death-in-the-us
source: https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2022/covid-and-the-heart-it-spares-no-one
source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33914346/
source: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/11/29/average-us-life-expectancy-increased-not-pre-covid/71738611007/
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barometerjatim · 2 years
HUT ke-77 RI, DPRD Surabaya Terus Kawal Agenda Kerakyatan Agar Cepat Bangkit dari Pandemi
HUT ke-77 RI, DPRD Surabaya Terus Kawal Agenda Kerakyatan Agar Cepat Bangkit dari Pandemi
SEMANGAT BANGKIT: Pimpinan DPRD Surabaya usai mengikuti upacara HUT ke-77 RI di Balai Kota. | Foto: Barometerjatim.com/IST SURABAYA, Barometerjatim.com – Pimpinan DPRD Surabaya — Adi Sutarwijono (ketua/Fraksi PDIP), AH Thoni (wakil/Fraksi Gerindra), Reni Astuti (wakil/Fraksi PKS), dan Laila Mufidah (wakil/Fraksi PKB) — mengikuti upacara HUT ke-77 RI di Balai Kota Surabaya, Rabu…
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tss247 · 2 years
Nguyên nhân gây viêm phổi cấp và cách điều trị hiệu quả
Nguyên nhân gây viêm phổi cấp và cách điều trị hiệu quả
Nhà thuốc Hưng Thịnh Viêm phổi cấp là tình trạng bệnh lý gây nguy hiểm cho phổi, có thể gặp ở mọi lứa tuổi. Để kiểm soát kịp thời, chúng ta cần phải nắm rõ nguyên nhân gây viêm phổi cấp và các dấu hiệu điển hình của bệnh, từ đó lựa chọn được cách điều trị hiệu quả nhất. Viêm phổi cấp tính là bệnh lý đường hô hấp có diễn biến phức tạp và gây ảnh hưởng nghiêm trọng trên phế nang phổi. Bệnh có nguy…
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pemburugacor · 2 years
Legislator PDIP: Hati-hati, Jangan Cepat Menganggap Covid-19 Tidak Ada Atau Tak Berbahaya Lagi
Legislator PDIP: Hati-hati, Jangan Cepat Menganggap Covid-19 Tidak Ada Atau Tak Berbahaya Lagi
Wartawan liputan Franciscus Adioda JAKARTA – Komisioner IX DPR RI Rahmad Handoyo mengingatkan semua pihak untuk serius mewaspadai lonjakan kasus Covid-19. Anggota Kongres PDI-P pekan lalu mengatakan bahwa peningkatan kasus Covid-19 menunjukkan bahwa Covid-19 sebenarnya masih sangat dinamis dan tidak dapat diprediksi. slot gacor pragmatic Dalam dinamika yang tidak menentu ini, pihaknya akan…
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heresylog · 10 months
Does holy water stay holy if it's spritzed? Like, if I put holy water in a spray bottle and turn the nozzle to "mist" does it still count as flowing?
So quickly you forget the Covid-19 pandemic
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Short answer: yes.
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