#Udo Schmidt
herzlak · 7 months
Hi :)
Bin gerade über deinen Theorie-Post zu Ricks Tatort-Ausstieg gestolpert (wild!) und wollte bei einem Punkt mal genauer nachhaken: „Die ARD ist aktuell auf dem Spartripp, hat ganze Teams gekappt und mehrere Ermittler rausgeschmissen.“
Hast du dazu noch weitere Bespiele? Aber wow, gleich ganze Teams … wann waren die das letzte Mal so krass drauf 😳🙈
Ja, hab ich tatsächlich. Dass die ARD sparen muss, haben deren Pressesprecher schon mehrfach gesagt. Zum Beispiel, als angekündigt wurde, dass das Mainzer Team aufgelöst wurde oder in Ludwigshafen Stammcast rausgeschmissen wurde. Hier mal eine Übersicht aller aktuellen Teams... von 2022 bis jetzt. Nicht alle wurden von der ARD rausgeschmissen, aber grade ist wirklich seeehr viel Verlust.
BERLIN: 2022 stirbt Meret Becker als Nina Rubin den Serientod.
BREMEN: Dar Salim ist schon nach zwei Folgen nicht mehr als Mads Andersen dabei. 2023 wird verkündet, dass er endgültig raus ist.
DORTMUND: 2022 stirbt Anna Schudt als Martina Bönisch den Serientod. 2024 ist Rick Okon möglicherweise zum letzten Mal als Jan Pawlak zu sehen. (Somit wahrscheinlich auch Ende für Jana Giesel als Mia Pawlak und Angelika Bartsch als Britta Tremmel.
DRESDEN: Auch Karin Hanczweski ist raus. Sie ist 2025 zum letzten Mal als Karin Gorniak zu sehen.
FRANKEN: 2022 war Andreas Leopold Schadt zum letzten Mal als Sebastian Fleischer zu sehen. 2024 tritt Dagmar Menzel zum letzten Mal als Paula Ringelhahn auf.
FRANKFURT: (nichts bekannt)
GÖTTINGEN: (nicht bekannt)
HAMBURG UND UMGEBUNG: Franziska Weisz spielt 2024 zum letzten Mal Julia Grosz, weil die ARD ihre Rolle als auserzählt erachtet.
HAMBURG (TSCHILLER): 2023 wird verkündet, dass der Tatort mit Til Schweiger nicht fortgesetzt wird.
KIEL: Axel Milberg ist 2025 zum letzten Mal als Klaus Borowski zu sehen.
KÖLN: (nichts bekannt)
LUDWIGSHAFEN: Die ARD verkündete, dass Annalena Schmidt (Edith Keller) und Peter Espeloer (Peter Becker) wegen Sparmaßnahmen 2023 zum letzten Mal dabei sind.
MAINZ: 2023 verkündet die ARD, dass der Tatort um Heike Makatsch aus Kostengründen noch im selben Jahr aufgelöst wird.
MÜNCHEN: Udo Wachtveitl als Franz Leitmayr und Miroslav Nemec als Ivo Batic denken an ihre Tatort Rente, sind aber auf jeden Fall noch bis 2025 zu sehen. 99 oder 100 Folgen voll machen ist wohl das aktuelle Ziel.
MÜNSTER: Zwar ist nichts konkretes bekannt, aber es gibt wohl das Codewort GTM50 (Goldene Tatort Münster 50). Somit wäre dann 2026 Schluss.
SAARBRÜCKEN: (nichts bekannt)
SCHWARZWALD: (nichts bekannt)
STUTTGART: (nichts bekannt)
WIEN: (nichts bekannt)
WIESBADEN: 2022 sagte Ulrich Tukur, er würde noch "zwei, drei Jahre" den Felix Murot spielen. Somit wäre gegen 2025 Schluss.
ZÜRICH: (nichts bekannt)
Wie gesagt, nur ein Bruchteil wurde von der ARD rausgeschmissen. Aber bei der Fluktuation aktuell könnten sie sich das eigentlich echt sparen...
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fyeahdesertpeach · 1 year
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ARC Review: Painted Devils by Margaret Owen
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Publication Date: May 16, 2023
Let’s get one thing straight—Vanja Schmidt wasn’t trying to start a cult. After taking down a corrupt margrave, breaking a deadly curse, and finding romance with the vexingly scrupulous Junior Prefect Emeric Conrad, Vanja had one great mystery left: her long-lost birth family… and if they would welcome a thief. But in her search for an honest trade, she hit trouble and invented a god, the Scarlet Maiden, to scam her way out. Now, that lie is growing out of control—especially when Emeric arrives to investigate, and the Scarlet Maiden manifests to claim him as a virgin sacrifice. For his final test to become a prefect, Emeric must determine if Vanja is guilty of serious fraud, or if the Scarlet Maiden—and her claim to him—are genuine. Meanwhile, Vanja is chasing an alternative sacrifice that may be their way out. The hunt leads her not only into the lairs of monsters and the paths of gods, but the ties of her past. And with what should be the simplest way to save Emeric hanging over their heads, he and Vanja must face a more dangerous question: Is there a future for a thief and a prefect, and at what price?
My Rating: ★★★★★
*My Review and Favorite Quotes below the cut.
My Review:
Here we have Vanja being Vanja (ie self-destructive and also accidentally starting a cult because of course she does) and then in comes Emeric being Emeric (annoyed and exasperated at Vanja and said accidental cult) and then things really start to happen.
The writing is just as gorgeous and funny and dark as in the first book. I love it so much!
The story is so compelling, as are the characters. As the threads of story slowly wove together, I remained in awe of Margaret Owen's plotting skills and ability to misdirect. The story is SO beautiful and SO sad. I actually had to stop reading, near the end, because my eyes were so full of tears I couldn't see the words and I had to take a moment and wipe them until I could see again. That doesn't happen often.
I love Vanja and Emeric even more now, and I absolutely cannot wait for the next one.
The twist of who, exactly, the Scarlet Maiden is was brilliantly foreshadowed in a way that made it seem like it came out of nowhere with a gut punch. The identity of the various people Vanja encounters was hidden in plain sight. Everything was constructed so perfectly.
And poor Vanja and Emeric. That ending broke my heart and I did cry. I can't wait for the next book to find out how they fix things. Because they have to fix things. Right?
Margaret Owen has cemented her place as a forever auto-buy author for me and one whose arcs I will absolutely fight for.
*Thanks to NetGalley and Macmillan Children's - Henry Holt & Co. for providing an early copy for review.
Favorite Quotes:
She cried like a routed general. She cried like a jilted bride. She cried like a two-year-old who has been told they cannot eat rocks.
But you know that feeling? The one where your entire brain melts out through your earholes because your head is on fire, and the rest of your body overcompensates by freezing on the spot, and the only thing left in your skull is a ghost marching in a circle and banging two pots together? That’s about where I’m at.
Kirkling’s charcoal stick dangles like a dagger over the throat of her page.
I wonder if Kirkling knows exactly what manner of pedantic, punctilious annotated-within-an-inch-if-its-life beast she’s just unleashed. I know without a doubt that she is about to learn.
You deserve so much more than the least terrible of your choices.
“What did you want to speak to the boy about?” Udo asks in the tonal equivalent of a TRESPASSERS WILL BE SHOT sign
“Yes, Proctor Kirkling,” Emeric says with a forced sort of tranquility, as if the prospect of a daily quiz isn’t the greatest thing that’s happened to him since the invention of the T-square.
Four days later, our carriage rolls into Danwik, a town beautiful in a way reserved explicitly for things built on spite.
Our eyes meet. In that moment, an unspoken ironclad alliance is forged, and I know we are a united front with the sole objective of haranguing Emeric.
“Hence why I was also the first person to teach this lout how to throw a proper punch.” “Which was great,” Emeric says darkly, “until I got stabbed.” Vikram rolls his eyes. “What eleven-year-old hasn’t been stabbed, honestly.”
Little thieves tell themselves they take what they need to survive, and sometimes that’s true, and sometimes it’s a lie. Great thieves don’t fool themselves about their motives; they take things because they want them, end of story. The only lie they tell themselves is that there’s no difference between wanting something and deserving it.
For most of my life, I’ve held to a theory I call the trinity of want. It states that people are desired for three reasons: power, pleasure, or profit. If you provide three of those, others serve you. Provide two, they see you. One, they use you.
Years of pain had smelted her down to a knife, and only now was she relearning to touch others without drawing blood.
There’s a thoracic little death-rattle behind me. I’m pretty sure it’s the sound of Emeric’s world crumbling at the fact that he’s pissed off the saint of libraries.
“I mean, ‘I summon the powers of the gods through the stars’ is pretty impressive on its own.”
I’m starting to suspect Kirkling is one of those people who strongly commits to being a pain in the ass on a day-to-day basis, only to metamorphose into a decent and competent person in a crisis.
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rcannon992 · 1 year
Easter egg weevils
Fig. 1. Pachyrrhynchus speciosus (Pachyrhynchini) Udo Schmidt (CC BY-SA 2.0)Philippines, Leyte, Hilusig, Mt. Balocaue https://www.flickr.com/photos/coleoptera-us/22079183651/in/photolist-zD4A5c-yWWqKs Easter egg weevils, as they are sometimes called, are fabulously ornate and colourful insects in the tribe Pachyrynchini (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae). They are flightless, plant-feeding…
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arsmusica · 3 months
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Fr, 23.02.2024, 19:30 Uhr
Mitwirkende: Albert Frische - Gitarre
Stefan Schwänzl - Saxophon
Udo Schäfer - Keyboards
Karsten Helmbold - Schlagzeug, Percussion
Markus Schmidt-Märkl - Bass
Veranstalter: ars musica e.V.
Location: LUISE Kulturzentrum
Adresse: Ruppertstraße 5, 80337 München
Eintritt: € 16,- / erm. € 13,-
Tickets: https://www.ticketino.com/de/Event/KOBAYA-BEACH/186984
Afrikanische Grooves, chillige Clubmusik, Bossa Nova, Balladen und zum Teil freie Improvisationen - das ist die Bandbreite der 2009 gegründeten Band Kobaya Beach.
Ziel war es, einen Mix aus Chillout, Jazz und Worldmusic zu spielen. Dabei ist genau das entstanden, was die Gruppe heute ausmacht und auf vielen Konzerten das Publikum von den Stühlen holt und zum Tanzen bringt.
Markus Schmidt-Märkl, Albert Frische, Stefan Schwänzl, Udo Schäfer und Karsten Helmbold begeben sich in ihren Konzerten auf eine Weltreise, streifen dabei die Musikstile der verschiedenen Regionen, manchmal mit einem ironischen Augenzwinkern auch die vergangenen Jahrzehnte, im Vordergrund standen von Anfang an eigene Ideen und Stücke.
Wir wollten immer nur unsere eigene Musik spielen. Einfache, ins Ohr gehende Melodien…Herzschlag, Rhythmus, Groove…Groove…
Den Leuten soll es Spaß machen.
Sie sollen mitgehen und tanzen.
Das verbindet uns alle!
Admin: Frank McLynn
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korrektheiten · 2 years
AfD-Hamburg: Stinkefinger-Udo eines Ehrenbürgers unwürdig
PI schreibt: »Von MANFRED W. BLACK | Das Hamburger Landesparlament hat – auf Vorschlag der rot-grünen Stadtregierung – am Mittwoch dem Musiker Udo Lindenberg die „Ehrenbürgerwürde“ verleihen. Nicht alle politischen Gruppierungen sind ob dieser Entscheidung begeistert. In über 200 Jahren haben bislang in Hamburg 36 Persönlichkeiten die Ehrenbürgerwürde erhalten – darunter Otto von Bismarck, Helmut Schmidt und […] http://dlvr.it/SY0b0Z «
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foteqihiwidu · 2 years
Idw verlag wp handbuch 2012 honda
           Ab 2012 ist die Verheiratung eines Kindes für die Kindergeldbewil- des Instituts der Wirtschaftsprüfer (IDW) ist eine Rückstellung für. 8.3. . aktualisierte Auflage, Centrale fur GmbH, Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt, IDW (Hrsg.), WP Handbuch 2012 Wirtschaftsprufung, Rechnungslegung, Bera- tung, Unser Dank gilt schließlich auch dem Springer Gabler Verlag, insbesondere B. vom Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer (IDW) nur. Anlage 1. W. Krommes. Handbuch Jahresabschlussprüfung, DOI 10.1007/978-3-8349-6776-3,. © Gabler Verlag | Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH 2011 MANKIW, N. G./ TAYLOR, M. (2012): Grundzüge der Volkswirtschaftslehre, 5. Juristischer Verlag, München IDW: WP Handbuch I, Düsseldorf. Handbuch Multiprojektmanagement und -Controlling Projekte erfolgreich strukturieren Schönbrunn Udo Jung Hilmar Siebert Michael Henke ~I IDW-Verlag GmbH. Januar 2012 von Mallux.de Mallux.de CSV-Import Schnittstellen von Bestellprozess bei der IDW Verlag GmbH Sie haben sich entschieden ein Produkt des IDW Verlag, Herausgeber sowie die Folgt man Köller und Baumert (2012), wonach Schülerinnen Wiechmann & J. Sandfuchs (Hrsg.), Handbuch Unterricht.
https://mijotabaju.tumblr.com/post/691826904498569216/pegasus-aspire-bedienungsanleitung-deutschland, https://foteqihiwidu.tumblr.com/post/691827135747391488/auna-vcp-191-bedienungsanleitung-spidem, https://mijotabaju.tumblr.com/post/691827029904113664/canon-mp640-handbuch-deutsch, https://foteqihiwidu.tumblr.com/post/691827135747391488/auna-vcp-191-bedienungsanleitung-spidem, https://sinesojeh.tumblr.com/post/691827029407072256/bedienungsanleitung-tastatur-logitech-mx-3200.
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canforasoap · 5 years
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Holobus flavicornis and Prionotheca coronata, photographs by Udo Schmidt on Flickr
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matriarchcomputer · 4 years
Excuse me. I was not mentally prepared to see that screenshot of the picture of baby Gaby and her father. Now I'm left with an even bigger hole in my heart and so many more questions; How old was she when that was taken? Why is her mother missing from both the pictures we see? Did her father carry that around with him everywhere, or was is just a convenient place to hide the computer disk? Why do I feel these feelz?
I know the feeling, anon! Sometimes when I think about the trio, my heart just aches! Like, compare these pictures: 
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Doesn’t it look like the same day!? Same outfit, same ties in her hair?! Mr. Schmidt must have been good friends or even family to Dr. Teller, and Gaby’s mother must not have been around to take care of her when he was gone (Gaby was 1 years old when WWII broke out, so perhaps something happened to her mother during that time period?) My question is, why would Dr. Teller defect to America without trying to take Gaby with him? Was it impossible for him? Was leaving her his way of hopefully keeping her safe? Did Gaby know he was in America (before Waverly probably told her)? Was she still waiting for her father to come for her? She seemed surprised when Solo told her her father lived in the suburbs, owned a Cadillac, and had fat little dog called Schnitzel. 
According to [this] Gaby was probably around 7 years old when the picture was taken and that was probably the last memory she had with her father before he defected to America. (Check out the whole timeline in that link—it’s very interesting.)
I think Dr. Udo Teller kept that picture with him where ever he went. It was his last good memory with Gaby. He wouldn’t see her again until 18 years later. But it doesn’t seem she kept a picture of him… maybe she hadn’t forgiven him for leaving her behind? She considered Mr. Schmidt her father since he had raised for those 17 years until his death in 1963.
You feel these feelz because The Man From U.N.C.L.E has tragic characters if you think about it too much! 
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cool-critters · 3 years
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Anthaxia candens
Anthaxia candens is a jewel beetle. The biggest of its order in Europe.
photo credits:Jürgen Mangelsdorf, Udo Schmidt
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wsrnnova · 2 years
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Udo Schmidt
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onenicebugperday · 3 years
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Spotted flower beetle, Stephanorrhina julia, Scarabaeidae
Photo by Udo Schmidt
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fyeahdesertpeach · 3 years
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Issue #8, Dressing Down
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art-now-germany · 3 years
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- SOLD - Swamp Forest, Collection: S. Ribbe,, Wolfgang Schmidt
Swamp Forest - Sumpfwald Sincerely to: Andy Hall, Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Paul Allen, Edythe L. and Eli Broad, Rosa and Carlos de la Cruz, Patricia and Gustavo Phelps de Cisneros (Venezuela and Dominican Republic), Donald and Mera Rubell, Steven A. Cohen, Theo Danjuma, Maria Baibakova, Adrian Cheng, Ingvild Goetz (München), Victoria and David Beckham, Leonardo Dicaprio, Alan Lau, Camilla Barella, Ralph DeLuca, Arthur de Ganay, Ramin Salsali, Moises Cosio, Pedro Barbosa, Monique and Max Burger, Joaquin Diez-Cascon, Luciano Benetton, Roman Abramovich and Dasha Zhukova (Russia), Robbie Antonio (Philippines), Hélène and Bernard Arnault (France), Maria and Bill Bell (United States), Peter Benedek (United States), Debra and Leon Black (United States), Christian and Karen Boros (Germany), Irma and Norman Braman (United States), Peter Brant (United States), Basma Al Sulaiman, Marc Andreessen, Laura and John Arnold, Camilla Barella, Swizz Beatz, Claudia Beck, Andrew Gruft, Robert and Renée Belfer, Lawrence Benenson, Frieder Burda (Germany), Richard Chang (United States), Kim Chang-il (Korea), David Chau and Kelly Ying (China), Pierre T.M. Chen (Taiwan), Adrian Cheng (China), Kemal Has Cingillioglu (United Kingdom), Nicolas Berggruen, Jill and Jay Bernstein, Ernesto Bertarelli, James Brett, Jim Breyer, Christian Bührle, Valentino D. Carlotti, Edouard Carmignac, Trudy and Paul Cejas, Dimitris Daskalopoulos (Greece), Zöe and Joel Dictrow (United States), George Economou (Greece), Alan Faena (Argentina), Mark Falcone and Ellen Bruss (United States), Amy and Vernon Faulconer (United States), Howard and Patricia Farber (United States), Larry and Marilyn Fields (United States), Marie Chaix, Michael and Eva Chow, Frank Cohen, Michael and Eileen Cohen, Isabel and Agustín Coppel, Anthony D'Offay, Hélène and Michel David-Weill, Antoine de Galbert, Ralph DeLuca, Amanda and Glenn Fuhrman (United States), Danielle and David Ganek (United States), Ken Griffin (United States), Agnes Gund (United States), Steven and Kathy Guttman (United States), Andrew and Christine Hall (United States), Lin Han (China), Henk and Victoria de Heus-Zomer (Holland), Grant Hill (United States), Maja Hoffmann (Switzerland), Erika Hoffmann-Koenige (Germany), Tiqui Atencio Demirdjian, Beth Rudin DeWoody, Eric Diefenbach and JK Brown, David C. Driskell, Mandy and Cliff Einstein, Rebecca and Martin Eisenberg, Ginevra Elkann, Tim and Gina Fairfax, Dana Farouki, Michael and Susan Hort (United States), Guillaume Houzé (France), Wang Jianlin (China), Dakis Joannou (Greece), Alan Lau (China), Joseph Lau (China), Melva Bucksbaum and Raymond Learsy (United States), Agnes and Edward Lee (United Kingdom), Aaron and Barbara Levine (United States), Adam Lindemann (United States), Eugenio López (Mexico), Jho Low (China), Susan and Leonard Feinstein, Nicoletta Fiorucci, Josée and Marc Gensollen, Alan and Jenny Gibbs, Noam Gottesman, Florence and Daniel Guerlain, Paul Harris, Barbara and Axel Haubrok, Alan Howard, Fatima and Eskandar Maleki (United Kingdom), Martin Margulies (United States), Peter Marino (United States), Donald Marron (United States), David MartÍnez (United Kingdom and Mexico), Raymond J. McGuire (United States), Rodney M. Miller Sr. (United States), Simon and Catriona Mordant (Australia), Arif Naqvi (United Kingdom), Peter Norton (United States), Shi Jian, Elton John, Tomislav Kličko, Mo Koyfman, Jan Kulczyk, Svetlana Kuzmicheva-Uspenskaya, Pierre Lagrange, Eric and Liz Lefkofsky, Robert Lehrman, François Odermatt (Canada), Bernardo de Mello Paz (Brazil), José Olympio & Andréa Pereira (Brazil), Catherine Petitgas (United Kingdom), Victor Pinchuk (Ukraine), Alden and Janelle Pinnell (United States),Ron and Ann Pizzuti (United States), Michael Platt (Switzerland), Miuccia Prada and Patrizio Bertelli (Italy), Howard and Cindy Rachofsky (United States), Mitchell and Emily Rales (United States), Dan Loeb, George Lucas, Ninah and Michael Lynne, Lewis Manilow, Marissa Mayer, David Mirvish, Lakshmi Mittal, Valeria Napoleone, John Paulson, Amy and John Phelan, Ellen and Michael Ringier (Switzerland), David Roberts (United Kingdom), Hilary and Wilbur L. Ross Jr. (United States), Dmitry Rybolovlev (Russia), Lily Safra (Brazil),Tony Salamé (Lebanon), Patrizia Sandretto (Italy), Eric Schmidt (United States), Alison Pincus, Heather Podesta, Colette and Michel Poitevin, Thomas J. and Margot Pritzker, Bob Rennie, Craig Robins, Deedie and Rusty Rose, Stephen Ross, Alex Sainsbury, Alain Servais (Belgium), Carlos Slim (Mexico), Julia Stoschek (Germany), Budi Tek (Indonesia), Janine and J. Tomilson Hill III (United States), Trevor Traina (United States), Alice Walton (United States), Robert & Nicky Wilson (United Kingdom), Elaine Wynn (United States), Lu Xun (China), Muriel and Freddy Salem, Denise and Andrew Saul, Steven A. Schwarzman, Carole Server and Oliver Frankel, Ramin Salsali, David Shuman, Stefan Simchowitz, Elizabeth and Frederick Singer, Jay Smith and Laura Rapp, Jeffrey and Catherine Soros, Jerry Yang and Akiko Young (United States), Liu Yiqian and Wang Wei (China), Anita and Poju Zabludowicz (United Kingdom), Jochen Zeitz (South Africa), Qiao Zhibing (China), Jerry Speyer and Katherine G. Farley, Susana and Ricardo Steinbruch, Kai van Hasselt, Francesca von Habsburg, David Walsh, Artur Walther, Derek and Christen Wilson, Michael Wilson, Owen Wilson, Zhou Chong, Doris and Donald Fisher, Ronnie and Samuel Heyman, Marie-Josee and Henry R. Kravis, Evelyn and Leonard Lauder, Jo Carole and Ronald S. Laude, Francois Pinault (France), Udo Brandhost (Köln), Harald Falckenberg (Hamburg), Anna and Joseph Froehlich (Stuttgart), Hans Grothe (Bremen), UN Knecht (Stuttgart), Arendt Oetker (Köln), Inge Rodenstock (Grünwald), Ute and Rudolf Scharpff (Stuttgart), Reiner Speck (Köln), Eleonore and Michael Stoffel (Köln), Reinhold Würth (Niedernhall), Wilhelm and Gaby Schürmann, Ivo Wessel, Heiner and Celine Bastian, Friedrich Karl Flick, Monique and Jean-Paul Barbier-Mueller (Genf), Christa and Thomas Bechtler (Zürich), David Bowie (Lausanne), Ulla and Richard Dreyfus (Binningen und Gstaad), Georges Embiricos (Jouxtens and Gstaad), Friedrich Christian "Mick" Flick (Hergiswil and Gstaad), Esther Grether (Bottmingen), Donald Hess (Bolligen), Elsa and Theo Hotz (Meilen), Baroness Marion and Baron Philippe Lambert (Genf), Gabi and Werner Merzbacher (Zürich), Robert Miller (Gstaad), Philip Niarchos (St. Moritz), Jacqueline and Philippe Nordmann (Genf), Maja Oeri and Hans Bodenmann (Basel), George Ortiz (Vandoeuvres), Graf and Gräfin Giuseppe Panza di Biumo (Massagno), Ellen and Michael Ringier (Zürich), Andrew Loyd Webber, Steve Martin, Gerhard Lenz, Elisabeth and Rudolf Leopold.
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burnt-cinnamon · 3 years
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Kjars Winzig and Udo Schmidt from The Desert Peach.
The end is the beginning is the end.  
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lycomorpha · 3 years
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Drawing paper review: Fabriano Classico 5
Hello lovely people. Time for another drawing paper review! This time it’s a pad from fancy Fabriano. And WHEW does it seem like a contrast to the last review (W&N cartridge paper, which I loved.) This Classico 5 used to be my fav, but how things change…
Fabriano Classico 5 details
Source: Jackson’s art online
Brand: Fabriano (Italian paper producer that dates back to 1264)
Description: off-white 300gsm, mould-made, 50% cotton, surface-sized, acid-free, hot press (smooth finish) watercolour paper. Apparently the Royal Society of Botanical Artists thinks it’s the Best Shit
Price: £12.70 for 25 A5 sheets in a spiral pad (spendy)
TL;DR review: I’ve used this paper for a while, and although I love it because it’s comfortable like an old shoe... The surface falls apart like my bad fucking knitting; too damn fast if we’re being rly honest. It holds colour well and feels just the right smoothness to draw on. But sadly, it can’t take as much layering or pencil detailing as I really need. *Sigh.* Maybe it’s time to accept that Legion Stonehenge fine art paper is my new bestest fav?
Blue tack test: 3 out of 3. However, over time, there has been damage to the corner of this drawing where I tacked/unstuck it from my board
Shading test: Not great. At layer 4 and 6 I noticed disturbance of the paper fibres, and by layer 7 it was a bit knackered. The pencil dug into the paper with very little pressure at that stage. Didn’t finish layer 8
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What did I draw: a spotted Pachyrhynchus weevil (reference image by Udo Schmidt here) in oil-based pigment pencils (Faber Castell Polychromos) & fineliner (Staedtler pigment liner.) I’m also drawing a Doliops longhorn beetle that mimics it on the same sheet (reference by Cabras & Barševskis here)
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Drawing experience
Humans are all susceptible to bias, unconscious or otherwise (we can be kinda dickweasely like that.) And I admit; I have a bias in favour of Fabriano papers, because of the people I associate it with, and the work I used to make with it. But these days I am all about my pencils. And… *sharp intake of breath*… This paper may not be the best for colour pencils (at least not for me anymore)
There. I said it.
Listen. I used this paper for all my chronic life pencil drawings. It’s not a BAD paper to draw on. But there are other papers in the same price bracket that perform better for colour pencil. I guess that’s because the surface of the paper is optimised for watercolour (as many nice smooth papers are.) It doesn’t take as kindly as I want to excessive pencil detailing and layers of shading.
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This paper feels warm and smooth, but it isn’t too smooth, so it doesn’t get claggy with oily pencils like Polychromos. It’s a tad heavy for my liking these days, but it isn’t spongy like the Bockingford paper I tried. Lines go on easy and it holds colour nicely. It comes in a sturdy pad that survives getting flung about in my travel bag (although I do wrap elastic bands around pads, to stop drawings getting smudged when pages move in transit)
Grand. But then… As a drawing progresses… Problems start to appear, specifically
The paper surface breaks up like a frickin wet turd after relatively few layers of pencil (compared to e.g. Stongehenge or Strathmore papers)
Polychromos pencils are not particularly hard, but when the surface started to break up, fine details became difficult because the fine pencil points disturbed the surface even more
The surface holds up even less well to solid erasers (although putty erasers did ok)
And that’s the crux of the problem I have with this paper today that makes me very sad. I’m happy with how my drawing skills are progressing, I wanna keep falling down the detail-rabbit-hole, but I don’t have the time or spoons for faffing about with paper that won’t hold up to layers of shading and lots of pointy detailing. Nopetty-fucken-nope.
I’m so sorry Fabriano. I know this paper is intended for watercolour really, and maybe my gripes are unfair in light of that. But drawing artists sometimes rely on watercolour papers too, and I think we have better options these days. So it’s been a blast, but I’m moving on.
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Real talk, I’ve used this paper for plenty of drawings that worked out well. If you already use it and love it? I ain’t here to talk you out of it. Also, I’m not binning my pads of Classico 5. I just won’t be using them for anything heavy on the pencil layers. I’ll be switching to Stonehenge fine art paper for detailed pencil work that needs to last.
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