#UEFA European Championship
For Croatia and Belgium supporters, I wanna remember one thing that maybe could help a little bit
Once upon a time there was a national team called Netherlands, they won just an European championship but 0 world cups
They also reached 2 WC finals in a row but never won (74 and 78 but also 3rd in euro 76)
And when you reach WC final twice in a row, it means that your team is really great
But still 0 WC so I think they felt a bit like Belgium and Croatia of these years
Great teams, nothing won, years go away, players retire and you have just to wait and hope that next players will be good too
Netherlands some years after those wc, succeeded to win an European championship with other great players, than in 2010 reached WC final once again
But anyway they'll be always remembered for sure in history of football
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claudiosuenaga · 1 year
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O futebol e suas conexões maçônicas
Nem mesmo os mais fanáticos torcedores, incluindo jogadores e dirigentes, sabem que o futebol foi criado por maçons que usaram seus conhecimentos avançados e ocultos em alquimia para transformá-lo no esporte mais popular, rentável e adorado. As chaves essenciais desse jogo estão relacionadas a impulsos primitivos, símbolos, rituais e sacrifícios sagrados e são eles que iremos revelar e analisar a partir de agora.
Por Cláudio Suenaga
Como a febre do futebol monopoliza as atenções neste momento, aproveitemos para falar das muitas conexões do esporte bretão com a Maçonaria.
Certamente nem mesmo os mais apaixonados, fanáticos e devotos torcedores, sem mencionar os profissionais diretamente envolvidos como dirigentes, jornalistas, comentaristas, narradores e até técnicos e jogadores, sabem que as primeiras regras do moderno futebol foram elaboradas em 26 de outubro de 1863 numa reunião de maçons na Freemason’s Tavern, Great Queen Street nº 11, ao lado da Freemasons Hall, em Londres, ao mesmo tempo em que se formava a Associação de Futebol Inglês.
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Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields. Arte de After John Nixon (1760-1818), publicado em European Magazine (por volta de 1800). Fonte: Royal Academy.
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A Football Association nasceu em 1863 no Freemasons' Tavern, hoje The Freemason's Arms Pub, perto de Covent Garden, em Londres. O Freemasons' Hall de fica do outro lado da rua. Fotos: Freemasons for dummies.
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A Football Association foi formada por proposta de Ebenezer Cobb Morley na Freemasons Tavern que ficava neste local. O futebol moderno nasceu neste dia 26 de outubro de 1863. Foto: London Remembers.
Nessa reunião participavam os representantes da “Liga de Rugby”, que eram a favor de permitir o uso das mãos, e da “Liga de Harrow”, inclinados a permitir apenas o uso dos pés e da cabeça. Os que eram favoráveis a permitir o uso das mãos retiraram-se da reunião, e foi assim que se estabeleceu a distinção entre rugby e futebol (soccer). O moderno rugby, cuja origem remonta aos gregos e romanos que disputavam jogos com esferas, episkyros e harpastum, surgiu em 1823 com William Webb Ellis (1806-1872), estudante da Rugby School – daí o nome –, que teria pego a bola com as mãos e seguido com ela até a linha de fundo adversária. Foi do rugby que surgiu o “futebol americano”.
As raízes maçônicas do futebol são vergonhosamente silenciadas. A mídia esportiva evita tocar no assunto. A omissão e cumplicidade dos jornalistas e historiadores é gritante. Antes que classifiquem tais atribuições como “lenda urbana” ou “teoria da conspiração”, recomendo que consultem o livro Laws of the Game (Regras do Jogo), de Adrian Roebuck, que traz as provas da formação da Football Association (Associação de Futebol) em 1863 e das primeiras regras do Futebol elaboradas após a reunião. Algumas páginas do livro estão expostas no National Football Museum (Museu Nacional do Futebol), em Manchester.
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Foto do manuscrito original Laws of the Game elaborado para e em nome da Football Association pelo desportista Ebenezer Cobb Morley (1831-1924) em 1863 em exibição no National Football Museum, em Manchester. A caligrafia à esquerda é de Cobb Morley e diz: “Reunião de 24 de novembro de 1863 - Taberna dos Maçons” (“Meeting 24th November 1863 - Freemasons Tavern”).
As origens do futebol moderno podem ser perscrutadas até a Antiguidade. A versão mais antiga do jogo que se assemelha ao estabelecido pela Maçonaria era praticada pelos chineses da dinastia Han no século III a.C., que o chamavam de ts’uh Kúh (cuju) e que consistia em lançar uma bola com os pés para uma pequena rede.
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O ts’uh Kúh chinês. Fonte: História del fútbol.
Cinco ou seis séculos depois, surgiu no Japão uma variante chamada kemari, que tinha um caráter mais cerimonial, sendo o objetivo do jogo manter uma bola no ar passando-a entre os jogadores. Curiosamente, o kemari é praticado até hoje no Japão em eventos culturais.
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O kemari pelo artista Akisato Ritoh (1799). Fonte: Japão em Foco.
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O kemari praticado durante um ritual xintoísta. Foto: DiscoverKyoto.
As conotações ocultas ritualísticas e sacrificiais do futebol transparecem e ficam mais evidentes no jogo de bola mesoamericano, praticado ao longo de mais de 3.000 anos pelos olmecas, astecas e maias em tempos pré-colombianos. Os astecas chamavam os olmecas de “povo borracha” (do nauatle ulli, “borracha”), pois atribuíam a origem do jogo de bola a esse povo. Uma dúzia de bolas de borracha, com diâmetros entre 10 e 20 cm, foram encontradas em El Manatí, no Estado de Veracruz, um local sacrificial olmeca. Datadas de 1600 a.C., essas bolas de borracha estavam juntas com outras oferendas rituais, indicando que o jogo já tinha conotações religiosas e rituais, como tem até hoje, embora disfarçadas e transfiguradas, aliás como é típico da Maçonaria.
Os sacrifícios humanos tornaram-se um desfecho habitual para as partidas de jogo de bola. Os jogos cerimoniais incluíam o sacrifício do capitão e de outros jogadores da equipe derrotada. O crânio de um perdedor podia ser utilizado como o núcleo à volta do qual se fazia uma nova bola.
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O pok ta pok maia.
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Aro de pok ta pok em Chichén Itzá, Yucatán, México. Foto: O Mundo é Seu.
Jogar o jogo de bola era participar na manutenção da ordem cósmica do universo e regeneração ritual da vida, expresso na luta entre os deuses do dia e da noite ou entre os deuses do céu e senhores do inframundo. A bola simbolizava o sol, a lua e as estrelas, e os aros o nascer do sol, o pôr-do-sol e os equinócios.
Os maias foram os que mais se dedicaram à construção de campos de jogo de bola, que eram considerados portais para o inframundo. Os nobres maias do Período Clássico Tardio (550-830) eram ao mesmo tempo guerreiros e jogadores de bola. Os prisioneiros de guerra jogavam bola com os vitoriosos, com um desfecho pré-determinado. Após o jogo, chamado de pok ta pok, os cativos eram decapitados e os seus corações eram arrancados num sacrifício de sangue. As paredes do principal campo de jogo de bola de Chichén Itzá, o maior da Mesoamérica, retrata o líder da equipe vencedora segurando a cabeça decapitada do líder perdedor, que se encontra de joelhos com sangue em forma de serpentes a jorrar do seu pescoço. Uma gravura em seis paineis de Chichén Itzá, mostra uma cena do Popol Vuh (registro documental da cultura maia produzido no século XVI) indicando o significado cosmológico do jogo de bola na cultura maia.
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Pintura com a representação do jogo maia no sítio arqueológico de Chichén Itzá. Foto de Tono Balaguer.
Já os astecas viam no jogo de bola, que chamavam de tlachtli, uma batalha entre as forças da noite lideradas pela lua e as estrelas representadas pela deusa Coyolxauhqui e os seus filhos Centzonuitznaua, e o sol personificado por Huitzilopochtli.
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O tlachtli consistia em tentar arremessar uma bola de látex através de um aro feito de pedra.
No Mediterrâneo, havia o harpasto (do latim harpastum, que significa "lágrima" ou "rasgado a força") em Roma, e o epísquiro (que significa "bola comum") na Grécia, que já possuíam muitas das característias do futebol moderno. O primeiro era disputado por duas equipes em um terreno retangular demarcado e dividido pela metade por uma linha. Os jogadores de cada equipe podiam passar uma pequena bola entre eles, e o objetivo do jogo era enviá-la ao campo. Essa variante muito popular entre os anos 700 e 800 foi introduzida nas Ilhas Britânicas. O epísquiro era jogado por duas equipes entre 12 e 14 jogadores cada aos quais se permitia o uso das mãos.
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Baixo-relevo que representa um jovem da Antiga Grécia a ensaiar um jogo de bola. Parte de uma estela de mármore encontrada em Pireu, 400-375 a.C. Museu Arqueológico Nacional, Atenas.
O quanto essas antigas práticas estão vinculadas com o costume dos invasores ingleses de chutarem a cabeça dos inimigos e com a violência do futebol moderno é discutível. Indubitável é o fato de que as regras do futebol foram determinadas pelo Grão-Mestre da Loja nº 11, daí porque uma partida é disputada entre duas equipes com 11 jogadores cada e quatro árbitros escalados para garantir que as normas maçônicas sejam cumpridas. Ademais, o 11 é um número icônico na alquimia, um dos mais usados pelos illuminati – os outros são o 9, o 13 e o 33 –, principalmente em eventos mundiais importantes, como por exemplo a Segunda Guerra Mundial, que terminou exatamente às 11h11, o pouso lunar da Apollo 11, o ataque às Torres Gêmeas de 11 de Setembro e outros eventos de monta.
As primeiras equipes foram duas universidades inglesas – Oxford e Cambridge, que, como sabemos, são membros honorários da Ordem dos Maçons.
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Todos os emblemas e escudos dos clubes de futebol inglês possuem símbolos maçônicos e até escancaradamente satânicos, como o Manchester United.
Em cada detalhe deste “esporte rei”, encontraremos as chaves básicas da simbologia ocultista maçônica.
Convencionou-se que o jogo seria disputado em um retângulo verde, de grama natural ou sintética, com um arco em cada lado do campo. O verde é a cor que simboliza a eternidade. O retângulo é dividido em dois quadrados, sendo o quadrado duplo um símbolo de iniciação por excelência. Neste símbolo está inscrito a seção dourada ou divina.
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No centro do campo há um círculo com um ponto no centro dele. É o símbolo do ouro na alquimia ou o símbolo do sol, tão recorrente desde tempos antigos.
Os cantos do campo de jogo que se delimitam em quatro simbolizam os quatro arcanos menores do tarô: Terra (Ouros), Ar (Espadas), Fogo (Paus) e Água (Copas).
A soma dos jogadores de ambas as equipes é de 22, assim como 22 são os hierofantes (sacerdotes Illuminati). 22 também é um número iniciatório ritual icônico. O sânscrito possui 22 letras principais, assim como 22 são os grandes arcanos do tarô e os polígonos regulares da matemática.
Em uma partida, se uma das equipes estiver com menos de 7 jogadores, o jogo não pode prosseguir, assim como uma sessão maçônica não pode ser aberta se não estiverem presente 7 membros.
O objetivo estipulado é, do centro do campo (o deus exterior), fazer penetrar a bola (o deus interior, despertado pela iluminação) no arco oponente (o ego, o templo) com qualquer parte do corpo que não seja as mãos ou os braços, principalmente com os pés. A equipe que marcar mais gols em 90 minutos sagra-se vencedora.
A bola, composta de pentagramas e hexagramas (símbolos ocultistas e satânicos), simboliza o nosso planeta, que é pisoteado por hierofantes. Uma das equipes representa as forças da “luz” (o Sol), enquanto a outra as forças das trevas (a Lua), daí a tradição das equipes usarem cores claras e escuras para se distinguirem. As bolas das Copas de 1970 a 1994 eram pentágonos-hexágonos preto e branco, como o piso dos templos maçônicos, que simboliza a dualidade interna.
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O jogo evoluiu mantendo o espírito maçônico de "igualdade e fraternidade" – sem distinção de nacionalidade, raça, ideologia, religião ou sexo – da sua fundação. Independentemente do resultado, os jogadores trocavam camisas no final da partida, uma expressão que enfatiza o valor da tolerância, outro princípio maçônico.
Todo esse bacanal maçônico, como não poderia deixar de ser, é acompanhado de orgias e sacrifícios humanos que visam aplacar os deuses do sol e da lua. Não é à toa que brigas entre torcedores e jogadores, agressões, assassinatos, devassidão, embriaguez, etc., desde sempre fizeram parte do futebol.
A Maçonaria tratou de espalhar o futebol para todos os cantos do mundo fundando clubes, associações e incentivando o desporto.
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Um exemplo disso é a nossa grande rival Argentina, onde o futebol chegou por meio de viajantes ingleses, muitos dos quais eram maçons. Entre 1901 e 1910 foram criados 32 clubes, todos ligados a estações ferroviárias e lojas maçônicas.
Muitos dos imigrantes italianos que se estabeleceram no bairro de La Boca, nas margens do Riachuelo, em Buenos Aires, eram maçons.
O River Plate também foi fundado por maçons (em 25 de maio de 1901), e as cores que ostenta em sua camisa correspondem ao avental e a faixa vermelha do Mestre Maçom da época. O seu primeiro campo foi em Sarandi, coincidindo com a linha ferroviária sul de Buenos Aires. A presença de funcionários e empregados britânicos no desenvolvimento ferroviário argentino favoreceu a criação de lojas maçônicas nas imediações das estações. A exemplo da Argentina, muitos outros países tiveram os seus clubes de futebol fundados pela Maçonaria.
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Três poderosos dirigentes envolvidos em inúmeros escândalos de corrupção eram maçons: Nicolás Leoz (1928-2019), dirigente esportivo paraguaio que foi presidente da Confederação Sul-americana de Futebol (CONMEBOL) entre 1986 e 2013, Júlio Grondona (1931-2014), presidente da Associação Argentina de Futebol (Asociación del Fútbol Argentino) de 1979 a 2014 e vice-presidente Executivo e Presidente Financeiro da Federação Internacional de Futebol (FIFA), e Ricardo Teixeira (1947-), presidente da Confederação Brasileira de Futebol (CBF) de 1989 a 2012. Os três dirigentes são maçons e frequentavam a mesma loja maçônica em Foz do Iguaçu (PR), onde uma vez por mês traçavam os destinos do futebol sul-americano.
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Nicolás Leoz (esq, de terno preto), Júlio Grondona (extrema esq., de perfil) e Ricardo Teixeira (centro) em reunião do Comitê Executivo da Conmebol, em 28 de abril de 2010. Foto: Getty Images.
No início dos anos 90, eles decidiram dividir todas as glórias do futebol continental apenas entre Argentina e Brasil. Não por acaso, quase todos os títulos da Libertadores da América desde então foram apenas para os dois países. Eles contavam com o apoio de diversas sociedades secretas europeias que atuavam juntas com a UEFA (Union of European Football Associations), a FIFA, a Nike e a Adidas, patrocinadores da AFA (Asociación del Fútbol Argentino) e da CBF. O objetivo principal era a revelação e superexposição de craques para serem vendidos à Europa em um mercado de bilhões de dólares em negociações, patrocínios, venda de camisas, etc.
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Nos últimos anos, a FIFA esteve envolvida em diversos escândalos de corrupção, entre eles o de arranjar os resultados de jogos. É evidente que a FIFA, intimamente ligada à máfia empresarial que comanda o futebol, tem nítida e assumida preferência por determinados clubes e jogadores em detrimento de outros, já que rendem centenas de milhões de dólares por evento. Pululam denúncias por parte de técnicos de que patrocinadores, empresários e dirigentes lhes impunham a convocação de determinados jogadores sob suas tutelas.
A FIFA, assim como toda a estrutura de poder no topo da pirâmide, está associada com a Maçonaria e os Illuminati e por isso usa e abusa de simbologia astrológica, numerológica, cabalística, ocultista e satânica em geral para deixar sua marca nos indivíduos e controlar as massas. Pesquisadores e jornalistas independentes, taxados pejorativamente de “teóricos da conspiração”, puseram tudo isso à mostra de forma cabal nos últimos anos.
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miamarie1960 · 2 years
The Swedish players in the National soccer team competing in the European championships can get up to 57,000$ each if they win the title. And the guaranteed sum they get for just going to the tournament is about 24,500$.
And partners and children of players get hotels and traveling paid by the Swedish Football Association for 2 games during the competition.
A big step in the right direction for this team who has been pretty shabbily treated by their association in spite of being medalist in many championships.
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fanspel · 2 years
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seven7arts · 2 months
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They are championship again! Best football feminine team! || Spain women's national team 🇪🇸
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if i haven't made ticket application yet, is it possible to make one on december 2 when sales start again?
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calciopics · 10 months
New Trafford
A stoppage time penalty save from City goalkeeper James Trafford ensured England were named UEFA Euro Under-21 champions for the first time since 1984 with a 1-0 win over Spain.
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The stopper denied La Roja captain Abel Ruiz from 12 yards in the 99th minute, before making a fine reaction save on the rebound.
It preserved an astonishing record of England not conceding a single goal throughout the tournament, while Trafford also became the first 'keeper in Euro U21 history to earn six successive clean sheets.
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silver-survey · 7 hours
Uefa European Championship 2024
Feel free to suggest any poll you would like to see via chat or comment or ask :)
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n7india · 5 months
Euro Cup Draw : जर्मनी बनाम स्कॉटलैंड में शुरुआती भिड़ंत, स्पेन और इटली फिर से भिड़ेंगे
Hamburg (Germany) : 2024 यूईएफए यूरोपीय चैम्पियनशिप के ग्रुप ड्रा का यहां अनावरण किया गया, जिसमें धारक इटली लगातार पांचवें यूरो कप खिताब के लिए स्पेन से भिड़ेगा, जबकि मेजबान जर्मनी 14 जून, 2024 को ग्रुप चरण के शुरुआती गेम में स्कॉटलैंड से भिड़ेगा। अंतिम टूर्नामेंट 14 जून को म्यूनिख में शुरू होगा, जिसमें मेजबान जर्मनी ग्रुप ए में स्कॉटलैंड से भिड़ेगा। हं���री और स्विट्जरलैंड ग्रुप को पूरा…
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Learn English Through Football Podcast: 2023 September International Break
In this football language podcast we look back at some of the language from the recent international break, including ‘maintain their 100% record‘ and ‘to be too good for‘ and we look ahead to the next round of matches in the Premier League. Don’t forget we have hundreds more explanations of football language in our football glossary and we also have a page full of football cliches. If you have…
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Now take off the clubs' kits and put in the national teams' kits waiting for Nations League Finals, some Euro 2024 qualifications, Euro 2023 u21, and then Women's World Cup 😍
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universatpro · 1 year
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Hola, familia de Tumblr. Hoy quiero hablaros de uno de los clubes de fútbol más famosos del mundo: el Real Madrid. Específicamente, quiero hablar sobre su competencia favorita: el Campeonato de Europa.
Para quien no lo sepa, la Eurocopa -también conocida como UEFA Champions League- es un torneo de fútbol que reúne a los mejores clubes de toda Europa. Es una competición que lleva más de 60 años y el Real Madrid ha sido una fuerza dominante durante gran parte de ese tiempo.
De hecho, el Real Madrid ha ganado el Campeonato de Europa un récord de 13 veces, más que cualquier otro club en la historia. Y para muchos madridistas, esta es la competición que más esperan cada año. Es una oportunidad de ver a su amado club enfrentarse a los mejores equipos de Europa y mostrarle al mundo de qué están hechos.
Pero, ¿por qué la Eurocopa es tan importante para el Real Madrid? Bueno, en primer lugar, es una oportunidad para consolidar su legado como uno de los mejores clubes de fútbol de todos los tiempos. Ganar el Campeonato de Europa no es fácil: requiere habilidad, determinación y un poco de suerte. Pero cuando el Real Madrid gana, es un momento que los fanáticos recordarán en los años venideros.
Además, la Eurocopa es una oportunidad para que el Real Madrid muestre su talento en el escenario más grande posible. Cada año, millones de personas en todo el mundo sintonizan para ver el torneo, y el Real Madrid es siempre una de las principales atracciones.
Así que ahí lo tienen, amigos: un vistazo rápido a por qué el Campeonato de Europa es tan importante para el Real Madrid. Si eres un ávido fanático del fútbol o simplemente alguien que ama el gran fútbol, ​​este es un torneo que siempre vale la pena ver. Así que toma algunos bocadillos, siéntate frente al televisor y prepárate para ver algunos de los mejores partidos de fútbol del mundo.
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suurfl · 1 year
The wikipedia "random article" thing is crazy.
Like it can just go from 'majestic norwegian fjord' to '2007 UEFA European Under-21 Championship qualilfication preliminary round' in one click
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chiefnooniensingh · 2 years
Daphne van Domselaar literally the only player in the field today
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adascore · 3 months
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pairings: alexia putellas x lyonnais!reader / lucy bronze x lyonnais!reader / mary earps x lyonnais!reader / sarina wiegman x lyonnais!reader + mapi and ingrid cameos!
warnings: very awkward. angst. swearing.
author's note: lucy meddling with her two captains... nothing good can come of that, can it? hope you all enjoy this third part! also I’m aware the gif is not the right award ceremony, but couldn’t find a better gif.
part 1 | part 2 | masterlist
With the end of a season also came the prestigious award shows, something both Y/N and Alexia were all too familiar with. Although it was different this time around; it would be the first time they would actually go up against each other in the big categories.
It was clear to everyone who would be walking away with each one of them. Not only had Y/N walked away with both the European Championship and the Champions League title, she'd been named the MVP of both those tournaments. Some of the media were trying to hype it up as another competition between them, but even Alexia was aware she had no chance of walking away with anything as long as Y/N was nominated for it as well.
First one up had been the UEFA Women's Player of the Year, which Y/N had taken home, alongside Sarina who had won for Women's Coach of the Year.
That was followed up by the Ballon d'Or. It was a big deal as they were the clear frontrunners, and whoever won would become the first player to win the accolade for a second time. Again, Y/N made history and had accepted the gold award. Alexia hadn't gone to the ceremony, citing illness as the reason why.
The England captain had been upset by her absence, she hadn't seen nor spoken with Alexia in months and had hoped the ceremony in France would have been an opportunity to catch up. She'd smiled when the midfielder sent her a congratulatory message, along with a shout-out on her Instagram story- stating how she was deserving of the award.
It would take a few more months before they'd see each other, at ‘The Best FIFA Football Awards' in Paris. Along with being nominated for Best Women's Player, they would both be featured in the Women's World 11.
The first interaction came when they were hastily put next to each other as they received their trophies. As the cameras clicked, Y/N and Alexia exchanged smiles that masked the tension between them.
''I think it would be difficult for anyone to beat this team.'' Lucy grinned, speaking into the microphone that was attached to her cheek.
The women received another applause and made their way off the stage, handing over their trophies that would be handed back to them at the end of the ceremony.
A few winners later, Kylian took the stage to present ‘The Best FIFA Women's Player' award. They showed a pleasant montage of Alexia, Y/N and Alex- a compilation of their season's highlights.
Y/N felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. She knew the PSG player would call out her name, but you never knew if they wanted to stir up some controversy.
The England captain was sat on the first row, meanwhile some of her teammates and fellow female players were scattered in the other rows. Alex sat right behind her, while Alexia sat on the other side of the room with her Barcelona teammates.
The room hushed as Kylian unfolded the envelope. ''And the Best FIFA Women's Player is… Y/N Y/L.''
Applause erupted, and Y/N nervously got up from her seat. On the pitch, the striker was confident, but making speeches in front of a full room filled with people in power and fellow players, was not something she had gotten used to.
The Brit turned around and reached her hand out for Alex to take, a silent sign of respect for the season the American had had. She would have done the same if Alexia had been seated there, but walking to the other side of the room would have taken too much time.
Y/N carefully walked up the stairs, trying not to fall as she was wearing heels. Kylian noticed, and made his way over to offer his arm to her. She smiled, and accepted, holding onto the striker's arm.
He congratulated her, pressing three celebratory kisses on her cheek. ''Félicitations, Championne.'' (''Congratulations, Champion.'') Kylian said.
''Merci.'' (''Thank you.'') Y/N grinned, and she took her place at the microphone.
''Uh, thank you so much to all the people that voted. It's a big compliment to have your fellow players and coaches vote for you, so thank you so much.'' She started off, her voice a bit shaky as her eyes darted around the room.
''I, also, quickly want to acknowledge Alex and Alexia. It's an honour to be nominated alongside you, and I want to thank you for all the contributions you have made so far and for the great football we get to see from you. Thank you.'' Y/N glanced at both of them, giving them a nod as the crowd applauded them.
The camera panned to both women. The American striker mouthed a ''Thank you'' to the younger player, once teammates at Lyon. Alexia clapped, but maintained a composed facade.
She had also clapped when the Brit's name was announced, concealing any type of disappointment she felt. While she had anticipated the outcome, the sight of Y/N claiming the award instead of her was something hard to swallow- in the same way it had been hard to watch her rival lift the Champions League trophy the previous year.
Her applause was genuine, and deep inside she knew that Y/N deserved it more than her, but Alexia would never admit that out loud. As the striker continued her speech, the midfielder struggled with being happy for her colleague, while dealing with her own unspoken desire for recognition.
Lucy, seated beside Alexia, offered her a knowing smile. The Barcelona defender had seen it from close by, how everything was a competition for them. She'd noticed it at her new club, where the lost finals against Lyon served as reminders for the team to do better, and to not let that happen again. She'd noticed it in her England teammate, and how tense she had been before the friendly against Spain.
On the other side sat Mapi, concerned over how her friend was handling it. ''It's okay, Ale.'' She whispered in their native language.
''I know, it's just an award.'' Alexia replied, not taking her eyes off Y/N.
The Spanish defender dropped it, giving Ingrid a look before focusing on the winner as well.
''… cause I couldn't have done it without them. Uh, yeah, congratulations to all the other winners as well. Thank you.'' Y/N concluded.
The audience applauded one last time, and she got off the stage. She hid her face in embarrassment as Mary whistled loudly, feeling hot as her friend hyped her up.
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After was seemed like forever, the ceremony was done.
Most attendees got up from their seats, but didn't leave the main hall as they walked over to catch up with people they knew or to get to know other people.
Y/N got up after about a minute, deciding to go talk to Christiane and Wendie, her Lyon teammates. However, the universe or someone called Lucy Bronze had better ideas.
''Hey, Captain.'' She heard the defender greeting her.
As the striker turned around, she was met with a surprise. There stood Lucy, accompanied by none other than Alexia Putellas. The Brit wore a smile, her eyes gleaming with mischief.
''Hi, Bronzey.'' Y/N responded, slightly caught off guard.
The English internationals shared a hug, Lucy whispering a congratulations in her ear. ''Thanks, you too.''
As the two parted, Y/N's eyes fell on an awkwardly standing Alexia.
''Y/N, meet Alexia. Alexia, this is Y/N.'' Lucy said, her eyes darting between the pair.
The two captains exchanged an uneasy glance. ''Uh, yeah, we know each other, Luce.'' The striker stated, feeling very uncomfortable with the situation.
Lucy chuckled, completely unfazed by the discomfort she had purposely created. ''Oh, I know. It's just that fans online were saying that they wanted me to have you guys become friends, so I'm just keeping my promise to them.''
Y/N and Alexia forcibly grinned at the admission, both aware of what people said about them on social media. The latter cleared her throat. ''Uh, congratulations again. You really deserve it.''
The Lyon player nodded, a somewhat more genuine smile appearing. ''Thanks, I appreciate. You as well, with the, uh, World 11.''
''Thank you.''
Another pause hung in the air, the atmosphere thick with awkwardness. It was as if their shared teammate had conspired to make this encounter as uncomfortable as possible.
''Oh, there's Sarina, excuse me, ladies.'' Lucy swiftly escaped, using their Dutch coach as part of her scheme.
That left the players facing each other. The tension was uncomfortable, and neither seemed eager to break the silence that had settled between them.
After a moment, Y/N was the first to give in. ''So, how is your knee doing?'' She asked, noticing the Spaniard was no longer holding onto her crutches.
Alexia's eyes briefly flickered towards Lucy, who was signing with her hands to keep going. ''Uh, good. Yeah, if everything goes to plan, I should be ready by the end of the season.'' She replied, a small smile present.
''So… World Cup ready then?''
The Catalan shifted on her feet at the mention of the tournament. ''That's delicate right now.''
''Oh, how, uh, is that situation going at the moment?'' Y/N had momentarily forgotten about the mutiny going on in the Spanish national team. She knew Alexia supported the girls that had made themselves unavailable, but they'd never had any conversations about it.
Alexia shrugged her shoulders. ''It's being worked on, it's… a lot.'' From the way she was speaking, her colleague could sense it wasn't a topic the midfielder wanted to happily chat about.
''I understand. I just want to say that a lot of people are behind you guys, and want to see change happen,'' Y/N softly spoke, ''me included.''
''Thank you.'' Alexia sounded genuinely grateful for her words.
Y/N has been a huge advocate for women's football ever since she became a professional player, so her acknowledging the Las 15's stance meant more to Alexia than she could express.
''Sorry, could I get a picture of you two?'' One of the official FIFA photographers interjected, pointing at the two of them.
The pair shared a look, seemingly asking without words if the other was okay with it. They nodded at each other, and hesitantly put their hands on one another's back, posing for the camera.
''Thank you.'' The man thanked them, walking over to another group of players.
''It was nice talking to you. I'm, uh, gonna see what my teammates are up to.'' Y/N politely excused herself. The conversation was turning out more bearable than how it started, but she still wanted nothing more than to leave.
''Same. Um, good luck with your matches, and maybe we see each other in the semifinals?'' Alexia hinted at a potential Champions League clash.
The Lyon striker chuckled. ''We'll see, Putellas. Have a nice night.''
As Y/N made her way to her teammates, Alexia watched her departure with mixed emotions. Yes, she was happy that they'd had a conversation. But, it was frustrating that there still seemed to be a wall between them, and a big one at that.
What was it that always held them back from truly opening up to one another?
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''You know she's going to kill you once she's finished with that conversation, right?'' Mary said to her fellow Lioness, subtly taking a glimpse at Alexia and Y/N.
Lucy smirked, her eyes barely leaving her two captains. ''Who? Y/N or Alexia?'' She laughed.
''Both.'' Sarina and Mary chorused, laughing now as well.
''Nah, they'll have to work together for that. Never gonna happen.'' She continued joking.
The England coach shook her head. ''Why are you doing this again?''
''Because I wanna have fun, and although I am happy with my little trophy, this show is super boring. Just want to spice things up,'' Lucy explained, ''besides, fans will love it. The Queens of football talking together. La Reina and La Reine.''
Sarina and Mary exchanged skeptical glances, unsure of how either players would react. ''I'm not so sure Y/N will appreciate your idea of fun.'' Mary commented.
''Oh, what could go wrong?'' The defender genuinely did not see the problem. ''See, they're even taking a picture together.'' Lucy pointed out, seeing the pair in front of the photographer.
After the picture, Y/N gracefully excused herself and began walking towards where Lucy, Mary, and Sarina were standing. She joined the trio with a forced smile, attempting to suppress any visible signs of annoyance.
''Nice reunion there?'' Sarina tried to lighten her captain up, noticing her gloomy expression.
''We talked.'' She answered. It wasn't a proper response, more like a factual statement.
Y/N wasn't sparing Lucy a glance, the defender, however, remained unfazed. ''That's nice.''
''Congrats, by the way, darling. No one deserves this more than you.'' Mary tried to deflect, not a fan of the tension. Sarina smiled at the reminder of all the awards her team collected. ''Yeah, congratulations.''
''Thank you, you too, Mearps. You almost made me cry with your speech. Sarina, you didn't make me cry, but yours was really nice as well.'' She turned to her coach, managing to still make a teasing comment.
Sarina laughed. ''Well, thank you.''
''Uh, I'm gonna say hi to my, uh, other teammates.'' Y/N nodded her head towards where Wendie and Christiane were standing with some of the Lyon staff.
She then glanced at Lucy. ''Or you want to set that up for me as well?'' She sarcastically chuckled.
''Hey, come on. I thought you guys were friends now.'' Lucy said, a lame attempt at defending herself.
''Who said that?'' Y/N frowned.
''Jill.'' The defender retorted.
''What a source,'' the captain scoffed, ''we're not friends, and I don't need you to make us friends.''
''How bad was that conversation that you're this pissed at me?'' Lucy asked, not expecting her friend to be this irritated over her actions.
''Just don't do that ever again. It was fucking embarrassing.'' With that, she made her way over to her Lyon teammates.
Mary and Sarina slowly glanced back to Lucy, whose smirk had been practically smacked off of her face.''What could go wrong, aye, Bronzey?''
On the other side of the room, Alexia carefully walked over to Mapi and Ingrid after Y/N excused herself from the conversation.
''You look like you need alcohol.'' The Spanish defender noted, taking in her friend's expression.
Alexia sighed, smoothing her hair down. ''Neither of us enjoyed that.''
''Lucia really did you dirty there.'' Mapi responded, glancing to where her teammate was speaking with the England camp.
Ingrid offered a sympathetic smile. ''I think she had good intentions, she meant it well.'' She chimed in.
The Barcelona captain nodded. ''I know, but it was so awkward.'' Alexia grimaced, cringing at the reminder of how the two football stars had just uneasily stood in front of one another.
''You'll be fine,'' Mapi caressed her back, ''one day you'll be able to laugh about this, trust me.''
Alexia gave her an unimpressed look. ''I'd rather not.''
The defender glanced at her girlfriend. ''So oblivious.'' She whispered to Ingrid.
''What was that?''
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calciopics · 9 months
2023 UEFA European Under-19 Championship - Final - Portugal 0-1 Italy
National Stadium - Ta' Qali - Malta 16.07.2023
Michael Kayode 19'
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