greekceltic · 2 months
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Building on some descriptions Thema tossed at me ichor vampire?? Dunno they're headless because I didn't feel like drawing heads
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celshii · 2 years
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my piece for @themazine​!!
please check it out and download it FREE here :D it’s full of so much quality work from extremely talented people!!
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themazine · 7 months
THEMA; an ORV zine - One year later
Hello everyone. This is Rook, lead mod for THEMA; an ORV zine, as well as a co-mod for our new zine Anchors Aweigh! a Lee Jihye zine. Today (September 30th) is the one year anniversary of THEMA;'s upload date, and I'd like to celebrate it in at least a small way. None of our moderators or contributors know I'm writing this, so let's get schmaltzy.
THEMA;, as some may know, was born as an act of pure love after I finished reading ORV at the end of 2021. For many years and through many different fandoms I had been threatening to run my own fanzine, but never found the right amount of drive necessary to bring a large public project like that to completion. As a lot people may be able to relate to, ORV completely broke me (LOL). I've done so many things I either haven't done in years or have never done before because of ORV; from fic writing, to designing and manufacturing merchandise, to publishing a frankly absurd amount of solo minizines, and more. I'm incredibly grateful that THEMA; got to be one of the first things on my continually growing list of experiences all thanks to a webnovel I read randomly one day. This too is ORV.
I'm not sure if one can truly claim to be the #1 fan of something, but I believe I can claim the title of #1 enthusiast for THEMA; at the very least. To this day I find myself full of overwhelming affection for our humble little PDF. Of course, you can never truly read something for the first time more than once; but every re-read I've done of THEMA; in whole or in part draws up the same well of emotions as it did over a year ago, when the first round of check-ins were submitted by our contributors. I feel only love when thinking of this project (and am comfortable enough to admit that it has made me tear up on multiple occasions, including today).
I thanked everyone last year, and I'll thank them all again a year later, and the next year, and the year after that:
Thank you to my fellow THEMA; mods, for taking a chance on an overly anxious newcomer to the ORV fandom, and for helping bring the zine to life. To Sona, Maya, Sajani, and Jay, I owe each of you so much. Thank you.
Thank you to our wonderful contributors, for your enthusiasm, dedication, and passion for the project. Every art piece and every word written is incredibly precious to me. The zine would not have been the same without you. Thank you.
And thank you to you, for still reading this. Your reactions to the zine still fill me with joy a year later. There was so much love felt on that day, and there will always continue to be. I hope to share many more stories with everyone—moderator, contributor, and reader alike—in the future.
Happy anniversary, THEMA; zine!
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untouchvbles · 1 year
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Lancia EVO37
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kneipe · 1 year
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brandenburg 2022
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dilib · 10 months
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Studio assets
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geschichtenimperium · 3 hours
Der Elefantengeschichten-Sammelband "Ein Rüssel voll Abstand" ist vorbestellbar
Diese Nachricht hatte ich bereits letzte Woche verkünden wollen, aber Amazon hatte das eBook noch nicht freigegeben. Das sah ich dann eine Woche später. Das Cover war senkrecht, obwohl es mir beim einrichten anders angezeigt worden war. Nun ist dass korrigiert. “Ein Rüssel voll Abstand”, so heißt der zweite Sammelband mit meinen Elefantengeschichten. Jetzt ist der Titel raus, denn das Buch ist…
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helendalibor · 4 days
Schreibblick 16/24
Die vergangene Woche ist nicht so meine ultimative Schreibwoche gewesen. Erst plagen mich wieder Kopfschmerzen und die damit verbundene bleierne Müdigkeit, dass ich kaum etwas schreiben kann und dann hänge ich in diesem blöden Kapitel fest und komme nicht weiter. Ich ärgere mich maßlos, aber es wird nicht besser bis dann doch der Knoten geplatzt ist. Seitdem geht es mit dem Schreiben wieder…
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rastronomicals · 3 months
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6:48 AM EST January 16, 2024:
Peer Raben - "Thema" From the album Fassbinder - Peer Raben (1993)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
File under: New German Cinema Soundtrack
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craft2eu · 4 months
Internationaler Keramikwettbewerb Carouge - Bewerbungsschluss 01.03.2024
Seit 1987 veranstaltet die Stadt Carouge alle zwei Jahre einen internationalen Wettbewerb für zeitgenössische Keramik. Die nächste Ausgabe findet im Herbst 2024 statt. Im Laufe der Jahre hat sich dieser Wettbewerb zu einem wichtigen Treffen für immer mehr Künstler aus aller Welt entwickelt. Daraus entstanden eine dreimonatige Ausstellung im Carouge Museum sowie eine Publikation. Parallel zu…
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greekceltic · 2 months
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"I told you I have bad impulses."
Watching these two get to know each other has been mostly Junior being non-reactive and Jacky left to her own devices.
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thinkaboutchae · 5 months
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ʚ♡ɞ 🤍🪷🫧🐰🫶🏻
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themazine · 2 years
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THEMA; an ORV zine, is now available for download!
Thank you, everyone. We all hope you enjoy the story we've written for you!
🔹Download here; https://themazine.itch.io/thema
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my-life-fm · 5 months
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kneipe · 1 year
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brandenburg 2022
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twafordizzy · 5 months
A. F. Th. van der Heijden kondigt zich aan
bron beeld; demorgen.be Een kleinood is het: de Gevouwen woorden van schrijver A. F. Th. van der Heijden (1951), ondertitel: Brieven over de grillen van het vak. Het is midden jaren 70, vorige eeuw. Van der Heijden schrijft reeds voor het literair tijdschrift Tirade, stuurt poëzie naar uitgever Geert van Oorschot (1909-1987) en kondigt ondertussen aan dat proza wellicht een betere keus is. Val…
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