#The Tower The Wild Unknown Tarot
tarot-in-verse · 3 months
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if you're struggling don't give in to fatalism what are you not seeing?
-5 of wands/the tower/7 of wands wild unknown tarot
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thatspanishwitch · 5 months
What's coming up this December? ★ ☆
This reading is for entertainment purposes only, take what resonates leave what doesn't.
I'll be using The Labyrinth and The Wild Unknown Tarot decks, abreviated to L and WU for this post.
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Pile I ---------- Pile II ---------- Pile III
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Pile I
L Tarot: 2 Cups RV
WU Tarot: Temperance & 2 Coins RV
The two of cups can talk about two things mainly, self love or a relationship (be it romantic or otherwise) in this case, and due to later cards, I'm inclined to think it's the first. At the beginning of this month you're going to have struggles with your own self worth and how it's tied to work and your own productivity, how much money you can get (2 Coins Reversed).
The 2 of Coins in its reversed state tells me you're overcommitted to what you deem as work, it's starting to eat at you, others might not notice yet but you know this. Mind you, work is there for a reason, pay your bills, do what you need to do, but also take time to relax, have in mind your production is not all you are.
The Temperance card does tell that you'll be able to balance yourself, maybe getting further into your own spirituality, maybe just taking time for self care after the hard work, it advises to practice balance and moderation.
L Tarot: Knight Swords RV
WU Tarot: Son Cups RV & 4 Sword
The combination of the Knight of Sword reversed and the Son of Cups reversed points out how you'll likely start getting your motivation back, that you'll get a new idea that motivates you to continue moving forward, something that gives you energy and makes you happy. That being said you'll feel like something is holding you back.
Maybe you feel like you'll go back to the burn out state, maybe there's a rivalry in the background, someone who's actively, or not, telling you not to do this idea. While you shouldn't be doubting your intuition you should actively ask yourself what could you realistically lose from this endeavor.
In this time you should consider that question, relaxing and contemplating how to actually put into action that project, meditation comes to mind as a good idea. Take time to fully recharge while you plan ahead.
L Tarot: 2 Wands
WU Tarot: 5 Swords RV & Father Cups
Some news may come by the end of the month, tho what the two of wands most likely means in this reading is how you're continuing to plan this project, this time in a more concrete way. That being said, you're not ready to launch it just yet. There will be risks and I'm getting that you haven't planned for those yet or that you will be doing so in this time.
During this last part of the month you'll most deffinetly get into arguments, maybe it's someone from the past, but what's most likely is that it's someone that didn't notice you getting burnout and got upset at your previous inactivity to recover, this is a recent enough argument but a past one nontheless.
Both the Five of Swords reversed and the King of Cups however indicate that you need to resolve this, it's an argument that you're both fighting to win at the other's expense, or at least one of the parties is.
Embody the Kind of Cups and be the bigger person, don't let this get to you and choose diplomacy, it's for the better. An argument it's only an argument if two are fighting, remain stubborn on this if it's needed and don't give the other person any chance at thinking this is something that's going to continue, mend the bond and move on.
Bottom of the deck: Tower (Labyrinth) & 5 Coins RV (Wild Unknown)
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Pile II
L Tarot: 10 Wands RV
WU Tarot: Emperor & Hermit
The begging of this month may come with increased responsibilities you're not prepared for, although most likely it's an increase in number of things rather than difficulty. Maybe holding onto a burden that you don't need to, or those new responsibilities turning into that.
Most of you might be in a position of leadership within this situation, maybe you have your own business or are a manager of some sort. You shouldn't be scared to say no to this new "burdens" if you feel like you aren't able to meet the expectations.
Either way, you should be firm about it, embody the Emperor as best as you can and when in doubt follow your inner guidance, meditation is once again on my mind even if not as prominently as Pile I. The Hermit also points to this being a pivotal point in your life, a new direction being considered maybe.
L Tarot: 5 Swords
WU Tarot: 4 Swords & Father Coins RV
The previous situation may have ended badly, even if you won you both lost, maybe in your case there was the reputation from taking it all and finally saying no. There's a sense that there will be bad blood, the 5 of Swords indicates that you should search for a common ground to mend this relationship.
All this will leave you exhausted and you might get a cold or something of the like, nothing worrisome, just stress catching up to you. You are encouraged to rest in this time and to contemplate the previous situation, specially because of the Father of Coins Reversed apearing.
Don't obsess with what could have been monetarily nor with your wealth, don't fall into the Father of Coins in it's reversed energy, I'm unsure why but gambling comes to mind, so if you do have an issue with it don't fall into that.
L Tarot: Strength
WU Tarot: High Priestess RV & Star
The end of your month cards tell you to be strong and have courage in front of this adversities, you might fall into a bad state of mind in which you'll be disconnected from your intuition if you don't stay strong.
The Star however, being the last card of the reading, does tell of an optimistic outcome, that you'll be able to get through it all as difficult as it may be.
There may be new possibilities opening in that near future of inspiration might come down on you in this trying times, end of the day, you'll still shine in the sky.
Bottom of the deck: 5 Cups RV (Labyrinth) & Temperance (Wild Unknown)
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Pile III
L Tarot: 6 Coins RV
WU Tarot: Daughter Swords & 5 Wands
This pile has an emphasis on charity work, be it emotional or monetary, but having in account the fact that the 6 of Coins comes up again in the middle of the month it's probably monetary.
All this is said because you'll find yourself in a spot in which you'll have to stop doing this charity work, self care is a message that I'm getting along with investigating new ideas, maybe buying yourself a new book that you have been wanting.
This however will not be well received, people who feel entitled to your donations will make comments, that as much as you both have a common goal there is opposition. This is likely due to that entitlement or them not having a good balance in their life with this aspect, which you'll be trying to achieve.
L Tarot: 2 Swords RV
WU Tarot: 6 Coins & 2 Coins RV
The previous conflict will make you feel like you're trapped between the sword and the wall, thinking that there's no fully good option in which direction to take. Probably it'll be indecisiveness over continuing charity or not.
In this reading I do get that you'll go back to charity and that, while fruitful as always, this time people will try to scam you out of your generosity.
The Two of Coins reversed talks of not only over commitment to compensate for your "time lost" but also a fake ness and manipulation of a certain situation, whether it's coming from you is unclear but as previously stated it's probably from those who were telling you to continue donating.
L Tarot: Page Coins RV
WU Tarot: Ace Swords & The Lovers
This will all culminate in a loss of money and a lack of progress and even steps backwards, you may want to conduct your work in a different manner, brainstorming new ideas but nothing more at the beginning.
Eventually the cards do tell of a breakthrough with the Ace of Swords, you may want to keep your cards close to your chest until you've fully realized your plan tho. Surely, seek for council if needed, but don't listen to the chatter in the background.
All in all you'll come to a decision, two paths clearly laid out, maybe a partnership of some sort will come up too, but i think that the Lovers here is more of an indication of this decision.
Bottom of the deck: Fool RV (Labyrinth) & Mother Cups (Wild Unknown)
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Separators are mine
Tiles are from Pinterest 1 - 2 - 3
If you have any constructive criticism feel free to comment on it
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oraclekleo · 10 months
Kleo + Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader - Storyteller Tarot Reading
Hello and welcome to my another experiment trying to find out what’s actually possible with tarot and oracle cards.
This time I have asked myself, what if I became a part of my favourite story and could actually meet my favourite fictional characters? What role would I play in the story? How would the original story change if I were a part of it? What kind of relationship would I have with my favourite fictional character? And how would our story end?
This type of tarot reading is similar to the hypothetical scenario of I, Villain tarot readings I did recently, only it simply portrays a full story and interactions with already existing fictional characters. Obviously I wouldn’t be able to be my true self in the story, I would have to be a fictional character, too, to be able to interact with other fictional characters, so this reading might only include some of my real life traits and some of my qualities have to completely change for the sake of the story.
You would probably think, I will go for Mr. Darcy first, but nope! My Mr. Darcy was Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader from the Star Wars universe and so I’m here today to show you how my test round went when I asked my cards what it would look like if I were a part of Anakin’s / Vader’s story.
Let me know what you think! Let me know whether you want to become my next test subject!
P.S. Yes, I know I have a mile long to-do request list but you have to understand that my mind never stops and never rests and if I don’t let at least some ideas out, my head will explode. But don’t worry. I work on the requests, too.
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P.P.S. Yes, I'm aware I can't do edits. Shut up! 😂
Kleo + Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader
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What would be our story about?
Cards: Alchemist (Archetype Cards), Knight of Swords, Page of Pentacles, Ace of Cups (Dark Wood Tarot), 4 of Swords, Knight of Pentacles, 5 of Wands (Edgar Allan Poe Tarot)
It looks like our story wouldn’t lack some drama. It’s possible that I would clash with Anakin or Darth Vader on intellectual or wit bases. We might struggle to find a common ground, him being the ego driven and fast thinking and acting villain using all his knowledge to assert his dominance and gain more and more power. While I would be the curious one trying to dig through all the smoke and steel and find the real man, probably made of smoky grey steel, underneath. It’s very likely for me to find myself imprisoned and in danger at one point. Anakin / Vader could really consider having me executed in the story, thus those swords hanging over the motionless body. As we would be more or less rivals, but more on the personal level than professional one, arguing and fighting, he might be tempted to just remove me from the picture. On the other hand, the ace of cups suggests I would have something highly desired by him, a holy grail he wants and obsesses about. I can’t really be sure what this ultimate treasure could be - it could be something tangible as a real treasure or something more philosophical as a redemption for his soul through an actual bond with someone. It’s obvious I can see more than he can see, I can read the circumstances with a certain wisdom he’s lacking and might get into trouble due to his short sightedness. 
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What relationship would we have?
Cards: Prince (Archetype Cards), 7 of Swords, XVI The Tower, 5 of Swords (Erotic Fantasy Tarot), 10 of Cups (The Slavic Legends Tarot), Mother / Queen of Pentacles, III The Empress (The Wild Unknown Tarot)
Lol! Prince card right from the bet! Anyway! It looks like he would try to hide his romantic feelings slowly building up through the quarrels. You see the prince figure is hiding the flowers behind their back denoting a secret romance, something that’s suppressed. Because this is supposed to describe the relationship from my perspective, it’s possible I’m unaware of his feelings for a long time in the story (especially when he wants to kill me) and I’m trying to get upper hand over him, sneak away, battle him and gain some freedom (the ankle shackles are broken on the 7 of Swords). There’s obviously a breaking point, a plot twist, probably when I think he died and I lost him forever when I realise the true feelings which are far from animosity. The Empress card shows a white tree suddenly blossoming red in the middle of the night, something beautiful emerging from darkness and growing into abundance. Both the Empress and Queen of Pentacles cards suggest connection with nature and healing. It’s possible that the plot twist includes me bringing Anakin / Vader back from death, healing him with my power and ultimately falling in mutual love as depicted in the 10 of Cups (which also show a lot of nature).
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What would be the ending of our story?
Cards: Pioneer (Archetype Cards), 7 of Wands, 4 of Shields / Pentacles, 10 of Shields / Pentacles (The Runic Tarot), X The Wheel of Fortune, Page of Swords, 4 of Wands (Tarot of Tales)
Seriously, what are the chances of getting cards which show the higher ground (7 of Wands), flames (4 of Shields) and lava similar to the scene from Star Wars III when Anakin is defeated by Obi-Wan and reduced to like a half of a man, in a tarot reading that’s connected to him? Lol! Okay! Let’s rewrite the Star Wars III ending in this reading. In this story Anakin has me by his side which turns the wheel of fortune to his favour. Obviously. I’m basically a living lucky charm. Anakin’s and mine story ends with us defeating any opposition by working towards goals together, riding the lucky wave and avoiding lava by stepping on the stones and progressing quickly. As the Page of Swords show, together we are more than just a sum of our traits, we are bigger together. Together we can face the thunderstorm and instead of being hit by lightning, utilise its power for our benefit. The end of the story seems to be an open one, though. Actually an opening for more adventures to come.
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Okay! This is it.
Thanks for reading this far. Don't be shy to hit my inbox anytime. 😊
Kleo 🦄
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deerbornintuitive · 2 years
Pick A Pile: What lesson is the Universe asking you to receive right now?
Welcome, dear friend!
If you've arrived here, Spirit has a message that will assist you in your Soul development. Whether you've been questioning your present place in your journey, feel stuck, or are just here for fun, there's a reason you found this reading. I designed this pick-a-card to answer the question, "What lesson is the Universe asking you to receive right now?"
This is a free detailed reading! I designed it as a collective reading, so take what resonates and leave the rest. If you’d like a personalized written reading, BOOK HERE!
 I chose an oracle card and a tarot card to channel these detailed messages, using:
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Earth Magic Oracle
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  Wild Unknown Tarot
  Now clear your mind, and take a few slow, deep breaths. Speak aloud or in your mind: "What lesson is the Universe asking me to receive right now?"
  Pick a Pile A-D (left to right)
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  Which pile’s energy resonates with you energy?
Do your best not to second guess your gut instinct!
       Pile reveals...
      Are you ready?
        PILE A
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What lesson is the Universe asking you to receive right now? Green Man/Synergy & The Tower
It seems you've forgotten that you're as important a part of nature as the Sun in the sky; that you're connected with life's flow, entangled in a wonderful Synergy. Your presence here is meaningful and important. Do you realize how deep your connection with Mother Earth actually goes? The Universal flow is within you, just as you are, at the same time, within the flow itself. The Universe works to guide you in the right direction. At times, the ways in which it guides you can look more like upheaval, than a guiding push.
The Tower card often invokes worry and fear when pulled. Yes; at times, it points to chaos and unexpected troubles. The Tower represents destruction, which can sometimes get dirty. BUT this life-changing situation/event represented by the card is not always something terrible. The card can represent a big change or shift, one that creates overall change in your life and perspective.
This situation or event may have recently happened, is presently happening, or about to happen. It causes you to ask new, big questions, and even to evaluate your life. For many, it takes a big sudden change to shift awareness and see reality as it truly is. It can at times feel like the end of the world; like the ground has crumbled beneath your feet, and you no longer know which way is up. 
The Green Man appears as a reminder that there’s a natural flow to everything. The Universe always aligns for our highest good, though at the time it can feel the opposite. These changes can cause uncertainty and even be anxiety-inducing. 
What if you gave into the Synergy, the flow of it all, rather than fight for control? It appears that lots of suffering has already been caused by your resistance. It’s time to suspend any skepticism, and give into trusting that the Universe aligns always for your highest good. Have faith that Spirit is with you, offering protection and guidance.  
It will later be clear how this situation/event was necessary in your journey and for your Soul growth. The Tower's event/situation breaks things down in your life which no longer serve you, in order for you to build back up a life which more aligns with your own energy and desires. What can seem like destruction at the time, is actually an act of liberation.
 Crystal: Hematite has a protective quality. It deflects negative energy, and works to center you in uncertain or chaotic times.
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What lesson is the Universe asking you to receive? Tree/Grounding & 9 of Pentacles
You've become disconnected from your body, which is disconnecting you from the Earth itself. Mental energies are up in space, and your thoughts are scattered. You enjoy getting caught up in daydreams. You may even find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning, because you want to keep dreaming. This high chakra dominant energy can cause you to eventually lose touch of reality altogether, when this is not balanced with regular grounding practices.
Grounding your energy is easy, and takes you only a minute or two a day when you get real good at it! The simplest way to do so is to pick a spot outdoors and stand or sit with your bare feet in the grass or sand. Envision yourself as a tree, rooting deep within the Earth's soil and bedrock. Allow your awareness to be pulled into the present moment, at one with your surroundings. Feel the energy from Mother Earth merging with yours.
You can make grounding a group activity, with a tree partner! Sit with your chosen tree, and gaze upon it, connecting with it's energy. Share your own energy, and open yourself up to receiving. Get in touch with it's Spirit, and listen to the feelings that come up within you and your awareness.
Another deeply effective technique for grounding your energy is this: Envision a solid, unbreakable cord extending down from your root chakra. Imagine this cord as the Universe's toughest material, burrowing deeper and deeper into the Earth, down the the deepest layers of bedrock. See it in your mind's eye anchoring there, keeping your energy rooted securely. This technique can have the most long-lasting effects.
Grounding is an act of self care, and helps you to further gain awareness of your own needs. Try implementing a new self care activity in your routine, based on what your inner voice is telling you that you want/need. What can you do for yourself that makes you feel good, and is good for you, which brings you into the present moment? Things like a bath/shower, a nice walk outdoors, grooming and pampering yourself, sitting outdoors in a nice place, cleaning your home, meditating, stretching/yoga. Make the time for yourself. Self discipline is also an act of self care. Know when to say no or cut yourself off. And always be kind to yourself as you are to others!
 Crystal: Red Jasper is deeply grounding. It also acts as a potent aura cleanser.
     PILE C
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What lesson is the Universe asking you to receive right now? Eagle/Communion & The Moon
Spirit is calling upon you to spend some one-on-one time with your shadow, your unconscious mind. Now is the time to start building a stronger awareness of your thinking patterns, and how they contribute to more negative feelings, such as anxiety, jealousy, and fear. 
Begin by practicing mindfulness and reality checks. Tune into both your physical and emotional conditions. Open up your senses and perception. Listen to them, without attachments or judgements. Allow yourself to be alert to any self-deceptions, as well. Do you happen to ruminate, or to go over situations which you have no proof of potentially coming true in the first place? Your imagination is very strong, and it's being channeled in a way which presently works against you...
Give more of you attention to your triggers, insecurities, impulses, and fears. Do your best to be open to uncovering where their source may be. This will help you locate areas of yourself that need love, support, and attention. 
It's helpful to journal this process. If you notice a behavior, judgement, or thought you don't like, write it down to reflect on. Accept it, ask yourself why you reacted or felt that way, then dig deeper. 
Be gentle with yourself in your journey. Know that this is an ongoing process, and not something that is accomplished overnight. Take it one step at a time, and focus on one aspect of yourself or topic at a time. 
When you shine a light on your shadow, the smaller it gets.
 Please note: if you have experienced extreme trauma, please explore your shadow with the support of a mental health care professional.
 Crystal: Amethyst promotes the integration of the unconscious mind with the conscious mind.
       PILE D
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What lesson is the Universe asking you to receive?  Music/ Harmony & 6 of Pentacles
There is a harmonious song to everything in the Universe; all energies, all beings, flow together at their best when they're working together. When the song is no longer in harmony, how can you restore balance? This is your present lesson-- to take action in creating harmony in your life.
It's a challenge to maintain your own inner harmony when there’s dissonance and chaos around you. Often, it's easier to give in and match the chaos or lower vibration, than to have the awareness of what you're energy is entangled in. If this sounds like you right now, bring your focus toward nurturing your inner harmony: Prioritize your responsibilities Make a gratitude journal Take care of your nutrition and physical self Take a tech break Get enough sleep And do more of what makes you feel happy, safe, and inspired.
If you're presently in need of support, please reach out. There is someone that wants to help you, they can sense disharmony in your energy. But, you must be willing and open to receive.
If you're feeling like your energy is well balanced and in harmony, then you're being called upon by Spirit to help bring harmony into the world around you. Where do you feel your time and energy is needed? Is there a cause you feel passionate about? You may decide to volunteer in your community, or help to spread the word about important causes, such as social justice or climate change. Get yourself out there and inspire others! Share where and when you can. It's true that even the littlest effort can have a positive impact on the collective. It's okay to start small!
Lastly, The Universe is asking you to notice what is good around you, even if it all seems bad. Take slow, deep breaths, and release any tense or unhelpful energies. Then, take a few more slow breaths, and begin to notice the good things, not matter how small or seemingly pointless. This helps you to match energy with higher vibrations, moving yourself back into balance and harmony.
 Crystal: Green Aventurine is a calming, harmonizing stone, helping you to achieve the right balance in your life and energies.
    Thank you so much for joining me for this reading!
I would love to hear your feedback or anything you'd like to share about what's going on with you at the time of receiving this reading! Questions are always welcome. I hope you've enjoyed, and I can't wait to hear from you! :)
Wishing you peace and wisdom,
Courtney Deerborn
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emberkyrlee · 2 years
The Encanto Obsession is STRONG...
So my brain woke me up before 8 am on a SATURDAY, and refused to let me go back to sleep. Instead, it insisted on brainstorming an Encanto Major Arcana. Thanks brain. (This was followed up by a business deciding that early morning Saturday deliveries are totally normal, thus prompting me to actually get OUT of bed. Not meant to sleep in today I guess. Thanks)
Also I guess my brain doesn't care that I do NOT have the skill to make the type of art I envision for this tarot, since I can't draw anything not-cartoony to save my life. Its just not my wheelhouse unfortunately. I can do a stained-glass style, but its not really what I imagine for this.
I've got ideas written out for all of them, except for Justice. I have NO idea what to do with that one as of yet.
Anywho... What I have so far:
Encanto Major Arcana
0 The Fool   Little Mirabel, standing before her door, before she's touched the knob. Like that shot just before the title appears in the movie.
I The Magician The moment Mirabel brings about the Second Miracle. Paralleling the image of the previous card.
II The High Priestess Dolores. Listening to something? Or her finger to her lips to say "shh"? Maybe she's in thought about something she's heard?
III The Empress Isabela, on a "throne"-like seat in her room. She has a flower crown, with 12 star-like flowers in it. Flowers grow around, but also the more wild and sharp plants are beginning to grow.
IV The Emperor Alma on the stairs of Casita, an imperial set to her shoulders and expression, Pedro's portrait behind her, makes it clear that thoughts of him are driving her forward.
V The Hierophant Julieta giving Mirabel advice?
VI The Lovers Pedro and Alma, looking into each other's eyes the moment before he faces the raiders, his hand on her cheek.
VII The Chariot Bruno on the horse, looking determined.
VIII Strength Luisa holding up the Encanto on her shoulders, protecting Mirabel from her burdens.
IX The Hermit Bruno, alone, cross-legged at the start of a vision in his cave.
X Wheel of Fortune Casita's magic doors, arranged in a circle, maybe the backdrop could be the circular design of Casita's courtyard?
XI Justice ?????
XII The Hanged Man A chrysalis. The butterfly is scared to come out. Inspired by the lyrics of Dos Oruguitas. Daggerwing Butterfly maybe?
XIII Death Mirabel and Alma sitting by the river on the bottom half of the image, the spectral memory of Pedro facing down the raiders above them as Alma tells her story.
XIV Temperence The pulled-out shot of Mirabel and Alma standing in the river, watching the stream of golden butterflies
XV The Devil The raiders that killed Pedro?
XVI The Tower Fall of Casita, Bruno's tower falling above Mirabel
XVII The Star Antonio giving Mirabel the front door knob at the end of All Of You. The setting sun is hitting the doorknob just right to make a bright gleam of light shine off of it.
XVIII The Moon A mirror. The reflection is Camilo striking a pose, spectral images of people he's turned into behind him. The mirror is decorated with a moon phases motif.
XIX The Sun Pepa dancing, joy on her face. Sun shining above her, perhaps a rainbow as well. Felix may be dancing with her, but the focus would be on Pepa.
XX Judgement Either Alma at the start of her shock, with Casita cracking around her; Or after the collapse, when she's fallen to her knees.
XXI The World A shot of the Encanto from above, but from Casita's side, looking towards the cracked mountain, a sunrise coming over it. Its the start of a new day, and a path to the unknown.
No idea if these would ever actually be illustrated, since its not really my visual style. But apparently my brain wouldn’t let me go without having written all this down.
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Exploring the Mysteries of the Moon Tarot Card
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Tarot cards have fascinated individuals for centuries, offering a glimpse into the hidden aspects of our lives and the universe. Each card in the Tarot deck holds unique symbolism and meaning, but perhaps none are as enigmatic as the Moon card. In this blog, we will delve into the symbolism and interpretation of the Moon Tarot card, shedding light on its profound and mysterious nature.
The Moon Card: A Brief Overview
The Moon card is the 18th card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck. It is known for its intricate imagery, often featuring two large towers flanking a moonlit path leading to a body of water. Above the scene, a full moon is depicted. This card is rich in symbolism and holds multiple layers of meaning, making it a card that both Tarot novices and experts find intriguing.
Key Symbolism of the Moon Card
1. The Moon: The most obvious symbol on this card is, of course, the moon itself. The moon represents the subconscious, intuition, and the hidden aspects of our lives. It symbolizes the unknown, and the idea that not everything is as it seems. In Tarot, the moonlight reveals the mysteries and secrets we may not want to confront.
2. The Towers: The two towers on the card represent duality and the conscious mind. They can symbolize the need to make choices or decisions when faced with the unknown. These choices can often lead to personal growth or self-discovery.
3. The Path: The winding path leading into the water reflects the journey we must undertake when navigating the uncertain waters of the subconscious mind. It suggests that to find our way forward, we must confront our fears, illusions, and deep-seated emotions.
4. The Dog and the Wolf: In some Moon Tarot cards, you may find two animals, a domesticated dog and a wild wolf. The dog represents the conscious mind, while the wolf represents our primal, instinctual side. These animals remind us to balance these two aspects of ourselves as we navigate the unknown.
Interpreting the Moon Card
Interpreting the Moon card can be a complex task, as it signifies a variety of meanings depending on the context of a Tarot reading. Here are some common interpretations:
1. Deception and Illusion: The Moon card often suggests that something is not as it appears. It can indicate deception, hidden agendas, or the need to look beyond the surface to uncover the truth.
2. Facing Fears: This card encourages us to confront our fears, uncertainties, and doubts. It calls for introspection and the exploration of our deepest emotions.
3. Intuition and Dreams: The Moon card is closely linked to intuition and dreams. It may indicate the need to trust your instincts and pay attention to your inner guidance.
4. Uncovering Secrets: In some cases, the Moon card can represent the revelation of hidden information or secrets that have been kept in the shadows.
The Moon Tarot card is a powerful and mysterious symbol that encourages us to explore the depths of our subconscious and confront the unknown. It reminds us that life is filled with complexities, and not everything is as it appears on the surface. Whether it signifies deception, introspection, or a journey into the depths of the mind, the Moon card serves as a reminder of the enigmatic nature of existence and the importance of embracing the mysteries that lie within and beyond.
As you delve deeper into the world of Tarot, remember that the Moon card, like all Tarot cards, can be open to interpretation. Its meaning may vary based on the context of a reading and the individual reader's intuition. Embrace the Moon's mysteries, and let it guide you on your own personal journey of self-discovery and revelation.
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unmaskthemagic · 1 year
18. The Moon
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Left: Sinking Wasteland Tarot Right: Rider-Waite deck
Element: Water
Planet: Neptune
Numerology: 18 represents inspiration
Keywords: intuition, illusion, wild, fear, subconscious, imagination
Quotes: "You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover is yourself." Alan Alda; "There is an optical illusion about every person we meet." Ralph Waldo Emerson; "You can be very wild and still be very wise." Yoko Ono; "You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
Symbols: The moon represents dreams, the unconscious, and intuition. The path between the towers is the path to higher consciousness and the moon only dimly lights it. The crayfish crawling out of the pool symbolizes the early stage of consciousness. The dog is the tamed side of the mind while the wolf is the wild side.
The Moon has a lot of layers to it. The lobster crayfish thing really confused me at first, but I think it exemplifies the strange mystery of the Moon card. The Moon encourages me to embrace my weirdness, trust my wildness, and look beyond the obvious. Sometimes it can be a warning that something in my life isn't as it seems. Maybe someone's lying to me or I have the wrong idea about something. It could be signaling that I've let fear take over or that something scary is about to happen. It could also be telling me that I need to get out of my comfort zone, expand my imagination, or explore the unknown. The Moon can take me to scary places, but if I approach the wild with wisdom, like the Yoko Ono quote, the Universe will reveal parts of myself I've never known.
As part of my study, I use the Tarot Card Meanings Workbook by Brigit Esselmont, biddytarotcard.com, brainyquotes.com (I use the card’s keywords to search for quotes that speak to me), Pinterest to look at other artistic interpretations, and Between the Worlds podcast.
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friend-crow · 2 years
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from The Wild Unknown Tarot
Day 4: the Ace of Swords
The suit of swords represents the air element and matters of the rational mind. Several of the cards of this suit deal directly with conflict, and I personally dread getting a sword-heavy reading far more than cards like Death or the Tower. Luckily the ace isn't one of the ones I'm afeared of (not that one should really fear any card -- they all have useful lessons to teach us).
Like the other aces, it speaks of new beginnings and opportunities. Where the ace of wands offered new ideas and inspiration, the ace of swords brings new clarity and understanding. Instead of a novel, it might inspire you to write a thesis paper.
While this card isn't a bad omen, it isn't always a good one, either. The truth can hurt, and the clarity indicated by this card definitely has that potential. This might be the moment you look up and realize that you're in a toxic relationship, for instance.
Whether or not the news is pleasant, an ace typically means that now is the time to act.
Reversed it could indicate that you're deluding yourself, unwilling to accept the truth, but it may also imply a lack of solid reasoning or clarity for other reasons.
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tseruii · 1 month
First of all welcome! I’ve literally tried writing you a nice little welcome to tumblr tarot messages like three times now and… yeah 🤦‍♀️. Just know there’s another reader here welcoming you with open arms who will hopefully stop being shy and say hi again!
I also wanted to request a reading which feels awkward lol. I just had a short question which is “why August?”. August keeps coming up in so many different readings for me (with no specific insights) so I was hoping to get some clarity as to why it may be so significant.
hii 😲🫶🏼 thank u sm for the warm welcome! and yeah omg tumblr do be whack sometimes 💀 but thank goodness i received your ask 🌸 the deck i used for your reading is the wild unknown archetypes and the date of this reading is 18.03.2024 ☁️ i hope this reading would be of help to you
Entry #010
01. the cards you received are eros and apocolypsis. looking at the cards, i do feel the energy of apocolypsis is a little bit heavier than eros, but both are very strong, suggesting that these two will be the themes of how your august may go. i assume this is a timing reading, as in august = month, but it may refer to a person as well (they dont have to be named august). to you, what does the month of august represent? that is a question only you can answer.
02. eros suggests that you may find yourself in a romantic connection with someone — it may be the start of something new. it talks about passion, want, love. perhaps this is a manifestation of yours: to find someone... i cant finish this sentence, maybe because even you're not sure who that someone you're looking for is, maybe you just want someone.
03. meanwhile apocolypsis talks about a hidden truth being unveiled. think of the tower in tarot. this feels like a tower moment, where your reality shatters because everything you thought is true is actually false. there's an underlying issue, something that people may be keeping from you. if you're already in a relationship with someone, be wary. be wary of your friends too — this is not to make you doubt your close ones, but to trust in yourself if you feel that something is wrong, or if something is too good to be true.
04. if not that, then apocolypsis may refer to the feeling of that new connection you will have. perhaps the energy will be too much for you, and you end up having a tower moment, where what you thought you wanted was false. either way, august is something you may want to be wary of, but anticipate it and welcome it with open arms because with happiness comes sadness, and with revelation comes healing, with hurt comes growth.
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centerspirited · 6 months
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oraclekleo · 4 months
Hi Kleo!
I am mika (she/her)
Leo Sun, Cap moon, Libra rising
I was just sitting down, I was thinking what do I need to know at the moment? And then I saw your post once I opened this app. I believe this is fate. 🥹
This is my current mood board (i am manifesting) trying to be in this state.
My question would be, what do I need to hear about the dream life I am manifesting ? And what do I need to hear about the right people I am manifesting to come into my life in general
How do I make the life that I manifested come into me faster or like what do i need to know in general about this topic (whatever the tarot card needs to say, i am open. There might be a story plot that i need to hear)
But anyway I am open to any tarot deck your intuition calls you by the time you see this kleo:) done reblogging this and 2 PACs.
Thank you so much. I am also excited to give feedbacks.
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Hello! Happy to see you in my inbox. I have picked the piles for you and I attach the cards in case they hold a special message only you are meant to see. I hope you like the reading and feel free to hit my inbox anytime.
Cards: VIII The Maiden, XLV The Threshold (The Wild Unknown Archetypes), IX The Hermit, XVI The Tower, X The Wheel of Fortune, 3 of Pentacles (The Light Seer’s Tarot)
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Right from the start there are three major arcana cards in your reading so it’s a strong one.
Your cards want you to know that you can have whatever you want in your life but it’s time to stop waiting for somebody else to give it to you. We all know the maidens in despair waiting for a knight to save them but it’s not how it works in real life. You might waste precious time waiting while you can take action yourself. You are about to cross a threshold, rise up and achieve your goals but it’s possible you will have to do it on your own or in a conscious collaboration with people. There’s a difference between collaboration and dependance. You might need to acquire more knowledge and become your own guide and mentor, seek wisdom within yourself rather than relying on what you see around and might have worked for others. Your path is unique and only yours. There might come a time when you feel like things are crumbling down right in front of your eyes but trust the universe that the destruction only happens to clear space for you to build something new. The Wheel is a lucky sign. You are moving on up and forward towards your goals, building on your experience but not being limited by outdated beliefs. Your dream life is waiting for you to grab it but you need to get up and take action. Self-reflect, make plans, consult professionals. Don’t get discouraged when something doesn’t work out.
Thank you so much for requesting the reading!
I'm always grateful for any feedback.
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hi :) I wanted a tarot reading! for my future with my partner pls!!! - John 🥚🐶
not a problem! i want to go ahead and state for future reference of any tarot readings i do- i primarily use the wild unknown deck, which has some differences between it and a traditional deck. one of those being that the symbolism is all based in nature, something we personally are very in tune with, which will lead to some interpretations of cards that may be a bit different than what may be considered standard with other decks such as the gilded deck. with that disclaimer in mind, your card was;
The Tower (Reversed)
the tower in this case is a tree that’s been struck by lightning and has caught on fire. while this can seem ominous, a tree can recover and even become stronger by facing storms. the reversed tower indicated that change and disruption could be on the horizon- it’s a reminder more than a warning. the storm can be weathered if the roots are strong. set these roots now with a basis of communication and mutual trust, and when a storm inevitably does come, you will weather it together and become stronger as a result
i hope this provides some insight!
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♋️🩸Mod Karkat🩸♋️
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moonlitfirefly · 9 months
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“I’ve been in a change!
Being fifty years old as a Stasha is a strange thing. I’m so elfin in many ways and SUPER young at heart. I’m also a Capricorn, and can be desert tortoise ancient Easter island serious too.
And my body is like YOU are 50 and so shazaam! You get to have grey hairs now! And your body gets to start getting more soft and squishy! Shazaam! And you will soon no longer have your monthly cycle as a woman and Shazaam! You will have wonky health things while you’re changing! And HaHa! You thought you were here to do a,b, and c but really you are here to do x,y, and z!
I LOVE perimenopause. I don’t understand why modern culture turned getting older as a woman into something to shun or hide or ignore or experience in secret. Being older is awesome. Spiritually, emotionally, intellectually and physically. I love being fifty and discovering my voice—more confident; my authority—more clear; and my needs, desires and boundaries—more true.
I’m also in a hanged man cycle. In numerology and tarot constellation jargon, my birthday month and date added to the year at the time of my most recent birthday, is a 12.
Which is a hanged man year.
I see that as a rite of passage year.
A year of initiation.
I’d love to share tarot constellation life path and growth year teachings with you. (A nudge for another time—reach out!)
And also- I have to say, I kinda feel we are collectively …all of us
All of us
All of us
in our own ‘being-turned-upside-down-birthing-canal-ness’.
It’s time to change.
I am sure you keep getting the memo. No matter your age or life circumstances.
Change is now. Change. Change is constant.
In my weekly song circle, ( in Sedona? Sing with me!) we sing a song called blessed motion …thank you Annie Zylstra for the words and song…
“ I believed in solid ground
until I saw the earth in motion,
and the winds of steady change
and the ever-changing ocean…
All is moving
All is change…”
We are changing.
Whether it’s puberty or marriage
Changing a career
Summer turning to fall
Floods and storms
Fires and war
Or starting a new health plan
The ravens who stood
beak to beak upon my house today
Like twin towers
cawed the news loud and clear.
Caw caw!
We are changing!
Caw caw!
Change!!! Embrace it.
Be flexible
Think like a bat
Turn yourself upside down like a caterpillar
And weave a cocoon
And hold the question close to the heart
And breathe in the unknown
And dance the liminal
And cross the threshold
And trust
And trust
And trust.
Celebrate gray hairs and more flesh
And not knowing
And unexpected shifts
And changing cycles.
Things are unraveling
What remains true?
All is change
All is change
All is change”
Words: stasha ginsburg
Wild Matryoshka
Image unknown
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jamiesonwolf · 1 year
I feel like I'm about to enter a new phase in my life. I have to let the old parts of myself that I've held on to for so long fall away. I need to create something new for myself, start a new journey with everything I have learned about who I am. I have to move forwards into what will come while honouring the journey it took to get here. ✨️Cards from The Wild Unknown.
#tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarottribe #the_wild_unknown #tower #aceofswords #somethingnew #beginning #newbeginnings #newoutlook #newjourney #knowmyself #LGBTQIA #spiritualaf #sparkleon #shinebright #likeadiamond #cardoftheday
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strang-news · 2 years
Front Desk Horoscopes
by Stephanie Maltez
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The cards drawn up this month are from The Wild Unknown Tarot Dec & Guidebook by Kim Krans
Gemini Happy Birthday! 2 of Swords
Blocked Vision, Stalemate The Two of Swords depicts two opposing forces that have reached a stalemate. You cannot progress forward with either a relationship or a life decision. There’s an answer that’s being blocked- maybe by choice? Many times this card will indicate you do not wish to face the truth the light will reveal.
Cancer, 4 of Wands
Completion, Celebration You’ve done it! The Four of Wands is a card of completion. Your labors have been steady and strong, and the harvest will be plentiful. In other words, it’s time to party. There might be an upcoming event to mark this occasion…a graduation, wedding, or celebration of some kind. So enjoy yourself and those you love. This is an exciting and prosperous time.
Leo, 2 of Pentacles
Balance, Change The Two of Pentacles signifies inevitable change. Since the Pentacles suit relates to earthly possessions, this usually means a new job or financial situation or a move. Even if you fear this change, it needs to happen and might even be fun. Face it with the face of a newly formed butterfly…a world of possibilities balanced upon your wings.
Virgo, Six of Wands
Victory, Success, Rising Up - From the dark and tangled branches emerges a butterfly. New life takes flight. If you’re not reveling in the joy of success already, you will be soon. The Six of Wands is a card of victory, of rising up against the odds. The obstacles have been relentless, but now is not the time to look back upon them. The more pressing question is: Where will you go with your new set of wings?
Libra, The Devil
Addiction, Negativity Though it may feel frightening when the Devil appears in your reading, this card carries an urgent message and must be interpreted with total honesty. The darkness of the Devil card takes the form of addiction, negativity, or materialism. It can indicate an ugly relationship with a person or substance. Identify this dependency and how it’s holding you back. The devil’s hooves are strong and relentless – their grip will not loosen unless a conscious change is made. Free yourself.
Scorpio, Ace of Swords
Truth, Mental Clarity When lightening strikes, the whole world seems to light up for just one second. It’s as though you can “see everything,” and this vision lingers on even through the storm. Such is the power of the Ace of Swords. Your mind will become clear, your thoughts precise. It’s a great time to make those decisions you’ve been putting off.
Sagittarius, Father of Cups
Diplomatic, Open-Minded The Father of Cups has a truly unique and dynamic personality. He’s the most feminine of all the fathers within the tarot and usually a patron of the arts. He’s a dignified man who supports his family and community. The only this holding this man back are his deeply rooted insecurities; they are vast and affect his personality in many unpredictable ways.
Capricorn, The Tower
Unexpected Upheaval When The Tower card appears, it’s time to brace yourself for a change. The well-rooted tree that’s been growing strong for decades is crashing down around you. Your world may feel as though it’s literally falling apart – and you didn’t see it coming. Even though this phase is painful and confusing, it will be over soon. You’ll look back and feel grateful things changed course. You might even see it as a personal “breakthrough” in the end.
Aquarius, 10 of Pentacles
Fulfillment, Abundance The Ten of Pentacles signifies material and spiritual abundance in nearly every area of your life. The number ten usually indicates completion, and in this case the journey was well worth it. So be generous, not only with your money, but also with your wisdom. Provide guidance to those who struggle. You will be rewarded tenfold.
Pisces, Mother of Wands
Attractive, Domestic, Vibrant The Mother of Wands is a vibrant woman and happy mother. Family comes first in her world – she’s very protective of it and is the dominant parent within the home. Though proud and determined, she has enough grace and beauty that you’d hardly notice her forceful nature. Oftentimes she has overcome great pain or trauma in her life. It’s important not to get on her bad side.
Aries, Judgement
Forgiveness The word “judgement” conjures up fear and guilt in many people. This card, however, concerns itself with another aspect of this word – seeking the truth. No more blaming yourself or toehrs, no more
excuses. Now is the time for forgiveness and personal freedom. This card asks you to rise up and let pettiness and fear fall below you. Expand your wings and be reborn. What a relief it will be.
Taurus, Ace of Cups
Love’s Beginnings Aces mark the beginning of exciting new phases. Since the suit of cups deals specifically with love and emotion, you’re in for a real treat. Expect to enter a blissful time of health, joy, and friendship. A new love could be on the horizon. You may feel that you’re making a whole new start…just go with it and allow this feeling to revitalize your spirit.
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