#The Flora Colossi and The Enhanced Procyonid series
Name of the Game Chapter Forty One Is Up!
@woozletania @grootiez @trashpandaorigins @enigma731 @netbug009 @mattchewystuff @cherrycoloredsoot @jillianspina @caffeineandconceptart @astarprince @rogertaylorswift
Rocket makes a plan. Kylam attempts reconciliation with Gakhsi. Stakar and Aleta are reunited.
The First Line
There was nothing hotter than Stakar when he was angry. As she watched him pick off the same people who had almost gotten her killed, she felt a growing sensation she hadn’t felt for some time and wished the moment could last forever. ‘I should get shot more often,’ she thought. He only ever got this riled up when she got hurt. Her shoulder chose that moment to flare up with pain and she ground her teeth and allowed her second-in-command, a Xandarian named Sama to help her stand. She staggered, but the other woman took her weight easily and walked her to the pod. “Isn’t he the sexiest thing you’ve ever seen?”
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Name of the Game Chapter Thirty Nine Is Up!
@woozletania @grootiez @trashpandaorigins @astarprince @enigma731 @netbug009 @cherrycoloredsoot @jillianspina @mattchewystuff @caffeineandconceptart
Rocket discusses his concerns. Aleta and Gakhsi take a roadtrip. Revelations are made.
The First Line
People could be really surprising. Not all the time. Most of the time, instincts were there for a reason. But his instincts about Quill had been wrong this time...
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Name of the Game Chapter Thirty Eight Is Up!
@woozletania @grootiez @trashpandaorigins @enigma731 @netbug009 @cherrycoloredsoot @jillianspina @caffeineandconceptart @don-flamingo @mattchewystuff
Drax gives Rocket one of his 'pep' talks. Stakar does his duty as captain.
The First Line
The incident at the hospital had left its mark. Rocket was still quiet, unnervingly so, and there was a distant yet defeated look in his eyes Drax had not seen before. Drax might have calmed him down from the panic attack, but drawing him out of his own mind was another matter entirely...
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Name of the Game Chapter Thirty Five Is Up!
@woozletania @grootiez @trashpandaorigins @enigma731 @netbug009 @rr4901 @cherrycoloredsoot @jillianspina @caffeineandconceptart @don-flamingo @mattchewystuff
Lylla talks with her son.
The First Line
Lylla’s hut wasn’t a tall building, but it certainly had a great deal of mass. Which was just as well because if it didn’t, she had no idea how five full-sized humanoids, an infant sapling and herself and Rocket would ever fit inside it. She was currently watching Rocket fit things together. She had to plan things out for at least an hour, and there he was, selecting things at random to make something world-shattering. Had she ever been such a fast worker? Probably. That was the thing about getting old. She stole a glance at Drax who was flat on his back, his snores alerting everyone to the fact he was alive. Then she looked at Rocket who had very carefully stepped around everyone as if trying to avoid being heard before heading to her workshop and taking over all her benches.
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Name of the Game Chapter Forty Is Up!
@woozletania @grootiez @trashpandaorigins @enigma731 @netbug009 @cherrycoloredsoot @jillianspina @caffeineandconceptart @mattchewystuff @astarprince
Kylam makes his displeasure known.
The First Line
Something was up. Half of Aleta blamed her bounty for being so paranoid. But she still exited the pod with him because there was no way she’d have lived as long as she had if she ignored her gut feeling, even if it didn’t always make sense. Even when the sister came forward, she still stuck around, watching them vanish into the distance together. They stopped dead and she started, but then the girl stooped and had to stop because of her belly, so pointed at the ground until her brother obligingly picked up a stone for her. Skimming stones? Kinda sweet. She’d never done that with Stakar, but she did remember trying to teach her blood brother, for all the good it did her. She narrowed her eyes as the twins huddled together in the distance....
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Name of the Game Chapter Thirty Seven Is Up!
@woozletania @grootiez @trashpandaorigins @enigma731 @netbug009 @cherrycoloredsoot @jillianspina @caffeineandconceptart @don-flamingo @mattchewystuff
Rocket visits Faiix. Drax faces one of his biggest challenges.
The First Line
“Can we get breakfast after this?” Rocket asked as they made their way to the hospital steps. Well, the three humanoids made their way. He was on Drax’s shoulder, having decided he deserved to be transported like a king, at least for today...
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Name of the Game Chapter Thirty Six Is Up!
@woozletania @grootiez @trashpandaorigins @enigma731 @netbug009 @cherrycoloredsoot @jillianspina @caffeineandconceptart @don-flamingo @mattchewystuff
A plan is made to defeat Kylam. Rocket begins to feel the effects of the past month.
The First Line
The last time they’d been in Nova HQ together, it had been after defeating Ronan. Last time they hadn’t had Mantis, Lylla or Kraglin with them, but technically Groot had been there, even if he had been too young to really remember. Reaching up, he made sure his son was still on his shoulder and looked back at Lylla. She hadn’t said a word about the night before. She, like him, wasn’t the most tactile person and he was a little touched that she’d let him curl up with her. And it had helped. His night had been dreamless, the best he could have hoped for, but he still felt uneasy. As if sensing it, she smiled, showing off her sharp, pointed teeth. Her way of saying it would be fine...
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Name of the Game Chapter Thirty Two Is Up!
@woozletania @grootiez @trashpandaorigins @enigma731 @netbug009 @rr4901 @thecaptainrabbit @cherrycoloredsoot @jillianspina @caffeineandconceptart @mattchewystuff
The Darkwing faces an unlikely foe in the Jotarasitahn. Stakar and Aleta have fun together. Kylam works things out.
The First Line
"We're being followed."
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Name of the Game Chapter Thirty Is Up!
@woozletania @grootiez @trashpandaorigins @enigma731 @rr4901 @netbug009 @jillianspina @cherrycoloredsoot @mattchewystuff
Stakar and Aleta ask the Guardians to do something for them. Akhila has suspicions about Gakhsi's disappearance. Gamora talks to Rocket about the importance of communication.
The First Line
Looking up into the Arcturan’s entirely straight face, Rocket asked for the third time; “Are you fucking kidding me?” He knew it was probably annoying the shit out of Stakar, but didn’t much care. “You want me to share a ship with the guy who tried to set my kid on fire?”...
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Name of the Game Chapter Thirty Three Is Up!
@woozletania @grootiez @trashpandaorigins @enigma731 @rr4901 @netbug009 @jillianspina @thecaptainrabbit @cherrycoloredsoot @mattchewystuff
Rocket and Peter discuss family matters. Kylam offers a second chance.
The First Line
A piloting seat was home to him. Maybe it was a little sad, but Rocket didn’t particularly care. From where he was sat, he could see the expanse of space all around him. Horizons he’d never been before, places he couldn’t imagine. He’d seen a lot of them, but there was always more. That was the thing about the universe. No matter how many things you thought were there, the darkness of it held a quadrillion times that. “When all this is over, maybe we could go somewhere new,” he said to Quill who was absently listening to the Zune as he piloted next to him...
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Name of the Game Chapter Twenty Is Up!
@woozletania @grootiez @trashpandaorigins @enigma731 @netbug009 @rr4901 @cherrycoloredsoot @jillianspina @mattchewystuff
Rocket is reunited with his family. Gakhsi is reunited with his brothers.
The First Line
1,000km from world surface
To Peter’s eyes, Halfworld was just like any other planet. It was a dull, ruddy colour, only notable due to the fact that it was like two semicircles that had been banded together, in clashing colours of dark peach and grey-green. Rocket should never have been born there. He should’ve been born under the blue skies of Earth, seen equally blue waters, known the beauty of his real homeworld. Maybe he should talk more about Earth with Rocket. Just ‘cause he had issues with Earth, it didn’t mean Rocket had to have issues with it too...
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Name of the Game Chapter Twenty Nine Is Up!
@woozletania @grootiez @trashpandaorigins @enigma731 @netbug009 @jillianspina @cherrycoloredsoot @rr4901 @mattchewystuff
Stakar and Aleta take steps in helping their bounty. Gakhsi remembers an old friend.
The First Line
“What are all these?” the Kree warlord demanded. In the grasp of his arm, Gakhsi stopped struggling against him. He looked at what Kylam was looking at. Children. He knew most of them. Half of them were in his class, a handful lived near where he did. Why were they here? They hadn’t done anything. But then, neither had he...
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Name of the Game Chapter Twenty Five Is Up!
@woozletania @grootiez @trashpandaorigins @enigma731 @rr4901 @cherrycoloredsoot @jillianspina @mattchewystuff
Hank talks with Blackjack about grief. Rocket talks with Drax about matters of the heart.
The First Line
Even on the enormous ship, finding Blackjack was the easiest part. The difficult part was figuring out how to tell his son what had happened to his sisters. The thing Hank found hardest to bear was the idea that Snap, Poker and Gofish had huddled around their sister’s lifeless body, nudging her, calling her name in hope she would wake up. How long had they stayed like that until they’d been found? From what Gax had told him, they’d been found very quickly after Uno had died.
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Name of the Game Chapter Thirty One Is Up!
@woozletania @grootiez @trashpandaorigins @enigma731 @netbug009 @rr4901 @cherrycoloredsoot @jillianspina @mattchewystuff
Blackjack helps out his father. Rocket and Blackjack discuss their past.
The First Line
“This is what we’ve come to.” Blackjack said wryly, razor in one hand, shaving foam in the other. “Pop, you could look like you trust me a little bit, ya know.”...
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Name of the Game Chapter Twenty Eight Is Up!
@woozletania @grootiez @trashpandaorigins @enigma731 @netbug009 @rr4901 @cherrycoloredsoot @jillianspina @mattchewystuff
Kylam makes an offer to Stakar and Aleta.
The First Line
There was a kind of dead silence as they made their way up to the control deck to find the co-captains of the Jotarasitahn. It made Rocket slow his pace, looking around. There were no Ravagers in sight. “Where is everybody?”...
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Name of the Game Chapter Twenty Seven Is Up!
@woozletania @grootiez @trashpandaorigins @enigma731 @netbug009 @bandit89p13 @cherrycoloredsoot @jillianspina @mattchewystuff @rr4901
Mantis gets some useful information. Kylam comes up with a plan.
The First Line
She expected to be followed in, but sure enough, her family kept their word and trusted her. She looked around the medbay. It wasn’t a large room, but it was spacious, enough to hold multiple people. It was just her and Rocket’s science man, but despite the stories, she couldn’t see him as a threat. For one thing, he was still exhausted from using his defence, weakened from using what must have been every piece of energy he possessed. For another, he was asleep. Gamora’s voice came to her mind. ‘Don’t assume it’s safe.’ It was better to listen to her. Nobody knew danger as well as Gamora. Stepping closer, she stood by his side, looking at him. He was on his side, arms wrapped tightly around his knees. Even in sleep, he looked anything but restful...
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