#Temple of Fortuna
ladysansalannister · 3 months
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—The Wolf Den, Elodie Harper
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literatureandtrees · 3 months
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currently reading
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ancientorigins · 10 months
The newly reopened 'Sacred Area' in Rome's Largo Argentina Square is home to the remains of temples and the very pillars that witnessed Julius Caesar’s assassination. Travertine paving stones uncover the enduring legacy of history’s most infamous betrayal.
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biblionerdreflections · 5 months
ARC Review - The Temple of Fortuna
Hello, everyone! Today I’m reviewing The Temple of Fortuna by Elodie Harper. I enjoyed the first two books in this historical fiction trilogy and have been eagerly anticipating this final installment. You can find my thoughts on book one (The Wolf Den) and book two (The House with the Golden Door) in previous reviews, which are linked via the aforementioned titles. Continue reading Untitled
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judgingbooksbycovers · 9 months
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The Temple of Fortuna
By Elodie Harper.
Design by Holly Ovenden.
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bookcoversonly · 4 months
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Title: The Temple of Fortuna | Author: Elodie Harper | Publisher: Apollo (2023)
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flaroh · 10 months
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Adding the goddess Fortuna to my Roman Gods series!🌾🌐🌿
While Fortuna's festival was last month (I'm running behind sorry!), today is also the anniversary of the temple to one of my favourite iterations of her; Fortuna Muliebris, or Fortuna of women's luck✨
This temple was built on the Via Latinia in honour of the women who stopped the exiled general Coriolanus' march on Rome. According to Livy and Dionysus of Halicarnassus, his own mother Veturia and wife Volumnia led a team of women to his camp and gave an impassioned speech infront of everyone that convinced him to give up his seige.
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bradshawsbaby · 1 year
Si Vis Amari Ama
I. Twin Flames
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Pairings: Rooster (Roman Name: Gallus) x Female Reader (Roman Name: Sabina), featuring Hangman (Roman Name: Carnifex) x Phoenix
Summary: A girl whose freedom was stolen to pay her father’s debts. A gladiator enslaved for the entertainment of Rome. A love they never thought possible.
Author’s Note: I hope you guys are excited for Gallus and Sabina’s story! I know that I’m very excited to tell it. Please think of this chapter as a Prologue of sorts, where you’ll get a little glimpse into the histories of our hero and heroine.
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Slavery in the ancient world, parental death, references to physical abuse, allusions to atrocities committed during a Roman raid, angst.
You could never escape your debts.
There wasn’t much that you remembered about your father, but you could recall those words falling from his lips, clear as a bell. He’d said them so often when you were a little girl that they were permanently ingrained in your brain, rather like the brand that now marred the skin of your left shoulder.
He was right. You couldn’t escape your debts. Even in death, they came to haunt those you left behind, the weight of them falling on shoulders not strong enough to bear the burden.
If only your father had heeded his own advice.
But you were only a child then. At six years old, what could you know of the expenses your father was piling up, the creditors he owed, the tax collectors he evaded?
Perhaps he knew all along. Perhaps he knew he would never escape those debts, never outrun them. And so perhaps Fortuna, the only god he had ever had any use for, had smiled upon him when she sent the fever that robbed him of his life breath.
But why did she have to take Mater, too?
At six years old, you knew nothing. Nothing but pain and loss.
If only you had known that that was just the beginning.
What could you have known of the debts your father owed? Death may have allowed him to escape them, but it didn’t afford you the same luxury.
Rome had been your home your entire life, but when you needed her the most, she turned her back on you, just as your father had done. Just, as it seemed, Fortuna had. The most powerful empire in the world had no pity in her heart for poor orphans, especially not orphans who had inherited a lifetime’s worth of debt, orphans whose fathers’ foolishness had robbed the empire’s coffers.
It was a strange thing, being swept up and sold off, like you were of no more worth than the tapestries and vases that went with you off to market.
Everything was to be sold, you’d overheard the men saying, those frightening men with their faces that looked like the marble you’d seen in the Temple of Jupiter and their eyes as cold as the frigid waters of the Tiber in the dead of winter. If they fetched a good enough price for your childhood home and everything that lay within it, it might just settle your father’s accounts, so they said.
You could never escape your debts.
Or, in this case, you could never escape the debts of others.
Maybe you should have known that moment would come, the moment when your freedom was swallowed up forever. Maybe the signs had been there all along, as the augurs in the temples were so wont to remind people.
Had your parents known all along that this would be your fate when they bestowed your name upon you at birth? Sabina, a name derived from the Sabine women, the very women who had been robbed of their freedom when they were unwillingly carried off by the brutal hands of Rome.
You had never been one for portents and signs, but perhaps this one had been staring you in the face all along.
From Sabina, the freeborn Roman to Sabina, the slave.
How quickly the hands of fate could turn.
Days turned to weeks, and weeks to months, and months to years, until freedom itself seemed only to be a distant memory, like the sound of your mother’s voice and the joy of the games you’d played as a small child.
Your childhood and your freedom had been stolen, stolen to satisfy the debts of the man who was supposed to protect and defend you. And yet, you couldn’t find it in yourself to let the bitterness and resentment build. You’d seen the way it festered in others, the way it gnawed at their bones until nothing remained but a hollow shell. You couldn’t allow that to happen.
Because then what was left of you would be stolen, too, and you really would be nothing.
So long as that tiny flicker of peace remained, then a part of you remained as well, and nobody, not even Rome herself, could take that away from you.
Through every indignity, through every punishment and beating and degradation, you clung to that tiny piece of your heart that you stubbornly refused to let be stained by the world. Through every change of hands, when your body was treated like a commodity to be bought and sold, your very humanity ignored and denied, you retreated to that small place inside, that place where you were still you and always would be.
At night, when you dreamed, it wasn’t of the horrors of your circumstances or the brutality of your days. When you dreamed, it was always of the same pair of arms that held you close and kept you safe. They were strong arms. Scarred arms. Arms that had carried the weight of burdens too heavy to bear, just as you had. You didn’t know who they belonged to—you could never see his face—but you trusted him more than anyone you had ever known. And though you woke each morning alone and cold, you knew with a surety borne only of a deep-seated need that his warmth would find you again when you closed your eyes.
No matter where you went, no matter what household you were sold to, your strong-armed protector followed you in your dreams. And so you weren’t afraid when, after the death of the dominus you’d served for many years, you were sold off to the household of Atticus Cornelius Juventus. For though he was well known to be a lanista, a dealer in the most brutal of gladiators, you felt a strange sense of certainty that you would be safe there.
Your father had taught that you could never escape your debts.
You had learned that you could never escape the fetters of slavery.
But maybe, just maybe, there was still a part of you, no matter how small, that could be free.
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Honor and pride were all a man had.
His father had been a great warrior. Honor and pride were the two things he had lived by, the things that had fueled him.
He didn’t really remember his father.
His mother had told him about him when he was small, but he didn’t really remember her either.
He could recall her in flashes—the feel of her arms as she rocked him to sleep, the sound of her voice as she hummed a tune he could no longer remember the words of, the look of pain that flickered in her eyes when she spoke of his father.
But every time he tried to cling to those memories, to solidify her face in his mind’s eye and tattoo it on his heart, they disappeared like the morning mist, taking all the fleeting echoes of home with them.
Britannia had been home once, but was it any longer?
It was the land his father had died for, the land he’d been cut down defending.
It was the land where his mother had given him life, nurturing him and raising him to be a man of honor and pride, as his father had been.
But he hadn’t been a man, not then.
He hadn’t been a man when the Romans came and raided his village. He hadn’t been a man when they burned the only home he’d ever known, not caring that his mother was still inside. He hadn’t been a man when they raped and pillaged, destroying everything he’d ever held dear in their mad thirst for power and control.
He hadn’t been a man when they rounded him up with the other few survivors and carted him off to the slave markets of Rome, the foul center of their even fouler empire.
He hadn’t been a man then, but he became one.
And as he grew under the watchful eyes of Rome, so did his bitterness. As his body grew stronger, so did his hatred for the people who had made him a slave to their savage empire.
The Romans liked to claim that his people were the savages, yet he had never seen a people as thirsty for blood as the citizens of this hellish kingdom. His father had only ever fought out of devotion to his family and his homeland. These people fought for the pure joy of bloodlust.
He hated them.
He hated them and he hated everything they represented.
But most of all, he hated himself for not being able to break free of them. He hated himself for having to submit to their fetters and chains.
One day, he told himself, he would break free. And so he worked hard every day, not for the benefit of Rome, but for the benefit of himself. He built up his muscles and his stamina, he built up his endurance and his strength. He built himself up so that no one would ever be able to hurt him and get away with it.
But perhaps that had been his mistake.
He built himself up so much that it began to attract talk—and attention.
It started out harmlessly enough. His dominus—how he hated that word—would set up street brawls with drunkards and other slaves and collect bets on the outcome of the fights. He might not have been proud to admit it, but it served as an outlet for the rage he’d been bottling up inside since he was a small boy. Each man he fought was the man who had run his father through with a Roman sword, or the soldier who had laughed as his mother screamed in agony while the flames engulfed her. With each swing of his massive fists, he avenged his parents and his people.
But as the fights became more popular, more people began to take notice. And he was too brash and impulsive, too young and stupid, to realize just how dangerous that was.
He would never forget the day that Atticus Cornelius Juventus came to watch him fight, the rich man’s dark, beady eyes never blinking as he watched him destroy his opponents, beating them to within an inch of their lives. At the end of the bout, when he was bloodied and panting and soaked with sweat, the man even smiled, one corner of his cunning mouth quirking up into a satisfied grin.
“I’ll take him, Linus,” he had said, throwing a hefty bag of clinking coins in the direction of his smirking dominus.
His former dominus.
From that day forward, he became the property of Atticus Cornelius Juventus and he knew that he would never taste freedom again.
He had built himself up so that they could never destroy him, and he ended up destroying himself.
From street brawls with drunkards, to armed combat in local arenas, to the public spectacles of the Colosseum, the years passed and his fame grew. “The Barbarian from Britannia” was what they loved to call him. He was their champion, their hero, their undefeated victor. They loved him, worshiped him, adored the ground he walked on.
He hated them.
He hated their cheers, he hated the way they fawned over him, he hated the way they had forced their sword into his hand, the same sword that had slaughtered his father and his people.
He no longer cared whether he lived or died. In fact, he rather wished that death would finally come to claim him one of these days. 
What did he have to live for?
It certainly wasn’t the hope of freedom. He no longer hoped for that. He no longer hoped for anything. His life was not his own, and it never had been.
There were moments when he was by himself late at night, brief and fleeting moments when he felt himself reaching out for something—or someone. It was a desperate ache, a longing deep inside his chest for something he didn’t quite understand.
It didn’t matter. He would root that longing out of his heart, just as he had rooted out every other feeling beyond bitterness and hatred.
Honor and pride were all a man had, and his had been trampled into the dust.
He would never return to his homeland.
He would never escape the blood and sand of the Colosseum.
He would never again be free.
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aureliaeiter · 18 days
Venus Verticordia and the Veneralia
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Today marks the beginning of April, a month the Romans dedicated to Venus as it was believed by some like Ovid that this month's name comes from “aphrilis” (Latin for “foam”, which is where Venus came from).
The month starts with the celebration of the Veneralia on April 1. This festivity is dedicated to Venus Verticordia, the “changer of hearts” who made women go from lust to chastity.
Though this festival started for mainly misogynist reasons (like most things in a patriarchal society) I think it's still a beneficial festivity for those of us who seek a meaningful relationship in the current context of hook-up culture we live in, or for those already in a relationship who are looking forward to taking the next step.
How to celebrate?
Cleanse your altar space. During the festival, women would undress Venus' cult image and cleanse both the statue and other accessories she wore such as necklaces. If you have an altar space dedicated to Venus or Aphrodite now's the perfect time to clean it! And if you gave some accessories to your icon as an offering, you could clean them like women did in ancient times.
Self care. Women would take this day to clean both their body and hair. In Ancient times they would do it in front of men at a public bath if they were poor or at the Fortuna Virilis temple if they were rich. This made sense back then since this festival was partly built around women centering men in their lifes. Thankfully we don't live like this anymore, so you can just take your time to take a relaxing bath for yourself and do some self care you don't usually do (like a face mask; nobody has the time to do that daily!). But if you do it to attract a partner, that's okay too! Just be mindful in your purpose with this self care moment.
Drink infused herbs. Ancient Roman women drank a mixture of opium poppy mixed with milk and honey. The reason why is because this was believed to be what Venus drank the day she married Vulcanus, before her wedding. There's a high chance either you don't feel comfortable drinking opiacids or that opium poppy is banned in your country. So instead, you can replace it with other herbs that correspond with beauty and fertility, like roses, lavender, hibiscus or chamomile.
Spend time with Venus or Aphrodite. If you are a devotee of any of these two goddesses (or you sincretise their worship) today is a perfect day to spend some time with them. Pray to them, give them offerings and tell them about the ideal partner you want to attract into your life or the life you've planned with your current partner.
Have a Merry Veneralia ❤️
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rhine-gold-archive · 2 years
HEAVY SPOILERS FOR 3.1 what i think is interesting is a heavy emphasis on experience\memories as basically mana pull for magic. like you know how the Aranara quest shows that they use memories to do magic, BUT it takes the memories away, so if they spend too much, they basically turn into a different, YOUNGER person.
that’s EXACTLY what happened to Rukkadevata! She turned into Kusanali, who is a kid, doesn’t have her memories, AND has completely different outlook on the concept of wisdom. which means she used the same type of memory\experience based magic.
but this magic can be universal, not just dendro-related. experience is also how bake danuki get their magic! remember the event where you had to take a lil cute dancing furball all over the world and take pics with him? The bake danuki god specifically said that this is to get him accumulate power, that the more they see\experience, the more powerful they become. Just like Aranara who wanted to do quests with Traveler!
i think this concept is super cool and can’t wait to see how it ties in with leylines\Iraminsul tree collecting and circulating memories, and stela fortunas (constellations) being fruits of that tree
EDIT: ALSO remember how many people whose visions were taken away in Inazuma, just straight up lost memories for like large, important chunks of their lives?? Visions are tied into this too and are probably external accumulators of concentrated experiences, focused on one ambition. Not just desires themselves, but all that led you to have this desire
EDIT 2: Now that I answered that other ask, I remembered that stories as seeds are also one of the main Anemo themes! “Seeds of stories, brought by the wind and cultivated by time. Stories brought on the wind will bloom into legends in due time” - Thousand Winds Temple” This theme is not only linked with Venti, but also with Istaroth, the goddess of time from Enkanomiya, one of the Shades of the Primordial God who ruled Teyvat before Celestia invaded and overthrew him. 
You know where we see a mention of Istaroth, other than Enkanomiya and (arguably) Mond’s Thousand Winds Temple? In Raiden’s quest part 2, because Makoto, Ei’s twin, created the sacred sakura’s seed with the help of Istaroth! She fucking Aranara-ed herself, she turned her essence into a seed that grew into ley line tree
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you’re right! and weapon and artifact enhancement materials literally say they are made of memories. literally everything in teyvat runs on memories.
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marcusagrippa · 5 days
you met him when you were ten, and some might say it was by chance but you know it was not. fortuna was his uncle’s mistress, after all, not his. there were scraped knees and bloody noses and a gravitational pull that scared you (something apollonian, maybe - a disc around the head that only you could see), young as you were, and you lost a tooth that day but gained a friend. he was almost a head shorter than you and half the size, and he wheezed when he talked and his bones were the wrong shape and you could fit your thumb and forefinger in a neat circle around his wrist with room to spare, but something old in you knew that the world would be brought to its knees by those grey eyes and slim hands. 
you ran away from the house where you saw your father’s skull crack open on the kitchen floor and he taught you greek on the temple steps below a red-faced god, and the first time it happened it was over aristophanes, of all things. you were twelve but looked older and he had a limp and his hair was too long and when you kissed him he didn’t stop you, he barely even blinked, he just smiled and went back to correcting your pronunciation after you pulled away. you’d wonder later whether you’d dreamed it but at night you knew that there would always be a part of you stuck in that moment - under jupiter’s gaze with a hand in his hair and greek on your lips. 
the first time you begged him you were sixteen and your brother was in utica. you didn’t think suicide was contagious, but it couldn’t hurt to make sure, so you asked him for mercy over dinner and he said he’d think about it, of course, you had to understand that his uncle was a very busy man with a lot to worry about, a lot on his plate, but he’d see what he could do. you both climbed the tower that evening, the one he nearly fell from as a child, and he watched the sun set over the city’s skyline but all you could watch was the way the shards of fading light touched his face. you’re still not sure if he knew just how deep you’d already managed to fall but it didn’t really matter when he met your lips with his own that night. the second time was better - longer - and he tasted like wine and honey, and it would not be the last. 
you were seventeen and at sea and he looked like he was dying, all sunken cheeks and pale skin and sweat-soaked hair clinging damply to his forehead, and your shared quarters smelled like vomit for a week while the ship crossed to hispania. his voice was weak and that halo had dimmed and when you held him in your arms to try and quell his trembling he was  lighter and frailer than a bird. you were scared. the strength was there, the strength was always there, but it was buried under feverish sweats and wracking coughs and hatchling bones that felt like to snap at the gentlest touch. you stayed - because you always stayed. you wiped his brow, held back his hair, soothed him and cared for him even in the height of his delirium. that voyage  was when you found out about his nightmares; the ones that tore through him more savagely than the fever and left him sobbing and shaking like a child in your arms. they sent words spilling from his lips, words you can’t remember (don’t want to remember), frenzied and hoarse and almost incoherent. 
you wonder now if curses can flow backwards in time. you wonder now if he deserved it. 
the news came the week after the prophecy did. (the astrologer had kissed his feet - fallen to the floor and kissed his damned feet, and you had seen the strange distant look on his face as he was revered and worshipped, and that was the first time you remember that ice stab of fear piercing your chest as you watched him.) the letter fell from his hands like last summer’s dying leaves and he had stumbled, because who wouldn’t, really, in that situation, and when your hands hooked under his arms to keep him up you could feel the way he shook. that was that, then - the idyll was shattered. the future was set. iacta alea esto. 
the lists went up a year later and you knew without words that your sword would be the one bloodied by the end. 
you were twenty-one years old and on your knees in front of him. his hand was in your hair and his eyes were dark and you swore you could feel the drained life still caked under your fingernails, and when he forced your head back to make you look up you couldn’t tear your eyes away - he would be a god, you knew then, beyond a shadow of a doubt he would be a god. (if only you had known what kind.) a few soft words and a sharp tug and you found yourself pressed to him, mosaic tiles digging into your shins, neck aching as he held your gaze. a quiet question and a whispered reply - ‘yes, caesar,’ you said, but the words under the surface were all too clear. don’t think them, don’t speak them. the name was a promise, you thought, and it was not worth the struggle to take it back.
he took you in the temple against the column and for a little while, with your face pressed into the hollow of his neck and your fingers digging into his skin, you could imagine as the sun moved within you that nothing had changed at all. 
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ninja-muse · 19 days
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March was a productive month, and not just because I read a good number of books. I also started writing again after a bit of a slump, and I managed to unhaul 37 books from my home library, though some of them have not actually left the house yet. The used bookstore I went to didn't take everything so I have to decide which one I'm hitting next. Or if I'm dumping the bulk on a thrift store because let's be honest, most used bookstores aren't going to want what's left either.
Can you tell I got rid of that many? Only if you saw the state of things before. My shelves are neat and tidy with no books wedged on top of other books to make things fit.
And I was so, so close to ending the month without buying more books! I really thought I was going to manage it! And then, well, I mentioned the used bookstore, right? I've been meaning to read Delaney but few bookstores stock him, and Lincoln's Dreams is one of the only Connie Willis novels I don't own. (That shop also had stickers, and a cute bookmark I can't show you because whiting out the identifying features would ruin the effect.) Under the Smokestrewn Sky was a rescue, of sorts. Why return it to the publisher when you could just buy it, right?
Anyway, in terms of books read, there were some really good ones! And only one that was not so great. I think I'm done reading and collecting Rat Queens and might need to include those in the next unhaul. And don't get me wrong about the Evie Dunmore. It is a Good Historical Romance Novel. There's just something about it that didn't work for me.
Click through to see everything I read this month, in the rough order of how glad I was to have read them.
I Love Russia - Elena Kostyuchenko, translated by Bela Shayevich and Ilona Yazhbin Chavasse
Portraits and memories of the unsung Russia—the poor, the broken, the marginalized.
🏳️‍🌈 author
warnings: so many, including but not limited to misogyny, homophobia, genocide, violence, sexual violence, drugs and alcohol, abuse, child death, suicide
reading copy
True North - Andrew J. Graff
The Brechts move to Michigan to restart a rafting business. They hope it’ll save their family, but it might do the opposite.
Menominee secondary character
library book
Sociopath - Patric Gagne
As a child, Patric knew something about her was off and kept countering a lack of feeling with dark acts. As a young woman, she learns the definition of “sociopath” and it changes everything. Out in April.
neurodivergent author
To a Darker Shore - Leanne Schwartz
When the invention that should have guaranteed Alesta's future fails, her best friend takes the fall and is sacrificed to the demon besieging their kingdom. To rescue him, Alesta must descend into hell, where she learns truths about her society—and her gods. Out in April.
fat protagonist, autistic main character, major autistic secondary character, 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters, autistic author
warning: classism, strict religion, autism-related ableism
reading copy
The Temple of Fortuna - Elodie Harper
Amara’s living as a courtesan in Rome but misses her lover and daughter in Pompeii. When she returns to the city, her needs and desires are sent into turmoil—and Vesuvius has started to rumble.
🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (sapphic), Ethiopian secondary characters
warning: misogynist society, sexual violence, slave society
Funny Story - Emily Henry
What do you do when your partners dump you for each other? Move in together, of course! Out in April.
Iranian-American secondary character, Black secondary character, 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (sapphic)
warning: toxic relationships, mainly in backstory
reading copy
Welcome to the Hyunam-Dong Bookshop - Hwang Bo-reum, translated by Shanna Tan
Tired of fulling expectations, Yeongju opens a bookshop. She’s not the only one to find happiness there.
Korean cast, Korean author
library ebook
Aftermarket Afterlife - Seanan McGuire
The Covenant has started actively pursuing the Prices and their allies, and all Mary wants to do is protect her family.
🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (lesbian, gay, bi man), Korean-American secondary character, 🏳️‍🌈 author
warning: canon-typical violence, bigots
library ebook
Knife Skills for Beginners - Orlando Murrin
Paul Delamare is filling in for a friend at a cooking school when a body is found on the premises.
🏳️‍🌈 protagonist (gay), Black British secondary character, 🏳️‍🌈 secondary character (sapphic)
reading copy
Let Them Tremble - Wolf Epley
The revolution is brewing and both the workers and the government refuse bend. Throw in a destroyed print shop, ghosts, and malfunctioning Shroud devices, and you know things won’t end well.
major disabled character (partial blindness, limp, hand disfigurement), cast largely of non-racialized colour
won/digital reading copy
The Gentleman’s Gambit - Evie Dunmore
Catriona needs to avoid distractions to write her book but is pressed to help her father’s new colleague around Oxford. Elias needs her help if he ever hopes to smuggle antiquities out of the Ashmolean.
🏳️‍🌈 protagonist (bi woman), Lebanese love interest, Lebanese secondary character
warning: colonial/orientalist characters
library book
Rat Queens, Vol. 5 - Kurtis J. Wiebe with Owen Gieni (illustrator)
Palisade’s problems continue, including hallucinations, a hipster bar, and a sinister wizard.
major Black character, major 🏳️‍🌈 character (lesbian), 🇨🇦
off my TBR shelves
Children’s Books
Penelope Rex and the Problem with Pets - Ryan Higgins
Mittens hogs the bed, eats from the trash, and causes all kinds of trouble—and Penelope didn’t even want them!
Currently reading
I’m Afraid You’ve Got Dragons - Peter S. Beagle
Robert doesn’t want to be the country’s dragon exterminator on the best of days, but then Princess Cerise meets Prince Reginald. Out in May.
reading copy
Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century - Richard Taruskin
A history of early written European music, in its social and political contexts.
The Penguin Complete Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle
Victorian detective stories
disabled POV character (limb injury), occasional Indian secondary characters
warning: racism, colonialism
Monthly total: 12 Yearly total: 32 Queer books: 4 Authors of colour: 1 Books by women: 8 Authors outside the binary: 0 Canadian authors: 1 Classics: 0 Off the TBR shelves: 1 Books hauled: 3 ARCs acquired: 5 ARCs unhauled: 7 DNFs: 0
January February
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louistonehill · 6 months
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[OC] Clair Fortuna
She finally has a name!!! ...okay so Clair Fortuna is a fake name, but she's a fortune teller /cough/ oracle that ran away from her temple so she goes by her alias artistic name, of course!
Clair is a fun-loving free spirit, who spends her time and powers on either helping people or scamming the rich. So, unsurprisingly, she's also a bit of a little shit.
I hope you'll treat her kindly~
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violentvioletsky · 1 year
1996 Goth Club Setlist (& Late 90s Top 15)
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"The Church Volume 1" is a Promo Mix CD for a Goth Club called "The Church" located in Dallas, Texas. The compilation was released in 1996. Former resident DJ Karl Fought created the mix.
Only two of the three parts of the compilation has been released on YouTube. You can go look up the songs in Part 1 of the compilation, if you so desire.
Part 1. Existentialism
— No Artist– Religious Sample — Filter – Dose (Morning After Mix) — Remix [Uncredited] – Ben Grosse — Tool – Sober — Nine Inch Nails– Reptile — Marilyn Manson– Lunchbox Part 2. Trans-Fusion — MCL (Micro Chip League)– New York — Double I.D.– Communicate — Bigod 20– The Bog — Nitzer Ebb– Murderous — Lords Of Acid– I Sit On Acid
Part 3. Vampires At Work — Gerard McMann– Cry Little Sister — Sarah McLachlan– Fear (Rabbit In The Moon Mix) — Remix [Uncredited] – Rabbit In The Moon — Type O Negative– Black No. 1 — Shriekback– Nemesis —The Sisters Of Mercy– Temple Of Love — Apotheosis– O Fortuna
"The Church Volume 1" is a Promo Mix CD for a Goth Club called "The Church" located in Dallas, Texas that was release in 1996. The former resident DJ Karl Fought created the mix.
Only two of three parts of the compilation CD has been released on YouTube. You can go look up the songs in Part 1 of the compilation, if you so desire.
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cidnangarlond · 16 days
fortuna no your drip goes too hard the temple knights they'll kill you
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moontrinemars · 2 years
Astrology Quick-List + Informal Survey: The Muses
Researched for my use, compiled and posted for public reference. Disclaimer is in my bio.
Below is a list of the asteroids for the nine muses and a very brief description of what they rule over or are associated with. Under the description I've listed some musicians with notable conjunctions to each respective asteroid. (If I listed every aspect, the post would be a million miles long, and other aspects are as a rule less relevant than tight conjunctions anyway, particularly for asteroids.)
Kalliope is the eldest of the muses. She began as the goddess of eloquence, but since the arts were divided into separate domains, is the muse of epic poetry. Her name is translated, roughly, to “beautiful-voiced”.
A Few Musicians with Notable Kalliope Conjunctions: Anais Mitchell [Sun, Mars, Descendant], Judy Garland [Sun], Peter Gabriel [Moon], Vince Neil [Mercury, Vesta, Medium Coeli], Fiona Apple [Venus, Saturn], Mick Jagger [Venus], Jim Morrison [Venus], Hozier [Venus], Carlos Santana [Venus, Terpsichore], Sandra [Venus, Ceres, Vesta], Alice Cooper [Mars], Scott Weiland [Jupiter], Billie Joe Armstrong [Saturn, Pallas, Urania], Aretha Franklin [Saturn], Buddy Holly [Uranus, Melpomene], Gloria Estefan [Uranus, Vertex, Klio], Woody Guthrie [Pluto], Andy Gibb [Pluto, Descendant], Julie Andrews [Rahu], Jimi Hendrix [Rahu, Chiron], Cyndi Lauper [Vertex], Shania Twain [Lilith], Björk [Lilith, Pallas, Juno], Boy George [Ceres, Euterpe, Polyhymnia], Jon Bon Jovi [Ceres, Nessus], Courtney Love [Pallas, Juno], Bing Crosby [Pallas], Trent Reznor [Juno], Susan Boyle [Vesta], Tobias Forge [Pholus], Sid Vicious [Klio, Polyhymnia], Bob Marley [Klio, Urania], Billy Joel [Melpomene], Stevie Nicks [Terpsichore], John Travolta [Terpsichore], Belinda Carlisle [Urania], Tina Turner [Thalia], Diane Warren [Nessus], Diana Ross [Ascendant], Andy Gibb [Medium Coeli], Mitski [Imum Coeli], OP [Chiron, Juno, Polyhymnia]
KLIO [84]
Klio is the muse of history. Her name can be translated as “to celebrate” or “to make famous”.
A Few Musicians with Notable Klio Conjunctions: Barbara Streisand [Sun, Nessus], Jimi Hendrix [Moon, Jupiter], Sting [Moon], Frank Sinatra [Mercury], Joni Mitchell [Venus], Frank Zappa [Mars], Machine Gun Kelly [Jupiter, Ceres], Cher [Uranus], Maria Von Trapp [Uranus], Gloria Estefan [Uranus, Vertex, Kalliope], Shania Twain [Uranus, Pluto, Urania] Tobias Forge [Neptune, Urania], Buddy Holly [Neptune], Ray Davies [Neptune], Prince [Pluto, Urania, Medium Coeli], Courtney Love [Rahu], Frankie Valli [Rahu], John Travolta [Rahu], Joe Strummer [Chiron], Andrew Lloyd Webber [Chiron], Alice Cooper [Ketu], Trent Reznor [Pars Fortunae], Dołly Parton [Pars Fortunae], Nannerl Mozart [Pars Fortunae, Ceres, Thalia], Hozier [Ceres, Pholus], Tina Turner [Ceres, Urania], Chris Isaak [Ceres], Fiona Apple [Juno], Whitney Houston [Pholus], Sid Vicious [Kalliope, Polyhymnia], Bob Marley [Kalliope, Urania], John Lennon [Erato, Descendant], Joe Perry [Erato, Imum Coeli], Phil Collins [Erato], Anais Mitchell [Urania], Eartha Kitt [Urania], Carlos Santana [Urania, Thalia], Scott Weiland [Thalia], Billy Joel [Ascendant], Vince Neil [Ascendant], Sandra [Ascendant], Billie Joe Armstrong [Descendant], Elvis Presley [Imum Coeli], OP [Vertex, Euterpe, Urania, Thalia]
ERATO [62]
Erato is known as the muse of both erotic poetry and mime. Her name translates to “lovely” or “beloved”.
A Few Musicians with Notable Erato Conjunctions: Ray Davies [Sun, Moon, Venus, Saturn, Pallas], John Travolta [Sun], Diane Warren [Sun], Shania Twain [Sun], Tobias Forge [Moon], Billy Joel [Mars], Frank Sinatra [Jupiter, Chiron, Pallas], Buddy Holly [Jupiter], Dolly Parton [Jupiter, Juno], Eartha Kitt [Uranus, Juno], Florence Welch [Neptune], Ringo Starr [Neptune, Ceres, Urania, Descendant], Tina Turner [Neptune], Sting [Neptune, Imum Coeli], Whitney Houston [Neptune, Pars Fortunae, Lilith], Shirley Temple [Pluto], Cher [Chiron, Juno], Bette Midler [Chiron, Juno, Descendant], Cyndi Lauper [Chiron], Billie Holiday [Rahu], Bob Marley [Vertex], Mick Jagger [Antivertex, Melpomene], Sandra [Antivertex], Maria Von Trapp [Lilith], Andrew Lloyd Webber [Lilith], Tamino [Pallas], Frank Zappa [Pallas], Kurt Cobain [Juno], Louis Armstrong [Vesta, Euterpe], Aretha Frankling [Vesta, Pholus, Euterpe], Alice Cooper [Pholus], John Lennon [Klio, Descendant], Joe Perry [Klio, Imum Coeli], Phil Collins [Klio], Barbara Streisand [Euterpe], Jimi Hendrix [Euterpe], Frankie Valli [Polyhymnia], Scott Weiland [Terpsichore], Diana Ross [Descendant], David Bowie [Medium Coeli], Stevie Wonder [Medium Coeli], Belinda Carlisle [Medium Coeli], Boy George [Imum Coeli]
Euterpe is the muse of lyric poetry. Her name is translated to “well-pleasing” or “giver of much delight”.
A Few Musicians with Notable Euterpe Conjunctions: Trent Reznor [Sun], Ringo Starr [Sun], Peter Gabriel [Sun], Maria Von Trapp [Moon, Vesta, Terpsichore], Mick Jagger [Moon], Bob Marley [Moon], John Lennon [Venus], Boy George [Venus, Ceres, Vesta, Kalliope, Polyhymnia], Joni Mitchell [Mars, Vesta], Jim Morrison [Mars, Vesta], Diana Ross [Mars], Fiona Apple [Uranus], Tamino [Neptune], Gerard Way [Pluto], Nannerl Mozart [Pluto], Ray Davies [Pluto], Frank Zappa [Rahu], Bette Midler [Ketu], Andy Gibb [Ketu, Vesta], Vince [Ketu, Chiron], Machine Gun Kelly [Pars Fortunae, Terpsichore], Prince [Vertex], Eartha Kitt [Pallas], Louis Armstrong [Vesta, Erato], Aretha Franklin [Vesta, Pholus, Erato], Billie Joe Armstrong [Vesta], Buddy Holly [Vesta], Dolly Partom [Vesta], Phil Collins [Vesta], Florence Welch [Pholus], Barbara Streisand [Erato], Jimi Hendrix [Erato], Carlos Santana [Melpomene, Polyhymnia], Whitney Houston [Melpomene], Hozier [Terpsichore], Sandra [Terpsichore], Neil Diamond [Ascendant], Loretta Lynn [Descendant], OP [Vertex, Klio, Urania, Thalia]
Melpomene was once regarded as the definitive singing goddess. Since the domains were split, she is addressed as the muse of tragedy. Her name is roughly translated as “celebrate with song”.
A Few Musicians with Notable Melpomene Conjunctions: Belinda Carlisle [Sun], Jim Morrison [Moon], Lana Del Rey [Venus, Rahu, Pallas, Descendant], Bette Midler [Venus], Nannerl Mozart [Saturn, Pluto], Alice Cooper [Saturn, Pars Fortunae], Dianę Warren [Saturn], Buddy Holly [Uranus, Kalliope], Billie Holiday [Uranus], Sandra [Uranus], Gerard Way [Neptune], Joe Strummer [Neptune], John Lennon [Pluto, Pars Fortunae], Andrew Lloyd Webber [Pluto], Sting [Ketu], Vince Neil [Pars Fotunae], Regina Spector [Vertex], Phil Collins [Vertex], Fiona Apple [Antivertex], Mick Jagger [Antivertex, Erato], Bob Marley [Lilith], Joe Perry [Lilith, Thalia], Dolly Parton [Pallas], Aretha Franklin [Juno], Barbara Streisand [Juno], Gloria Estefan [Juno], John Travolta [Vesta], Cher [Pholus, Medium Coeli], Loretta Lynn [Pholus], Billy Joel [Kalliope], Carlos Santana [Euterpe, Polyhymnia], Whitney Houston [Euterpe], Jimi Hendrix [Ascendant], OP [Venus, Ketu]
Polyhymnia was once the goddess of lyric poetry. However, with the splitting of the domains, she is now the muse of religious hymns. She is, according to some sources, the inventor of the lyre. Her name means “many hymns”.
A Few Musicians with Notable Polyhymnia Conjunctions: Vince Neil [Sun, Pallas], Nannerl Mozart [Moon, Vertex], Julie Andrews [Mercury], John Lennon [Mercury], Mick Jagger [Mercury, Imum Coeli], Phil Collins [Mercury, Pallas], Belinda Carlisle [Mercury, Pluto, Juno], Björk [Venus], Boy George [Venus, Ceres, Vesta, Kalliope, Euterpe], Tamino [Mars], Louis Armstrong [Mars], Loretta Lynn [Mars, Vesta, Terpsichore], Scott Weiland [Jupiter], Jimi Hendrix [Jupiter], Sting [Jupiter], Marilyn Monroe [Saturn], Andy Gibb [Uranus], Whitney Houston [Uranus, Descendant], Anais Mitchell [Chiron], Jim Morrison [Chiron], Maria Von Trapp [Rahu], Buddy Holly [Rahu], Shania Twain [Ketu, Thalia], Joe Perry [Vertex], Stevie Wonder [Antivertex], Diana Ross [Lilith], Billie Holiday [Juno], Mitski [Vesta], Gerard Way [Vesta], Andrew Lloyd Webber [Vesta], aSid Vicious [Kalliope, Klio], Carlos Santana [Euterpe, Polhymnia], Judy Garland [Terpsichore, Nessus], Shirley Temple [Terpsichore], Trent Reznor [Thalia], Kelly Clarkson [Nessus], Dianę Warren [Nessus], Hozier [Ascendant], Frank Sinatra [Ascendant], Cyndi Laup;er [Descendant], Kurt Cobain [Medium Coeli], OP [Chiron, Juno, Kalliope]
Terpsichore is the muse of choral song and dancing. Thus, her name means “delighting in dance”.
A Few Musicians with Notable Terpsichore Conjunctions: Regina Spector [Sun, Ketu], Susan Boyle [Sun], Maria Von Trapp [Moon, Vesta, Euterpe], Andrew Lloyd Webber [Moon], Florence Welch [Mercury, Nessus], Lana Del Rey [Venus, Descendant], Carlos Santana [Venus, Kalliope], Julie Andrews [Mars], Alice Cooper [Mars], Kurt Cobain [Jupiter], Woody Guthrie [Chiron], Tamino [Rahu, Pholus], Louis Armstrong [Rahu], Bing Crosby [Ketu, Vertex], Jimi Hendrix [Pars Fortunae], Courtney Love [Antivertex], Buddy Holly [Antivertex], Vince Neil [Ceres], Loretta Lynn [Vesta, Terpsichore], Whitney Houston [Vesta], Frank Sinatra [Pholus], Frank Zappa [Pholus], Stevie Nicks [Kalliope], John Travolta [Kalliope], Scott Weiland [Erato], Hozier [Euterpe], Machine Gun Kelly [Euterpe], Sandra [Euterpe], Judy Garland [Polyhymnia, Nessus], Shirley Temple [Polyhymnia], Aretha Franklin [Thalia, Nessus], Barbara Streisand [Thalia], Bette Midler [Medium Coeli], Cher [Imum Coeli], OP [Sun, Neptune]
Urania should be a favorite among astrologers - she is the muse of astronomy and astronomical writings, which at the time of the height of the worship of the muses, extended into the realm of astrology. Her name means “heavenly one”.
A Few Musicians with Notable Urania Conjunctions: Sid Vicious [Venus, Ceres], Frank Zappa [Venus], Cyndi Lauper [Venus, Nessus], Neil Diamond [Mars], Billie Joe Armstrong [Saturn, Pallas, Kalliope], Judy Garland [Saturn, Pallas], Phil Collins [Saturn], Shania Twain [Uranus, Pluto, Klio], Tobias Forge [Neptune, Klio], Ringo Starr [Neptune, Ceres, Erato, Descendant], Joni Mitchell [Neptune], Joe Perry [Pluto], Prince [Pluto, Klio, Medium Coeli], Mick Jagger [Rahu], David Bowie [Pars Fortunae], Billie Holiday [Pars Fortunae], Stevie Nicks [Pars Fortunae], Courtney Love [Vertex, Nessus], Cher [Antivertex], Vince Neil [Antivertex], Bob Dylan [Ceres], Chris Isaak [Pallas], Fiona Apple [Juno, Klio], Kelly Clarkson [Pholus], Bob Marley [Kalliope, Klio], Belinda Carlisle [Kalliope], Anais Mitchell [Klio], Eartha Kitt [Klio], Tina Turner [Klio], Carlos Santana [Klio, Thalia], Tamino [Thalia], Dolly Parton [Thalia], Peter Gabriel [Nessus], Machine Gun Kelly [Ascendant], Barbara Streisand [Ascendant], Mitski [Medium Coeli], Marilyn Monroe [Imum Coeli], OP [Klio, Euterpe, Thalia]
At times considered the other half of Melpomene, Thalia is the muse of comedy, as well as bucolic poetry. Her name could mean either “rich festivity” or “blooming”.
A Few Musicians with Notable Thalia Conjunctions: Regina Spektor [Moon, Pholus], Stevie Wonder [Moon], Kurt Cobain [Mercury], John Travolta [Venus], Maria Von Trapp [Mars], Prince [Mars], Elvis Presley [Jupiter], Sandra [Jupiter, Chiron, Pars Fortunae, Vertex], Billie Holiday [Rahu], Trent Reznor [Ketu, Polyhymnia], Shania Twain [Ketu, Polyhymnia], Bob Dylan [Ketu], Jon Bon Jovi [Ketu, Pholus], Loretta Lynn [Vertex], Björk [Antivertex], Nannerl Mozart [Pars Fortunae, Ceres, Klio], Judy Garland [Ceres], John Lennon [Pholus], Tina Turner [Kalliope], Scott Weiland [Klio], Carlos Santana [Klio, Urania], Joe Perry [Melpomene], Aretha Franklin [Terpsichore, Nessus], Barbara Streisand [Terpsichore], Tamino [Urania], Dolly Parton [Urania], Cher [Nessus], Machine Gun Kelly [Nessus], Frankie Valli [Ascendant], Cyndi Lauper [Ascendant], Andy Gibb [Ascendant], Vince Neil [Descendant], Billie Joe Armstrong [Imum Coeli], OP [Klio, Euterpe, Urania]
Entry Code: 22,84,62,27,18,33,81,30,23
There are more asteroids that can have particular impacts on musical ability and recognition of it, many of which have to do with the mythology of the muses - Apollo, or Orpheus for example - but I'm saving them for a separate post in their own right. Let me know if this is helpful and feel free to talk to me about the muses. ♡♡♡
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