queerdagny · 2 months
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I'm sorry for the very long post but:
Due to popular demand (and apparently the fact that I can have up to 30 pictures and I wouldn't have to split it up into a few posts), here is my powerpoint. I do not have the categories in here but if you are interested in seeing the slideshow in its entirety, you can look at it here. You are also missing my silly little jokes, but that is because I do not want to upload a 15-20 minute video.
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cosmic-pindrops · 1 year
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A Murderbot Noir AU as a gift to @vulcan-highblood for the 2023 MBD New Year Gift Exchange! 
More notes on the AU below:
This is an AU where members of ART's crew have been kidnapped by corporates, and due to the high profile of the corp the University can't act fast enough to save them (or else risk exposing the nature of their operation), so ART must take matters into its own hands. It takes a "detour" on a cargo run to find an elusive anti-corporate agent who might be its only chance at finding its crew.
Meanwhile, after MB decided to go with Mensah at the end of ASR, it found that life on Preservation was unbearable. The only time it truly felt like itself was when it was helping station security solve crimes. So it leaves, wandering into the outer reaches of the Corporate Rim, where it keeps coming across people who need its help (mysterious disappearances, people being sold to mining facilities where they'll never be found, etc). And if helping them hurts a Corp at the same time, then all the better. Unbeknownst to MB, it’s attracted the attention of more then corporates, and will be taking on its largest case yet - whether it wants to or not...!
Essentially MB and ART spend the whole adventure playing hot potato with the femme fatale role while fighting over who gets to be detective lol
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isab0t · 8 months
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literally partied with dave brown a few weeks ago and the whole time i was terrified he was gonna turn to me like some horror movie villain and tell me "i know youve drawn art of my best mates kissing." he didnt, but the fear survived. anyway, enjoy this art of dave brown's best mates kissing.
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lucca-strangee · 3 months
[Uma thread informativa a todos! <3]
𝕄𝕒𝕔𝕣𝕠𝕤 𝕖 𝕄ú𝕤𝕔𝕦𝕝𝕠𝕤💪🏻
[A] Carboidratos:
Principal combustível utilizado pelo corpo como fonte de energia. É ele que vai te fazer aguentar correr, respirar, treinar e etc.
Ele pode ser divididos em dois tipos: carboidratos simples e carboidratos complexos.
— Carboidratos Simples:
São digeridos de forma rápida, produz a sensação de fome com facilidade. Elevam o índice glicemico (famoso pico de energia).
Exemplos = qualquer fast food, açúcares, doces em geral, bolos, massas, etc.
— Carboidrato Complexo:
São absorvidos mais lentamente, promovem sensação maior de saciedade, ajuda o organismo a processar melhor as vitaminas e proteínas. Ricos em nutrientes.
Exemplos = batata doce, arroz integral, vegetais em geral, aveia, feijões, ervilhas, lentilhas, etc.
[B] Proteínas:
Repõe a energia que foi gasta, aumenta e reconstrói o tecido muscular.
Proteína após o treino sempre! Quando você treina, seus músculos ficam "machucados" pelas contrações, a proteína ajudar a "sarar" o seu corpinho pós treino.
Mas, lembrem-se: nem toda proteína é limpa!
A proteína será considerada "suja": quando vier acompanhada de muito sódio e gordura saturada. Evite a proteína que vem de embutidos!
Exemplos: salsichas, nuggets, carnes fritas, e etc.
— Proteína limpa: peito de frango, atum, tilapia, soja, ovo, grão de bico e etc.
[C] Gorduras:
Fonte importante de energia (dá um gás para a contração muscular), promovem saciedade, produção de ácido biliar (essencial na digestão), ajuda na produção de hormônios.
Evitem passar de 15g de gordura saturada por dia, pois, assim como o carboidrato, nem toda gordura é boa!
— Gorduras limpas: oleaginosas, ovo, peixes, abacate, coco, chocolate amargo e etc.
— Gorduras saturadas: todas as porcarias que você imaginar ☠️ manteiga, miojo, salsicha, pastel, nutella, sorvetes e etc.
• O que leva a perda de músculos?
Simples, dietas altamente restritivas e o porquê disso é simples:
Poucas proteínas provocam perda de massa muscular!!
Como expliquei antes, é a proteína que ajuda na construção e manutenção dos músculos, logo, a falta de proteína reflete diretamente na perca dos mesmos!
Aliás, a restrição total de carboidratos também contribuem pra essa perda!!
Mesmo que o carboidrato não ajude no tecido muscular, ele é a principal fonte de energia do corpo, logo, se você consome pouco ou nada, o corpo vai buscar energia em outras fontes, consequentemente queimará músculo.
• Já respondendo uma outra pergunta que muitos fazem: Academia não vai te fazer crescer!!
É simplesmente IMPOSSÍVEL ganhar músculo com você fazendo alta restrição.
Você vai no máximo desmaiar por não comer carboidratos suficiente e não ter energia pra terminar uma sequência de exercícios!!
• E respondendo a mesma pergunta só que ao contrário: Você não vai hipertrofiar (ganhar músculo) comendo tão pouco!!
Multiplica seu peso por 1,6-2g e o total é a quantidade de proteína, em gramas, que você tem que consumir por dia pra ter PELO MENOS uma definição.
Pra ganhar músculo mesmo (hipertrofiar) é de 1,8-2,4g de proteína por quilo. Tem que comer a mais que a TMB e fazer musculação. Faz o cálculo que com o resultado você verá o porquê eu digo que é impossível ganhar músculo comendo 500 kcal!!
[Parte dessa thread não é de minha autoria, foi inspirado na thread de um querido do twt que entrou em rec e desativou, então não tenho link do perfil ou da thread original !]
Espero ter esclarecido todas as dúvidas e acabado com suas paranóias.
Beijinhos <3
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nature-hiking · 1 year
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Star filled skies over the mountains 6-10/? - 6 & 7: Tour du Mont Blanc, June 2019
8-10:  Alpine Haute Route, June 2021
photo by nature-hiking
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drewlyyours · 11 months
So- I'm a freshly graduated archaeology student and I wanted to point something out...
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this is the funniest shit I've ever seen.
THEY LITERALLY DESIGNED THE OIL LAMP PERFECTLY FINE (maybe a little dull for a queen but whatevs)
however, there's one VERY KEY FLAW IN THIS SYSTEM
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for anyone still confused here’s an actual oil lamp in use:
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The wick would go through the nozzle and the oil poured through the top hole would soak the wick until the oil ran out.
however, I will say that they were correct in assuming it could light up that whole room: they are very powerful.
(if you have any questions - any more questions... just ask)
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gimmethatagustd · 2 years
I've read a lot of fics in which a member of the bts makes the oc feel good about their body after pregnancy, praises their body and stuff,
I was wondering if you could make a jungkook fic (or any other member if you want) where he's a writer and so can't put in time for excercise, he's lost his abs, his arms and thighs have gotten lose, and he feels like the reader doesn't like him anymore because when they got together back in college, he had all that
He's just worried that he's not pretty anymore, and then the reader makes sure he realizes just how pretty he is in her eyes, that he doesn't need a crazy sculpted body for her to love him, he could have a beer belly for all she cares and she'd still love him just as much
Your fics are AWESOME and I've really wanted to request this one for a while, so I hope you like the idea!
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All you want to do is make sure that your boyfriend feels good about himself, no matter how life changes.
» pairing: jungkook x reader
» genre: BTS | 18+ (i guess?? idk i’m bad at judging these things) | established relationship | fluff
» wc/date: 1.4k | August 2022
» warnings: body image insecurities | they shower together, but it’s not sexual 
» notes: this request is so cute and unique 🥺 thank you so much for sending this in. i'm sorry it took me a while to get to it, but i hope you enjoy 💖 and thank you to my beta reader @here4btsfics who has a lovely fic about a similiar topic here - pls go and read it, too!
» masterlist | ao3 | send me ur thots 👅
» what was jai listening to? i.f.l.y. - bazzi // nothing feels better - pink sweat$
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You were accustomed to waking up to the soft indentation of where your boyfriend’s body had laid in bed beside you. You spread your fingers out, smoothing over the wrinkled sheets and pressing your palm into the remaining warmth from his body. Normally it was the smell of coffee and the click clack of fingertips against a keyboard that coaxed you awake on a sleepy Sunday morning. Jungkook didn’t like waking you up. He tiptoed around the apartment, fuzzy socks sliding along the wooden floors and catching on the occasional rug, thoughts lost in the imaginary worlds he created inside his head.
You were in awe of his mind, never quite privy to everything that went on inside it, though you assumed you wouldn’t fully understand anyway. Creativity was, admittedly, not your strong suit. At least, not in the way it was for Jungkook. His ability to shape fragments of ideas and put them down in beautiful prose was enviable. It came to no one’s surprise that his short story collections were a hit from the very beginning. From anyone else’s eyes, Jungkook was right where he needed to be. 
For him, it wasn’t so simple.
With sleep blurring your eyes, you tripped over something on your way to your dresser. Looking down, your toes brushed up against the digital scale you normally kept tucked away in the bathroom. With a frown, you picked it up and headed towards the bathroom. 
Seeing Jungkook studying himself in the bathroom mirror wasn’t an unusual sight. He was always evaluating something, be it the way his bangs framed his forehead or how his veins popped when he flexed his biceps. Lately, though, these self-evaluations felt more frequent and harsher than usual. 
“Baby, why did you have this out?” You knew the answer already. 
Jungkook met your eyes in the mirror and your heart ached at the dark circles beneath his eyes. He shrugged, eyes cast downward. He played with a stray hair tie sitting on the bathroom counter and kept his back towards you. 
“I don’t feel good.” 
And you knew he didn’t mean that he was sick. 
Putting the scale away, you snuck your arms around his waist and hugged his back against your chest. You tried to ignore the way he tensed in your arms or how your initial touch made him flinch. 
“I think we should take a hot shower and get some coffee in us. How does that sound?” 
Your boyfriend grumbled, but he’d never learned how to say no to you, no matter how shitty he felt. Lucky for him, you only used your power for good. 
“Thank you,” you spoke softly as you lifted your t-shirt over your head. It was one of Jungkook’s, far too large for you and worn down to the point you should have probably gotten rid of it by now. But it was one of his old college shirts and the nostalgia made you hold on for a bit longer. Your underwear was next to go, quickly slipped off and following your shirt into the hamper. You felt your stomach flutter when you caught Jungkook watching you undress. Shooting him a small smile, you busied yourself with turning on the shower and getting the temperature the way he liked it. 
“Better hurry up or you’ll be stuck with cold water,” you teased as you stepped in. The heat made your skin tingle, raising goosebumps across your arms and the hairs on your skin. 
Jungkook followed you soon after, keeping his eyes cast downward as you grabbed his biceps to switch places with him, allowing him the opportunity to stand beneath the water. 
 You grabbed his shampoo, squirting some into your palm. Jungkook leaned out of the water just enough to open his eyes and cock his eyebrow at you. 
“That one’s mine.” 
“I know,” you said with a small smile. “Come here.” 
Jungkook frowned, but you beckoned him fervently. Once he stood before you, you gestured for him to turn away from you and lean back a bit.
“Why?” he protested and obliged anyway. 
Rather than answer his question, you gently dug your fingers into his scalp, manipulating his beautiful hair as you massaged the shampoo into it. Jungkook let out a small gasp and attempted to turn, but you held his head firmly in solace. 
“Relax, baby.” You spoke softly. “Let me take care of you.” 
“You don’t have to. I’m too tall…” Jungkook mumbled, but you only hushed him. 
You dug your nails into his scalp just enough to make his skin tingle, dragging your fingers through his hair. You focused on applying more massaging pressure near his temples and the back of his head. Jungkook carried his stress there, often getting piercing headaches that hung around for days. Once you felt you’d worked shampoo through every strand, you instructed your boyfriend to rinse it out. 
He was so beautiful with water slipping down his chest and soft tummy, following wet paths to his hips and tumbling past his thighs. He was a bit paler than usual, but that was expected when he worked tirelessly on a new book, spending little time outside. But your favorite part of him to look at was his face. You loved the little dented scar on his check and the tiny freckles delicately placed around his face. You loved his bambi eyes that now stared at you in confusion, his perfect pink lips parted in an open-mouth pout. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” His cheeks flushed pink and you weren’t sure if it was due to the hot water or embarrassment. 
Probably a mix of both. 
“You’re beautiful, that’s why,” you said with a shrug of your shoulders and your eyes crinkled in a smile. “Conditioner now.” 
Jungkook’s eyes found the floor again, and he reluctantly turned again. “You don’t have to lie.” 
You didn’t mean to grip his hair so hard he let out a small whimper, but his comment made your stomach twist. “I’m not lying. Why would I be lying?” 
A shrug. A small huff of annoyance. 
“I’m different now.” 
You tugged on his hair again. Softer this time, but enough to get his attention. “We’re meant to change. That’s what being human is all about. What does staying the same do for us?” 
He twisted around to dip his head into the stream of water, hands running through his hair. While he was preoccupied, you reached for your washcloth and bodywash. 
“You know I love you always, right? I don’t care what you look like.” You rubbed soap suds across Jungkook’s shoulders. “But I do love the way you look. I love your strong shoulders that hold me up at concerts when I can’t see.” A trail of soap suds weaved along his torso. “I love cuddling up with your chest when we sleep. And I love giving your tummy kisses.” You looped back up to wash his hips and sides. “I love your entire body for keeping you safe, for keeping you healthy. For keeping you alive so I can love you with my whole body and soul. 
Jungkook leaned into every one of your touches, his body soft and pliable beneath you. It wasn’t possible for you to tell that he was crying; he managed to keep a straight face and the water washed away his tears. The only indication was the way his shoulder shuddered when he pulled you into a hug. Your bodies pressed flush against each other, your skin slippery from the remaining soap on his skin. You looped your arms around each other’s waists and you let Jungkook smother his face into your neck while he shook in your arms. 
“It’s so hard.” His words were muffled against your skin. 
“I wish you could see yourself the way I do, baby.” You rubbed circles into his lower back and pressed your fingers to massage his muscles. “You’re incredible. Forget looks for a second, okay? You are so intelligent, and creative, and different in the best way. And you’re kind and thoughtful. The sweetest soul.” 
Jungkook’s grip on you tightened and his shaking subsided. 
“You bring all that out of me,” he said softly, pulling away to face you eye to eye for the first time that morning. 
“So listen to me.” You pressed a gentle kiss to his chest. “Believe me.” 
Jungkook nodded with a hint of a smile dancing across his face. It would take time; you both knew that. You both also knew that you had each other, no matter the changes or time passed. 
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all rights reserved © gimmethatagustd on tumblr & ao3
do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my work
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gifnebula · 14 days
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heytherenancydrew · 10 months
Who’s Your Nancy Drew Problematic Fav?
Do you have a Nancy Drew character that you like or liked despite some red flags? Maybe you thought Gilbert Buford was a nice old man at first. Maybe you hoped Thanos would end up being a big softie underneath his scary exterior. Maybe you believe that Anya was actually right all along. I’d love to see your opinions!
I haven’t played TMB in a while, but I was disappointed that Abdullah was the villain the first time I played. Though he was arrogant, I thought he was funny and very passionate about his field. The kind of character who’s fun to see in a game but would probably not be fun to know in real life.
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I can never make just make one of anything, you know… ♥️
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there was no better label for this? not one? "human disc" was unavailable? Nancy's just out there carrying some human around?
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mrs-xenia-and-dagny · 5 months
Tomb of the lost queen had the potential to be one of the coolest settings to explore because of how busy all the sets are, but then there are only like 4 things you can click on. It’s so frustrating
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towardsmodernism · 1 month
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isab0t · 8 months
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more howince. dont ask what im goin thru 😭
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magg0t-king · 4 months
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That one Twitter SU redraw thingy
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brainrot-hq · 5 months
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Say it with me ladies we are NORMAL!!!! we are SANE!!!
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