lilatreus · 3 years
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now why did he do that
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ksbwnotes · 3 years
Chapter 8, Part 3
*leaning back in chair from exhaustion* my brain needs to learn how to shut up sometimes.
1. *tilts head to the side* Hmn.
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Not that Sangwoo is intentionally lying here, I think he genuinely feels this is the best answer he can come up with. Because it’s better to covet nothing and be given nothing, then covet something only to be given nothing. 
There was this Thor thing before, with his sister Angela, belonging to a race of angels (and i loooooove their rendition of angels because anything that subverts the original, purer narrative is my jam and butter): “Nothing for nothing.”  The Angels in that comic will only do things if they are given payment in exchange for doing so. Odin is considered “The King of Nothing” because he once expected them to do the right thing (saving humans, I think?) just for the sake of it, rather than for material gain. This was an insult to the Angels, pretty much equating this to Odin seeing them as worthless. Thus, if you give nothing, you get nothing.
Sangwoo grew up having to deal with “Nothing for something”. As in, he puts his mom as priority and, in exchange, his mom abuses him.  He behaves himself as much as he can, and in the end, his dad abuses him. He emulates an upstanding citizen to others and, because of that, they love him only for the mask he puts on, deterred from him the moment there is a crack--and this was something that went on looong before he became a sociopath. He is expected to give and give, but get nothing in return.
So now, Sangwoo’s actions are pretty much begging “Something for nothing”.  He wants to be given love and respect even though he knows that he has done nothing to deserve it. Because this hurts less. At least, here, it’s more of a self-fulfilling prophecy rather than the world kicking him while he’s down just because it wants to. At least, this way, Sangwoo can kick back and fool himself into thinking that every kick doesn’t destroy more and more pieces of himself.
2. Extension of prior panel and theory
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Right now, Bum is the only one who has given him “something”. Even if it ends up being “nothing”, there is “something” to accompany that oblivion. This, in a way, is a reflection of the Lima syndrome Sangwoo is experiencing while Bum is experiencing Stockholm at the same time (though, he experienced the beginnings of it much earlier than Sangwoo). 
For Bum, Sangwoo will treat him kindly, but then do shit like...throw him against a car. Threaten to cut him up. Hang him by a pulley. All that jazz. But then, later on, Sangwoo will treat him nicely again and intersperse the abuse with little rewards he dangles in front of Bum like a master training their dog with snacks. 
For Sangwoo, Bum will give him a sense of humanity that Sangwoo probably hasn’t felt in...like 4 years. But obviously, Bum won’t be able to commit to this because Sangwoo is his abuser, so the times Bum treats him lovingly is an extension of his response to Sangwoo’s abuse. Like a frog that will end up staying in the boiling pot that will then be cooked alive then given as sustenance to its slaughterer. 
Sangwoo doesn’t know how healthy relationships work, that it’s not “nothing for nothing” or any of it’s variations, but actually “something for something”. All relationships are meant to be an equal give and take, but that requires work and being able to work through pain in a positive way, instead of falling straight into despair. 
So, Sangwoo is trapping both himself and Bum in a cyclical relationship where Bum gives him “something for nothing” and Sangwoo is now in the position of power that his parents put him in--the “nothing for something” position. Eventually though, we’ll see Sangwoo gradually try to give Bum “something” for his efforts, only to realize just how empty he is afterwards. That giving Bum “something” back only makes him feel like he’s still “nothing”. 
3. Wait, how did he kill CEO Daughter girl...
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I looked back and saw the blood on her forehead, so maybe he used the sledgehammer that he hit Bum’s leg with to hit her on the temple or something. Because we don’t see a cut beneath her chin or something. So, again, the ones he loses attachment for just die, but people like Bum...they receive a lot more cuts and bruises I think. More evidence of how much he is trying to make them hate him, proving to him that they were lying when they said they loved him. 
4. Seeing it this way...
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...I think this is more proof of how much Bum has proved the impossible. He has lived so much longer than what should be expected for any of his prey. Again, Sangwoo does not consciously go in planning to kill his victims, but his subconscious is preparing him for it and he knows the drill. It may not be planned, but Sangwoo still expects it. So the fact that Bum is still alive goes against all of Sangwoo’s expectations.
Subconsciously, now, he goes in preparing to keep Bum alive. That cut underneath the chin was probably how Sangwoo killed past victims, the ones who got the closest before Bum arrived. That is probably how he ended them. He slit deep into their throat before they could tighten their grip around his neck.
But Bum has surpassed them, so Sangwoo is giving Bum that scar as a warning to stop what he’s doing so that he doesn’t feel the need to kill Bum. 
Because, now, he’s scared of the regret that will follow once he kills Bum. He’s more scared of the consequence of losing Bum than the consequence of letting Bum further into his life (because, right now, Sangwoo has hope for the future with Bum in it).
5. Ooooh I love the comparison of everyday life and food to Sangwoo’s slicing and dicing of Bum
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This shows just how much Sangwoo’s alive can no longer be normal. 
Like...he can look at that sliced meat and imagine all the bodies he has sliced open. How are you supposed to continue with daily life after having experienced what he has? Then, furthermore, after doing what he has? 
It drives further home to Sangwoo that he is ostracized from humanity as a whole. That no one in this planet can accept him (actually, there’ll be plenty of people who can, but the thing is, that’s not the kind of acceptance Sangwoo wants, or else Bum would’ve been enough for him/he would’ve had a much easier time of finding a fellow sociopath--I do think Sangwoo being a sociopath, not a psychopath, something to do with it, since he’s using killing as a coping mechanism rather than a response/release).
That, in the end, he is only furthering how he will end up dying alone and dying painfully.
6. Heyyyy, Jieun, that you??
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Lol, if that is, then I love how Bum in the next panel drives home their every closer intertwining fates and that she is soon to be dead.
Also, where...is Sangwoo bringing her??  Even with how obedient Bum is, I don’t think Sangwoo would risk bringing her to his house unless she’s going to the basement with Bum...which, again, I don’t think he’d do lol. So...love hotel???
Whether or not that is Jieun, I think this also serves as a representation of Sangwoo questioning his sexuality because he is now genuinely thinking of being with Bum. And Bum is a guy, so does that mean he’s gAyyY?
Also one thing to point out, which probably doesn’t mean anything but still miiiight...here we see Jieun’s blissed out face, which is similar to Sangwoo’s o-face in earlier panels. However, Sangwoo’s face is obscured and we don’t see anything. This could suggest that he doesn’t actually feel that great doing Jieun, showing how he’s unable to have normal sexual relations due to...yeah. 
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Ahhh, Bum. The things you somehow make Sangwoo end up doing. It’s applaud worthy, now that I think about it. Sangwoo obviously, from the beginning of this, wasn’t completely straight. But he’s also not gay either. I personally think, with sexuality being a spectrum rather than a conglomeration of separate categories, being with a guy shouldn’t automatically make something homosexual. If anything, Sangwoo is on the bi or demi spectrum, but he’s feminine-inclined.
But the fact that Sangwoo wants to actually see whether or not he’s gay. x’D  Because, if that’s the case, then that means he can widen his prey circle beyond women and see if he can find someone who can accept him amongst the male population as well. 
So, I think this experience will show Sangwoo that Bum is...special. Like. To a point that it’s ridiculous for him because it’s like his sexuality is this vague hetero-excluding-Bum-sexual. Which will drive home even more for Sangwoo that, for as long as he still thinks a normal life is possible, he needs Bum to stay with him.
8. ....But...why this guy???
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Of all the people for you to choose, Sangwoo, what happened. xD You could literally pick up ANYONE ELSE--look at that slender blue-haired guy in the last panel--and this is the one you end up going for????  
No, seriously, what. What even. 
Oh wait. Criteria. Criteria. Right. Sangwoo has to be careful about who he chooses. If he chooses a worker there and they end up dead, then that can lead back to Sangwoo way too easily. 
He doesn’t go in planning to kill the one he hooks up with, but obviously, he has to prepare for that just in case. Because he knows that they could trigger him at any point in time, so no matter what, his prey has to fit a very very narrow criteria. 
Which makes me think of that CEO daughter girl. I don’t think she can be someone whose father lives there in Korea. The daughter probably just decided to go their as a tourist and Sangwoo picked her up in a bar or club or some other tourist hot spot. That will make things very difficult to find him because it will take a while for her to be realized that she’s missing and by that time, it’ll be too late to track things back to him.  This shows how much he pays attention to his surroundings at any given time, because Sangwoo probably thinks of every little detail to make sure that, even if police do go to that area, he made sure little to no attention would be called to him. 
So this actually don’t really help much in convincing Sangwoo to explore his sexuality lol. Gay people have preferences too, they’re not just gonna go after any gay person. And he already has this oral trauma, so. Even less points to being gay lol. 
Anyways, I can barely think at this point, I should just end it here...
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Lol I have a feeling that Sangwoo is pissed at Bum because if it wasn’t for Bum, Sangwoo would’ve never gone to that gay bar and experienced the disgusting feeling of blowing another man. 
Because, actually, Sangwoo might have done it. Just so he can convince that guy to go home with him so that he can kill that guy. Which...would just make Sangwoo even all the more pissy. xD
Actually, one thing to note...I think Sungbae later goes to that same gay bar??  To get information or something??  And one of the workers actually gives vague information that point Sangwoo having been there and doing something. Which would be unusually sloppy of Sangwoo. And that’s only because Sangwoo was there due to Bum’s influence--in an entirely new situation that he was uncomfortable with and unable to properly exercise his usual precautions. 
This is a distant call to how, later on, Sangwoo makes more and more mistakes, sloppier than the last, because of how desperately he tries to integrate Bum into his life. 
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willow-salix · 4 years
Just a little something that fell out of my head after a throw away comment in my description of Selene to @ak47stylegirl. Enjoy!
"Scott's lost his favourite hoodie," Virgil informed him, rather randomly John though, but who was he to argue the small talk his brother deemed necessary? Virgil stared at him, apparently waiting for a response. 
"How? He never wears it off base? It's got to be here somewhere."
"Oh, he knows exactly where it is."
"Then I'm confused, how is it lost? The definition of lost is that you are unaware of its location." How long had he been up there that lost now had a different meaning? Was it one of those times where the youth of today - God he suddenly felt extremely old at only twenty-five - took a word and changed the meaning without informing those who still used a dictionary? 
"Your girl took a liking to it."
"Oh, I see." Ahh, now that made total sense. 
"He's never getting that back, it's gone forever, lost in the same void that consumed three of my T-shirts, one formal shirt, five pairs of socks, two hoodies and a pair of pyjama bottoms."
"Sucks to be you, bro."
"It's a small price to pay. Also, she has one of your lumberjack things," he waved vaguely in Virgil's direction, gesturing to the ever present plaid. 
"She does, which one?" Virgil groaned, please don't let it be a favourite. No one else might be able to tell which shirt was which, but he knew, dammit, he knew. 
"That purple and blue one that Grandma got you three Christmases ago."
"Oh, that's OK then, I never wear that one, it's a bit too girly."
"That's what Sel said, apparently she was helping you by liberating it."
"Your girl has a very unique idea of what is helpful."
John just nodded, well aware of that fact. 
"This means war, Tracy!" Selene's voice echoed through the villa. 
"What did you do this time?" Virgil asked him. 
"It could be any number of things, my transgressions are apparently many and varied, although I'm hardly ever aware of them myself," John shrugged, not looking the least bit concerned. 
Scott strutted into the lounge, now wearing said hoodie along with a smug smile. 
John exchanged a look with Virgil, who shrugged, he didn't know how that had happened either but it looked like John wasn't to blame for his girl's current mood. 
Peace descended over the lounge as Scott settled at their dad's desk, bringing up the holoscreen to check the news. 
John sighed, feeling that he needed to warn his big brother. 
"Hmm?" Scott didn't look up. 
"I feel I would be neglectful in my duty if I didn't warn you to watch your back. I don't know what you've done to piss off my witch but her retaliation is likely to be imminent."
"I'm very aware of that fact, but it's a matter of principle."
John sighed, if principles were involved then this was going to get a whole lot worse before it got better. He waited a whole two minutes before he, very subtly he thought, tossed his magazine on the coffee table and stood up, stretching casually. 
"I'm gonna head up to the office, call me if you need anything."
"Smooth, bro," Virgil laughed as John made a quick exit. 
Selene wasn't far behind, turning up in the lounge about five minutes after John had left. 
She scowled at Scott, who gave her a little sarcastic wave. The look she shot him spoke volumes, just you wait, this isn't over. 
"Oh for fucks sake!" Scott swore as he scrolled his holobook newsfeed. 
"What's up?" Gordon asked, surprised to hear his big brother swearing for no good reason. 
Scott turned his phone to show him the screen. Gordon looked but didn't see what the big deal was, it was just Selene, at a cafe with a couple of friends. 
"She was tagged into it by someone," Scott grumbled. 
"Was she not supposed to be there?" Gordon hedged.
"I don't care about where she is, it's about what she's wearing!" 
Gordon got up and walked over to take a closer look, then started to laugh. 
"She got yours too, huh?" 
" You mean she's raided your wardrobe too?" 
Gordon nodded. "Months ago, she took that WASP hoodie I got back in my training days."
"Why is she obsessed with our clothes? Shouldn't she just steal John's? Isn't that how it's supposed to work, not spill over to the whole family?" 
Gordon shrugged. "She brings them back eventually, she's taken mine three times, she calls it extended borrowing."
Scott groaned, having visions of never getting it back. He didn't have that many, living on a tropical island they didn't really stray into cool weather wardrobes that often, but that really had been his favourite. He'd bought it on a trip to Paris back in his Air Force days. Dark blue with grey panels on the sleeves, his two favourite colours, it was just right. Not too thick but also not too thin, just large enough to fit in comfortably but not so large that you couldn't tell that he was in pretty good shape underneath the material. It was soft, the softest he'd ever felt, not that he'd admit to preferring soft materials against his skin… the hood was just right, not too large that it obscured his vision while wearing it and but not too small that he felt like his head was being pulled backwards. In short, it was perfect. And that witch had stolen it. 
"Does she not have her own clothes?" 
"She does, but she often forgets to bring them and since it's generally pretty chilly in England she borrows them when she heads home."
"But why ours? Why not just John's? Since when were we all fair game?" 
Gordon flopped back down on the couch. "She just likes our stuff."
"I should have known you'd take her side, so much for sibling loyalty."
Gordon grinned, unrepentant. "She makes me my favourite sandwich, you make me edible food and you'll get my loyalty too."
Selene hadn't meant to stay out so late, but as her favourite saying went, shit happens. One afternoon coffee had turned into two, which had led onto  drinks as the evening had worn on. Two drinks had become three and two burgers on the way home, one of which she had sent up to Five courtesy of EOS. 
She didn't wake up too bright or breezy, she would rise but she refused to shine, and was still feeling a little fuzzy headed, which probably explained why she didn't notice until an hour after she had woken up. 
She could have sworn she had tossed that hoodie on the sofa when she'd gotten home, but it had most definitely vanished. She told herself she was just being silly, but the distinct lack of orange juice in her fridge and the bites taken out of every muffin was a dead give away. 
"Scott, are you aware that you have makeup on your collar?" Kayo asked. 
Scott just grunted, rubbing at the offending foundation stains, the scent of lilac floating up from the garment every time he moved. 
"Is there something we should know?" 
Kayo looked at Virgil who just grinned. 
Selene accepted the latte from Alan with a smile of thanks, not moving from her spot on the couch, a bag of rune stones on her lap. She'd been gone for two days and, as was her custom now, had appeared without any warning half an hour before. Scott had no idea what was going on with the women of the house and why they felt the need to just magic themselves into being whenever the mood took them, but he was used to it now. Kayo had always been the same, you could enter a room and not know she was there for ten minutes before you spotted her lounging in a corner. 
Selene was less the silent ninja type and more the burst into a room singing, announcing her presence with a loud "didya miss me?" making them all jump. 
Alan gave Kayo her green tea and placed Scott's to-go cup of black coffee on the desk in front of him. Scott only drank from insulated cups because he was forever forgetting about his drink and going back to it once it was stone cold. 
Alan settled down beside Selene, helping himself to a couple of her runes from the bag, studying them for a second and then handing them to her for interpretation. 
"Ansuz, Odin's rune. Odin is the all father, the patriarch of the norse Pantheon, father to Thor, Loki, Balder and Hel. One of the lessons of this rune states that you should find your ears before you find your words."
Scott snorted at that and picked up his cup to take a sip. 
"This stone symbolises authority, communication and-" 
All three of them span round to look at Scott, who was wiping coffee off his chin and glaring as it dripped down onto his hoodie. 
"Damn, I'm sorry, was the lid not on properly? I'm so sorry, Scott."
"You'd better get that in the wash before the stain sets," Kayo advised. Alan and Scott both stared at her in disbelief. "What? I can't know about laundry?" 
Scott growled in frustration, peeling off his hoodie as he headed to the laundry room. 
The second he was out of sight Selene high five Alan and dug in her bag, pulling out two massive bars of chocolate she gave him one and tossed the over to Kayo, who caught it neatly. 
"Nice doing business with you," Kayo grinned, breaking open the bar. 
Selene opened her mouth to reply but heard Scott's footsteps coming down the hall and shut up. 
"Where the fuck has it gone now?" Scott searched through the dryer for the third time but no, it really had vanished. 
Stomping down to the hangers he checked if her car was in her spot. Yep, there it was, which meant she had to be on the Island somewhere. 
No answer. He tried again, louder this time. 
John floated peacefully on his back, one hand behind his head the other tangled in her hair as he toyed with the soft strands. 
"He's going to figure out you're up here sooner or later."
Selene lifted her head from where it rested on his stomach to glance at the silent comm line. 
"Yeah, probably, " she lowered her head again, sighing contentedly. 
As if summoned by their words Scott's hologram flared into life, appearing in front of them, shattering the peace. 
"Bring it back, right now."
"Bring what back?" Selene blinked innocently. 
"You know what. Bring it back or I'm coming up there after it."
"I don't think so."
"EOS, lower the space elevator."
John glanced up as EOS's mechanical eye moved closer. 
"I'm sorry, Scott, but the elevator is currently undergoing it's twice monthly cleaning of the filtration system, which takes two hours to complete."
Scott's eyebrow rose, clearly not believing her. 
"Fine, I'll take Three."
"Alan is currently on the other side of Jupiter picking up that stranded salvage crew,"  John reminded him. 
Scott huffed impatiently. "Selene, you have two hours to get back down here with my hoodie or there will be retaliation."
"I know not of which you speak."
"You're wearing it right now!" 
"I am?" she glanced down at the hoodie she was currently snuggled in. "This old thing? Surely you don't want this? It's a little small for you now, don't you think? You've gotten a little wider around the midsection lately…" 
"OK, you've asked for it!" Scott clicked off the call, his hologram vanishing. 
"You're pure evil," John grinned, his fingers lightly caressing the back of her neck. "I do wish you wouldn't encourage my AI to lie though, that's not good for her."
"I'm shocked and appalled that you think I'd make my darling daughter lie!" 
"How is it that she's only your darling daughter when she's listening to you, when she's not she's mine?"
"Because that's the way it works, same as Armie is Virgil's whenever he pukes on the floor," she wrapped her arm around his middle, cuddling closer. "Anyway, she wasn't lying, the elevator is undergoing it's filter cleaning, it just so happens that she started it as soon as I docked."
John reached out to the wall of the comms sphere, touching one of the panels, bringing up the log. 
"Which was one hour and forty-eight minutes ago."
"Yep, so technically she was telling the truth, she said it was cleaning and it takes two hours, she didn't say there was two hours left."
"So you're encouraging her to be sneaky?" 
Selene gave him a look. "Like she needs any encouragement."
"But I did bribe her too."
"How? What with?" 
"My granddad's old dvd collection of documentaries that aren't online yet."
"You're such a good mom."
"Don't tell anyone, especially not Grandma," she warned, lifting her head for a kiss. 
Scott's hologram popped back up. She glanced over John's shoulder, her mouth dropping open in shock. 
"Scott Tracy! Get your arse here right now!" Selene jumped out of the elevator and raced up to the main house. 
"I swear by Hades if you've stretched that out with  your big, fat man chest, I will kill you!" 
"Fat man chest?" Kayo looked at Virgil, who shrugged in response, he'd given up trying to figure out what was going on days ago. 
Selene skidded into the kitchen. "Where is he? Where the fuck is your dickhead brother?" 
"Lounge I think. Why, what's he done now?" 
"You haven't seen him in the last half hour?" 
"No, I've not seen him since breakfast, I was working on Two."
"Urghhhh, you're about to be down one brother," she turned and stomped her way up the stairs, Kayo and Virgil hurrying to catch up. 
Scott heard her coming and assumed a casual pose. 
"Oh my gods! What's wrong with you?" 
She slapped her hands over her eyes, trying so hard not to laugh. 
"My eyes!" Virgil wailed, doubling over, a gagging noise escaping. 
"Kinky, I like it," Kayo commented. 
Scott lifted one hand in triumph, gesturing to his chest, a chest that he has somehow managed to squeeze into her favourite corset, although the laces were stretched to breaking point and they could all see his nipples and the dark sprinkling of hair that peppered his pecs.
"You're such a child!" 
"Say's the woman who stole my clothes first!"
"Say's the man who broke into my apartment to steal it back and took a bite out of all my muffins!" 
"Say's the woman who left the planet with my hoodie!" 
"Your nipples are looking at me funny!" 
"That's because this corset is making them itch!" 
She couldn't help it and burst out laughing. 
"You're such a twat! You realise you're wearing that backwards?" 
"And you're a sneaky bitch," he laughed. "And yes, I'm aware, but it was the only way I could get it on." 
"Truce?" She took off the hoodie and offered it to him. 
"Truce," he took the hoodie and turned around so she could unhook the corset, sighing in relief as it loosened , allowing him to take a deep breath, his lungs finally expanding to their full capacity. 
"I fucking adore you, you idiot," she laughed, hugging him from behind. 
"Yeah, I love you too."
"What the fuck just happened here?" Kayo demanded to know. "You just gave in, just like that? Sel, you disappoint me, I expected better from you." 
"He was holding my corset to ransom, what was I supposed to do?" 
"Hold him down, cut him out of it and smack him around the head."
"So violent! He's my best friend, you don't beat up your friends!" 
"I do."
"But you're special," Selene fluttered her eyelashes at Kayo, who simply shook her head and walked away muttering something about living with lunatics. 
"Erm, John?" 
"Yes, Alan? What's up?" 
"You might want to come down here…"
"Did they kill each other yet?" 
"Not quite, but they are both out by the pool, listening to some really old music, something about the dark side of the moon and they have definitely been smoking something."
John sighed, casting his eyes up through the clear ceiling of the gravity ring as if praying for divine help. 
"I'll be right down."
Less than ten minutes later and John was standing over two of the most important people in his life and wondering just what the hell he'd done to deserve them. 
His girl was stretched out on a sun lounger, fast asleep, Scotts hoodie over her like a blanket. His bare chested brother was on another next to her, a phone between them on the floor- purple so it had to be Selene's - was softly playing Pink Floyd, clouds of fragrant smoke wafting around his head 
Scott looked up as the sound of approaching footsteps. John sat down on the edge of another lounger, shaking his head when Scott offered him the hand rolled. 
"You know it hasn't been illegal for twenty-five years, you don't have to look so disapproving, you know it's safe now all the dangerous strains have been eradicated. This is the one that Dr Favaro recommended to Gordon when he had his crash and my back has been hurting the last few days. Come on, live a little, no hangover…" he wiggled it in invitation. 
Rolling his eyes John accepted the rollie and swung his legs up to recline fully on the lounger. 
"We haven't done this in years," he inhaled deeply, coughed briefly then passed it back. 
"Not since you graduated and we started with IR full time, Dad would never allow it and I guess since he's been gone we've all just continued to live the way he'd want us to."
John nodded, reaching over for the hand rolled. "If Selene's done anything she's encouraged us both to let go of our rigid control a bit."
"That she has."
They were both silent for a few minutes apart from Scott quietly humming along to the music. 
"This is going to sound bad…" Scott began, not looking at him. 
John waited patiently for his brother to continue.
"You know I want Dad back so much." It wasn't a question, it was a statement and John nodded.
"Of course I do, I never doubted that."
"But I don't want things to go back to the way they were before, we've all grown up, we've become our own people and we're used to making our own decisions. I don't want to have to go back to hiding in my room to drink a beer or not be able to enjoy a smoke after a long and painful day. Does that make sense?"
To say John was surprised that his usually private brother had decided to open up to him was an understatement, but he didn't let that show.
"I don't want that either. I guess we'll just have to take things one day at a time and work it out as we go," he took another toke and suddenly laughed.
"What's so funny?"
"I was just imagining Selene bulldozing Dad like she does us."
Scott's deep chuckled turned into a full out belly laugh as he pictured it.
"Well one thing's for sure, with her here there's no way things can go back to how they were before, she won't let it. And I don't even think Dad could argue with her when she's got her mind made up about something."
"He's either going to hate her or absolutely adore her," John handed the last inch back to Scott.
Scott smiled fondly at the sleeping witch. "He'll love her as much as we do, he won't be able to help it."
"I should get her to bed, it's getting chilly," John stood up and crossed over to his girl. Carefully he worked his arms under her and lifted her slowly.
"You want this back?" he nodded to Scott's hoodie.
"No, I don't mind her borrowing it, she does it all the time."
One sleek eyebrow lifted. "Then why make such a fuss over it?"
Scott stubbed out the end and laid back down, arms behind his head. "Because it was fun, she's my best friend, it's what we do. Don't you remember last week when I used her fancy hair conditioner? She yelled for an hour then I came back from that rescue in Peru and she'd put a brand new bottle in my bathroom cupboard."
"You're both idiots."
"But you love us."
"Yeah, I do." John paused for a second, trying to remember when he'd last told any of his brothers that he loved them. Months maybe, possibly even a year or more? He couldn't actually remember. He just never felt the need to say it, he showed it in so many ways, they all did. But maybe it was time to start reminding them. He hugged her closer to his chest, giving her a little squeeze, smiling when she grumbled in her sleep and batted at his shoulder.
"She told me earlier that she steals our stuff depending on who's energy she needs that day. If she's in a fun mood she'll steal Gordon's or Alan's, if she needs to relax she'll wear something of Virgil's."
"I did not know that," John glanced down at her face, relaxed in sleep. "What does she need you for?"
John nodded, not knowing what else to say. Finally he settled for not saying anything at all.
"You coming in too?" he asked Scott.
"Not just yet, it's nice out here."
"OK, goodnight."
"Goodnight, John."
John paused as he neared the door and turned back. "Scott?"
"I love you."
Scott didn't turn to look at him but his voice was his usual strong and sure tone.
"I love you too."
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f4liveblogarchives · 3 years
Fantastic Four Vol 1 #225
Thu Apr 29 2020 [10:09 PM] Wack'd: So the first two and two-thirds pages are something strange. Or I guess they're strange from an in universe perspective. [10:10 PM] Wack'd: It's basically a condensed version of the back half of the previous issue, rather than  a recap. So reading these back to back it feels like everyone's reliving a slightly different, slightly faster version of the same events. [10:10 PM] Bocaj: Yeah that happens [10:11 PM] Bocaj: I complain about comics not establishing context with recap pages enough that I can’t really say boo about this kind of thing [10:11 PM] Aleph Null: it’s just a jump to the left [10:11 PM] Aleph Null: and then a step to the right [10:11 PM] Wack'd: I think I might actually prefer it to the writer clumsily trying to give all of this information again in dialogue? [10:12 PM] Wack'd: It's basically a previously-on. [10:12 PM] Wack'd: Though the fact that it's not really marked as such is weird [10:12 PM] Bocaj: Like Aleph’s Japanese animes [10:12 PM] maxwellelvis: Remember recap pages? [10:13 PM] Bocaj: I’ve heard of them [10:14 PM] Wack'd: I think also what's throwing me is that they try to hit some of the same dramatic beats again? Like, you're not really going to convince me "the blind king weeps in crimson" is vital story information
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[10:15 PM] maxwellelvis: Because it sounds cool [10:15 PM] Bocaj: Well that’s nightmare fuel [10:16 PM] Wack'd: Anyway, I've spent a weirdly long time talking about a recap, but I this is probably the normal amount of time I spend on the first three pages so be glad you're still getting content I guess [10:17 PM] Bocaj: I do like content [10:19 PM] Wack'd: Interesting thing about reading these blind and relaying that to you is that it's hard to know in the moment what information will and won't be relevant. For instance, I didn't really make much of this scene last issue:
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[10:20 PM] Wack'd: But I wish I had, because it makes this moment look friggin bonkers in context:
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[10:20 PM] maxwellelvis: "Consistency? What's that?" [10:21 PM] Wack'd: We've hit a new level of Sue as a blank-slate stock-woman-character: the same writer is making her either a nag or a worrywart one issue apart basically on a whim. [10:22 PM] Wack'd: Also: "just wants a normal life" Sue is the most boring version of Sue [10:23 PM] Bocaj: Just a receptacle for women stereotypes? [10:23 PM] Wack'd: Moreorless, yeah [10:23 PM] Umbramatic: the Ur-Woman-Stereotype [10:23 PM] Bocaj: Boo [10:23 PM] Bocaj: Defined personality women are great [10:24 PM] Wack'd: Agreed [10:24 PM] Wack'd: Moving along, we get a very long-winded explanation of the exact science of how this place works which I'm sure makes complete sense [10:24 PM] Bocaj: Science in comics is always to the highest standards [10:24 PM] Bocaj: Always [10:26 PM] Wack'd: Reed is like "I'm not really fine with being threatened and woulda saved your life anyway" and Korgon's like "y'know what, I trust you, we're cool now" [10:26 PM] Bocaj: See: he shoulda just said please to begin with [10:26 PM] maxwellelvis: "Oh, I shoulda thought'a that" [10:27 PM] Wack'd: Ha! He really does just send Vikings to go shopping for him
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[10:27 PM] Bocaj: God. In a modern comic we’d see some Vikings at the supermarket and it would be great [10:29 PM] Wack'd: Have I mentioned yet Doug Moench seems to *really like science*
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[10:30 PM] Bocaj: SCIENCE! :D [10:30 PM] maxwellelvis: Nah, like, not superscience. Real science. [10:30 PM] Umbramatic: i am glad that reaction image is making the rounds [10:31 PM] Wack'd: So Reed does a lot of research and asks a lot of questions and thinks really hard (all in narrative captions, you're not missing much) and eventually he's finally ready to operate! [10:31 PM] Bocaj: Woo [10:32 PM] Wack'd: Buuuuuut the Four's powers go haywire again. Korgon has a machine that cures them of the radiation to stabilize them, but Wiglif--suspicious guy from earlier--thinks they just wanna be at full strength so they can kill Korgon and escape. [10:33 PM] Bocaj: Dammit Wiglif! That’s such a Wiglif thing to think! [10:33 PM] Wack'd: To shut him up, Korgon gives Hrolf--trusting guy from earlier--a "Darkfield Rod" that will nullify their powers if they try any funny business. [10:34 PM] Wack'd: And then Korgon immediately falls unconscious. [10:34 PM] Umbramatic: that doesn't sound omnious at all [10:34 PM] maxwellelvis: I give it five minutes before Wiglif tries to steal it. [10:34 PM] maxwellelvis: NO! Five PANELS [10:35 PM] Wack'd: To be generous I will not count these three where we cut to Asgard
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[10:35 PM] Bocaj: Oh hi Thor [10:36 PM] Bocaj: I didn’t know you’d be in this book [10:36 PM] Wack'd: "Just considering a crossover, m'boy! I just got the faintest whiff some other book is stealing our shtick!" [10:36 PM] Bocaj: I’m going to be imagining Odin speaking like the king of Hyrule forever now [10:37 PM] Bocaj: I want you to know what you’ve done [10:37 PM] Wack'd: I apologize for nothing [10:37 PM] Bocaj: =__= [10:37 PM] maxwellelvis: Sorry not sorry [10:37 PM] Wack'd: Anyway they do the procedure and we're not sure if it works. And then another cutaway! Sorry max it's been more than five panels [10:38 PM] Umbramatic: vsfb jnjgfdmkb ;zgl,;.' n [10:38 PM] Bocaj: To the punishment dome with you [10:39 PM] maxwellelvis: *the dome.gif* [10:39 PM] Wack'd: Hey what the heck does that third panel mean? Did...did Alicia just get a vision of the North Pole? Or, like...uh...I actually don't have a second guess
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[10:41 PM] Bocaj: When did Alicia brunette [10:41 PM] maxwellelvis: She overshaded her hair this morning [10:41 PM] Wack'd: It's been orange for a while now, too [10:42 PM] Bocaj: She’s supposed to be close enough to Sue that she can be a bad imposter [10:42 PM] Umbramatic: technicolor anime hair [10:42 PM] Bocaj: It’s the foundation of a good 60% of the things I mock Johnny for [10:42 PM] Wack'd: I think we're all okay quietly forgetting that except you for some reason [10:42 PM] Bocaj: See also 60% [10:42 PM] Wack'd: Mocking Johnny is admittedly a pretty good reason [10:43 PM] Wack'd: Ben also had a crush on Sue in the very early days if you want to take that ball and run with it [10:43 PM] Bocaj: It definitely has layers [10:43 PM] maxwellelvis: You've both made it weird. [10:43 PM] Wack'd: Anyway the procedure worked! Probably! Korgon decides he's just gonna assume it worked.
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[10:44 PM] maxwellelvis: Was he always that tall? [10:44 PM] Umbramatic: always a safe bet [10:44 PM] Wack'd: (Y'ever notice Reed's the only one who ever grows even a little facial hair? Did Johnny just never go through puberty from the neck up?) [10:45 PM] Wack'd: @maxwellelvis : Yeah, we've just seen him laying down on a nebulously high platform so far. Ben remarks on seeing him for the first time he's like 15 feet [10:45 PM] maxwellelvis: I think he just shaves regularly to keep up his heartthrob gimmick. [10:46 PM] Bocaj: Here’s Johnny with a beard [10:46 PM] maxwellelvis: When he gets on in years, he's probably planning to let it grow out so that the Human Torch can have a *flaming beard* [10:46 PM] Bocaj: How much do you hate this? [10:46 PM] maxwellelvis: Like that. [10:46 PM] Wack'd: Sure, but if Reed has stubble from tirelessly working on this procedure...well, I guess Johnny mighta found time to shave [10:46 PM] maxwellelvis: He can just burn stubble off and they're in a literal house of mirrors. [10:46 PM] Wack'd: That's not a bad look on him. He's like the hot version of a grizzled old sailor [10:47 PM] Umbramatic: dilf [10:47 PM] maxwellelvis: I want to imagine someone said to him at some point, "Okay, but consider: A beard of FIRE!" [10:48 PM] Wack'd: I feel like "flaming beard" is a gay joke somehow but like. If Johnny has a partner who's overtly stereotypically homosexual that's the opposite of a beard? [10:48 PM] Wack'd: Unless he doesn't want people to know he's straight, I guess [10:48 PM] Bocaj: Beard of FIRE? [10:48 PM] maxwellelvis: I mean he probably has some sort of LGBT following. [10:49 PM] maxwellelvis: Chamber? What are you doing in Japan? [10:49 PM] Wack'd: One of my earliest exposures to this character outside of the Story films was an essay on why he's definitely gay, so [10:49 PM] Bocaj: Having a flaming beard [10:51 PM] Wack'd: I tried Google to find the essay but it turned out the one piece of corroborating evidence I remember it is one that literally the entire Internet has picked up on at some point [10:52 PM] Wack'd: Do yourself a favor, google "johnny storm fire island". Or don't, and let it be a pleasant surprise in like 90 issues. [10:52 PM] Bocaj: Can doooo [10:52 PM] Bocaj: The latter [10:54 PM] Wack'd: "I think I might be Satan, we should talk about that later" is not a good way to make me eager to talk to you later
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[10:56 PM] Wack'd: While everybody else is celebrating, Korgon loads up enough radiation to keep this place running for another hundred years, and then asks Reed to make him mortal again [10:56 PM] Wack'd: Wiglif ovehears and is going to do something sneaky [10:57 PM] Wack'd: The next day Reed tries it, but someone tampered with the machine overnight. Gee I wonder [10:58 PM] Wack'd: Anyway Korgon is now more powerful than ever and fucking pissed [10:58 PM] Bocaj: Dammit Wiglif! [11:00 PM] Wack'd: 'If you press this red button, you get godlike powers and life-giving laser beams, BUT everything looks real spooky forever"
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[11:00 PM] maxwellelvis: *Sweating superhero guy* [11:00 PM] Bocaj: I mean you take the bad you take the good you take what’s left and there you have [11:01 PM] Bocaj: Spooky shadow monsters [11:01 PM] Wack'd: The fantasts of life [11:01 PM] Umbramatic: fucking paralasys demons [11:02 PM] Wack'd: Haha WHOOPS
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[11:02 PM] Umbramatic: gee willikers, that was a curveball [11:03 PM] Wack'd: Anyway from here things get predictable [11:04 PM] Bocaj: Fucking Wiglif [11:04 PM] Wack'd: There's a fight, it looks like the Four are doomed, Thor shows up, the tide is turned [11:05 PM] Wack'd: For some reason when I first glanced at this panel I thought that second speech bubble was coming from one of the Vikings
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[11:05 PM] Bocaj: Yay Thor [11:05 PM] Wack'd: "Uh, boss. Hey. You get that's the literal god of thunder, right? And you want us to, what, shoot him with lasers? Maybe think about this?" [11:06 PM] Bocaj: Lasers are just light and Thor’s Baldrother shines lights out of his armpits [11:07 PM] Wack'd: Korgon is so pissed by his impending defeat he's just like "fuck this, I'm just gonna destroy everything, including this dome" [11:08 PM] Bocaj: Hey sometimes you gotta cut your losses [11:08 PM] Wack'd: Wiglif: 😟 [11:10 PM] Wack'd: The Four and Thor are at a loss so Thor summons Odin [11:11 PM] Wack'd: 
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[11:13 PM] Wack'd: This is kind of a solution for a different problem than Korgon has. Like. He doesn't want to be a God? It was kind of thrust on him? I guess it's true that God needs followers and followers need a God, but if he's content to be a follower I don't really see an issue with that [11:13 PM] maxwellelvis: He also has a responsibility to these people. [11:13 PM] Wack'd: And it's not like he abandoned his people, he left them 100 years of free energy, during which time they could've solved things on their own in any number of ways [11:13 PM] Bocaj: Yeah I don’t really understand what Odin is getting at [11:14 PM] Wack'd: Also, outside the religious philosophy stuff [11:15 PM] Wack'd: It's a bit naff to just have an all powerful being show up and solve the heroes problems. Especially if it's not with superpowers but rather with delivering the intended message of the story [11:15 PM] maxwellelvis: Have the Four solved any problems on their own this entire run? [11:15 PM] Wack'd: Like you could've had Reed talk about the responsibilities of leadership or Ben talk about being a freak or Sue talk about how sacrificing a normal life can be worth it for the people you care about [11:16 PM] Wack'd: None of those would've been fresh or original but they at least would've been, you know, the main characters solving the problem of their own book [11:16 PM] maxwellelvis: They needed Gabriel to deal with Scratch, they needed Captain Marvel to deal with the Skrulls, they needed Thor to deal with Korgon [11:16 PM] Umbramatic: geez [11:17 PM] maxwellelvis: They've been reduced to guest stars in their own book! [11:17 PM] Bocaj: Oof [11:17 PM] Bocaj: FIRST FAMILY [11:18 PM] Wack'd: Things have been kind of guest cast heavy yeah! Don't know what's up with that and I suspect if you asked Moench or Sienkiewicz they wouldn't remember, besides Gabriel being Moech's baby [11:18 PM] maxwellelvis: Are there any stories from before the hiatus by them that I missed? [11:19 PM] Wack'd: It's weird thinking about the fact that I'm currently reading a run of comics that were written by guys with social media presences who seem fairly approachable [11:19 PM] Wack'd: I don't know if it would work but I could probably just ask them things if I wasn't a dick about it [11:20 PM] Wack'd: Not sure there's a kind way to be like "why are there so many guest stars in this year's worth of comics you wrote 40 years ago" but [11:21 PM] maxwellelvis: Something like, "Hey, I'm reading through your brief Fantastic Four run you had with Bill Sienkiewicz and there seem to be quite a few stories in a row where the Four's issue is solved by someone from another book? Do you remember what was up with that?" [11:21 PM] Wack'd: (Btw Moench and Sienkiewicz were doing a *Moon Knight* run simultaniously with this which is why Sue was reading an issue to Franklin last time. Go figure) [11:21 PM] maxwellelvis: Heh [11:22 PM] Umbramatic: oh huh [11:22 PM] Wack'd: Yeah there's really no way to phrase this that doesn't sound like "why did you write this so bad" [11:22 PM] Wack'd: Ah well [11:23 PM] maxwellelvis: The best-case scenario other than getting some hot scoop on the Marvel offices at that time is probably Doug Moench suddenly realizing that himself. [11:23 PM] Bocaj: Were they long term writers or doing some fill ins and one offs? [11:23 PM] maxwellelvis: They did like ten issues. [11:23 PM] Bocaj: I’m in a period of that in avengers. There’s not a lot of guest stars but they’re a lot of inconsequential issues [11:25 PM] Bocaj: Shame because there are one off villains and characters that would have been interesting to be picked up for more stuff [11:30 PM] Wack'd: Yeah, ten issues and Moench wrote an annual. [11:31 PM] Wack'd: But also, their first issue announced that we were sticking with them for a while--I suspect it was intended to be a longer run [11:31 PM] Wack'd: And then Bryne sniped them somehow
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minnie-marvel · 5 years
Crown fell (Peter Parker x Reader) FINALE
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Asgard has been destroyed and the time has come for you to live on Midgard with your brothers Thor and Loki. They’ve decided in order to live among humans you must learn to adapt to them, and what better place to do that then high school? Don’t worry too much though, a very cute Peter Parker is ready to teach you and might be the Prince Charming you never thought you’d find on earth.
Peter Parker x Asgardian princess! reader
Words: 5k
A/N: FINALLY ITS COMPLETE!!!! I know i know it took like a thousand years but i finally did it and i can’t be any happier!! thank you all for staying along with me and being devoted enough to see this through to the end... I love you all so much!!! Now without further a dooooo..... the crown fell finale!!!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Peter stumbled over his feet as he croaked out your name. He couldn’t even lift his arm, it stung too much from the impact of being flung into a brick wall. It took all but a moment to see you take Percius’ hand, expression emotionless as you were beamed up in a harsh blue light. He wished he could scream for you, cry for you, do anything that it would take to get your attention, but his efforts were fruitless.
It took all but a moment, but it was still too late. Dark clouds billowed throughout the heavens and there was a clap of thunder that echoed throughout the streets so loudly that for a moment, Peter felt himself quaking, struggling to stay on his feet.
“PERCIUS!!!” Thor roared throwing his hands back as they surged with absolute power. He slammed through at least thirty soldiers electrocuting them and burning them to charcoal. He saw Loki rush behind him arms flying daggers into any enemy that dared to cross gazes with him. Even Stephen Strange, the cool and collected sorcerer, seemed to be in a rare form due to the panic thwipping magic whips keeping all who he could away, all while sporting a very menacing glare.
Everyone seemed to be fighting for you, pushing past the enemies without seemingly breaking a sweat. Everyone but him, Peter thought. He hobbled over to Thor and the rest panting heavily.
“Where…” He coughed furiously as he struggled to breath, pressing on regardless. “Where did they take her?”
Thor looked gravely at the sky his limbs going weak as he hung his head low suddenly.
“To his home, nearly galaxies away from us.”
You barely looked out the ship’s cockpit window as you sat second to the pilot seat, Percius resting his hand on top of your chained one as he used the other to punch in quadrants. You would like to think that being out in the universe away from Midgard and with alien races far stronger than humans would have made you felt familiar, but in truth, you had never felt more distant from anyone in your entire life.
The silence was deafening, but you’d rather have your tongue cut from your mouth than speak another word to this arrogant piece of shit. Unfortunately, he didn’t seem to have the same sentiments.
“Worry not my dear, these chains will be gone from your wrists soon enough, and when they are, we will be married.”
You didn’t even have the energy to roll your eyes. What joy.
“We will have the ceremony at dusk, of course, that’s when the skies of my home are most beautiful. The people will be crowding by the thousands to finally see me rise as king of my kingdom,” he paused a moment to look at you, letting his fingers brush over yours. “With you, daughter of Odin, as my wife and queen.”
You only pursed your lips tighter now, hoping that if you bit into the bottom flesh you’d hold yourself back from saying anything that would cause you to end up choking him to death.
He lifted a slender finger and brought it to your cheek but before he could touch you, you snatched it from him squeezing hard almost enough to crunch the bone in your hand.
“I may become your bride, but I will not become your wife.”
He only laughed, enough to make you throw down his finger in anger. “You will find your way to me soon enough daughter of Odin. We have millennium to spend with one another.” He tapped away on the control board a few more times before pulling a lever sending you slamming back into your seat, the extensive speed of jumping fifty galaxies almost being too much. You felt your stomach fly into your throat and drop into your feet, the jostling of the ship causing you to feel slightly sickened. You hated space travel. It was nothing in comparison to your beloved bi-frost.
Soon enough the ship came to a halt, and an entirely new world sat below you. Your gaze turned to the new planet as Percius lowered the ship onto the ground, only feet away from what you assumed was the royal castle. When you first met, Percius had come from his planet to yours, so you had never gotten the chance to actually see his home. Now you were going to be stuck here for the rest of your life.  You felt your eyes water at the thought but refused to let them come. You had done this for Midgard.
You had done this for Peter.
Peter stood in a circle of some of the  Earth’s mightiest heroes and for the first time didn’t care about their status. The only thing that was racing through Peter’s mind wasn’t the fact that he was an insect compared to them, or the fact that they actually allowed him to stand nearby without giving him grief. The only thing Peter was thinking about, was you.  
Were you okay? What was that creep doing to you? Were they giving you things to eat and drink? Were you even able to see the sun where you were? Each question felt like a stab to his chest. If only he had seen you sooner, he could have saved you he
it. Now you were light years away from one another, wallowing in the fact that you both had failed the other.
Peter wasn’t paying attention to the other Avengers, that was until he felt an oddly gentle pat from Thor’s hand on his shoulder. He looked up at him and wiped furiously at his face, mixing the grime from battle and his tears together.
“Rest assured spiderling...this is not the end.”
“Goldilocks is right kiddo, no need to admit defeat yet,” Tony started opening up a panel in his forearm’s armor and typed into some type of keypad inside. He heard a loud whirring noise that canceled out whatever Loki had clearly snapped at Tony. Soon the quinjet was floating down a little ways away from the group opening its door to allow boarding.
“All aboard the quinjet folks, we don’t have much time,” he said already making a steady jog towards its doors.
Peter tried to suppress his grunts over his aching limbs, but soon enough found his arm lifted over a very tall Thor’s shoulder. Thor tried his best to bend over so that Peter wouldn’t be lifted into the air, but due to his extraordinary stature, Peter’s feet still ended up barely touching the ground.
Soon enough, the team gathered into the quinjet seating themselves properly and buckling themselves in. Peter sat nearby the stranger in the red cloak. He would have properly introduced himself, maybe he would have even tried to give him a proper handshake but he was just so tired.
“Hey wizard man, up front and center, I need your magic expertise,” Tony called from the front. The stranger rolled his eyes sighing loudly.
“I’m uh… I’m guessing that’s you?” Peter croaked.
“I suppose it is.” The man said unclicking his buckle. “Dr. Strange,” He corrected before walking back over to Tony.
“I’m!! Uh, I’m Spiderman!! It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Strange,” he tried calling back. Peter sighed feeling his energy being zapped from him again. The most he could manage to do was try to listen to Strange and Tony converse to see if there was any progress in finding your location.
“She’s had enough tie to the mystic arts that I may be able to locate her through my sorcery, but unfortunately that doesn’t seem to be the problem here.”
Loki nodded his arms tight against his chest. “We know where she is, but this primitive Midgardian technology will not be able to even withstand space travel, let alone a fifty galaxy jump from Midgard.” He hissed.
“Okay, seriously? You’re about one comment away from being dropped on your Asgardian ass outside this ship mid-flight, you oily weasel.”  Tony turned to point a threatening finger at the trickster God.
“I’d like to see you try you half pint sorry excuse of a hero- what have you against me, a GOD?! Perhaps a gaudy suit that I could easily crunch into pieces with a single flick of my finger?”
“Really? Oh! Oh really!! See, I don’t really remember that herculean strength when I nearly beat your ass into the ground back in twenty twelve-”
“Can you guys please for the love of God, SHUT UP?!”
Everything went silent. For a second, Peter was glad that someone had finally said it, that was until he realized he was the one that said it. Every pair of eyes focused on him, burning holes into his body. He swallowed hard and suddenly felt his eyebrows furrow. Wait, why in the world did he give a single fuck about what they thought? It was you who was in trouble right now, who cared if he bruised a few egos in order to get their asses moving?
“Now is not the time to be fighting. I’m the actual teenager here and I’m pretty sure I’ve shown enough maturity than all of you combined- except you Mr. Thor and Mr. Dr. Strange, you guys are cool- the point is! We shouldn’t be fighting right now, we should be working as a team so that we can rescue the princess and get the hell out of that cumulo-jack ass’s planet.”
The whole room went quiet until a slowly scowing Tony tilted his head. “I’m sorry, but did you just swear? When we get home you’d better have a quarter in your hand to put in the curse ka-ching jar-”
Peter made loud groan and pulled at his hair shaking himself wildly. “Mr. Stark!! Not the point!! I swear it’s like-”
“Don’t worry kid, I heard you loud and clear.”
Peter looked up at him again fearing that he might have misheard. “Mr. Stark?”
“We’ve gotta work together if we’re going to get the princess back to Earth with her family, if that means zipping a lip to avoid being distracted then that’s what we’ve gotta do.” He gave his protege a final nod before turning back to the sorcerer. “Tell me you’ve got a plan, ‘cause I’ve got nothing.”
“As a matter of fact, I think I do. A moment of your time if you will,” Strange pounded his fists together in a shockingly fluid and quick motion, it almost looked like he was participating in a secret handshake by himself. Soon enough, a bright orange portal appeared before him displaying an odd sort of study. Peter tilted his head as the doctor stood up and simply walked in as if he had done it a thousand times before, which he probably had, and walked out with a small ornate looking brush colored in teal and decorated in golden embroidery. The colors matched perfectly with your armor and your royal robes, Peter had no doubt that it was yours.
“The princess, as intelligent and cunning as she is, can be quite forgetful sometimes.” He reached into your hairbrush pulling out a single strand of your hair. In an instant, he stretched it far between his two fingers and the hair illuminated as if it were kissed by the sun. Strange walked from his seat to the exit of the quinjet, soon making large motions with the hair and letting it metamorphasize from a small strand into a huge whip. With another whisk of his magic fingers, the whip had turned into a large ring, focusing on some sort of land that Peter could only describe as out of this world.
Strange walked back into the quinjet and sure he looked a little smug when he did, but Peter didn’t care. At least his cockiness was easily justified.
“Is that where she is?” Peter asked swallowing the lump that had somehow formed in his throat.
“Definitely,” Thor started to lean out of his chair when he spoke. “I recognize the kingdom, there is no doubt that the wizard’s magic has located her.”
“Actually, I’m not a wizard more like a supreme sorcerer-”
“Alright then kids, we have our heading, and we can’t keep this portal open forever,” Tony cut the ‘wizard’ off, looking back at his other teammates. “Anyone have a plan?”
“Daughter of Odin, you look absolutely stunning!” You looked into the vanity mirror of a large dressing room that had been provided for you for your wedding day. You stared at yourself silently, focusing over the work that had been done to you. A soft shade of pastel blue had been brushed on the lids of your eyes, along with a slick thick black line sharpening its way out of your eyelids. With a light touch of foundation, a nude lipstick, and a form-fitting wedding dress to complete your outfit, you undoubtedly looked like a bride, but in your heart, you felt nothing short of an alien’s prisoner.
“Do I?” You asked slowly standing up from the vanity taking a few steps back to see the entire look. The sweetheart neckline and underlying corset seemed to be conforming your figure in one that made your already beautiful attributes protrude into something foreign to you. A golden necklace adorned your neck covering almost the entirety of your shoulders and collar bones. Your hair wasn’t in its usual style but now was being pinned up in five golden rods, almost as if the sun’s rays were peeking over your head with a lace veil hanging from behind. Everyone else must have imagined that you thought yourself beautiful, but inside you could hardly feel yourself breathing.
There was a sudden knock at the door pulling you out of your grief for a moment only to recognize that someone was here. Your apparent handmaiden rushed to the door, opening it quickly only to bow so low that her entire body nearly touched the ground.
“Tell the daughter of Odin that the ceremony will begin in but a moment,” the gruff voice said. You couldn’t even be bothered to turn your gaze.
“Yes, milord. I will prepare her to walk promptly.” The door slammed again and the smaller alien girl came by your side again. “My lady?”
“What.” You didn’t mean for your voice to come out as cold as it did, but could you really help it? You were miserable. To this poor girl, you must have seemed like the evil queen getting ready to snake her way to the throne. Little did she know, how much you would have preferred to be anywhere but here.  Even if it meant being in the wreckage of your homeland, that was, if there was anything left of it.
“Ah… well... it seems that the ceremony will be starting soon milady… your marriage ceremony.”
“So it seems.” You couldn’t even stand to look at your reflection any longer and turned your body towards the door staring at the open entrance.
“Shall we go?” She almost seemed afraid to ask you. Her fear wasn’t misplaced, if you still had fight in you, you could have undoubtedly sent her to her knees with less than a flick of your fingers. Lucky for her, you were extinguished, your passion to fight for Midgard utterly snuffed out. In your eyes, this ceremony was your fight for Midgard, it was the only way to ensure the realm’s safety.
“Tell me honestly,” You turned your icy gaze to her sending shivers down the handmaiden’s spine. “Do I have much of a choice?” Her reaction was almost instant, her head snapped in a lowly bow.
“Forgive me your highness...but we must leave.” She took a moment to grab a bouquet of foreign flowers. They were large and gaudy looking but this seemed to be nothing in comparison to the other problems you had currently.
You could have laughed in pity. “I see. It seems I don’t then. Very well, let us finish this foolishness quickly.”
The girl stood in front of you quickly taking the veil that was tucked away before over your eyes and soon you were walking away, moving towards the chapel’s hall. Your heart seemed to crack a tinge with every step that you took. As the grand chapel doors swung open with a loud creak, thousands of people rose to turn and look at you as the door slowly creaked back close. Your eyes may have been dead and emotionless, but inside you felt like vomiting all over the royal carpeting.
Regardless, you kept walking a choir of nimbans singing sweetly as you made your arrival. An alien orchestra swelled with passionate music. You looked through the veil’s lace to see Percius standing at the end of the aisle, hands folded contempt behind his back and an ever-present charming smile plastered on his face. You wish you could have slapped that stupid smirk clear off of him.
You made your way to the altar and stood opposed to him after the handmaiden lifted the veil off of your face. Your anguish started to mix with agony. Thor and Loki should have been the ones walking you down your wedding aisle, not this stranger. The music slowed and quieted down as the minister lowered his upraised arms signaling the guests to take their seats.
“We are gathered here today in holy matrimony, to bind both the kingdoms and souls of two individuals who are destined to bring our realm to prosperity.” You didn’t even look into your future husband’s eyes as the minister continued.
“Our kingdom has been blessed with a heaven that rains down visions of the future. The sky is our guide, and as evidenced by its brilliant color,” He took a moment to motion to it with one hand. Percius didn’t lie, the sky was absolutely gorgeous. “A bright future must lay ahead for our soon to be king and queen.” The sky looked like some sort of kaleidoscope, colors of orange, pink, red and violet continued to morph in the heavens. Barely a cloud floated past as your eyes glanced at the few planets that seemed to be in close orbit.
“Today is the beginning of a prosperous destiny, the skies deem it so!” He took a moment to look between the two of you. “And it all begins, with this ceremony.” He smiled quietly before continuing the service. “I ask you now to take one another’s hands.”
Percius couldn’t have grabbed your hands sooner. You guessed it was to keep the public from knowing how much you despised him. “You look absolutely ravishing, my love,” He whispered softly as you finally looked into his eyes.
“To you perhaps.” You replied your expression not faltering from its emotionless state. He only smiled in return, but you could see the toxicity in his smile seem to leak out of him, almost like an overflowing dam.
“As the heavens as our witness, as well as the entirety of our kingdom’s people, the time has come to bind these two lover’s hearts as one.” You felt your heart start to beat out of your body, and your chest began to rise and fall as if you had been running for miles on end. Oh god, it was happening, you were about to be wed to this monster.
“I only ask that if any parties deem this matrimony unfit to continue to speak now or forever hold your peace.” To anyone else, it might have looked like your eyes were leaking tears of joy. But you knew the truth, they were tears of sorrow.
“Shall anyone present evidence to ensure that this holy union cease to take place?”
There was a huge slam and the pair of doors that you had walked down only minutes before were now skidding across the floor as if they’d been flicked by a giant.
“Yeah, I’ve got a couple of words!”
Your heart dropped and your head snapped to the entrance to see Peter standing at the end of the aisle chest heaving heavily as your brothers, Tony Stark and Doctor Strange stood behind him.
“We’re here to take you home princess, away from this Strato-shithead!”
“Again with the cursing?! Kid, we need to have a serious talk when we get home about your language-”
“Peter!!!” You shrieked his name with absolute joy. For the first time during this entire ceremony you had finally showed a trace of joy, and it looked beautiful on you.
You picked up the front of your dress gearing yourself to rush forward to Peter so that you’d never have to let go of him again, but you felt someone grab onto your forearm digging nails into your skin.
“You will be going nowhere with my bride.”
You saw Loki’s face transform into something absolutely ugly, seething with rage you had only seen when he had been taken back to Asgard as a prisoner. “You’ll wish you never laid a hand on my sister, whence I slice that wrist from her arm!”
Thor said nothing snide in return, he only rushed forward along with the rest of the Avengers hollering with a bloody rage, hands, and arms crackling with electricity.
You turned back to Percius, seemingly having switched expressions; yours full of charm and spite, his grey and full of fear.
“You will regret ever laying your eyes on me.” You took the hand that was free and opened it quickly your dagger materializing in your hand. You swiped furiously with a scream causing the entire crowd to shriek in fear as Percius’s hand dropped from your arm onto the floor.
“YOU WENCH!!” He bellowed his other hand flying to his wounded arm as he dropped to a knee.
You started running again as the chapel erupted in a panic, soldiers suddenly leaving their posts to run after you and the Avengers. “Peter!!!” You cried again.
He called out your name while thwipping one web from each hand on a pew practically slingshotting himself into your open arms, hugging you so tight you thought he might have broken your spine all together. You didn’t care if he broke your spine or any other bones. As long as he held you in his arms, nothing could harm you. No injury or ailment could possibly compare to the pain that you felt when you thought you had lost him forever. Now, you were absolutely sure without a doubt, he was your one true love, no prince of a foreign realm could ever compare to him.
“I love you.” You whispered quickly your eyes scanning him with fear, joy, and affection all at once. You felt like your heart was spilling.
You rolled his mask above his nose and kissed him, slamming your mouth on him crying while you did. You held his face in your hands fearing that if you let go for even a moment he would disappear from you altogether. You parted from him, breathing heavily as you touched your forehead to his. He opened his mouth to confess to you, but not before Thor’s voice could be heard echoing throughout the chapel not giving him a moment to register what had even happened.
“Get her out of here spiderling!” Thor shouted as he barrelled into a group of guards thunder cracking on impact.
“Got it!” Peter grabbed your legs in one of your arms and supported your back in the other pressing you close to his chest. “Can you hold on princess?”
You threw the veil and pins from out of your hair and let it flow out against your neck. You shook it from its forced neatness and your crown formed on your head instantly as you reclaimed your identity. You were no Nimban Queen, you were Odin’s daughter, princess of Asgard and sister to the Gods of mischief and thunder.
You didn’t even bother trying to wipe away your tears. “Believe me, I will never let go of you again.” Your arms wrapped around his neck, and he started to use one hand to support you creating a web over the arch of the now busted doorway. Soon, you were in the air flying with him wind brushing through your hair as you moved through the castle. Peter created webs in a fluid motion, not stopping for a minute until you were out of the castle and back on your feet running towards the poorly parked quinjet that sat on top of what you could only guess was the royal gardens.
“As soon as I let the team know, Doctor Strange is gonna like portal us out of here and we can get back to Earth!”
“I’d like to see you try!!” You turned around to see Percius standing weakly holding a sword in his one hand, the other still dripping blood from where you amputated it. He had a crazed look in his eye and his once charming smile now looked demonic stretching from ear to ear as he fought back laughter.
“Now, I care not of our marriage,” He shouted walking forward. “The only ring I’d like to see you in my dear is one around your neck hanging from a six meter high gallow!!”
You grabbed your two daggers at your side. “Not that I care of what happens with you, but this could have been avoided Percius,” You snarled tossing them in the air and catching them again. “Had it not been for your blinding ego, you could have gotten married to someone else with your dignity and your hand still intact!”
You both ran towards one another quickly but before you could collide you leaped into the air flipping over Percius to the ground behind him. “PETER!” You shouted quickly. Peter knew instantly what to do almost as if your thoughts were synchronized and sprayed him in web causing him to fall off balance face forward into the ground. You knelt behind him pressing a knee into his back causing him to scream in agony.
“I will show you mercy Percius if you allow me to.”
“Never,” he spat a glob of spit onto the floor as he continued to thrash and scream. “I will never allow a witch like you show me mercy,”
“You are blinded by your own foolishness again.” You hissed into his ear. “If you relinquish your chase of me you will still be able to rule your country, your people, your home.” You took your dagger pressing it into his back. “Don’t make me take all that you have away from you as you did me.” He said nothing only breathed heavily as you continued to restrain him.
“Princess, we’ve gotta go,” Peter said cautiously.
“...You will leave this place.” Percius said finally. “And never return.”
“That’s all I needed to hear,’ You grabbed him by the web roped that restrained him and lifted him by it placing him next to the nearest wall. Peter came beside you and webbed him to his castle before taking your hand looking into your eyes seemingly to start to pick up from when you had kissed him.
“I don’t understand…” Percius croaked. “What does this Midgardian have that I don’t possess… why do you love him and not I?”
You smiled taking your hand, brushing it against Peter’s cheek. You didn’t even grace Percius with an answer, you only started making your way back to the quinjet in a quick jog while Peter informed the rest of the Avengers that they had gotten to the ship safely and were ready to leave.
After sitting in the jet, the rest of the Avengers arrived via Stranges portal and you found yourself together again. You rushed towards your brothers and hugged them tightly.
“Thank the Nords you have returned to us….” Loki whispered into your hair. You nodded softly in their arms.
“Let’s go home…”
You returned to the compound, all in one piece and all much happier than when you had last left it. The rest of the team had gathered to discuss what needed to be done in order to restore the poor town that you all had helped destroyed thanks to Percius’ army, leaving you and Peter alone to talk. You stood outside on the balcony of your room with Peter overlooking the forest greenery of Midgard, breathing in the pine and relishing in it.
“So I heard you were the calm headed hero in the midst of chaos,” You said quietly your eyes glancing to his from the side.
“I was pretty confident I was going to get an Asgardian ass-whopping when I did but yeah,” he smiled at you. “If it was for you, I wouldn’t really care,”
“How heroic,” You beamed at him. You turned yourself to him fully and cupped his face in one hand. “You really are my knight in shining armor,”
Peter blushed a bright cherry red and placed one of his hands over yours leaning in closer to you. “I know I’m not some foreign prince who’s swimming in money but...for you…I’d cross an ocean, I’d give up my spidey suit, I’d… I’d even go to another flash party.”
You couldn’t help but snort, your eyes squinting as you smiled. “I know you would, I’d do the same for you, Peter.”
He leaned even closer. “I’d even…ask your two terrifying god brothers if I could date you and risk a knife to the leg and a thunderbolt to the chest…” He whispered suppressing a laugh. “You want to know why?”
“Because I love you…” He gave you a quick peck on your lips before pulling back and gazing into your eyes. “You do know that...right?”
You threw your arms around him kissing him quicker than he had standing on your toes to reach him. You pulled back breathless. “I do Peter…” You brushed his brown locks behind his ear.
“I do.
“Crown Fell” Tag
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liemagicks · 5 years
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[  ezra miller / sofia black d'elia, 1000+, genderfluid, he/she/they  ] - loki odinson !  you know, the anti-hero that goes by the god of mischief ?  i heard they can ( shapeshift &  wield magic ), and comes from the marvel universe. 
so just as a ... note before we dive into all of This, i wanna explain my inspiration for how i’m explaining loki is back. essentially, i’m pulling influence from a comic plot that’s very similar to what i’ve decided on (i’ve just adjusted stuff to fit w/ the mcu stuff). but other than that, let’s dive in !
name: loki laufeyson / laufeydottir.
nickname(s): god(dess) of lies, god(dess) of stories, agent of asgard, ikol, prince(ss) of asgard, reindeer games (via tony stark), lackey (via valkyrie), liesmith, child of odin, child of laufey, loki of asgard – for starters; there are probably more
alias: the god/goddess of mischief.
aligment: anti-hero.
affiliation: generally speaking, loki’s affiliation is mainly with themselves, but occasionally thor and asgard as well.
birthdate & age: loki does not have an exact birthdate, but their age is, at the very least 1000+.
zodiac sign: seeing as loki does not have a birthdate, considering they were not born on earth, they don’t have a zodiac sign, however it would probably be scorpio. i’m a sucker for hc’ing zodiac signs.
species: loki is a frost giant, but calls themselves an asgardian.
gender: loki is genderfluid.
pronouns: loki’s pronouns depend on their form and mood. most commonly, loki will use ‘he/him’ pronouns in their masculine form, and ‘she/her’ pronouns in their feminine form, but they will occasionally use ‘they/them’ pronouns, regardless of what form they take.
romantic orientation: panromantic.
sexual orientation: pansexual.
born to king laufey and his wife farbauti, loki was abandoned as a baby because they were considered to be small and weak for a frost giant
however, they were found by odin and thus adopted by king odin and queen frigga of asgard, raised alongside their adoptive brother thor, believing that they were as much their son as thor
overall, their childhood was good compared to what it would have been had they either been kept by their birth parents or died on jotunheim, even if they would later tell people otherwise (ex. telling thor they lived in his shadow – feelings of their own insecurity brought out by thanos’ manipulation)
they were taught to wield magic by his mother, frigga, as they lacked interest in fighting, partially due to their smaller stature
loki often played pranks on thor using the magic they were being taught, such as finding different ways to stab him or turn him into different animals, both as a child and into their adulthood
i won’t go into too much more detail about the events of the avengers & the thor movies bc i’m sure most people have seen em and knows all that goes on so ….. yes (plus i’m lazy)
which brings us to infinity war, where thanos kills loki after loki attempted to trick and stab him
however, while what they did leading up to their death may have seemed like a foolish thing to do, loki had actually laid plans well beforehand – after faking their death a few times and/or coming close to actually dying, they made sure there was a sort of fail safe in order to ensure that they would never truly die
so while they had no way of knowing when they would die, they at least knew that it was either a) possible or that b) they were going to die at some point i the future, which was exactly why they went to these extents to prevent that
to be exact, they took their name out of the book of hel, ensuring that if they were to die, it wouldn’t be permanent – that they would instead be reborn anew rather than actually dying, free from the weight of their past
this happened not long after their original death, but after the snap, where they were reincarnated into a younger body
but loki hasn’t been around for that long since their death -- roughly a year or so. they considered taking up an alias but ultimately decided ‘fuck it’ and have just been.... runnin’ around as themselves.
so loki has all memories of their last life, so they are very much still that loki, just in a new body
overall i hope i explained my way of bringing him back well so that it doesn't leave people confused but if you are confused feel free to lemme know and i can try to explain some things !!
this is 100%, completely unrelated to anything i’ve said above, but i need to add it: loki loves wicked. here’s a panel of their take on ‘the wizard and i’. i think it’s beautiful
anywho !  pls love them, they deserve it.
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ninjakitty15 · 3 years
Chapter 12: Of Gods and Bondage (Loki x OFC Pairing)
They say people love and choose to accept life while fear death because life is a beautiful lie while death is the painful truth. In theory that's true although death itself isn't painful, only the transition to it is which means it's actually life that's painful, you don't feel much of anything when you're dead...unless you're me. Loki was a beautiful master of lies himself but was accepted and loved by few, while I was a pain in the ass necromancer that ruled the dead, so in a way we were stark opposites, our magic/power cancelled each other out in a way. We did have a few things in common though, betrayed by our own people, demi-gods, a fondness for daggers. I sometimes wondered just what he saw in me though, a quiet tall, ever observing man like himself going for the unquiet undead zombie queen. It couldn't just be the great sex or what we have in common though. He seemed far too clever to go for that alone. Then I wondered what his reaction would be when he really sees what I am, what I can do. Would he be afraid, intrigued? He rarely showed any fear, curiosity definitely, and caution, but he was probably trained his whole life to never show fear or weakness no matter what he was faced with.
I studied his face when he thought I wasn't looking while we stood in the park and enjoyed the tranquility. He told me stories of Asgard, the golden city, the glorious realm, things he missed terribly that unfortunately my realm couldn't compare. He spoke of other realms his brother, their friends, and he were sent "to keep the peace" which really meant beat the living shit out of till they surrendered and followed Odin's rule. The more he spoke of his past, the more I came to see just how and why he loathed his father so much, the guy, god or not, was a massive bully and I hated those cretins.
"Thor says its not a place but a people and the people there sound like they royally suck, pun intended, so if you think about it, Asgard wasn't really your home if you didn't feel all that welcomed there. Home is where the cuddles are."
"Are you trying to convince me you're my home now?" he asked in amusement.
"Is it working?" I replied hopefully.
He paused during our stroll and opened his mouth to retort but nothing came out as his expression of mirth turned to caution. "Do you hear that?"
I blinked and listened and if I could feel the cold again, I'd probably have goosebumbs, there wasn't a sound in the park, no bird, no barks of dogs being walked, no people talking or leaves rustling. "My zombie senses are tingling." Utter silence was completely unnatural, even when there wasn't a soul in sight.
Loki must have sensed  something because he suddenly spun around, his back to me and seemed to use himself as a shield once more before his body went rigid then twitchy in front of me as he fell. I dropped to my knees by his side, his veins bulging, his face contorting in agony and I saw something small and metallic attached to his neck and put two and two together.
"The voltage will go up before you can touch it," a new voice warned me.
I didn't move from where I knelt but narrowed my eyes and looked for the owner of the voice that jumped from a tree to the ground. A hydra agent judging by the symbol on his otherwise blank black uniform. Others appeared from their own hiding spot.
"Do as I say and his blood won't boil and fry him alive from the electrical shocks."
My eyes went to Loki's though rage boiled my own blood at a bunch of asshats knocking down my god so easily. He couldn't even nod let alone talk but his eyes seemed to say enough to make me do as they said. I looked back to the man with the machine gun and narrowed my eyes.
"Stand up slowly, hands where we can see them and don't move unless we tell you. Boys, search her for any arcane weaponry."
I did as commanded and stood up and was immediately surrounded and padded down for anything which I almost found amusing as I was the weapon, why would I carry more?
"Nothing, sir," one reported.
I smirked at this, not taking my eyes off the commander who glared hard at me. He walked over to me, probably thinking he was safe if I was unarmed, and grabbed me by the throat.
"Tell me where they are or I'll crush your windpipe."
"You know what I'm not doing? I'm not using my windpipe," I hissed. "What is dead can never die."
He squeezed harder before letting go but didn't back down. "Lock em both up separately, if I can't break you, I'll break him and make you watch. Make sure they're not being watched either, we wouldn't want to have a tail."
They cuffed Loki from where he lay stiff on the ground and muzzled him as well like they had with me, then turned down the metal patch on his neck so he could at least stand for himself before forcing him away from me as I let myself be cuffed as well though they didn't bother with the muzzle on me this time, I was already too pissed for words anyway. We were led to a super shady looking armored truck, the commander sitting across from me, hands not leaving his firearm.
"They told me you couldn't be broken, they showed me recordings of what they tried on you and how you'd just smile or mock them when they stuck you full of blades and experiments."
"I've been told they tried that on me for five years...you know the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Your scientists are actually legit mad, not just evil, have fun with that."
"Oh don't worry about that, if we can't do it to you, we'll do it to someone less immune to our methods." He glanced over at the silently fuming god at the other end of the truck.
"You think this is the first time someone I love has been used against me that I'd just roll with your punches?" I asked incredulously. "Or is it because you people are terrible at judgments of character that think I've been alone till him? Did the ones you roped into your mess tell you about me? I mean really tell you about me? Did they explain why I don't feel physical pain? Why I can't be killed? Or are you the type to just go in guns blazing and skip the questions entirely till someone drops dead?"
"They told me enough."
"If that were true, you wouldn't be doing  this, you'd drop this entire mission of yours and leave the necromancy to the few of us left that haven't changed sides. Because if you did know enough about me...you'd run and you'd sleep with one eye opened till I drag your soul to hell and use your empty skull for a cereal bowl."
"You really think that will scare me?"
"I work at a screampark, I know full well what makes even the toughest soldiers tremble, if you break him, you're next."
"You're in no position to threaten me."
"You sure? The way I see it, you need me more than I need you. You think by torturing him that I'll comply when you're only really giving me that much more reason to tear you apart, your actions are the tinder on which you burn. Then again by killing the others and attempting to break me before this, you got my attention so either way you're still fucked. I'm in every position to threaten you and so much more."
The truck stopped before he could retort and we could hear even more soldiers coming to the truck, no doubt to make sure we don't do anything against them or escape. We were led out and Loki was steered away from me and my line of sight while the commander and his team led me in the opposite direction elsewhere into the building that looked perfectly normal, nothing fancy, nothing suspicious, didn't even look abandoned like some hideouts were, people in business suits and briefcases were coming and going while I was being led in by the team. As I was being walked down to the basement I spotted another traitor I knew personally and stopped suddenly, not caring that I was completely surrounded and tapped on the glass wall separating him and the people he was working with from me. He turned around and went pale while I grinned maniacally. "Hiya Georgie!" I then let the team drag me away, I had left my mark on him, he knew what would happen the second I got free and found him. I was led to a large control type room with giant glass container filling up about half of it, a control panel on one side most likely for whatever's being contained. A middle aged man with scars distorting his face wearing an expensive business suit stood at the center of the room along with two scientists in lab coats and clipboards. He turned when he heard me walk in with the team and set his sights on me before glancing at the commander.
"Ah good, you caught her again, let's hope we have better luck and results this time around. My name is Dr. Feist, I'm the head of this operation and you are Noelle, are you not? The infamous necromancer that leveled an entire building without needing any explosives."
"And yet you thought it smart to bring me into another building?" I questioned.
"Well yes, we couldn't do any of this out in the open where we can be repeatedly interrupted by your new friends and if you try anything we don't want you to do well..." he snapped his fingers and the door to the glass cell opened up and Loki was suddenly thrown into it, the door sealing shut behind him as he got to his feet and bright abnormal looking lights clicked on in the cell.
I glanced at the panel controlling the room and back at Loki as he looked around attempting to get a bearing on his surroundings while the lights got brighter and I suddenly realized what was going on as he seemed to almost wilt where he stood before sitting down on the built in bench. They essentially put him into a small greenhouse, melting the Frost Giant.
"How long do you think he'll last in there?" Feist continued. "His people couldn't survive outside their own frozen planet without the casket of ancient winters I'm told."
My eyes didn't leave Loki as his normally stiff, proper posture seemed to deflate with the rising heat in the room, he looked tired, worn down, like it was a struggle just to sit and stay awake for him. "What do you want?"
"Every necromancer carries a blade and a stone, where are yours?"
"They already searched me, but you'll have to take me out to dinner before you can strip me yourself."
"Then where if not on your person?"
"Where only I alone can get to it, but I'm sure you already know what happens when someone not marked tries to play with things that aren't theirs."
"Clever lady. You're right, we can't touch them, that's why we brought in people who can."
I snickered at this. "The others you either bribed or threatened to join forces with? Let them try."
"Well since you don't have those things we were hoping for, we'll find other uses for you while we have you. Put her in the other holding cell for now while we dig deeper."
I was led away from the controls and down to the level where Loki was kept to another cell but before they could shove me in, I bolted to Loki's desperately and pressed my hands against the glass between us. He saw me despite the heavy eyelids and it damn near broke my heart seeing him look so weak as he held a hand up to match mine against the glass. Our eyes met once more before I was forced away and locked in.
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