ane-doodles · 9 months
Artfight attack for @pillowspace
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Team Werewolves
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lady-grey-1993 · 2 months
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Skoll is the name of the wolf
Who follows the shining priest
Into the desolate forest,
And the other is Hati,
Hróðvitnir’s son,
Who chases the bright bride of the sky.
An awesome piece done for me by the lovely, talented, and amazing @meldy-arts ! This one being influenced heavily by Norse myth.
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notthesomefather · 11 days
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On this day of totality, I honor the Lord of the Moon, Mani, and the Lady of the Sun, Sol. Be with us this day and hear our praises 🌑🌕
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sinnabee · 9 months
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@pillowspace get attacked!!! <3
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theblonweird0 · 6 months
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Thank you @pillowspace for these fun characters
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hahskeleton · 6 months
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@pillowspace your boi :D
[w/ mouth under cut]
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hadeth · 10 months
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 عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ ـ رضى الله عنه ـ قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏ "‏ لَمَّا قَضَى اللَّهُ الْخَلْقَ كَتَبَ فِي كِتَابِهِ، فَهْوَ عِنْدَهُ فَوْقَ الْعَرْشِ إِنَّ رَحْمَتِي غَلَبَتْ غَضَبِي ‏"‏‏.‏ صحيح البخاري ومسلم حديث ٣١٩٤ - ٢٧٥١
Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "When Allah completed the creation, He wrote in His Book which is with Him on His Throne, "My Mercy overpowers My Anger." Sahih al-Bukhari 3194 In-book reference : Book 59, Hadith 5 // Sahih Muslim 2751a In-book reference : Book 50, Hadith 17
اللهُ سُبحانَه وتعالَى غَفُورٌ رَحيمٌ، ومِن حِكمتِه سُبحانَه ورَحمتِه العامَّةِ أن رَزَقَ الكافِرَ في الدُّنيا ونَعَّمه وخَوَّله مُدَّةَ عُمرِه، ومَكَّنَه من آمالِه ومَلاذِّه، مع أنَّه لا يَستحِقُّ بكُفرِه ومُعاندتِه غيرَ أليمِ العذابِ؛ فكيف تكونُ رَحمتُه بِمَن آمَنَ به، واعترَفَ بذُنوبِه، ورَجا غُفرانَه، ودَعاه تَضرُّعًا وخُفيَةً؟! وفي هذا الحديثِ يُخبِرُ النَّبيُّ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّم أنَّ اللهَ تَعالَى كَتَب في كِتابٍ -قيل: في اللَّوحِ المَحفوظِ، وقيل: في كِتابٍ خاصٍّ بذلك الأمرِ تَنويهًا بشَأنِه، ورَفعًا لقَدرِه- قبلَ أن يَخلُقَ الخلقَ، وفي رِوايةٍ في الصَّحيحينِ: «لمَّا خلَقَ اللهُ الخلْقَ»، قيل في الجَمعِ بَينَهُما: مَعناه: أراد أن يَخلُقَ الخلقَ. وهو مَكتوبٌ عندَه تَعالَى فوقَ العَرش: أنَّ رَحمتَه تَعالَى سَبَقَت غَضَبَه؛ فهو سُبحانه وتعالَى الغَفُورُ الرَّحيمُ، فكانت رَحمتُه أسبَقَ لعِبادِه من الغَضَبِ عليهم، ورِفقُه بالخَلقِ وإنعامُه عليهم ولُطفُه بهم؛ أكبَرَ من انتقامِه وأخذِه، كيف لا، وابتِداؤُه الخَلقَ وتَكميلُه وإتقانُه، وتَرتيبُه، وخَلقُ أوَّلِ نَوعِ الإنسانِ في الجنَّةِ؛ كُلُّ ذلك من رَحمتِه السَّابِقةِ؟! وكذلك ما رَتَّبَ على ذلك منَ النِّعَمِ والألطافِ في الدُّنيا والآخِرةِ، وكُلُّ ذلك رَحَماتٌ مُتلاحِقاتٌ، فهو قدِ ابتَدَأ خَلقَه بالنِّعمةِ بإخراجِهم من العَدَمِ إلى الوُجُودِ، فالرَّحمةُ تَشمَلُ الإنسانَ جَنينًا، ورَضيعًا، وفَطيمًا، وناشِئًا، من غَيرِ أن يَصدُرَ منه شَيءٌ منَ الطَّاعةِ، وبَسَطَ لهم -مِن رحمتِه- في قُلوبِ الأبَوَينِ على الأبناءِ منَ الصَّبرِ على تَربيَتِهم ومُباشَرةِ أقذارِهم؛ ما إذا تَدبَّره مُتدبِّرٌ أيقَنَ أنَّ ذلك من رَحمتِه تَعالَى. ومِن رَحمتِه تَعالَى السَّابقةِ أنَّه يَرزُقُ الكُفَّارَ ويُنعِّمُهم، ويَدفَعُ عنهُمُ الآلامَ، ثُمَّ رُبَّما أدخَلَهمُ الإسلامَ -رَحمةً منه لهم- وقد بَلَغوا منَ التَّمرُّدِ عليه والخَلعِ لرُبوبيَّتِه غاياتٍ تُغضِبُه، فتَغلِبُ رَحمتُه ويُدخِلُهم -بعدَ إسلامِهم- جَنَّتَه، ومَن لم يَتُب عليه حتَّى توفَّاه فقد رَحِمَه مُدَّةَ عُمرِه بِتَراخي عُقوبتِه عنه، وقد كان له ألَّا يُمهِلَه بالعُقوبةِ ساعةَ كُفرِه به ومَعصيتِه له، لكنَّه أمهَلَه رَحمةً له، ولا يَلحَقُه الغَضَبُ إلَّا بعد أن يَصدُرَ عنه منَ الذُّنوبِ ما يَستَحِقُّ معه ذلك، فكلُّ ذلك من شَواهِدِ سَبقِ رحمتِه تَعالَى لغَضَبِه، ومع هذا فإنَّ رَحمةَ اللهِ السَّابقةَ أكثرُ من أن يُحيطَ بها وَصفٌ. ووَجه المُناسَبةِ بين بَدءِ الخَلقِ وسَبقِ الرَّحمةِ: أنَّ العِبادَ مَخلوقون للعِبادةِ شُكرًا للنِّعَمِ الفَائضةِ عَليهِم، ولا يَقدِرُ أحدٌ على أداءِ حقِّ الشُّكرِ، وبَعضُهُم يُقصِّرُ فيه؛ فسَبَقَت رَحمَتُه في حقِّ الشَّاكرِ بأن وفَّى جَزاءه. والمُرادُ ��العَرشِ: عَرشُ الرَّحمنِ الذي استَوى عليه جَلَّ جَلالُه، وهو أعلى المَخلوقاتِ وأكبَرُها وأعظَمُها، وَصَفَه اللهُ بأنَّه عَظيمٌ، وبأنَّه كَريمٌ؛ فوَصَفَه بالحُسنِ من جِهةِ الكَمِّيةِ، وبالحُسنِ من جِهةِ الكَيفيَّةِ. وفي الحديثِ: دَليلٌ على استواءِ اللهِ تَعالَى على عرشِه، وعُلُوِّه على خَلقِه.  وفيه: بيان سَعَةِ رَحمةِ الله، وكَثرةِ فضلِه في حِلمِه قبلَ انتِقامِه، وعَفوِه قبلَ عُقوبَتِه. وفيه: إثباتُ صِفَتَيِ الرَّحمةِ والغَضَبِ لله سُبحانَه وتَعالَى، من غَيرِ تَشبيهٍ ولا تَمثيلٍ ولا تعطيلٍ. وفيه: إثباتُ تَفاضُلِ صِفاتِ اللهِ تَعالَى؛ فقد وَصَف رَحمَتَه بأنَّها تَغلِبُ وتَسبِقُ غَضَبَه، وهذا يَد��لُّ على فَضلِ رَحمَتِه على غَضَبِه من جِهةِ سَبقِها وغَلَبَتِها. الدرر السنية
Hadith Translation/ Explanation : English French Spanish Turkish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian Bengali Chinese Persian Tagalog Indian Sinhalese Hausa Kurdish Portuguese: https://hadeethenc.com/en/browse/hadith/4961
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evermore-grimoire · 2 years
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The Evermore Grimoire: Norse Mythology
Sunna (Sól meaning ‘Mistress Sun’) was the goddess of the sun in Norse mythology. She drove a chariot of the sun across the sky every day. Pulled by the horses Allsvinn (‘Very Fast’) and Arvak (‘Early Rising’), the sun-chariot was pursued by the wolf Skoll. It was said that sometimes he would come so close that he was able to take a bite out of the sun, causing an eclipse. At Ragnarok, the foretold ‘Twilight of the Gods’ or end of the world, it was believed the sun would finally be swallowed by Skoll. When the world was destroyed, a new world would be born, a world of peace and love, and the sun's bright daughter will outshine her mother.
artwork by dropofcreativity
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ladybrythwensinclair · 2 months
Hail Sòl
Hail to the exaulted Daughter of Mundilfari Hail to the Charioteer of the Day-Star's Wain Hail to the One who out races the One who Hates Bless and walk with us this day
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vvussyboy · 10 months
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Sunna turned three whole years old a few days ago - June 5th! The day I saw her, I was preparing to bring home Goose. She was bald, cold and alone in a tank at the rescue I visit. I asked about her, was told no one was willing to even foster her, and man, next thing I knew, I was sitting in the car with her, warming her up in my hands.
Most of her feathers have grown in. She doesn’t have flight feathers but she’s an incredible little climber, so she gets up to where she wants to be. She’s vocal, gentle and brave. I love my little Sunna Bird and she got to enjoy a whole bunch’a parrot-friendly “graham” crackers - her favorite!
Happy third birthday, my Sunna Girl!
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tarotbee · 10 months
hello!! i was wondering if you have any ways to worship Sol/Sunna, her brother (Mani) and Loki?
Offerings and ways of Worshipping Sól / Sunna
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Associated runes: Dagaz and Sowelo
Offerings of Cider, Mead, Apple juice and orange juice
Like many solar deities, sunflowers and sun imagery are always a good idea!
In Germanic mythology Sól is considered the personification of the sun, meaning just spending some time outside in the sun would be perfectly acceptable!
Citrus is always good for sun gods and goddesses, lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruits, pomelo, kumquat, mandarin and clementine are all good!
Show respect to the land!
Pick up rubbish! Plant a garden! Go eco friendly! Bamboo brushes! No single use plastics! Every little bit counts 🧡
Donate to charities that help the environment such as tree planting, community gardens, wildlife protection, ocean clean ups, ozone protection! Pitch in too if you can!
Horses and Chariots!
Plants 🪴 are great offerings! Put them on her altar! Take care of them in her honour
Wear warm/summer colours
Sunna is a healer! First aid courses, learning old helping practices and remedies and even just taking care of yours and other physical health is amazing!
Know a good source recipe for when your sick? Perfect idea for an offering
Sunna embodies, energy, motivation and enthusiasm, carry these feelings with you always (as much as you can)
Have a candle on her altar! She gave the gift of fire! Its important to honour that
Celebrate the solstice!
Sun tea!!! 🌞
Hope this helped! Sol/Sunna is hard to find information on so communicate with her directly and collaborate on offering ideas
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notthesomefather · 3 months
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Altar for Frigge and Sol 🩷☀️
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sinnabee · 9 months
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hahaha! guess who got carried away when a Certain Song came on her spotify, and had to draw these blorbo thoughts or else just. die
@pillowspace has infected me with so so so so SO many blorbo thoughts. i have blorbo poisoning. send help
(btw, we are still streaming if anyone wants to pop in :D)
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theherbwitchshoppe · 1 month
Marigolds represent to me , Sunne the Goddess of the sun. Spring is a wonderful time to offer up marigolds to Sunne. Burn in your Spring solstice fire to bring back her enduring brilliance
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honoringthor · 10 months
15 days of Máni devotion 🌙 genealogy
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Máni is the son of the Jotun Mundilfari. His sister is Sunna/Sol.
Not much is known about his family.
The information comes from the Prose and Poetic Eddas.
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hahskeleton · 9 months
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Sunna and Meno by @pillowspace
I have never really been super obsessed with a lot of things, but omfg Meno’s fricking design is GLORIOUS! I cannot express how much I love Meno through words!! He’s just so fricken’ hsisnsisjsoakaoamaoamsosmsosjsks!
anyways I had fun drawing this!
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