#Shakespere Bottle
owedfavors-a2 · 2 years
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suburban  july.  scraped  knees.   bruised  knuckles.  blood  in  your  teeth.  bare  feet  on  hot  concrete.  restlessness.  your  high  school’s  empty  parking lot.  love  poems  in  your  diary.   a  window  open  to  coax  in  the  breeze.   burning  inside.  an  ill - fitting  party  dress.  a  t - shirt  you  cut  up  yourself.   the  time  you  tried  to  give  yourself  bangs.   biking  to  your  friends  house.  bubble  gum.   gas  station  ice.   the  feeling  that  you’ve  met  before. rebellion.  a  car  radio  playing  down  the  street.  cheap  fireworks.  a  heart  drawn  on  the  inside  of  your  wrist  with  a  sharpie.  switchblades.   red  solo  cups.  dancing  in  your  bedroom.  screaming  yourself  hoarse.   running  out  of  options.  the  forlorn  looking  basketball  hoop  at  the  end  of  a  cul - de - sac.  climbing  onto  your  roof  at  night  while  your  parents  are  asleep.   flip - flops.   a  eulogy  written  on  loose - leaf.  the  merciless  noontime  sun.
speaking  in  a  whisper.  holding  your  breath.  a  browning  garden.   a  half  remembered  story.  furniture  covered  with  sheets.  fog  at  dawn,  mist  at  twilight.  losing  touch.  the  ethereal  space  between  winter  and  spring.  the  soft  skin  at  your  temple.  the  crack  in  the  hallway mirror.  things  you’d  say  if  you  knew  the  words.  uncombed  hair.  books  with  writing  in  the  margins.   books  with  cracked  spines.  books  with  lines  scratched  out.   prayers  on  all  souls’  day.   a  chipped ceramic  bathtub.  a  cold  stone  floor.  the  uncomfortable  awareness  of  your  own  heartbeat.  the  sparrow  that  got  in  your  house.  shadows.  the  creek  you  played  in  as  a  child.   a  dirty  night  gown.   an  oversized  t - shirt.   a  collection  of  your  favorite  words.  soil  beneath  your  nails.  ghost  stories.   the  strangeness  of  your  own  name  in  your  mouth.   deep  silence.   exhaustion.  a  cliff  with  a  long,  long  drop  down.
wicker  deck  furniture.   new  england  summer.   large  sunglasses  and  a  blonde  bob.  a  storm  over  the  ocean.   patio  umbrellas.   flapping  in  the  wind.   the  smell  of  chlorine.   muffled  laughter.  sarcasm.  starched  cuffs.  day  drinking.  bay  windows.  the  idea  of  love.  love  for  the  idea  of  love.   love  for  love’s  sake.  hangovers.  wandering  over  the  sand  dunes.   a  vagabond  with  a  guitar.   fishermen  with  tattoos.   a  pretty  boy  with  a  slacked  tie.   a  lighthouse.   growing  too  close.  boat  shoes.   feeling  yourself  change.    big,  floppy  sunhats.   double - speak.   a  song  you  keep  listening  to.  turning  red  under  their  gaze.  margaritas  drank  on  an  inflatable  pool  lounger.   string  lights  on  a  balmy  night.   sleepy  june  days.  fights  you’re  unprepared  for.  hope  you  weren’t  expecting.   pranks  that  go  too  far.  bad  poetry.   pining.   becoming  less  of  a  stranger.
the  space  where  your  grief  used  to  be.   a  bird  that’s  lost  an  eye.   old  blood  stains.   heavy  blinds.  the  smell  of  sweat.   the  stillness  after  a  battle.  a  fake  smile.  a  curse.  the  taste  of  metal  at  the  back  of  your  tongue.  your  house,  unfamiliar  in  the  dark.  a  dusty  crib.    the  smell  of  sulfur.  an  orange  pill  bottle.   streaks  in  the  sink.   a  black  cocktail  dress.   your  hand  on  the  doorknob,  shaking.   a  chilly  breeze.   crunching  from  the  gravel  driveway  on  a  moonless  night.  clenched  hands.  a rusty  swing  set.   a  flashing  digital  clock  stuck  on  12 : 00.   a  snake  that  crosses  your  path.   an  owl  that  watches  you.   a  dog  that  runs  when  you  approach.   red smoke,  dark  clouds.   cool  steel.  tile  floors.  footsteps  in  the  hallway  late  at  night.   a  baggy  suit  that  used  to  fit  before.   visions.   insomnia  headaches.  nursery  rhymes.  being  too  far  in  to  go  back  now.
the  high  drama  of  small  towns.   a  pickup  truck.   military  supply  duffel  bags  in  the  hall, hugs  all  around.  tulip  bulbs.  a  wraparound  porch.   a  pitcher  of  iced  tea.  a  rubber  halloween  mask.   someone  on  your  level.  ill - timed  proclamations.  stomach  clenching  laughter.  rushing  in.  not  minding  your  business.  crepe  paper.  white  lies.  secrets  written  down  and  thrown  away.  southern  hospitality.   homemade  curtains  in  the  kitchen.   a  sink  full  of  roses.  hiding  in  the  bushes.  old  friends.  the  wedding  dress  your  grandma  wore,  and  her  mama  before  her.   a  dog - eared  rhyming  dictionary. chamomile  with  honey.   the  intimacy  of  big  parties.   lawn  flamingos.  gossip.   a  crowded  church.  friendly  rivalries.  unfriendly  rivalries.  shit  getting  real.   love  at  five  hundredth  sight.  not  realizing  you’re  home  until  you’re  there.
cement  block  buildings.  power  lines  that  birds  never  perch  on.   the  end  of  the  world.  useless  words.  rainless  thunder,  heat  lighting,  a  too  big  sky.  arthritic  knuckles.  broken  glass.  chalk  cliffs.    the  pulsing  red - black  behind  closed  eyes.  something  you  learned  too  late.  wet  mud  that  sucks  up  your  shoes  while  you  walk.  a  cold  stare.  empty  picture  frames.  empty  prayers.  the  obscenity  of  seeing  your  parents  cry.  a  treeless  landscape.  bloody  rags.  grappling  in  the  dark  with  reaching  hands.  the  sharpness  at  the  the  tips  of  your  teeth.  the  blown  out  windows  of  a  skeletal  house.  decay.  jokes  that  aren’t  jokes.  biting  your  tongue.  prophecies.  aching  muscles,  tired  feet.  stinging  rain.  invoking  the  gods.  wondering  if  the  gods  are  listening.  worrying  that  the  gods  are  dead.  white  noise.  shivers.   numbness.  the  unequivocal  feeling  of  ending.
the  smell  of  wet  soil  and  dead  leaves.    listening  to  music  on  headphones  with  your  eyes  closed.   wildflowers.   the  distant  sparkle  of  lightning  bugs.  a  pill  someone  slipped  you.   fear  that  turns  into  excitement.  excitement  that  turns  to  frenzy.  mossy  tree  trunks. a  pair  of  yellow  eyes  in  the  darkness.   night  swimming.  moonlight  through  the  leaves.  a  bass  beat  in  your  chest.  a  butterfly  landing  on  your  nose.  a  kiss  from  a  stranger.  a dark  hallow  in  an  old  tree.  glow  in  the  dark  paint.  drinking  on  an  empty  stomach.  a  twig  breaking  behind  you.  spinning  until  you’re  dizzy.  finding  glitter  on  your  body  and  not  remembering  where  it  came  from.  an  overgrown  path  through  the  woods.  cool  dew  on  your  skin.  a  dream  that  fades  with  waking.  moths  drawn  to  the  light.   giving  yourself  over,  completely.  afterglow.  the  long,  loving,  velvety  night.
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shakesphereau · 3 years
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scarletravenswood · 3 years
The Pagan Origins of Wassailing
Have you ever heard the song Here We Come A Wassailing? This is one of my favorite songs to listen to this time of year, and when I looked into it I was pleasantly surprised to see that there is more to this song than meets the eye. So what is Wassailing and could there be some Pagan history behind this holiday tune? The word Wassail may come from the old Norse phrase “ves heill” which means “be healthy,” though it’s more commonly believed that it derives from an Anglo-Saxon greeting that means to be in good health. Traditionally after someone would say Wassail, the common response is “Drinc hæl” which means “drink and be healthy.” Wassail first appears in English literature in the Pagan poem Beowulf in the lines: The rider sleepeth, the hero, far-hidden; no harp resounds, in the courts no wassail, as once was heard. The word Wassail also makes an appearance as a toast that occurred right before the Saxon battle of Hastings began in 1066 CE. An Anglo-Norman poet wrote that in the last feast before the battle he heard a cry of: Rejoice and wassail Pass the bottle and drink healthy Drink backwards and drink to me Drink half and drink empty. But it goes deeper than this because Wassiling is not just a phrase, greeting, or a toast - it’s lots of different things. While the word Wassail can refer to the act of toasting, it can also represent the beverage that was drunk during the toast. Today, Wassail is a popular holiday beverage and there are many different recipes for this drink. One of the oldest versions of Wassail is called Renwein, which is a spiced wine that resembled the ancient Roman drink called hypocras.  The drink survived into the middle ages and became a popular wassailing drink among the wealthy. Another version of the Wassail drink, called “Lambs Wool” is mentioned by none other than Shakespere himself during his play A Midsummer Night's Dream. This version of Wassil involved a dark beer that was whipped to create a frothy texture and then crab apples were floated in the drink. Shakespeare describes this version of Wassail in the lines: Sometimes lurk I in the gossip's bowl In very likeness of a roasted crab And when she drinks, against her lips I bob, And down her withered dewlap pours the ale. Traditionally Wassail was drunk in a bowl not a glass, and often people would dip their bread in the bowl or float toasted bread on top of the drink - this is where the word “toast” as a drinking term comes from.  Beyond just being a drink and phrase, wassail is also a verb and “to go wassailing” is a tradition that likely has some fascinating Pagan origins, especially in the western region of England. The production of hard-cider was traditionally and still is today essential to that area. In this region Wassailing is not just about toasting the health of their fellow man, it’s also important to toast the health of the cider apple trees. Each year people in this region go out into the orchards, drink in hand, to sing to the spirits of the apple trees and this tradition is called Wassailing. The purpose of the singing is to wake the trees and scare away any evil spirits. The singers will also sometimes place cider-soaked bread in the branches of the trees to ward off evil spirits. There is also an English folklore spirit called the Apple Tree Man who is honored during the Wassailing. The Apple Tree Man is the name for the oldest tree in the orchard and it is believed that the fertility of the orchard as a whole derives from this tree spirit. Extra attention is given to the eldest tree in the orchard and people may honor the spirit by pouring cider into the roots. As with all modern folklore traditions we may never know their true origins, but I think it’s pretty clear that this practice of wassailing the orchards taps into ancient Pagan practices and beliefs. Wassailing as a practice does not just occur in the orchard, some people take their singing door to door. This was kind of like a trick-or-treat version of caroling, where people would sing but usually expect some kind of payment. This practice fits in with the idea that the holidays were a time where social expectations would be lifted. During the holidays the poor expected privileges which were usually denied to them. This included the right to enter the homes of the wealthy and drink their booze in return for singing a wassailing song or two. These activities were known as “misrule” and often were presided over by a “lord of misrule” who coordinated all kinds of inappropriate revelry. These “misrule” traditions go all the way back to Saturnalia activities from Ancient Rome and were translated into the twelfth night celebrations still practiced today. Over time many of these Pagan influences of Wassailing were forgotten. Authors like Washington Irving and Charles Dickens helped create a more idealized version of Wassailing as just a warm and peaceful Christmas & New Years tradition. Though I hope after reading this you’ve come to see that Wassailing is not just a Christian tradition. So why is Wassailing important? On the one hand toasting with the word Wassail is a way to connect with the past and bring it to life. It’s a way to celebrate community, culture, and your connection to nature. And for us Pagans it has even more importance because it helps us tap into ancient traditions and beliefs. When you say “Wassail” you’re honoring pagan-inspired literary works such as Beowulf. You’re celebrating the apple harvest and the ancient spirits that live in the orchards. And you’re honoring a tradition of topsy turvy misrule that goes all the way back to the Roman solstice celebration known as Saturnalia. So get yourself a drink, grab a couple friends and head to the nearest apple tree to give thanks and celebrate this time of year. Wassail!
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katedoesfics · 4 years
Honey & Vinegar: Chapter 9
Pip met everyone else in the valley that night at the saloon. It was overwhelming, to say the least, as Leah brought them around from table to table, but Pip was grateful for Leah’s outgoing personality. It seemed she was generally well liked in the valley. And it didn’t take much for Pip to observe some of the other relationships within the town. And what they didn’t observe there in the saloon, Leah was happy enough to explain to them.
Pip met Willy the fisherman who resided on the beach, learning that Elliott, too, lived on the beach. They found Marnie sitting with Lewis, and Jodi and Caroline, who Pip learned was Abigail’s mother. They met Pam, Penny’s mother, at the bar, and Pierre, along with Robin’s husband, Demitrius. Clint the blacksmith sat at a table with Gunther, and to no surprise of Pip’s, Shane was sitting alone in a corner. And, of course, there was Gus, the owner of the saloon, and Emily, who Pip learned had a sister, Haley. And just as it seemed they were finishing with the introductions, Sam, Sebastian, and Abigail walked in, skipping the bar entirely and making their way into the other room where Pip learned that they often gathered to hang out and play pool when they weren't “making a racket in Sam’s room,” according to Jodi.
“They’re in a band,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Though, they’ve changed their band name more times than I can count, and they can’t seem to stick to one genre of music.”
For a brief moment, the elderly woman Pip had seen a few days prior arrived at the saloon, and Pip learned of her and her husband and their grandson, Alex, “the boy who’s always throwing that football around,” as the woman explained. When the introductions were all said and done, Pip found themselves sitting with Leah and Elliott once more. It had been some time since Leah had had a drink, too busy interacting with the other villagers, and she had mellowed out some as a result. Still, it was clear that she and Elliott were close friends, and they laughed loudly as they joked with one another.
“Pip says they’re gonna try their hand at making some alcohol,” Leah said. She turned to Pip. “You promised me wine, remember?”
Pip nodded. “I did,” they said. “And I intend to keep that promise.”
Leah grinned. “Good! I love a good wine night.”
“Seems like everyone here enjoys their alcohol,” Pip said.
Leah grew quiet.
“Not much else to do around here,” Elliott said.
“Some of us indulge too much,” Leah said. She glanced over at Pam at the bar, who was now heavily intoxicated. Gus had a clear look of annoyance on his face, but he treated Pam kindly, offering her assistance and quietly suggesting it was time for her to head home.
“We don’t need to get into that,” Elliott muttered. He turned to Pip. “Pam has been through some hard times, especially after she lost her job. She used to drive the bus in and out of the valley. But it broke down over the winter, and we just haven’t had the funds to get it fixed up. We used to get a lot of tourists around in the summer. We still do from time to time, but the bus brought in a lot more in its hay day.”
“That’s too bad,” Pip said. They turned back to the bar, watching as Shane made his way to Pam, offering his assistance and guiding her out into the night. This gesture came as a genuine surprise to Pip, further confirming that he wasn’t as much of a grump as they first thought.
“What’s his deal, anyway?” Pip asked curiously. “Got a thing against fairies or something?”
Again, Leah fell quiet. Her gaze lingered on the door for a moment before she turned back to Pip.
“I don’t know too much about Shane,” she admitted. “He hasn’t been here for very long. I think he moved here to be with Jas after her parents died. He’s her Godfather.”
“I heard from Marnie that he was very close with her parents.”
Pip frowned. “Oh.”
Leah shrugged. “He’s got a bit of a drinking problem, too.”
Pip mulled over the conversation they had had with Jas when they first met. “Aunt Marnie says it’s just because he’s sad a lot. Can you make him happy with your magic?”
“Not that I’m one for gossip,” Elliott started, and Leah slapped his arm playfully.
“Oh, please,” she said. “You are so one for gossip!”
Elliott chose to ignore her, grinning. “Marnie and Lewis spend a lot of time together, though,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows.
Leah giggled and ‘oohed’ playfully. “Well, at least someone’s getting laid around here.”
“You could get laid,” Elliott said.
Leah scoffed. “I could,” she said. “But all you guys want something serious and long term, and I’m so not about that life right now.”
Elliott grinned and rolled his eyes, then turned to Pip. “She’s a hippie painter,” he said. “Would rather be in the middle of the woods painting naked people.”
“What about you, Shakespere? I swear, sometimes you spend a whole week cooped up in that shack of yours, and when you come out, it looks like you just did a hundred lines of coke!”
“I’m a writer,” he said snidely. “I can’t help that I live off of coffee and noodles and sometimes lose track of time!”
“It’s no wonder you don’t have any solid relationships,” Leah said.
“You said so yourself,” he reminded her. “Us artists don’t have time to get tied down.”
Leah giggled. “What about you?” she asked, turning to Pip. “Any love interests in your life?”
Pip hesitated. “Fairies don’t generally get tied down with such nonsense.”
“I’ll drink to that,” Elliott said, raising his glass, and their bottles clinked together.
“Nothing wrong with it, though,” Leah said with a shrug. “Maybe there’s someone out there for us.”
“But what’s the sense in fretting over it?” Elliott asked.
The saloon had started to empty out by now, and Gus and Emily were soon cleaning the counters, preparing to close for the night. Emily playfully tossed a rag at them, and Elliott yawned.
“Guess that’s our cue,” he said as he got up and stretched. He cleared their table, bringing their empty bottles and glasses to Emily with a cheerful smile.
The three of them left the saloon together, and in the town square, they bid each other goodnight before heading in their separate directions toward their homes. A dark figure, however, caught Pip’s attention, and they turned as Shane made his way across the square. He paused and turned to Pip.
“Hear any good gossip tonight?” he asked.
Pip hesitated. “Should I have?”
“I know how Leah and Elliott get when they get together and have a few.”
“They mostly talked about getting laid,” Pip said frankly. “I’ll never understand you humans and your constant need for physical affection.”
Shane snorted, then hiccuped. “You fairies are weird,” he said.
“At least we can hold our alcohol.”
Shane frowned, and Pip grinned. By some miracle, it seemed they had found a way to communicate with Shane. All it took was a little friendly smack-talk and heavy sarcasm.
“Alright,” Shane said. “Next time, we’ll see who can drink more.”
This time, it was Pip who frowned, and Shane who grinned eagerily.
“Wassa matter? Afraid I’ll show you up?”
No, it wasn’t that at all. But Pip couldn’t admit to Shane that they simply did not want to add to their clear addiction.
“Yeah,” Pip muttered. “I believe ya.”
Shane clearly wasn’t happy that Pip had given up so easily, but Pip didn’t dare push the matter further. It was becoming clear to them that the people in the valley had their secrets and their troubles. If it were anyone else, they likely wouldn’t have paid any mind to it. Pip, however, couldn’t help but to wonder if the trouble with Imps and the worries of Rasmodius were all connected to the troubled pasts and silent despairs the residents of Pelican Town clearly endured. There was a lot of tension in the valley. The strain of JoJa Mart, for one, clearly took a toll on the residents, torn between wanting to keep their quaint valley alive and keeping the big corporations out. It seemed the valley also provided a safe haven for those with darkness in their lives. The more trouble and stress that came over the valley, the stronger the chance for Imps.
It was a cycle that, if not broken soon, would destroy the valley completely and end life as they knew it.
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quaranteend · 5 years
Mun Info:
Name: Mira again
Age: Still 23 
Pronouns: She/Her
  Name: Audra Phillips
Age: 21
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Height: 5’8
Location: Derry
Faction: Derry
Occupation: Anything as long as she can stay.
  Brief History: She was trying to make it on her own out in the world, but everywhere else is just as messed up. She remembered this cute kid from her college class talking about Derry and now it’s basically her only option. Guess it’s time to visit.
  5 or more Headcanons:
  She’s a British exchange student, so cute accent! The losers are fully allowed to make fun of her pronunciation and slang.
  She models on her off-time, but she’s going to school to get a degree in Acting for Film. She takes her studies very seriously and was previously smitten with doing small plays in her college theater. Then zombies happened and people sort of forgot about the theater.
  She loves pumpkins and fall and horror movies! Most of those things don’t apply now, but if anyone knew her from before disaster struck she probably smelled like pumpkin spice and had a Freddy Krueger pin on her backpack.
  Once she’s in a safe place, she will unabashedly support the arts. Just because the world is falling apart around you doesn’t mean you can forget about the things that truly separate humans from the shambling corpses outside! She will make sure the Losers have regular meetings to talk about the state of affairs, and afterwards they can have a poetry reading or she can read a monologue or something.
  She tries her very best to still look passably cute in these hard times. She brushes and braids her hair, looks for and makes her own clothes. She will even do everyone’s nails if they want! Audra once stabbed at least three zombies with a pair of scissors to get her hands on the last bottle of face wash in a drugstore. 
Roleplay example: 
  There was really nowhere else to turn to. Dusty, brokedown motels really could only sustain someone for so long, and the impending threat of the monsters that lurked outside made it incredibly hard for her to get a good night’s rest. This is normally when she’d quip something to the degree of ‘I’m fine. The bags under my eyes are gucci, so they match with my outfit.’, but she has nobody really to bounce that line off of. She skims through the pages of one of the well-worn booklets she had in her backpack. Shakespere. A Midsummer Night’s Dream. She always read it when things were looking their worst, and it usually managed to help her keep going.
  This time… all she could think about was how she’d much rather be dealing with faeries than zombies. 
  A thought comes floating through her head, though. Perhaps a small hint of something she remembered from her literature class? Derry. Derry, Maine. Someone had mentioned the name a while ago, and it wasn’t like she could get a plane ticket back home right now. Derry, Maine was going to have to be her destination, and she was going to have to live with it.
  Audra forgot how much walking sucked, though. Two days into walking, and her shoes were worn down and her feet had some horrible blisters. She didn’t really realize how far away Maine was from where she was held up now. It really was at the tip top of the United States, huh? It just had to be all the way up there, didn’t it?
  Luckily, she was very good at talking her way into strangers’ cars. This would be a worrying talent, if it wasn’t so crucial to her needs right now. 
  “Please, I’m so sorry about this. I need to get to Maine. My grandmother retired up there and she’s ill. I have to go make sure she’s okay.” - Got her up to North Carolina.
  “Howdy, pardner. I’m goin’ up north to visit m’cousins on their farm in rural Maine.” -Got her nowhere… she really shouldn’t try accent work in these situations.
  “I heard a dog barking at that gas station and it sounded hurt! Please. I need you to go look for it!” -Got her a whole car and probably a very man dressed in all camo. 
  She drove the rest of the way into New York and all the way up into Maine, only stopping once or twice to scavenge for water and food and a map that could lead her to Derry. Audra parks the car on the edge of town when she gets there and gives the ‘Welcome to Derry’ sign a little pat as she passes by it. Her new home. Let’s hope it was worth it, hm?
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legion1993 · 5 years
Christmas Truth Or Dare
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A/N: this is #2 of 3 stories for @kittenofdoomage for her christmas challenge!! i look for ward to your thoughts on all 3 of these stories... yes i know they are early but its gonna be beneficial in the end for both of us...
prompt: mistletoe
title: Christmas Truth Or Dare
pairing: Dean x Reader
square filled: dirty talk
rating: 18+
tags: dirty talk, kissing, slight groping
word count: 
created for @spnkinkbingo
kink masterlist    masterlist
truth or dare is a favor'd party game, we all dont know whose actually telling the truth or doing the really sometimes interesting dare.
one night in particular you and your best friend were playing truth or dare with the friends and family and other hunters but unknown to you guys a higher power was at work that very night!
~now with that pesky intro out of the way here is the actual story~
this is the night the night of how you ended up with the most gorgeous man in the entire world... this was also the night of the party your best friend threw as an idea of her playing matchmaker.
Jo: “come on girl, this is not one of my attempts to hook you up with a guy... plus its supposed to also be a christmas party, hunters from everywhere will be coming and it will be loads of fun. Please Y/N, it will be fun!"
You sighed listening to her plea at you trying to get you to come to the party tonight instead of staying upstairs and researching cases.
Y/N: "fine ill go on one condition there is mistletoe and therr is a game of truth or dare..."
Jo: "deal now lets get ready they will be here soon..."
you and Jo got ready for what would soon be the most magical night of your life...
soon enough you girls had the roadhouse decorated and dantys laid out and beers cold and ready to be served...
Jo: "we are missing something else."
you go up to the stereo and you plug in your phone to the aux cable and you turn on some christmad tunes..
Jo: "girl im glad you came..."
Y/N: "how bout some shots?"
Jo knew what you meant and she shoke her head...
jo: "i know what your thinking girl but last time we did tequila shots you and i both ended up sleeping down here naked... my mom nearly killed us..."
Y/N: "well if im not mistaken your moms out hunting with John winchester... dealing with a nest of vamps and a pack of werewolves they arent attending this shindig..."
Jo grumbled and you laughed knowing you have won you dragged her to the bar and made damn certain that she was sitting down before you started pouring the shots....
Jo: "i hate you for this..."
Y/N: "i know... on 3..."
thats when the door opened... 2 distinguishingly handsome men walked in... making both you and Jo turn your heads...
Dean: "look sammy their doing shots..."
Y/N: "tequila shots.. you down?"
Dean: "absolutely... Jo whose your cute friend...."
Jo looked at dean with a glower and you knew that look you knew what wheels were turning in her head...
Jo: "this is Y/N... Y/N meet the sons of John Winchester... Sam and Dean..."
Y/N: "do these boys do shots with tequila?"
Dean: "of course we do..."
they set their stuff in the corner and made their way over to the counter where you lined up the shot cups and poured them all...
y/n: "3. . 2... 1.. go"
that was it you took your shot as fast as a bunny... exhaling a breath you met the most gorgeous green eyes ever seen...
Dean: "so where is everyone else?"
Jo: "relax dude the party time is just arriving.."
Sam: "look outside guys..."
it took all of 3 seconds before you Jo and Dean were at the window looking outside as it dawned on all of you that you were now stranded inside the roadhouse and the party was now a party of 4..
Dean: "Sammy come with me lets go get the rest of our stuff from baby before she is buried..."
Sam and Dean went outside and grbabed 2 more bags locking the car they came back inside...
Jo: "got a text from mom her and John are stranded inside their hotel as well it seemed this storm hit suddenly and in a wide spread..."
Y/N: "so its just the 4 of us.. what do we say to some shots and some truth or dare?”
Dean looks at Sam who looks at Jo who nods... Dean thn removes his coat and gets comfy right on the center of the room with a blanket and a bottle of whiskey...
Y/N: “i guess its settled. how bout we all do something spectacular... and get into the comfiest clothes we own so we can just wait out the storm in comfort...”
Dean: “im down and im sure Y/N is too i am not too sure about Jo though who looks like she wants to hit me over the head with a very large brick...”
Jo sighed and began to profusely drag you upstairs to your shared room. it was a trying time indeed.
Jo: “alright girl what was that downstairs...”
You were shocked you didnt even know how to answer her but you had to otherwise she would make this night hell for you...
Y/N: "a little harmless flirtation never hurt anyone..."
Jo: "that was a lot of flirtation and it didnt look harmless... you like him dont you?"
Y/N: "maybe a little but why would someone like him want to go out with someone like me?"
jo: "dean may be a lot of things but a fool he is not... trust me girl he loves u..."
you knew she was right, but it would be a matter of time before the truth came out... you and jo git into your pjs & made your way back downstairs, watching Sam & dean make a fort for u guys to relax in.
dean: "so we have decided that a fort/tent thing might be fun... also y/n will you sit with me?"
jo gives toy a fleeting smile she knew she was right about how Dean felt bout you. you went and sat beside Dean, he removed his gun tucking it in his nearby coat.
Dean: "alright whose starting for truth or dare?"
Jo raises her hand.
Jo: "Y/N, truth or dare?"
Y/N: "dare..."
Jo: "i dare you to without using a chair find somewhere ti hang the mistletoe and then stay there!"
you had chosen to wear your short shorts and a tank top so sexy wasnt an issue! you went and took a look around, and found a nice spot over the stairs... but you were out of ear shot for what they were gonna say...
Sam: "dean truth or dare?"
Dean: " dare im not a chicken..."
sam: "ok i dare you to go to Y/N and profess your feelings..."
Dean: "dudes no way do you guys realize how that would go if she doesnt..."
jo: "like you back believe me she does and its noticable now do it winchester or ill beat you in sparring..."
dean got up and walked over to you... you watched as he now stood in front of you and knelt down on 1 knee...
dean: "my fair Y/N, thine beauty is unto my own heart, as have the snow that blocketh us in'th i am now to profess my love to thee as a symbol of my undying adoration for you.."
the man kneeling on the floor in front of you had just quoted shakespere in a way to profess his love to you...
Dean got off his knee and stepped a little closer to match you in height, but this also put you both right under the mistletoe... with a passionate kiss and some more shots the relationship began with a spark that christmas eve night.
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blanddcheadcanons · 7 years
Why is it that I can actually see Lois putting so much money in a swear jar that she gives up and switches to Shakespere swears? Is it because it's so believable?
It is.  Props to the Anon that wrote it.  
Lois Lane has always been ambitious and determined.  She wouldn’t be Lois if she didn’t act that way.  She was written as a very dominant person to contrast against weak, timid, mild-mannered Clark Kent.  That was part of the fantasy.  To be this weak person attracted to a stronger person all while having a secret double life where you are a superhuman.  And of course Lois is attracted to Superman and so the love triangle comes full circle.  Even in the 40s Max Fleischer Superman Cartoon (I haven’t read much of Golden Age Action Comics except for #1) Lois was depicted as somewhat aggressive and would be quick to get shit done.  While Clark seemed to be a lazy coward to his coworkers.
But anyways getting back to your point a good way to communicate that a person is dominant, aggressive, a go-getter, someone who would much rather do something herself rather than wait for someone else is to have them curse in frustration.  Especially a human in a superhuman world.  Or a human in love with a superhuman.  
In the cartoon movie Superman Unbound (a good movie I need to rewatch it) Lois Lane flips two middle fingers at Brainiac as he bottles Metropolis.  Which is so badass. Fuck you Brainiac you weird collector.  Bottling cities.  No one does that.  That’s weird.  Stop being weird.  
In Man of Steel Amy Adams’ like (almost) first lines are “So if we’re done measuring dicks...” Which like, I’m an adult.  I say “suck a dick” like 20 times a day.  Mostly while no one can hear me.  But, and maybe this is because I was sitting next to a child when I saw Man of Steel in theatres, I was not prepared to hear that in a Superman movie.  It was a little much but if one actual character is gonna curse it would be Lois.  It was Zack Snyder’s stupid way of establishing she’s no-nonsense and make sure she is taken seriously.  I have to say though in Man of Steel, Lois Lane is integral to saving the day, all throughout the movie.  But yeah it’s a part of her backstory too.  She is a military brat and grew up around soldiers. 
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babelovesjosephine · 5 years
Precious Memories
She loved going to fun, it was an escape, things seemed normal organized and easy, nothing, nothing could ever go wrong, she smiled she even liked the way she was dressed and she knew the little girl in front of her in the horse and carriage did also, she was following the rules, treating her like she was one of the crowd but of course knew exactly who she was. That is a super hero she thought look at her half an hour ago all knew her and knew what she was like when she shared Life, now she walks freely among her own women as a commoner, but she was Wonder Women.
“Hello Stacey, glorious morning?” said Wonder Women, “ Yes thanks Karen, with a fish in one hand and your mouth in my other, not much can go wrong.” They both smiled at each other, Stacey was always there early too, sometimes it changed which she liked she thought things may get a little boring for Stace always talking the same way but when she was here it was always nice. It was Karen’s turn to make the coffees she handed hers to Stacey and sat down and she pushed her smokes towards Karen, who ever made the coffee smoked the others cigarette, “Weekend tomorrow, worried about it?” “Don’t think so, the neighbors keep me sane..” They both laughed, it was the neighbors she needed an escape from although none knew what really happened but all knew she needed shelter from it here at Triple F’ Frozen Fresh Fish, and all hated the rule - no F word, she was hand picked for the job by her neighbor, Almighty God’s Pit Bull and his neighbor was Almighty God.....
Giggles smiled it was like she was going back to fun to sleep, but before she arrived she would have to leave, then wake up and go shopping, oh how she loved to shop, but not at fun, often she would be reprimanded, which she demanded, when she talked about waking up in G Mart in her overalls asleep wishing she was at fun instead of a mall with her pants down and stolen fatty man’s boxers in her sweaty hand... They loved her, but it was some serious stuff, they would get carried away and have to really pound into her (sometimes at the end of the day literally) that they found it hilarious because she was any thing but, like that. She took her seat in the middle of the smoko room they were all already there, they were always five minutes late to start because of her insistence of her warm up - and five minutes late to leave, it went round in three circles, bar one day and as this was the last day of the week it was surprises all around - a take away coffee, a mans cigarette to give away, a jam tart and ‘show and tell’ was although she didn’t know, was water in a chocolate milk bottle..... “The religious smoke the coffee I’ll eat the bread for lunch, put that joint to use in the toilets and I know you’re trying to poison me with that coff syrup, don’t try that again”.... and they were nearly on time in Katy’s Great Garment Goods, with no other ‘G’ word mentions.
Let’s try not to be daft today Daffy, she made the little duck in her pocket quack then she shook her head, and looked out the window muttering about it being too early to talk Duck talk, the others in the horse and carriage gave her a put on pious look faking pity and she arrived soon after. After arriving at the predetermined meeting point, a car park to travel North of the city along the Shakespere River she found Paddy waiting for her in his two ton truck, her seat and umbrella were in place and his warm smile greeted her such that she remembered why she enjoyed coming to work. “Morning Paddy, what are we up to today? Myself and Mary will be sure not to incite any Paddy’s, but I suppose there will be time for a first...” “That’s right Josephine, Paddy doesn’t live here and we’ll be taking samples up river about hours drive away.” She looked around, it was the outskirts of the city and she looked forward to getting out in the country, she laughed, she really did like ducks, they were motherly and proud always bustling around on the water or gracing the sky’s with their abundant shows of balance, she even thought beautiful but she caught her self, she was beautiful. Mary arrived on time and they took their comfortable chairs on the back of the big truck and poured coffee from a flask and settled in and started discussing the world around them... The truck displayed a sign that read Daffy‘s Day Dependence, her very own subcontracting firm to the Jury...
Apples phone woke her, she was dreaming of been born as a computer with all the wrong genitalia and singing a heavy metal song about a virgin biker... Her sister beside her laughed, “well he’s not a virgin now, and you, well you have to go to work...” Apples turned music on in the kitchen and boiled the jug from her phone, she liked the last day of the week, she’d arrange a group email to distract people from fun something really, really technical that had absolutely no basis at all. Apples and her sister Bernadette had breakfast on the front porch watching and waving to the neighbors discussing their dreams laughing and looking forward to the day ahead, they decided Apples must be in a healthy state if she was convinced she was a real women and she knew the universe was run by a studly decent man. Arriving at fun Apples was thankful she was the cleaner this week, you could tell a lot by how happy the fun force was by the state of the toilets, especially that, if any toilet had an empty air freshener she could go straight to Mother Worship... She loved the way people looked at her when she arrived at fun, it was like part of the reason they came to fun was to see her and she knew the woman felt protected by her and they were all women. The factory and office space was huge she loved the products and her variety of her job although it wasn’t easy, it was as hard to clean as product test, look at that label, ‘that’s me’ she thought, a three ‘D’ apple with a bite out of it and “Try something different” written underneath. “ Due to the time con-straights of forthcoming product releases, the current Ablution Direction requests, a re catalog of all wireless external hard drives with system compliance predated with Dial up technology P.C’s, thank you, enjoy your fine music.” Apples handed her little note hand written on the way to work to communications who already looked excited... Apples Accounts Alright, ‘AAA’ was written every where the only thing pre-apocalyptic was the Apple Label which she decided could stay...
The card board box seemed to freshen her mind the clothing settled it, she was happy to be at fun, she looked beside her, it was time to say something but Joanne bet her to it “what to wear this weekend?” Kerry smiled it was only on Wednesday’s Joanne mentioned any thing about clothing and her reply was usually the same, “fine cut denim” anything based around Life usually made Joanne giggle, they had a quick chat about what bars and cafe’s were enticing the best carriers of the most fashionable life for the moment then towards the end of the conversation Kerry noted that she wanted to bump into her around those spots, every body wanted Joanne’s spot on the factory line and Kerry didn’t always see Joanne where they were visiting, sometimes she shared the invite with other girls. Kerry wasn’t the most thrilling name but Bambino Show definitely was, she got the name at the end of the Liberation War, hand picked for it, it came from a great poem and she only heard it once, but was told it would come back, one day, she thought that she would forget it before then but she held hope... As Kerry was told she could stick her nose any where with any thing to do with fashion, the factory she worked at was called Bow Bambino Blow, triple ‘B’ had some fashion gala’s where Kerry was always the first to curtsy...
An owl hooted, she actually knew what one she thought, what a great noise to wake up to she thought, she climbed out of bed and opened the sliding door to the veranda, she sat down and glanced around, it went swooping past her, she felt great, she did her best for all the abundant food of the sky, she thought that right, ‘that’s not easy’. Her name was Kirsten, Kirsten was a Veterinary Doctor, the hardest fun to train for in the world and next to Chefs the most decent... Jolene appeared at the door with cigarettes and coffee, “you find it impossible to get it at work don’t you?” Mush Mouse laughed outwardly, “this little mousy doesn’t nibble the wrong cheese. Kirsten was the only women in the world to have a ideology name after food, and she loved the children’s book, that would never be forgotten, and really did love birds almost as much as the women sitting beside her now, they had a good talk and left for Life, when Kirsten was getting into her Limo to go to fun she wondered what the weekend would bring, and what shoes she would wear tonight... In the sky above her flew a Bald Eagle. Kirsten went to work at triple ‘V’, Very Vermin Veterinary, a little mouse could get poisonous if one was to not look after her food.
Rainbow bolted upright startled ‘was he going to be OK? would he do it again?’ Spring rolled out of bed immediately beside her, “take a cold shower, there must be something you can do to stop it, it makes me stink too, drink whisky at night, yeah, Johnny Walker, night and day alcoholic.” Rainbow didn’t say any thing but went straight to the shower, her mind was elsewhere any way, she had a call the night before telling her that little Timmy was coming back again this morning - he was wearing around her hand cuffs... Rainbow was a Mayor, she worked at the inner city Mayoral Authority, saving young boys lives, by taking care of their Life. She was known to drop boys with the site of her lingerie or little shorts and was always so impressed with the things they would do for her. Spring, her real name July, had forgiven her by breakfast, both knew it was her sharing Life that did it, but that was fine although Rainbow her real name Kathleen thought it a little selfish, the things you could do with sharing Life as part of fun, but that was Rainbow for you probably the most powerful muse to sharing that existed in the world and her Mayoral Authority reflected that it was called Rainbows Raunchy Ranch, triple ‘R’.
Five of the girls apart from Josephine were The Precious, they were the most powerful women of the world, very, well looked after, during the Liberation War eleven percent of haters of all women that choose to hate against them  - went to Hell in their defense. They knew very well never would they be thought of as not precious enough to have to go through the womb, all were shared a new body at the young age of 35, but their beauty matched that of a 25 year old at their death and what a funeral. They were considered to be like fine jewelry, fashion and powerful art and all adorned The Precious in such. Wonder Women, Karen, derived her name from being Mother Worship, unfortunately  it being part of the job had no sister although the only women in the world to do so, the situation seemed fitting considering the location of her neighborhood. Rainbow was next in line, it wasn’t hard to figure, what made people happy was the ability to share and they couldn’t even begin to, having problems with Life. Apple’s were sweet and so was being number two in line a really tough job though, every communications problem at times had something to do with Katy (her real name) and was at times demoted by Mother Worship, but how on earth could one person be responsible for Apple?  Giggles could make you laugh, but she could make you cry too, none messed with Katy but she was a lot of peoples every thing, they could always rely on good old Giggles and that’s why she always remained number three. Mush Mouse was next the brains of the five, she could remember a lot but when and was it at the right time? All loved their pets and that love was possible with Kirsten at women’s helm with food, which could be surrounded quickly by a little verminous mouse. There were five Bambino’s and Kerry always passed down what they were doing to the other four then onto the other 991 Precious... Basically Kerry’s word was the first thing that came from Mother Worship’s mouth because it was her that took it to The Precious... and Kerry was always there to share it with the Exquisite, Daffy’s little group of girls, a group small in size but not in statute as they were The Pit Bull’s women...
Rainbow was humming, she briskly walked into The Dome cafe and looked around... wow The Lone Ranger was here, something was bound to happen she smiled at Spring, “Look who’s sitting with Mother Worship.” “She’ll be the talk of the town for a good week, probably make it in the paper.” Rainbow didn’t mention the fact that the Lone Ranger was here sitting alone being overt about not having a brother he was next in line to the great Pit Bull and could call who he wanted to his table but his brothers were all around him and looked like he needed a moment alone, seemed sad in a some ways. Talking to Mother Worship was a Vintage Women, she must be close to living a long time, Vintage women held onto a specific look from their third life time and did well from it. After settling in to their surprise Four women flew through the door and Apples with Daffy, sisters in tow, were not mistaken, Rainbow knew they should gather them selves and approach Mother Worship. They were chatting then shocked by Giggles and Katy walking through the door. Sometimes the five did arrange to meet but not tonight, all was left was Kirsten, they all looked at the door... and of course in walks a little Mouse with Jolene, as usual going to the Dome for the drink afterward, she needed it after a week like hers. They all knew Mother Worship must have something to do with it so waited till she finished with the Vintage then approached. They all talked at once to Mother Worships surprise “I saw beautiful ducks today Mother Worship.” said Daffy, “My warm up took the house down toady Mother Worship” said Giggles, “ I had this dream Mother Worship can we talk...” said Apples, “ Mother Worship, Timmy’s a man!” said Rainbow “Have you seen Karen Mother Worship” said Kerry “I seen this owl Mother Worship” said Kirsten. “Stop, stop, sit down! One at a time.” said Karen. They all looked at the Lone Ranger he had something to do with this, “right we have some thing to share”, said Mother Worship, “what are you all wearing?” All six of the girls said simultaneously “our favorite shoes...???”  Karen laughed she picked it up through the day, they were to take all their high heels to the execution chamber to be used to execute men and women by women’s heels, then all would go looking for new shoes to share!
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wack-ashimself · 7 years
Hey, can you pick up a bottle of wine for Shakespere in the Park? "Of course! ...how else are you gonna be any fun?"
the cleveland show
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shakesphereau · 3 years
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