#Sarah bakewell
soracities · 8 months
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Sarah Bakewell, At the Existentialist Café [ID in ALT]
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lookingatmyself · 10 months
For Heidegger, the philosophers' second biggest mistake (after forgetfulness of Being) has been to talk about everything as though it was present-at-hand. But that is to separate things from the everyday 'concernful’ way in which we encounter them most of the time. It turns them into objects for contemplation by an unconcerned subject who has nothing to do all day but gaze at stuff. And then we ask why philosophers seem cut off from everyday life!
By making this error, philosophers allow the whole structure of worldly Being to fall apart, and then have immense difficulty in getting it back together to resemble anything like the daily existence we recognise. Instead, in Heidegger's Being-in-the-world, everything comes already linked together. If the structure falls to pieces, that is a "deficient' or secondary state. This is why a smoothly integrated world can be revealed by the simplest actions. A pen conjures up a network of ink, paper, desk and lamp, and ultimately also a network of other people for whom or to whom I am writing, each one with his or her own purposes in the world. As Heidegger wrote elsewhere, a table is not just a table: it is a family table, where the boys like to busy themselves', or perhaps the table where 'that decision was made with a friend that time, where that work was written that time, where that holiday was celebrated that time'. We are socially as well as equip-mentally involved. Thus, for Heidegger, all Being-in-the-world is also a 'Being-with’ or Mitsein. We cohabit with others in a 'with-world’, or Mitwelt.
Sarah Bakewell in At The Existentialist Cafe p 64
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michaelsmosey · 11 months
- the call being interpreted as saying something like 'Be yourself!', as opposed to being phony. For Heidegger, the call is more fundamental than that. It is a call to take up a self that you didn't know you had: to wake up to your Being. Moreover, it is a call to action. It requires you to do something: to take a decision of some sort.
Sarah Bakewell; At the Existentialist Cafe
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wildapostrophe · 2 years
The old suffered, while the young, who had never known anything else, did not even have good memories to escape into.
Sarah Bakewell, At the Existentialist Café
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denamailsyou · 3 months
"Life thrust itself deeply into him, wheras death had been a light and superficial thing.'"
-How To Live -or- A Life of Montaigne by Sarah Bakewell
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sueclancy · 6 months
Time to enjoy the mundane
My art exhibit continues at Caplan Art Designs, it’s going well and is in capable hands. I find I’m now enjoying quiet time to explore thoughts towards my exhibits already scheduled for next year. In my recent email newsletter containing lots of rabbits I wrote of how important I feel it is to know what you like and to explore the rabbit holes of those things, to spend time, ideally without…
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troydthompson · 11 months
He was known as a man who would listen thoughtfully to all sides, whose Pyrrhonian principle was to lend his ears to everyone and his mind to no one, while maintaining his own integrity through it all.
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kaggsy59 · 1 year
"...all things are temporal and finite." #attheexistentialistcafe @Sarah_Bakewell
Back in 2020, I read a most marvellous book on the philosopher Montaigne; the title was “How To Live“, the author was Sarah Bakewell, and I absolutely loved it! However, what’s interesting is that this isn’t the first of Bakewell’s books which I’ve owned, as a year prior to obtaining the Montaigne, in 2018, I was given the Christmas gift of “At the Existentialist Cafe” by my Youngest Child. And…
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In Nausea, art brings liberation because it captures things as they are and gives them an inner necessity. They are no longer bulbous and nauseating: they make sense.
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soracities · 7 months
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Sarah Bakewell, At the Existentialist Café
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2022-12-18 Alternativer Adventskalender 2022 Vierter Advent
2022-12-18 Alternativer Adventskalender 2022 Vierter Advent
Frage: Wie soll ich leben? Antwort 15: Mache deinen Job gut, aber nicht zu gut! Ich denke, es geht hier nicht um Müßiggang, um Mittelmäßigkeit oder gar um die Aufforderung nach Dienst nach Vorschrift (die verschärfte Form des Streikens). Montaigne wurde im August 1581 in Abwesenheit zum Bürgermeister von Bordeaux “gewählt”. Er lehnte zunächst ab, was durchaus seinem Naturell der Ablehnung von…
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lookingatmyself · 10 months
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perduintranslation · 2 years
Au café existentialiste
Les soixante premières pages de ce livre semblaient prometteuses. La traduction m’avait paru dans l’ensemble assez fluide, donnant l’impression d’un texte qui aurait pu être écrit directement en français, ce qui est depuis toujours le plus grand compliment que je puisse faire à une traduction.
Malheureusement, depuis trente pages, les choses se gâtent quelque peu et des erreurs franchement étranges apparaissent, erreurs que je ne peux expliquer que par un recours à un traducteur automatique qui n’aurait pas été suivi de relectures suffisamment attentives. Quelques exemples suivent.
Ainsi, “from” peut vouloir dire “à partir de” et ”save” peut signifier “secourir”, mais ce n’est pas pour autant que “save from” signifie “secourir à partir de”, ce qui ne veut d’ailleurs pas dire grand-chose.
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Certes, “sway” peut vouloir dire “osciller” mais être “fall under the sway of something” ne veut pas dire pour autant “tomber dans l’oscillation de quelque chose”. Je ne vois même pas quel sens un lecteur francophone pourrait donner à cette phrase. Le sens recherché est plus proche de “se retrouver sous l’influence de quelque chose”.
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De même, ”fail” peut parfois signifier “rater” mais pas quand le complément direct est une personne. Il signifie alors le plus souvent “n’avoir pas été un(e) ami(e) à la hauteur, avoir été incapable de l’aider”. De nouveau, la phrase ci-dessous ne m’apparaît pas compréhensible pour un lecteur francophone.
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L’erreur la plus gênante de toutes celles que j’ai repérées depuis le début de ma lecture est sans doute cette dernière. Certes, “mean” peut signifier “vouloir dire” quand le sujet est un mot, mais pas quand il s’agit d’une personne, auquel cas il prend alors un sens plus proche de “avoir l’intention de”. Ici, la pensée que l’autrice prête à Heidegger est complètement trahie par la traduction. Heidegger veut se dire nazi “à l’insu de son plein gré” (comme dirait l’autre) pas nazi “avéré mais qui voulait rester discret” ou “nazi auto-proclamé mais qui prétend a posteriori avoir été mal compris”. 
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Cela dit, le livre est très intéressant. :)
(Sarah Bakewell - Au Café existentialiste - Albin Michel - Livre de Poche)
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stuckinapril · 7 months
i really am the kind of bitch who loves reading textbooks huh
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