#Romanian books
thefugitivesaint · 14 days
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Angi Petrescu-Tipărescu, ''Omul de Piatră'', 1974 Source
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"[...] my soul was always snared by that gentle melancholy felt by too–sensitive beings, so sensitive that even caresses make them suffer, for whom even pleasure is a wound."
— Mateiu Caragiale, Rakes of the Old Court, 1929
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mihai-florescu · 5 months
Hearing about popular childrens books in the english speaking world is funny. Warrior cats and animorphs werent a thing here but yknow what was? La Medeleni & Cireşarii. The first one is a coming of age series that follows 3 kids as they grow up, and it ends with one of the main characters knowing she has cancer, killing herself 2 days before she was to get engaged to the love of her life. In the epilogue the childhood home they grew up in, that shaped their entire story, is sold, and her brother and childhood friend decide to write the story of their memories to keep her and their past alive that way.
The other series follows a different adventure and mystery in every volume (from exploring caves to castles to the sea) and ends with the main characters discovering the poet Ovid's lost grave. The epilogue still haunts me, of the author speaking directly to the characters as everything is vanishing and turning to black around the streets they had treaded before, the protagonists knowing the end is near as the author puts them to sleep. "What will our friends say? Will you deprive me of them? I am nothing without them. You are cruel, the only one i could never conquer. You of all!" "It's time to part ways, it's late." (...) "Life flows. We are a second of the world's imagination" and then they wish each other a good journey, the end. One of the characters, the author's favorite, struggles even past the ending against the darkness, begging his beloved author to find one more adventure, one more story for them as he's fading away. "If only you knew how much i loved you!" "You're starting again? Can't you understand we're no longer in the book?..."
I want to reread these books soon with a new understanding than what i had when i was 10... what were the classic elementary school books you guys had?^_^
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ancaxbre · 10 months
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Illustrations for 'Ora culorilor'
Author: Cleopatra Lorintiu
Illustrator: Elena Boariu
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cinematic-literature · 7 months
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Rotting in the Sun (2023) by Sebastián Silva
Book title: The Trouble with Being Born (De l'inconvénient d'être né in French; 1973) by Emil Cioran
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ms-blaga · 2 months
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n-am cuvinte 🤡
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mynameismysecret · 1 month
Right, I'm getting tired of not being able to talk about and even TO my non-binary friend in Romanian without feeling like I'm misgendering them.
(We have no neutral pronouns)
So I'm taking an executive decision
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(Yes i know they're silly, bear with me)
Pronume personal:
M: El
F: Ea
N: Em*
*Evident, dat fiind că "El" se pronunță "iel" și "Ea" se pronunță "ia", "Em" s-ar pronunța "iem".
M: Ei
F: Ele [doar fete]
N: Eme [doar persoane nb]
(a LOT more under the cut)
Personal de politețe:
M: Dânsul, dânșii
F: Dânsa, dânsele
N: Dânsol, dânșole
M: dumnealui
F: dumneaei
N: dumneasa
Pronume personal, Acuzativ (clitic):
M: Îl ajut pe el
F: O ajut pe ea
N: Ol ajut pe em**
Normal: Nu ol ajut
Elidat: N-ol ajut
Pronume personal, Dativ:
M: Lui i s-a părut ciudat
F: Ei i s-a părut ciudat
N: Loi i s-a părut ciudat***
***Ideal ar fi fost "Lei" dar avem deja banii și animalele.
Pronume personal, Genitiv/ Pronume posesiv:
M: [creionul] lui/său
F: [creionul] ei/ său
N: [creionul] loi/ său
Pronume demonstrativ(e):
M: Toți [doar băieți sau mixt]
F: Toate [doar fete]
N: Toați [doar persoane nb]
M: Același
F: Aceeași
N: Acemași
M: Cel care cântă
F: Cea care cântă
N: Cem care cântă
Terminații adjective:
M: Trist
F: Tristă
N: Tristî (silabisit/ ca la F: trís-tă/ trís-tî)
M: Cel mai trist
F: Cea mai tristă
N: Cem/ cen mai tristî****
****Prefer varianta cu "m" în majoritatea cazurilor, dar aici când zis repede cele două m-uri (cem mai) s-ar contopi. Dacă e prea derutantă această contopire s-ar putea folosi varianta cu "n"(cen mai).
[Buckle up, de aici devine mai ciudățel]
M: Prieten, prieteni
F: Prietenă, prietene [doar fete]
N: Prietenî, prietenoi [doar persoane nb]
Nehotărât, sg Nom/Ac
M: Un prieten
F: O prietenă
N: Ul prietenî
Nehotărât, sg Gen/Dat
M: Unui prieten
F: Unei prietene
N: Unoi prietenî
Hotărât, sg Nom/Ac
M: Prietenul (meu/ tău)
F: prietena (mea/ ta)
N: Prietenol (meu*****/ tou)
*****Parca "mou" nu sună atât de bine
Hotărât, pl Nom/Ac
M: Prietenii
F: Prietenele [doar fete]
N: Prietenolii [doar persoane nb]
Hotărât, sg Dat/Gen
M: Prietenului
F: Prietenei
N: Prietenoloi
Hotărât, pl Dat/Gen
M: Prietenilor
F: Prietenelor [doar fete]
N: Prietenolor [doar persoane nb]
Ok yes they do sound silly at first but I really think they would fit nicely in the Romanian vocabulary... After some getting used to.
Anyway if you like them spread the word byeeee
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imaginedrago-ss · 1 month
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yeag man they made taht dune movie w no arabs involved
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beljar · 2 years
Is it possible that existence is our exile and nothingness our home?
Emil Cioran, from Tears and Saints, 1937
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psst! heard you want to learn about romanian culture. how about some mythology today? did you know romanians had a bear god? still quite present, more as a motif than a deity...
a benevolent being, a protector of humans:
he has influence over Ursitoare (similar to The Faiths in greek myths - moire) and if the new born is oiled with bear's sweat they'll grow healthy and strong. also, bear's hair burned over the body was used as a cure for any disease (crema de gălbenele, varianta fum).
if a bear walks on your back, your back ach goes away, the romanians used to believe. at Priveghi (wake) bear-like masks guide the lost souls through the night. and to prepare for New Year's night, people dress in bear fur and dance and chant against evil spirits (we still do that on Christmas now).
it was common for people to name their kid Urs/Ursu (like the last name of our esc2022 guy) so that they'll be safe and watched over. there are also spells/chants to invoke the bear protection and people wore talsimans from bear teeth.
The Bear was celebrated in 1st August (Macavei) 12-14 November (Martinii de Toamna), 1-3 February (Martinii de Iarna), 2nd February (Bear Day) and the Bear Sunday (i don't know the date...). During these days people shouldn't say the word 'bear' so they came up with the name Moș Martin (other names for the bear god: The Old one - Ăl bătrân and Moșul - The old man). On Bear Day, meat was left in the woods as an offer, in thanks and gratitude.
Romanians based their weather predictions on when the bears walked out of their layers. Also, they used the bears mating and birthing seasons in agriculture, basing their calendar around it: before the Bear Day, the crops had to be harvested, for example.
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thefugitivesaint · 14 days
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Angi Petrescu-Tipărescu, ''Omul de Piatră'', 1974 Source
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"I have no obligation to anything. I can ponder how a window shatters, in what form — and why it breaks like that and doesn't crystallize, like salt. Or if something remains in the window from us who gaze through it. Perhaps not everything passes to the other side; something stays today, something tomorrow. And at least once, towards the end of life, wouldn't it be good to squeeze the windows?"
— Marin Sorescu, Insomnia, 1971
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grandpasessions · 1 year
To write is to proclaim that something is wrong in one’s relationship with being.
Notebooks Emil Cioran
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ancaxbre · 11 months
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Illustration for Poezii(Poems)
Author: Otilia Cazimir
Illustrator: Elena Boariu
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Ezechiel 38:23 Îmi voi arăta astfel mărimea şi sfinţenia, Mă voi face cunoscut înaintea mulţimii neamurilor, şi vor şti că Eu sînt Domnul.
And I will magnify Myself, I will manifest Myself as holy, and I will make Myself known in the sight of many nations; and they will know that I am Yahweh.”’ — Ezekiel 38:23 | Romanian Bible: Cornilescu Revised Version (RMNN) and Legacy Standard Bible (LSB) Romanian Bible: Cornilescu Revised Version published by the British and Foreign Bible Society and Legacy Standard Bible Copyright ©2021 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved. Managed in partnership with Three Sixteen Publishing Inc. Cross References: Psalm 9:16; Ezekiel 20:42; Ezekiel 36:23; Ezekiel 37:6; Ezekiel 37:28; Ezekiel 38:16; Ezekiel 39:7
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barnbridges · 7 months
i grew up reading the romanian fantastic and the thing that makes interview with the vampire FUN to read in spite of anne being racist and xenophobic is the mythology and the way it suspends belief enough to where the books can be cohesively be seen as fantastical and narrative, as opposed to commentary on the real world. which is also why rolin jones should literally NOT tackle random shit he knows nothing about.
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