#Randy Pitchford
hedwyn-here · 4 months
I still see people obsessively hating on Hello Games for the launch of No Man's Sky, saying they will never trust them, never buy a game from them etc... A very ambitious game made by (for most of it's development) less than 10 employees had to cut some of it's planned content before launch. They were (reportedly) pressured into announcing the game before they were ready, their studio flooded, they had to borrow internet from their neighbours by running ethernet out of the windows, they had a huge company suddenly advertising it as the next big AAA release despite the fact the studio was running out of money...
They aren't blameless, but it doesn't take a whole lot to see how a small group who were incredibly passionate about their work (and without a PR team) could get caught up in this situation.
But you know what? They've spent the last 10 years continually working on that game. Adding more and more content, getting it to where people expected it to be and even beyond in ways nobody could have predicted. Every single trailer they've released since has shown nothing but precicely what the game will offer. And we still see people treating them like industry villains.
There's a particular reason this bothers me so much, and it's name is Randy Pitchford.
A few years before No Man's Sky was released, Gearbox advertised the game Aliens: Colonial Marines with fabricated trailers, gameplay and screenshots. Not just things that had to be removed from the game for budgetary or time reasons, but literally just things they faked purely to advertise the game. What can only be construed as an intentional attempt to lie to the audience so they would buy a game. They were accused of using money SEGA had given them for the development of the game to fund their own proejct, Borderlands. Not only did Gearbox never try to fix Colonial Marines, to my knowledge they never even acknowledged any of the shitty stuff they did. Pitchford routinely attempted to slide that blame onto others (and if I remember rightly even said some pretty unpleasant stuff abotu Steff Sterling for daring to criticise the game on multiple occasions). Yet people are still more than happy to jump on Gearbox games uncritically. Even though they reportedly treat their staff like shit. Have very questionable means of paying their staff that afford them the opportunity to deny them bonuses even management (like Pitchford) are taking home huge bonuses of their own.
This is an example of a large developer very intentionally and maliciously lying to the audience and nobody seemed to give a shit about it even as little as a year after release.
For my money, Hello Games have proven themselves. I'll take an over-ambitious passionate group of artists who can't quite deliver on their promises over a malicious and predatory corporation any day of the week.
Fuck Gearbox.
<3 Hello Games.
I can't fuckin wait to play Light no Fire, I will buy that shit day 1.
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g1rldick · 8 months
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i am forced to have this knowledge, and thus so should u
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mentalmars · 1 year
Randy Pitchford cuts his own Cameo in Borderlands Movie
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Continue Reading
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gamesline · 2 years
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1stprototype · 2 years
Holy shit the 2001 build of Duke Nukem Forever was leaked. Some crazy bastards actually did it. EAT SHIT, RANDY!
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i play a lot of videogames and whenever something bad happens - a dead queer, a game crash, expensive skins, a minor inconvienience, a misplay on my part - I may be filled with a quick flash of anger or rage (working on it, and i've come a long way) and while the initial response is directed at the game devs, i remember, they're being mistreated by their employers and anything wrong with the game is just another reason to wish death upon a triple-a game ceo.
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dr-piss-thief-phd · 2 years
maybe YOU'RE out of touch, maybe YOU'RE out of time. not me though i'm built different
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dougielombax · 3 months
So…when was Colonial Marines declared to be non-canon?!
Seriously I genuinely don’t know.
I’d like to know.
Does anyone know?
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fantasyconcrete · 4 months
Me: I should find more icons for Whendi.
Me sixty seconds later: GOD I MISS BATTLEBORN
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300iqprower · 7 months
Holy shit was no one gonna tell me what's going on with Embracer Group? this is amazing
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acornmoment · 1 year
Important Nut Lore
When I'm cool and popular enough I'm gonna start doing a bunch of weird egotistical shit like make a pinball table about myself. I'll be like Duke Nukem but without Gearbox ruining me.
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mentalmars · 2 years
New Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Experiences in Development
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Randy Pitchford confirmed to investors that new wonderlands experiences are in development.
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advictoriams · 9 months
Anyone notice how Atticus Marshall looks like CNN, TNT and TBS founder and former owner of World Championship Wrestling, Ted Turner?
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cattailtales · 2 years
mfw ppl are posting disappointed/frustrated reviews for the new tales game as if we didn’t all experience the absolutely monumental let-down that was bl3’s hack-job story and character undevelopements
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megafreeman · 8 months
The worst part is that Volition was on the edge of entering a new golden age. They were getting ready to completely stop with the Saints Row series and delve into new IPs and adventures. There were talks about reviving the Red Faction series too. Even had the original Red Faction's writer on board for this one.
And it looked so great for them too, with Gearbox's help that is. They pretty much cleared the studio of all the bad apples (the upper management that sabotaged Agents of Mayhem), had a lot of the old staff that worked on SR1 and SR2 brought back specifically for reboot that were ready to delve into new franchises too, upgraded several of its departments (they were supposed to finally get their own marketing department. There are people at Volition that got laid off that have worked less than 6 months there), didn't have to answer to crackheads from Deep Silver (check out flippy's latest video on more info about that), even had Randy Pitchford himself give Volition his stamp of approval because "Volition needs to be Volition to make good games".
They were actually getting ready to make a game they were truly passionate about, without any micromanagement from Deep Silver ruining it in order to keep it "market safe".
It sucks how now they'll never get that redemption arc. They'll never get a chance to make a game from start to end. Not even selling millions could've saved them.
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no-one-ask · 9 months
I hate how you can't talk about your headcanons or hypotheticals for Gina and Collette after Decay without someone interjecting with, "Erm actually Gina is dead so-" Shut uuupppp!!!!!!! The way people will just accept anything is canon no matter how questionable the source is is so frustrating. You're saying there's NO conceivable way Gina could be alive because *checks notes* Randy Pitchford made a tweet responding to someone's question about Gina's model being used in Opossing Force as a dead body on Xen. A game that came out before Gina's playable appearance in Decay. Where she isn't even wearing the same HEV suit.
Seriously, why are we letting tweets made YEARS after the fact have the same level of relevancy and importance as the games themselves.
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