#Radu Tudoran
romaniasweetromania · 2 months
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that--gwrl · 1 year
"Avem taine și le purtăm cu noi, taine mai mici, taine mai mari, când se dezvăluie își pierd o parte, două, trei, șapte, nouă părți din puterea lor, alteori se pierd de tot, ca puful păpădiei suflat de un vânt tăricel. Dar avem taine și le purtăm cu noi; și suferim, ne întristăm, plângem din pricina lor sau râdem și ne bucurăm, fiindcă sunt și altfel de taine, care ascund câte fericiri nu gândești."
Radu Tudoran
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aqualumiere · 1 year
Ochii ei străluceau de bucurie, dar în adâncul privirii se desluşea o tristețe veche, calmă și visătoare. I se ducea atunci gândul în urmă, la o amintire? Exista pe acest pământ străbătut de ea într-o goană euforică un om la care îi aluneca gândul, cu remuşcări sau cu regrete?
— Radu Tudoran, Maria și marea
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bartholomaus · 1 year
Incultii apar cand educatia este irelevanta! Ideea este că programa la literatura (pt toate cele 12 clase) e prost gândită și depășită. Practic e programa de acu 30-40 de ani, un pic reîncălzită. Programa e plină de texte mediocre și irelevante, dar naționale!!, în schimb lipsesc traduceri din literatura universala de valoare. De asta vorbesc. Caragiale si Rebreanu sunt absolut geniali. Radu Tudoran cu Toate Panzele Sus sau basmele culese de Ispirescu ar trebui citite OBLIGATORIU!! Chiar si Pacala a lui petre Dulfu si povestioarele cu elevi ale lui Sântimbreanu sunt ff misto!!! Dar care e treaba cu Palatul de clestar a lui Delavrancea??? Sau Dumbrava Minunata?
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"All Sails Up!" book review
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"Toate pânzele sus!" ("All Sails Up!") by Radu Tudoran is officially translated in English!!! When I read this book I was absolutely shocked at how amazing it was, I (at least) consider it to be the best Romanian book ever written. In fact, I think it's in my top 3 favorite books.
Below I'll leave my review and a link so you can purchase it/read a sample. The world needs to know about it!
Rating: 5+⭐/5
"All Sails Up!" is a novel about pure adventure, freedom and chasing dreams, with strong-willed and fleshed out, original characters that will make you cry with joy, frown, laugh with tears and look deep within yourself. The premise is about the Romanian Anton Lupan and his lifelong dream, an epic voyage to "The Land of Fire" in South America with his friend, Pierre Vaillant. The trouble comes when Pierre goes missing along with the ship they intended to sail, L'Esperance. Many years and struggles later, Anton finds the shipwreck of L'Esperance and understands that he needs to embark on the journey in that moment or he'll miss his chance.
Lupan then gathers a crew of reliable people and the author proceeds to take the reader in one of the most epic travels. It's like you'll see with your own two eyes sceneries from across the Mediterranean, Atlantic and South American places, described in such magical great detail. Not only that, but my general knowledge about seamanship, various cultures, traditions and history improved in no time. You go from Romania to Greece, Turkey, Arabian islands, France, Argentina, Chile and all the seas in between them. From the Muslim rituals in the Saint Sofia Cathedral in Istanbul to the cockfights in Buenos Aires, I now know a little bit more facts about many places on the Globe.
The crew is mainly from a Romanian background, but it also has characters from Turkey, Greece or the Middle East. It is really interesting to see the attitudes people had (and maybe still have) regarding other cultures and traditions. Despite minor misunderstandings, they all get along and understand each other, Radu Tudoran making a point in promoting multiculturalism and friendship between the nations. For example, Ismail, a Turk (which weren't very well seen by Romanians some time ago because of the Otoman Empire's domination), is one of the most beloved characters in Romanian literature, showing altruism and generosity.
The book also reflects some Romanian outlooks on life (settling with what you have earned for now, aspirations don't really have to be followed) clashing with unconventional ways of thinking, by the end all the characters realising that dreams are worth being transformed into reality and that coming out of your confort zone is actually liberating.
There's even a bit of a love story sub-plot which I found very sweet, not at all complicated and for me it felt like a break from all the problematic scenarios I find in television or new books. It was simple and the kind I want to see more in media, it just adds some flavor but doesn't ruin the main story.
I don't know what to say more, but pirates! Thieves in boat ports! Skillful negotiations! Salty water! Traveling across the Atlantic on a boat with sails! The 1880s! Storms that turn ships upside down! Charles Darwin is actually a character! Spring in Brazil! Exploration, unknown, adventure! Zero (0) overused Romanian stereotypes!
Right now I am reading "All Sails Up!" the second time because the nostalgia was too upsetting. There's even a TV series which is generally stays true to the source material, very entertaining especially if you've read the novel.
The English version translated by Cleopatra Hensby is available in digital format on Amazon and it's only 3.56 dollars! I promise you they're going to be the best 3.56 dollars you've ever spent! click here
The TV series is available on YouTube, but you have to look for all 12 episodes separately. As far as I know it's only in Romanian and without any subtitles :/
I hope you enjoyed this post and maybe give this novel a try! I'd like to discuss it especially with foreigners, my inbox is always open!
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13decembriee · 6 years
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Fiul risipitor - Radu Tudoran
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giorgio52fan · 3 years
08 martie1910 – 18 noiembrie1992 111 ani de la nașterea lingvistului, traducătorului și prozatorului Radu Tudoran. Radu Tudoran a moștenit nostalgia puternică pe care a manifestat-o față de călătoria pe mări de la tatăl său, Alexandru Bogza, funcționar al marinei comerciale. Biografia lui Radu Tudoran: Radu Tudoran (pseudonimul literar a lui Nicolae Bogza) s-a născut la Blejoi, jud. Prahova.…
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rudyroth79 · 4 years
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Știri: Premiera spectacolului ”Orașul cu fete sărace” (22 și 23 februarie 2020, Iași) La sfârșitul acestei săptămâni, la Teatrul Național ”Vasile Alecsandri”din Iași, va avea loc un eveniment de excepție, sub inconfundabila semnătură a regizorului Radu Afrim: premiera spectacolului 
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robertcodescu · 4 years
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Privighetoarea de ziuă Regiunea  Ploiești este locul unde, la data de 08.MAR.1910 în Blejoi, se năștea Nicolae Bogza fratele muzicianului Alexandru Bogza și al scriitorului Geo Bogza.
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cristianlisandru · 5 years
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Replici (10) "Avem taine şi le purtăm cu noi, taine mai mici, taine mai mari - când se dezvăluie îşi pierd o parte, două, trei, şapte, nouă părţi din puterea lor -, alteori se pierd de tot, ca puful păpădiei suflat de un vânt tăricel.
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jurnaldeoltenia · 3 years
Prima premieră a stagiunii la Teatru Național Marin Sorescu : câine cu om. câine fără om
Prima premieră a stagiunii la Teatru Național Marin Sorescu : câine cu om. câine fără om
Prima premieră a stagiunii 2021/2022 a Teatrului Național „Marin Sorescu” din Craiova este spectacolul câine cu om. câine fără om, producție în regia lui Radu Afrim. Primele reprezentații vor avea loc în 9, 10, 15 și 16 octombrie 2021, de la ora 17:00, în Sala I.D. Sîrbu a teatrului. câine cu om. câine fără om este cel de-al patrulea spectacol pe care Radu Afrim îl montează la Naționalul…
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romaniasweetromania · 5 months
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missbrunettebarbie · 2 years
1, 4, 5, 12, 26 for the book asks <3
1. Which book would you consider the best book you’ve ever read and why?
This is super hard because I think it's like comparing oranges and apples with most of the books I've read. Some titles that come to mind when you say best book are: The Count of Monte Cristo, Murder on the Orient Express and His Dark Materials trilogy. Each veeery different from the other, but very close to my soul.
5. What was your relationship with books like as a child?
Loved them, of course. Reading always felt like an adventure and an escape for me.
4. Are you a fast or slow reader?
Hm, depends. I was a fast reader as a kid and am much slower now. But compared to other people I know, I say I am average.
12. Do you need to finish a book before you can move on to the next one, or will you have multiple books going at once?
I generally prefer to finish the current book, but I do sometimes read two at once xD
26. A book you studied in school and ended up loving?
Umm, hard to say. Most of the books I read for school were tolerated at best. Hm, maybe "Memories of a Gheisha" by Arthur Goldstein or "All Sails Up!" by Radu Tudoran. They were really good, especially the latter. Although, we didn't really study these books either. The lit teacher just told us to read them and we never talked about them again.
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aqualumiere · 1 year
Începu să se dezbrace, indiferentă, cum și-ar fi făcut o datorie. Însă, fără să vrea, și fără să-și dea seama, cu toată această reținere, trupul ei era unduit, și fierbinte, și călătoria cu el ducea dincolo de Egee.
— Radu Tudoran, Maria și marea
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Did you see that All Sails Up! by Radu Tudoran was translated in English?? I was very happy, I think it's a very good thing because foreigners can interact with a part of our culture and not come across stereotypes. We could be better represented. Although I think it would need advertising, it's unlikely that anyone will come across it on Amazon.
I don't know, I made a review on my blog but that's all I can do I guess. What do you think?
it's not my cup of tea but i'm glad
it could be promoted but it's a little bit difficult given... many reasons
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infosasha · 3 years
Toate Panzele Sus Radu Tudoran 2 Volume Editura Arthur
Toate Panzele Sus Radu Tudoran 2 Volume Editura Arthur
Toate panzele sus – Radu Tudoran 34.74 RON Librariadelfin Căutări Similare: Toate Panzele Sus Radu Tudoran 2 Volume Editura Arthur
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