#Prettywitch Rambles
prettywitchiusaka · 1 year
Yeah...so when I was rambling the other day about shows whose idea of meta “jokes” is just announcing an old tired cliché you’ve seen in every show or movie said work is trying to be a parody of, Velma was exactly the kind of show I was talking about!
Characters announcing things you’ve seen before or commenting on how “stupid” said cliché or “observation” is, as if they were people in an online chatroom and not characters in a show. 
It’s annoying!!!
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stewardofningishzida · 4 months
Stephen Strange Meta-Fic Sequel - Chapter 13: We’ve Come to Bargain!
*Cheesy announcer voice* Stephen’s having yet another showdown with the Dread Dormammu! How will he outwit the warlord this time? Stay tuned!
TRIGGER WARNING: Language, scary situations, anxiety
Chapter 13: We’ve Come to Bargain
*We retreat to our quarters.  However, the anxiety is beginning to mount again.  I’m trying to keep my cool, but it’s bubbling back up to the surface.  I take a few slow, deep breaths in an attempt to stay calm.*
Me (to Trix and Prettywitch, nervous):  I know we’re supposed to have faith in Stephen, but this fight is gonna be gnarly.  Like, probably one of the worst ones he’s ever been in since he barely has any backup.  Plus, no do-overs…I…I just don’t know, guys.  I’m trying to stay cool, but this is bad.  I’m not really worried about us, per say.  I’m worried about him and our friends and families.
Trix (trying to be confident): If anyone can do it, it’s Stephen. We’ve done everything we can to help him out including going to Dark Dimension and stealing Dormammu’s shit. Stephen defeated him with the time stone before, but he didn’t have us and he didn’t have all this help. 
Prettywitch: Exactly! The only other thing we could do is maybe siphon our magic power and give it to Stephen temporarily, but I don’t know how much of a boost that’d be to an adept magic user like himself.
*I think this over, still shuffling anxiously.*
Me (nodding quietly):  Anything is better than nothing.  I’m willing to give him as much as I can.  Even if I end up passing out for a while.  Anything that could possibly give him more of an advantage.  I’ll set an alarm for 15 minutes before he’s about to leave so we regain a bit of energy from some food and sleep before giving.  Does this sound reasonable, guys?  *I’m serious.*
Trix: Makes sense to me. If the fight is happening in our home, might as well give him our universe’s magic!
Prettywitch: Wait, really!? Holy shit! I didn’t think you guys would go for it- (She stops herself.) You know what? I’m rambling. I’m in.
*I set my phone alarm and turn it on max volume to make sure we can give energy in time.*
Me:  Then let’s do this.  We’ll have a quick meal and get some rest.  When the alarm rings, we give Stephen everything we can muster.
Trix: Gotcha. *She kinda hesitates* But can we sleep in the same room? I honestly don’t think I’ll go down easily otherwise. 
Me:  That’s fine.  I’m kinda too nervous to decently fall asleep anyway.  Maybe some company will help.  
*We head to the mess hall for a quick bite to eat and then settle into one of our dorm rooms to rest.*
*Meanwhile, Stephen pores over the stolen tomes and analyzes the relics intensely.  He concentrates as hard as he can and occasionally gets help from Wong.  Some of the language is so obscure or arcane that he struggles.  He’s beginning to get frustrated since he has such limited time.  The sorcerer can feel the time crunch getting more and more intense.*
*Clea is also pouring over spellwork, knowing the differences between magic in different dimensions. Still, she can’t help looking over at Stephen from time to time, smiling at how intensely he’s studying. Until she snaps out of it, anyway. Then she goes off to find a relic that may suit her. ANY relic. This is war, afterall.*
Stephen (hissing under his breath):  Even the diagrams in some of these pages make no damn sense…*He’s trying to figure it out, stressing about getting everything ready in time.*
Clea: *She hears Stephen’s frustration and slowly walks over to him.* Stephen? Are you alright?
Stephen (quietly, slowly mounting):  I need to figure this out.  Now.  Otherwise, this is a massive waste of time.  This might be the key to defeating Dormammu and I can’t even decipher a simple diagram!  *He isn’t actually shouting, but the frustration is highly evident in his tone.*  Can you make any sense of this?  *He shows Clea the book, hoping that she might know something.*
Clea: *She skims the book.* Some of this I can make out. *She comes over to his side.* It’s written in very old code used by the Faltines. Some of this was taught to me when I was young, so I should have some idea of how to translate this.
*They begin to make some progress in that particular book, giving them both hope.  Though the next one is written in some extradimensional language that neither of them have any clue about.  Is it even language?  Diagrams?  It’s a confused mish-mash of what is barely even recognizable as script.  Stephen goggles at the new material and cradles his head in his hands.  His head is beginning to hurt.*
Wong (having re-emerged from the sickbay):  Move over, Strange.  Let me see.  *He steps in to help.  Wong manages to get them through more of the seemingly ageless spellbooks.  Though there are still some significant gaps remaining.  They did, at least, get through around 90% of the material.  However, now, they’re all stumped.*
Stephen (grim):  We’re running out of time.  Most of it is useful now, but the most critical parts…*He gives a venomous glare at the baffling whatever-passes-as-texts.  At this point, he’s approaching the end of his rope.  They’re so close to the right material, which makes this even more maddening.  A vein throbs in his temple.*
Wong:  Compose yourself.  We will not get any further if you lose patience.
*Stephen looks at Wong.*
Stephen:  We only have one chance at this and I have to be on the girls’ Earth within 3 hours before Dormammu consumes and destroys everything there.  How can I possibly be calm?!
Clea: *She gets up.* You can be calm. Because you must. You are Doctor Strange, the man who sees all possibilities and outcomes.
*He looks at Clea wearily.*
Stephen (grim):  Not anymore.  I don’t have the Time Stone anymore.  It has been destroyed.  I have limited foresight.  Far more limited without the Stone.  I…am merely along for the ride now, so to speak.  *She can hear the hopelessness starting to seep back in.*
Clea: I wasn’t talking about the stone, Stephen. *She walks towards him slowly.* I thought what you did was brilliant, but it wasn’t the stone that impressed me, it was you. Your bravery, your cleverness, your resolve in the face of an impossible outcome and see it through to the end knowing it might not work. Even knowing the pain it might bring you. That’s the Doctor Strange you are, the Doctor Strange I know exists in you.
*He sighs.*
Stephen (resigned):  Clea, that’s very sweet of you, but your uncle knows all of my tricks from last time.  This was supposed to help me find something new to outwit him…
Clea: And it will! My uncle may be powerful but he is not invincible; there has to be a way we can defeat him.
*He glares back at the stack of books again, as though it had gravely insulted the three of them.*
Clea: *She takes his hands in hers.* Stephen, why don’t we divide the books among ourselves? I’ve seen how fast of a study you are, I have no doubt you will understand the dialect in those books.
Stephen (flatly):  Very well.  We shall divide the books and I will also attempt to apply whatever compatible spells I can to the new relics.  
*They split up the books and get back to work.  It’s an hour-long slog, but Wong, Clea, and Stephen manage to get another 5% of the tomes translated.  There are a dozen or so pages left, but they leave everyone stumped.  The final spells are incomplete despite the group’s best efforts.*
Ancient One (appearing out of nowhere): You’ll find that these last portions were specifically inverted and mirrored then translated as to confuse anyone who wished to do harm to Dormammu finding these works. It is a convoluted system but Dormammu was always a bit of a diva. *she floats closer to the group, frowning at the diagrams* 
Clea: He DID!? *She pouts.* THAT JERK!!!
*Stephen is startled.  Wong seems to have expected her to pull something like this.  Then again, he did know The Ancient One far longer than Stephen.*
Stephen:  So, you can help us translate this?  *He looks at her hopefully.*
Ancient One (smiling at him): Of course. I’m sure between the four of us we can figure this out. Three sorcerer supremes and probably one of the most competent and powerful of the Faltines I have ever heard of.
*He seems to be reassured and the group gets back to work, finally finishing their translation of the books.  They immediately get to enchanting the remaining relics.  It’s arduous work, but it does get done with about half an hour to spare.*
Stephen (grateful to the group of sorcerers):  Thank you.
*Wong nods in acknowledgement and gives a small, approving grunt.*
Clea: It was no problem at all, Stephen. I’m just glad you’re feeling better, now.
Ancient One: Of course. 
*Stephen and Wong get ready for battle.  They hear a distant alarm go off and they soon see the girls jogging over to them.*
Me (panting slightly):  Before you guys leave, here.  Please.  Take our energy since it’s compatible with our universe’s magic.  Any advantage you guys can possibly get.
Stephen (taken aback):  You three planned this again?  This is the second time in a day.  You’ll all lose consciousness.
Me:  We’re willing to do it.  Fainting’s the only real penalty for us here.  So…Are you okay with us donating more of our energy?
Trix: Plus if we’re unconscious here from safely giving you a power boost, we won’t be over there fighting and distracting you because you’re worried. *She smiles sadly at him*
Prettywitch: Yeah. We don’t mind, honestly. Besides, sometimes there’s no other way. You know?
*He looks at us for a while with a mix of concern and gratitude.  There’s also a lot of worry in his face, but he shakes his head slightly, as though banishing it for now.  At least in an attempt to comfort us.*
Stephen:  Very well, but let’s go to the mats over there so you won’t be hurt.
*We make our way to some of the mats still laid out for combat training.  Then, the girls proceed with the ritual and give Stephen as much energy as we can muster before we all pass out.  I’ve pushed so hard that I can’t even astral-project.*
Ancient One: I will guard them while you face Dormammu. There is no safer place for them to be right now, Stephen. Take their willing sacrifices and gifts of concern and save their world.
*Stephen can feel our energy surging into him.  He’s energized and takes The Ancient One’s word to heart.*
Stephen:  Okay.  I will.  *He’s more determined than ever.*
Wong:  Then let us go.  I will open the portal.  Clea, ready?
Clea: *She cracks her knuckles.* I was ready an hour ago. Let’s do this.
*Wong nods and proceeds to open the portal to our world.  The three sorcerers are armed to the teeth and bristling with magical energy.*
*Our universe’s energy has begun to practically vibrate with the influx of Dark Dimension energy flowing through the rift that Dormammu created.  A rippling fog of reddish-purple magic spills forth and ebbs through the countless ranks of Mindless Ones all standing at attention, awaiting their master’s orders.  In the meantime, there are also numerous platoons of our military forces, complete with tanks, soldiers, and various weaponry; not that they would do any good against such powerful magical enemies.  The tension throughout the scene is palpable, with such a depth of eerie silence that one could hear a fly buzzing from a block away.  Stephen steps forward to confront his old nemesis.*
Stephen (with hardened resolve):  Dormammu, we’ve come to bargain.
*The fog grows, almost appearing like a tornado as it spins and erupts into the sky. Lightning strikes haphazardly and thunder roars as Dormammu appears, nearly as large as Stephen once encountered him. The sky turns green as the weather shifts. The ruler of the Dark Dimension growls, furious at his enemy reappearing when he expected him least.*
Dormammu: We already have a bargain, sorcerer. *The being snarls, reminded of his past failure* I have stuck to the terms of your agreement. 
Stephen (firm):  I’ve come to make an additional bargain.  This world is also protected.
Dormammu: I was merciful once, Strange. I will not be a second time. Tell me, what world might I be allowed to conquer next if you believe yourself powerful enough to command me? *The large face made out of Faltine flames sneers, his entire focus on the Sorcerer Supreme* This universe is but a speck, only just flickering into being. Surely there are more important places you would be more invested in?
Stephen (stone-faced):  I could say the same to you.  Stand down and retreat with your forces back to the Dark Dimension.  Now.
Dormammu (furious): You will not command me, sorcerer. We both know that I can kill you instantly if I so choose. I have granted you mercy once before and I will do so now if you leave and this universe falls under my rule.
Stephen (glaring):  No.
Dormammu (grinning menacingly): So be it then, sorcerer. 
*With a guttural yell, Dormammu commands the mindless ones to advance upon Earth. And shoots a barrage of fireballs at Stephen*
*Wong and Clea immediately spring into action.*
*Wong casts a massive shield, forcing the tide of Mindless Ones back as Clea uses an opposite spell to turn the fireballs into ice sculptures that crash onto the paved road.  The US military forces proceed to open fire on the interdimensional beings, though to no avail.  Instead, Wong works on boxing the entities in while Clea forms several shields around the US military and their vehicles.*
*Stephen quickly casts Shield of the Seraphim, defending himself from the onslaught of fire.*
*Immediately following the fire, familiar crystalline shards begin to shower down on Stephen and everything around him*
*Several stray soldiers fall victim to the shards.  Meanwhile, the Cloak lifts Stephen into the air, both sorcerer and relic remembering the last time where Dormammu used the shards as a distraction before impaling the sorcerer from below.  He then telekinetically stops the crystal shower momentarily before firing them right back at the Dread Dormammu in a volley of chaotic spikes.*
*Dormammu snarls and the shards explode into a conjured shield of flames. While they fight above, more and more mindless ones pour onto earth along with a strange fog similar to Dormammu’s. As it begins to roll over the bodies of the fallen soldiers from Earth, they slowly transform into new Mindless Ones, crawling up and staggering towards their former allies.*
*There are several cries of alarm from the ranks and sounds of gunfire as they attempt to counter what just happened.  Meanwhile, Stephen’s eyes glow green with magic as he builds up a new spell and casts it, with a massive blast radius erupting around him.  The still-forming new Mindless Ones drop down limply as the others begin to slow their advancement, almost freezing in place.  They seem to be almost crippled by whatever previously-unseen spell that Stephen just released.  It creates a veritable traffic jam at the portal, preventing more Mindless Ones from emerging.*
*Dormammu frowns down at the Sorcerer Supreme.*
Dormammu: You…are not supposed to know that spell. *He grows angrier* No matter, even if there was a traitor in my kingdom, they will die knowing that you failed in your latest bargain. You are lacking your infinity stone, sorcerer. Time is not your ally.
*Dormammu launches another attack, the storm growing around him is suddenly absorbed into the mass that is Dormammu. In taking more energy from this universe, he begins to understand the power that this new type of magic brings. He immediately uses the storm to summon tornadoes and harsh thunderstorms, not caring if it takes out his own army as long as it kills Stephen Strange.*
*Several bolts proceed to “go rogue” and begin to strike Dormammu repeatedly.  Then, a booming voice resonates throughout the atmosphere, echoing through to the very souls of the mortals inhabiting this land.*
*Our universe’s Thor appears in a massive flash of lightning in front of the various armies.  He looks beyond normal levels of fury.*
Dormammu (confused): You are not a sorcerer, and yet you possess this new magic. Similar to the sorcerer… *Dormammu’s face changes as he comes to a realization and stares down at Stephen* You want this world for yourself and have already taken magic from this place and dare tell me I cannot do so? *Two giant hands made out of fire appear as Dormammu becomes angry enough to start becoming more…hands on. The Dread Dormammu casually smacks Thor out of the air before focusing on Stephen*
*Stephen uses the unexpected distraction to launch a counterattack of his own and uses the Icy Tendrils of Ikthalon to bind Dormammu’s fiery hands together.  He hears Dormammu’s retort, but refuses to give the warlord any potential “fuel” with a response.*
*Meanwhile, Thor goes flying and slams into the ground.  He’s still.  At least for now.*
*Dormammu uses his bound hands to smash into Stephen like a wrecking ball. Meanwhile, the Mindless Ones have finally recovered enough to continue their assault*
*Before the massive hands can hit him, Stephen conjures a protective ball of enormous spikes made of dark energy.  Another “new trick” with a potentially painful result.*
*Dormammu surprisingly reacts with a yell of surprise as the spikes actually harm him. With a glare, the warlord uses the surprise to draw in more ambient energy and dispels the bindings*
Dormammu (enraged): How did you enter my Keep? Who betrayed the Dread Dormammu? I will kill them using the singed and broken remains of your corpse for even considering to defy me.
*Stephen stubbornly remains silent as he works on his next counterspell.*
Clea: I dare, Uncle!
Dormammu (whipping around to face her): Of course. My defiant niece, determined till the end. I have been merciful to your insolence for too long. *He draws back to attack her*
Clea: *She throws up a shield.* Do your worst!
Dormammu (smirking): With pleasure, niece. *He unleashes a large wave of pure energy at Clea as well as her allies to try and drown them out in power*
*Clea holds the wave back, even struggling a bit before throwing it back at her uncle. She takes on her Faltine form and flies towards him, ready to fight.*
*Wong looks at Clea for a second, as though subtly approving of her actions, before resuming his work on corralling the army of Mindless Ones while Dormammu is distracted.*  
*Dormammu decides to cheat and instead absorbs her Faltine energy, using it to throw her crashing into the roof of a nearby house. Luckily she isn’t harmed.*
Clea: You cheat!
Dormammu: It’s not cheating in a real fight, not that you would know, niece. *He begins to absorb more and more ambient energy from this new universe and he begins to shift in color with his flames turning from red, to blue, to white*
*Stephen notices Dormammu drawing in more energy from this world and decides to throw yet another twist.  Remembering the runes from the girls’ time fighting Agatha, he suddenly launches himself in a flight pattern around Dormammu, dredging up massive boulders around the warlord in a seemingly random pattern.  Then, he concentrates and casts the Images of Ikonn.  Each duplicate of Stephen proceeds to carve runes on the boulders, staying on specific sides of them, before a purple aura begins to form a barrier around Dormammu.*
*Meanwhile, on the ground, our Thor is unconscious from Dormammu’s swat. In a burst of green magic, a dark haired figure appears next to the unconscious god. They roll their eyes at Thor before snapping their fingers and the two disappear in another burst of green magic. Dormammu is too focused on Stephen to notice the gods or the forming barrier and continues to try and swipe at him*
*The runes’ barrier fully activates once the inscriptions are complete.  A wall of purple magic encloses the warlord.  Stephen stays slightly out of reach just in case and watches his handiwork and Dormammu intently.*
*The Warlord goes to attack using more fire only to be caught off guard as nothing happens. He tries again and has the same results. After exhausting a number of spells and all of them fail, he snarls and turns to the sorcerer*
Dormammu (angry but almost concerned): WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME, SORCERER?
Stephen:  *He shrugs, but with a cunning expression on his face.*  Surely, nothing so strong as to cause an immensely powerful being such as yourself any pause.  *He sneers.*
*Dormammu roars in rage and the image of Dormammu ripples before turning into smoke that condenses down to a more…human size. This smaller version of Dormammu is still a force to be reckoned with, but around the same height as Stephen. His head and hands are still engulfed in flames but his eyes and mouth are still visible on his face as he glares at the sorcerer*
Dormammu (still angry but trying to be civil): Even without my magic I can defeat you easily, but I will…show restraint and offer you a challenge. No magic, and the winner gets this universe. First to yield loses.
Stephen:  Very well.  I accept your challenge.  The loser will not harm and/or influence anyone and/or anything in this universe by any means, nor will they or any of their allies set foot here again.  Do you accept these terms?
*The warlord studies Stephen for a moment before nodding*
Dormammu: I accept. *He begins to walk, circling around Stephen* Three rounds. You are able to call the end of a round at any time however yielding means the battle is over. Whoever is unable to continue at the end of the third, loses. Summon your weapon.
*Despite his inability to use spells, Dormammu summons a large broadsword made out of Space Shards. He walks a few paces away before turning back to Stephen suddenly with a wide grin on his face*
*Stephen summons and wields the Pincers of Power, a familiar and formidable weapon to Dormammu.  He watches the warlord intently, coolly assessing each move.*
*Dormammu begins to circle the sorcerer, gauging what he thinks Stephen might be able to do. This is truly the first one on one between them on equal footing as it were. Finally, he lunges at Stephen’s back with incredible speed*
*Stephen feels the breeze as Dormammu makes his move and quickly dodges out of the way, giving Dormammu a shove to add to the being’s momentum so he will be thrown off-balance.*
*Dormammu trips ever so slightly but quickly regains balance to launch another jab at him.*
*Stephen dodges and uses Dormammu’s close proximity to trap the warlord’s sword-wielding hand in one of the Pincers.  He starts to twist in an attempt to force Dormammu to drop his weapon.*
*Dormammu uses the momentum to trade the sword to his other free hand and manages to get a swipe in at Stephen as he almost dances out of the hold but is still stuck by the pincer.*
*Stephen grunts in pain, but tries to yank Dormammu with the Pincer.  Failing that, he detaches it and jumps out of reach.  It seems he isn’t as adept at hand-to-hand combat.*
*Dormammu smirks as he gets the first blow. He immediately dives right back into the battle, watching closely for any weaknesses as he begins a flurry of swipes at the sorcerer.*
*Stephen continues to dodge and does his best to stay out of reach.  When he sees a pause in Dormammu’s volley, he bluffs a charge before jumping back again.*
*The warlord grins as he continues to push forward, growing more confident as his opponent keeps retreating. His attacks become quicker as he pushes harder to finish Stephen off quickly.*
*Stephen retreats a bit more before suddenly ducking under Dormammu’s attacking arms and locking a pincer around his opponent’s ankle.  He yanks.  Hard.  All the while, his other hand locks Dormammu’s knee so he cannot steady himself.*
*Dormammu’s eyes widen as he suddenly careens face first into the floor, his momentum getting the best of him after Stephen redirected it. He growls as he attempts to push himself up.*
*Clea sees an entrance and streaks towards her Uncle ready for Round Two.*
Stephen (urgent):  Clea!  The duel!  Go back and help Wong or our agreement will be rendered unusable!
Clea: *She understands and nods.* Right! *She flies back down towards Wong.*
*Wong is currently starting to struggle with holding back the horde of Mindless Ones by himself.  The older sorcerer has used far too much energy for one day and it’s starting to show.*
*While Stephen is distracted by Clea, Dormammu begins to try and shove Stephen off of him to stand*
*Stephen moves his free Pincer up to lock around Dormammu’s wrist as he tries to get up.  While doing this, the sorcerer strategically places his knee right on the base of Dormammu’s neck and applies enough pressure from his bodyweight to prevent the warlord from getting up, but not enough to choke him.  Stephen then detaches the other Pincer from Dormammu’s ankle in the meantime and starts to drag the trapped wrist towards the other.  He’s making a capture move while attempting to hold Dormammu down.*
Dormammu (grunting): You cannot defeat me, sorcerer. I am superior. 
*Stephen is focused on keeping Dormammu down and restraining him to end the fight.  Then, he notices a shift in the ambient energy and looks up at the runes.*
*Hairline fractures are beginning to form along the walls that are engraved with the runes. Dormammu is still struggling against Stephen’s hold, but something is clearly diverting his attention*
Stephen (sneering):  I take it that this duel is no longer one of honor, Dormammu.  *He’s calling the warlord out for his attempt at cheating.*
Dormammu (distracted but smug): Your honor will mean nothing when you are dead and this universe is mine. *He grunts and shimmies, trying to get out of the hold and the cracks on the summoned walls grow larger*
*Stephen tightens his hold and puts more weight on the pressure point he’s using on the base of Dormammu’s neck, both to keep Dormammu down and to cause just enough pain to break his concentration.  Meanwhile, knowing that the runes are all that is keeping the warlord’s powers in check, Stephen has no choice but to focus on maintaining the walls.  It has come down to a battle of pure willpower.*
*Dormammu finally gives up physically struggling and suddenly goes limp before pouring all of his energy into trying to break down the walls. The sudden onslaught is fierce and even Dormammu’s Faltine form begins to flicker out*
*Stephen closes the Pincers of Power on Dormammu’s wrists, binding his hands together behind the warlord’s back.  Then, he fully focuses on the barrier himself.  Thanks to the girls’ energy, he’s still able to resist Dormammu’s attempts.  Though just barely.  He quickly begins to chant another counterspell, to fully activate the Pincers and seal away Dormammu’s ability to cast spells.*
*Finally, finally, with one last weak push at the barriers, Dormammu falls completely limp and his fully depowered*
Dormammu (exhausted but angry): I……yield.
Stephen (firm):  Very well.  Hold to your agreement.  Take back your forces and leave this universe and mine.  Never come back.  You and your allies will not harm and/or influence anyone and/or anything in this universe by any means, nor will you or any of your allies set foot here again.  Do that, and I will release you from the Pincers the moment you fully retreat to your dimension.
*Clea meanwhile, is staring at him starry-eyed. She can’t help thinking he’s wonderful.*
Dormammu (begrudgingly): I will hold to this agreement, sorcerer, so long as I never see you again. *He glares up at Clea* And you, niece, are banished. If you step into my domain, you will be executed for treason. Immediately.
Clea: *She shrugs.* Fine. 
*Stephen silently allows Dormammu to get up and watches him leave, ordering his army to retreat.  He follows the warlord through the portal only to release Dormammu from his restraints before going back to rejoin Wong and Clea, a look of fatigued relief on his face.*
Stephen (genuine, to both of them):  Thank you.
Wong:  It is simply part of our work.  *Though he looks even more drained than Stephen at this point.*
Clea: It was my pleasure. *She looks a bit sad now that her Uncle’s gone.*
*Stephen awkwardly places his hand gently on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her.*
Clea: *She looks up and smiles at him, sadly.* Thank you…
Stephen (offering condolences, feeling guilty that he dragged her into this):  …I’m sorry that you were banished.  If you need anything, then I’ll do my best to help you.
Clea: No! Don’t be. I am sad that I can no longer return to my home…But I’m also glad that I helped you, Stephen. 
*Wong nudges Stephen, who was digesting this information.  He silently remembers what it was like being homeless.  Wong’s nudge brings him back to the present.*
Stephen:  …Erm…You could always stay with us at Kamar-Taj.  Otherwise, I have a room in my Sanctum.  Whichever is more comfortable for you.
Wong:  Strange may not be blessed with proper social skills, but he is more than hospitable.  I can assure you that he will see to whatever you may need.  *He subtly gives Stephen a look that says to behave and treat her well.  Stephen meets his mentor’s eyes with a slightly withering expression.*
Clea: I’d like to stay with you if I may, Stephen!...I mean, I do believe I will have access to all types of magic I can learn here. Or even learn to call my friends in the Dark Dimension.
Stephen (awkward, but doing his best to be polite):  Very well.  I will show you around the Sanctum momentarily.  After checking on the girls.
Wong:  I doubt that they will be awake yet.  It seems that they gave all of their remaining energy to you.
*Stephen shifts his weight slightly, concerned.*
Wong (blunt, but reassuring):  We will check on them.  Come on.
*He opens a portal back to Kamar-Taj.*
***To be continued***
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prettywitchiusaka · 1 year
What sucks is that I actually really like the concept of the series.
Velma loves solving mysteries but the revelation that she’s too clever, plus her mother’s disappearance left her traumatized. So when she tries solving an actual mystery, her anxiety manifests in the form of literal ghosts and demons, leading to some really creepy animation.
That’s not a bad premise in my opinion, and if you were going to do a (slightly) more adult take on Scooby-Doo while still being a comedy, I think it could’ve  worked in better hands. 
Unfortunately, the show is trash and as a result, it’s the delicious, overflowing fudge at the bottom of this shit sundae.
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prettywitchiusaka · 1 year
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Look, I know people love Wanda, but really, funko!? REALLY!?
Couldn’t we have gotten another Stephen variant? One with him in his little ranch outfit from when he goes to visit Wanda?
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Or Stephen in a three piece suit?
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Or hell, a variant of him without the cloak on? Giving us a chance to see the gorgeous detailing on his new tunic?
Or hell! Clea! You know how much I’d KILL for a Charlize Clea pop instead of waiting another two or three years for that to become a reality!?
But, you know? We can just have Psycho Wanda puppeting Housewife Wanda! That works, too!!!
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prettywitchiusaka · 3 years
I think what resonates with me about Stephen’s character arc is that it all comes down to his own choices instead of him being “chosen” or the like.
Early in the film, he’s told that some things can’t be changed, like his hands. That becomes obsolete once he’s told he could use his magic to regain his old life only...he chooses not to.
His fear of failure, his ruined reputation, the loss of any connection with old life? He chooses to accept all that. Because his true desire to help and save as many as possible ultimately outweighs his need to control everything.
It’s something that (I feel) is more apparent in Infinity War and Endgame and am curious to see where they take this part of his character in future installments.
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prettywitchiusaka · 3 years
I think I may need to add Falcon and Winter Soldier to my list. Specifically my list of “Does no one on the internet FUCKING know how PTSD works!?”
Seriously! I know Youtube comments are not the most reliable source to get a gage on how people are feeling, but I’m getting really sick of people calling Bucky “emo”.
Yes, because the man who was brainwashed into being (essentially) a human Terminator for nearly a century, was dead for five years, recently lost his best friend and (initially) refuses to talk to the one person whose trying to connect with him clearly wouldn’t be grumpy!
Or be deflective...
Or project his own feelings onto others...
Or not wanna talk about how he’s feeling with his therapist...
Or be edge and feel disconnected from people-
You know what? I’m gonna stop myself before I go on a long tangent.
The point is the internet is stupid and people on it are assholes most of the time...Screw it, all the time!
Sorry. Maybe I’m being biased, but this is the first time I’ve ever been invested in Bucky’s character and it bothers me that people are reacting to it as if he’s this “brooding bad boy” for fangirls to swoon over...when he has every right to be brooding. At least at this point in his character development.
Or maybe this is just another episode in the saga of “Prettywitch Tries Not to Cave into Peer Pressure from Trolls on the Internet”.
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prettywitchiusaka · 3 years
Alright, I might as well get this off my chest. 
The controversy surrounding Doctor Strange being cut from Wandavision and Kevin Feige’s explanation for why.
Do I agree with his reasoning?
Yes. Like I said before, Wandavision was Wanda’s story. It made sense for the focus to be on her, rather than having someone else come in at the last moment to help her.
Now I do think they still could’ve had a quick cameo from Stephen and reveal the commercials were his doing, but my point still stands. 
And who knows? Maybe they’ll still reveal that in Multiverse of Madness, you never know.
Do I think he should’ve worded it the way he did?
He probably meant it jokingly (at least that’s how it comes off to me), but even so...he probably should’ve just said “we didn’t want to take away from Wanda’s story” and leave it at that.
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prettywitchiusaka · 5 years
So I’ve come to the conclusion recently that Hughes was really Ed’s father figure. Or more specifically, the father figure Ed wanted Roy to be.
I love Parental Royed, and I think that Roy did teach Ed some valuable life lessons (in a roundabout way). But what I mean is that Hughes gave Ed something that Roy was unable to do on most occasions; trust.
I know a lot of people like to interpret Ed as hating Roy’s guts, but if you look at like 99% of their interactions, it’s pretty obvious that Ed not only admires Roy, but wants to put his trust in him. But except for very few occasions, Roy doesn’t tell Ed things, either because he’s trying to spare his feelings and keep him a child for as long as possible, or because he doesn’t trust that Ed won’t do something reckless because of how emotional he is.
Whereas Hughes does tell Ed things he should know about, for better or worse. The best example of this being when he tells Ed that Scar was most likely the one who killed Nina.
A bit questionable considering Ed’s vengeance boner clearly went up hearing he might have found Nina’s killer? Hmm...possibly.
But it shows that Hughes trusts Ed enough to make the right decision when bringing Scar to justice.
Just some food for thought.
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prettywitchiusaka · 5 years
So Mami is Galaxia.
Sayaka is Sailor Star Healer
Homura is Sailor Mars
Kyoko is Sailor Neptune
and Madoka and Sailor Saturn
All of the Holy Quintet (minus Nagisa) are now Sailor Guardians, that’s awesome!
Though it is weird hearing Mami’s voice come out of Galaxia...it’s just not what I pictured her sounding like.
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prettywitchiusaka · 5 years
Okay, between the episode where she’s dating both Tiger’s Eye and Hawk’s Eye and Usagi’s comments about her wanting to date all three of the Starlights, I think I’ve come to the conclusion that Minako is polyamorous...
Well at least in the original anime, anyway.
Makes sense; she is the Guardian of Love and Beauty.
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prettywitchiusaka · 6 years
In keeping with @menatarms19 post about the bittersweetness of 03′s ending, there’s something I’ve been wanting to talk about that I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone mention.
As we all know, many of the characters in 03 have serious physiological issues;
- Ed suffers from post traumatic stress disorder that results in him not only distancing himself from Winry, but also denying that he and Al brought Sloth into this world until he is literally forced to confront/admit it.
- Roy suffers from PTSD that has hardened him as a result of his experiences and has made him suspicious of anyone and everyone. He was suicidally depressed for awhile, and is still most likely suffering from either clinical or high functioning depression and is most likely an alcoholic.
- Al loves his brother very much, but is clearly co-dependent on Ed and even ends up unintentionally enabling his and Ed’s misunderstandings about the world and society. And really doesn’t come into his own until late in the series.
- Wrath has mommy issues and mild PTSD from being taken back through the Gate
- Envy has daddy issues
- Riza most likely has endured some trauma and has been hardened from her experiences in Ishbal (if her monologue to Winry in Episode 36 is any indication).
- Rose was catatonic for awhile after she was raped.
- Not to mention the countless Ishbalan survivors who most likely suffer from PTSD if Rick’s reaction in Episode 36 is any indication
None of these things are ever really addressed in the story...and that’s okay.
The story of FMA is not one of overcoming past trauma, it’s a coming of age story of how the world isn’t perfect and more complex than we pretend it is, but that life is still worth living. 
The fact that many of the characters have suffered from issues trauma is more or less there to give them some depth and to make the audience empathize/sympathize with them before it’s an excuse to “cure them”.
And I think that’s something you don’t see very often acknowledged; overcoming great adversity doesn’t automatically make you happy. It changes you, it drains you. You probably might feel distant and unable to relate to someone. And you just have to learn to live with it.
It’s why I think 03 provides a lot of opportunity for another sequel post-Shamballa (assuming they do anything for the 20th anniversary in a few years); these characters have enough depth to them that you could do stories where they either try to overcome their problems, or they don’t and learn to live with it and find other ways to be happy.
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prettywitchiusaka · 6 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fw2hIbbJe_Y)
Controversial Opinion Time, again!
I often find it strange that people don’t talk more about this, but to be honest I love that Roy doesn’t seek revenge for Hughes’s death in 03. At least not until the end, anyway.
03 on the whole was interested in exploring the nuance of vengeance. What motivates some people to get revenge, when it’s justified and when it isn’t. And even if it is, will taking vengeance cause more problems in the long run.
The series explores this through various characters and how it affects them. From Scar’s justified feelings of vengeance and hatred that eventually blooms into wanting to stop the military from wiping out what remains of his people, to Martel wanting to kill Kimblee for selling out her friends, to Winry wanting vengeance for what Roy did but knowing she can do nothing about it, to Ed and Al’s hypocritical stance on vengeance.
Everyone’s perspective is given time to be explored and no one’s is put above the other. But truth be told, I think Roy’s perspective is arguably the most mature take.
I think it’s safe to say (based on the first scene) that Roy was most likely looking to avenge his best friend’s death at this point, but learning what he does from Armstrong only confirms that now is not the time to act.
He’s smart enough to recognize that while he wants to see whoever killed Hughes brought to justice, there’s quite literally nothing he can do about it. I mean suppose he did go in half cocked and looking for Hughes’s murderer? It could end up leading to a snowball of consequences he didn’t intend. And any sacrifices Hughes made for him in the past would be rendered null.
It takes a mature mind to recognize that revenge is not so black and white, but it takes a mature person to recognize that even when it’s justified, there is nothing to be done about it.
Now while this plants the seed for Roy (at the very least) starting to question his own way of doing things, I think it also demonstrates the real difference between Ed and Roy that becomes exemplified once again, and becomes a focal point when we get to Episode 44 and the boys find out about Hughes’s murder.
Roy Mustang is an adult; he wants to see his friend’s assassin brought to justice, but knows that he can’t do anything about it. Pursuing it would just lead to more complications (and even that’s brought into question with Roy’s own guilt over the whole thing and Sheska choosing to take action where he won’t). Edward Elric is a child. He says revenge is wrong and that he doesn’t want to kill, but he has no problem trying to kill Scar later over what he did to Nina (although really, that was a mercy kill!). And when he learns about Hughes, he’s all ready to go ring Roy’s neck for not telling him and nearly blow his and Al’s cover in the process.
It’s why I say that (while it was indirect) Roy did affect some change on Ed; because while Ed has a hard time grasping that not choosing vengeance is a choice an adult makes, he does seem to get over his vengeance boner within the following episodes and instead focus on stopping the Homunculi.
In short, I love this bit very much and I think it’s an under appreciated part of 03′s story, even within the 03 community. 
But that’s just me.
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prettywitchiusaka · 7 years
So, I talked about my beef with Twilight before. And while I’m probably the millionth person to say this, but I think the series might have been improved slightly if Bella had ended up with Jacob
Don’t get me wrong, I know you’d have to rewrite it so that Bella doesn’t come off like such a bitch whose’s just using him, but Jacob actually cares about her and wants to see her be happy...before the jealousy settles in, mind you.
You could rewrite it to where maybe Bella is trying to get over Edward, but is still having issues. Then Jacob comes along and they start hanging out, and she slowly finds herself forgetting all about Edward until Alice comes back into the picture.
Then, you can end the story with Bella going back to Edward, still have the love triangle in Eclipse, but have it end with Bella realizing who she truly loves is Jacob. Then they end up together and BAM, end of series!
Honestly, maybe I should consider writing that in the future...Just a thought...
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prettywitchiusaka · 5 years
I don’t think I’ve ever loved as many friendships in one franchise as I do the MCU, and that’s saying something.
There’s definitely romance in there, yes. But when you really sit down and think about it, the many friendships, familial ties and so on outnumber the amount of official romances we’ve seen in this universe so far.
It’s a nice reminder that not EVERYONE has to be in a relationship, or that everyone is in love with x character.
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prettywitchiusaka · 5 years
I always felt that, if I were to be defined by a sin it would be either Wrath or Pride.
Wrath because I am easily enraged and will let you know, and Pride because I have this need to prove to other people I can do something without anyone’s assistance, less they think I’m inferior to them.
But I was talking to a friend the other day, and he’d made the observation that actually, it’s Envy that I’m defined by.
I was initially dumbstruck by this as I don’t consider myself to be envious. Hateful, yes, as I am easily consumed by anger and hatred when I see or hear about injustices and the people responsible for them.
But then he said a certain phrase and it all clicked for me;
“You wish you life had gone in a different direction.”
The moment he said that, I realized that was actually quite accurate.
Because honestly, I wish my life had gone in a different direction. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for everything I have currently, and am always looking towards the future. But I do wish I was back to where I was four or five years ago, when I had a decent paying job and I could actually afford to flash my cash (it pays to work for the Government), and my weight was manageable.
But it doesn’t seem likely. At least not any time soon.
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prettywitchiusaka · 5 years
With SJWs slowly turning in on each other like a bunch of animals, one thing I keep hearing from people reporting this is that “the left is turning on itself.”
Which made me think of the Ouroboros.
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For those who don’t know, the Ouroboros in the ancient symbol of a snake eating its own tale.
It’s had a long history, but most people will recognize it as a common symbol in alchemy.
Why do I bring that up? Well in alchemy, the ouroboros represents Mercury, the substance that permeates all matter. It also symbolizes constant renewal & the cycle of life and death, as the snake is often the symbol of resurrection.
While SJWs aren’t exactly on their way out (unfortunately), I think it’s a very appropriate metaphor for they’ve become; whiny ingrates with nothing better to do than get offended, go out an protest, and recite the same old talking points we’ve all heard a million times. And when it’s done? Repeat the same schtick all over again, a never ending cycle.
It’s definitely not the greatest metaphor for these psychotic idiots (the NPC meme wins that one easy), but I think it’s an interesting one none the less. 
Let me know what you guys think.
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