photozoi · 4 months
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There is a galaxy in Wyatt's eye.
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Space, the final frontier.....
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oliwiawojciechowska · 15 days
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windows xp
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hauntedbystorytelling · 2 months
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Ernst Lubitschs Sumurun. Filmplakat von Mihály Bíró. Gesellschaft für graphische Industrie, Wien | src Swann galleries
Ernst Lubitsch's classic 1920 film, starring Pola Negri depicted here in a trance-like dance with a typographic serpent
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pallanophblargh · 2 years
My apologies for the relative lack of share-worthy art lately. Hopefully you will appreciate some living art?
This fabulous large man has been with me for all of 4 days and I love him to death. Please don’t break my heart big guy!
He’s a giant plakat betta with koi/marble/multicolored genetics of some sort. I know these are a huge risk for many reasons, but I found him in my neighborhood, and it turns out I’m a fool after all. I’m looking forward to all the color changing shenanigans. In the meantime, he watches me cook and do dishes.
Please excuse the state of this tank. It’s been through some hard times.
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wheraemii · 10 months
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warszawalaż — 06.07 — bloki
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miskoncepcje · 9 months
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dir. leos carax
prints available (international shipping): https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/miskoncepcje/
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michaelschreiner · 3 months
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In Auflösung
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polish-spirit · 8 months
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Plakat autorstwa Edmunda Johna (1920).
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jstawowy · 1 year
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MBTI posters (NJ), 05.2023
A series of 16 typographic posters is a reflection on how our perception of a message depends on the way it is expressed and how the perception of things is influenced by their surroundings.
As Marshall McLuhan said: "The medium is a message." Although we often don't realize it, a letter can arouse various emotions in us, just like personality types. In both cases, it's also important what company they are in. Each poster, just like each personality, has its own unique aura. A subdued, calm ISTJ poster will stand out from the dynamic ESTP, ESFP and ESTJ posters. ESTP, ESFP and ESTJ arranged next to each other, will blend into each other, but contrasted with for example ESFJ, INFP or INTJ they all form a harmonious whole.
It's fascinating how all personality types are complementary to each other. There is no better or worse, prettier or uglier. Each of them is unique in its own way and needed to balance the others. Society is like a large organism in which maintained homeostasis determines health. Each type has different skills and talents, which enrich the organism. In this organism diversity is an advantage, because it allows us to see the problems from different perspectives and thus solve them efficently.
Large, angular letters are expressive and intrusive, although contrary to appearances, they don't show their entire nature at first (the inscription is not easy to read, you have to guess). The composition is dynamic but organized. White is a cunning color – depending on the culture in which it occurs, it’s either a symbol of purity or mourning. ENTJ is specific and determined. It doesn't seem to have any doubts, and even if he does, its Te makes up its mind quickly and cuts off any hesitation.
The mountain of superimposed letters symbolizes the multi-level personality of the INTJ and its depth. The top is aesthetic and easy to read, but in fact it's only a small part of the whole. The further you go, the more unobvious and surprising the personality is. At the deepest levels, paradoxically, sometimes even the INTJ itself doesn't know what's going on. Sometimes it gets lost in its own thoughts.
White, as in the case of ENTJ, is a symbol of cunning (perhaps even manipulation at times?). The inscription is large, easy to read. On the one hand whirls symbolize emotions and feelings, which – by their very nature – are unpredictable and fluid, on the other hand, that focused on receiving and processing emotions of other people ENFJ sometimes paradoxically gets lost in its own emotions.
The INFJ poster is the most sophisticated of this group (NJ). The lines behind the letters are the finest, indicating the delicacy, eloquence and elegance of this type of personality. There are also rounded spaces – whirls – but they're softer than ENFJ's. Like INTJ, the letters seem to have layers indicating a similarity of these types in terms of depth – here they fade into the black background. Sometimes INFJ gets lost in its own emotions and logic.
The ISFJ poster font is fancy and rounded, indicating the emotion-centric nature of this personality. They resemble handwriting, nice calligraphy, which refers to the Si function. The deeper you go into the text, the more letters blur. This illustrates that ISFJs may appear calm, level-headed, and kind at first glance, but internally, like everyone else, they have their dark side and difficulties - like INFJs, they often struggle with their own emotions, feelings of rejection and jealousy. 
Despite the extroverted nature of the ESFJ, it was portrayed using very sparing, even minimalist means. This is the type focused on relationships with other people. He is generous towards others and loud, but at the same time he has a great sense of aesthetics and a tendency to harmonize the emotions of the group. The ESFJ tries to match other people’s moods, supporting them even at the cost of their own emotions, which is reflected in the deformation of letters that are not easy to read on the first try. 
The ESTJ poster is noisy and clear, the letters are easy to read, indicating the type’s straightforwardness. It’s dynamic and slightly deformed at the same time. The deformation is a reminiscent of an electric arc, which is both dangerous in its power and fascinating. This illustrates, on the one hand, the strange, warped conclusions that ESTJs sometimes come to (which, through Te, are put into action instead of being reconsidered), and on the other hand, that despite being perceived as determined and harsh, the ESTJ is also fascinating and harismatic. 
The ISTJ poster shows the stages, it’s a record of a process. It points out that an ISTJ appears orderly and organized, but it also has hidden emotions and insecurities. It doesn’t show them to other people. Also, over time, an ISTJ gains a life experience that it never forgets. It writes them down in its head in detail, like a technical drawing, trying to draw conclusions from it, but despite that it sometimes has unresolved traumas.
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disorder-rebel-store · 6 months
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Breaking the silence! Stop the bombs! Stop the war! Stop occupation! Against the walls! Against all forms of opeession! Against Hate! . Wenn wir free Palestine sagen, sagen wir: Freiheit und Gleichheit und gerechter Frieden für ALLE Menschen die dort leben. Frei von Unterdrückung, Frei von Gewalt, frei von korrupten Machthabern und durchgeknallten Milizen. Frei von Rassismus und Antisemitismus und frei von patriachalen Strukturen!Frei von Militärkontrollen, Mauern, Chackpoints und einem zwei-Klassen System. Frei von Besatzung und Krieg!  Die Mehrheit der werktätigen Menschen auf allen Seiten will Friede, Gleichheit und ein Leben in Würde, das ist übrigens überall auf der Welt so. Und für die, die uns hier die Worte im Mund verdrehen wollen oder absichtlich Falsches in unser Plakat dichten wollen: Kommt mal klar - Free Palestine heißt nicht und niemals „ein Land ohne Jüdinnen und Juden“ sondern gleiche Rechte, gerechter Frieden, Demokratie und Teilhabe für Alle! Und wir stehen bedingungslos an der Seite der Menschen die sich für unteilbare Gerechtigkeit im nahen Osten einsetzen, scheissegal welche Religion sie haben. Das heißt Free Palestine! Eine Auseinandersetzung mit der europäischen Kolonialgesschichte ist dabei unabdingbar! Wer allerdings meint Kritik an der Politik des Staates Israels oder seine Wut auf die Ungerechtigkeiten und den Krieg dadurch äußern zu müssen, jüdische Menschen zu bedrohen oder seinen Protest vor jüdische Einrichtungen zu tragen ist auch unser Feind! Basta! Und wer meint sich bedingungslos an die Seite einer faschistischen Regierung und ihrer Kriegsmaschine stellen zu müssen, hat seine Entscheidung getroffen. Wir stehen an der Seite der Unterdrückten und Ausgebeuteten. Von gerechtem Frieden in der derzeitigen Situation zu sprechen scheint völlig naiv, schon klar, aber das ist ja alles was wir machen - völlig naiv. Wir wollen auch libertäten Kommunismus statt Turbo-Kapitalismus im Endstadium hier zu Lande und zwar jetzt. So naiv sind wir . : Fight Fascism Everywhere! Stop the war on Gaza! Stop the violence in the westbank! Kisses and Hugh’s to all our friends in Haifa, Tel Aviv, Jaffa, Jerusalem, Ramallah, Bethlehem, Herbron we where lucky to meet on our last trip! We are with you and your people!
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meisterdrucke · 10 months
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Lehren aus dem Geigenplakat, 1898 von Paul Berthon
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photozoi · 5 months
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Wyatt appreciation post. He is just the best.
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schizumizu · 10 months
No 008 Holy Fire Sanctuary
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lllustration created in Photoshop on iPad Pro
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Plakatentwurf von Agnes Speyer Die Fläche Entwürfe für decorative Malerei, Placate, Buch- und Druckausstattung | src ÖNB
view on wordPress
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artistmagicial · 2 months
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Pałac Kultury i Nauki w Warszawie plakat
Sklep Shoop
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wheraemii · 3 months
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19/„s” is for sea alphabet challenge with @loobyroux_collage_club
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