#Pico Relay
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Let's build a Raspberry Pi Pico Home Automation. Stay tuned.... #rpi #raspberry #pico #pipico #raspberrypipico #automation #relay #picow #diode #pcb #transistor #homeautomationsystem #homeautomation #relay #rp2040 https://www.instagram.com/p/CnhR5r1PEM-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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svsembedded · 1 year
Interface ESP8266-01 Wi-Fi Module with Raspberry Pi Pico
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techcree · 1 year
Raspberry Pico W Relais
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A new Project. Weihnachten steht vor der Tür und wir könnten mal schauen ob sich die Weihnachtsbeleuchtung nicht smart schalten lässt. Darum geht es in diesem Projekt.
Ob nun für die Weihnachtsbeleuchtung oder das Smart-Home spielt erstmal keine Rolle. Und das Prinzip ist als würden wir mit dem Raspberry Pi Pico W eine LED schalten. Den Code, welchen Du dazu brauchst, findest Du auf meiner GitHub Seite: https://github.com/techcree/PiPico.git (PicoWRelais_LED). Du kannst den Code frei nutzen und anpassen. Es ist nun, dass wir an Stelle der LED ein passendes Relais nehmen und dieses dann über eine Website, welche der Pico W hostet ein- und Ausschalten können.
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Achtet bitte darauf die erforderlichen Sicherheitsvorkehrungen zu treffen und natürlich immer alles auf eigene Verantwortung, wenn ihr das nachbauen möchtet. Schließlich geht es darum hier mit Strom zu hantieren! Nehmen wir also eine Ader des Kabels einer Lampe und führen Sie an den entsprechenden Anschlüssen durch das Relais können wir den Stromkreislauf mit der Schaltung des Relais öffnen und schließen. Also auf diesem Weg ein- und ausschalten.
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Schauen wir kurz mal was uns das kostet. Ein Einzelrelais bekommen wir für ca. 6-7 Euro, den Pico W je nach Lieferant auch so in dem Preis um die 7 Euro. Wir werden dafür im Prinzip etwa 2 Stunden brauchen und müssen ggf. auf dem Pico W noch PIN-Leisten verlöten. Eine Website können wir uns ggf. zudem noch bauen um mehrere Pico W anzeigen zu können. Ich habe dazu eine Google Site genommen. Es gibt aber sicher auch für Leute mit etwas tieferen html-Kenntnissen noch schönere Möglichkeiten.
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Weil wir hier mit Strom hantieren, sollten wir ggf. dem Pico W mit dem Relais noch ein Gehäuse verpassen. Dazu habe ich mein Tinkercad herangezogen und könnte mir nun ein Gehäuse mit dem 3D Drucker drucken. Somit haben wir dann wenigstens keinen offenen Kabelsalat.
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In meinem Entwurf habe ich zwei Löcher für den Reset-Knopf des Pico W gelassen und für die Sichtbarkeit der Onboard LED. Die zeigt in meinem Code an wenn sich der Pico mit dem WLAN verbindet bzw. verbunden hat. Der Pico selbst benötigt über ein USB.Kabel Strom und muss demnach nicht mehr an einem Computer angeschlossen bleiben.
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Natrülich muss dann der Anschluss zum Pico W und auf der anderen Seite zum Relais zugänglich sein. Je nach Bedarf könnte man noch die Grundblatte vergrößern und dort Löcher für eine Schraubmontage vorsehen. In Tinkercad findet Ihr meine 3D Druck Vorlage. Auch diese könnt ihr frei verwenden und nach euren Wünschen anpassen.
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Es kann sein, dass Ihr ohnehin noch Anpassungen vornehmen müsst, weil ihr ggf. einen anderen relais Typ verwendet. Eventuell hat dieser eine Trägeplatte mit Löchern, wie auch beim Pico und Ihr möchtet diese für die Montage nutzen und entsprechende Pins bzw. Stümpfe einbauen. Eine andere Überlegung wäre auch noch für eurer Strom- bzw. Lampenkabel einen kleinen Schacht oder eine Führung hinzuzufügen.
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Würde mich freuen, wenn ich euch eine gute Anregung für eure nächstes Projekt geben konnte und wünsche euch viel Spaß damit. Ferner würde ich mich freuen, wenn Ihr mit ein like oder Abo (ggf. auf Twitter: https://twitter.com/STSKANTA) dalasst.
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hellishgayliath · 9 months
Does Picos ability to communicate with animals ever come in handy in a situation? Maybe while caring for the dogs, or possibly during the invasion (while there were still animals around) he could use them as scouts or something for info?
It seems like such an interesting ability with a lot of broad potential. You also mention how it's a curse though too, how so? Would they be able to hear animals hurt? or just overhear some really cursed deranged conversation between two pigeons type of thing lol
Love looking through all the art of them and reading all the info, he's such a well-fleshed-out character, so interesting!!! :')
I've been debating how I wanted to answer this so I think it'd be better to break it into segments.
Does Pico's ability to communicate with animals ever come in handy in a situation?
Yes actually! If there's ever a problem happening with one of the pups ex: coming down with a cold, upset stomach, stuck in a hard to get out of spot, injury, etc he's usually the first to know or to hear about it from the other dogs and can act accordingly more quickly, same also goes for any injured animals in the woods. Another perk is being able to tell if there are poachers in the area, whether he hears it from the birds or squirrels or any critter that happens to spot them and run em out of the forest. I'm kinda debating whether this ability also extends to yokai/mutated related pets, sooooo I would like to think so too. Another perk tho is finding out all the hot gossip amongst the woodland life lol.
You also mention how it's a curse though too, how so?
Two words.
Mating season.
To other people it's just your typical animal calls and sounds la di da, but to Pico it's hell. He hears everything. He knows what's going on and he hates it. He's able to hear animals when they're talking about him behind his back, any constant nagging if one's trying to get his attention, the endless chatter if he's trying to sleep etc. I think it'd get overwhelming sometimes, all these individual voices that only he ( and Todd I believe) can hear all going on at the same time, it's not fun. He also has beef with a raccoon.
Possibly during the invasion (while there were still animals around) he could use them as scouts or something for info?
I'd like to think most animals that were tethered to the ground (land animals) didn't have a high chance of making it due to the kraang like goo that would take over individuals in mere seconds it touched (sadly that includes the dogs :c ) so birds were the ones that came more out on top cuz they were able to avoid it more easily. They'd help do aerial surveillance, taking note of what routes were safe to traverse, spot any labor camps the kraang were commandeering and relay messages back n forth to plan a rescue. It's a very useful ability to have on hand.
Love looking through all the art of them and reading all the info, he's such a well-fleshed-out character, so interesting!!! :')
THANK YOU THAT MEANS SO MUCH TO MEEE!! :DDDDD It's been a while since I've been able to build up a character like I have with him so it makes me so giddy and gleeful when other people feel the same way, it's a lot of fun!!! <333
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atlasnolan · 3 months
closed for: @sunbcthe
where: near the beachside burrito booth
Twice already Atlas has had to make himself walk by the booth Aspen was working, with a reminder that he shouldn't be a distraction while she was working.
( Even if he did think volunteering should come with more breaks to entertain him. )
When he saw a different volunteer take over, he seized the opportunity, waving his hand near where she stood to get her attention to relay the curious sighting he's had.
"Finally, you done slinging pico de gallo?" He doesn't give her a chance to tell him otherwise, adding quickly what he actually wanted to draw focus to.
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"Saw someone wandering around, bit too tall, bit too brazen for a dude who did all that. Did you see him?"
He's certain if she has she would know who he's alluding to, but he would let her lead them both to Archie as an answer before he drops it in her lap.
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ask-the-kitty-crew · 1 year
Based on @rainbow-neko-artblog s au:
Ex souls Shelby:
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(Basically her back story is like this:
In a fit of rage,daddy dearest murders all three of the boyfriends,like in the original AU GF had planned to absorb thier souls so they could still be with her,but her father held her back,seeing only one option Shelby reached out and absorbed the souls of her brothers before they faded..
Shelby hardly eats or sleeps,most of the time having to listen to the boyfriends bicker with each other and complain,they usually have to point out that she needs rest and food to live,she still gets along with pico and GF and still takes care of her kittys but is mostly perfered to be alone,thinking she has to do everything alone,and that she can’t relay on anyone.)
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Stupid thought
R1 Lack 3d printing enclosure has
- the 16A switch from the back of the printer (to control ac to the power supply)
- three 10A switches (DC to printer logic board, lights, air filter)
There at least WAS an octoprint plugin, Octorelay, that was built around software control of such things, given proper supporting hardware
But I'd still want my switches
Which, by my research, would mean 4 momentary switches, and 4 locking relays.. which require at least 2 normal relays each. And more electronics then I'm comfortable with at the moment. And that doesn't cover an off-only signal from the control computer... gpio via USB, maybe.
OR. Or. I could wire everything up to a raspberry pi pico. The 4 momentary switches, 4 standard relays. 30A ones, even if the 10A components have been fine so far. Program the pico to respond to both switches and act as the proper type of usb device to send my gpio signals. Hmm.
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nyagrounds · 1 month
finally got off my ass and finished chapter 2. had half of this in my drafts since a year ago but BOY pico dialogue is hard to write for some reason
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logsunu · 8 months
Tentang bimbingan tugas akhir/seminar tahun ini.
Tulisan ini saya sampaikan hanya untuk mahasiswa saya, jika bisa diambil manfaatnya oleh yang lain saya akan lebih bersyukur.
Berdasarkan pengalaman pembimbingan dan pengujian, maka untuk tahun ini ada beberapa pengaturan jika seandainya ada mahasiswa berniat mengambil saya sebagai calon pembimbing tugas akhir/skripsinya.
Memahami dasar-dasar dan syntax pemrograman Arduino. Sekalipun proyek akhir (TA/skripsi) yang akan diambil tidak menggunakan mikrokontoler apa pun, calon bimbingan tetap perlu memahami dasar pemrograman sebagai latihan logika. Kecuali untuk mahasiswa D3, maka pemahaman akan diperiksa saat menyerahkan bakal proposal. Hal ini karena berdasarkan jadwal, mahasiswa D3 belum mendapatkan kuliah mikroprosesor. Sehingga perlu belajar singkat secar otodidak.
Menguasai dengan cukup baik penggunaan LTspice. Umumnya TA/skripsi rancang bangun masih mempergunakan komponen, karena itu kemampuan simulasi masih diperlukan. Selain itu kemampuan untuk mengoperasikan LTspice bisa menjadi indikator awal keseriusan belajar.
Punya pemahaman dasar mengenai bidang yang akan dibahas. Sekalipun belum mengerjakan tugas akhir/skripsi, mahasiswa sudah harus cukup banyak membaca dan menyimak audiovisual mengenai topik yang akan diajukan. Ini untuk menghindari mahasiswa yang asal-asalan mengajukan topik/judul dan sama sekali tidak mengerti dasar-dasar topik/judul yang akan dibahas.
Bisa menyelesaikan proposal tugas akhir/skripsi sebelum disetujui untuk dibimbing. Berbeda dari tahun sebelumnya, tahun ini saya hanya akan bersedia sebagai calon pembimbing jika mahasiswa secara resmi sudah menyelesaikan proposalnya.
Nilai ELDA yang cukup baik untuk mahasiswa S1. Khusus untuk mahasiswa S1, karena sudah mengikuti ELDA I dan ELDA II maka nilainya harus cukup baik. Apa pun bidang/topik/judul yang akan diambil, termasuk jika tidak mengambil bahasan dalam bidang ELDA. Karena nilai ELDA adalah salah satu indikator keseriusan mahasiswa yang bersangkutan.
Perlu saya ingatkan bahwa tugas akhir/skripsi adalah pekerjaan mandiri oleh mahasiswa. Tugas dosen pembimbing adalah untuk membantu mengarahkan dan memotivasi. Maka jangan mengambil bidang yang tidak Anda minati dan masalah/judul yang benar-benar belum Anda mengerti bahkan di semester 5 (atau semester 7). Mahasiswa perlu mampu memperikirakan batas kemampuannya sendiri.
Bidang-bidang yang bersedia saya bimbing adalah elektronika daya, embedded system, IoT. Salah satu contoh per bagian komponennya adalah sistem yang menggunakan transistor (BJT & MOSFET), IGBT, diode, SCR, TRIAC, relay, SSR, mikrokontroler (Aduino , ESP8266, ESP32, Raspberry Pico), Raspberry Pi. Penggunaan komponen-komponen tersebut dalam sistem yang dirancang, diserahkan kepada mahasiswa. Permasalahan yang hendak diselesaikan melalui tugas akhir/skripsi diserahkan kepada kreativitas mahasiswa dan kemampuannya.
Bagi yang memang akan mengajukan saya sebagai pembimbing, segera menemui saya di Lab ELDA. Tahun ini, jika pun nanti menjadi pembimbing satu, saya tidak mampu untuk membimbing banyak mahasiswa. Jumlahnya akan jauh di bawah batas maksimal bimbingan. Jika saya tidak menjadi pembimbing satu, biasanya tetap akan menjadi pembimbing yaitu pembimbing dua.
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ozrobotics · 1 year
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captainconvey · 1 year
Biden regime, pentagon, and fake media has lied about china spy balloons.
Suspicious Cat Knows China Spy Balloons are a Biden Regime distraction to hide the fact the biden regime blew up the Nord pipeline, biden secret docs found everywhere and inflation going through the roof.
U.S. house of representatives is investigating biden and hunter biden.
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A mystery object shot down by U.S. fighter jets amid ongoing hysteria sparked by a Chinese spy balloon was a $12 inflatable launched by a hobby group in Illinois.
A mystery object shot down by U.S. fighter jets amid ongoing hysteria sparked by a Chinese spy balloon may have been a $12 inflatable launched by a hobby group in Illinois.
The Northern Illinois Bottlecap Balloon Brigade (NIBBB) reported one of its balloons 'missing in action' around the same location - and at the time time - a U.S. Air Force jet downed an unidentified object near Alaska using a $400,000 Sidewinder missile.
NIBBB said its 'K9YO' balloon last reported its location shortly before 1am GMT on Saturday, February 11 (8pm EST on February 10), near the coast of southwest Alaska.
The Bottlecap balloon brigade had already gone around the earth 6 times before the military lied and actually shot down a balloon launched from northern illinois on Feb 11, 2023.
Pentagon used a $400,000.00 missile to shoot down a https://nibbb.org/ Northern Illinois Bottlecap Balloon Brigade - balloon.
Pico Ballooning is a part of Amateur Radio also known as Ham Radio or Hams. We’re licensed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) allowing us to communicate to other Hams throughout the World.
Pico meaning small, we send a small transmitter, with GPS tracking and antenna on a balloon filled with Hydrogen, rising to 47,000 feet, and travelling with the speed of the Jetstream.
As we travel, our GPS is able to locate our current location, and other information is gathered depending on what chips we have on our transmitter while using other programs to gather other inflight information.
Other Hams can receive our signal and are reported on a computer using WSPR (Weak Signal Propagation Reporting) from anywhere through the internet. Our total package of transmitter, antenna, and balloon weigh less than an ounce, that is really small.
Here is the cylinder shaped object the military says it shot down.
The object shot down by a a U.S. Air Force F-22 fighter jet over Mayo, Yukon, was variously described by officials in Canada and the U.S. as a 'cylindrical', metallic balloon with a payload.
Balloons used by hobby groups like NIBBB often fit the same description.
They are usually attached with a small, solar-powered payload that transmits location data back to listening posts on the ground. Typically, these payloads are no larger than a credit card.
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Far from posing a military or surveillance threat, the 'pico balloons' launched by hobby groups like NIBBB often do little more than relay location data - or, in some cases, information about the weather. 
They float around until they're damaged or brought down by bad weather. K9YO was airborne for 123 days and 18 hours before it stopped reporting its location.
In that time, it circumnavigated the globe six times.
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Our Pico Balloons can be tracked on our website tab, “Locate and Track“.
Pico Balloon Groups.
Captain Convey Balloon Note
I blew up the title like a balloon. :)
There are private balloons floating around in addition to china spy balloons.
For those of you in Reo Linda, as Rush Limbaugh use to say. a pico balloon is not a china spy ballon but only a ham radio hobby balloon.
The biden regime is trying to make you think they don't know what was shot down using a $400,000 missle.
The balloon shut down over Canada was a pico balloon launched by a ham radio balloon club that had been around the world 6 times before the U.S. military took it out on Feb 11, 2023.
All the news is FAKE news about balloons or UFO's etc.
China Spy Ballons are a Biden Regime distraction to hide the fact the biden regime blew up the Nord pipeline, biden secret docs found everywhere and inflation going through the roof.
The U.S. house of representatives is investigating biden and hunter biden.
The biden regime wants your attention on balloons instead of his regime's criminal activity!
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Raspberry Pi Pico W based home automation #raspberry #raspberrypipico #pipico #picow #electronics #engneering #electronicsprojects #electronicslover #relay #led #automation #homeautomationsystem #homeautomation https://www.instagram.com/p/Coe_OXSvWj-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kirtipiyush · 1 year
PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)
PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)
  PLC (programmable logic controller) is a digital electronic device used in industrial automation. PLC is used in manufacturing control systems where cost of maintaining and developing automation systems is high, assembly lines, safety control and where you require automation in factories. Physically if we see it  is the interface between input and output devices. Dick Morley was the fastest of PLC who invented first Modicon plc .Before invention of PLC hardwired connections were done and there were lots of wiring connections which were difficult to troubleshoot.   Initially PLC worked like smart relays and one by one evolution took place and nowadays from a days from small process to a very complicated process we can use plc for simple automation to very complicated factory automation nowadays use PLC controllers for automation. Siemens, ABB, AB, Delta, Mitsubishi, Omron these are leading brands of PLC. IPCS Global Pune provides the training on these all PLC modules with maximum hands-on knowledge . Types of PLC Depending on I/O handling capacity they are classified as small ,large and very large plc. Plc are again classified as compact plc and modular plc. Compact PLC - Inbuilt fix number of input mostly binary, power supply , processor. It can be expanded. Modular PLC: Separate power supply, processor, I/O. It has a large number of i/o choices. Programming languages of PLC PLC programming is done  in ladder language ,function block diagram , instruction list, structure text, sequential flow chart. Manufacturers of PLC Allen Bradely, Siemens, ABB, Honeywell, Delta, Hitachi. Schneider Electric Different PLC modules in Siemens and AB PLC ? Siemens PLC family there are  Logo plc - Logo soft software ,S7-200 - Microwin , s7-300/ s7-400 - Siematic manager , s7-1200 and 1500 series - TIA portal. Initially different software with different controllers were used,  But nowadays TIA portal totally integrated automation is for the whole package where we can find plc, scada , him, drives. Similar AB plc there are Pico plc - Pico soft, Micro 800 CCW(connected component workbench), Micrologix/  SLC -RSlogic 500, PLC - RSlogic , compact logic/ control logic/ Flex logic - RSlogic 5000 . Another advanced software is Studio 5000. Hardware parts of PLC includes Power supply, Bus system, CPU, Input module , Output module, Rack and Rail, communication port, Display unit. CPU: It is a microcontroller based circuit. It consists of ALU, memory, internal timer and counter , flags, and process image memory. CPU performs the function like scanning, i/o bus traffic control, self diagnostics and communication. The brain of the whole PLC is CPU module .Manufacturers offer different modules of plc as per need of the system. Input module: it acts as a link between input devices and CPU. There is a digital input module and analog input module. Example of input devices:- Relay contact, motor starter contact, thumbwheel switches, Photoelectric sensor. Examples of digital inputs are pushbutton ,limit switches, proximity sensors, selector switches etc. When input condition is true it passes 24 vdc or 230/110v ac supply to the controller and when it is false or off ,it will pass 0 v supply. Analog inputs continuously provide the field condition to the controller for e.g. temp is 37.8 f. Output module: it is the link between output devices and CPU.Input devices connected with plc can be digital as well as analog. Example of output devices :- Alarms, Lights, Horns , Valve, Fans ,Solenoid. Bus system - There is control ,address, data bus system. Address of input file ,output file and other files like timer/counter/control register is given by the address bus system. Data bus system all data to plc modules from different modules connect to it. Control bus system mainly synchronised all data at one speed for uploading and downloading. Rack(rail) It is the platform on which all modules are mounted. Again the rack is of 4 ,7,10,13 slots . Uploading and downloading of PLC Downloading means you have developed a program and  then it is given  to the controller. Uploading means you are taking data or a program from the plc controller to your system . Protocols uses in PLC Protocols are the set of instructions used for communication purposes when placed in a network RS232, DH485, Ethernet, profibus, MPI, Profinet, Control net, Device net, USB there are some examples. Applications of PLC in different sectors 1) PLC in coal mining :- In coal mines there are many hazardous gases, gas poisonings. Mine are mostly recognized hazardous areas where accidents take place due to roof fall, gas and dust explosion. By using the PLC system, underground miners' lives can be saved. The safety system is driven by plc and with its features like alarm system, gas monitoring system it takes real time decisions to overcome the problems. 2) Food industry:- It is used in food processing, packaging ,and labelling systems. Hygiene is most impotent in the food system for this plc is used. Dairy products, Beverages, ready to use products, edible oil industry plc are used. 3) Water treatment:- The process like sedimentation, chlorination, oxidation, grit removal are done with the help of plc. 4) Wind turbine monitoring system:- To reduce the maintained cost and improve turbine performance. 5) Building management system :- Internal and external light control, fire detection, alarm system, security system, water level monitoring, protection of devices after power failure,car parking. Future scope of PLC To fulfil customer requirements day to day new technology is invented and new technology changes are done in plc hardware and software. Higher level of automation on the factory floor. IPCS Global Pune provides PLC training based on Industrial requirement along with Python course in Pune, Data science course in pune, Data analytics courses pune, Machine learning courses in pune, Full stack developer course in Pune. So get trained from IPCS Global Pune and make your career in Industrial automation domain as application engineer, service engineer, PLC programmer. For more details visit our website - https://ipcsglobal.com/ipcs-global-pune/
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techcree · 1 year
Lebensader Wasser und das wird knapp
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Eigentlich sollte man annehmen, dass sowas garnicht passieren kann. Aber in gewisser Weise ist es so. Wasser ist knapp. Was also können wir machen?
Warum Wasser nicht wirklich kanpp werden kann liegt darin begründet, dass wir das Glück haben auf einem Planeten mit einer Atmosphäre zu leben. Beim Mars ist das anders, denn der war schon vor lager Zeit quasi von Inkontinenz betroffen. Er konnte das Wasser nicht halten. So stellen wir uns das zwar laienhaft vor, doch so richtig ist auch dass nicht, denn das Wasser verschwindet ja nicht ins Weltall und schwebt dann dort irgendwie herum. Im Prinzip muss es auf jedem Planeten wo es einmal Wasser gegeben haben auch noch Wasser geben. Ein Prozess, den es übrigens auch auf der Erde gibt ist die chemische Verwitterung. Forscher nehmen also an, dass das Wasser Gestein angegriffen hat und Elemente herausgelöst hat. Wenn das Material erstarrt bzw. fest wird, so ist das Wasser in kleinsten elementaren Bausteinen darin eingeschlossen.
Aber konzentrieren wir uns einmal nicht darauf was vor millionen von Jahren auf dem Mars passiert sein mag. Bleiben wir einmal im jetzt und heute und schauen uns an, wie jeder Einzelne von uns etwas tun kann. Wir haben uns in der Vergangenheit mit dem Raspberry Pi Pico als SmartHome Helfer befasst. Durch entsprechende Programmierung können wir damit auch Strom sparen. Doch gehen wir einen Schritt weiter und überlegen uns einmal wie wir einen Pico beispielsweise auch einsetzen könnten um auch Wasser zu sparen.
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Bild zeigt einen Raspberry Pi Pico mit einem Relais zur Schaltung von Stromverbrauchern.
Jeder von uns kann aktuell einen Beitrag leisten eben nicht nur Strom, sondern auch Wasser zu sparen bzw. auch an vielen Stellen verantwortungsvoller mit Wasser umzugehen. Da kann uns ein wenig Technik bereits helfen, denn da wäre ein Wasserdurchflussbegrenzer schon eine kleine preiswerte Sache, die bereits bis zu 80% des Wasserverbrauchs zu senken helfen. Da wir aber Technik-Freaks sind, wollen wir auch hier den Raspberry Pi Pico zum Einsatz bringen. Nochmal! Erstens ist der Pico in der Variante Pico W auch WLAN fähig. Wir erreichen ihn also auch innerhalb des WLANs über die ihm dort vom Router zugewiesene IP Adresse. Somit können wir eine Website vom Pico aus zur Verfügung stellen um Schaltungen vorzunehmen.
Wir können den Pico durch die Verbindung zum Internet aber auch mit der aktuellen Uhrzeit aus dem Web versorgen und jetzt wird es konkret auch für unser Projekt interessant. Wir müssten es also hinbekommen den Pico dazu zu bringen zu bestimmten festgelegten Zeiten Schaltungen vorzunehmen. Was wir brauchen ist dann ein Gerät zur Steuerung der Bewässerung, um bspw. den Rasen und die Pflanzen zu bewässern. Mit dem Pico brauchen wir ein solches Gerät dann entsprechend unseren Wünschen ja nur mit Strom zu versorgen und damit zu schalten.
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Natürlich werdet ihr sagen, dass gibt es doch, solche Systeme kann man kaufen. Wir werden aber nun auch unter Beweis zu stellen haben, dass die Lösung mit unserem Pico nicht nur viel günstiger, sondern auch flexibler, also besser ist. Wir gewinnen zudem mit dieser Lösung ein paar Daten. Wenn wir wissen wie hoch der Durchlauf von Wasser pro Minute bei bspw. einer Pumpe ist, lässt sich der Wasserverbrauch errechnen. Je nach dem wie wir dann mit dem ergebnis der Bewässerung zufrieden sind können wir den Verbrauch anpassen.
Von der Idee her sammeln wir das Wasser vom Regen in einem großen Fass bzw. Auffangbehälter und setzen eine Tauchpumpe ein. An die schließen wir unser Bewässerungssystem bzw. den Schlauch mit dem Rasensprenger an. Die Stromversorgung der tauchpumpe nehmen wir von einer Steckdose die wir über das Relais des Picos anschließen.
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Bild zeigt das Beispiel einer solchen Tauchpumpe, hier bspw. ein Set von Bosch, Bildquelle Produktseite Bosch.
Da wir hier Produkte bestimmter Herstellers nennen, noch der Hinweis, dass der Beitrag unbezahlte und kostenlose Werbung enthält.
Den Ansatz haben bereits einige schon verfolgt und es gibt übrigens auch Produkte auf der Basis des Raspberry Pi 2040 Chipsystem mit der man die Bewässerung von Pflanzen überwachen und steuern kann. Dazu bietet bspw. auch Pimoroni eine Lösung an. Vermutlich wird es daher für euch einfach sein schon Python/Micropython Code zu finden, den ihr nur noch an eure Bedürfnisse anpassen müsst. Auf der Website von Pimoroni schaut euch einmal die Lösung Automation 2040W Mini an.
An dieser Stelle soll es das erstman gewesen sein. Hoffentlich konnte ich euch ein paar Anregungen für eurer nächstes Projekt geben, welches euch dabei unterstützen kann Wasser einzusparen oder mit der Unterstützung von ein wenig technik cleverer einzusetzen. Es sei jetzt nur noch angemerkt, dass ihr den Pico und alle elektronischen Bauteile natürlich in ein Wasserdichtes Gehäuse packen müsst wenn es im Außenbereich zum Einsatz kommen wird. Und bitte immer vorsichtig im Umgang mit Strom! Wer nicht über die nötigen Kenntnisse verfügt, der möge sich in jdem Fall Unterstützung vom Fachmann holen.
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achitka · 1 year
Doors (Chapter 27) Into the Woods
Chapter 26: Into the Woods (Part 2)
I like Camilo such a fun character to write.
Into the Woods
Camilo edged out of the dining room through the kitchen and took the stairs two at a time up to his brother’s room. He didn’t knock but slipped inside to be greeted by Chipsi and her new set of pups.
“Hey, Chipsi, is Antonio up?” he asked the capybara. Chipsi blinked at him slowly then quite suddenly let loose a loud trilling chirp and a bark. This was echoed, probably by Pico and shortly after that Antonio appeared in front of him on Parce.
“Hey, Camilo.”
“Hey, hermano, nice relay system you got here.”
“Yeah then people don’t have to yell,” Antonio said as he climbed down from the jaguar.
“I got kind of a favor to ask,” Camilo said and shrunk himself down to his brother’s size, “Can I…borrow Parce?”
The jaguar chuffed and Antonio eyes went wide, and he asked, “Is it because egalida, I mean Mirabel wants to go into the forest?”
“I am not gonna ask how you know that, but kinda…”
“It would be better if I came too.”
“Probably but Pa would kill me, and I don’t want to think what Mamí would do.” Antonio pursed his lips, and Camilo could see that this reason was not going to be enough, so he added, “Truth is, Toni, we don’t know what we’re getting into out there. Dolores says there are people out there that could hurt us, and those people have a camp of some sort up in the mountains. Don’t know how many there are and don’t know which direction to start looking. I’m not saying this to frighten you, little brother, cause I know how brave you are. I’m telling you what I know so you can make a better decision. Never liked it when people would withhold information that’s important.”
Antonio nodded and Parce nudged him as he let out a low growl and Antonio looked at the jaguar. Nadia had flown down as well and screed gently. The two appeared to be in agreement with him as now Antonio’s arms were crossed, and he said, “I wish I were bigger.” Camilo relaxed, just a little as Antonio sighed and said, “Parce says he’ll go cause he can follow trail, and Nadia says the night birds will head out to the forest too.” An owl drifted down and landed in front of Parce, looked up at Antonio and hooted at him. “Good idea, Tina,” Antonio said, and the little owl hopped up landing on Camilo’s shoulder. “Tina said she’ll go too. She has really sharp night eyes and hears good too. So, once she knows what way, she’ll go look for the camp. Take this too,” he said as he reached into his pocket and handed him his aid tin.
Camilo blinked and again was impressed by his little brother’s thoughtfulness, and not just in using his Gift. He was just a touch jealous of his little brother in that moment, since he knew he would never have been that in control. He shifted back to his normal size knelt down and said quite seriously, “I wish you were bigger too. But this will help a lot. Thanks, Toni.”
“Yeah…just make sure you pay attention to them,” Antonio said in a way that made Camilo think his brother really didn’t think he would.
“I got it, Toni,” Camilo said and patted his shoulder, “I’ll make sure to pay attention.”
Antonio nodded, frown still evident on his face. Chipsi moved up and let out a soft chirp. Her pups surrounded Antonio then and Camilo was glad to see the smile creep back on his brother’s face as the pups romped around him. Chipsi turned back for a moment and chirped at him. Clearly dismissed, Camilo, Tina and Parce went into the hallway in time to see Dolores heading up the stairs to the tower. She turned as he started toward her. She raised an eyebrow and then he saw Isabela’s face appear behind her.
“Wow, good thinking primo,” was all Isa said before turning to go back up the stairs. Camilo’s whole relationship with his prima had been about her relationship with Mariano Guzman. Well, that was done with and now that guy was going to be his cuñado? Seriously Dolores? Just no accounting for taste. He shouldn’t complain, his sister was actually, finally happy about the future. Dolores came over to him and Parce came to a halt waiting. Dolores just waived at the animals and Camilo said, “Antonio has decided to stay behind but says the animals want to join in the search.”
“How did you know that? You wandered off before Papí could even tell us that.”
Camilo rolled his eyes and asked, “Does that actually matter?”
“No, I was just curious. Parce I understand but what about this one?” she asked, pointing to the owl on his shoulder. The owl turned its head and so did Dolores.
“Her name is Tina, and she wants to know what direction the men you heard were going. Antonio says she’s going to see if she can locate the camp.”
“Oh, that is helpful, only thing is I’m not sure what my range is anymore,” Dolores said and paused for a moment then pointed. “Tina, I think there may be a waterfall nearby, but I can’t be sure. Be careful.” The owl hooted as it bobbed its head once then took off in the direction she indicated. As they started toward the stairs, Camilo realized he hadn’t been up here since before Tío Bruno left when he was five. Since it had always been off limits, it never occurred to him to come up here once they moved back in. The door at the top stood open and he noted the only furniture was a long table with some chairs. It was brightly lit, and they came over to the table as Mirabel, Luisa, and her Tío Agustín were coming down the stairs. Tío Bruno was off with his sisters, his father was holding up the vision tablet to the light as Tío pointed at something off in the corner.
Abuela was sitting at the table, leafing through the sketches, next to her was Isabela. Isa was trying to studiously ignore her, but occasionally she would look over when Abuela would point at something and ask her a question. Abuela looked around and noticed everyone was there, so she stood up and called everyone came to the table. Isa used that distraction to join Dolores and Parce just laid beneath the table and closed his eyes. He was disinterested at best.
His father came over then and asked, “Where’s Toni?”
“In his room coordinating with Nadia,” While that was not specifically untrue, Camilo did not want to say that he’d actually talked his brother into not coming, so he added, “He sent Parce in case we needed to track.”
His father looked skeptical but since Antonio’s gift was so new, he did not question it further. He nodded and seemed to be waiting for more, and Camilo felt relief when Tío Bruno cleared his throat and said, “Before anyone heads out there are some things that need clarification.” Bruno took the sketches then and began to lay them out on the table. He walked around the table placing each in what appeared to be a very specific order with the vision tablet at the very end. “Now, I want you to look at them again in the order I’ve laid them out. Starting here,” he said and pointed to the one furthest from the vision tablet.
Camilo along with the rest of the family began the slow process of looking at each one in the order his Tío indicated. What the sketches, in Bruno’s ‘corrected’ order showed was not what they expected to see. They’d all heard the rumors from the newcomers that children as young as seven were being taken. Taken to camps to turn them into soldiers, slaves or worse.
“Now what?” Mirabel asked.
“I think,” Bruno said cautiously, “we’ll need to find the people in the camp first. Find out who they are and hopefully figure out why they are pursuing these women. Or split up and find them both at the same time.”
“I don’t like the idea of any of you going off to confront these people, but I do see the need,” Abuela said, “these children are clearly caught in the middle of whatever is happening. Mirabel, you mentioned you had an idea that might work.”
All eyes shifted to his prima and though she looked nervous, she nodded. Luisa put a hand on her shoulder. Mirabel seemed to untense a little and she said, “I went to my room to check to see if there were any random lights showing up on depiction of the Casita, or rather behind it. And there were, but only one group and they are pretty dim. Probably the women and kids Dolores heard.” She paused and looked at her prima saying, “Dolores, since we can see those lights, maybe you can help label which ones are Doris and Inez?”
Dolores nodded. Camilo was not aware that his sister had found a new use for her Gift, but it made some sense of the confusing talk during supper.
“Antonio had me send out an owl to see if she could locate the other camp,” Camilo said, “Parce is here too.” Upon hearing his name, the jaguar got up and moved closer to Camilo. “Antonio let me borrow him for this.”
Mirabel raised an eyebrow and nodded. It did not appear that she’d considered using Antonio’s Gift up until that point. She tapped the table with her fingertips, as she adjusted whatever it was she’d already planned and for a moment she closed her eyes and frowned. She looked up again and asked, “Are you thinking you should go with Parce instead of Toni?
“Do you really think we should involve him?” Camilo asked.
“I think we would be wrong to not include him,” Mirabel adjusted her glasses and said, “I agree that we shouldn’t send Parce out on his own. Whether it’s you that goes or Toni, it’s still his Gift we are relying on. He deserves to know what we’re doing with his friends.”
“Just like that, you’re gonna put him to work? You can’t just let him be a kid?” Camilo said harshly. His tone was sharper and more accusatory than he intended since his anger was more aimed at Abuela than his prima, but Mirabel didn’t know that. He glanced over to Abuela. She was standing off to the side near Bruno, who had a hand on her shoulder. His Tío didn’t look angry, just concerned but Camilo wasn’t sure if it was for Mirabel or for him. He wondered how many conversations like this he’d had with Abuela, only she was his mother. Camilo wasn’t so sure he’d be able to speak up if was his mother. Still the questions he’d asked were valid as far as he was concerned. He was looking out for his little brother. He glanced around and saw the concern brewing on some of the adult’s faces, this irked him enough that he ignored it.
He looked back at and saw the hurt in Mira’s face, She hadn’t actually said she would send Toni, but she did not say she wouldn’t either. In the past this would be enough to make his prima stomp off. Instead, she looked at all the information spread out on the table, then at him. He wouldn’t call what he saw in her expression anger so much as frustration because he knew she could be just as stubborn as him.
“You’re the one that brought Parce here, Camilo,” Mirabel said sounding just a little angry.
“Yeah, so you wouldn’t-” he stopped when Casita bounced the floor beneath him. “Really?” he asked her as the floor bounced again.
Mirabel sighed and said, “Casita, please don’t do that.” There was a short clatter near the door and Mirabel rolled her eyes. She was only a few feet away and came over to him and said, “Sorry, I keep forgetting…But seriously Camilo if you thought I wasn’t listening to you, I am. This got complicated really fast and the worst part is we can’t hide from this. That’s why we’re all here because none of us can do this alone. Dolores can hear them, but she can’t see them. Those people will land on our doorstep sooner or later so if you have a better idea, then just tell me.”
Camilo did not, he was hoping Mirabel would come up with something. She always seemed to be thinking of the next thing. Luisa, who was standing nearby cleared her throat and said, “Guys? What if when whoever goes, goes and Dolores talks to them the way she spoke to Mariano earlier. You said there were lights. What’s to stop us from using them to keep track of whoever goes out there?”
Surprised, Mirabel turned back to her sister and grabbed her hands saying, “Oh my gosh, Luisa, you’re a genius,” she turned back to Camilo and asked, “Well?”
Dolores and Isabela were watching him closely from near their parents. In fact, he realized, everyone was watching him. His mother and father, Tía and Tíos…waiting. While it did surprise him that none of the adults, especially Abuela were butting in as they normally would, it made sense since Abuela had put Mirabel in charge of all this. She was the source of the magic now, so they were waiting. Waiting to see if he would agree to Mira’s plan.
Camilo’s eyes scanned the sketches again and he knew Mirabel was right. While she would do her best to minimize Antonio’s exposure to the things happening, his brother would find out and didn’t he just tell him that he didn’t like it when people withheld needed information? And as if he’d not just said the things he said, Camilo put up his hands and said, “So are we setting off outside or upstairs?”
Mirabel’s appreciative smile made him smile as she said, “Outside, since we have no idea where that path upstairs leads.”
Tío Bruno began collecting the sketches, keeping them in the order he laid them down in, but he was moving rather stiffly. This made Camilo wonder why but he couldn’t ask him at the moment as Bruno was surrounded by his sisters and their husbands. Luisa came over then and Camilo said, “Thanks, prima, kinda talked myself into a hole.”
“No worries, Camilo,” Luisa said, “She probably would have remembered that on her own, but she was getting flustered, and I didn’t want you two to get into a shouting match,” she said as she watched Mirabel leave the tower with Dolores and Isabela, “I’m still in shock that Abuela literally said nothing, just watched the whole time.” She leaned down and whispered, “I’m glad you asked that about Antonio. I wanted to, but…I kinda chickened out,” she said and shrugged.
Camilo nodded and asked, “So, does this mean I’m going to be the Tío Bruno of our generation?”
Luisa smiled and let out a small laugh. “Maybe we can do it together, just without the angry backlash. Mira’s trying so hard to do the right thing, you know? I mean at least now we can talk through this kind of stuff.”
“Yeah, there is that.” Camilo said and jumped when he heard his sister’s voice right next to him say, (Milo, can you hear me?)
“Yeah…this is really weird, Sis.”
(Welcome to my world hermanito.)
Luisa was smiling broadly when she saw him jump and asked, “Dolores? Yeah, that kinda freaked me out too. It’s like she’s right next to you.”
Camilo nodded but felt just a little more secure knowing his sister would be right there with him. Tía Julieta and Tío Agustín came up. She handed him a small tin, she let her hand rest on top of it for just a moment and said, “Be careful Milo.” It had his name on like the one Antonio had given him. Then his mother and father came up, and his mother paused as she took a small bracelet with a green colored gem out of her pocket. “For luck, Milo,” she said and pressed it into his hand. Camilo wrapped it around the tin as his father handed him a small knife and also wished him luck. Camilo looked at it, he’d never been one for knives, he had one, but this one was his father’s. His family’s gestures made it settled in that this wasn’t just a game. It was no longer just about helping some random people in the woods. His sister had put names to some of the faces they’d been looking at in all these sketches and Tío Bruno showed them the likelihood that they’d discovered something really bad had increased exponentially.
“You okay, Cam?” It was Mirabel, she was back from her room, looking at all the stuff in his hands.
“Yeah, yeah. I mean it’s not like I’ll be trying to talk to them or anything.”
Mirabel nodded and pulled a rosary out from her pocket. It looked pretty beat up, but she put it over his head, tucked it under his shirt and gave it a pat. “Tío Bruno made this, he gave it to me when Abuela was really sick. I want you to take it with you, you know…”
Camilo nodded. He sat in front of Parce then and thought I know you’re going to tell Antonio what we said. What he was really doing was examining the markings on Parce’s coat. He was originally planning to just make himself smaller. More his brother’s size, but now a little stealth might be in order. He stood and said, “Mira, let me know when whatever I end up wearing matches Parce’s markings.”
“Oh, like the costumes…gotcha.”
This was actually harder to do than just changing his appearance to resemble someone that already existed…This stuff came straight from his brain. First attempt was a complete fail. Second he got the base right, but the jaguar’s rosette pattern was totally messed up. After ten more tries, Camilo sat down. He felt that hungry twinge and wondered if he should just give it up and go as he was.
“I see you’re trying something new with your Gift, Corazón,” His mother said as she sat on the floor next to him. She offered him a sweet cake which Camilo took and took a frustrated bite out of it.
“Sort of, I can see it in my head, like I was doing with the costumes, but” and he pointed to ruana, “it ain’t working.” Camilo was surprised to see he’d finished the bun already.
“Can I make a suggestion?” she asked and handed him another.
“Sure,” he said with a mouthful of sweet cake.
“Have you ever actually touched Parce?”
“Touched him, you know like put your hands on him?”
Camilo looked at the jaguar, who had grown bored and laid back down nearby, “Maybe? I don’t see how that can help.”
“Hear me out, mi vida. You probably think our Gifts are completely different, but even though my weather is a product of my emotions, I can still make it rain whenever I want,” to prove her point a gentle rain started above them, “Trick is I have to feel it.” A gentle wind manifested, and she added, “My weather is never just one thing.”
“Okay, but still not seeing how this will help me.”
His mother waved to the jaguar and Parce came over and sat in front of them. She reached out a hand and moved the Parce’s fur so he could see the undercoat. “You see how it’s not just the one color, but several? You’ve seen the pattern but not the texture of it. Its all these colors together that make him look the way he does. I think that’s what giving you trouble. Not seeing the trees for the forest.”
It was an interesting thought. Camilo had never attempted to make realistic fur before. Just flattened versions on regular cloth because it was easier. He reached out and Parce moved forward to be within reach. Camilo moved the fur in different ways and was surprised how the patterns changed. Something clicked in his head and he thought, maybe it wasn’t as hard as he was thinking. So, Camilo stood up and so did his mother. She handed him one last bun which he ate and then held out his arms.
He made a jump and thought only about…undercoat…
Second jump…base color…
Third jump…jaguar rosettes…
“Oh my gosh, Camilo you did it!” Mirabel said excitedly.
Camilo looked down and was pleased to see the jaguar clothes he’d conjured up.
“Casita, we need a mirror, please,” Mirabel said as she appeared in front of him. “You look amazing, primo.” She spun him around to see himself in the mirror.
“Shut the front door,” he said and reverted back to himself. “I think I get it now, thanks Mamí.”
“You’re welcome, mi vida.”
Camilo focused on all three things at once and shifted. He gently touched his face, there was no fur, but the colors combined to look like fur. Even his hair had spots. The clothing looked and acted like real fur, and he turned to Parce, “Whatcha think, we ready?”
The jaguar chuffed.
“Guess I’ll take that as a yes.” He shifted one last time to a third of his normal size, climbed on Parce. "Kids first?" Mirabel nodded so they started for the door. “Dolores?”
(Waiting on you little brother.)
So out the front door they went.
“Good luck, Camilo!” he heard Isa and Luisa say from the balcony, but he couldn’t respond as Parce picked that moment to take off running and Camilo had to use both hands to stay seated as they entered the woods.
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telodogratis · 2 years
Control temperature and humidity with Raspberry Pi Pico
Control temperature and humidity with Raspberry Pi Pico
Hesam Moshiri (aka MyVanitar) used Raspberry Pi Pico, a digital SHTC3 sensor, and a TFT display to build a temperature and humidity monitor to help you keep an eye on your environment. His version is equipped with relays so the device can control heating and cooling in response to the sensor readings, keeping conditions within The post Control temperature and humidity with Raspberry Pi Pico…
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