#Pakistan On India Latest
alperenlive · 2 years
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Minhâ halaknâkum ve fîhâ nuîdukum ve minhâ nuhricukum târeten uhrâ.
Taha Suresi Mekke döneminde inmiştir ve 135 âyettir.
Sûre, adını birinci âyette yer alan harflerden almıştır.
Sûrede, Allah’ın peygamberler aracılığıyla insanlara gösterdiği doğru yolun temel gerçeklerine işaret edilmekte, Hz.Peygamber teselli edilerek peygamberlik görevini mutlaka en güzel şekilde başaracağı müjdelenip kendisine karşı çıkanların uğrayacağı sonuçlar izah edilmektedir.
Mushaftaki sıralamada yirminci, iniş sırasına göre kırk beşinci sûredir. Meryem sûresinden sonra, Vâkıa sûresinden önce Mekke’de inmiştir. 130 ve 131. âyetlerin Medine’de nâzil olduğuna dair bir rivayet de vardır.Hz. Ömer’in İslâmiyet’i kabul edişiyle ilgili meşhur rivayette Ömer’in, kız kardeşi ve eniştesinin evine baskın yaptığında işittiği ve çok etkilendiği âyetlerin Tâhâ sûresinin âyetleri olduğu ve bu olayın peygamberliğin beşinci yılında cereyan ettiği dikkate alınarak, genellikle Mekke döneminin ortalarına doğru indiği kabul edilir.
Kaynaklarda nüzûlü için belirli bir sebepten söz edilmez. Geldiği dönemin şartları ve sûrenin içeriği, Hz. Peygamber’e ve müminlere teselli verip onların moralini yükseltmeyi amaçladığını göstermektedir.
Hz. Peygamber’in mâneviyatını yükselten ve Allah’ın kudretine dikkat çeken ifadelerle başlanmış, ardından Hz. Mûsâ’nın Firavun’la mücadelesine, Cenâb-ı Hakk’ın İsrâiloğulları’na lutfettiği nimetlere ve onların hatalı tutumlarına geniş bir biçimde yer verilmiştir. Daha sonra Hz. Âdem’in yaratılışına, şeytanın onu ve eşini kandırıp cennetten çıkma­larına sebep oluşuna değinilmiş, inkârcıların karşılaşacakları âkıbet hatırlatılmış ve ebedî mutluluğun Allah’a saygıda kusur etmekten sakınanların olacağı belirtilmiştir.
Hz. Peygamber’den rivayet edilen bir hadiste anlatıldığına göre, Tâhâ ve Yâsîn sûrelerini işiten melekler şöyle demişlerdir: Bun­ların kendilerine gönderileceği ümmete ne mutlu, bunları taşıyan gönül­lere ne mutlu, bunları okuyan dillere ne mutlu!” (Dârimî, “Fezâ­ilü’l-Kur’ân”, 20).
Birçok sûrede olduğu gibi âyetlerinin kısa ve sonlarının secili olması sûrenin okunuşuna apayrı bir mûsiki katmaktadır.
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happybong · 1 year
Context: Indian government has decided to begin weather forecasts for regions under Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) — Gilgit-Baltistan, Muzaffarabad and Mirpur.
After DD and AIR started airing weather forecasts from PoK regions, In return Radio Pakistan also featured updates from Srinagar, Pulwama and Ladakh.
What’s the issue?
The ‘weather war’ — a diplomatic move by India — started after Pakistan’s Supreme Court issued notices to the advocate general of Gilgit-Baltistan in late April, directing them to amend the Gilgit-Baltistan Order-2018 and establish a caretaker government there.
About PoK:
Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK) is that part of the Jammu and Kashmir (India) which was invaded by Pakistan in 1947. The region is referred by the United Nations and other international organizations, as ‘Pakistani-controlled Kashmir’ (or Pakistan Administered Kashmir) and it was re-named as ‘Pakistan occupied Jammu-Kashmir’ by the Modi government.
PoK divided into two parts:
Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK)
Gilgit-Baltistan (referred to as the ‘Northern Areas’ till August 2009).
What is the root of the fight between India and Pakistan?
The fact that PoK is an integral part of India has been our consistent policy ever since 1947.
In 1947, Pakistan’s Pashtoon tribals attacked Jammu and Kashmir.
So to tackle this critical situation the Ruler of that time Maharaja Hari Singh of Jammu and Kashmir sought military assistance from the Indian government and the then Indian Governor General Mountbatten signed an agreement on 26 October 1947 in which three subjects Defense, Foreign Affairs and Communications were handed over to India.
Except these subjects Jammu and Kashmir was free to all its decisions.
On the basis of this accession of treaty, the Government of India claims that India has the full right to interfere in the matters related to Jammu and Kashmir. Pakistan on the other hand doesn’t agree with India.
Why is PoK important?
Because of its location, PoK is of immense strategic importance. It shares borders with several countries – the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province provinces (now called Khyber-Pakhthunkhwa) in Pakistan to the west, the Wakhan Corridor of Afghanistan in the north-west, Xinjiang province of the People’s Republic of China to the north and India’s Jammu and Kashmir to the east.
Challenges for India in PoK region:
Terrorist infiltration through the region is high.
Pakistan has changed the demography of PoK over a period of time.
It has settled ex- servicemen, Punjabi’s and Pathans so the original colours of PoK has changed.
Gilgit Baltistan region is easy as compared to other.
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zaighumdaha · 1 month
22 migrants drown off Turkiye
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Two people were rescued by the Turkish coastguard and another two Read more
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flashmalayalam · 2 months
പാക് അധോലോക നേതാവ് വെടിയേറ്റു മരിച്ചു.
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പാകിസ്ഥാനിലെ അധോലോക നേതാവും ചരക്ക് ഗതാഗത ശൃംഖലയുടെ ഉടമയുമായ അമീർ ബലാജ് ടിപ്പു (34) ആണ് വെടിയേറ്റ് മരിച്ചത്. ലാഹോർ Continue Reading
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indiasuprenews · 6 months
India will face Pakistan in the World Cup 2023 on Saturday. Team India has completed preparations for this match. The morale of Team India players is high after winning the pressure match against Australia. At the same time, Pakistan had also achieved a spectacular victory by chasing 300+ runs against Sri Lanka in its last match and after winning two matches, the morale of this team is also at its best.
The match between India and Pakistan is always special and cricket fans all over the world keep an eye on this match. For this reason it is also called Mahamukabala. The competition between the two teams in the World Cup match will not only be exciting, but the mutual battle between some players is also going to be fun. Here we are telling about four such pairs of players from both the teams.
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sportjaya · 7 months
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sajzath · 9 months
Economy in drain Pakistan losing its brain, At high.
“Flushing Potential Away: Pakistan’s Brain Drain Reaches Alarming Heights” As the year unfolded, Pakistan bore witness to an extraordinary phenomenon – a mass migration of over 800,000 individuals fleeing the country within just six months. Startlingly, within this exodus, a whopping 100,000 highly trained professionals bid farewell to their homeland. This poignant event highlights a grave…
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newsrapido · 9 months
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mountwoodco1 · 9 months
The Uttar Pradesh ATS interrogated the Indo-Pak couple Seema and Sachin.
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On Monday, the Uttar Pradesh Anti-Terrorism Squad (UP ATS) interrogated Seema Ghulam Haider, a resident of Pakistan, and Sachin Meena, her husband from India. They were questioned by the ATS in Noida at an undisclosed location, according to a senior official of the UP Police.
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"ATS is investigating the possibility of espionage and the woman's passage through Nepal to India. To determine if the woman is a "spy" or not, they are being questioned. But they were not detained," the senior official said.
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The Intelligence Bureau (IB) and the Uttar Pradesh Anti-Terrorism Squad (UP ATS) were requested in a previous letter by the Gautam Buddha Nagar police to look into the evidence they had gathered so far.
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In accordance with Sections 14 of the Foreigners Act, 120B and 34 of the Indian Penal Code, as well as Sections 3, 4, and 5 of the Passport Act of 1920, Seema (age 27) was detained on July 4 along with Sachin Meena (age 22) and his father (age 59) for entering India "illegally" and giving the woman shelter.
Every single one of the three received a 14-day court order. On July 7, they were later granted bail.
Officials claimed that Seema and Sachin had their first in-person encounter in March and had stayed in a hotel in Kathmandu for seven days. With her four children, Seema visited Nepal once more. Later, she traveled to Mohalla Ambedkar Nagar in Rabupura, Greater Noida, where she has been residing unlawfully since May 13.
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Seema stated that she wants to live with Sachin after being let out of prison. Three years prior, Seema met Sachin while playing PUBG and the two immediately fell in love.
“I started playing PUBG in early 2020… I liked how Sachin played the game, so I initiated a conversation and we became friends. Slowly our friendship turned to love and we looked into the possibility of meeting. Sachin didn't have a passport, but I did. After learning that Indian citizens could visit Nepal without a visa, we made the decision to meet there. In an earlier interview, Seema stated, "We first met in March and later got married at the Pashupatinath Temple in Kathmandu before returning to our respective countries. My kids stayed at my uncle's house in the interim.
Justice Nazim Akbar, Jewar Civil Judge (Junior Division), who granted bail to Seema, Sachin, and Netrapal, had stated that the case is punishable with imprisonment up to five years; therefore, in light of orders from the Supreme Court and the rules of the Allahabad High Court, the bail application is eligible to be accepted.
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id247news · 1 year
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ICC Men's ODI World Cup 2023 slated to be played in the months of October and November.
Follow for more: https://id247news.com/
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alperenlive · 2 years
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"Bismillahirrahmanirrahim": "Rahman ve Rahîm olan Allah'ın adıyla" anlamına gelmektedir.
Euzü Besmele ise yani "Euzübillahimineşşeytanirracim": "Kovulmuş şeytanın şerrinden Allah'a sığınırım" anlamına gelmektedir.
Kul herhangi bir davranışta bulunurken, önemli bir işe teşebbüs ederken önce eûzü çekerek muhtemel olumsuz etkileri defetmekte sonra da besmeleyi okuyarak “kendinin tek başına yeterli olmadığını, başarı ve gücün ancak Allah’tan gelebileceğini, Allah’ın yeryüzünde halife kıldığı bir varlık olarak O’nun mülkünde, O’nun adına tasarrufta bulunduğunu, asıl mâlik ve hâkim olan Allah’ın koyduğu sınırları aşarsa emanete hıyanet etmiş olacağını...” peşinen kabul etmekte ve bundan güç almaktadır.
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mainabaloch · 1 year
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onlyssleducation · 1 year
Do you know Pakistan is going through a huge economic crisis! Today Pakistan even don't have money for importing tea! Pakistan has to return billion dollars as loans to different countries. Will it effect India?
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flashmalayalam · 3 months
ഇറാന് തിരിച്ചടി നൽകിയതായി പാക്കിസ്ഥാൻ.
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പാക്കിസ്ഥാനിലേക്ക് കടന്നു കയറി ആക്രമണം നടത്തിയ ഇറാന് തിരിച്ചടി നൽകിയതായും, ഇറാനിലെ നിരവധി ഭീകരവാദ കേന്ദ്രങ്ങൾ തകർത്തതായും Continue Reading
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middaymumbai · 1 year
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jandarpan · 1 year
Ramiz Raja New Statement on Travel India for World Cup.
Ramiz Raja New Statement on Travel India for World Cup.
Pakistan Cricket Board Chair Man Ramiz Raja once again spoke on India and Pakistan team travel to each other country for playing cricket match. He Said’ We are ready to travel to India and play the 2023 ODI World Cup , But it has to be on equal terms, India should come here.
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