wiirocku · 2 months
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Exodus 23:24 (WEB) - You shall not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor follow their practices, but you shall utterly overthrow them and demolish their pillars.
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mythomars · 4 months
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thethcministry · 2 months
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j-august · 3 months
The woman was dressed entirely in white silk, and her beauty was such as to overthrow cities and ruin states.
Luo Guanzhong, Romance of the Three Kingdoms (trans. C.H. Brewitt-Taylor)
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justbeingnamaste · 10 months
This warning video was originally uploaded in the mid-2010's but then banned on all platforms. As you watch the news you can see that everything predicted is coming into fruition. We were unable to locate the original copy we posted on Twitter back then so we had to piece together some of the clips and change the audio/music a bit to reassemble (and updated it also). Special thanks to the team at Politically Incorrect Studios.
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mitchumsstinkums · 11 months
Sometimes you just gotta commit to failure.
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theblasianwitch · 2 years
I pretty much download any controversial video now and share it to yall. Pay attention to the lyrics
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spiritualgirlie · 1 year
Transiting Pluto
This week, I discussed the occurrence of the French Revolution in relation to the astronomical event of Pluto's entry into Tropical Aquarius, which happened between 1777 and 1778.
It is important to note that the Revolution itself, began in 1789, indicating that France had been in a state of disrepair for quite some time before Pluto entered Tropical Aquarius. They were undergoing a process of dissolution of their government, and the monarchy was deposed. It is noteworthy that Pluto was situated in Sidereal Capricorn during this period, which is its current location, thereby rendering the alignment more comprehensible—even with what's happening today.
When Pluto is in Capricorn, it symbolizes the disintegration of traditional power structures or authority to effectuate change in antiquated systems of governance; or those who are responsible for setting rules and regulations.
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It is possible that there may be a correlation between the displacement of Queen Lili’uokalani of the Kingdom of Hawai’i in 1893 and the positioning of Pluto in Sidereal Taurus, which is a fellow Earth sign. Despite not originating from her own people, this was the catalyst for the sovereignty movement which ties into the energy of Taurus.
Despite my own knowledge, I still find it pertinent to note when outer planets move into Tropical Signs as this could prove to have some form of correlation with current events. Although I do assert that Tropical Astrologers are mistaken, I do not imply that I am unwilling to examine what they have to say.
My own examination of the topic using Sidereal placements led me to the conclusion that this system makes more sense.
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rathacat13-blog · 1 year
Clan Ground jacketed hardcover (1984). Atheneum-Argo Margaret K. McElderry.
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【新潟県謡曲古跡めぐり上越編】1日目9箇所目  2021/6/27ー28
水俣観音堂 《 糸魚川市水俣 》 水保観音堂の創建は不詳ですが泰澄大師が養老年間(717~724年)に開いたとも弘法大師空海が大同元年(806)に開いたとも云われています。
寺宝には大正12年(1923)に国重要文化財に指定された「木造十一面観音立像」(平安時代中期~後期の作と推定、桜材の一木造、頭部の天冠台には様々な表情をした十一面が墨書、像高1.548m、鉈彫り、33年に一度の開帳、身をもって集落の火災を防いだという伝説が残っていて火伏の観音さまとして信仰の対象となり住民からは「水保の観音さん」と呼ばれています。)や男神像(2躯、室町時代作と推定、像高27㎝、23.5㎝)や鋳銅製鰐口(貞享3年作、鋳師:高田土肥藤右衛門藤原朝臣家次、施主:糸魚川高野清右衛門季林敬白)などがあります。 この仏像は、桜材の一木造りで、高さ1.548メートル。 平安時代中~後期(藤原時代)の作と推定されています。丸のみを横に用いて荒っぽく削る「鉈彫り」の技法で作られたものです。 この技法で彫られた例は新潟県には2例しかなく貴重な仏像です。 一般公開は33年に1回です。(平成16年8月27日~29日に一般公開されました)
能楽 #能 #Noh #申楽 #猿楽 #狂言 #風姿花伝 #世阿弥 #芸術論 #幽玄 #歌舞劇 #演劇 #能面 #マスク #文化 #旅行 #トラベル #名所旧跡 #神社 #寺院 #像 #碑 #巡礼 #古跡 #謡曲 #新潟 #上越 #伝統 #Travel #GoTo #ruins #wreckage #grave #Tomb #temple #Buddhist #image #Buddha #Buddhism #Slaughter #murder #massacre #massacre #Overthrow #noble #aristocracy #aristocrat #coup #惨殺 #貴族 #クーデター #倒幕 #鎌倉 #墓 #塔 #仏 #将軍
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fluidsberlin · 1 year
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#eattherich #piñata #economy #chaos #anarchy #breakinstitutionalracism #anarchyalliance #xanarchygang #antifa #militia #anarchymemes #dreams #capitalismsucks #underground #overthrow #xanarchy #equality #classstruggle #classwar #socialgap #community #share #hierarchy #institutionalabuse #blacklivesmatter #punksofcolor #powertothepeople #xanarchyqueen #bipoc #interpersonal https://www.instagram.com/p/CoScVrJs-h0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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laughinginchaos · 2 years
Seriously though. With how horrific the running of Ireland has become, how is it not time for a new order?????????????? Fuck sake Ireland rise up with me and have pride and spirit
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pamwmsn · 4 days
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teekosandwich · 2 months
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eric-sadahire · 3 months
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Aliens are going to be super confused when they show up threatening to overthrow our leaders, and we're all stoked and offer to help them.
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tenth-sentence · 3 months
But Bourke had at last found a copy and saw the petition for what it was: a conspiracy aimed at his overthrow.
"Killing for Country: A Family History" - David Marr
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