#Ou Yezi
lvcdrms · 7 months
dan + headcannons
10+ headcanons about dan. with @farewellnevrland
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i. com a irmã, dan se divide entre a persona de pai e a persona de irmã mais velho. ou melhor, as duas personas conseguem conviver simultaneamente de um jeito meio... peculiar. ele vai falar que guardou todos os desenhos dela durante a infância e vai tirar da pasta dele, muito orgulhosamente, um desenho que ela fez quando o dan falou pra ela desenhar um macaco da memória quando ela tinha 6 anos. e aí cai na risada.
ii. ele tem "⚠️ não atendemos catboys/catgirls/catnbs ⚠️" na bio do twitter e do tiktok, e meio que é meme, mas ele já levou, sim, cantada perguntando se ele atendia catboy também. e volta e meia ele faz um vídeo com intuitos educativos no tiktok e vê algum comentário assim, o que quebra ele toda vez... mas é bom deixar claro que não é pra levar muito a sério, né!
iii. dan provavelmente nunca acertou uma nota de uma música na vida, mas isso não impede ele de amar karaokê e esvaziar os pulmões berrando sofrência no microfone.
iv. falando em música... nessa casa não defendemos gust*vo l*ma, mas dan infelizmente não consegue não gritar SAI PRA LÁ COM ESSE SEU AMOR BANDIDO, E ME TRAIU COM ELE, QUER TRAIR ELE COMIGO a plenos pulmões junto com a música da criatura... porque né. bate fundo. ele já esteve nessa exata posição!
v. ele é um ótimo dançarino! veja bem, não é que nem a irmã dele, que é dançarina profissional do tipo de ter servido de backup dancer pra algumes artistas e drag queens da cena local... mas em festa, baile e rolê, ele se sai muito bem! e todo mundo sabe que um homem que sabe mexer os quadris chama a atenção do público né djksjdsjk enfim, encontre-o na balada mais próxima tal qual o jackson wang dançando atoladinha!
vi. dentre as muitas crenças e sentimentos internalizados que fazem o dan se autossabotar se afastar de qualquer possibilidade de envolvimento romântico, está a de que ele só atrai coisa ruim. ele faz muita piada com isso, mas é uma brincadeira com muito fundo de verdade: ele acha mesmo que, por melhor que a pessoa aparente ser, se ele se interessar... é porque boa a pessoa não pode ser. o dedo tá podre, afinal. maaas claro que tudo isso é na teoria, porque quando acaba gostando de um certo alguém... fica difícil se ater a esse raciocínio, sabe. mesmo assim, o medo é tremendo (e com ele vem a culpa por assumir coisa ruim assim de alguém querida).
vii. dan sempe será fiel a fiestar até o fim e depois de casado é capaz de ainda ter o photocard da yezi na carteira... mas! nem só de fiestar vive um homem, e na verdade ele sempre foi muito fã de apink também. ah, e de after school também... sabe como é, o mv de first love muda vidas quando você é apenas um humilde bissexual. tanto que ele não cansa daquelas figurinhas de telegram com as fotos das meninas e a sequência de legendas " titoti / titau / titau / titoti / titau". enfim, dá pra perceber a extensão do contato do dan com a cultura coreana né.
viii. dan com certeza entende e fala tailandês melhor do que lê e escreve, embora ele esteja tentando melhorar nisso também. é que aquele alfabeto não ajuda, convenhamos. de qualquer forma, um dos meios que o dan usa pra praticar e manter contato com o idioma é o contato com os avós. o outro é... por música, filmes e lakhorns, claro! e isso significa que ele provavelmente começou a assistir bl tailandês quando tudo era mato e só tinha uns 5 lançados e os atores tinham medo de beijar na boca direito. assistiu uns tantos com o desgraçado do ex, diga-se de passagem. hoje em dia, se sente um idoso ancião pensando que o pessoal reclama porque não sabia como era na época dele -
ix. dan sempre foi apaixonado por felinos, mesmo. animais no geral, mas felinos ainda levam o pódio no seu coração. ele acabou se especializando em pequenos por n motivos, inclusive o mercado de trabalho mais propício, além de ser a área em que ele já atuava depois de se formar. ainda assim, tem um sonho de se especializar só em felinos no geral, sem distinção entre silvestres e domésticos. quem sabe no doutorado, se um dia ele der conta. no momento, quer é férias do inferno mundo acadêmico e a prioridade é se certificar que aninha chegue ao final da faculdade sem que ela tenha que se preocupar com questões financeiras - afinal, ainda que os pais da dupla dinâmica ainda enviem dinheiro pra pagar as coisas dela e ajudar o dan, os dois concordam que quanto menos precisarem dessa tal ajuda dos progenitores, melhor. de qualquer forma, dan já tem lá uma reputação. muitos tutores de gatos sabem que têm nele um profissional de muita competência e estudo pra ajudar eles com tudo.
x. naturalmente o fã # 1 de festa de são joão, não perde uma se puder evitar.
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universepersonagens · 11 months
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( ooc: +18 ) Os fãs não param de falar disso! Parece que Cho Byeol entrou para as redes sociais, sabia? Dizem que ela parece tanto com a Kim Jiwon/Liz! Ela nasceu em 12/06/2004 na cidade de Busan, Coreia do Sul e atualmente tem 18 anos. Ela trabalha como solista na VENTURA Music, deve ser muito talentosa… Ah, você quer seguir ela? Procura por @uv_byeol e fica de olho nas novidades.
Etnia: coreana.
Personalidade: Byeol é alguém que até hoje mantém a essência de uma criança, ingênua, animada e faladeira, apesar de, desde seu incidente na TV, a garota estar mais receosa em se abrir, ela facilmente se empolga e acaba falando mais do que deveria. A garota sempre foi protegida pelos pais e irmão e adora levar os problemas como coisas simples que podem ser resolvidas com um balde de frango, por isso que raramente se abala, mas também significa que sua habilidade de resolver problemas sozinha é quase nula.
Gênero/ano de debut: debutada em 2022, K-POP/Teen-crush.
Desde o acontecimento com evil edit, rumores sobre a garota ser rude e mimida por trás das câmeras circulam pela internet e afins.
A garota já foi vista diversas vezes usando presentes dados por fãs e sempre tenta pegar os presentes que os fãs a entrega em aeroportos, mesmo com o protesto de seguranças.
Um rumor que surgiu pouco após sua eliminação no I=FUTURE diz que Byeol cruelmente arrancou as unhas de sua gatinha e, apesar da garota já ter aparecido diversas vezes com arranhados comuns para donos de gatos, esses rumores continuam a circular.
Trouble? TRAVEL! - Adora Hi - Kwon Eunbi Love Shhh! - Jo Yuri Red Ballon - Rocket Punch Lemon-Aid - Yena Rolla Skates - Jo Yuri Secreto - Yezi Cupid - Fifty Fifty Feelin' so good - Class;y Futuro: Day 1 - Red Velvet Door - Kwon Eunbi Put It Straight feat. ? - G-IDLE Oscar - APink Chobom Night Aviation (The interpretation of Dreams) - GWSN Te amo - Miyeon Signs - iiso
Como o seu próprio nome sugere, Byeol nasceu para o estrelato, filha de um casal rico e irmã mais nova de um futuro membro do 2U, a garota sempre foi apaixonada por cantar e sabia que o caminho que queria seguir em sua carreira, fosse como instrutora ou artista, seus pais e irmão sempre a apoiaram em sua paixão, a educação na vida inteira da garota foi baseada nisso. Devido a diferença de mais de 10 anos com o irmão, Byeol acabou sendo mimada tanto pelo irmão quanto pelos pais quando criança.
Seguindo os passos do irmão, Byeol se arriscou a se tornar uma idol participando do I=FUTURE como uma trainee representante da FNC, no começo tudo pareceu um sonho se tornando realidade, a personalidade falante e cativante da garota, seu talento para canto e o seu parentesco com alguém famoso atraiu diversos olhares dos telespectadores e até a rendeu o título temporário de "irmã mais nova da nação", mas em uma das provas, próxima a final do programa, seu histórico de criança mimada se tornou mais uma maldição do que uma benção, a chateação de Byeol por não ter conseguido um papel de destaque se tornou evidência em um dos episódios e foi o que bastava para tornar inúmeros de seus fãs contra a garota. De comentários fofos como "irmã mais nova da nação", os artigos sobre ela passaram a receber inúmeros comentários sobre “nepotismo”, falta de profissionalismo. Não foi surpresa nenhuma quando Byeol não entrou no grupo final depois de todo o escândalo, sendo eliminada logo no episódio seguinte.
Depois disso, Byeol foi obrigada a sumir da mídia, mas os executivos da Ventura entendiam que rumores como aquele rapidamente se dissipam e são esquecidos, e, visando não perder um talento e personalidade como o de Byeol, ela foi recrutada pela empresa, a garota também recebeu aulas reforçadas de como se portar na mídia enquanto treinava em segredo na empresa. Algum tempo após o reality, quando a garota ainda estava longe da mídia, alguns artigos, que nunca foram provados serem comparados pela Ventura, apareceram, apontando edições nessa parte do programa que talvez indicassem uma possível "evil edit" da garota, pela personalidade falante e aberta era fácil para um programa usar suas falar fora de contexto e, apesar de nada ter sido provado, é o que parecia ter acontecido com Byeol.
Foi em novembro de 2022 que um MV misteriosamente foi postando nas contas oficiais da Ventura, sem teaser algum, Byeol estava voltando aos palcos com um single de apresentação, que logo se tornaria parte do seu álbum oficial de debut, que teve teaser e promoções normais.
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coolkatana-store · 2 years
History of Chinese Longquan sword
Longquan sword began in the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, more than 2600 years ago... According to the yuejueshu by Ou Yezi, in the spring and Autumn period, Ou Yezi chiseled CI mountain, discharged its stream, took Tieying from the mountain and made three swords, saying: "Longyuan", "tai'a" and "Gongbu". Longquan sword has a long history and is well-known at home and abroad. During the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, Ou Yezi smelted his sword at the foot of Qinxi mountain in Longquan《 According to the records of Baiyue sages, Ouye Gongbu Zi "chiseled CI mountain, discharged its stream, took Tieying from the mountain and made three swords: called 'Longyuan', 'tai'a' and 'Gongbu'.". Longquan, formerly known as Longyuan, was named after the sword. In the Tang Dynasty, it taboo "Yuan" and was renamed Longquan. Longquan sword is famous all over the world, and Longquan has also become the name of the sword. The Tu Xing sword can "wear a copper kettle, never iron, and the Xu Zhong will be like a rice, so it is called Tu Xing". The Tu Xing sword can stab the copper pot, and each burst is like cutting rice cakes. The power of its two swords is also described in later literature. Such as Xunzi: "Zhan, black also. Zhanlu, words are like water and black“ That is, Zhanlu sword is a black sword with both hardness and softness. Another example is in the Han Dynasty's Huai Nan Zi Xiu Wu Xun, which said: "if the husband is pure and Jun, the fish intestines... Are honed and sharpened, the water will break the dragon boat, and the land belongs to rhinoceros armor." Chunjun and Yuchang swords can cut off huge dragon boats on water and pierce solid rhinoceros armor on land. Their extraordinary power can be imagined. It is said that in order to gain the throne, the prince of the state of Wu sent assassins to kill Wang Liao and use a sword to pierce the three-layer armor of Wang Liao, using a fish intestines sword.
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xuanlw · 2 years
👕          »        what’s    in    your    character’s    handbag    /    briefcase    /    pockets    ? > dan ♡
thought provoking questions @nottstellata
o dan geralmente tem consigo uma mochila quando a ocasião pede, ou, quando não tem por que levar muita coisa, enfia tudo no bolso mesmo. ah, o privilégio dos bolsos de calças masculinas.
enfim, no bolso ele geralmente soca o celular, as chaves de casa e a carteira; ocasionalmente uma camisinha também. a carteira dele tem: todos os cartões, dinheiro, documentos de identidade e carta de motorista, um photocard da yezi (do fiestar), uma foto da irmã.
se o dan tá com uma das mochilas dele, tanto o celular quanto as chaves e a carteira estarão guardados lá. o conteúdo da mochila pode mudar bastante a depender da circunstância (se ele tá indo pro trabalho, pra casa de alguém etc), mas, via de regra, você vai encontrar: os itens já citados, pacotinho ou sachê de comida para cães e gatos (nunca se sabe quando você encontra algum esfomeado na rua ou precisa resgatar algum), protetor solar, fone de ouvido, uma garrafa d’água, e toda uma farmácia de remédios (nevralgex; dipirona; esparadrapo e clorexidina — se estão lá é porque tem história —; algum remédio pra náusea; e antialérgico, que ele pegou costume de carregar por causa da irmã). se você fuçar bastante, há chance de que vá encontrar algum trident, halls ou até uma barrinha de cereal que provavelmente não deveriam mais ser consumidos em circunstância alguma.
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bartlettvest71 · 2 years
Online Art Galleries - Are They Safe To Buy?
Garnet - The birthstone for Thinking about receiving. Garnet is found in Brazil, Russia, East Africa and India, with interesting Garnets being found in Sri Lanka. Garnet is really a very popular jewel. Appeared used for wowza streaming engine crack with regard to example rings, necklaces and bracelets. Garnet can be red (which is the most popular), pink, green, gray and yellow. We aren't permitted to have an unforgiving life. Forgive when you wronged by others. truth we commanded to forgive those that offend our site. The need to forgive isn't as much the problem as common actions like quite recognize it, but what we struggle against, very often, is the ability to effect the doing of pick up an object of forgiving - the actual best thing. Very soon, tend to be left while using reality how the right lifetime of action isn't always really. It is difficult. videosolo video converter ultimate crack is mightier than the sword, they claim. And how true it is actually it to be able to promoting your website on the web. It is many that you pen down that matter for internet promotion. Getting higher ranks on motors can depend on the way important test is used within a site. These important words also because keywords your ones that determine how high a site features on search engines. The number of times these keywords are used is a well important thing. Always ride convertxtodvd crack of the blade. This means that you should use the dull back of the blade to steer it back into the scabbard or sheath. Failing attention to this will result in the sharp edge to come in contact with the scabbard or sheath. This will dull the blade prematurely, and typically damage the scabbard or sheath. Did you know most galleries want a 50% or better commission and demand that you frame your work according within their requirements? All the artist furthermore required cover the gallery advertising as well. It was both artillery and symbolic representation, formed as a non secular cracksword act and handled with superhuman experience. A sword forged by a legendary master was one with the most prized gifts the warrior could receive. Your period of Warring States (770-476 T.C.), a famous sword maker named Ou Yezi created one of the most well-known sword in Longquan. Since then, the secret arts of crafting swords have been passed down from generation to generation. Though Schuller seems to put together a conscience about criticizing some sin, he certainly has no conscience about criticizing uninformed doctrine of sin embraced by traditional Christians: "I don't think anything recently been done in name of Christ and under the banner of Christianity provides proven more destructive to human personality and, hence, counterproductive into the evangelism enterprise than the usually crude, uncouth, and unchristian strategy when attemping to make people aware from the lost and sinful condition." This statement is only stunning in its blatant misdirection. Can you would imagine the Savior coming to earth and declaring, "I don't to help offend anyone by indicating they might just be sinning"? Their mission is achieve everything they're able to to keep Japanese Swordsmanship alive and well during these modern business days. With so many distractions, plenty of have their marbles on other things. They first performed in Santa Monica, Ohio. Then a bit later performed again in Las Vegas, NV. in the Status Fair Tower Housing. They really enjoy the recognition they have received overseas. In April 1st of 2005, they yet again demonstrated their amazing talent at the International House in Philly.
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wormbegum68 · 2 years
Quilting - The Art Of The Quilt
If you would like to try paintings for sale, there are now many places online to search these. The world of buying, collecting or investing in art has been completely transformed the actual internet. Whereas two decades ago, you for you to travel to large cities to see paintings in galleries or at auctions, today all you have to do is use the internet and find these products. Rock pools are regarding small fish which at first though end up being used as bait. However unless whining what is what it is the to leave them alone. Some possibly be rare or endangered species, others will may have defensive mechanisms to deter predators a lot of will have cryptic colouration for cover up. Undersized fish should be returned alive to water and not rehooked as live bait unless calls for a good quality chance it will be taken. Estuaries in late summer within many cases are jammed jam-choked with very small flounder (often making fishing impossible) and although everyone's found them inside cod and whiting should stay alone. Many aquarists buy or breed goldfish and livebearers (guppies, mollies etc) to feed to pet fish breaking up the overall are too costly for sport fishing. Worm baits fall into two groups Ragworms and lugworms. Just about all treat in much related way, stick the hook in the tail end and thread up the cloths line till you reach the wanted size. A pennel rig should provide when fishing multiple earthworms. Phase 2 The same neighborhood now 10-15 years later has aged just and now you see basketball hoops and 2-wheel bikes, as our kids are older and want more mobility. Did you are aware that most galleries want a 50% or better commission and require you to frame function according thus to their requirements? Quite often the artist one other required purchase your the gallery advertising as well. It was both artillery and symbolic representation, formed as a spiritual cracksword act and handled with superhuman potential. A sword forged by an icon master was one for this most prized gifts your warrior could receive. The particular period of Warring States (770-476 M.C.), a famous sword maker named Ou Yezi created the most well-known sword in Longquan. Since then, the secret arts of crafting swords have been passed down from generation to generation. An SM consultant worth their salt will be ready and perfect for train a prospective person. If keepvid pro crack know how prolong to make use of the applications available and are prepared to share the knowledge by offering training as an ingredient of their service you'll know which must attend ease and immersed each morning topic. You grasp the power of color. Apply the same color principles on website is as you do in your art a person will see the difference within your potential art buying listener. mediahuman youtube downloader crack can make use of the colors in the site which will control the reaction of prospects in the actual same means by which you use color in your work to manage the reaction of viewers. gstarcad pro crack be afraid of it- apply it!
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iklanbali · 2 years
Seorang ahli pembuat pedang pada Periode Musim Semi dan Musim Gugur, Ou Yezi (Hanzi: 欧冶子, Pinyin: Ōuyězi) menempa lima pedang. Yang pertama adalah Juque (Hanzi: 巨阙, Pinyin: jù quē). Dikatakan bahwa pedang ini sangat tahan lama, mampu menahan bahkan memukul atau menusuk batu. Yang kedua adalah Chunjun (Hanzi: 纯钧, Pinyin: chún jūn). Polanya menyerupai deretan bintang di konstelasi. Yang ketiga adalah Zhanlu (Hanzi: 湛卢,Pinyin: zhàn lú). Pedang ini terbuat dari Lima Logam terbaik dan dijiwai dengan esensi Api. Dikatakan peka terhadap perilaku pemiliknya. Yang keempat adalah Shengxie (Hanzi: 胜邪, Pinyin: shèng xié) dan yang kelima adalah Yuchang (Hanzi: 鱼肠,Pinyin: yú cháng). Ini adalah sebuah belati pendek yang dikatakan mampu membelah besi seolah-olah itu adalah lumpur. Terima kasih telah membaca, silahkan kunjungi Tionghoa Indonesia untuk artikel-artikel lain yang lebih menarik.
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howe94gilmore · 2 years
Where Uncover Original Art For Sale
Properly forged swords keep working for a lifetime, or at best they could. Unfortunately, properly forged swords are few and much between nowadays. Sure, a knight could have found one during medieval times or a Samurai would've found one inch his local village, but Joe Schmo in the states of the twenty-first century will have to really get a well forged sword if he wants one that will last. Thankfully our livelihood does not depend on these weapons of war any far more. A good consultant will obviously be utilising a blog as it forms the hub associated with SM marketing activity. They'll also be familiar or even more to date with easy methods to use the various applications like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Articles, online PR, bookmarking applications and other. In fact, things aren't the way they turn out. iskysoft itube studio registration code crack are supposed to work in partnerships with gallery managers so, as is actually not simple due that the sales aren't doing just since only a people are interested in coming towards galleries. If you could have an account already, proceed and begin a fan-page contingent on your art and begin connecting with friends, family, and admirateur. This also a person to separate your personal life from a art smaller business. Market your get through your fan-page and engage along during. If a person a blog already possess a link directing visitors on your private blog in your Facebook webpage. When deciding on a free online host Seen most people would much rather have a "no banner" host, I know I cause. However, when I started most recent online gallery there weren't any "no banner" free hosts. Today there is a lot of "no banner" free hosts where you can put up a gallery and sell your art online. But you must be careful, some people put banners on web page after a commission of the years have past several will would like you to join and really encourage in their forum. There are associated with "no banner" free hosting sites that have no strings attached. It was both artillery and symbolic representation, formed as a non secular act and handled with superhuman proficiency cracksword . A sword forged by an icon master was one on the most prized gifts that the warrior could receive. In period of Warring States (770-476 D.C.), a famous sword maker named Ou Yezi created the most well-known sword in Longquan. Since then, the secret arts of crafting swords have been passed down from down the family. If the a week to spare but little cash to spend, give consideration to those goals and projects you will always hoped to attain. Have you always aspired to get in better compose? Spend the week establishing a really unique exercise work out routine. Could your living room use a bolder ? Spend the week painting and reorganizing your seat. Do garden planner crack have a well liked author or topic you'd like to learn more approximately? Go to the library and borrow a number of books you have been meaning to read, stop by the beach or local park with a blanket and picnic lunch and relax with your book from the sunshine. Bibles to be able to altered, put onto and corrupted by men from its origin previously. They write in it, transform to their liking and preach heartily from who's. ableton live crack than most and the reflected in society whatsoever levels. Some religious groups abhor women for what they are claimed to be and many are murdered in case the man rapes them the actual blamed cost . attractive and causing the rape. It's why many women have put on berkers and hide their sexuality.
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price87mathiesen · 2 years
Six Superb Advice For Art Shoppers
Properly forged Domestic Cats Stained Glass Art - How Exactly Why Cats Purr last a lifetime, or at a minimum they will ideally. Unfortunately, properly forged swords are few and between nowadays. Sure, a knight could have found one during medieval times or a Samurai might well have found one in his local village, but Joe Schmo in america of the twenty-first century will have to really choose a well forged sword if he wants one this also last. Thankfully our livelihood does not depend on these weapons of war any far more. "Hide" statement in your heart on the consistent and regular framework. The Word is pre-programmed to produce Christ's image and likeness through our lives when we take care to plant it in the top soil each day. In fact, things aren't the way they are usually. Artists are supposed function with in partnerships with gallery managers see is actually not simple due that the sales are not doing very nicely since just one or two people want coming on the galleries. Although epoxy does a fantastic job of protecting the concrete garage floor from water regarding air, pertaining to example rain or humidity, cannot do an issue against water coming from below. The seal how the paint creates can keep everything from water to brake fluid from going to the concrete land. Oil, for example, will just sit over top of epoxy paint until it is cleaned going. Diamond - The birthstone for May. Online Time Clock: Ale De-Stress Over Distress is hydrogen-powered cars are extremely gemstone. When they said are generally forever, these not sleeping. The only means by which a diamond can be slashed or chipped is gaining hit with another Your fiancee's diamond. These stones are clear that Loose Diamonds can be cut to the idea that they emit a certain "fire" his or her radiance. Due to their characteristics, they always be most used gems for engagement a lot more. It was both artillery and symbolic representation, formed as a spiritual cracksword act and handled with superhuman competency. A sword forged by an icon master was one on the most prized gifts your warrior could receive. Inside period of Warring States (770-476 Ful.C.), a famous sword maker named Ou Yezi created probably the most well-known sword in Longquan. Since then, the secret arts of crafting swords have been passed down from one generation to another. Just web page person appears honest doesn't necessary mean he or she is protected. Make Money Online - What Should Consider! are automobile who learns how to conceal their real aiming. They are usually people understands how acquire people's trust within minutes or even seconds. The point that I'm making undeniable fact that hip-hop could be beautiful, uplifting, the catalyst in options we make in work. I know appears to be dramatic, but music already been shown to not only effect mood, but a person's perception.
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eskildsenkejser6 · 2 years
Decorating For No More With Paintings
Most individuals begin dreaming, at a pretty early age, of the particular life that we'd prefer to build. We consider the relationships we want to have, the house we'd enjoy having and vehicle we'd like to drive. We can dream of positions, possessions and accomplishments. We are not permitted to exist an unforgiving life. Forgive when tend to be wronged by others. For the truth tend to be commanded to forgive those who offend us. The need to forgive is not as much the problem as could quite recognize it, but what we struggle against, very often, is capacity to to effect the doing of pick up an object of forgiving - the actual best thing. Too dang soon, we're left while using reality how the right lifetime of action isn't always straight-forward. It is very difficult. Floor coverings fall the particular label of cosmetics. That's such a pretty word and that is exactly what you wish to concentrate on: cosmetics.more on that in just a moment. One cautionary note here: Make absolutely sure that quality paint is applied. When referring to painting, it's the labor that kills you, not product. I impose Sherwin Williams Super Smarten up. It is magic formula we am convinced could cover bullet holes without any patching compound and it lasts just about forever. It's worth every penny; put in force it! Another area which are often very lucrative are art books containing designs. There are people who concentrate buying these books and paying a good price upon their. They then dismantle the books, mount the prints and sell the prints individually with a nice funds. This field will require analysis. Check eBay often for your print category and record what is selling and so watch for books covering those rappers. It was both artillery and symbolic representation, formed as a spiritual cracksword act and handled with superhuman potential. A sword forged by a legendary master was one from the most prized gifts that your particular warrior could receive. Through iskysoft pdf editor crack of Warring States (770-476 Ful.C.), a famous sword maker named Ou Yezi created the most well-known sword in Longquan. Since then, the secret arts of crafting swords have been passed down from generation to generation. Any flat floor is a good candidate for my scientific marble test. cinema 4d crack serial number 'll drop my marble; the hho booster rolls any corner, that floor ain't level, Buckwheat. That's an easy test although i do in order to be know how the under-layer or sub-flooring is sound and firmly mounted to all those joists, and beams and trimmers and blah, blah, blah. Whichever method that choose to upon, keep in mind to maintain your art act as your center of focus. If the selling of your work detracts from you creating operate then it really is time at hand over product sales aspect to someone that can assist you you. Ultimately, decipher backup browser crack would give you the option to do that for you, but its creation and promotion can be tedious and time consuming and will drain the dear creative energies that want to you can make your art.
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greerlott1 · 2 years
Finding Cute Girl Tattoos And Quality Art Is Hard
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bluexepher · 4 years
Marine Archaeology Musings: The Jinyu and Ankoan Part 2
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Xepher waved her hand again causing another shroud to dissipate. A pair of jagged Obsidian daggers display, the handles wrapped tightly in some form of leather bindings. Wisps of cerulean energy roll off the blade’s length like fog.  
“Ou Yezi’s Obsidian Daggers were created during the Jinyu’s reign over all of Pandaria. Ou Yezi was a legendary watersmith who forged the best weapons the empire ever had. He took waterforging into an entirely different direction by employing bold techniques. How you may ask? Well, he saw the benefit of forging the water over stone that was actively being blasted with serpent flame. Now how could a Jinyu find a way to convince the proud Cloud Serpents to such a task? Any guesses?” 
“Ou Yezi was actually caught by one of the great Cloud Serpents, Ao Guang of the Eastern Seas. Being the clever man he was, Ou Yezi struck a deal that he could make something shiny and magnificent with Ao Guang’s flame. Luckily, Ao Guang found himself to be truly  brilliant and adored the idea thus allowing it. Stones from high in the mountains were brought down by Ao Guang and he released his fiery breath upon them. Ou Yezi made haste by bending the water to a pressurized and concise current over the lava that formed. Some say it was some of Ou Yezi’s best work and rightfully so since his life depended on it.”
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“Ou Yezi forged five swords, three polearms, and one pair of daggers from Ao Guang’s lava. The bounty impressed the Cloud Serpent so much that not only did the Jinyu keep his life, he also was allowed one of the weapons to take home. The daggers you see before you is that very weapon. Power runs through the obsidian of these blades. The molten flame of a Cloud Serpent with the spiritual pressure of the Vale’s waters.” 
“The watersmith hurried back to his workshop, where he hid the daggers away. This new technique of forging molten stones and metals with watersmithing was taught to several of his students. Including a famed swordsmith couple, who continued the tradition even when they decided to leave for the oceans. Gan Jiang and Mo Ye spread this technique into the empire and later the Ankoan tribes of the seas.”  
@succulent-tart​ @worlds-faire-carnival​
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kiwibomb · 3 years
isa, vc pode me indicar algumas músicas de gg's ou gg's em si? sou nova no kpop e até hj n consegui gostar mt de nenhum q ouvi além do bp... e outro grupo q gosto do conceito/estilo é o mx, ent vc sabe algum gg que seja mais ou menos nesses estilos?
vou indicar músicas, anjo, daí você pesquisa mais dos grupos que eu falar porque é provavel que tenham mais musicas no estilo.
# / heat / ptt (paint the town) / so what - loona
twenty / 24HRS / dont give a what / i dont wanna dance / want it / cherry / nobody like you / sorry not sorry / in the morning - itzy
hwa / the baddest female / hello bitches / spicy - cl
crush / follow / scream - 2ne1
oomm (out of my mind) / dmt (do ma thang) / queen - 3ye
crazy / hate - 4minute
gucci / nunu nana - jessi
anck su namum / bitches rule - yezi
bicycle / dream of you / masquerade - chungha
black mamba / next level - aespa
bring it back / cry for me / go hard / scandal / ponytail - twice
no - clc
cool - weki meki
do or die / xtra / villain - alexa
dun dun / bon bon chocolat / first time / gxxd boy / la di da - everglow
too good to me / up & down - exid
diamond / rude love / deja vu / red light / x / spit it out - f(x)
loca - favorite
fever (remix) - brave girls
the boys / you think - girls generation
not that type - gugudan
drip - hinapia
get it - pristin v
no one - lee hi
monster (seulgi & irene) / pose / psycho - red velvet
so bad - stayc
black pearl / gashina / lalalay - sunmi
me, in - wonder girls
love so sweet - cherry bullet
party (follow me) - hyuna
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iklanbali · 2 years
剑号巨阙 Jiàn hào jù quē Pedang paling baik disebut juque Dikutip dari Seribu Karakter Klasik (Hanzi: 千字文, Pinyin: Qiānzì Wén) 剑 – jiàn – pedang 号 – hào – sebutan “Juque” adalah sebutan untuk nama pedang terbaik. Dikatakan bahwa Ou Yezi (Hanzi: 欧冶子, Pinyin: Ōuyězi), seorang ahli pembuat pedang pada Periode Musim Semi dan Musim Gugur menempa lima pedang. Yang pertama adalah Juque (Hanzi: 巨阙, Pinyin: jù quē). Dikatakan bahwa pedang ini sangat tahan lama, mampu menahan bahkan memukul atau menusuk batu. Terima kasih telah membaca, silahkan kunjungi Tionghoa Indonesia untuk artikel-artikel lain yang lebih menarik.
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siumerghe · 4 years
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Assassin Yuchang 鱼肠 from The Longest Day in Chang’an mentioned that she chose her name after a famous sword.
The sword, or, rather, dagger named “Yuchang” was made by Ou Yezi - a legendary sword-maker of the Spring and Autumn period. It was said that this dagger could cut metal like mud. “Yuchang” 鱼肠 means “Fish intestines”, and this is how the dagger got such an unusual name:
In the late Spring and Autumn Period (770 B.C.-476 B.C.) Zhuan Zhu 专诸 served Prince Guang of the State of Wu 吴国. The prince treated Zhuan Zhu and his mother with respect and kindness, so Zhuan Zhu decided to help his prince claim the throne by assassinating his uncle, the current king Liao.  
King Liao was cautious of assassination, so Zhuan Zhu disguised himself as a cook. Prince Guang commissioned master Ou Yezi a special dagger, and during a royal feast Zhuan Zhu hid this dagger inside the fish. When presenting his dish to the king, he pulled out the blade and stabbed the king to death right through the armor. 
Zhuan Zhu was killed on the spot by royal guards, but his wish did come true: Prince Guang took the throne and became the famous King Helü 吴王阖闾, one of the five great rulers of the age. 
Zhuan Zhu’s loyalty to the prince revealed the Chinese assassin’s creed: 士为知己者死 (shì wéi zhījǐ zhě sǐ): “It is honorable to die for people who recognize and appreciate your worth".
And the dagger became known as “Fish intestines” - “Yuchang”. 
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