#Open Innovation
openinnovationoilf · 1 year
What is Open Innovation and Open Innovation Lotus Foundation by Yashraj & Yuvraj Bharwaj twins
Open Innovation is a concept that encourages organizations to use outside resources, such as customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders, to create innovative solutions and products. This concept allows companies to leverage external ideas and knowledge to enhance their internal innovation efforts. The concept of Open Innovation encourages companies to reach outside of their walls for ideas, rather than relying on internal resources alone. This approach can help companies access a wider array of expertise, resources, and solutions that may not have been available otherwise.
Open Innovation is not limited to product development and technology. It can also be applied to the business model and processes to find new ways of doing things. Companies can use the concept of Open Innovation to look for new ways of doing business and improving their operational efficiency. This is done by leveraging outside sources such as customers, partners, and suppliers to identify new opportunities and solutions.
Open Innovation is a great way for companies to tap into the collective wisdom of their stakeholders and use it to create innovative solutions and products. By embracing the concept of Open Innovation, companies can access a broader range of perspectives and ideas and use them to drive innovation. Visit http://www.oilf.in/ to know more about Open Innovation Lotus Foundation
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buzzesante · 10 months
Innovation : le Fonds Amgen France pour la science et l’humain lance son 4e appel à projets
Innovation : le Fonds Amgen France pour la science et l’humain lance son 4e appel à projets
Suite au succès des précédents appels à projets, le Fonds Amgen France pour la Science et l’Humain lance une quatrième édition, dotée de 600 000 € sur le thème « de la médecine de précision à l’optimisation du parcours de soins pour une expérience patient améliorée ». Présentation. Le Fonds Amgen France créé en 2019 dans le cadre du programme Amgen Innovations affiche son engagement à faire…
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montereybayaquarium · 3 months
Socks, food, and the ocean—they all have one thing in common: microplastics.
To tackle the microplastic pollution problem, researchers and policy experts from the Aquarium and @mbari-blog created an open-source library dedicated to helping researchers trace these tiny culprits back to their source. Check out the webcomic below to learn more!
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You can read more about the library on our website. Together we can take down plastic pollution! 💙🌍
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asiadealhub · 1 year
Analysis India Market Research
Asia Deal Hub is a professional kind of marketing service including Indian Market Research, market research firms, Market Research Agencies, distributor research, South East Asia Market Research, etc.
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pendolaredigitale · 1 year
10 cose che penso di aver capito dell’INNOVAZIONE… Ma di cui ogni tanto mi dimentico
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Scrivo questa lista in primis per me stesso: una serie di principi che ho imparato (a mie spese) in circa 15 anni di progetti e attività sul campo. Un vademecum per districarsi nell’uso di una delle parole più abusate degli ultimi anni.
Non sono certo perle di rara saggezza, ma dato che poi talvolta io per primo me ne dimentico, meglio averle nero su bianco.
innovazióne s. f. [dal lat. tardo innovatio -onis]. — 1. a. L’atto, l’opera di innovare, cioè di introdurre nuovi sistemi, nuovi ordinamenti, nuovi metodi di produzione e sim. [TRECCANI]
Ti sei chiesto almeno una volta in cosa il progetto (che credi sia innovativo, o che definisci come tale) è realmente “nuovo”? Detto diversamente, che cosa stai innovando? Ben inteso, almeno una volta è d’obbligo, ma ripetere il processo periodicamente aiuta a tener dritto il timone.
Se vuoi fare innovazione non devi aver paura di sbagliare. Sì perché se non sbagli è probabile che non ti sei spinto abbastanza in là, e poi sbagliare è insito nel “fare” che è il presupposto per innovare. Solo che sbagliare non fa sempre piacere, diciamolo.
Nel fare innovazione, non puoi conoscere a priori tutte le fonti di rischio. È la cosa che più mi turba quando, in un bando o in una call per finanziare progetti di presunta innovazione, ti chiedono di elencare le principiali fonti di rischio, potenziali barriere e strumenti di mitigazione: eh grazie, a conoscerli tutti, magari si sbaglierebbe meno (vedi sopra). Ed invece poi a fregarti è sempre qualcosa che avevi sottostimato.
Un progetto o un’iniziativa non è innovativo/a solo perché nella descrizione si usano termini “trendy”. Blockchain, AI, crypto, impact, data-driven e tutti i vari hype del momento non sono affatto garanzia di innovazione! Se pensi di incorrere in questo rischio, torna al punto (1) e prova a spiegarlo a qualcuno che non è del settore.
Per fare un progetto innovativo devono esserne tutti convinti. O per lo meno chi paga, chi progetta, chi esegue e chi si aspetta dei risultati (che spesso, ma non sempre, coincide con chi paga).
Oggi l’innovazione non può essere che aperta. È una conseguenza della società iper-connessa, accelerata e fast-consuming in cui viviamo, ma spesso è più facile professarla (l’Open Innovation) che metterla in pratica. Il retaggio di secoli di ricerca chiusa, elitaria, paziente (lenta) e concentrata in mano a pochi, pesa come un macigno.
L’innovazione è una velocista, non una maratoneta. Detto diversamente, un progetto non può essere innovativo per sempre.
Per innovare bisogna costruire su basi solide. È insito nella stessa etimologia. Innovare non è costruire ex-novo bensì rimestare, ri-assemblare asset, concetti, conoscenze solide e saperi acquisiti. Siamo pur sempre “Nani sulle spalle dei giganti”.
Un progetto innovativo non è necessariamente un bel progetto (e viceversa). Cosa super importante da tenere a mente onde evitare la sensazione di disillusione e mitigare, almeno parzialmente, la frustrazione che di tanto in tanto assale i pionieri dell’innovazione.
Innovazione non vuol dire “missione impossibile”, saper guardare oltre non vuol dire schiantarsi a 200 chilometri all’ora contro un muro e confidare di uscirne illeso.
Epilogo: dieci è un buon numero quando si scrive una lista (altri prima di me hanno fatto scuola 🤗) ma c’è sempre da imparare e quindi non escludo ci siano in futuro delle aggiunte. Per esempio il passaggio da un progetto “innovativo” ad un progetto “produttivo” ha per me ancora molti lati oscuri che spero di aver tempo e modo di carpire.
P.S. Trovi questo post anche qui
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mitidinnovation · 2 years
Open Innovation - MIT ID Innovation
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Want to know about open innovation and its process in detail? Become a part of innovation courses offered by MIT ID Innovation.
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luisdemen · 2 years
Jaguar Land Rover ha anunciado una nueva estrategia: Open Innovation
Jaguar Land Rover ha anunciado una nueva estrategia: Open Innovation
Jaguar Land Rover ha anunciado una nueva estrategia, Open Innovation, cuyo objetivo es acelerar las tecnologías de nueva generación y la sostenibilidad con el fin de fomentar su visión del lujo moderno para la empresa, sus socios y sus clientes. Open Innovation impulsará la colaboración con startups, scaleups y organizaciones externas de ideas afines en los ámbitos de electrificación,…
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unopenablebox · 7 months
theres a post going around like "if you think slow burn fanfic is unrealistic, just wait till you hear about my real life, where i met someone on a tour and we spent all our time together and cuddled and went out for picnics and talked for hours while staring into each other's eyes and then never said ANYTHING or even HELD HANDS........... for TWO WHOLE WEEKS!!!!" (... "then after a month he sent me a letter saying he'd been in love with me the whole time.")
and like. i'm sorry. two weeks? two weeks is your example of 'an astonishing and ridiculous length of time for two people with an intense emotional connection to spend knowing each other without admitting romantic feelings?' two weeks? two weeks.
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openinnovationoilf · 1 year
What is about Open Innovation Lotus Foundation OILF by Yashraj Bharwaj Yuvraj Bharwaj
In Alliance With Berkeley Haas Welcome to the blog of the Open Innovation Lotus Foundation In Alliance With Berkeley Haas! We are an organization that strives to bring together the best minds from both the academic and business worlds to collaborate and create innovative solutions to global challenges. Our mission is to foster a spirit of innovation, collaboration, and creativity to make the world a better place.
We are proud to partner with the prestigious Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley.
Together, we are working towards making meaningful progress in the areas of health, education, and economic development. We believe that innovation is essential to the world’s progress and that collaboration between the best minds in the world is essential to reach our goals. Our blog is dedicated to showcasing the innovative projects and ideas our team is working on, discussing current topics in the areas of health, education, and economic development, and offering insights into the world of open innovation
We look forward to sharing our stories and insights with you and hope you will join us in the important mission of creating a better future for everyone. Thank you for helping us to make the world a better place! Visit http://www.oilf.in/ to know more about Open Innovation Lotus Foundation.
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buzzesante · 2 years
Le Think tank Innovation Days dévoile « 2032, la santé transformée par l’innovation »
Pour cette deuxième saison des Innovation Days, le Think tank éphémère dévoile une vision prospective à dix ans du système de santé Français. Projection en 2032 ! Lancé au cœur de la crise sanitaire en 2020, le Think tank Innovation Days a pour objectif d’émettre des recommandations concrètes et rapidement applicables en vue de faire évoluer le système de santé français. Après le rapport de 16…
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im sorry UTS, but WHAT on fucking earth is "creative intelligence and innovation"????? and why on earth would anyone studying nursing or midwifery need "entrepreneurship and innovation" as a double degree??
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asiadealhub · 1 year
R&D partner sourcing
Our partner hub assists you in finding operational partners who will help your business grow faster across Asia through partnership services like R&D partner sourcing, patent research, supplier research, open innovation, etc.
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ghoulsencyclopedia · 7 months
Bay Leaf
Open Mindedness
Self Awareness
Anti Inflammatory
Respiratory Aid
Digestive Aid
Stress Reducer
Heart Health
Solar Plexus, Third Eye
Yellow, Green
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lusnimri · 30 days
So... lemme get this straight
Before prepubescent Wriothesley murdered his foster parents and set the rest of his family free, he was trying to escape them for a period of timeit's never specified in which he roamed the streets for long enough to develop several gauntlet prototypes that he even outgrew the need to use chemicals, all while Visionless? And once he was a teenager and had finally committed/was convicted for the crime, he chose some dude with a long and complicated name in an obituary as his new name and that day to be his new birthday? And when he was first taken down to the fortress, his Vision first appeared ontop of the registration ticket he was about to hand over to the registrar who was kind enough to secretly warn him that he should hide it and even handsew the vision inside of his own clothes? And, assuming he hadn't received a formal education under his foster parent's care, this impressionable little guy received the bulk of his introduction to Fontanian history through listening to the theories of imprisoned and crazed researchers? And this underdog gradually became the "richest" Coupon-holder in the entire fortress only to have all of them confiscated by the previous administrator over one night? And he challenged that administrator to a duel only for them to flee (most likely out of fear of getting killed by the guy convicted of murder) the day he was supposed to walk free just so no one could sign off on his papers and so he could serve the maximum sentence down there? And that very same day he just takes it in stride, rolls up to the office and became the next administrator himself, even declining a formal ceremony establishing him as the new administrator?
what a chad
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witchoflegends · 2 months
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"There seems to be a pattern of powerful leaders in Hell being bottoms. I'm all too happy to continue that streak."
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kelprot-old · 11 months
oh my god the prev reblog update is actually infuriating because if you go through someone's blog on a dashboard view you Cannot access the original versions of any posts. like if you click to view the post on an OP's blog it just takes you to their recent posts. so like i am mad as fuck actually
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