#New Moon Reading
sagezora · 1 year
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*close your eyes and ask yourself, “what do you need to know about this month and the major moon phases happening during this time?”
*open your eyes and pay attention to which card(s) you gravitate towards. there may be a message for you! take what resonates, leave what doesn’t !
Card 1 (far left): Mexican sunflower
past: during the sag new moon, many of you may have been setting goals and intentions working towards discovering and nurturing your talents and gifts. you realized being yourself and authentic gets you far. you are passionate, intelligent, beautiful and funny. So many people need to experience your light. alot of you are healers or recognizing the power of healing. trusting your knowledge and following your intuition helps you do whatever you put your mind to. reclaiming your power can be a challenging process. But you realized theres a need for you to shine fully because it helps you with spiritual alignment and attracting positive opportunities into your life. So its worth it. connecting with family and loved ones has helped with building your confidence. if you have been working on finding your chosen family and tribe, you may have realized there may be different avenues for you connect and meet new like minded people. Be patient. Give thanks for what you have at the moment. You are blessed with divine and spiritual abundance. Just stay true to yourself and your goals. Good luck is on your side. Your ancestors are protecting you on this journey.
present: this gemini full moon, may be bringing a lot of things up internally for you all. it can be a very confusing time. it may have you act out or overstep your emotional boundaries or others. this is not a time to force anything. this is a time to accept things for how they are. this is a time to reflect on past experiences but to gain perspective and learn your lessons. trust your intuition on what you need to learn. things come to an end and thats okay! letting go is apart of the healing process. old cycles are coming to an end because new and fresh beginnings are near. release and purge limiting beliefs and fearful and negative thoughts that hold you back. refrain from negative self talk during this time. take time to rest and renew yourself. self care is important during this time. connect with nature. be free. plant your feet in some grass. get out of your head. let go of control. trust the process. you are on the path of becoming the person who is confident in what they want and preparing their seeds for the their dreams to become a reality. journaling would be very beneficial to help with processing the information that may be coming up at this time.
future: the cap new moon, is giving this group the time to set intentions to help make their dreams and desires practical. during this time, community is going to big for you all. you will have the chance to connect with like minded people. these people will help you make your dreams become a reality. they will remind you that you are loved and supported. these individuals will remind you that you are worthy of your blessings. refrain from superficial relationships that may try to come up at this time. discernment is key. trust yourself. your mind, your body and soul. Be patient. Emotional security is important to build at this time. Stick to your vision. Look out for the signs and allow things to happen naturally. deep connections and vulnerability with the right people will keep you on the right path. these friends could also help you discover and nurture new interests. all you need to do is trust in the universe’s plan. a lot of abundance is in your future. Learning how to trust the process takes time. hope and faith is needed to keep your head up ready to catch your blessings coming in.
Card 2 (middle): Conception
past: the sag new moon brought up themes revolving self awareness, self worth and self love. you all realized there is a big need to set healthy boundaries with others and yourself. Healthy boundaries = self love and respect. It is self care. you all may be coming from an energy where you are finally giving yourself permission to set boundaries even if others make you doubt yourself. let go of that guilt. you are worthy of boundaries. you realized you deserved to feel safe as well. Clear boundaries help you tune into your real desires, feelings, goals and needs. being kind to yourself is just as important as being kind to others. Self compassion is needed. It’s time to be present in your body and feel your emotions. You are human! If you haven’t yet, Please release toxic relationships that aren’t serving you. Work on navigating those unhealthy attachments. Some of you may be healing from some form of betrayal which is making it hard to trust others and yourself. This pain is holding you back. It is causing you to abandon your needs and betray yourself. Release the past to help attract wholesome and wholehearted individuals. Count your blessings and remember your worth to get you through.
present: the gemini full moon is a time to look within and see what is arising in you. it is a time to be open to inspiration. new life and ideas are present. it is a time to be curious and open to new possibilities. this is a time to make sure you are in the right environment for these ideas to grow in a healthy way. creativity and movement like dancing, yoga, and physical activity are important at this time. It will help inspire you if you are lacking inspiration. a lot of you are dealing with different things that are holding you back from going after what you want. you may need to reevaluate your goals and release what isn’t serving you anymore, especially emotionally. Be honest with yourself. Its time to make adjustments. Time to work through the pain and trauma before you take action. Forgive yourself. Pay attention to what is draining your energy. Take time to listen to your body and soul. Go deeper within to connect with your higher self. If you are having a hard time figuring out what you want, it’s time for you to get clear on what your vision is. Silence will help bring clarity and help you with attracting and requesting what you want. There may be a lot of distractions around you that are making you busy, overwhelmed and clouded. Create a space for yourself to clarify your vision. Find a way to eliminate the noise and distractions. this will help you figure out what you what in the moment. Also, know that its okay to change your mind in the future. this is a time for you all to work on balancing your crown chakra. you may be dealing with a block to your intuition and communication to the spiritual realm. don’t let fear hold you back from connecting. you are protected by your people. wearing and working with the color purple and white could help at this time! your feelings of insecurity will pass and soon you will allow yourself to feel increasing faith in your own power and security. stability is near. Especially financial support that will help make your vision a reality. keep the faith.
future: the cap new moon is showing this group the importance of change. releasing the past is crucial for growth at this moment. you are only blocking your own blessings by staying in the past. you ancestors want to connect with you at this time but you need to make yourself available to receive the message. let go of what is familiar to you. theres a need for you to travel to the darker parts of your soul right. No need to fear. like i said your people are right beside you during this time. there’s a desperate need for you to connect with your higher self. set intentions and goals on how to find a balance with your present self and highest self. note the intense feelings that may come out during this time. things may feel accelerated. a lot may be resurfacing for you to finally face. life changes are being triggered for a reason. the universe is guiding you through a major transformation at this time. you are aligning with your higher self. Trust in the direction and guidance from your ancestors. Stick to your vision. Be patient though. Some of you may be going into a waiting period. But its okay. It’s a time to be patient to let things come to fruition. keep a dream journal at this time. It can help with connecting the dots and receiving necessary messages.
Card 3 (far right): the Sun
past: the sag new moon was a time for rebirth. certain matters and situations came to an end to make room for a new beginning that you need to take. its time to release and surrender. Its a time to heal and rest when you can. during this time, you may have been setting intentions that would help you gain confidence to go after your dreams. you realized you are more than capable of anything you put your mind to. you just have to go for it. take that risk. be open to new experiences! let go of your failures in the past. have faith in the universe because it supports your ideas and intentions. you may have been seeing many signs. you aren’t alone. your ancestors are protecting you along the way. if you haven’t already, find new ways to connect with your spirit guides and ancestors. maybe through an alter and shrine.
present: the gemini full moon may bring up a lot of relationship issues around this time. you may be dealing with a lot of unnecessary projections. you may be also realizing that a lot of the people in your life that are currently a reflection of how you see yourself. this can be a good and bad thing for some. some people need to still to let go of some people but it may be taking you awhile to process that. it’s okay to have constant reflection because it helps with growth but make sure the people you have around you respect you. this is a time to look within. learn from your reactions. look into what triggers you. how do you see yourself? is it positive? have you been off centered? are you neglecting your needs? overindulging? there’s a need for balance! work on consistently taking care yourself. remember your priorities. a lot of you may be stressing about finances. i know its easier said than done but try not to worry about it too much. money or some blessings may come in unexpectedly. there’s a need for balance with your root chakra to help with your sense of safety and security. trust your intuition during this time. It will help reassure you if you are on the right path.
future: the cap new moon is going help you with staying true to yourself. you are worthy of love and respect! you need to take time to focus on self love. its time to feel and respect your emotions. you realize once you work on your self esteem and being true to your values, more blessings come your way. continue to build your self esteem. work on setting goals to connect with others. you are in need of a community to help you feel seen and supported. you will be craving connections and the sense of belonging. this will be a good time to put yourself out there through your different interests but make sure you are using discernment. dont be afraid to ask for help during this time. take time to also pause and enjoy the moment. so much is going to be happening around you. self awareness is going to key to help with productivity.
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jupitersdoll · 7 months
Pick a Pile: New Moon in Virgo🤎
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✨ I hope everyone’s enjoying their Virgo season! This reading is for the New Moon in Virgo. Coming after a potent Super Blue Moon in Pisces, this is a great time for manifesting and setting intentions for what you want to see in your life for the rest of the year. Close your eyes, breathe, relax, and pick the photo you feel most drawn to for your special message during this time. ✨
Paid Personal Readings are available!
♡ 1: It feels like the people who chose this pile are coming out of a very heavy time in their lives. Maybe this summer wasn’t as exciting as you wanted it to be, and instead, you had to focus more on your responsibilities. I could also see that you had a time of uncertainty about your career or direction in education, and you weren’t prepared for it. This new moon would be a great time to set the intention for recovery. Just because summer’s over does not mean you lost the opportunity to relax and enjoy the life you worked so hard for these past few months. It’s always there. You just have to find something that gives you joy and take it up, even if it means that some of your responsibilities have to take a pause for a moment. See that movie with your pals and catch up, have dinner with your boo, bring your camera on that hike or nature walk, anything! The rest of the year feels very much like the light at the end of the tunnel. If you needed a sign that you’re going to be ok, this is it. Things will always be heavy, but you have to remember you first.
♡ 2: Heavy romance vibes here! It feels like the people who chose this pile had or are going to have an unexpected situationship, or perhaps a friend has confessed that they had feelings for you, and you may feel confused about how to move forward. This connection feels very dream-like, and it may have been the first time in a long time that you felt like this for someone. They prioritize you in a way that you’re not quite used to. It feels exciting and authentic, and for the first time, maybe ever, you want to keep it private to protect it. However, as fall approaches and life gets back to the mill, you may be worried about how to keep this connection going without things like friends, family, career, and school getting in the way. It’s getting harder and harder to keep things going the way they are in such a private and protective manner, but it’s not impossible. I’m picking up that you have always been good with keeping things in order with your life, so a connection that’s so emotional is scaring you, but you got this! They will be there for you because they care for you. If this is a friend-turned-lover situation, they know exactly how you are outside of this connection, so they know how to carry themselves in this situation. Don’t overthink it. 
♡ 3: I instantly heard, “It’s time to get back to business.” for this pile. I think that this summer has been very enjoyable for you, maybe even beyond your own expectations. It was a well-deserved time of relaxation and fun for you; perhaps you’re having a difficult time going back to your routines. Getting back into your sleep schedule, workout routine, or keeping up with deadlines may be difficult at this moment, but you need to sit down and figure out a way to do it. It feels like falling out of your routines has started to impact you in a way that makes you feel very defeated and sad, so you may be avoidant of your responsibilities. It’s a good time to sit down with yourself and map out what has been bothering you and how you could fix it so those issues don’t keep impacting your routines. If that means falling back from distractions, it would be worth it. You know exactly what you want, and while the road may be murky, you still see what’s on the other side. It’s time to get to it. You got this!
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sunisglowing · 1 year
New Moon in Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra- Pick a Card
(sidereal pisces)
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First of all, I would say you might be leaving your home and moving to a new city. You are leaving your sense of comfort and security. It seems that you might have been the person who has always relied on your family or a group of people, that have always had your back.
But, on the other side, you are might be getting overly emotionally dependant on those people.
It's time to get into your own power. You should embrace your independence and explore your freedom to grow as a person. Relying on these people to get things done won't teach you the necessary skills you should need to know.
You should dive deeper into how you can use your power, where you have power and take control over your life and game. It only comes with time and putting your out there in the field.
Also, you might not be someone who is very good at distinguishing who is using you or is toxic for you. Protect your energy. Be careful and don't trust others too easily.
Stand in your own feet and trust yourself and rely on your more. With all this much, don't let life make you gloomy and serious. Have fun out there!! You should explore your independence and freedom in the best possible way!!❤️
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I'm seeing that you might have been nostalgic and just been reminiscing what happened over the past. Some of you have been letting your past control you. You may be in the sadness which is hindering your present opportunities to be recognized by you.
You might have been very indecisive and unsatisfied with what have right now. It is because your focus is the past, which can be a great thing but not here. Allow what happened with you to motivate you to do or be better, stopping staying bitter.
Let the past go. You can't control what happened but you can control your future with the choices you make right now.
I'm getting you should spend your energy in following your passions and dreams. You should spend time alone thinking about your next passion project and what you should explore next. Do something spontaneous.
Don't expect momentum to magically enter your life. Stop waiting for when the next ride will come to take you off on a new journey. Initiate that new adventure. You don't have to be sure and know about everything. That's the point of it.
Starting indulging or exploring something that you don't know much about. Take time alone to think what all exites you and invokes your free-spirited nature. What are the things that inspire you the most??
For some of you, you may want to start a new course or learn something new. Read and research more. Become a student again and embrace that curiosity.
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I'm seeing that you are leaving something that you had grown and cultivated since a very long time. You might have been around a lot of people. And the noise of so many people and crowds have been draining your energy.
For a long period of time, you might have thought that this thing that you were very proud of for a while made you happy. This particular thing got a lot of praise, attention and appreciation from people.
But over time, it became more of a pressure. To you, it feels like you are doing it for everybody else rather than for yourself. Maybe it makes everybody else happy but not you. It has been pressuring you a lot.
You might have built and maintained this thing by so much of your hard work, time and patience. That's why you may be hesitant to leave. You might be hesitant because of the traditional views of your family or society.
You may feel that you have to continue yo tolerate or keep this thing, behavior, expectation or relationship because of other people, your family, peers, or society, but love, this is YOUR life. You can't act like a stranger to your own inner and deepest desires any longer. You want to escape this situation or end this thing.
There's a change or ending coming in your life and you will be the one doing it. You should or will detach from all this burden that is stopping you to live without any fear or pressure. Think logically and sometimes keeping your emotions aside to stand up for your rights is a good thing. Honestly this phase might make you sour but who cares?? specially in such a situation that is eating you up!
Go back to your childhood, what made you so happy?? Go to your childhood place, connect with your childhood friends. What makes you feel like a kid again?? happy and exited?? what makes you wonder and curious?? Go seek your inner light and joy.
listen to set me free by jimin. very on brand.
choose your happiness first!! 🌞🧡
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I'm seeing that you might have been betrayed by a group of people. They could be your co workers or people who you worked with on some project. This group might have bullied you or stabbed you in the back, or accused you of something you didn't do.
Anyway, if you are still in this group, know that they are very toxic. They don't have the best intentions for you and they will only ruin your hardwork and job.
They truth about these people will be coming to light. Some people might have been bad mouthing and spreading lies about you. They aren't loyal and they will get caught in doing so.
It might cause you a lot of heartbreak. You will be spending time alone and isolating because of all the drama that has happened in the past. You want to leave all this mess and chaos.
And I think it's good for you to reflect on it alone and away from these people. With all the drama, you aren't able to see things clearly so moving away from these people and spending time alone will be a good thing. That way, they won't be able to manipulate you anymore if you are out of reach. This period of isolation will bring a lot of clarity in work and relationships.
You will be leaving and breaking all ties with these people who have wronged you for the good. You will see the patterns more clearly of how you had been manipulated and be more wiser and cautious next time!
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turningwheeltarot · 10 months
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✨Mini Pick-a-Card✨ New Moon in Gemini Reading 🌚♊️ (June 17/18) — Area to Focus On/Set Intentions 🏹🔎
✨Follow me on instagram @turningwheel360✨
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thehermitsoracle · 4 months
New Moon in Capricorn 🌙 General Reading
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The Sun * Wheel of Fortune * Temperance
Something that may have been hidden in the dark is finally coming to light. The universe is granting you new gifts and opportunities in helping you find answers you have been seeking. Go with the flow and stick to the status quo. Try and adapt where it is needed. Do not force anything and understand patience, persistence, and adaptability are the keys to bring the success you have been working for.
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iamphatvenus · 15 days
Eclipse Vibes
ALL 12 SIGNS. Read for your rising sign or just the sign/s you feel the most like. If you don't know your rising sign then I guessssss you can use your Sun.
First of all, drink some water and have a good day ON PURPOSE.
Aries: Well, aren’t you a lucky individual? The planets have aligned in your favor. Make a wish! Feel like you are HIM/HER. This is the time to step into the energy of who you KNOW you are, who God said you are. Let’s check back in 6 months to celebrate again during Libra season 🕺🏾.
Taurus: You've probably been having crazy, prophetic dreams. All of us definitely should rest, but you especially. One thing about a Taurus: they get to the money. You might be renewing your faith or diving deep into your spiritual practice. God sees you and hears you; lay all your troubles at the altar.
Gemini: Okay, Hollywood. If you get some money, let me hold a dollar! Lol, just kidding. You might find a new friend group during this time. It's a great time to make your voice/ideas heard by a large group of people, especially over the next 6 months. If you haven’t started that idea yet, DO IT!
Cancer: Are multiple things that you’ve been working on coming into fruition at the same time? That’s kinda cool asf. Congrats! You're definitely receiving some type of well-deserved recognition. Or, you know, it could also be a scandal (stay dangerous 😭). The people around you definitely see you as a trailblazer at this time. If you do start something new, it will gain you recognition by Libra season. If the attention you’re getting is unfortunately negative, feel your emotions, but just go lay down. For whatever reason, all eyes are on you, and people probably already think you’re a hothead. You’ve obviously grown; don’t let anyone put you back in a mold you already broke!
Leo: Where are we going 👀? I’m so, so, so, so proud of you. I think by now acceptance letters for college have come out or are still coming out. So, congratulations to all my Leos who are pursuing higher education. If you have any cases open, they most likely will be ruled in your favor! For me personally, I know for a FACT that all my faith has been restored. I don’t question a damn thing. Wishing you the same peace. These last 12 months definitely felt like a pilgrimage. Hugs 🫂. Plus, you’re a Leo; like, of course they're mad! Nothing can turn your shine off. I’m sorry to myself for dimming my light because it would NEVER be dim enough for someone bothered by it!
VIRGOAT: Hey, Virgo. Mercury Retrograde is probably whooping your ass right now. Probably to tell you to stop getting angry about delays. For a long time, you let anger drive you to make mooney. That’s totally fine, but uhm, you’re probably burnt out. As someone who had to slowly get out of burnout, you do NOT want your body to sit you down, because then your busy-body self will really be sad. I had to remind you that you are indeed the GOAT. You were born worthy, and you proved yourself a long time ago. Look over all that you’ve overcome and be proud instead of feeling like it’s not good enough. You’re kinda scaring the hoes. We are overall, as a collective, going through a very transformative time. If you are feeling blocked, write down all your ideas. I know you have a lot of ideas. A good astrologer would tell you to be mindful of what you owe right now; check those statements, etc. I know you’re strategic asf, but emotions and love shouldn’t be controlled; these are things you have to let flow.
Libra: Hi, my pretty. There's a lot of energy going on in your 7th house right now. Aries season reminds us to put ourselves first, guilt-free, thank you very much. A lot of people are probably pulling on your energy. I’m not saying ignore them, but definitely communicate your needs, and if they aren’t hearing you or can’t meet them, on the back burner they go! I’m sure these last 6 months taught you all about the negative effects of people-pleasing/pouring from an empty cup though. On the flip side, if you’re open to new love or new business ventures, now is also a time to seize them in an assertive, confident way.
Scorpio: You’re another one that needs to practice self-care. We get it, you’re a Martian, always working, striving, and winning. Win yourself some rest. Strategize those self-care routines. There's really so much energy happening in everyone’s chart in the sign of Aries, I really think we should just lay down for a bit. A new self-care routine would definitely take you out of a rut, and most likely is the thing you’ve been missing. We’ve all (if you’ve been doing “the work”) changed quite a bit since the eclipses were happening in your sign/sister sign. You've become a brand new person. That took A LOT of energy. Look into dance maybe as a way to release all that… energy and also feel really good. People call on you because they KNOW you will get the job done; who do you get the call on, though? You are way more than what you do for others. Rest and don’t feel guilty about it either, I don’t care.
Sagittarius: If you’re engaging in intimate activities today and don’t want a new addition to your family, please use protection. For my singles and those not feeling as creative: I hope you fall back in love with your art and reopen your heart to love and romance.
Capricorn: It's time for some home reco; move some things around to bring in new energy or just better feng shui in the house. Burning incense or a candle for whatever intention you have for your home or future one would be the vibe today.
Aquarius: If you are traveling, safe travels. You were never one to shy away from a tough conversation or telling people how it is. Maybe watch your tone though. Your mom might announce you have a new sibling; I know, right? Like, she's too grown for that, lmao. But anyways, congrats on that. Let your words nourish those around you; you might see a surprise.
Pisces: Last but certainly not least. I hope you find some new ways to earn money. Check your notes app; you probably have a good idea or two in there. If you need some realignment of remembering your worth, I’d listen to a really good playlist, one that’s very affirmative or just reminds you of who you are. (Think Yea Glo, by Glorilla) New moons are a good time to visualize and plan how you want the month to go. Definitely go over your budget sometime this week; you might realize you have more money to spend on self-care than you thought. Maybe get yourself a little treat and indulge just a teeny, weenie bit.
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l3xistentialism · 4 months
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Forecast 12/12/23✨
Blessed Sag New Moon 🌑 🏹
As the luminaries team up in the sign of the Archer, we are encouraged to set goals that exceed our expectations. Saturn in Pisces says “the limit does not exist”. Go big or go tf home.
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themagikmirror · 7 months
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Cards of Yesterday ’s LIVE …
I don’t know how to recover & repost the LIVE I did here on Tumblr, if you know how please comment below/message me!!! Thanks a bunch. However, If you’re interested in the Full Live I will link it from my Facebook Page! Please follow me over there if able 💕
Right now as we collectively come out of Venus & Mercury’s RX as well as process this Leo New Moon, I wanted to offer some divination & discussion for clarity! A lot is going on astrologically, spiritually & energetically as we end Summer. This reading came through very clearly…
🔮Spirit is literally saying “yes, some things are manifesting for you… but is this what you really want?”
Sometimes its okay to go back to the drawing board when things & people are not showing up the way we need them to.
🔮Spirit also says :
be open minded, not everything you need/want has to meet your expectations … BUT only you know what you’re willing to accept at the end of the day. Its ultimately your decision that makes the difference.
As we move into the Fall season & close out 2023… we need to make sure we’re not being sacrificial for the sake of community/relationship/connections & the image or appearance of having it together… when its not really all that!!!!
🔮Spirit says :
Looks & the way we perceive things can be deceiving. Does the energy match the manifestation & does the manifestation match the energy? Is the situation giving what it needs to give? Its so easy to get caught up in the perception/image game…
🔮Spirit says : right now that energetic component is key 🔑
The energy that present itself is sometimes more truthful that what the eyes can see! If the ENERGY is not sincere & loving (high vibration), we either need to pull back & budget how much we give or completely remove ourselves from the situation… But if the energy is there… THE LOVE, THE HONESTY, THE PASSION…maybe there’s some small changes that can be made to make it work in our communities,jobs,relationships…
Some of those changes must start from within though 💔
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lokabrenna13 · 7 months
As I mentioned in the previous post, I was called to do a New Moon in Virgo reading with Mani from the Moonology Oracle deck.
The Four of Swords and The Hanged Man indicate at least a brief time of rest and reflection. Part of your life may be on "pause" anyway, or at least, you may be dealing with a great deal of frustration or stagnation from a situation that is going nowhere. This could be a job, a project, a living situation, a friendship, a relationship, a personal goal, etc. (this is a collective message, so any or multiple of these could apply, or another situation entirely.) This pause can give you moments of clarity when the way forward is clearer, or at least, you will have a better understanding of what you want.
The way forward will involve facing fears and stepping out of your comfort zone. In some cases, the necessary changes will be be drastic, even jarring at times. As you move forward, your efforts will not go unnoticed. While some may be supportive, resistance to what you are doing may be fierce at times.
Like the Hanged Man, you are being tested, but you have what you need to face and overcome the challenges. You need to believe that you can achieve what you want. All experience doubts at times, but by focusing on the negativity and doubts, you give power to them and affect your ability to succeed.
So... Thank you for watching/reading. This is a collective reading. Take only what resonates.
Moonology Oracle Cards
by Yasmin Boland
Artist: Nyx Rowan
Hail Mani!
#moonologyoracle #divination #oraclereading #oraclecards #oraclemessage #loki #hailloki #lokabrenna #godspouse #lucifer #morningstar #haillucifer #divination #collectivereading #newmoon #newmoonreading #mani #hailmani
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merstrology-blog · 1 year
Free New Moon Tarot!
Today is the Sagittarius New Moon and our free single-card tarot readings! Chart your course for a brighter future, and let go of old baggage. There is so much more to experience when you set yourself free. Send an ask to see what your next steps are 🌟
Requests are open until Nov 24, 9:30pm PST.
Here's how to participate:
Send an ask for a reading (an emoji or simple ‘Thanks!’ works)
I’ll answer with your card and a brief interpretation
These are general readings!
Although you are welcome to provide context for your reading, usually the cards will focus on whatever is most pressing for you this month. So even if you ask about your love life, you could end up with a message about your career or mental health. Please take this into consideration when requesting ✨
You can also get an extra card by participating via my website here!
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mauvemystic · 11 months
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If you find yourself experiencing confusion or major shifts, this message offers reassurance that you can lean into this shift and know it is all part of your current journey. Much like the depiction in the Skillful Perseverance card, the path forward may not be crystal clear -- keep going and trust the process. Trust that you are/will be backed by divine support. When times are trying, dig deep for determination and tenacity; invoke the grace of fortitude. Focus on taking a solid step one at a time. You CAN do this. 💜
If, on the other hand, you feel stuck in a limbo or unable to move forward, you may need to commit to making some much-needed changes to usher in the new. Trust that you are on the verge of a transformation. We see in the card’s imagery that, although the path isn't visibly clear, it also isn't very obstructed. We can take a step if we're willing.
You may want to commune with your soul and ask yourself,
• Is there anything I'm clinging to that is no longer working for me?
• What changes am I resisting in my life, and why might that be?
• Am I investing my time and energy wisely?"
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swatithestar · 1 year
New moon in aquarius channeled reading ☆
This reading is for my creatives and visionaries, this is the journey of a storyteller. Finally after the constant tower moments and transformations, you are closing out a chapter and entering a stage in your life that’s felt like a long time coming. This is the calm after the storm, let the sunshine in and appreciate the simple joys life has to offer. You are embodying your purpose in a way you haven’t before, aligning with your souls truest desires.
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I’m sensing an energy of searching for signs but not realizing that they’ve been in front of you this whole time. The universe has answered your questions and is reassuring you that theres so much more than you can even imagine for yourself on the horizon. You have to treat every choice like it’s the right choice and have faith within your intuition. You may feel lost but i’m hearing to remember, remember what you aspired most when you were younger. There is nothing you can’t accomplish.
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A dreamer. The magician of your own universe. Recognize the power you hold. You grow stronger and more beautiful on a daily basis. Unique and eccentric, embody being the most authentic version of yourself. The advice coming through is to trust and to calm/ center yourself. Create a space within your mind that is an eternally calm place. I’m also hearing to declutter your space and maybe even your phones, clear out the old. The calmer you get; the deeper , wiser, and lighter you become. Have total compassion even at your lowest. Speak affirmations into the air and become what you most desire. Operate from an energy of love because you are love. You are all you’ll ever need!
☆ Connections: the color purple, an amethyst gemstone, the number 7, yellow or red roses, the sun, something vanilla scented or flavored
☆ Channeled song:
☆ If anyone would like a personal reading, you can just dm me ☆
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sunisglowing · 9 months
(sidereal cancer)
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PILE 1 »»————>
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I see that some of you have had financial issues. Some of you may find a passion or opportunity that will help you rise up from that.
Trust the process. If you are doubting that you will ever find a way, trust me you will. Just give it more time.
Please be private about your passions and the opportunities that come your way. Don't speak about it so soon and just take action for it. Keep chasing it until you see it in your hands. Spend time with your family or who you consider your group or community. Take their support and help.
PILE 2 »»————>
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Something you have been desiring and hoping for will come true or come to fruition. You might also be walking away from something. Some of you will be overcoming deep seated fears. Many of you are making new plans and strategies regarding your career or studies.
Remember to not spend your whole time making plans though. Set a small amount of time aside for planning and then decide how you will go about your plans. Make realistic and achievable plans and then you put in the work regularly. You are starting period focused on work and you will be busy.
A lot of you might be pushing aside your emotions to solely focus on work. It's a good thing but don't totally neglect yourself and become a working machine.
PILE 3»»————>
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A lot of dissapointments and heartbreak from family that you feel like you just wanna leave. For some of you, it could also be that you might have to leave your family and that's why you are sad.
I also see that some of you might feel that you have to leave your family for Someone. I mean to say that you might be in a position that you feel that you have to choose between someone/something and your family. This someone/something might hold a lot of power over you and even controls you in a way. Could be a person or a habit. You may feel so attached to it that you may find it hard to let go. For others it may be something your family doesn't approve off. You may find this thing very appealing.
You are in state of confusion. You may decide to put in the work or effort (whatever it maybe) to achieve it. You may be
PILE 4»»————>
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Something really significant might have had happened or will happen in your life. A sudden change or event may take place. It might have or will make you guarded or untrusting. Something really heartbreaking might happen. You may have lost someone in your life.
You are very slowly but surely moving on from that. On the other hand, I see you saving up and building up your money. You are building a stable foundation for yourself.
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turningwheeltarot · 2 years
New Moon in Cancer (June 28th, 2022)
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This is an intense new moon that is likely to bring up some big emotions – and possibly triggers. It’s important to be extra gentle with ourselves and careful in our interactions with others; arguments can easily erupt and feelings can easily be hurt.
If we’re feeling hurt, is right now the best time to express that to another? Maybe or maybe not. If we take a deep breath, get still, and check in with ourselves, we will know the answer. 
For many of us, deep pain will be coming to the surface to see and heal. There may also be some reality checks, which can be painful at first, but are ultimately for our benefit.
Themes around our sense of security and safety within ourselves are arising, as well as issues having to do with wounded feminine and masculine energies – both within (our personal inner feminine and masculine energies) and in the outer world (of women and men). 
I think the energy of this new moon relates directly to the women's rights issues that have come to the forefront in the  USA  — the collective pain/anger of women at the suppression of their autonomy and agency (the moon is conjunct Black Moon Lilith, and square Chiron and Jupiter in Aries). 
Luckily, we have some much-needed cosmic support for detachment right now too. We can practice stepping into our inner witness where we can observe our feelings as though they were clouds in the sky, allowing them to be, but not take us over. We can choose to see whatever arises as an opportunity for healing and growth. Self-care and self-compassion are beautiful things to focus on for this new moon and entire moon cycle.
✨Follow me on Instagram: instagram.com/turningwheel360✨
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thesacredself · 2 years
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🌊 Water signs, your reading for the new moon in Leo 🌊💛
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comingouttarot · 1 year
Final 2022 RAW Tarotscopes
Your Final new moon RAW tarotscopes are here! So what intentions might you want to focus on for clarity and confidence in your gay relationship? Find your sign(s) below.
Your Final new moon RAW tarotscopes are here! So what intentions might you want to focus on for clarity and confidence in your gay relationship? Find your sign(s) below. Gay Intentions For The New Moon Wild Unknown Tarot Get Deeper Insights On PatreonGo further into this advice. Search your shadow and uncover hidden trauma. Discover patterns for you to pay attention to or take action…
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