#Minima Moralia
philosophybits · 5 days
As long as blow is followed by counter-blow, catastrophe is perpetuated.
Theodor W. Adorno, Minima Moralia, 33
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yorgunherakles · 10 months
yiyorum, içiyorum, uyuyorum, gezmeye çıkıyorum. ama birden keyfim kaçıyor, bir boşluk duyuyorum.
gonçarov - oblomov
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tonreihe · 3 months
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Gershom Scholem thought Adorno’s Minima Moralia a work of negative theology. Adorno did not object to this interpretation.
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bocadosdefilosofia · 2 months
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«La vida humana se convierte en instante, y no porque supere la duración, sino porque se desvanece en la nada manifestando su vanidad en el seno de la mala finitud del tiempo en sí. En el ruidoso tic-tac del reloj se percibe el desdén de los años-luz por el palmo de la propia existencia. Las horas que ya han pasado como segundos antes de que el sentido interno las haya asimilado, anuncian a éste, arrastrándolo en su precipitación, que él y toda memoria están consagrados al olvido en la noche cósmica. Un olvido del que los hombres hoy se percatan de un modo obsesivo. En su estado de total impotencia, que se le ha dejado vivir le parece al individuo el plazo breve de un ajusticiado. No espera vivir por sí mismo su vida hasta el final. La posibilidad de la muerte violenta o el martirio, presente a cada uno, se continúa en la angustia de saber que los días están contados y la duración de la propia vida establecida en las estadísticas de saber que el envejecer en cierto modo se ha convertido en una ventaja ilícita que hay que sacar con engaño de los valores medios. Quizá esté ya agotada la cuota de vida dispuesta, con carácter revocable, por la sociedad. Una angustia  semejante registra el cuerpo en la huida de las horas. El tiempo vuela.»
Theodor W. Adorno: Mínima moralia. Editorial Taurus, pág. 166. Madrid, 2001.
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philosophybitmaps · 8 months
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aschenblumen · 2 years
Toda la práctica, toda la humanidad del trato y la comunicación es mera máscara de la tácita aceptación de lo inhumano. Hay que estar conforme con el sufrimiento de los hombres: hasta su más mínima forma de contento consiste en endurecerse ante el sufrimiento.
Theodor W. Adorno, «Primera parte. 1944» (fr. 5) en Minima moralia. Reflexiones desde la vida dañada. Edición de Rolf Tiedemann, traducción de Joaquín Chamorro Mielke.
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odettecarotte · 6 months
To speak immediately of the immediate is to behave much as those novelists who drape their marionettes in imitated bygone passions like cheap jewelry, and make people who are no more than component parts of machinery act as of they still had the capacity to act as subjects, and as if something depended on their actions.
Theodor Adorno, Minima Moralia
Someone I work with saved their own life recently.
At first I was happy, then I cried about it for hours. The next day, I cried to my supervisor, "they could have died!"
Becky reflected. She didn't understand why I was so upset that someone was alive.
But she knows me, and eventually she could see that tangling with "could have died" was horrible, and that I feel no pride, for myself or others, who act as if they still had the capacity to act as subjects, and as if something depended on their actions.
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Die Wilden sind nicht bessere Menschen (The savages are not better people) There is to be found in African students of political economy, Siamese at Oxford, and more generally in diligent art-historians and musicologists of petty-bourgeois origins, a ready inclination to combine with the assimilation of new material, an inordinate respect for all that is established, accepted, acknowledged. An uncompromising mind is the very opposite of primitivism, neophytism, or the "non-capitalist world". It presupposes experience, a historical memory, a fastidious intellect and above all an ample measure of satiety. It has been observed time and again how those recruited young and innocent to radical groups have defected once they felt the force of tradition. One must have tradition in oneself, to hate it properly (um sie recht zu hassen). That snobs show more aptitude than proletarians for avant-garde movements in art throws light on politics too. Late-comers and newcomers have an alarming affinity to positivism, from Carnap-worshippers in India to the stalwart defenders of the German masters Matthias Grünewald and Heinrich Schütz. It would be poor psychology to assume that exclusion arouses only hate and resentment; it arouses too a possessive, intolerant kind of love, and those whom repressive culture has held at a distance can easily enough become its most diehard defenders. There is even an echo of this in the sententious language of the worker who wants, as a Socialist, to "learn something", to partake of the so-called heritage, and the philistinism of the Bebels lies less in their incomprehension of culture than in the alacrity with which they accept it at face value, identify with it and in so doing, of course, reverse its meaning. Socialism is in general no more secure against this transformation than against lapsing theoretically into positivism. it can happen easily enough that in the Far East Marx is put in the place vacated by Driesch and Rickert. There is some reason to fear that the involvement of non-Western peoples in the conflicts of industrial society, long overdue in itself, will be less to the benefit of the liberated peoples than to that of rationally improved production and communications, and a modestly raised standard of living. Instead of expecting miracles of the pre-capitalist peoples, older nations should be on their guard against their unimaginative, indolent taste for everything proven, and for the successes of the West.
Theodor Adorno, Minima Moralia
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horribleyouth · 1 year
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he was so real for this (part of adorno’s 72nd aphorism in minima moralia, german original and english translation)
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endlessandrea · 2 years
"Perhaps the true society will grow tired of development and, out of freedom, leave possibilities unused, instead of storming under a confused compulsion to the conquest of strange stars. A mankind which no longer knows want will begin to have an inkling of the delusory, futile nature of all the arrangements hitherto made in order to escape want, which used wealth to reproduce want on a larger scale. Enjoyment itself would be affected, just as its present framework is inseparable from operating, planning, having one’s way, subjugating. Rien faire comme une bête, lying on water and looking peacefully at the sky, ‘being, nothing else, without any further definition and fulfillment’, might take the place of process, act, satisfaction, and so truly keep the promise of dialectical logic that it would culminate in its origin. None of the abstract concepts comes closer to fulfilled utopia than that of eternal peace."
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giovanna-dark · 2 years
Sei amato solo dove puoi mostrarti debole senza provocare in risposta la forza.
Theodor W. Adorno
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philosophybits · 18 days
In the end, hope, wrested from reality by negating it, is the only form in which truth appears. Without hope, the idea of truth would be scarcely even thinkable, and it is the cardinal untruth, having recognized existence to be bad, to present it as truth simply because it has been recognized.
Theodor W. Adorno, Minima Moralia, 61
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yorgunherakles · 9 months
sahip olmaya çalıştığımız her an çoktan yitirilmiştir.
t. adorno - minima moralia
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tonreihe · 3 months
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That paragraph in Greil Marcus’s Lipstick Traces where he reimagines Theodor Adorno’s book Minima Moralia as a spoken-word LP entitled Big Ted Says No.
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philosophybitmaps · 1 year
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aschenblumen · 2 years
Si el amor debe ser representación de una sociedad mejor dentro de lo existente, no puede serlo como un enclave de paz, sino solo en la oposición consciente. (...) Amar significa ser capaz de hacer que la inmediatez no se atrofie en la omnímoda presión de la mediación, por la economía, y en ese empeño la inmediatez, mediada solo consigo misma, se constituye en una tenaz presión contraria. Solo ama el que tiene fuerzas para aferrarse al amor.
Theodor W. Adorno, Minima moralia. Reflexiones desde la vida dañada (fr. 110). Edición de Rolf Tiedemann y traducción de Joaquín Chamorro Mielke.
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