#Maria Hamer
dedoholistic · 1 year
Nuova Medicina Germanica o metodo Hamer: di che cosa si tratta?
IL Font – Informazione di Carattere – Salute, Benessere e Nuovi Stili di Vita
Nuova Medicina Germanica o metodo Hamer: di che cosa si tratta?
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egalitarianchica · 2 years
The names of these pro-life feminist icons (that I know):
- Destiny Herndon-De La Rosa
- Terrisa Bukovinac
- Christina Marie Bennett
- Cessilye Smith
- Aimee Murphy
- Beth Fox
- Maria Oswalt
- Cherilyn Holloway
- Fannie Lou Hamer
- Kristin Turner
- Kay Fellows
- Herb Geraghty
- Jazzi Milton
- Cassandra Guardiola
- Kelsey Hazzard
This post lists their organizations.
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jivvin · 24 days
if you're willing to do the music ask thing, I'd also love a Playlist from you as well. If doing them all is too much, just do the questions you like the most. :D
oh man, this sure was a ride <3
1: A song you like with a color in the title
Charles Brown - Black Night. it's double damage, 'cause the artist's name also has a colour in it ;p
2: A song you like with a number in the title
Steeleye Span - Seven Hundred Elves
3: A song that reminds you of summertime
Cesaria Evora - Sangue de Beirona
4: A song that reminds you of someone you would rather forget about
i don't have anything quite like that, but this one - Michal Oginski - Polonaise Farewell - reminds me of someone departed, thinking of whom is still painful, so i don't listen to it often
5: A song that needs to be played LOUD
Ida Maria - Oh My God
6: A song that makes you want to dance
Florence + The Machine - Free
7: A song to drive to
i can't and don't drive, but this is what i imagine would be a cool track to drive to: Wormview - Ashes and Diamonds
8: A song about drugs or alcohol
again, can't recall anything quite like that. SIAMÉS - The Wolf is a great song though, about addiction in general
9: A song that makes you happy
Meg Rock - Clover
10: A song that makes you sad
Neutral - Luna
11: A song that you never get tired of
Caravan Palace - Miracle. don't know if i'll never get tired of it, but there was definitely a time when i was listening to it a lot and often, and i still love it
12: A song from your preteen years
Sum 41 - Fat Lip
13: One of your favorite 80’s songs
Kate Bush - Running Up That Hill
14: A song that you would love played at your wedding
honestly never given it any thought or whatever, but i guess this is a nice wedding-vibe song: Beach Boys - God Only Knows
15: A song that is a cover by another artist
Hannah Gill - Somebody That I Used to Know. i love the original, but there's just something about this cover, man
16: One of your favorite classical songs
and here's where i out myself as the most basic bitch imaginable, but Eric Satie - Gnosienne no.1
17: A song that would sing a duet with on karaoke
i absolutely cannot imagine myself singing karaoke, let alone with another living person( sorry, but this is the one that genuinely stumped me, i can't even come up with an interesting alternative here
18: A song from the year that you were born
Queen - The Show Must Go On
19: A song that makes you think about life
Alex Wurman - Ending
20: A song that has many meanings to you
The National - Sorrow
21: A favorite song with a person’s name in the title
Anaïs Mitchell & Jefferson Hamer - Willie's Lady
22: A song that moves you forward
Антитіла - Все красиво
23: A song that you think everybody should listen to
Go_A - Solovey
24: A song by a band you wish were still together
Високосный год - Метро. i not so much wish they were still together, as i wish they'd done more than 1 album over their entire career
25: A song by an artist no longer living
Connie Boswell - I Cover the Waterfront. this is probably the category where i could go on for an especially long time lol
26: A song that makes you want to fall in love
not sure if i've ever gotten this kinda feeling from a song, but Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes - Home is one of my favourite love songs, and i think it captures well this warm, upbeat feeling love is theoretically supposed to give you
27: A song that breaks your heart
Лея - Підмінок. definitely cried at this one
28: A song by an artist with a voice that you love
Rammstein - Haifisch
29: A song that you remember from your childhood
Oda Kanako - Moonlight Densetsu (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
30: A song that reminds you of yourself
well, that's easy: Gotye - Smoke and Mirrors
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kaijudyke · 2 years
Willie of Winsbury (Child 100) – Anaïs Mitchell & Jefferson Hamer
Choked Out – The Mountain Goats
If I Didn't Know Better – The Civil Wars
Overnight Sensation – BØRNS
Storstadskvinnor faller ner och dör – Raymond & Maria
send me a 🎵 and i will put my music on shuffle and give you a 5 song playlist
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lamilanomagazine · 3 months
E' morto Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia, figlio dell'ultimo re d'Italia
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E' morto Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia, figlio dell'ultimo re d'Italia Umberto II. E' morto a Ginevra Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia, figlio di Umberto II, l'ultimo re d'Italia, e di Maria Josè. La notizia è stata diffusa in una nota della "Real Casa", ancora non sono stati resi noti luogo e data delle esequie. Vittorio Emanuele, in esilio dal 1946 al 2003 dopo il referendum del 1946 era figlio dell'ultimo re d'Italia, Umberto II, avrebbe compiuto 87 anni il 12 febbraio. L'annuncio della morte Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia è stato diffuso attraverso una nota della "Real Casa di Savoia": "Alle ore 7:05 di questa mattina, 3 febbraio 2024, Sua Altezza Reale Vittorio Emanuele, Duca di Savoia e Principe di Napoli, circondato dalla Sua famiglia, si è serenamente spento in Ginevra. Luogo e data delle esequie saranno comunicati appena possibile". L'ESILIO Dopo il referendum del 1946 il lungo esilio dal 1946 al 2003, Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia nato il 12 febbraio 1937 a Napoli, era designato a succedere al trono di suo padre, Umberto II. Dopo il referendum del 1946 che sancì la vittoria della Repubblica, visse in esilio fino al 15 marzo 2003 quando, una volta cancellata la XIII disposizione che vietava il rientro dei discendenti maschi in Italia, era ritornato in patria dopo 57 anni. IL MATRIMONIO Il matrimonio con Marina Doria, da cui ha avuto un figlio, Emanuele Filiberto, ma lo stesso matrimonio non era stato visto di buon occhio dall'ex re e per questo i due si sposarono in segreto, senza avvisare le famiglie. Di fatto il matrimonio creò l'ennesimo dissapore alla casata, con il padre che non diede mai il "regio assenso" alle nozze, cosa che invece sarebbe prevista dalle leggi dinastiche. I PROBLEMI GIUDIZIARI Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia fu indagato e prosciolto per la morte di Dirk Hamer. Il 19enne tedesco era rimasto ucciso nel 1978 in una sparatoria sull'isola di Cavallo, in Corsica. Dopo una lunga battaglia legale tra la famiglia dei Savoia e la famiglia del giovane, Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia venne prosciolto. Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia fu coinvolto anche in un'inchiesta sul casinò di Campione, nel 2006 quando, nell'ambito di un'inchiesta sul casinò di Campione d'Italia, venne arrestato con le accuse di associazione a delinquere finalizzata alla corruzione e al falso e allo sfruttamento della prostituzione. Anche in questo caso, dopo un mese ai domiciliari, venne scagionato dalle accuse con formula piena "perché il fatto non sussiste". E ricevette un risarcimento di 40mila euro per i sei giorni trascorsi in carcere prima dei domiciliari.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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giancarlonicoli · 9 months
2 ago 2023 17:43
Estratto dell’articolo di Maria Novella De Luca per “la Repubblica”
[…] «Ho lottato per 45 anni, ho gridato contro l'ingiustizia, ho perso nei tribunali, sono stata denunciata, calunniata, ero Davide contro Golia, oggi però il mondo intero conosce le colpe di Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia. Quella notte in cui Dirk iniziò a morire e la verità venne gettata nei fondali dell'isola di Cavallo, io ero lì, accanto a lui, nessuno è più riuscito a spegnere la mia voce».
[…] Ogni attimo della notte tra il 17 e il 18 agosto del 1978, quando un proiettile partito incidentalmente dalla carabina di Vittorio Emanuele ferì a morte Dirk Hamer, 19 anni, giovane e bellissimo fratello di Birgit, è cristallizzato nella sua memoria.
[…] A quasi mezzo secolo da quella tragedia, da cui l'erede al trono d'Italia uscì assolto, un documentario su Netflix firmato da Beatrice Borromeo, e la pubblicazione, dopo anni di sequestro del libro di Birgit Hamer, entrambi dal titolo “Il principe ”, hanno riaperto una pagina di storia densa di ombre e segreti.
Birgit, oggi lei dice che Dirk ha finalmente avuto giustizia. Perché?
«Il documentario […] ha per la prima volta svelato cosa accadde davvero la notte in cui mio fratello fu ferito a morte. I testimoni di allora, che mai avevano parlato, hanno raccontato ogni dettaglio, dagli spari alla vergogna dei soccorsi che non arrivavano. Mai così dettagliata è stata la descrizione dell'agonia di Dirk. E i depistaggi, l'occultamento delle prove, fino alla farsa del processo del 1991 in Corte d'Assise a Parigi che “in dubbio pro reo” ha assolto Vittorio Emanuele».
Assoluto, sempre. Anche nel 2006 quando fu arrestato dal procuratore Woodcock per associazione a delinquere.
«Però proprio in prigione a Potenza Vittorio Emanuele non sapendo di essere intercettato raccontò al suo compagno di cella di aver “fregato” i giudici francesi e di essere stato lui a sparare il colpo che ferì a morte Dirk. I suoi avvocati smentirono, ma trovammo un video di quella intercettazione. Tutto questo è pubblico […]».
[…] Riannodiamo il filo dei ricordi. Roma, fine anni Settanta.
«Con mia madre Sigrid e i miei tre fratelli che vivevamo in via Margutta. I miei si erano separati, così ci siamo ricevuti da Heidelberg a Roma. Anni spensierati. […] Facevo la modella, Dirk e gli altri fratelli frequentavano la scuola tedesca».
Suo padre Geerd Hamer è stato un medico discusso, radiato e poi arrestato per le sue teorie sulla cura del cancro.
«[…] La battaglia per Dirk ci ha divisi per sempre. Accettò dei soldi da Vittorio Emanuele per le cure di mio fratello, ero contraria, sapevo che sarebbero stati usati contro di noi. Ma ha assistito eroicamente Dirk senza mai allontanarsi dal suo letto. Diciannove operazioni e l'amputazione della gamba. E pensare che Dirk era un corridore, si allenava nei 400 metri con Pietro Mennea».
[…] «Nell'agosto del 1978 mia madre affittò una piccola casa a Porto Rotondo. […] Il maledetto 17 agosto un amico di Dirk ci propone una gita all'isola di Cavallo, in Corsica. Partimmo con tre barche, il Coke, Il Mapagià e il Master». […] «Il mare grosso ci aveva impedito di tornare in Sardegna. Decidemmo di accampare nelle barche per dormire a Cavallo. Molti di noi avevano soltanto il costume addosso. Qualcuno per andare a riva aveva preso in prestito un gommone legato a uno yacht vicino alle nostre barche. Peccato che quel canotto fosse di Vittorio Emanuele. Questo scatenò l'ira del Savoia».
Nel libro scrive di aver sentito il principe gridare: “Italiani di merda, avete preso il mio Zodiac, vi ammazzo tutti”.
«Ci fu un primo sparo, poi un secondo durante una colluttazione con Nicky Pende, ex marito di Stefania Sandrelli che aveva provato a fermare Vittorio Emanuele. Uno di quei proiettili colpì Dirk che dormiva nella barca vicina e gli recise l'arteria femorale».
Morì il 7 dicembre del 1978. Dopo un'agonia di 111 giorni.
«Ricordo che corsi sul “Mapagià” e presi mio fratello tra le braccia. Mi fissava con i suoi grandi occhi blu, mentre faceva uno sforzo sovrumano per sopportare il dolore. Era eroica».
È vero che nella prima fase Vittorio Emanuele riconobbe le sue responsabilità?
«Il Savoia viene arrestato e portato nel carcere di Ajaccio. Il 28 agosto 1978 scrive di suo pugno: “Riconosco la mia responsabilità civile per l'infortunio del 18 agosto 1978 accaduto al signor Hamer”. Documento poi scomparso, ma che i giornalisti fotografarono».
Lei impiegò 13 anni per far celebrare il processo in Francia.
«Anni di rimpalli tra tribunali, nessuno voleva portare alla sbarra un Savoia. Ci riuscì la mia tenacissima avvocata Sabine Paugam. conoscevano montagne di prove, ma loro erano troppo potenti. Politica, aristocrazia e massoneria si mobilitarono per depistare il processo. Fu una farsa. Vittorio Emanuele è stato assolto. Si parlò di una seconda pistola, inesistente invece. […]». […]
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stellakapezanou · 9 months
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STUDIO WEST is proud to present SUNBURN, an online group exhibition featuring a selection of exciting emerging and newly established international artists.
"Ladies and gentlemen of the class of '99.
Wear sunscreen.
If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it."
Baz Lurhmann, Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen), 1998
Drawing its lyrics from Chicago Tribune columnist Mary Schmich's 1997 essay 'Advice, like youth, probably just wasted on the young', Baz Lurhamm's hit song 'Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)' was released in 1998. Exalting the importance of wearing suncream, the song and essay from which its lyrics were drawn had the intention of passing the sage wisdom of one generation to the next, an undertaking that the author herself acknowledged as likely to fall on deaf ears, drowned out by youthful arrogance and the privilege of absent-mindedness.
While it is difficult to disagree with the importance of protecting oneself from UV rays, there is something unexpectedly precious about a sunburn. It is like a memory, an imprint of carefreeness left on the skin of one too wrapped up in joyous revelry to pay heed to the sun's ferocious rays. While lathering aftersun onto patches of raw redness in front of a hotel mirror, one seldom regrets restorative hours spent bathing in crystal clear waters or inventive afternoons building world record worthy sandcastles. On returning home, a sunburn feels sacred, an ode to time spent away that lingers even after the feeling of peacefulness fades.
STUDIO WEST is proud to present SUNBURN, an online group exhibition featuring a selection of emerging and newly established international artists: Adam de Boer, Alexander Appleby, Alexis Jang, Angelos Merges, Delia Hamer, Ellen Starr Lyon, Emeli Theander, Emma Eichorn, Evie O'Connor, Francesc Rosselló, Gabriel Sanchez, Georgia Theologou, Grace Bromley, Grace Lee, JJ Jarin, Justin Natividad, Maria Joannou, Mattia Guarnera-MacCarthy, Megan Menzies, Nina Baxter and Stella Kapezanou. Including one piece by each noteworthy talent, the exhibition seeks to incarnate the unique sensuousness of summer through paintings that transport the viewer to moments of blissful tranquillity when worries burnt away under the baking heat of holiday sun.
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vm4vm0 · 10 months
@harrystyles ‘Music For a Sushi Restaurant’
Written and Directed by Aube Perrie @aube_perrie
Production Co: @PulseFilms Production Service: LFR Productions Executive Producer, Pulse Films: @beatrik Executive Producers, LFR: Luigi Rossi & Francesco Rizzo @luigirossi.tv @currynneon Producer: Josh Sondock @_Sondock
Label: @columbiarecords Commissioner: Bryan Younce @bryanyounce Creative Director : Molly Hawkins @mollyjane_x
DoP: Legend Chris Ripley @christopher.c.ripley Production Designer: Patience Harding @patienceharding Casting Director: Kate Antognini @kateantognini Photographer: Adm Powell @a_damp_owl Special Makeup Effects Designer & Prosthetic Makeup Lead: Legend Chelsea Delfino @chelseadelfino_artistry @chelseadelfino_sfx Stylist: Lindsey Hartman @lindseyhartman Hair: Zuleika Acosta @zuzubeauty Make-up: Ashley Di Sarro @ashleydisarro Location Manager: Jennifer Quesenbery @tank_the_chihuahua
Production Supervisor: Brooke Elito @broookeee21 Coordinator: Debby Tickenoff @debb_louise 1st Assistant Director: Amazing Donna Imbarrato @donnadonnamarie 1st Assistant Director: Abbey Hansen @aunt_craycray 2nd Assistant Director: Maria Villena @Ria_on_Set Art Coordinator: Caroline Jackson @womanhood
Editors: Gwen Ghelid @gwenghelid & Aube Perrie
Color: Thomas Mangham @thomasmangham 2D Lead: Toby Aldridge Post: @blackkitestudios Post Producer: Jade Denne Sound design & Mix: Mark Hellaby @onegearconvert Sound House: @750_mph Producer: Olivia Ray
Stills Artist: @james_siewert_artwork Director’s Rep: HANDS @handsldn
2nd Unit DP: Doug Durant @dougdurant Steadicam Op: Kyle Fasanella @vilekyle 1st AC: Nick Wiesner @nwiesner 2nd AC: Justin Mulroy @just_dropped_in Loader: Laura Eraud @Snoufy18 Camera PA: Raheem Stanley @raheemtystanley
Gaffer: Omar Nasr @Omarknasr BB Electric: Agustina Biasutto @agustinabiasutto Board Operator: Brandon Woodruff @tropical___products Electric: Alex Blum @light.blums Driver/Swing: Matt Lundy Key Grip: Keve Huggins @burnzgood BB Grip: Patrick Graham @impockets Grip: Dwane Harris @watch22 Grip: Mithin Thomas @mithintvm
Lead: Erick Benavides @erickbenavi Set Decorator: Abby McCreary @abigailmccreary Set Decorator: Phil McGill @papermatador Set Decorator: Lissette Emma @lissette_emma Prop Master: Zach Adams @georgggy Art Assistant: Jorge Almengor @influenced_5000 Art Assistant: Alexandra Massillo @ok4yso Art Assistant: Julye William @Jeezjulye
Harry Styles’ Skin: Dotti @therealistdotti Harry Styles’ Hair: Matt Mullhall @mattmulhall Harry Styles Stylist: Harry Lambert @harry_lambert Harry Styles’ Stylist Assistant: Ryan Wohlgemut @ryanwohlgemut
Prosthetic Makeup Artist: Sasha Glasser @sashaglasser
Tail produced by: Legend Jason Hamer’s Hamer FX @jasonhamer @Hamer_fx Sculptor: Mario Tores & Greg Polutanovich @gregpolutanovich Mold makers: Kyle Konkle, Eric Mullins,  @theartofseanpatrick & Emily Faunce Fabrication: Reggie Rizzo Painter: Eric Harris
Shrimp mask fabrication: Santino Ferrese @sffxstudios
Wardrobe Assistant: Amber Simirigilia @ambersimiriglia HMU Assistant: @meezamua Meliza Generoso
VTR: Steven Carlson @Steven.CR2 Script Supervisor: Carolynn Cecilia @carolynncecilia Playback: Tim Race @bigblissband Covid Compliance Manager: Mary Kate Kremar @marykaos  Covid Compliance Manager: Christian Peguro @christianpeguero Covid Compliance Assistant: Harrison Lipton @harrisonlipton Covid Compliance Assistant: Jabiece Benbow @janiecerisa Medic: Ali Colorio @alii_cat
Craft Service: Benn Goldschein Producer’s Assistant: Amy Teboul Truck PA: Ross Sloan Wardrobe Truck: Michael Spivey Camera Truck: Xavier Jeffers Set PA: Madison White AD PA: Dahvielle Lucas Set PA: Tahlia Munoz Set PA: Damien Cruz Set PA: Yvano Cajuste Set PA: JT Tsuchiya Driver PA: Duwayne King Driver PA: Santiago Deriquin Driver PA: Adde Abihzber
BTS Photographer: Lloyd Wakefield @lloyddddddddddddddddd
OCP Talent Owners: David Arrow @davidarrowactor & Amber Paul @amberpaulnyc Cook: Dante Fiallo @dantefiallo Handyman: Tony Wave @ryde_the_wave  “Can I touch your tail” Guy: Zeus RocanCourt @zeusrocancourt Prawn, Trombone: Jessica Stanley @jessstanleymusic Prawn, Trumpet: Sophie Manoloff @sophietrumpet Prawn, Saxophone: Reveka Pasternak @rvekap
Background Talent: Dawn Davis, Donna Tsufura, Eugene Farley, Glenn Wernig, Kenneth Geronimo, Kevin Kusinitz, Kimberly Solano, Michell Diaz Perea, Guy Richman, Laang T. Stewart, Josh Tolentino, Lorre-Ann Fisher, Troylynn Roberts, Bryant Salazar, Kseniya Yermakova, Mizan Taylor & Yanilsa Delacruz
Background Casting: Background Inc. 
Tail Handlers: Quentin Collins & Bryce Owen @quentinpcollins & @bryceowen_
Location: Legendary Sugar Hill Supper Club @sugarhillsupperclub
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thepopaddict · 2 years
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Juice - Can We Get Personal?
Can We Get Personal? is the sophomore and so far the last album of Danish girl group Juice. The album was released in 1999 spawning only two singles: “My Love” and “Not In Love”. It is their first official album released with their then-new member Eve Horne who replaced Lena Tahara in 1998. It is unknown how the album charted as there are little to none information about the album in the internet.
Track List:
Do It For You
Into My Bed
My Love
Not In Love
Can We Get Personal?
What You Need
Can’t Rush
I’ll Make It Up To You
I’m Into You
My Top Five Picks:
5th Place - Do It For You
4th Place - I’ll Make It Up To You
3rd Place - Not In Love
2nd Place - Can We Get Personal?
1st Place - My Love
Picture Gallery:
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Lead singer Maria Hamer-Jensen
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Member Eve Horne, who joined in 1998 replacing founding member Lena Tahara
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Member Anne Rani
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degrassibenji · 3 years
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dutchuncle · 3 years
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Illustrations by @lalalimola for @konfektmagazine about special places in Europe during summer 🧳☀️  ​ Big thanks @ Maria Hamer @ Monocle ❤️ — view on Instagram https://scontent-iad3-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/218094906_1167974140387866_1723477040288291175_n.jpg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=qkP2Mm1CZjkAX8MNcAs&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=dbd9976d3df8d72985e9c5e070e21a04&oe=60F718D1
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aslanjadecarlyle · 4 years
Master List of Black Creators, Owners, & Public Figures
Master List of Black Creators, Owners, & Public Figures
DISCLAIMER: I am fucking whiter than white. I compiled this list to boost black creators and public figures, but if I am overstepping at all PLEASE let me know! 
Also, I tried to research these in a timely manner. If anyone in these lists is problematic or should not be supported, let me know. :)
(Of course, this is only a TINY portion! Feel free to add more names, businesses, and creators!)
•Naomi Anderson
•Maya Angelou
•James Baldwin
•Lillie Mae Bradford
•Mari Copeny
•Frederick Douglass
•Ruth Ellis
•Erica Garner
•Alicia Garza
•Ernest Green
•Fannie Lou Hamer
•Frances Harper
•Langston Hughes
•Marsha P. Johnson
•Alberta Odell Jones
•Quincy Jones
•Martin Luther King Jr.
•Audre Lorde
•Bree Newsome
•Huey P. Newton
•Rosa Parks
-Bayard Rustin
•Sojourner Truth
•Harriet Tubman
•Madam C.J. Walker
•Ida B. Wells
•Malcolm X
Actors/Actresses & Directors:
•Yahya Abdul-Mateen II
•James Avery
•Angela Bassett
•Halle Berry
•John Boyega
•Levar Burton
•Nick Cannon
•Michael Clarke Duncan
•Zendaya Coleman
•Terry Crews
•Viola Davis
•Idris Elba
•Jamie Foxx
•Morgan Freeman
•Whoopi Goldberg
•Tiffany Haddish
•Skai Jackson
•William Jackson Harper
•Kevin Hart
•Steve Harvey
•Jennifer Hudson
•Ice Cube
•Spike Lee
•Phill Lewis
•Bernie Mac
•Eddie Murphy
•Keke Palmer
•James Pickens Jr.
•Chris Rock
•Will Smith
•Raven Symonè
•Denzel Washington
•Jesse Williams
•Chandra Wilson
•Oprah Winfrey
•John Witherspoon
Authors & Poets:
•Elizabeth Acevedo
•Tomi Adeyemi
•Kwame Alexander
•Maya Angelou
•Rena Barron
•Paula Chase
•Dhonielle Clayton
•Brandy Colbert
•Jay Coles
•Dana Davis
•Tanita S. Davis
•Sharon M. Draper
•Paul Laurence Dunbar
•Akwaeke Emezi
•Sharon G. Flake
•Kristina Forest
•L.R. Giles
•Whitney D. Grandison
•Nikki Grimes
•Justina Ireland
•Tiffany D. Jackson
•Kimberly Jones
•Claire Kann
•Kekla Magoon
•Janice Lynn Mather
•Tony Medina
•Candice Montgomery
•David Barclay Moore
•Britney Morris
•Bethany C. Morrow
•Greg Neri
•Nnedi Okorafor
•Tochi Onyebuchi
•Morgan Parker
•Junauda Petrus
•Ben Philippe
•Jason Reynolds
•Debbie Rigaud
•Ilyasah Shabazz
•Nic Stone
•Liara Tamani
•Mildred D. Taylor
•Angie Thomas
•Brian F. Walker
•Booker T. Washington
•Renée Watson
•Alicia Williams
•August Wilson
•C.E. Wilson
•Ashley Woodfolk
•Jacqueline Woodson
•Nicola Yoon
•Ibi Aanu Zoboi
Black-Owned Bookstores:
•Grassrootz Bookstore (Phoenix, AZ)
•Eso Won Books (Los Angeles, CA)
•Malik Books (Los Angeles, CA)
•Marcus Books (Oakland, CA)
•Shades of Afrika (Long Beach, CA)
•Shop At Matter (Denver, CO)
•Pyramid Books (Boynton Beach, FL)
•For Keeps Books (Atlanta, GA)
•Bunnie Hillard (Decatur, GA)
•Challenges Games & Comics (Decatur, GA)
•Semicolon (Chicago, IL)
•Wild Fig Books (Lexington, KY)
•Frugal Bookstore (Boston, MA)
•Loyalty Books (Silver Springs, MD)
•Loving Me Books (Detroit, MI)
•Source Booksellers (Detroit, MI)
•Mind’s Eye Comics (Burnsville, MN)
•Eye See Me (St. Louis, MO)
•Source of Knowledge (Newark, NJ)
•The Lit Bar (The Bronx, NY)
•Cafe Con Libros (Brooklyn, NY)
•Megabrain Comics (Rhinebeck, NY)
•The Schomburg Shop (Harlem, NY)
•Sister’s Uptown (New York, NY)
•Fulton Street Books (Tulsa, OK)
•Third Eye Bag (Portland, OR)
•Amalgam Comics (Philadelphia, PA)
•Harriett’s Bookshop (Philadelphia, PA)
•Uncle Bobbie’s (Philadelphia, PA)
•Turning Page Bookshop (Goose Creek, SC)
•Black Pearl Books (Austin, TX)
•The Dock (Fort Worth, TX)
•Loyalty Books (Washington DC)
•MahoganyBooks (Washington DC)
Other Black-Owned Businesses:
•228 Grant Street Candle Company (228grantstreet.com)
•Aamir Graphics (jaizthedesigner.mystrikingly.com)
•Ailey Extension (aileyextension.com)
•Aminah Abdul Jillil (aminahabdujillil.com)
•Anya Lust (anyalust.com)
•AphroChic (aphrochic.com)
•Basbaas Foods (basbaassauce.com)
•Beauty Bakerie (beautybakerie.com)
•Beauty Stat Cosmetics (beautystatcosmetics.com)
•BedStuyFly (bedstuyfly.com)
•Bel Lumière (thebellumiereco.com)
•Beneath Your Mask (beneathyourmask.com)
•Black Enterprise (blackenterprise.com)
•Black Girl Sunscreen (blackgirlsunscreen.com)
•Black Girls Run (blackgirlsrun.com)
•The Black Home (theblackhome.com)
•Black Pepper Paperie Company (shopbpco.com)
•Blavity (blavity.com)
•BLK MKT Vintage (blkmktvintage.com)
•Body Space Fitness (bodyspacefitness.com)
•Bold Xchange (boldxchange.com)
•Bolé Road Textiles (boleroadtextiles.com)
•Briogeo (briogeohair.com)
•Brooklyn Circus (thebkcircus.com)
•Brooklyn Tea (brooklyntea.com)
•Brother Vellies (brothervellies.com)
•Camille Rose (camillerose.com)
•Carlis Design Studio LLC (carlisdesignstudio.net)
•Castamira (castamira.com)
•CBAAF (comebackasaflower.com)
•Celsious (celsious.com)
•Cherry Blossom Intimates (cherryblossomintimates.com)
•Clare (clare.com)
•Cool and Casual Studios (coolandcasualstudios.com)
•CurlBox (curlbox.com)
•CurlMix (curlmix.com)
•Curls (curls.biz)
•Cushnie (cushnie.com)
•Custom Collaborative (customcollaborative.org)
•Diop (weardiop.com)
•Divine Nature Cosmetics (divinenaturecosmetics.com)
•Drift Taxi (thedrifttaxi.com)
•Edas (edas.store)
•Effortless Composition (effortlesscomposition.com)
•Essence (essence.com)
•Esusu (esusurent.com)
•Fix My Resume Services (fixmyresume.net)
•Flat Fifteen (flatfifteen.co.uk)
•Flaunt It Beauty Supply (flauntitbeautysupply.com)
•The Folklore (shopthefolklore.com)
•FUBU (fubu.com)
•Golde (golde.co)
•Golden Krust (goldekrust.com)
•Goodee (goodeeworld.com)
•Grillz and Granola (grillzandgranola.com)
•Hanahana Beauty (hanahanabeauty.com)
•Haus Urban (hausurban.com)
•HealHaus (healhaus.com)
•House of Aama (houseofaama.com)
•Iconoclast Fitness (iconoclastfitness.com)
•Ilé Ilà (ile-ila.com)
•International Smoke (internationalsmoke.com)
•Johanna Howard Home (johannahoward.com)
•Jones Bar-B-Q (jonesbbqkc.com)
•Jungalow (jungalow.com)
•Justice of the Pies (justiceofthepies.com)
•Kahmune (kahmune.com)
•KAI (kaicollective.com)
•KNC Beauty (kncbeauty.com)
•Kutula by Africana (shopkutula.com)
•Label by Three (labelbythree.com)
•LaQuan Smith (laquansmith.com)
•Lauren Napier Beauty (laurennapier.com)
•The Lip Bar (thelipbar.com)
•Lit Bklyn (litbklyn.co)
•Local European (localeuropean.com)
•Love Notes Fragrances (lovenotesfragrances.com)
•LUXE Honeymoons (luxe-honeymoons.com)
•Maison Noir Wines (maisonnoirwines.com)
•Maki Oh (makioh.com)
•Malene B (malenebarnett.com)
•Manual (manualphoto.com)
•Marché Rue Dix (marcheruedix.com)
•Marie Burgos Collection (marieburgosdesignthestore.com)
•Market*TING (market-ting.com)
•Mateo New York (mateonewyork.com)
•McBride Sisters Collection (mcbridesisters.com)
•Melanin Haircare (melaninhaircare.com)
•Mented Cosmetics (mentedcosmetics.com)
•MyaVana (myavana.com)
•Nandi Naya (nandinayanyc.com)
•Natty Garden (nattygarden.com)
•Neighborhood Fiber Co. (neighborhoodfiberco.com)
•Nerdz World (nerdzworld.com)
•NightLight Pediatric (nightlightpediatrics.com)
•Nude Barre (nudebarre.com)
•Octave Jewelry (octavejewelry.com)
•Oma the Label (omathelabel.com)
•Orange Culture (orangeculture.com.ng)
•OUI The People (ouithepeople.com)
•Partake Foods (partakefoods.com)
•Pat McGrath Labs (patmcgrath.com)
•Peace & Riot (peaceandriot.com)
•Peju Obasa (pejuobasa.com)
•People of Color Beauty (peopleofcolorbeauty.com)
•Pipcorn (pipsnacks.com)
•Post-Imperial (post-imperial.com)
•Pottery by Osa (potterybyosa.com)
•Rebecca Allen (rebecca-allen.com)
•Red Bay Coffee (redbaycoffee.com)
•Reparations Club (rep.club)
•Riot Swim (riotswim.com)
•Rochelle Porter (rochelleporter.com)
•See Line Ceramics (seelineceramics.com)
•Sheila Bridges (sheilabridges.com)
•Sincerely, Tommy (sincerelytommy.com)
•The Sip (thesipsociety.com)
•The Sixes (thesixes.com)
•Slashed by Tia (slashedbytia.net)
•Sol Cacao (solcacao.com)
•Sol Sips (solsipsnyc.com)
•Something Unique Accessories (shopsomethingunique.com)
•T.A. (shop-ta.com)
•Tackussanu Senegal (tackussanusenegal.com)
•Tactile Matter (tactilematter.com)
•T&C Management Tax & Financial Services (https://xu625-feb5c6.pages.infusionsoft.net )
•Telfar (telfar.net)
•TLZ L’FEMME (tlzlf.com)
•Total Resistance (thetotalresistance.com)
•Tree Fairfax (treefairfax.com)
•UniBuyz (unibuyz.com)
•Unlimited Treasures Chest (utchest.com)
•Unsun (unsuncosmetics.com)
•Unwrp (unwrp.com)
•Uoma Beauty (uomabeauty.com)
•Urban One Inc. (urban1.com)
•Victor Glemaud (glemaud.com)
•Wales Bonner (walesbonner.com)
•Whetstone Magazine (whetstonemagazine.com)
•The Wrap Life (thewrap.life)
•Yam (yamnyc.com)
•xN Studio (osxnasozi.com)
•Yowie (shopyowie.com)
•Zafa Wines (zafawines.com)
•Zou Xou Shoes (zouxou.com)
Book Reviewers:
•Black & Bookish
•Black Books Matter
•Brazen Babe Reviews
•Doddy About Books
•Fine Point Scribbles
•Kaybee’s Bookshelf, A Literary Blog
•Literally Black
•Ms. Shabria Gxo
•Sometimes Leelynn Reads
•Adwoa Aboah
•Adesuwa Aighewi
•J. Alexander
•Karen Alexander
•Leomie Anderson
•Alanna Arrington
•Yasmine Arrington
•Tyra Banks
•Corey Baptiste
•Tyson Beckford
•Yasmin Benoit
•Akech Bior
•Minah Ogbenyealu Bird
•Maria Borges
•Adonis Bosso
•Cindy Bruna
•Naomi Campbell
•Dorothea Church
•Yaya DaCosta
•Agbani Darego
•Bruce Darnell
•Khoudia Diop
•Nadège du Bospertus
•Jourdan Dunn
•Selita Ebanks
•Paloma Elsesser
•Cora Emmanuel
•Staniel Ferreira
•Malaika Firth
•Diandra Forrest
•Imaan Hammam
•Winnie Harlow
•Beverley Heath-Hoyland
•Marsha A. Hunt
•Broderick Hunter
•Chanel Iman
•Beverly Johnson
•Toccara Jones
•Grace Jones
•Liya Kebede
•Jayne Kennedy
•Janet Langhart
•Shakara Ledard
•Precious Lee
•Noémie Lenoir
•Damaris Lewis
•Sessilee Lopez
•Donyale Luna
•Anais Mali
•Eva Marcille
•Denny Mèndez
•Jillian Mercado
•Ariel Meredith
•Lineisy Montero
•Katoucha Niane
•Mayowa Nicholas
•Emanuela de Paula
•Lais Ribeiro
•Valentine Rontez
•Shaun Ross
•Kimora Lee Simmons
•Naomi Sims
•Joan Smalls
•B. Smith
•Arlenis Sosa
•Sal Stowers
•Duckie Thot
•Jasmine Tookes
•Eugena Washington
•Veronica Webb
•Alek Wek
•Jessica White
•Slick Woods
•Kara Young
•Louis Armstrong
•Pearl Bailey
•Harry Belafonte
•Chuck Berry
•The Black Eyed Peas
•The Bobettes
•Soulja Boy
•50 Cent
•Chance the Rapper
•Ray Charles
•Chubby Checker
•The Chords
•The Clovers
•The Coasters
•Nat ‘King’ Cole
•Zendaya Coleman
•The Contours
•Sam Cooke
•Taio Cruz
•Andra Day
•Bobby Day
•The Del-Vikings
•Jason Derulo
•Destiny’s Child
•The Diamonds
•Bo Diddley
•Daveed Diggs
•Fats Domino
•Dr. Dre
•The Drifters
•Earth, Wind, & Fire
•Missy Elliott
•Flo Rida
•The Four Tops
•Aretha Franklin
•Bobby Freeman
•Marvin Gaye
•Gloria Gaynor
•CeeLo Green
•Billie Holiday
•Whitney Houston
•Sharaya J
•Janet Jackson
•Michael Jackson/The Jackson 5
•Alicia Keys
•Sean Kingston
•Eartha Kitt
•Lenny Kravitz
•Patti LaBelle
•John Legend
•Leona Lewis
•The Marcels
•The Masqueraders
•Mickey & Sylvia
•The Monotones
•The Penguins
•Leigh-Anne Pinnock (of the girl group Little Mix)
•The Platters
•Otis Redding
•Little Richard
•The Ronettes
•Diana Ross
•Darius Rucker
•Travis Scott
•Tupac Shakur
•Nina Simone
•Shirley & Lee
•The Silhouettes
•Snoop Dogg
•Jimmy Soul
•Jordin Sparks
•The Supremes
•The Temptations
•Ty Dolla Sign
•Bill Withers
Jackie Aina
Alissa Ashley
Yasmin Benoit
Raye Boyce
Patricia Bright
Marques Brownlee
Alyssa Forever
Bri Hall
Todrick Hall
Aysha Harun
Alonzo Lerone
Oneika the Traveller
Shanna Malcolm
Shameless Maya
Chris Smoove
Nyma Tang
25 notes · View notes
lilith-lavenda · 3 years
Quotes from my Phasmophobia Games
*Me, in a weird accent* "Maria, you bitch!"
"I got lost again..." "Lil, we just entered."
"Kath, in all honest, we just got out of a game, where I threw my flashlight on the floor and hid in a doorway. I am not the pinical of intelligence."
"Come and greet me, motherfucker!"
"You're pretty big for a nine year old!"
"I do NOT have a foot fetish!"
"Shit, I got stuck again!"
*My boyfriends corpse sticking out of the wall butt first* *Me, snapping a pic* "Hehe~"
*My friend, putting up the video camera, facing my boyfriends corpse butt* "Haha, Nice." "Nice" "Nice!"
"I got a picture of the ghost!" "What does he look like?" "Burned."
"He started hunting me the moment I picked up the soap!"
"How the fuck did he get burned in the shower?!"
*Me, watching a door spin* "...what...?"
*Me and Kath doing Spongebob impressions to lure out the ghost!*
*Me taking 5 minutes to comprehend that I am standing at the back door, while starring at the van from there.*
"Ha! She died with a hard on!"
"Why is there a head sticking out the window?!" "That's me! I am dying!"
"...and that is the reason I only died once this round!" "It's about to be twice."
*The ghost telling me that he is an adult, then not a minute later telling me that he is 5* "Paul, we both both know that's a goddamn lie. Get your story straight!"
*Seeing the "Make a Photo of the Ghost" task* Guess who is dying again~
*Me, sensually running soap over my friends* "Mhm~ clean~"
"I really like this picture..." "Steal it!"
"Anyway, why do you have a saw?!"
"It's hamer time!"
"Can we all agree that I have the greatest butt?"
4 notes · View notes
thesustainableswap · 4 years
BLM Master Post / Resources
No blog post this week. I felt like this was much more important. Here is a master post of everything I’ve found regarding the BLM movement, from petitions, to where you should donate, to reading, to accounts, to business... hopefully most of what you’re looking for can be found below. If I’ve missed anything vital please let me know and I will add it.
Justice for George Floyd (White House) | Justice for George Floyd (change.org) | Justice for George Floyd (change.org) | Justice for George Floyd (color of Change)
RAISE THE DEGREE - Remove bail for Derek Chauvin, murderer of George Floyd (White House) | Arrest The Other Three (White House) | Raise The Degree (change.org) | The Minneapolis Police Officers to be charged for murder (change.org)
#JusticeforBre (MoveOn.org) | #JusticeforBre (color of Change)
Justice For Ahmaud Arbery (change.org) | Justice for Ahmaud Arbery- Pass Georgia Hate Crime Bill (change.org) | Disbarment of George E. Barnhill (change.org)
Trayvon Martin Law (change.org)
Hands Up Act (change.org)
Justice for Belly Mujinga (change.org)
Justice for Tony McDade (change.org)
Justice for Alejandro Vargas Martinez (change.org)
Justice for Regis Korchinski-Paquet (change.org)
Wrongful Conviction: Julius Jones is innocent (change.org)
Wrongful Conviction: Kyjuanzi Harris (change.org)
Willie Simmons has served 38 years for a $9 robbery (change.org)
Defund The Police Minneapolis (Every Action / Reclaim The Block) | Mandatory Life Sentence for Police Brutality (change.org) | National Action Against Police Brutality (change.org) | Against Police Brutality in France (change.org)
Demand Racial Data on Coronavirus (BLM) | Coronavirus: Demand More from the Government (BLM)
Get Schools to Speak Up (change.org)
Stand with BLM (organizefor.org)
Organisations to Donate to
George Floyd Memorial Fund
Minnesota Freedom Fund
Black Visions Collective
Reclaim the Block
Campaign Zero
Black Lives Matter
National Bailout Fund
Black Earth Farms
Communities United Against Police Brutality
Unicorn Riot
Louisville Community Bail Fund
Rebuilding the Community (We Love Lake Street)
United Families and Friends Campaign
COVID-19: Supporting BAME Communities
House of GG
Trans Justice Funding Project
The Okra Project
Youth Breakout
Black AIDS Insitute
Trans Cultural District
LGBTQ+ Freedom Fund
For If You Have Little Money to Spare:
Check out these YouTube videos and play them while you go about your day (or actively watch! Up to you.) The ad revenue will be donated to organisations supporting black lives - but make sure you turn off your adblocker first.
By Zoe Amira
By Francesca Grace
By Cindy Marshall
By Danni and Emmyn
Instagram Accounts (source)
Nova Reid
Layla Saad
Rachel Cargle
Check Your Privilege
Rachel Ricketts
The Great Unlearn
Reni Eddo Lodge
Ibram X. Kendi
The Irin Journal
Women Who
For Working Ladies
Black Girl Fest
UK isn’t Innocent
Mikaela Loach
About Race with Remi Eddo-Lodge
Conversations with Nova Reid
iWeigh with Jameela Jamil
The YIKES podcast
Have You Heard George’s Podcast?
The World Wide Tribe
Zero Hour Talks
1619 by the New York Times
TV / Film (source)
When They See Us
The Black Power Mixtape 1967 - 1975
I Am Not Your Negro
The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution
If Beale Street Could Talk
The Hate U Give
American Son
Trial by Media
Books: (Source)
How To Be Anti Racist by Ibram X. Kendi
Me and White Supremacy by Robin Diangelo and Layla Saad
Why I’m No Longer Talking To White People About Race by Remi Eddo-Lodge
So You Want To Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo
The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin
Minor Feelings by Cathy Park Hong
America’s Original Sin By Jim Wallis and Bryan Stevenson
The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander
Blindspot by Mahzarin R. Banaji & Anthony G. Greenwald
Good Talk by Mira Jacob
Between The World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates
How Does It Feel To Be A Problem by Moustafa Bayoumi
The Fire This Time by Jesmyn Ward
White Fragility by Robin Diangelo
I’m Still Here by Austin Channing Brown
When They Call You A Terrorist by Patrisse Khan-Cullors, Asha Bandele, et al.
An African American and Latin History of The United States by Paul Ortiz
Citizen by Claudia Rankine
An Indigenous Peoples’ History of The United States by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
Mindful of Race by Ruth King
Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson
Tears We Cannot Stop by Michael Eric Dyson
Stamped From The Beginning by Ibram X. Kendi
Have Black Lives Ever Mattered? By Mumia Abu-Jamal
The Coloraturas of Law by Richard Rothstein
The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson
Why Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? By Beverly Daniel Tatum
Stamped by Jason Reynolds & Ibram X. Kendi
This Book Is Anti Racist by Tiffany Jewell and Aurelia Durand
Brit(ish) by Afua Hirsch
Children’s Books: (Source)
Malcolm Little by Ilyasah Shabazz
Let It Shine: Stories of Black Women Freedom Fighters by Andrea Davis Pinkney
Something Happened in Our Town: A Child’s Story About Racial Injustice by Marianne Celano, Marietta Collins and Ann Hazzard
My Hair Is A Garden by Cozbi A. Cabrera
Separate Is Never Equal by Duncan Tonatiuh
Young Water Protectors by Aslan Tudor
My Family Divided by Diana Guerrero
We Are Grateful by Traci Sorell
I Am Not A Number by Jenny Kay Dupuis and Kathy Kacer
Schomburg: The Man Who Built A Library by Carole Boston Weatherford
Lailah’s Lunchbox: A Ramadan Story by Reem Faruqi
The Day You Begin by Jacqueline Woodson
The Whispering Town by Jennifer Elvgren
When Harriet Tubman Led Her People To Freedom by Carole Boston Weatherford
When I Was Eight by Christy Jordan-Fenton & Margaret Pokiak-Fenton
Happy In Our Skin by Fran Manushkin
Chocolate Milk, Por Favor by Maria Dismondy
Voice of Freedom: Fannie Lou Hamer by Carole Boston Weatherford
When We Were Alone by David A. Robertson & Julie Flett
Shining Star The Anna May Wong Story by Paula Yoo & Lin Wang
Little Leaders: Bold Women In Black History by Vashti Harrison
Maddi’s Fridge by Lois Brandt
Hair Love by Matthew A. Cherry
Sulwe by Vashti Harrison
A Is For Activist by Innosanto Nagara
Intersection Allies by Chelsea Johnson, LaToya Council & Carolyn Choi
What Is Race? Who Are Racists? Why Does Skin Colour Matter? And Other Big Questions by Clair Heuchan & Nikesh Shukla
Black Owned Businesses: (source)
Wales Bonner
Daughter of a Bohemian

Daily Paper
Aaks: Basket Bags
Martine Rose
Nubian Skin
Sincerely Nude
Liha Beauty
Beauty Stack
Bouclème: Afro and Curly Hair Products
Afrocenchix: Hair Products
The Afro Hair and Skin Company: shampoo bars, hair masks, face masks
Prick: Cacti and Plantcare
La Basketry: homeware
Bonita Ivie: stationery & design
Reset travel: travel cards and workshops
Bespoke Binny: homeware
New Beacon Books: Specialists in African and Caribbean Literature
Original Flava by Craig & Shaun McAnuff
Zoe’s Ghana Kitchen by Zoe Adjonyoh
Hibiscus by Lopè Ariyo
Ethiopia by Yohanis Gebreyesus
Belly Full by Riaz Phillips
Chika’s Snacks
Berry and Brie Grazing Boxes
Yard Confectionery Chocolate
Cabby’s Rum
Cham Cham Hot Pepper Sauce
Stay strong, and get learning (or unlearning)!
3 notes · View notes
befama · 5 years
Alunos aguardando homologação para o transporte gratuito. Consultar toda semana e quando aparecer OK na frente do nome, voltar na escola para retirar o formulário.
Maria Gomes Teixeira - OK Nilcilene Martins dos Santos - OK Mikaele Vieira de Souza - OK Aline de Fátima dos Santos Leal - OK Gislene Nobre Almeida - OK Jamile Souza Santos - OK Debora Lima da Silva - OK Andrea Muller Carvalho - OK Maria Nilza de Jesus Ferreira - OK  Larissa Fazzion Ferreira da Silva - OK Thaynan Gomes Ferreira - OK Talita Pires do Nascimento - OK Jessica Ednaura da Silva - OK Glaucir Borges Ventura - OK Beatriz Caetano de Souza - INDEFERIDO Leonardo da Silva Ribeiro - OK Karina Ferreira Costa - INDEFERIDO Maria Euta da Silva Ferreira - INDEFERIDO (Distância) Alisson Ortiz Reis - OK Marcia da Silva Oliveira - OK Marcos José Ferreira Lima - OK Vinicios Oliveira da Silva - OK Etelvina Oliveira da Silva - OK Jefferson Lourenço da Silva - OK Karoline Ferreira dos Santos - OK Rosana Siqueira dos Santos Barreto - OK Wellington Felipe Cardoso Farias Muguinte - PENDENTE (Comprovante de Endereço em nome de terceiros) Antonio Carlos Martins Siqueira - OK Camila Gomes Barbosa - OK Jussandra Soares da Silva - OK Maria Alice dos Santos Silva - OK Thalita Borges Ventura - OK Anderson Pereira Lima - OK Ieris Feretti Silva - INDEFERIDO (Distância) Carlos Daniel de Jesus Pereira - OK (Renovação) Lorrany Cristina Santos Paz - OK Alexssandro Antonio Gonçalves Chaves - OK Thalia Osorio Ferreira - OK Maria Auxiliadora do Nascimento - OK Robson Vieira Valoriano - OK (Renovação) Guilherme Tavares Zanotti - OK Victor Hugo Pinto dos Santos - OK Erisvaldo Lessa Sales - OK Joao Vitor Dias Souza - OK Ainoa Priscila Oliveira da Silva - INDEFERIDO (Distância) Julia Santos Fangiulli - OK Maria Oliveira da SIlva - OK David Luan Raimundo - OK Gleide dos Santos Ferreira - OK Joao Carlos Nuncio - INDEFERIDO (Distância) Grasiele Maria Rati Barbosa dos Santos - OK Eliane Santos da Silva Matos - OK Karen Caroline de Melo - OK Evelin Cristina Cabral Lima - OK Everson Coutinho Pereira - OK Mariana Martins da Silva - INDEFERIDO (Distância) Patricia Garcia de Freitas Silva - OK Marina de Oliveira Sales - NÃO COMPARECIMENTO Juliana Maria de Noronha - OK Diane Ferraz dos Santos - ENDEREÇO DIVERGENTE Ellen Vitoria da Silva - INDEFERIDO Tuany Batista de Moraes - OK Leilamar Fernandes da Silva - OK Jennifer Humbelina Martins - OK Nayara Caroline Tinello de Mello - OK Aparicio Franco de Camargo Junior - OK Sabrina Bianca de Souza Santos - OK Cleildes Jesus Almeida dos Santos - OK Leticia Caroline Nunes da Costa Dantas - OK Amanda Martins de Oliveira - PENDENTE (Compr. de Endereço precisa estar no nome do aluno, do pai/mãe ou esposo/esposa. Do contrário, apresentar declaração de próprio punho com firma reconhecida do titular da conta). Luiz Felipe Rosario da Silva - OK Paloma Ferreira Miepez - OK Paulo Sergio Ferreira Miepez - OK Miliane Martins - NÃO COMPARECIMENTO José Arimateia Pereira de Andrade - OK Kevin Costa da Silva - OK Aianne Caroline Sousa Nascimento - OK Victor Fernando Cardoso de Oliveira - OK Ana Paula Sousa da Silva - OK Ana Claudia de Oliveira - OK Jackson Luiz de Jesus - OK Aline Aragao Barbosa - OK Roseli Ferreira da Silva Azevedo - OK Cristiane Barbosa de Araujo - OK Leonardo de Oliveira - OK Leidiane Maria da Silva - OK Victoria Aparecida Dreger Cabral - INDEFERIDO (Distância) Isadora Medeiros dos Santos - OK Jeferson da Silva Mariano - OK Erica Ribeiro Damasceno - OK Edneia Barbosa de Souza Lisboa - OK Maria Euta da Silva Ferreira - OK  Pamela Sthefany Pacheco Ferreira - OK Karlla Mirelly da Silva Nascimento - OK Karina Suellen Manso de Oliveira - OK Larissa Nascimento Nolasco - OK Luana Maria da Silva - OK Ellen Christine Araujo Melo - OK Bruna Souza dos Santos Machado - OK Josicleide Nunes da Silva - OK Isabele CArdoso de Azevedo França Feitosa - OK Ingrid Daiane da Silva - OK Samuel Marcos Santos Barros - OK Janaina Maria Soares de Melo - INDEFERIDO (DISTÂNCIA) Cleonice Aparecida dos Santos Costa - OK Elen de Almeida Duarte - OK Amanda Martins de Oliveira - OK Thaynara Aparecida Costa Conceição - OK Beatriz Cristine da Silva Cezar - PENDENTE (Comprovante de 3ºs) Ingrid Muniz de Araujo - OK Fabricio Arruda Marcelino da Silva - OK Samuel Santos da Costa - OK Francimar Mota Pinto dos Santos - OK Luan Francis Pereira Souza - OK Dayane Silva Santos - OK Tamiris Teixeira da Costa Silva Lisboa - OK Leticia Lopes do Vale - OK Paulo Rogerio Pereira Galdino - INDEFERIDO (DISTÂNCIA) Andrea dos Santos Donato - OK João Pedro Kronka Correa Leite - OK Euller de Carvalho Sousa - OK Rosangela da Costa - OK Evelin Lenhaioli de Souza Guimarães - INDEFERIDO (DISTÂNCIA) Izabella Aparecida dos Santos Silva - OK Paloma Dias Santos - OK Gabriel Rodrigo dos Santos - OK Marcia Cardoso dos Santos - OK Ivania Jesus de Souza Silva - OK Marcelo Aparecido da Silva - OK Simone Aparecida de Oliveira - OK  Flavia de Souza Americo - OK Daniela Almeida dos Reis - OK Yuri Batista dos Santos Rodrigues - OK Adriano Donizetti de Lima - OK Erika de Cassia Souza Fernandes - OK Alisson Caio Delphino Lyra - OK Amanda Barbosa dos Santos - OK Veronica de Morais Rangel - OK Oquicherla Ferreira do Nascimento Xavier - INDEFERIDO (Endereço Morato) Gileardi de Lima Nascimento - OK Beatriz Cristine da Silva Cezar - OK Larissa dos Santos Silva - OK Gabriela Tenorio Ferreira - INDEFERIDO (Endereço Morato) Wesley Cristian da Silva - OK Vitoria Barbosa Melo - OK (Renovação Apenas) Maria Rejane de Oliveira Santos - OK Matheus Rodrigues Marques de Moura - OK Robson Pereira da Silva - OK Jennifer Umbelina Martins - OK Gustavo da Cruz Lima - OK Camila Maria Mendieta de Jesus - OK  Maria Ivanuscy Basilio - OK Telma Conceição Jesus Leal - OK Nicolas da Silva Santos - OK Francisco Farias Lima - OK (Renovação) Selma Conceicao de Arquino Lima - OK Andre Ferreira Coutinho - OK Gabriela Cristina Gonçalves - PENDENTE (Endereço em Nome de 3ºs) Gabriela Bezerra de Oliveira - OK Darcio dos Santos Morais - OK Raquel Lourenço dos Santos - INDEFERIDO (Distância) Fabiana Maria da Cunha Rocha - OK Ainoa Priscila Oliveira da Silva - OK Kaique Santos Guilherme - OK Samuel Primo Oliveira - OK Otavio Miranda Feitosa Junior - OK Esther de Souza Lima - OK Andre Santos dos Reis - OK Damião Vieira da Silva - OK Claudio Henrique dos Santos Luz - OK Airine Leite Brito - OK Ramon de Jesus dos Santos - OK Hellen Ferreira de Paula - OK Leandro dos Reis Silva - OK Maria dos Santos Bezerra - OK Felipe Soares de Morais - INDEFERIDO (Distância) Maria Sonia Gomes de Souza - OK Vanessa Cristiane Soares Castro Miranda - OK Edson Francisco Ferreira - OK Thays Barbosa da Cruz - OK Debora Landim da Silva - OK Nathalya Monteiro Cesar Mello - OK Aline da Conceição Gomes - OK Dionizio Gomes da Silva - OK Angela da Silva Hamer - OK Marcos Jacinto Batista dos Santos - OK Allan Teixeira da Silva - OK Jones Silva dos Santos - OK Leila da Silva dos Santos - OK Alexandre Fernandes Farias - OK Maicon Silva do Nascimento - OK Adriele Pereira Soares - OK Ariane Aparecida Prado Palacio - OK Isaias Freitas Ribeiro Xavier - OK Matheus Camilo da Silva - OK Josefa Matos de Carvalho - OK Gessi Santos Ribeiro - OK Willian Vieira Barros Costa - OK Natia Regiane Gomes da Cruz - OK Dilton da Silva Ramos - OK Leandro dos Santos Souza - OK Loide Marcelina Gonçalves - OK Rafael Gonçalves Toledo - AGUARDANDO José Marques Ferreira da Silva - OK Andreza Alexandra Barbosa da Silva - OK Sabrina Batista Lopes Teixeira - OK Euda Maria da Silva Negreiros - OK Maria Vanessa da Silva - OK Lindalva Jeronimo do Nascimento - OK Jessica Cristiane Marques da Silva - AGUARDANDO Thielly Nayara Borges Moraes Santos - OK Aureliano Cordeiro de Oliveira - OK Tamires Martinho de Almeida - OK Tatiane Nascimento dos Santos - OK Ariela Iopi - OK Viviane Aparecida Froes Goncalves - OK Beatriz Carvalho dos Santos - OK Jeane Fernandes da Silva - OK Karen de Brito Shibata - OK Yolanda Santos Nascimento da Silva - OK Hosana Araujo dos Santos - OK Viviane de Sousa Soares - OK Janaina Silva Oliveira - OK Elisangela Gonsalves Torregrossa - OK Raiane da Silva Barbosa - OK Eliane Pereira dos Santos - OK Matheus da Silva Guimarães - OK José Carlos de Lima Filho - OK Francisco Vieira Negreiros - OK Fabiana Rodrigues de Macedo - OK Tainã Arruda da Silva - OK Andre Jose de Lima - OK Elenice Ferraz Costa - OK Elias de Almeida Cruz - OK Adriana dos Santos - OK João Marcelo Troguilho - OK Rute Andrade das Neves - OK Denis Cruz de Souza - OK
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