#Madrid International Film Festival
tartyfart · 1 year
Abigail Child has been at the forefront of experimental writing and media since the 1980s, having completed more than thirty film/video works & installations, and written 6 books. An acknowledged pioneer in montage, Child addresses the interplay between sound and image, to make, in the words of LA Weekly: “brilliant exciting work…a vibrant political filmmaking that’s attentive to form.”   Her films rewrite narrative, creating the cult classics PERILS, MAYHEM and COVERT ACTION (1984-87). Other productions borrow documentary to poetically envision public space including B/Side (1996) and SURF AND TURF (2011). Child’s re-constructed home movie THE FUTURE IS BEHIND YOU (2004) served as inspiration for UNBOUND: Scenes from the life of Mary Shelley shot as imaginary home movies. In recent years, Child has expanded her vertical montage to multiple-screen installation with MIRRORWORLDS and THE MILKY WAY. ACTS AND INTERMISSIONS, the second in her trilogy on Women and Ideology, circling around the life of Emma Goldman and a history of protests, premiered at The Museum of Modern Art’s Doc Fortnight in February 2017.
Child is the principal director, cinematographer and editor on her films. Cultural displacements, mostly urban ones, have been at the heart of her concerns. Her work involves intimate collaborations, with poets: Monica de la Torre (To and No Fro), Gary Sullivan (Mirror World), Nada Gordon (Ligatures) and Adeena Karasick (Salomé) as well as with notable downtown composers including John Zorn (The Future Is Behind You), Ikue Mori (B/side, 8 Million), Zeena Parkins (Unbound, Mayhem), Christian Marclay (Mayhem, Surface Noise) and Andrea Parkins (Vis A Vis and Acts and Intermissions). Child is currently working on the last film in the trilogy "The Andriod Project" (wt).
Her films, compulsive visual and aural legerdemain, have been widely awarded and shown internationally. Child has been honored with a Rome Prize Fellowship (09-10), as well as a John Simon Guggenheim, Radcliffe Institute and Fulbright Fellowships. She is winner of the Stan Brakhage Award, and grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, New York State Council on the Arts, New York Foundation for the Arts, Jerome Foundation, LEF Foundation, Mass Arts Council, and Art Matters. Child's film and media works have been exhibited worldwide, in venues including The Museum of Modern Art, New York; the Whitney Biennial Exhibitions (1989+1997); Centre George Pompidou, Paris; Rotterdam International Film Festival; New York Film Festival; CAPC Musée, Bordeaux; Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid; Pacific Film Archives, Berkeley; and festivals in Oberhausen, Locarno, Berlin, Toronto, Brazil, Mexico City and Seoul, among many others. Her work is in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art New York and Centre Pompidou among others. Harvard University Cinematheque has created an “Abigail Child Collection” which will preserve and exhibit her films. 
Child is also a writer with more that 5 books and numerous chapbooks. Her critical study, THIS IS CALLED MOVING: A Critical Poetics of Film (2005) is the only critical book written by an active American artist/filmmaker in over two decades. Her book of poetry MOUTH TO MOUTH came out in 2016, courtesy of Eoagh Press and was honored with a Lambda Prize in 2017. Child is Emeritus Professor of Media at Tufts University, the SMFA, and lives and works in New York City. 
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nnjzz · 1 year
Le Non_Jazz SAMEDI LE 03.12 FLORIS VANHOOF / be SAMI BERGOLD / fr ALTERSGRUPPE ca / us / il / fr LANA SUBDUCTIONS / fr au Café de Paris 158, rue Oberkampf 75011 M° Ménilmontant P.A.F. 6€ 20:00 portes 20:45 action 23:45 fin d'action FLORIS VANHOOF / be Attaché au grain et au souffle du support analogique, prolifique, " pluridisciplinaire " et indéniablement très doué, il travaille principalemnet sur l'hybridation d'images animées, fixes et de sons produits la plupart du temps via ses " machines " - synthés, oscillateurs & co - bricolées à la maison. " Ses films réalisés en super8 ou 16mm entre 2004 et 2008 aiment  les jeux de lentilles, de netteté, les effets loupe façon la vie à  travers un microscope, et aussi détourner la banalité du quotidien. Ses  performances investissent encore plus la persistence de la vision et la  perception elle-même avec un lien direct avec la musique électronique.  Il existe souvent des liens directs (controleur de voltage) entre les  deux." (Metamkine) " Floris Vanhoof combine des circuits musicaux faits maison et des technologies de projection abandonnées pour des installations, des performances cinématographiques étendues et des sorties musicales. Traduire l'un à l'autre pour découvrir comment fonctionne notre perception et quelles nouvelles perspectives apparaissent. Floris Vanhoof (°1982, lives and works in Antwerp, Belgium) ( Re:Voir ) Floris Vanhoof (1982) is interested in the hybrid form of music, photography and film. His first projections, experimental films on 16 millimeter, evolve towards pure visual experiences in which he questions our viewing patterns. Inspired by structural film and early electronic music he makes audiovisual installations, expanded cinema performances and music releases. Vanhoof builds his own instruments to discover the border between image, light and sound. As media-archeologist, he confronts the digital spoiled audience with flickering 16 mm films and 35mm slide installations, formats doomed to disappear. Purposefully he choses analog technology due to the greater transparency of the workflow and rich dynamic range. Regardless of nostalgia he experiments with what used to be hightech. Vanhoof searches for ways to make new images with old media. He makes his own translations from sound to image and vise-versa, by connecting one medium on the -not always compatible- other. He’s especially curious to what his work elicits in the viewer. How does our perception operates and which new perspectives appear? Installations were shown in LLS387 Antwerp, SMAK Ghent, Castlefield gallery Manchester, Vooruit Ghent, Netwerk Alost, Bozar Brussels, Filmfestival Ghent, Beursschouwburg Brussels, De Centrale Brussels, FOMU Antwerp. Performances took place in ISSUE Project Room New York, Aural Mexico City, UH Budapest, Hangar Bicocca Milan, Centre d’art contemporain Dijon, ZKM Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe, Internationaal Filmfestival Rotterdam, Flagey Brussels, Café OTO London, Extracity Antwerp, Witte de With Rotterdam, Kaskcinema Ghent, International Mystery Los Angeles, The Wulf Los Angeles, Ancienne Belgique Brussels, Museum of Elsene, KMSKA Antwerp, Les Urbaines Lausanne, Xing Live Arts Week Bologna, Electrónica en Abril Madrid, Lal Lal Lal Tampere en Helsinki. In 2015 received the price of the public at the Young Belgian Art Prize ( Meakusma Festival ) https://florisvanhoof.com/ https://florisvanhoof.bandcamp.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_6WdDX5RN4
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMLnI3VqhqY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XG-AXs5SboU
ALTERSGRUPPE ca / us / il / fr un agglomérat bien composite et cosmopolite d'individus, résidant  tous  à Paris - et tous dotés d'une personnalité forte, distincte et distinguée. On y retrouve ( souvent ) le très charismatique Max K. aka City Dragon ( vocals & some other things ), le plutôt discret Dudi M. aux cassettes, à la batterie ( & co ), le  pince-sans-rire " Willy " à la basse, l'épatant Nicolas R. à l'électronique principalement analogique et l'exubérant Jim S. aux images et à l'électronique aussi. Free form, free no-fi, free-whatever gets you thru the night. ( it's alright it'salright.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaaRvXIGMg4&t=696s
Sami Bergold est un auteur-compositeur né au XXème siècle et ayant vécu la majeure partie de sa vie en Île-de-France, dans la partie correspondant au nord-est parisien. Il a récemment changé d’opérateur téléphonique (Mobile + Box), passant de Bouygues Télécom à Free. Il trouve la vie douloureuse et compliquée, remplie d’injonctions inutiles, dégradantes et contradictoires. Il est alcoolique depuis le lycée, et est également un grand consommateur de médicaments. Il s’inscrit totalement dans une vision romantique du poète maudit, quand bien même il tenterait de s’en défendre (ce qu’il ne fait pas).
Sa musique est parfois qualifiée de « non-musique », tant l’écoute pour le « commun des mortels » semble hors d’évidence; toutefois il s’en défend, puisque pour lui tout est musique. Mais il est vrai que dénué de toute capacité objectivement technique, il joue contre les attentes d’un public qui souhaiterait recevoir des sonorités harmonieuses et agréables.
Mais Merzbow ne disait-il pas si la définition de la noise était une musique désagréable et agressive à l’écoute, alors pour lui la vraie noise se trouvait dans la pop commerciale
(je crois même qu’il voulait dire la pop tout court) ?
Sami Bergold se défend de faire de la noise (au sens où on l’entend habituellement, c’est-à-dire pas dans le sens où Merzbow le contredit),
mais il ne s’agit peut-être là que de débats sémantiques un peu barbants.
Plus factuellement il utilisait jusqu’à présent un mini-armada de matériel de fortune: synthétiseurs bas-de-gamme (souvent de type « à potards », ou générateurs de fréquences), walkmans (donc K7s), pédales d’effets. Ses dernières prestations scéniques l’ont vu utiliser de plus en plus fréquemment de la guitare électrique, qui est devenu quasiment son instrument de prédilection ces derniers temps (peut-être aussi par lassitude des synthétiseurs à potard), à tel point qu’il prépare un album (un « LP ») sur un nouveau label qui verra le jour en 2023, L’eau des fleurs, centré sur cet instrument. Lui-même dirige un label qui s’appelle Premier Sang, sur lequel il a sorti des disques de Sister Iodine, Macronympha, Mesa of the Lost Women, mais aussi un maxi de techno / house qui est devenu très légèrement culte : « To Live and Die E.P. » par Violence FM; ce label dort sur ses lauriers, la dernière sortie conséquente ayant été un double LP de lui-même sous un autre de ses pseudonymes: Z.B. Aids a.k.a. Valerie Smith (échec commercial malgré la publicité faite par Cameron Jamie sur ce disque dans Art Forum), en 2017. Il est également plasticien, même si il aime se définir plutôt comme un poète, malgré le fait d’être représenté en galerie par Valeria Cetraro (en même temps Henri Michaux avait bien un galeriste, lui aussi…). Depuis 2006 il co-dirige un projet (magazine ? revue ? fanzine ?) avec Jonas Delaborde qui s’appelle Nazi Knife. Il est, comme tout le monde, inquiet pour le futur. Son nom civil est Hendrik Hegray.SEXY WATER est le titre d'un coffret triple K7 - publié par le label Scum Yr Earth ces jours-ci et dont on espère voir les exemplaires ce soir-là.
https://soundcloud.com/user-496765036 https://soundcloud.com/sami-bergold https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLSFpJl7-HM
LANA SUBDUCTIONS / fr Communiqué officiel : " Méryll Ampe, Élodie Rassell et Romain Perrot collaborent de manière instinctive et radicale, utilisant SUBDUCTION SONORE ET VISUELLE, notre processus d'incurvation et de déplacement d'éléments sonores, plongeant, s'enfonçant et ressurgissant, en dévoilant des états sonores et visuels / sensoriels qui se déploient, des entités qui se croisent, se mélangent ou se décomposent, pour créer une fiction de Lana Del Rey."
Fly - Jo L’Indien 
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apisonadora60 · 2 years
Cycle. Un bellissimo short film di Sophie Olga de Jong
Oggi vi presentiamo un cortometraggio di animazione realizzato dalla creatività di Sophie Olga de Jong che ci racconta in soli due minuti una emozionante storia a pedali. Quella di una bambina che impara ad andare in bicicletta da suo nonno e scopre che dove finisce la strada inizia la vera avventura. Questo short film è stato proiettato prima di Lo Schiaccianoci della Disney in tutti i Pathé Cinema nei Paesi Bassi.
Cycle by Sophie Olga de Jong. Riconoscimenti
Il cortometraggio Cycle è stato selezionato nei più importanti Film Festival di animazione di tutto il mondo.
Monstra Lisboa, Portugal • Anima Brussels, Belgium • International Children’s and Youth Film Carnival, Hongkong • Anim’Est Festival, Romenia • Cinanima, Portugal  • Nederlands Film Festival Utrecht, The Netherlands • Go Short, The Netherlands • Cinekid, The Netherlands • Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, Germany • Seattle International Children Film Festival, USA • Hamptons International Film Festival, USA • Zlín Film Festival for Children & Youth, Czech Republic • Anibar Animation Festival, Kosovo • Shnit Worldwide Shortfilmfestival, Switserland  •  Festival de Cine de Madrid, Spain • International Kids Film Festival Mumbai, India  • Imaginaria Animation Festival, Italy. Awards: Special Mention • Monstra Lisboa, Portugal.
Regia: Sophie Olga de Jong e Sytske Kok Produttori: Willen Thijssen e Nancy Fornovile Sceneggiatura: Sytske Kok Design e animazione: Sophie Olga de Jong Animazione aggiuntiva: Janneke van den Biggelaar, Bram Donders, Kim van Engelen Sound design: Fay Lovsky Finanziato da : The Netherlands Film Fund, Fonds 21, Produzione Pathé Cinema: CinéTé
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 11.8
Abet and Aid Punsters Day
Aboriginal Veterans Day (Canada)
Day of Baku Metro Employees (Azerbaijan)
Days of History and Memory (Kyrgyzstan)
Feast of Pamphleteers
I Hate to Cook Day
International Day of Radiology
International Human Animal Bond Day
Intersex Day of Remembrance (Australia)
La Almudena (Madrid, Spain)
Merchant Sailing Ship Preservation Day
Moon Festival (Elder Scrolls)
National Aboriginal Veterans Day (Canada) 
National Ample Time Day
National Dunce Day
National Loneliness Awareness Day
National Parents As Teachers Day
National S.T.E.M. Day (a.k.a. National S.T.E.A.M. Day)
Octave Day of All Saints (Anglicanism)
Personal Liberty Day (Chicago celebration of Prohibition's repeal)
Pohnpei Constitution Day (Micronesia)
Rorschach Test Day
Shakespeare Authorship Mystery Day
World Pianist Day
World Radiography Day (a.k.a. X-Ray Discovery Day)
World Town Planning Day
World Urbanism Day
X-Ray Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cook Something Bold and Pungent Day
Harvey Wallbanger Day
National Cappuccino Day
National Pupusa Day (El Salvador)
Try a New Recipe Day
2nd Tuesday in November
Election Day (US) [1st Tuesday after 1st Monday]
National Young Readers' Day [2nd Tuesday]
Skeptics Day International [1st Tuesday after 1st Monday]
Independence Days
Montana Statehood Day (#41; 1889)
Feast Days
Appreciate Your Loved Ones Day (Pastafarian)
Big Bird’s Daddy (Muppetism)
Elizabeth of the Trinity (Roman Catholic Church; Blessed)
Feast of the Mania (Ancient Rome)
Festival of the Mania (Ancient Rome)
Four Crowned Brothers (Christian; Martyrs)
Full Moon [11th of the Year] (a.k.a. ... 
Beaver Moon (Amer. Indian, Colonial, Traditional)
Dark Moon (Celtic, North America)
Digging Moon (Traditional)
Flower Moon (South Africa)
Freezing Moon (Alternate)
Frost Moon (Alternate)
Hunter’s Moon (North America)
Ill Full Moon Poya Day (Sri Lanka)
Loy Krathong (Floating of the Lamps Festival; Thailand)
Palden Lhama Festival (Tibet)
Rutting Moon (Traditional)
Sassafras Moon (Choctaw)
Snow Moon (England, Wicca)
Southern Hemisphere: Corn, Flower, Hare, Milk
Tazaugmone (a.k.a. Thasaung Mong; Festival of Lights; Myanmar)
That Luang Festival (Theravada Buddhism; Laos) 
Trading Moon (Cherokee)
Tree Moon (Neo-Pagan)
Whitefish Moon (Traditional)
White Moon (China)
Godfrey of Amiens (Christian; Saint)
Isabella of Castille (Positivist; Saint)
Johann von Staupitz (Lutheran)
John Duns Scotus, Blessed (Christian; Saint)
Mae West Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Mania Festival (Old Roman)
Saints and Martyrs of England (Church of England)
Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and the other Bodiless Powers of Heaven (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Tysilio (Christian; Saint)
Willehad of Bremen (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Ace of Spades, by Motörhead (Album; 1980)
Days of Our Lives (TV Soap Opera; 1965)
8 Mile (Film; 2002)
Everybody’s Talking’, recorded by Harry Nilsson (Song; 1967)
The Goodies (UK TV Series; 1970)
Jailhouse Rock (Film; 1957) [Elvis Presley #3]
Led Zeppelin IV, by Led Zeppelin (Album; 1971)
Midway (Film; 2019)
Night School, 21st Jack Reacher book, by Lee Child (Novel; 2016)
Sacred Arias, by Andrea Bocelli (Album; 1999)
Sheer Heart Attack, by Queen (Album; 1974)
Stairway to Heaven, by Led Zeppelin (Song; 1971)
Surfing’, by The Beach Boys (Song; 1961)
Thor: The Dark World (Film; 2013)
Today’s Name Days
Gottfried (Austria)
Angel, Gavrail, Gavril, Mihaela, Mihail, Ognyan, Ognyana, Plamen, Plamena, Rada, Radka, Radko, Rafail, Raia, Raika, Raina, Rangel (Bulgaria)
Bogdan, Bogoljub, Gracija, Gracijan (Croatia)
Bohumír (Czech Republic)
Cladius (Denmark)
Nele, Nella, Nelli (Estonia)
Aatos (Finland)
Dora, Geoffroy (France)
Gottfried, Karina, Willehad (Germany)
Angela, Angelos, Gavriel, Michalis, Stamatis, Stamos, Taxiarchis (Greece)
Zsombor (Hungary)
Goffredo (Italy)
Agra, Aleksandra, Sandors, Sandra (Latvia)
Domantė, Gotfridas, Severinas, Svirbutas (Lithuania)
Ingvild, Yngvild (Norway)
Dymitr, Godfryd, Gotfryd, Hadrian, Klaudiusz, Sędziwoj, Sewer, Sewerian, Seweryn, Wiktor, Wiktoriusz, Wiktoryn (Poland)
Bohumír (Slovakia)
Godofredo, Segundo (Spain)
Vendela (Sweden)
Michael, Michaelina, Raphael (Ukraine)
Geoff, Geoffrey, Jeff, Jefferson, Jeffery, Jeffrey, Mercer, Montana (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 312 of 2022; 53 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 45 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Hagal (Constraint) [Day 11 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Lùyuè), Day 15 (Yi-Chou)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 14 Cheshvan 5783
Islamic: 13 Rabi II 1444
J Cal: 12 Mir; Foursday [12 of 30]
Julian: 26 October 2022
Moon: 100%: Full Moon
Positivist: 4 Frederic (12th Month) [Isabella of Castille]
Runic Half Month: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 47 of 90)
Zodiac: Scorpio (Day 17 of 31)
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dudefrommywesterns · 2 years
jcb won two awards in 2019 for 'six days of sistine'! one was the madrid international film festival, and the other was the olympus film festival :]] (but yeah, his performance in st was phenomenal!! he absolutely deserves an award for it)
ah thank you
i never saw that on his wikipedia for some reason. hm. (maybe someone forgot to add it?)
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deadlinecom · 1 month
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spainvisas · 2 months
Explore Spain's Most Beautiful Cities: Your Ultimate Guide for 2024
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Spain, a country renowned for its rich culture, diverse landscapes, and vibrant cities, beckons travelers from around the globe. If you're planning a trip to this enchanting destination in 2023, you're in for a treat. Here's a rundown of the 12 most beautiful cities in Spain that deserve a spot on your itinerary.
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1. Barcelona
Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia, is a mesmerizing blend of modernist architecture, sandy beaches, and lively street culture. Don't miss the iconic Sagrada Familia and the vibrant La Rambla.
2. Madrid
As the vibrant heart of Spain, Madrid boasts world-class museums, grand boulevards, and a pulsating nightlife. Explore the Prado Museum and take a stroll through the picturesque Retiro Park.
3. Seville
Seville, with its Moorish influences and flamenco rhythms, exudes an irresistible charm. Visit the stunning Alcázar palace and marvel at the grandeur of the Cathedral of Saint Mary. Get the Spain tourist visa uk for the visit purpose
4. Granada
Nestled at the foot of the Sierra Nevada mountains, Granada is famed for the majestic Alhambra fortress complex and the vibrant streets of the Albaicín neighborhood.
5. Valencia
Valencia, Spain's third-largest city, offers a perfect blend of modernity and tradition. Be sure to visit the futuristic City of Arts and Sciences and indulge in the city's delectable paella.
6. Bilbao
Bilbao, situated in the Basque Country, is renowned for its avant-garde architecture, including the iconic Guggenheim Museum. Take a stroll along the picturesque waterfront of the Nervión River.
7. Cordoba
Cordoba, once the capital of Moorish Spain, is home to the breathtaking Mezquita, a mosque-turned-cathedral that showcases stunning Islamic architecture.
8. Malaga
Malaga, birthplace of Picasso, entices visitors with its Mediterranean charm, historic landmarks, and vibrant cultural scene. Don't miss the Alcazaba fortress and the Picasso Museum.
9. Toledo
Toledo, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a living museum of Spanish history, with its medieval streets, ancient synagogues, and stunning Gothic cathedral.
10. San Sebastian
San Sebastian, nestled along the Bay of Biscay, is renowned for its beautiful beaches, world-class cuisine, and the annual San Sebastian International Film Festival.
11. Salamanca
Salamanca, home to one of Europe's oldest universities, enchants visitors with its golden sandstone architecture, lively plazas, and rich cultural heritage.
12. Segovia
Segovia, with its fairytale-like Alcázar castle and ancient Roman aqueduct, transports visitors back in time to Spain's rich history.
Whether you're drawn to the architectural wonders of Barcelona, the cultural richness of Madrid, or the coastal beauty of San Sebastian, Spain offers a plethora of experiences for every traveler. With its easy visa procedures, including Spain visa services from the UK, exploring these enchanting cities has never been easier. Start planning your Spanish adventure today and immerse yourself in the beauty and charm of these captivating destinations.
1. Do I need a visa to travel to Spain?
Citizens of many countries, including the United States, Canada, Australia, and the UK, do not need a visa for short visits to Spain (up to 90 days within a 180-day period). However, requirements may vary depending on your nationality and the purpose of your visit. Check with the Spanish consulate or embassy in your country for specific visa requirements.
2. How do I apply for a Spain visa from UK?
If you are a resident of the UK and require a visa to travel to Spain, you can apply through best spain visa provider. The application process typically involves filling out a visa application form, providing required documentation (such as passport, travel itinerary, proof of accommodation, and financial means), and attending an in-person appointment for biometric data collection.
3. What are the main tourist attractions in Spain?
Spain is home to a wealth of tourist attractions, including architectural marvels like the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona and the Alhambra in Granada, historic cities such as Toledo and Segovia, picturesque beaches along the Costa del Sol and Costa Brava, and vibrant cultural hubs like Madrid and Seville.
4. What is the best time of year to visit Spain?
The best time to visit Spain depends on your preferences and the regions you plan to visit. Generally, spring (April to June) and fall (September to November) offer pleasant weather and fewer crowds, making them ideal for sightseeing. Summer (June to August) is popular for beach vacations but can be hot and crowded in many parts of the country. Winter (December to February) is a great time to visit southern Spain for milder temperatures.
5. What are the transportation options in Spain?
Spain has a well-developed transportation network, including high-speed trains (AVE), regional trains, buses, and domestic flights. Major cities like Madrid, Barcelona, and Valencia also have efficient metro systems. Renting a car is another option for exploring rural areas and smaller towns, although parking can be limited in city centers.
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praxismatters · 4 years
The Evens Arts Prize 2019
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The Evens Arts Prize 2019 was awarded to choreographer and artist Eszter Salamon. Composer Éliane Radigue received the Special Mention of the Jury.
The laureates were selected by an independent jury, who chose from a list of 45 internationally acclaimed artists, nominated by representatives of major European cultural institutions.
The Jury of the 2021 edition was composed of Cristina Grande, Head of the Performing Arts Department, Serralves Foundation, Porto; Andrea Lissoni, Senior Curator of International Art (Film), Tate Modern, London; Malgorzata Ludwisiak, Director, Ujazdowski Castle, Center for Contemporary Art, Warsaw; Frank Madlener, Director, IRCAM, Paris | Christophe Slagmuylder, Artistic Director, Wiener Festwochen, Vienna. The Jury Chair was Ernest Van Buynder, former Chairman, M KHA, Antwerp.
Curated by Anne Davidian for Evens Foundation.
The Laureate
The Jury has acknowledged Eszter Salamon’s ambitious and uncompromising work that explores contemporary issues touching upon what has been forgotten, excluded, and repressed in Western consciousness. The Jury has particularly valued the strong European resonance of her work and the way it articulates individual and collective experiences. Building on history to imagine a possible future, Salamon’s œuvre embodies an immaterial inheritance of gestures, movements, and dances to reaffirm art’s insight into the contemporary world.
Born in Budapest, Eszter Salamon lives and works between Berlin, Paris, and Brussels. Her work has been presented at Centre Pompidou, Avignon Festival, PACT Zollverein Essen, Ruhrtriennale, Holland Festival, The Kitchen New York, HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin, Berlin Documentary Forum, Kunstenfestivaldesarts Brussels, and Manchester International Festival, as well as in museums including MoMA, Witte de With, Serralves Foundation, Jeu de Paume, Akademie der Künste Berlin, and mumok Vienna.
The award ceremony and a discussion with Eszter Salamon took place on April 12, 2019, at the Akademie der Künste, Berlin, during the opening evening of the conference A Soul for Europe.
The Special Mention of the Jury
The Jury recognised and awarded with a special mention the unique path of French composer Éliane Radigue. One of the most innovative and important contemporary composers, she has been a major influence for generations of composers, musicians and artists alike. Exploring minimal rhythms and changes in different harmonies that unfold into intricate sonic webs, Radigue’s work has been deeply shaped by a constant interest and curiosity towards the world appealing for unique forms of introspection, empathy and attunement with the world.
Pioneer of electronic music, Éliane Radigue began a renewal of her creative process in 2002. Enriching her compositions with new timbres and resonances, she has been collaborating with acoustic instrument performers, for whom she composes without scores, according to the principle of oral and aural transmission.
A special event dedicated to Éliane Radigue was organised at Centre Pompidou in Paris on September 13, 2020, by IRCAM and Musée national d'art moderne, in partnership with the Evens Foundation. Read more
The Nominators of the Evens Arts Prize 2019
Bart de Baere, Director, M KHA, Antwerp | Roman Belor, Director, Prague Spring Festival | Daniel Blanga Gubbay, Artistic Co-Director, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Brussels | Manuel Borja-Villel, Director, Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid | Silvia Bottiroli, Artistic Director, DAS Theatre, Amsterdam | Yvonne Büdenhölzer, Artistic Director, Theatertreffen Festival, Berlin | Dorota Buchwald, Director, Institut Theatralny, Warsaw | Adam Budak, Chief Curator, National Gallery, Prague | Marie Collin, Artistic Director, Festival d’Automne, Paris | Ingrid De Ketelaere, Head of Performing Arts and Paul Dujardin, Director, BOZAR, Brussels | Ekaterina Degot, Director and Chief Curator, Steirischer Herbst, Graz | Elvira Dyangani Ose, Director, Showroom, London | Silvia Fanti, Artistic Director, Live Arts Week /Xing, Bologna | Hicham Khalidi, Director, Van Eyck Institute, Maastricht | Maria Lind, Director, Tensta Konsthall, Stockholm | Emma Lavigne, Director, Centre Pompidou, Metz | Anne Hilde Neset, Director, Kunsternes Hus, Oslo | Mark Peranson, Head of Programming, Locarno Film Festival | Nataša Petresin-Bachelez, Curator, Contour Biennale 9, Mechelen | Jan Raes, Director, Concertgebouw, Amsterdam | Tiago Rodrigues, Artistic Director, Teatro National Dona Maria II, Lisbon | Eva Sangiorgi, Artistic Director, Viennale, Vienna | Alistair Spalding, Artistic Director and Chief Executive, Sadler’s Wells, London | Christa Spatt, Head of Programming, Tanzquartier, Vienna | Virve Sutinen, Artistic Director, Tanz im August Festival, Berlin | Vangelis Theodoropoulos, Artistic Director, Athens & Epidaurus Festival | Igor Toronyi-Lalic, Artistic Director, London Contemporary Music Festival.
The selection of the panel of experts has been made with the advice of Filipa Ramos, editor in chief of art-agenda.
📷 Eszter Salamon ©Bea Borgers | Eliane Radigue ©Delphine Migueres
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brookston · 6 months
Holidays 11.9
Allama Iqbal Day (Pakistan)
Berlin Wall Day
Brian Holland Legacy Day
Chaos Never Dies Day
Couch Beachcombing Day
Day of Ukrainian Literature & Language (Ukraine)
Dia de los Natitas (Day of the Skulls; Bolivia)
Eleven09 Day
Fall of the Wall Day (Germany)
Flag Day (Azerbaijan)
Fluffy Towel Appreciation Day
Geriatric Toothfairy Day
Good Armpit Day (Japan)
Go To An Art Museum Today Day
Heir to the Throne Day (Tuvalu)
International Day Against Fascism & Antisemitism
International Pathology Day
Iqbal Day (Pakistan)
Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass; Austria, Germany)
La Almudena (Madrid City, Spain)
Legal Services Day (India)
Lord Mayor’s Day (London, UK) [Traditional Date]
National Alejandro Day
National Child Safety Council Day
National Diabetes Heart Connection Day
National Firefighting Day (China)
National Grace Day
National Hunter Day
National Inventor’s Day
National Louisiana Day
National Microtia Awareness Day
National Nibble Day
Neon Sign Day
No Cookies Day
November Nine (Word Series of Poker)
Paul is Dead Day (1966)
Pomegranate Day (French Republic)
Remembrance Day (Cayman Islands)
Rolling Stone Day
Sagan Day (a.k.a. Carl Sagan Day)
Schicksalstag (Day of Fate; Germany)
Sprat Day (UK)
Tag der Erfinder (Inventor's Day; Austria, Germany, Switzerland)
Tori No Ichi
Tree Festival Day (Tunisia)
Uttarakhand Day (India)
Valerian and Laureline Day
World Adoption Day
World Freedom Day
World Inventor Day (EU)
World Orphans Day
World Satire Day
World Social Media Kindness Day
World Urdu Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
British Pudding Day (UK)
Condensed Milk Day
National Fried Chicken Sandwich Day
National Greek Yogurt Day
National Scrapple Day
2nd Thursday in November
Genetic Counselor Awareness Day [2nd Thursday]
International Day of Zoo & Aquarium Educators [2nd Thursday]
International Tempranillo Day [2nd Thursday]
National Community Ed Day [2nd Thursday]
Return Day (Georgetown, Delaware) [Thursday after 1st Monday]
World Quality Day [2nd Thursday]
World Usability Day [2nd Thursday]
Independence Days
Cambodia (from France, 1953)
Federal Republic of InfinityLand (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Benignus of Armagh (Christian; Saint)
Change Your Underwear Day (Pastafarian)
Charles V (Positivist; Saint)
Dedication of the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran, Cathedral of the Pope (Christian; Memorial Feast Day)
Gigo Gabashvili (Artology)
Harold “Doc” Edgerton Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lynn-Lynn (Muppetism)
Margery Kempe (Church of England)
Martin Chemnitz (Lutheran)
Media Autumnus I (Pagan)
Memorial Feast Day of the Dedication of the Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano, Cathedral of the Pope (Roman Catholic)
Nectarios of Aegina (Christian; Saint)
Night of Nicnevin (Gyre-Carling), Daughter of Frenzy, Banshee; Scots Pagan)
Old Socks Day Day (Pastafarian)
Robert Frank (Artology)
Theodore of Amasea (a.k.a. Theodore the General; Roman Catholic Church)
Virgin of Almudena (Madrid; Christian; Saint)
Vitonus (a.k.a. Vanne; Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Prime Number Day: 313 [65 of 72]
Schicksalstag (Fateful Day; Germany)
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [53 of 57]
Bridge Over Troubled Water, recorded by Simon and Garfunkel (Song; 1969)
Bunny and Claude [We Rob Carrot Patches] (WB MM Cartoon; 1968)
Claws in the Lease (WB MM Cartoon; 1963)
Dances with Wolves (Film; 1990)
Death Comes for the Archbishop,by Willa Cather (Novel; 1927)
Enter the Wu-Tang, by the Wu-Tang Clan (Album; 1993)
Flower Drum Song (Film; 1961)
Four For the Show or Two Pairs of Plants (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 318; 1964)
The Girl in the Spider’s Web (Film; 2018)
Joyeux Noël (Film; 2005)
Life as a House (Film; 2001)
Lincoln (Film; 2012)
Merry Christmas Baby, by Elvis Presley (Song; 1973)
Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas (Disney Animated Film; 1999)
Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature, by Erich Auerbach (Literary Criticism; 1942)
My Fair Lady (Film; 1964)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (Film; 1984)
No Dice, by Badfinger (Album; 1970)
The Passenger, by Ulrich Alexander Boschwitz (Novel; 1939)
Piano Man, by Billy Joel (Album; 1973)
Pottsylvania Creeper, Part 1 (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 317; 1964)
Rolling Stone (Magazine; 1967)
Skyfall (US Film; 2012) [James Bond #23]
Superman/Shazam!: The Return of Black Adam (WB Animated Film; 2010)
When the Pawn…, by Fiona Apple (Album; 1999)
Without You, by Badfinger (Song; 1970)
The Young Ones (UK TV Series; 1982)
You’re My Home, by Billy Joel (Song; 1973)
You’ve Really Got A Hold On Me, by The Miracles (Song; 1962)
Zootopia+ (Disney Animated TV Series; 20022)
Today’s Name Days
Herfried, Roland, Theodor (Austria)
Božo, Erpo, Ivan, Milostislav, Teodor, Ursin (Croatia)
Bohdan (Czech Republic)
Theodor (Denmark)
Teo, Teodor, Tuudor (Estonia)
Teo, Teuvo (Finland)
Maturin, Théodore (France)
Gregor, Herfried, Roland, Theodor (Germany)
Elladios, Mavra, Nektarios, Theoktisti (Greece)
Tivadar (Hungary)
Oreste, Teodoro (Italy)
Teodors (Latvia)
Dargintas, Estela, Skirtautė, Teodoras (Lithuania)
Teodor, Tordis (Norway)
Bogudar, Genowefa, Nestor, Teodor, Ursyn (Poland)
Nectarie (Romania)
Teodor (Slovakia)
Almudena (Spain)
Teodor, Teodora (Sweden)
Orestes, Sullivan, Vaughan, Vaughn (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 313 of 2024; 52 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 45 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 10 of 28]
Chinese: Month 9 (Ten-Xu), Day 26 (Xin-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 25 Heshvan 5784
Islamic: 25 Rabi II 1445
J Cal: 13 Mir; Sixday [13 of 30]
Julian: 27 October 2023
Moon: 13%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 5 Frederic (12th Month) [Charles V]
Runic Half Month: Hagal (Hailstone) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 47 of 89)
Zodiac: Scorpio (Day 17 of 29)
0 notes
cinemaupdates · 9 months
Nicole Wallace: The Spanish Actress Taking the World by Storm
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Nicole Wallace, a talented and versatile Spanish actress, has captured the hearts of audiences worldwide with her mesmerizing performances and charismatic on-screen presence. Born in Madrid, Spain, on June 15, 1985, Nicole's journey from a young aspiring actress to an international sensation is nothing short of extraordinary. This article delves into Nicole Wallace's background, her rise to stardom, her notable works, and her impact on the entertainment industry.
Early Life and Beginnings in Acting (H2)
Nicole Wallace was raised in a creative and supportive family environment that nurtured her passion for acting from a young age. Encouraged by her parents, she participated in school plays and local theater productions, showcasing her innate talent and dedication to the craft. These early experiences laid the foundation for her future career in the entertainment industry.
The Breakthrough Role (H2)
In 2005, Nicole's big break came when she landed the lead role in the critically acclaimed Spanish drama series, "Eternal Shadows." Her portrayal of a complex and emotionally charged character garnered widespread praise from both critics and viewers. The series' success brought her into the limelight and opened doors to new opportunities in the world of acting.
Crossing Borders: International Success (H2)
With her reputation as a brilliant actress growing, Nicole Wallace expanded her horizons and took on projects beyond Spain's borders. In 2010, she made her Hollywood debut in the suspenseful thriller "Shadows of Deceit," starring alongside A-list actors. Nicole's ability to adapt to diverse roles and deliver captivating performances transcended language barriers and gained her international recognition.
Versatility and Range (H2)
One of Nicole's most remarkable attributes as an actress is her versatility and range. From intense dramas to light-hearted romantic comedies, she effortlessly immerses herself in every character she portrays, breathing life into each role. Whether it's a strong-willed detective, a vulnerable artist, or a powerful historical figure, Nicole's ability to connect with her characters on a deep level is awe-inspiring.
Impact on Social Media (H2)
In the digital age, Nicole Wallace has harnessed the power of social media to connect with her fans and share glimpses of her personal and professional life. Her engaging posts, behind-the-scenes photos, and heartfelt messages resonate with her followers, creating a loyal fan base that spans the globe. Through social media, she has become more than just an actress; she is an inspiration and a role model to many.
Advocacy and Humanitarian Work (H2)
Beyond her acting prowess, Nicole Wallace is passionate about various social causes and actively uses her platform to advocate for change. She has been involved in several charitable initiatives, supporting organizations that focus on education, environmental conservation, and women's empowerment. Her commitment to making a positive impact on the world further enhances her standing as a beloved public figure.
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Unforgettable Performances (H2)
Throughout her career, Nicole Wallace has delivered a series of unforgettable performances that have etched her name in the annals of cinematic history. From her emotionally charged monologues to her impeccable comedic timing, each of her roles showcases her dedication to the art of acting and her ability to captivate audiences with her on-screen presence.
Awards and Recognition (H2)
Nicole Wallace's contributions to the entertainment industry have not gone unnoticed, as evidenced by the numerous awards and accolades she has received over the years. Her mantle holds prestigious trophies from international film festivals, recognizing her as one of the finest actresses of her generation.
Future Projects and Endeavors (H2)
As Nicole Wallace's career continues to soar, her fans eagerly anticipate her future projects. With a host of exciting films and series in the pipeline, she is set to dazzle audiences with her exceptional talent and dedication to her craft.
Nicole Wallace's journey from a young girl with a dream to a globally acclaimed actress is a testament to her unwavering passion and dedication. Her ability to transcend borders and connect with audiences of different cultures makes her a true gem in the world of cinema. As Nicole continues to shine brightly, her star power is bound to inspire generations of aspiring actors to follow their dreams and make their mark in the entertainment industry.
FAQs (H3)
1. How did Nicole Wallace get into acting?
Nicole Wallace's passion for acting was nurtured from a young age by her supportive family. She participated in school plays and local theater productions, which laid the foundation for her future career in acting.
2. What is Nicole Wallace's breakthrough role?
Nicole's breakthrough role came in 2005 when she starred in the critically acclaimed Spanish drama series "Eternal Shadows," where she received widespread praise for her performance.
3. Has Nicole Wallace won any awards for her acting?
Yes, Nicole Wallace has received numerous awards and accolades for her exceptional performances, both in Spain and internationally.
4. What causes does Nicole Wallace support?
Nicole is actively involved in various social causes, including education, environmental conservation, and women's empowerment, and uses her platform to advocate for positive change.
5. What's next for Nicole Wallace?
Nicole has an exciting lineup of projects in the works, and fans can look forward to seeing her in a range of diverse and compelling roles in the near future.
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lamilanomagazine · 9 months
Livigno: da questa sera al Cinema Cinelux tre imperdibili appuntamenti de LA MILANESIANA 2023, ideata e diretta da Elisabetta Sgarbi
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Livigno: da questa sera al Cinema Cinelux tre imperdibili appuntamenti de LA MILANESIANA 2023, ideata e diretta da Elisabetta Sgarbi. LA MILANESIANA, ideata e diretta da Elisabetta Sgarbi, dopo il successo della scorsa edizione, torna anche quest'anno a Livigno (Sondrio) con tre imperdibili appuntamenti questa sera, lunedì 24 luglio, domani, martedì 25 luglio, e mercoledì 26 luglio al Cinema Cinelux (Via dala Gesa, 335/b). Si inizia questa sera, lunedì 24 luglio, con la tappa estiva del tour del cantautore Raphael Gualazzi che proporrà in una versione piano e voce i suoi brani più celebri, oltre ad una ricercata selezione che spazia dal jazz/blues internazionale alle rivisitazioni di repertorio classico. Ci sarà spazio anche per alcuni estratti dal suo ultimo album "Bar del Sole" uscito a giugno 2022, targato Sugar Music e co-prodotto da Vittorio Cosma, in cui Raphael reinterpreta alcuni classici e gemme del più brillante cantautorato italiano. Saluti istituzionali di Remo Galli (Sindaco di Livigno) e Sharon Zini (Assessore alla Cultura Comune di Livigno). Ingresso gratuito su prenotazione a questo link.   Domani, martedì 25 luglio, sarà la volta di SIMONE CRISTICCHI con il concerto disegnato "Ho disegnato troppo". Una straordinaria performance, unica nel suo genere, in cui l'artista canta, accompagnato da Riccardo Ciaramellari (pianoforte e fisarmonica), racconta e disegna contemporaneamente, illustrando "dal vivo" le canzoni più famose del suo repertorio. Da "Studentessa universitaria" a "L'ultimo valzer", da "Ti regalerò una rosa" fino ad "Abbi cura di me", ogni canzone diventa un quadro, realizzato sul momento da Cristicchi e proiettato su fondale. Come tessere di un grande mosaico, i disegni, i monologhi e le canzoni di Cristicchi, raccontano la storia di un percorso di guarigione in cui l'Arte e la creatività diventano salvezza ed emozione condivisa. Ingresso gratuito su prenotazione a questo link.   Il terzo e ultimo appuntamento in programma al Cinema Cinelux si terrà mercoledì 26 luglio con "Dio è morto e neanche io mi sento tanto bene", lo spettacolo di e con TULLIO SOLENGHI & NIDI ENSEMBLE. Lo spettacolo vede sul palco TULLIO SOLENGHI impegnato con la lettura di alcuni testi di Woody Allen (autore recentemente pubblicato da La nave di Teseo), coniugati con le musiche che hanno caratterizzato i suoi film più significativi, eseguite dal Maestro ALESSANDRO NIDI e dal suo ENSEMBLE. Si passerà così dai "Racconti Hassidici" alla parodia delle Sacre Scritture tratti da "Saperla Lunga" allo spassoso "Bestiario" tratto da "Citarsi Addosso", intervallati da brani di George Gershwin, Tommy Dorsey, Dave Brubeck, con uno speciale omaggio al mentore di Woody, il sommo "Groucho Marx", evocato dalla musica Klezmer. Una serata in cui, in rapida carrellata, si alterneranno suoni e voci, musica e racconto in un'alternanza di primi piani a comporre un "montaggio" divertente e ipnotico. Ingresso gratuito su prenotazione a questo link.   Tutti gli eventi inizieranno alle ore 21.00 e saranno introdotti da Elisabetta Sgarbi. Appuntamenti realizzati in collaborazione con Comune di Livigno. Raphael Gualazzi: Classe 1981, Raphael Gualazzi è cantautore, compositore, arrangiatore, musicista e produttore. Dopo gli studi classici al Conservatorio ha sempre sperimentato diversi generi musicali, dando vita ad uno stile personalissimo, tra stride piano, jazz, blues e fusion. Gualazzi ha partecipato ai più rinomati festival d'Europa (tra cui l'"International Jazz Day", presso la sede UNESCO di Parigi, il "Saint Germain Jazz" di Parigi, il "Dìa de la Musica" di Madrid, l' "Italian Innovation Day" a Bruxelles, testimonial del made in Italy di successo all'estero), ha segnato sold out in Italia e all'estero sempre con formazioni di musicisti internazionali, arrivando a conquistare anche il Giappone e il Canada. Nel 2011, già noto in Francia, ha trionfato al Festival di Sanremo nella categoria Giovani con il brano Follia d'amore: primo posto, Premio della Critica "Mia Martini", premio della Sala Stampa Radio e Tv, Premio Assomusica per la migliore esibizione live. E al successivo all'Eurovision Song Contest ha ottenuto il secondo posto con Madness of Love. Sul palco dell'Ariston è tornato altre due volte, sempre con grande successo di pubblico e critica: nel 2013 con Sai (ci basta un sogno) (quinto) e nel 2014 insieme a The Bloody Beetroots, con un progetto inedito che ha fuso jazz, elettronica, blues e gospel (medaglia d'argento con Liberi o no). Cinque album all'attivo e tre EP in Italia, Gualazzi ha pubblicato in tutto il mondo (sempre con la Sugar), dalla Francia alla Germania, fino al Giappone (dove, nel 2018 è uscito "Best of", una raccolta di successi contenuti nei suoi tre precedenti dischi). Il suo ultimo lavoro, Love Life Peace, ha conquistato il Disco D'Oro e il suo singolo di traino L'estate di John Wayne è stato in vetta alle classifiche radiofoniche per settimane fino ad arrivare ad ottenere la certificazione del Disco di Platino. Gualazzi ha composto anche per la tv e per il cinema. È autore di testo e musica, oltre che interprete al pianoforte, di Vertigo, brano contenuto nell'album Sì di Andrea Bocelli, candidato ai prossimi Grammy Awards. A febbraio 2020 è uscito il suo nuovo album Ho un Piano, contenente la hit sanremese Carioca. Dopo un'intensa attività live nell'estate 2021, con oltre 20 date in tutta Italia tra recital in piano solo e concerti in trio, il 23 novembre, data del centenario della nascita di Fred Buscaglione, Gualazzi ha pubblicato un EP di tributo in cui reinterpreta 5 brani del grande musicista e attore piemontese. Il 10 giugno del 2022 è uscito per Sugar il suo ultimo album Bar Del Sole coprodotto da Vittorio Cosma, a cui ha fatto seguito l'omonimo tour estivo. Simone Cristicchi: Simone Cristicchi è cantautore, attore, disegnatore e scrittore. Dal 2005, esordio musicale con Vorrei cantare come Biagio è un crescendo di consenso di pubblico e di critica con l'assegnazione di vari prestigiosi premi. Nel 2007 vince il Festival di Sanremo con Ti regalerò una rosa. Per il brano e la sua intensa interpretazione gli vengono riconosciuti anche il Premio della critica Mia Martini e Premio Stampa Radio e Tv. Dal 2007 è autore di diversi libri divenuti libri, come nel caso di Centro di igiene mentale - Un cantastorie tra i matti, mentre si ripetono sold out teatrali tra cui Mio nonno è morto in guerra, che riceve il plauso del Presidente Napolitano, e Magazzino 18 spettacolo che conterà presenze per oltre 140.000 spettatori. Nel 2017 è nominato direttore del Teatro Stabile d'Abruzzo. Al Festival di Sanremo 2019, con il brano Abbi cura di me, è protagonista commosso di una standing ovation con il riconoscimento di due premi della critica. Dal 2019 si succedono la pubblicazione dell'album antologia di successi Abbi cura cura di me; la mostra alla Reggia di Venaria di disegni e aforismi Happy Sketches / Natura umana (Cristicchi è stato anche allievo del M° Benito Jacovitti) e 8 tour teatrali, tra cui Alla ricerca della felicità, fino al recente Paradiso - Dalle tenebre alla luce, che registrano ripetuti consensi di critica e sold out. Tullio Solenghi: Nasce a Genova nel 1948. Si forma come attore presso il Teatro Stabile di Genova, nel 1970 debutta con Madre Courage accanto a Lina Volonghi, seguono 7 anni di militanza teatrale a fianco di Alberto Lionello, Tino Buazzelli, Giorgio Albertazzi, in lavori di Shakespeare, Goldoni, Moliere, Pirandello... con regie di Squarzina, Besson, Quartucci... Negli anni '70 debutta in tv con l'amico Beppe Grillo sotto l'egida di Pippo Baudo. Seguono varie partecipazioni a trasmissioni televisive. Nel 1982 fonda il Trio con Anna Marchesini e Massimo Lopez, che dal 1982 al 1994, riscriverà alcune pagine della comicità televisiva italiana e porterà al successo due spettacoli teatrali Allacciare le cinture di sicurezza e In principio era il Trio. L'apice del percorso del trio avverrà con la parodia de I promessi sposi, in onda su Rai Uno nel gennaio del 1990 con ascolti record intorno ai 15 milioni di telespettatori. Scioltosi il Trio, Solenghi continua il suo percorso single tornando in teatro, con messe in scena di grande successo come La Bisbetica domata, Tartufo, Amadeus, L'apparenza inganna... Riprende anche la collaborazione con Massimo Lopez con cui porta in teatro La strana coppia (2003). Sempre con Lopez è protagonista di una fortunata edizione di Striscia La Notizia, che bissa il successo di quella precedente dove Solenghi era in coppia con Gene Gnocchi. Negli ultimi anni si distingue per le sue doti vocali partecipando a Tale e Quale Show e per quelle di danzatore con l'attuale Ballando Con Le Stelle. Da ricordare anche un bel cammeo nel film campione di incassi di Checco Zalone Che bella giornata (2011) e il libro Bevi qualcosa, Pedro, da lui definito "più che un'autobiografia, un'autotriografia". Le vicende della pandemia nel 2020 hanno interrotto le repliche del tour del Massimo Lopez & Tullio Solenghi Show, ultimissima fatica di Solenghi, che è tornato nella stagione 2021-2022 nei maggiori teatri italiani e ha raggiunto le quasi trecento repliche. La sua grande passione per il genio di Woody Allen lo ha portato ad affiancare al duo con Massimo lo spettacolo in solo "Dio è morto e neanche io mi sento tanto bene", dove è affiancato e accompagnato dal Nidi Ensemble, che esegue dal vivo le musiche delle colonne sonore del grande regista statunitense. Alessandro Nidi: Direttore d'orchestra, compositore e pianista. Scrive canzoni di musica leggera e ha lavorato con Franco Battiato, Alice e Giuni Russo, Lucio Dalla, Max Gazzè, Sergio Cammariere, Giorgio Conte e molti altri, proponendosi come autore o arrangiatore contaminando il pop e la musica classica. Compone le musiche di scena per diversi teatri italiani, collaborando con i più importanti registi teatrali italiani ed europei e partecipa come pianista e compositore nei più importanti festival internazionali. Elisabetta Sgarbi: Dopo 25 anni come editor e Direttore editoriale della casa editrice Bompiani, ha fondato nel novembre 2015, assieme ad altri autori tra cui Umberto Eco, Mario Andreose ed Eugenio Lio, La nave di Teseo Editore, di cui è Direttore generale e Direttore editoriale. È Presidente di Baldini+Castoldi e Oblomov Edizioni e Direttore responsabile della rivista "linus". Ha ideato, e da 24 anni ne è Direttore artistico, il Festival Internazionale La Milanesiana - Letteratura Musica Cinema Scienza Arte Filosofia Teatro Diritto Economia Sport Fumetto e "linus - Festival del Fumetto", giunto alla seconda edizione. Dal 1999 dirige e produce i suoi lavori cinematografici, presentati nei più importanti Festival internazionali del cinema. Nel 2020 ha presentato alla Mostra del Cinema di Venezia un film sul gruppo musicale Extraliscio, dal titolo Extraliscio - Punk da balera. Il film ha ricevuto il Premio Siae al talento creativo e il Premio FICE - Federazione Italiana Cinema d'Essais. Il suo film più recente è Nino Migliori. Viaggio intorno alla mia stanza, realizzato nel 2022, che è stato premiato ai Nastri d'Argento, presentato al Festival del Cinema di Roma. Nel 2020 ha fondato la Betty Wrong Edizioni musicali che ha esordito producendo il doppio album degli Extraliscio È bello perdersi, che include il singolo presentato al 71^ Festival di Sanremo, Bianca Luce Nera. Nel 2022 ha pubblicato insieme a Margutta 86 il singolo È così di Luca Barbarossa e Extraliscio, seguito dall'album di Extraliscio Romantic Robot. È Presidente della Fondazione Elisabetta Sgarbi che promuove la lettura, la diffusione della cultura e della conoscenza dell'arte. È membro del Consiglio di amministrazione della Fondazione Paulo Coelho, con sede a Ginevra. È membro, su nomina del Pontefice Francesco I, della Pontificia Accademia delle Arti e delle Scienze. La 24esima edizione de La Milanesiana, ideata e diretta da Elisabetta Sgarbi, dopo l'anteprima ad aprile con Quentin Tarantino in libreria, attraversa dal 22 maggio al 27 luglio ben 23 città italiane in 7 diverse regioni, con oltre 60 incontri ed eventi e più di 200 ospiti italiani e internazionali provenienti da diverse discipline. Un festival di respiro internazionale che promuove il dialogo tra le arti e tesse relazioni tra letteratura, musica, cinema, scienza, arte, filosofia, teatro, diritto, economia, sport, fumetto. Il tema di questa 24esima edizione è RITORNI, ispirato dallo scrittore nigeriano, Ben Okri. Un tema-mondo per interpretare la cronaca attuale (chi lascia la propria terra sperando di non farci più ritorno, chi parte sognando di tornarci), che abbraccia anche altri nuclei tematici: il rapporto con la natura, quello con l'intelligenza artificiale e quello tra genitori e figli. La Rosa dipinta da Franco Battiato, che fin dalla prima edizione è il simbolo de La Milanesiana, è stata rielaborata anche quest'anno da Franco Achilli che in onore del nuovo tema l'ha raffigurata avvolta in un uroboro verde, ideale unione tra il tema della Natura e quello del Ritorno. I Premi de La Milanesiana 2023: Premio Rosa d'oro della Milanesiana a Abdulrazak Gurnah Premio SIAE / La Milanesiana a Zerocalcare Premio Jean-Claude e Nicky Fasquelle / La Milanesiana a Joël Dicker Premio Omaggio al Maestro / La Milanesiana a Quentin Tarantino e Fatih Akin La Milanesiana è organizzata da Imarts International Music and Arts e Fondazione Elisabetta Sgarbi, con il Patrocinio del Comune di Milano e con il contributo di Regione Lombardia. Radio 24 per il primo anno è media partner del festival.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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postcardsfromthee · 10 months
Unveiling the Hidden Gems: Exploring the Benefits of Muscat City Guide
Nestled along the sparkling coastline of the Arabian Sea, Muscat, the capital city of Oman, exudes a distinctive charm that effortlessly blends tradition and modernity. With its rich history, vibrant culture, and breathtaking landscapes, Muscat offers an enchanting experience to both locals and tourists alike. To truly immerse yourself in the wonders of this captivating city, a comprehensive Muscat City Guide proves to be an invaluable companion. In this article, we delve into the myriad benefits of having a Muscat City Guide at your fingertips.
Unearthing Historical and Cultural Treasures:
Muscat boasts a storied past that dates back centuries. A Muscat City Guide acts as a key to unlocking the city's historical and cultural treasures. It provides detailed insights into iconic landmarks such as the majestic Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque, the imposing Al Jalali and Al Mirani forts, and the mesmerizing Royal Opera House. With a city guide in hand, you can discover hidden gems like the Mutrah Souq, an atmospheric marketplace brimming with traditional crafts, spices, and jewelry. Exploring Muscat's rich heritage becomes an immersive and enlightening journey with the aid of a well-curated city guide.
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Navigating the City with Ease:
Muscat is a sprawling metropolis, and getting around can be daunting for newcomers. However, a Muscat City Guide acts as a reliable navigation tool, providing detailed maps, transportation options, and essential information about each neighborhood. Whether you want to visit the vibrant Ruwi district, relax on the stunning beaches of Qurum, or venture into the rugged Hajar Mountains, the guide ensures you can effortlessly navigate your way through the city, saving time and avoiding unnecessary hassles.
Discovering Culinary Delights:
Oman's culinary landscape is a tapestry of flavors, combining Arabian, Indian, and East African influences. Muscat's dining scene offers a plethora of culinary delights waiting to be savored. A Muscat City Guide directs you to the city's finest restaurants, street food stalls, and local eateries, allowing you to indulge in authentic Omani cuisine. Whether it's savoring mouthwatering shuwa (slow-cooked lamb), aromatic biryanis, or delectable Omani sweets like halwa, the guide helps you embark on a gastronomic adventure like no other.
Engaging in Outdoor Activities:
Muscat's natural beauty is a testament to Oman's diverse landscapes. From stunning coastlines to rugged mountains, the city offers a wide range of outdoor activities. A Muscat City Guide highlights popular spots for snorkeling, scuba diving, and sailing, where you can explore the azure waters of the Arabian Sea. Moreover, it leads you to hiking trails in the nearby Wadi Shab or Jebel Akhdar, where you can marvel at the region's awe-inspiring scenery. Whether you seek adrenaline-pumping adventures or serene nature walks, the city guide enables you to make the most of Muscat's outdoor offerings.
Staying Informed about Events and Festivals:
Muscat hosts a vibrant calendar of events and festivals throughout the year, showcasing its rich cultural heritage. From the Muscat Festival, which celebrates Omani traditions, to the Muscat International Film Festival, there is always something happening in the city. With a Muscat City Guide, you can stay updated on the latest events, concerts, exhibitions, and cultural festivities, ensuring you never miss out on the city's pulsating energy.
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From Vinicio Beretta
Locarno, 4 August 1961
My dear Don Luis, Now that the XIV International Film Festival has ended, it gives me great pleasure to tell you that the screening of your film outside the competition was an enormous success.
At the very last minute, I was confronted, personally, with a series of difficult obstacles raised by the Spanish authorities: both in Madrid (from the General Board of Cinematography), and in Bern (from the Spanish Embassy in Switzerland), they bombarded me with telegrams and phone calls in an attempt to prevent us screening your film which, the Spaniards claimed, was ‘smuggled’ out of Spain. Naturally, I refused to accede to Francoist desires: that would have been impossible due to my sincere affection for you, my admiration for your work, and the fact that I believe Viridiana to be a genuine masterpiece.
I hope to be back in Mexico in November and I would love to meet up you again, of course.
With most affectionate regards, Yours, Vinicio Beretta Festival Internazionale del Film
Jo Evans & Breixo Viejo, Luis Buñuel: A Life in Letters
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blutarsky · 1 year
RATE ME by Fyzal Boulifa from La Distributrice de Films on Vimeo.
A portrait of teenage escort, 'Coco'.
Director, screenwriter : Fyzal Boulifa Cast : Zehra Zorba, Leo Hatton, James Pierce, Terry Noble, Rytis Sadauskas, Zoe Price, Ellie Gardner, Clark Curran, Robert J Francis, Cecilia Noble, Debra Marie Mawdsley, George Welton, Demilade Adesanya, Natalie Callaghan, Zoie Smith, Saskia Chohan, Alex Morrison, Ava Sabrine Rosenthal DOP : Taina Galis Sound : Anna Bertmark Editing : Taina Galis, Fyzal Boulifa Set Designer: Tilly Shiner Costumes : Clare Rose Music: Felicita Producers : Taina Galis, Fyzal Boulifa Distribution: La Distributrice de Films Contact: [email protected]
Cannes, Quinzaine / Cannes, Director's Fortnight - Cannes, France, 2015 Guanajuato International Film Festival - Guanajuato, Mexico, 2015 Kratkofil International short Film Festival - Banja Luka, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 2015 20th Sarajevo Film Festival - Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 2015 Sao Paulo International Short Film Festival - Sao Paolo, Brazil, 2015 BFI London Film Festival - London, UK, 2015 Encounters Shot Film Festival - Bristol, UK, 2015 Hamptons International Film Fetsival - Hamptons, USA, 2015 Toronto International Film Festival - Toronto, Canada, 2015 Batumi International Art-House Film Festival - Batumi, Georgia, 2015 44th Festival du Nouveau Cinema - Montreal, Canada, 2015 51st Chicago International Film Festival - Chicago, USA, 2015 34th Uppsala International Short Film Festival - Uppsala, Sweeden 19th Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur - Winterthur, Switzerland, 2015 38th Denver Film Festival - Denver, USA, 2015 Twin Cities Arab Film Festival - Minneapolis, USA 44th AFI Film Fest - Los Angeles, USA Leeds International Film Festival - UK, 2015 Geo Saizescu International Film Festival - Roumania, 2015 Zagreb Film Fest - Croatia, 2015 Leuven International Short Film Festival - Belgium, 2015 London Short Film Fest - UK, 2016 Sundance - USA, 2016 Solothum Film Festival - Switzerland, 2016 Las Palmas International Film Festival - Spain, 2016 Mecal Barcelona - Spain, 2016 Bucharest International Experimental Film Festival - Romania, 2016 Vilnius Film Festival- Lithuania, 2016 Madrid Film circle - Spain, 2016 Atlanta Film Festival - USA, 2016 Go Shorts - Nijmegen, Netherlands, 2016 Dallas Film Festival - Dallas, USA 2016 Indielisboa International Independent Film Festival - Lisbon, Portugal 2016 Kiev International Film Festival - Kiev, Ukraine 2016 Halifax Independent Filmmakers' Festival - Halifax, Canada Palm Springs Short Film Festival - Palm Springs, USA 2016 New Zeland International Film Festival - Wellington, New Zeland 2016 Lago International Film Festival - Lago, Italy 2016 Kinemastik International Short Film Festival - Malta 2016 DC Shorts Film Festival - Washington, USA 2016 Pacific Meridian International Film Festival - Vlasdivostock, Russia 2016
Best British Short at Leeds International Film Fetsival - UK, 2015 Live Action Short Special Mention for Innovative Storytelling au AFI Film Fest - USA, Los Angeles 2015 Honorable mention for Best International Short at Festival du nouveau cinéma, 2015 Honorable mention for Best International Short at TIFF, 2015 Illy Award, Directors' Fortnight - Cannes Films Festival, 2015
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brookstonalmanac · 6 months
Holidays 11.9
Allama Iqbal Day (Pakistan)
Berlin Wall Day
Brian Holland Legacy Day
Chaos Never Dies Day
Couch Beachcombing Day
Day of Ukrainian Literature & Language (Ukraine)
Dia de los Natitas (Day of the Skulls; Bolivia)
Eleven09 Day
Fall of the Wall Day (Germany)
Flag Day (Azerbaijan)
Fluffy Towel Appreciation Day
Geriatric Toothfairy Day
Good Armpit Day (Japan)
Go To An Art Museum Today Day
Heir to the Throne Day (Tuvalu)
International Day Against Fascism & Antisemitism
International Pathology Day
Iqbal Day (Pakistan)
Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass; Austria, Germany)
La Almudena (Madrid City, Spain)
Legal Services Day (India)
Lord Mayor’s Day (London, UK) [Traditional Date]
National Alejandro Day
National Child Safety Council Day
National Diabetes Heart Connection Day
National Firefighting Day (China)
National Grace Day
National Hunter Day
National Inventor’s Day
National Louisiana Day
National Microtia Awareness Day
National Nibble Day
Neon Sign Day
No Cookies Day
November Nine (Word Series of Poker)
Paul is Dead Day (1966)
Pomegranate Day (French Republic)
Remembrance Day (Cayman Islands)
Rolling Stone Day
Sagan Day (a.k.a. Carl Sagan Day)
Schicksalstag (Day of Fate; Germany)
Sprat Day (UK)
Tag der Erfinder (Inventor's Day; Austria, Germany, Switzerland)
Tori No Ichi
Tree Festival Day (Tunisia)
Uttarakhand Day (India)
Valerian and Laureline Day
World Adoption Day
World Freedom Day
World Inventor Day (EU)
World Orphans Day
World Satire Day
World Social Media Kindness Day
World Urdu Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
British Pudding Day (UK)
Condensed Milk Day
National Fried Chicken Sandwich Day
National Greek Yogurt Day
National Scrapple Day
2nd Thursday in November
Genetic Counselor Awareness Day [2nd Thursday]
International Day of Zoo & Aquarium Educators [2nd Thursday]
International Tempranillo Day [2nd Thursday]
National Community Ed Day [2nd Thursday]
Return Day (Georgetown, Delaware) [Thursday after 1st Monday]
World Quality Day [2nd Thursday]
World Usability Day [2nd Thursday]
Independence Days
Cambodia (from France, 1953)
Federal Republic of InfinityLand (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Benignus of Armagh (Christian; Saint)
Change Your Underwear Day (Pastafarian)
Charles V (Positivist; Saint)
Dedication of the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran, Cathedral of the Pope (Christian; Memorial Feast Day)
Gigo Gabashvili (Artology)
Harold “Doc” Edgerton Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lynn-Lynn (Muppetism)
Margery Kempe (Church of England)
Martin Chemnitz (Lutheran)
Media Autumnus I (Pagan)
Memorial Feast Day of the Dedication of the Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano, Cathedral of the Pope (Roman Catholic)
Nectarios of Aegina (Christian; Saint)
Night of Nicnevin (Gyre-Carling), Daughter of Frenzy, Banshee; Scots Pagan)
Old Socks Day Day (Pastafarian)
Robert Frank (Artology)
Theodore of Amasea (a.k.a. Theodore the General; Roman Catholic Church)
Virgin of Almudena (Madrid; Christian; Saint)
Vitonus (a.k.a. Vanne; Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Prime Number Day: 313 [65 of 72]
Schicksalstag (Fateful Day; Germany)
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [53 of 57]
Bridge Over Troubled Water, recorded by Simon and Garfunkel (Song; 1969)
Bunny and Claude [We Rob Carrot Patches] (WB MM Cartoon; 1968)
Claws in the Lease (WB MM Cartoon; 1963)
Dances with Wolves (Film; 1990)
Death Comes for the Archbishop,by Willa Cather (Novel; 1927)
Enter the Wu-Tang, by the Wu-Tang Clan (Album; 1993)
Flower Drum Song (Film; 1961)
Four For the Show or Two Pairs of Plants (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 318; 1964)
The Girl in the Spider’s Web (Film; 2018)
Joyeux Noël (Film; 2005)
Life as a House (Film; 2001)
Lincoln (Film; 2012)
Merry Christmas Baby, by Elvis Presley (Song; 1973)
Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas (Disney Animated Film; 1999)
Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature, by Erich Auerbach (Literary Criticism; 1942)
My Fair Lady (Film; 1964)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (Film; 1984)
No Dice, by Badfinger (Album; 1970)
The Passenger, by Ulrich Alexander Boschwitz (Novel; 1939)
Piano Man, by Billy Joel (Album; 1973)
Pottsylvania Creeper, Part 1 (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 317; 1964)
Rolling Stone (Magazine; 1967)
Skyfall (US Film; 2012) [James Bond #23]
Superman/Shazam!: The Return of Black Adam (WB Animated Film; 2010)
When the Pawn…, by Fiona Apple (Album; 1999)
Without You, by Badfinger (Song; 1970)
The Young Ones (UK TV Series; 1982)
You’re My Home, by Billy Joel (Song; 1973)
You’ve Really Got A Hold On Me, by The Miracles (Song; 1962)
Zootopia+ (Disney Animated TV Series; 20022)
Today’s Name Days
Herfried, Roland, Theodor (Austria)
Božo, Erpo, Ivan, Milostislav, Teodor, Ursin (Croatia)
Bohdan (Czech Republic)
Theodor (Denmark)
Teo, Teodor, Tuudor (Estonia)
Teo, Teuvo (Finland)
Maturin, Théodore (France)
Gregor, Herfried, Roland, Theodor (Germany)
Elladios, Mavra, Nektarios, Theoktisti (Greece)
Tivadar (Hungary)
Oreste, Teodoro (Italy)
Teodors (Latvia)
Dargintas, Estela, Skirtautė, Teodoras (Lithuania)
Teodor, Tordis (Norway)
Bogudar, Genowefa, Nestor, Teodor, Ursyn (Poland)
Nectarie (Romania)
Teodor (Slovakia)
Almudena (Spain)
Teodor, Teodora (Sweden)
Orestes, Sullivan, Vaughan, Vaughn (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 313 of 2024; 52 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 45 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 10 of 28]
Chinese: Month 9 (Ten-Xu), Day 26 (Xin-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 25 Heshvan 5784
Islamic: 25 Rabi II 1445
J Cal: 13 Mir; Sixday [13 of 30]
Julian: 27 October 2023
Moon: 13%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 5 Frederic (12th Month) [Charles V]
Runic Half Month: Hagal (Hailstone) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 47 of 89)
Zodiac: Scorpio (Day 17 of 29)
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TOPOS (1985) Eng.sub. from Antoinetta Angelidi on Vimeo.
80 min, 35 mm, colour, Greece, 1985 Original language: Greek / Subtitles: English Original title: ΤΟΠΟΣ
SYNOPSIS: A parable on time. A game of metamorphoses. A passage after a death, a second death. A woman gives birth and dies. At the moment of death, a place in between like the beginning of sleep, her face disintegrates and assumes the aspects of those who stand by her bed. Her body is torn by the conflicts of those who inhabit it and its voice dissolves into many voices and many roles. A painting for the one who looks at it may become their secret dream.
Film Director, Art Director: Antoinetta Angelidi / Script Writers: Antoinetta Angelidi, Clairi Mitsotaki / Cinematography: Stavros Hassapis / Sets: Antoinetta Angelidi, Kostas Angelidakis / Costumes: Lily Kendaka / Make up: Achilleas Charitos / Music: Georges Aperghis / Vocals: Martine Viard / Voices: Anita Santorineou / Cast: Jany Gastaldi, Maya Liberopoulou, Anita Santorineou, Clairi Mirtseki, Stavros Tornes, Akis Davis, Eleni Dermetzi, Arieta Moutousi, Stefanos Kotsikos Production: Antoinetta Angelidi, Greek Film Centre
- Special Jury Prize, Best Sound Track Award, Greek Film Critics Award (Thessaloniki Film Festival, 1985) - Ministry of Culture Quality Award (1985)
The film participated in the Thessaloniki Film Festival (1985). It also participated in “Cinemythology – a retrospective of Greek Film” [50 films since the beginning of Greek Cinema] in the Museum of Modern Art (M.O.M.A.) in New York (1993) and the Retrospective of Greek Cinema in the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris (1995). Furthermore, it participated in many international film festivals in Montreal, Vancouver, Osnabruck, Madrid, Zurich, Locarno, Costantine and was screened in the cinématheques of Switzerland and in the 2nd International Psychoanalytic Symposium at Delphi (1988). It was screened in theatres in Athens and Thessaloniki; and three times in national television. It was also screened in the four tributes-retrospectives of Angelidi’s work, and elsewhere.
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