#MPC 60
lazyrebel · 1 year
(Pierre Citron / 72 Soul)
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girlwithamissingpearl · 7 months
I understand things have been dry in Outlander land but even desert dry has me smh. Ladies, if you have to try that hard to shit all over SH, I’m not saying it makes you a hater but it sure as shit doesn’t make you a liker.
Back after a bit- admit it, we all need to occasionally take a break- I feel I needed to pace myself during the drought. But after a bit of scrolling, I felt compelled to dive right in. Isn’t this fandom about fun, entertainment and guilty pleasure? That’s why I’m here. So why the endless posts from the SH haters? Do people dislike SH, enjoy the snark or just think the man is stupid?
So just for fun (or insomnia) I thought I would play a short game of SH: Stupid, Smart or just SMH?
1. SH and Cons/Private events for $
Why do people have such a problem with SH trying to make a living? Most if not all actors part of a series or movie franchise participate. In my opinion SH is doing it now, so he won’t need to in his 60’s to pay the rent. While most fans are priced out of the more exclusive events, all I can say is the paying fans are the only ones that never complain. Supply and demand. If any charitable component is part of the deal, great. So can we finally put a line under this?
Verdict: Smart as hell
2. SH always “Shilling” SS to his Fans and on SM
Uhm, he is the brand. It’s his company. Can it be a bit much? Yes. Promotion to the fan base and the use of sm is marketing 101. In order for people to try the product they need to know about the product. We can disagree as to his methods or success to date, but fans are not the only ones buying bottles. As for the constant and consistent presence of AN with SH during events? Suddenly they are a couple? WTF. AN is a business partner. He owns part of the business. They both work hard promoting SS, and so far it looks like they will continue to release more SS. Ladies, don’t put your lawn chairs away yet!😉
Verdict: Smart
3. SH and boundaries with his fans
Regardless of the letter you attach to SH, he is a recognized actor around the world. Definitely a people pleaser, in imho, he will happily take a selfie with anyone. Obviously, he never wants to disappoint any fan, but his lack of boundaries and security at events can be cringe worthy at times. If a female actor was touched, mauled, or asked to sign fans boobs or t-shirts it would be a #me too moment. Someone, anyone in security or a handler needs to be bad cop if he won’t. How far is too far?
Verdict: Stupid with a side of SMH
4. SH as a Philanthropist and Charitable Causes
This one really bugs me. MPC has raised over $6m for charity. SH’s name attached to any cause raises awareness and $. The BS from the haters who discount this based on the fact SH apparently never donates his own money is petty nonsense. Gentleman’s ride is one example. Agree it was his female fans that made it happen. And? This is my only fandom but SH is held to an impossible standard. Apparently he is a hypocrite in his support for clean oceans because someone on his team had a catered lunch using single use plastics. Great topic for discussion, but the man didn’t throw the containers in the ocean. Also let’s not judge a person’s commitment based on sm posts. SH can literally, yes ladies literally never win. Thankfully the causes he supports do. I dare you to disagree.
Verdict: Smart
5A. SH’s dating life
According to an extremely ardent part of this fandom, SH has dated😉 every fit blonde 👱‍♀️ within a 250 mile radius of everywhere. I wish that someone would keep track of all the mysterious initials and lack of any literal proof of these women. This is where I separate the snark from the hater’s. While I’m in owe of the investigative skills of some, and enjoy the gossip-even though mom thought gossip was a sin, sorry mom- not all women aka initials welcome the attention. Any woman save CB that SH is remotely warranted or not attached to, has an avalanche of hate comments and 💩emoji in their future, welcome or not. Personally, I believe SH, goes out of his way to protect the people he cares about, and perhaps even those he may not. I think we can agree he is not a monk. However an actor is entitled to privacy. Ginger Jesus included.
5B. SH ‘s Sexuality
From the beginning, 3 years for me, I’ve read posts about someone who knew a friend of a friend of a bartender’s friend who knew for a fact SH had a boyfriend. WTF. You know the drought is real when this bullshit gets recycled. We all know the question has been asked and answered by SH. More than once. Next.
Verdict: SH keeping his private life private: Smart as hell.
6. SH and the use of all things Outlander related
If you don’t get it, I don’t have the time and am too lazy to explain it to you.
Verdict: Smart. Smart as hell
7. SH and CB
The only real problem here is obvious. And I don’t know why the fans or even the haters- btw, I use the term haters like I do profanity- perhaps not the best word, but like GFY, FU, MF, C, etc. I’m lazy and it saves time and no confusion to whom I address. So where the actual f&ck is the audition tape we all want to see? You know the part of which I speak. If only the fandom investigators could put aside any petty differences and uncover the SH, CB chemistry kiss tape? I’m not saying it will be a unifying and CTJ moment, but it would give SH fans something to make the drought less….thirsty.
No verdict necessary. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨😚😉
And last but definitely not least…
8. SH and Thirst Traps
Ladies, because of Outlander and all things Outlander related, we’ve had the pleasure to observe SH from every view and lovely angle. Come on, if you 👀 closely it’s all there. Why the actual f&ck people in this fandom have a problem with his shirtless posts is beyond me. Not only is he promoting the results a good fitness regime can produce, he is literally, yes literally giving his fans something they want. And don’t even try me with- you’re treating him like an object. This is a 100% consensual relationship. And if the word “hater” seems harsh about the same gang that complains and shits all over his shirtless thirst traps, then please find me a better name.
Verdict: Smart as hell and thank you
So for those who may not get it, this post is silly and something for my handful of friends or any SH fan to have a laugh. If anyone has the patience to read the entire thing😉 So any comments are welcome, but to the people or person sending awful and cowardly anon messages: save your time. Or GFY. See what I did there?🤓
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pixel-dinosaurs-daily · 11 months
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deinocheirus mirificus - ornithomimosaur - late cretaceous
just a big guy whose a real fan of eating Rocks. one specimen (MPC-D100/127) was found with over 1,400 gastroliths in its stomach!! not my choice of meal, but seeing as i dont spend my life eating 60 million year old flora, i can't really judge em.
higher resolution version under the cut!
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oliviabutsmart · 7 months
Physics "Friday" #9 [OPINION]: Is Fahrenheit the better temperature scale?
So as the title suggests, this post is a lot less facts and logic, and a lot more opinionated. It is still physics-y I just believe it's an interesting way to delve into a subject by turning it into an opinionated peice.
Preamble: A summary of Metric vs. Imperial arguments
Education level: Primary (Y3/4)
Topic: Measuring Systems (Metrology)
Now before you throw your hands up at the title and your silly little internet brain is like "this silly impericuck is fahrenpilled!" ... I'm an astronomy student living in Australia - I use SI units (and other unit systems) on the daily.
Though ... it is pretty notorious in astronomy to use like 17 different unit systems. Here's a list of examples:
My beloved SI units
CGS Units
Whatever the fuck a Jansky is
Don't even start with natural units I can't live without big G
"Ampere in CGS units is g1/2 cm3/2 s−2"
Solar Luminosity/Mass of Sun
Angstroms (like please can we just use nanometers?)
How many Jupiters or Earths fit into this cloud of gas?
The vomit of parallax units i.e. AU, pc, Mpc, arcseconds, radians
Steradians (Solid angles can be finicky)
Logarithms, logarithms everywhere!
Hubble's constant being in km/s/Mpc but then having to turn that into Hz or per year - like can someone please acknowledged how cursed this is?
When you do Kepler's 3rd law on Mercury and realise it doesn't work (because you forgot Einstein existed) ... so no units end up working
ADUs and/or whatever you get when you deal with telescope outputs
And as an Australian, I use SI units very regularly. Only measurements of human height and cooking weights are really imperial. And I can express all of them in metric units.
Now generally, the Metric (or SI) units are better than the imperial (or USC) units. The main points in favour of SI are:
(Almost) Everybody uses it
It's basically universal in science (see exceptions above)
It fits well with our base 10 counting system, easy scaling (e.g. 1 kg = 1 000 g = 1 000 000 mg)
It's directly pinned to many natural constants and unchanging laws
Different units interact with eachother much better
Now, generally, the main arguments for imperial units involve a bunch of patriots™ screaming about how "THIS IS THE CoUNTRY OF FREEDOM AND GOD!! AND I AIN'T USING NO CHINESE UNITS!!!1!".
That, or how metrification is hard. Which, well, metrification can occur over the course of decades, literally teaching your kids metric helps the country adjust to a metric system.
The best arguments I've found for imperial units is as follows:
Numbers like 6, 12, 60 etc. - i.e. units based on highly composite numbers - are very easily divisible by 2, 3, and 4
Units like feet, inches, pounds, stone, etc. are of a much more human-friendly scale. Because these units are based on bodily proportions or common objects
Generally, the arguments for metric vastly outweigh the arguments for imperial. And the main reason why is that the two arguments for imperial conflict with eachother. You cannot easily subdivide your units neatly and have human units.
For example, the Roman mile is a unit that measures the usual amount of distance a footsoldier can cover before needing a short stop. An acre is the amount of land that a manual-labour farmer can cover in a day's work. An inch is about the size of your thumb.
The problem is that all three of these units, based on length, are completely off kilter. 1 acre = 43,650 square feet, 1 Roman mile = 58260 in, etc.
The only cases where I would say the human-ness and divisibility of units actually becomes a stronger argument than decimalised units are, time and temperature.
Time is obvious. 1 hour = 60 minutes = 3600 seconds. It's nice, clean and simple. And an hour or half-hour is a very human unit, the same as a second or a minute. We often operate on hour and minute schedules, and that's not just because of capitalism. 30 minutes just appears to be the amount of time we like to work before taking a short rest.
Temperature is a bit more nebulous however ...
Where (I think) Celsius fails
Of course, celsius is an understandable scale. 0 C = Water Freezes, 100 C = water boils. Pinning your scale on water makes life easy for you as you know what the bounds are.
The problem is that there are temperatures that exist outside of the 0-100 scale. And this kinda breaks the neat decimalisation of a scale.
A cold winter's day in Tasmania could drop into the negatives. And just because your in the negatives doesn't mean ocean water or rain will freeze. Temperatures below 0 C doesn't guarantee snowfall.
Similarly, say you are in a desert during the day. The temperature can get as high as 50 C - it's reasonable to say that you're unlikely to see temperatures above 50 C outside of your oven or kettle.
Do you normally see temperatures between 70 - 90 C? Unless if you're pasteurising milk, distilling alcohol, or doing chemistry, you are not going to encounter these temperatures. And do you really need your temperature numbers to be below 100 to do chemistry?
This is the downside of Celsius. Because temperature is a scale, and operates differently to other units, it doesn't really matter where you set the zero point. A boiling point of ethanol at "78" is no better than one at "173".
Celsius also doesn't account for temperatures that are very well below the freezing point of water, temperatures which are very common to experience.
So is Fahrenheit Better?
Fahrenheit solves this problem, partially. It's a more human friendly scale. 0 F is a very very cold day whereas 100 F is a very very hot day. Things beyond both numbers are relegated to the scientists, chefs, and extremophiles of the world.
If we were to completely remove all requirements of not pissing off a bunch of people, we could even create our own temperature scale to make things even better: 0 X = -50 C and 100 X = 50 C.
Even better because now the 0 and 100 of this scale becomes the absolute limit of what we could normally experience on earth, the hottest desert and the coldest tundra. It even comes with the benefit that 50 X = the freezing point of water and 150 X = the boiling point of water - it preserves our common "anchors" of the phases of water.
The problem is that there's a second hidden benefit of Fahrenheit: it's specificity. What do I mean by that?
Well, for every 1 C increase in temperature, the Fahrenheit scale increases by 1.8 F. This means that a temperature of 20 C could mean 68 F or 69 F.
For a lot of normal/casual processes, the Celsius scale may require us get past the decimal point, to express minor changes in temperature, whereas Fahrenheit would not.
For chemistry and physics, our significant figure requirements immediately become extra precise. 58.8 F is a more accurate measurement than 14.9 C, without requiring any more decimal places.
You may say "well why not we use a deci-Celsius scale where 1000 dC = boiling point of water". The issue is that too much precision may be putting it over the top. We don't measure the size of cities in centimetres.
But then what about Kelvin
Of course, the main SI unit for temperature, and the unit physicists and chemists use is the Kelvin. The reason for this is of course:
It is tied to absolute zero by setting it to 0 K
Because of this, we can apply SI order of magnitude quantifiers like milli-Kelvin, kilo-Kelvin, Giga-Kelvin without upsetting the position of our anchor points
It covers and measures cleanly low-K processes
Very hot processes end up having Celsius be approximately equal to Kelvin
It would be difficult to use Fahrenheit because 0 F ~ the freezing point of saltwater.
But let me introduce you to the Rankine Scale. What Kelvin is to Celsius is what Rankine is to Fahrenheit.
Rankine takes all of the benefits of Fahrenheit with it (aside from the human-ness of the scale - but that's not the purpose of the Rankine and Fahrenheit scales), but it also takes the benefits that Kelvin gets.
We can too, have milli-Rankine and Giga-Rankine. And the best part is that it is twice as precise as Fahrenheit.
Even better is that the Rankine Scale is very easily convertible to the Kelvin Scale. 1 K = 1.8 R; 1 K⁻¹ = 0.556 R⁻¹. This means I can very easily re-formulate some fundamental constants:
Boltzmann constant = 1.381 × 10⁻²³ J K⁻¹ = 7.672 × 10⁻²⁴ J R⁻¹
Stefan-Boltzmann c. = 5.67 × 10⁻⁸ W m⁻² K⁻⁴ = 5.40 × 10⁻⁹ W m⁻² R⁻⁴
Ideal gas constant = 8.315 J mol⁻¹ K⁻¹ = 4.619 J mol⁻¹ R⁻¹
Wein's constant = 2.898 × 10⁻³ m K = 5.216 × 10⁻³ m R
Let's hope I converted it correctly, idk my Saturday brain no thinky.
Conclusion: So is it actually better?
Short Answer: In my opinion, yes. But I'm not switching to it.
Of course, when talking about subjective opinions, people can point out the flaws in each others' opinions. I've made it clear that the imperial vs. metric debate very solidly falls to the metric side with only a few exceptions.
Temperature is one of those scales that are more up-to-debate over the usefulness of certain units of choice. Especially because the alternative unit system is still commonly used.
I could've made the same arguments about the meter, and said that we should use a decimalised inch or foot with kilofeet or millifeet. Or invent a completely new unit system that is technically "superior". But that's obviously much more ambitious.
Of course, the likelihood of the global Fahrenheit revolution is almost non-existent, and this is more of a series of "well, technically speaking" arguments that are more for the point of exploring an idea than implementing one.
Regardless I'd like to hear YOUR arguments over why I'm a stupid poo poo head or I'm actually the mother of the next great napoleonic French empire.
I tried to add a bit of colour in this post, specifically with the quotes. I just didn't want it to be a bland wall of text.
Again, feedback that may be unrelated to the specific "you're right/you're wrong" debate like my writing style etc. is also appreciated.
I don't really know what I will do next week. Because technically I was supposed to do philosophy and ethics in science ... but I might not have that time given my university study.
Currently I'm doing three courses in QFT, GR, and Cosmology. And they are all very big and hefty. Thankfully, I think there's a bit of a break period coming as we're now moving to canonical quantisation (which I've found easier than Feynman diagrams), and the measurement of gravitational waves.
Now don't worry that last paragraph is not a flex, it's more an indication that I'm learning a lot of this stuff as I make these posts. More an excuse as to why I might in the future delay posts and such. Like I mentioned the Higgs mechanism in the last post at the same time I was actually learning about the Higgs mechanism.
Anyways, I'm going to go and scarf down some chocolate now.
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p-redux · 1 year
Do you think KE & S will be able to ride out the storm that’s coming?
What storm, Anon? From all accounts, Sam will be joining Valbo here in L.A. to film MPC 2023 videos and stuff. I imagine Sam and Karina will be spending time together. Again, what storm? They've both already gotten plenty of hate, what else could happen--more of the same?
Btw: weather will be freezing for us this coming week. And by freezing, I mean low 60's, which I understand is summer in other parts of the country, but here it's WINTER and VERY COLD for Angelenos brrrrrrrrr. Sooooo, if you see pics of cloudy skies and people bundled up, that doesn't mean Sam's not in L.A. in the coming days. It just means Sam's in L.A. in December and we consider anything under 68 degrees wool beanie, ski jacket, and gloves weather. 😊
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airadam · 7 months
Episode 172 : Yield To None
"Do you wanna be dope, or do you wanna deal it?"
- Common
All Hip-Hop at a nice steady pace - but a varied platter of vibes - for this episode, as I celebrate my birth month! 
Great personal news : I'm very proud to be included in the new "Hidden Histories : Black in Manchester" resource by Parise Carmichael-Murphy - have a read!
Twitter : @airadam13
Twitch : @airadam13
Meyhem Lauren & DJ Muggs : GT3
From the car-themed "Members Only" 2019 collaboration between Meyhem and Cypress Hill DJ/producer DJ Muggs, this track integrates the sound of some very angry engines as an additional instrument/element of what is otherwise an extremely sparse bit of production - drums and bass only. Meyhem is laid-back and comfortable at this pace, crafting a track that even those of us without a Porsche on the driveway can appreciate - well, as long as our speakers or headphones deliver the goods!
[RZA] Raekwon : Can It All Be So Simple (Remix Instrumental)
You might detect a little sonic garbling where I was using Serato's "stems" feature to try and remove the vocal samples in the hook, but other than that here's the glorious sound of a hard-to-come-by RZA instrumental of a track from the monumental "Only Built 4 Cuban Linx..." LP. Rae, Ghost, and RZA took their track from the Wu-Tang debut LP which was already a classic and subtly made it a little darker, a touch rougher and a little less nostalgic. A masterful remix and rewrite.
Roc Marciano : Ridin' Around
A very different kind of rider music to the opening track, but still with an ominous bassline which helps carry the vintage crime vibes perfectly. This is a deep cut from Roc Marciano's seminal solo debut "Marcberg" album, with his gangster wordplay on full display atop a track with more drum action than on much of his later work.
Showbiz & AG : Trapped
This is one of those records which, despite being by a highly respected group, has likely slipped under your radar. The DITC production legend Showbiz is here under his original name (you can find much of his other work credited as simply "Show") alongside his day one MC AG on this late-night creep number from the 2012 "Mugshot Music" album.
Planet Asia ft. Prodigy : Stick & Move
If you love your dark, underground NYC Hip-Hop, you might have heard this sample used elsewhere, but for the current episode this is the slow, menacing, bi-coastal track that gets the nod. Fresno and Queensbridge in combination as Planet Asia and Prodigy (RIP) go back and forth over an Evidence beat on this 2005 release. Not even a hint of going for the pop audience here, just gutter from start to end. Got to respect it.
Mud Family : Itchy Town
I've been holding onto this one for absolutely years! I first heard this on a "Radio Zero" show courtesy of Dave The Ruf, and it's a dark, brooding piece of UK boom-bap from this highly-regarded north London crew. Centred around the MCs Chester P, Skinnyman, and Mongo, they released their core work in the late 90s and early 00s, with this absolute beast being on their very first wax release, 1997s "The Mud Files, Vol. 1". Production on the EP as a whole is credited to Deckwrecka, Firebomb Fritz, and Mad Money Wah - not sure who did what on this cut, but I applaud them for cooking up a track that still bangs after over twenty-five years!
DJ Premier : Dee Ell P
It's been over a decade since DJ Premier gave us a "Beats That Collected Dust" collection, but there's a good reason for that...as he correctly points out, the beats that end up included have to be given time to collect that dust! With that said, the third edition is out now, and is a good digital pickup while the (likely pricey) vinyl works it's way through distribution to the shops. As for the title of this selection from the new release, I haven't deciphered it yet. "The LP"? Was it a track meant for Large Professor, perhaps? Probably overthinking it - just enjoy the master of the MPC 60 going back into his vaults.
Mabanua ft. Kev Brown : Holdin' It Down
I had completely missed this but was introduced to it by none other than Kev Brown himself when he played it on one of his "Beats 'n' Stuff" shows on Twitch! While he drops plenty of unreleased material, he'll throw in overlooked gems from his discography like this one, a collaboration with Japanese beatmaker Mabanua. Given that Kev is on the mic all the way through, I can only assume that Mabanua did the production here - even though it has that Kev Brown feel in spades!
De La Soul ft. Common : The Bizness
An old classic from some of the greats. If you don't already have De La Soul's "Stakes Is High" album, you can now easily buy digitally or stream it, so get on that! This track has, apart from one regrettable homophobic reference from Common which the label partly censored, bars upon bars of heat on a self-produced track that you can't help but nod your head to. I can also think of at least three Hip-Hop tracks that sampled/scratched lines from this one, which is a sure sign of a piece of work that has your peers paying attention!
Blu & Exile : Berries and Juices
You can't help but bop to this, Exile's beat has an undeniable bounce and while Blu does say "beat so sweet that I ain't even gotta do s--t", he unquestionably lifts it to that next level with a couple of chilled verses. Bonus points for the "Coming To America" reference 🙂 Take heed to the title of the album this is drawn from - "Give Me My Flowers While I Can Still Smell Them" - and apply that sentiment to not only this duo but all the artists you enjoy!
pH7 ft. Access Immortal and DJ Roger Rekless : New York
A long-lost track that only resurfaced for me during the Great Digitisation of 2020-2023! A trans-Atlantic collaboration with German artists pH7 (Cologne) and DJ Roger Rekless (Munich) coming together with Bed-Stuy MC Access Immortal for a jazzy number with solid boom-bap underpinnings, tight cuts, and an overall clean and refreshing sound. You can find this on the somewhat obscure "Blazing Heat" EP,  
Ilajide : Ayerloom
Taking it back (ok, not that far back) to 2015 for a beat from "Latex", the first solo LP by one of my favourites, Ilajide of Clear Soul Forces. That drum beat could have come from an 80s Hip-Hop classic, as could the rest of the sounds on the track - and yet, as a whole it doesn't seem of that era. This Detroit beatsmith isn't afraid to go after a certain sonic hardness that other producers might shy away from in the modern era, and it's that banging aggression that helps set him apart.
Kuartz : Glitch In The Ghost
Local beat legend Kuartz released his new LP "Hybrid Dialects" this month, and it's a collection of bassy, techy, angular production that is well worth spending your hard-earned cash on! This was the first track I heard from it, which he debuted earlier in the year at Manchester's WORKINONIT beatmakers event - it was so raw that I had to ask him for an advance copy 😁 I've played it on Twitch a couple of times but now here it is as a taster for the album.
Grand Agent ft. Liv L'Raynge : Ooh-La-Lah
I hadn't heard this for absolutely ages until pulling it out earlier this month, which is a sign that no-one I've been listening to has been playing it either! Grand Agent collaborated with Oxnard production wizard Oh No on the "Under The Circumstances" LP which this track is drawn from, and the album has the husky-voiced MC Liv L'Raynge as the featured guest - with this track being her standout performance. She burns it down on the opening verse over Oh No's heavy beat, and really steals the whole show to be honest!
Coyote ft. Shaquille O'Neal : 3 Lokos
I first heard an excerpt of this on Instagram - not sure it was on Shaq's page, but either way it sent me to go ahead and find the full version of this new single! Coyote is the pairing of Ladies Love Guapo and Ricky Blanco, neither of whom I know already but they both spit rugged on this track, which they produced alongside Brian Lee and on which they were specifically going for a hardcore 90s feel. I know, I know...you want to know about Shaq. Well...he kills his verse. The doctorate-holding four-time NBA champion has been recording since 1993's guest appearance on "What's Up Doc?" by the Fu-Schnickens and his "Shaq Diesel" LP, and despite a long break he comes out spitting with that hunger! 
K-Otix : World Renown
Classic underground Hip-Hop right here from 2000, and now available along with the rest of the "Universal" LP on Bandcamp, so no reason not to put some dough in the artists' pockets! You might hear this record and think NYC, but nope - this is a Houston record! It might have been releaed on Bronx Science record, but the skills are all Texas-raised. The incredibly memorable beat comes from the man known as The ARE, who has also done some amazing work outside the crew, and Damien and Micah take the vocal reins. Big record.
DJ Spinna : Surely (Instrumental)
As we move with the wind-down, here's a beautiful track from the studio of DJ Spinna, taken from the instrumental release of his solo debut on BBE, "Here To There". With Ovasoul7's vocals gone, the guitar of the late UK jazz guitar legend Ronny Jordan and the programming work of DJ Spinna get to take centre stage, giving the track a different dimension.
Method Man ft. Ghostface Killah : Afterparty
An appropriate record to end the show with! A dope sing-songy exchange between Meth and Ghost starts the track off, and the melodic approach pops up throughout the track in between straight up bars over a smooth beat from a producer credited simply as "Q", but better known to most as Qur'an from Da Youngstas (sorry, can't bring myself to put the incorrect apostrophe in!) Still my favourite track on "Tical 0 : The Prequel", just as it was on first listen.
Please remember to support the artists you like! The purpose of putting the podcast out and providing the full tracklist is to try and give some light, so do use the songs on each episode as a starting point to search out more material. If you have Spotify in your country it's a great way to explore, but otherwise there's always Youtube and the like. Seeing your favourite artists live is the best way to put money in their pockets, and buy the vinyl/CDs/downloads of the stuff you like the most!
Check out this episode!
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bushdog · 2 years
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David Caulfield has launched a Kickstarter campaign in order to crowdfund the production of a book about Akai Professional. Planning to cover the time from their initial launch in 1984 through the following 10 highly successful years, the book will be titled The Rise Of Akai Professional - The S-900, MPC-60 & Beyond.
(via The Rise of Akai Professional)
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czaszkarecords · 2 years
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the concept horse -- synagogue hum [CZSZ047]
1.for hands, gong & thin chain 04:52 2.outformation III 01:42 3.mpc rice I 05:00 4.synagogue hum 04:37 5.spielzeugerzeuger I 03:10 6.music II 04:23 7.odd curvy (old) 03:20 8.backup polyphony (mc - 60) II 04:09 9.you're island I 02:50 10.vokalübung an der mürz 03:13
Written and recorded in Ithaca, New York between 2019-2021 theconcepthorse.com Artwork by DWA Graphic Design Department
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nonfer · 1 month
stephen-colbert-on-taco-bells-beef-ish-meat <- eater.com
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one day, took one day for cbs to shoot themselves in the wallet.
oh really? i'm wrong? it was the uploader? don't think you know either.
here's internet adjacent comedy central: cc.com/video/uffqf8/the-colbert-report-gordita-supreme-court
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Focusrite Scarlett Solo 3rd Gen USB Audio Interface
M-Audio M-Track Solo USB Audio Interface
Free DAW Software MPC Beats | Akai Pro <- w/signup
fifty bucks is fifty bucks. they are both at a good price and usb 2.0. the main difference you'd pay for is to go from "16-bit/48kHz" to "Up to 24-bit/192kHz". you can always downsample. upsampling audio creates two possible types of stairstepping. going from 16bit resolution (of the analog samples to steps in a digital waveform) to 24bit might not be noticeable. if you mix at 96kHz and upsample from 48kHz each sample gets put somewhere ~twice. that gets really obvious if the sound is further altered at 96kHz by reverb or other effects. downsample a mix from 96kHz to 48kHz later on and the original sample won't sound the same as recorded.
brief update: i know. speaking professionally only the upsampling and subsequent downsampling of different samples per second introduces what's officially called a stairstepping, audio artifact. upsampling bit resolution and then adding effects often adds artifacts too. i just think of it my own way to remember what upsampling audio easily does.
i'm mixing at 48kHz except when it's for release through amuse. they require 44.1kHz at 16bit. i prefer 96kHz at 24bit or 48kHz at 24bit.
have to pick from different software too. both boxes offer bundled software i haven't tried yet. still, fifty bucks is fifty bucks.
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unreliable talk show host?
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Stephen Colbert cheerfully roasts Taco Bell...
omg | 2:35.3 - 3:20.2
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truthblockchain · 1 month
$60M Raised For Decentralized Custody Crypto Exchange
Figure Markets has secured over $60 million in a Series A funding round. The oversubscribed round was led by Jump Crypto, Pantera Capital and Lightspeed Faction with participation from Distributed Global, Ribbit Capital, CMT Digital, among others. As part of the round, Dan Morehead, Founder and Managing Partner of Pantera Capital, will join the Figure Markets board of directors.
Figure Markets will launch a new decentralized custody crypto exchange and blockchain-native security marketplace that incorporates Multi-Party Computation (MPC) technology. MPC-based wallets help eliminate the single-point-of-failure risks inherent in many centralized exchanges. With Figure Markets’ MPC wallets, private keys are distributed across a decentralized network, requiring multi-party approval for every movement. This approach not only allows for decentralized custody – eliminating the need for a central custodian or clearing agent – but also minimizes counterparty risk and ensures users’ continued control over their assets.
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presetter-blog1 · 2 months
Origin of Charles Preset runs like this…Back in 1996 I began to collect electronic music gear, and largely was seeking out vintage synths that had analog filters, oscillators and so on and so forth. Basically this boiled down to a pawn shop searching in out of the way places in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, Northwoods of Wisconsin & Duluth area of Minnesota. My guides on this vision quest were a group of similar minded techno funk freak heads from suburban Detroit, with never ending lists, and seemingly a never ending supply of new acquisitions they were noodling with and then re-selling. I got my hands on a Linndrum, Arp Axxe, tr-606, roland hs-60, jupiter four. Eventually added a MPC 2000xl to the sound miasma. Subsequently began DJing at venues in and around Detroit, wanting to try out the tracks I was cooking up at home, recording off my mackie board directly onto cd-r.
By that time I had made friends with a couple guys that had similar gear, and were sick of dj’ing, hearing the same records over and over when out, and wanted to play shows, had belief, but everyone, with regards to techno and electro music, wanted to book DJs.
We began to jam on Sundays as sort of a potluck, bring a dish, a synth, a extra long midi cable, and called it Sunday Night Improv sessions.
This was at the now demolished lofts on Grand River which was also the Detroit Techno artist beehive where UR was operating and so many other artists. We used to get mail for Mike Banks…
One thing led to another and we forced our way into bringing our gear out instead of records to DJ gigs that one of us got hooked up with, at Forans or The Majestic Cafe, Traffic Jam, warehouse parties. People would always come up to me and ask if our music was pre-recorded or what presets we were using and I was like, ahhh we are doing this live, on the fly, no presets. So after while I began to list myself as Charles Preset, along with Abused Current, and p20, program 17, we formed this sn(i) collective. This went on for some time, money was made and we decided to use this money to start a record label that we decreed to be Kenaob Records. Thusly Charles Preset became my electro-techno-funk handle, and Charles R Pearson was for house, ambient, soundtrack, etc. That’s how Charles Preset came back to ride the sound waves again, with some new electro, techno shapes rolling about the 138bpm and faster level. Aww what you say?
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lazyrebel · 3 months
From spinning and breaking in front of the TV as a ten year-old, to crooning and rapping over crunchy MPC 60 beats in his humble basement in the cold world order. From growing up with televised americanisms like so many of us, to waking up to reality, thinking twice. Positive, always. No ambition to drop, get hot and be forgotten. Digging for a musical vibe with a message inside, avoiding…
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cointahmin · 5 months
Kullanıcıların tek bir hesapla birden fazla Blockchainine erişmesini sağlayan merkezi olmayan bir platform olan Multichain ekosistemi, hizmetinin güvenliğini ve bütünlüğünü tehlikeye atan bir dizi olaydan etkilendi. Bu olayların yansımaları altcoin topluluğu genelinde yankı buldu ve panik satışları ve varlıkların dondurulmasıyla sonuçlandı. Bilhassa balinalar olarak isimlendirilen büyük yatırımcılar satışa başladı. İşte detaylar…Olaylar nasıl başlamıştı?Destan, 21 Mayıs 2023’te Multichain’in CEO’su Zhaojun’un beklenmedik bir formda Çinli yetkililer tarafından tutuklanmasıyla başladı. Gözaltına alınmasının arkasındaki neden belirsizliğini koruyor, lakin kimileri bunun Çin’in kripto para ünitesi faaliyetlerine yönelik devam eden baskısıyla kontaklı olabileceğini düşünüyor. Tutuklanmasının bir sonucu olarak Zhaojun’un aygıtlarına ve varlıklarına el konuldu ve Multichain’in geleceği belirsizliğe sürüklendi.Multichain kullanıcıları için birinci sorun işaretleri 7 Temmuz’da, Multichain Personal Coin (MPC) adreslerinden yetkisiz para transferleri fark ettiklerinde ortaya çıktı. Şok edici bir formda, 100 milyon dolardan fazla paranın kullanıcıların isteği olmadan bilinmeyen yerlere aktarıldığı kestirim ediliyor. Hileli transferlerin büyüklüğü, Multichain’in güvenlik tedbirlerine olan inancı aşındırarak toplulukta şok dalgaları yarattı.Kaosa ek olarak, 13 Temmuz’da Zhaojun’un kız kardeşi, kalan kullanıcı fonlarının bir kısmına erişimi olduğunu argüman ederek, bunları kendi denetimi altındaki adreslere taşımaya çalıştı. Lakin gayretleri kısa sürdü ve kolluk kuvvetleri tarafından derhal tutuklandı. Bu durum, Multichain’in saflarındaki istikrarsızlığın ve potansiyel suiistimalin altını daha da çizdi. Bu gelişmeler karşısında cointahmin.com olarak da bildirdiğimiz üzere Multichain takımı 14 Temmuz’da faaliyetlerini durdurmak zorunda kaldıklarını açıkladı. Topluluğu Multichain hizmetini kullanmayı bırakmaya çağıran bir tavsiye yayınlayarak kullanıcıları ve yatırımcıları belirsizlik ve zahmet içinde bıraktılar.Özellikle altcoin Fantom derinden etkilendiMultichain skandalına ait haberler kripto para piyasasında yankı buldu ve kullanıcılar ve yatırımcılar ortasında, bilhassa de Multichain’e büyük ölçüde bağımlı bir Blockchain olan Fantom’un mahallî tokenı FTM’ye sahip olanlar ortasında paniğe neden oldu. Kayıpları en aza indirmek için umutsuz bir teşebbüste bulunan ve kıymetli bir FTM zulasına sahip olan bir balinanın, 4,8 milyon dolar kıymetindeki 16 milyon FTM tokeninin tamamını Binance’de sattığı bildirildi. Balinanın süreçleri Etherscan ile yakından izlendi ve FTM tokenlarının geçtiğimiz hafta boyunca 3,8 milyon USDC karşılığında 3,8 milyon dolar fiyatında takas edildiği ortaya çıktı. FTM token başına ortalama 0,24 USD’lik bir satın alma fiyatıyla, balina bunları token başına yaklaşık 0,3 USD’den satmayı başararak yaklaşık 985.000 USD kâr elde etti.Multichain skandalından en önemli halde etkilenen altcoinlerden biri olan Fantom, kararlı adımlar atarak duruma süratli bir halde karşılık verdi. Proje, Zhaojun’un tutuklanmasına ve akabinde Multichain protokolünün kapatılmasına direkt cevap olarak 60 milyon dolar kıymetindeki stablecoin varlıklarının dondurulduğunu duyurdu. Fantom da dahil olmak üzere zincirler ortası süreçler için Multichain’e bel bağlayan öteki birtakım projeler de kendilerini serpintiyle boğuşurken buldu.Proje, hayal kırıklığı yaşadıFantom yaptığı resmi açıklamada derin bir hayal kırıklığı yaşadığını söz etti ve kullanıcılarına ve ortaklarına mümkün kayıplara karşı çıkarlarını korumak için ihtimamla çalıştığına dair garanti verdi. Proje, USDC, USDT ve TUSD dahil olmak üzere tanınan stablecoinlerin ihraççılarıyla derhal irtibata geçerek Multichain cüzdanlarında tutulan varlıkların dondurulduğunu doğruladı. Fantom, çeşitli kaynaklar ve Multichain çalışanlarıyla irtibata geçerek duruma netlik kazandırmak için devam eden eforlarını vurguladı. Açıklama, Fantom’un Opera Chain’deki etkilenen topluluğu ve geliştiricileri destekleme planlarını özetleyerek önümüzdeki haftalarda daha fazla duyuru kelamı vererek sona erdi.
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brokelifethrift · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage 1950-60 MPC Teenettes Dollhouse Figure.
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remixinc · 10 months
Everyday from John Annett on Vimeo.
Ivan Zacharias at Stink has directed Honda’s new Civic spot “Everyday” for Wieden and Kennedy, London, with compositing and telecine carried out at MPC.
The 60 second spot celebrates the everyday, practical items that one takes for granted. It contains imagery following the daily routine of an office worker from early morning alarm call (clock), to breakfast (toaster), driving through the commuter rush (Honda Civic), lunch in the workplace (straw), the journey and arrival home (key), followed by popping the evening cork (bottle opener), before resetting the alarm clock ready to repeat the same schedule the next day.
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calcbench · 10 months
When Non-GAAP Goes Downward
Today we continue unpacking the findings from the 2022 Non-GAAP Reconciliations Report that Calcbench released last week, which examines the non-GAAP adjustments to net income that 200 companies in the S&P 500 had made to their annual financial reports.
The primary findings from that report were that non-GAAP adjustments to net income are growing larger (an average of $184 million, up 53 percent from the prior year); and that in the vast majority of cases those adjustments push non-GAAP net income higher than “traditional,” GAAP-approved net income.
Well, what about those few instances when non-GAAP net income is lower than GAAP net income? How often does that happen, and why?
As a technical matter, it happens because SEC rules say so. A company can report a wide range of non-GAAP adjustments, but it must report those adjustments consistently from one period to the next.
That is, a company can’t use a non-GAAP adjustment for one filing period that pushes non-GAAP net income higher, and then discard that same adjustment in subsequent periods because new totals now make that same non-GAAP line-item lower. Your earnings release needs to stick to its non-GAAP guns period after period, even if you sometimes end up shooting yourself in the foot.
So what does that look like in the real world? Our non-GAAP report offers some insights.
The Downward Dog Seldom Barks
First, downward adjustments are not common. Our 2022 report examined the non-GAAP disclosures of 200 companies in the S&P 500. Figure 1, below, is a scatterplot that shows which non-GAAP net income disclosures were higher or lower than GAAP net income, and to what extent. As you can see, most non-GAAP net income disclosures were zero to 50 percent higher than net income, although a few outliers had adjusted non-GAAP net income that was 400 percent or higher larger than GAAP net income.
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More precisely, 83 percent of all companies adjusted non-GAAP net income upward, versus only 17 percent that adjusted non-GAAP net income downward. Among those 17 percent who did adjust downward, almost all of them were with 50 percent of GAAP net income. We had far fewer negative outliers than positive ones.
That said, one can easily find those downward dogs using Calcbench archives. For example, we visited our Multi-Company Search Page; searched the S&P 500 for companies that reported both net income and non-GAAP net income; and measured the difference between the two. Below is a table of the 10 firms with the biggest non-GAAP downward revisions for 2022. (Please note, the companies on this table are not necessarily also in our 2022 Non-GAAP Reconciliation Report.)
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Next question: What, specifically, might force a company to report such large downward revisions? Let’s look at an example from our table above.
Marathon Petroleum
Marathon Petroleum ($MPC) is one interesting example because it has reported downward non-GAAP net income for two years in a row. You can find the details (for Marathon or any other company) by going to Calcbench’s Interactive Disclosures page and pulling up a company’s earnings release. If that company reports non-GAAP anything, it must reconcile that non-GAAP metric back to its closest GAAP counterpart.
Table 2, below, shows how Marathon went from larger GAAP net income to lower non-GAAP net income.
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Short answer: Marathon has been selling lots of assets, including its Speedway gas station chain, which netted the company $11.7 billion in 2021 and another $60 million in 2022. A huge, one-time gain from an asset sale is exactly the sort of item that deserves special attention and non-GAAP treatment, but it also pushes net income down.
Las Vegas Sands
Another example of downward non-GAAP net income comes from Las Vegas Sands ($LVS). Sands reported net income of $1.83 billion for 2022 — and then through a series of non-GAAP adjustments ended up with a non-GAAP loss of $918 million. How’d that happen? See Table 3, below.
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In this case the answer is clear: a $2.9 billion loss from discontinued operations, plus assorted other small adjustments around the edges. Perhaps that shouldn’t come as a surprise; as noted in last week’s post about non-GAAP adjustments, gains and losses from operations were the single most common category of adjustment we found.
Don’t forget that we also now have a second report on non-GAAP adjustments, comparing the adjustments made across various industry sectors. We’ll have a third one soon examining large adjustments at individual companies, and more analysis to come after that.
If you have specific non-GAAP issues you’d like us to explore, drop us an email at [email protected] any time!
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