earningswhisper · 19 days
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Mediaco Holding Inc Faces Fiscal Challenges in Fourth Quarter of 2023 https://csimarket.com/news/earnings/mediaco_holding_inc_faces_fiscal_challenges_in_fourth_quarter_of_20232024-04-03092353?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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fuzzytimes1 · 1 year
China's smartphone sales in 2022 plunge to their lowest level in a decade
SHANGHAI, Jan 30 (Reuters) – China’s smartphone sales posted a record drop in 2022, falling 13% to the lowest level in a decade as COVID controls and a slowing economy sapped consumer appetites, data from research firms said Third showed. The total number of devices shipped was 286 million, up from 329 million in 2022. It was the lowest sales volume since 2013 and the first time since annual…
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reportwire · 2 years
Prop guns spark debate after cinematographer's death on set
Prop guns spark debate after cinematographer’s death on set
Oct 22 (Reuters) – An on-set shooting death has reignited concern about the use of prop guns like the weapon actor Alec Baldwin discharged in the killing of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins while filming a movie in New Mexico. Some prop guns are non-firing facsimile weapons, but many are real guns, loaded with blank rounds instead of bullets. While the exact type of weapon used in the shooting on…
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Lebanon's music festivals make modest comeback after crisis
Lebanon’s music festivals make modest comeback after crisis
BAALBEK, July 10 (Reuters) – Lebanon’s international music festivals kicked off at the weekend with a performance in the Roman ruins of Baalbek, the first performance there since the country’s economic crisis. Under the title of “Baalbek Nights Return,” conductor Lubnan Baalbaki – whose first name means “Lebanon” and whose last name means “from Baalbek” – led the orchestra on Friday night…
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centranahealth · 2 years
伊利諾伊州高地公園,7 月 4 日(路透社)——週一,在芝加哥郊區高地舉行的 7 月 4 日遊行中,一名持槍歹徒向揮舞旗幟的家庭和騎自行車的兒童開火,造成 6 人死亡,36 多人受傷。公園。 警方說,槍手在一條小巷裡用梯子爬上了一家企業的屋頂。 這次襲擊將愛國主義的公民展示變成了混亂場面。 數小時後,警方宣布,在 22 歲的羅伯特·E·克里莫三世向當局自首後,他們拘留了一名嫌疑人。 立即註冊免費無限訪問 Reuters.com 登記 高地公園的主要街道變成了跨越街區的犯罪現場,到處都是廢棄的椅子和旗幟。 後來回來取回嬰兒車和其他物品的目擊者被告知,他們不能超越警方的錄音帶。 站在槍手開火地點街對面的退休醫生理查德考夫曼說:“這聽起來像是煙花爆炸。”他補充說,他聽到了大約 200 聲槍響。 “那是熊貓,”他說。 “人們渾身是血,互相絆倒。” 槍擊事件伴隨著許多美國人腦海中的槍支暴力。…
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smithleonardo · 2 years
Le chef de Tencent fait sensation avec la publication d'un article sur l'économie chinoise
Le chef de Tencent fait sensation avec la publication d’un article sur l’économie chinoise
Pony Ma Huateng, président-directeur général de Tencent, assiste à la WAIC (World Artificial Intelligence Conference) à Shanghai, en Chine, le 17 septembre 2018. REUTERS/Aly Song Inscrivez-vous maintenant pour un accès GRATUIT et illimité à Reuters.com S’inscrire SHANGHAI, 23 mai (Reuters) – Pony Ma, le fondateur discret du géant de la technologie Tencent Holdings, a fait sensation sur les…
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addanarticle · 2 years
China's Weibo shows user locations to combat 'bad behavior'
China’s Weibo shows user locations to combat ‘bad behavior’
The logo of Chinese social media app Weibo is seen on a mobile phone in this illustration picture taken December 7, 2021. REUTERS / Florence Lo / Illustration Register now for FREE unlimited access to Reuters.com Register BEIJING, April 28 (Reuters) – Weibo, China’s equivalent of Twitter, told users on Thursday it would start to publish their IP locations on their account pages and when they…
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florealegiardini · 7 months
How do I make a photoset??????? on the pc seriously now. I'm going to delete this account because it's not worth it. The stupid unfucker thing doesn't work .No photosets no saved tags this shithole is useless.
No reblogging plese either help
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delanore-roosevelt · 8 months
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Another banger username taken by a porn bot😞🫡
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asbestieos · 1 year
You told me to tell you about Cowboys. This was your mistake. /lh
So long story short most cowboys weren't the white straight heretosexual icons that they're portrayed as in most modern-modernish media! Alot of them were poc, wanted criminals, and queer!
Also alot of them lived in small groups so both split costs and for compainionship as well as protection.
Alot of people confuse ranchers with cowboys, but the main difference is that the cowboys would be working for the ranchers herding their lifestock. Alot of them didn't even own the horses they were riding, which is sad but also really interesting considering the steriotypes of cowboys and their horses.
But yeah alot of cowboys were queer. They didn't nessicarily fit into what we'd traditionally consider gay or trans nowadays, but male partnerships were common although spoken about in hushed tones. Alot of them also weren't very gender conforming either, although I know less about that admittedly, but I'm planning on doing a big research project on this stuff later for school because we were given free range on topics and I want to write about cowboys <3
staring at you with my autistic eyes and taking notes!! actually i do know one thing about cowboys! friend anon used to tell me this abt them all the time way back when actually, but i think its something like the original ‘cowboys’ were latino herders called vaqueros? i forgot exactly what friend anon said fhfjfbfjf im silly but i think theyre similar to what you described as early cowboys :3
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hey, this is completely unrelated to the Guy and Bob Saga but I believe in the flash game Cookie describes himself as a "30-50 year old male" or something like that, just to add to the "what even is cookie's age" quest
we stan a vague ass bitch. I refer to myself as in the 10-30 year old male myself. I'm certainly one or more of those numbers
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embers-archive · 1 year
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Sharing a netflix account has got to be the worst decision I've ever made
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curejune · 11 days
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it's been ten years. i finally have accurate words to describe my playing cards characters
the whole concept was about 4 people stuck living together and solving riddles until they all rank up from 2 to ace and can leave, but each rank-up they all switch gender
hearts stayed the same height, m!clubs was a hair taller, m!diamonds was a good two heads taller and m!spades was a short king
darker version: i tried to imagine what i would've chosen for colors back then, lighter version: i found my friend's drawings of them (there's more files of that than of my own art huh)
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centranahealth · 2 years
華盛頓,6 月 9 日(路透社)——正如其總統所說,當國會委員會試圖證明騷亂時,唐納德·特朗普的支持者就 2021 年襲擊美國國會大廈的聽證會將突出高級助手對前總統及其家人的證詞。 ,“陰謀阻撓民意”。 經過近一年的調查,美國眾議院調查 1 月 6 日襲擊事件特別委員會周四進入了一個新階段,黃金時段舉行了聽證會,其中包括目擊者的證詞錄像。白宮高級官員和特朗普競選官員、委員會助手說。 聽證會定於美國東部時間晚上 8 點(格林威治標準時間 2400 點)舉行。 立即註冊,免費無限制訪問 Reuters.com 登記 委員會主席、美國民主黨眾議員本尼·湯普森在聽證會前發表的開幕詞節選中說:“1 月 6…
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driftwooddestiel · 2 months
ive done a fair bit of media time for a break
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sparklystarfishsuit · 8 months
Resumen de lo que proponen publicamente las tres fuerzas que pretenden alcanzar el Poder Ejecutivo.
Las fuerzas que se ofrecen para ocupar el ejecutivo, tener preminencia en el Parlamento y eventualmente contar con poder para conseguir sacar al país de la peor crisis de su historia, presentan timidamente sus planes. No quieren dar nombres, detallar políticas y fundamentos operativos para no dar espacio a críticas y operaciones que puedan perjudicarlas. Sin embargo no pueden dejar de ofrecer…
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