#Louis Leterrier imagine
balladtv · 9 months
okay so, not music related (if u twist it, it can be tho) but. you mentioned media and that so, top 5 films? my fav question to ask anyone as a (almost) film student
Finally found the time to answer this as I’m on a 3 hour train ride (willing myself to not make a 1975 reference right now) so here ya go!! thank you for your patience :)
1. Knives Out (Dir. Rian Johnson)
my favourite genre of typically everything will always be a good classic murder mystery (I am a massive agatha christie fan), I love anything that really makes you think and look out for stuff whilst you’re watching it and gets your heart pumping, so this is why this will always be my favourite film because of how masterfully it was developed. everything down to the angles chosen by rian to literally everything in the film (I’ve watched the videos where he breaks down scenes on YouTube so many times) is just perfect and makes so much sense — something that gets lost sometimes (in my opinion) in mysteries. although the sequel isn’t on my top 5 list, I genuinely think it was one of the strongest second instalments to any franchise and I throughly enjoyed it.
2. Red Eye (Dir. Wes Craven)
similar reason to knives out, I love the thrill of the film because of the confined space, which initially would make the audience think there wouldn’t be much you could use and get stuck, but I don’t think this was an issue in the film at all. my mate initially chucked this on without telling us anything about the film (besides cillian murphy being in it, which was enough to convince me) so imagine the surprise on my face when I realised this wasn’t a cute corny romcom. the ending fight sequence in the house was also fucking amazing and quickly shot to my top 5 list immediately after watching it. I also fancy the duck out of rachel mcadams so this was a bisexual dream.
3. Moulin Rouge! (Dir. Baz Luhrmann)
I just love love. I love love love love. the best love story to ever be told in such a extravagant way with an hilarious cast. this is also my favourite stage musical of all time and the way they adapted it was brilliant. really does pull the story together amazingly and teaches the audience a lot through it’s hard hitting ending — I cry every time, and despite my love for satine I don’t think I’d love this film as much if it didn’t end the way that it does.
4. JoJo Rabbit (Dir. Taika Waititi)
this is also another film that made me bawl so much when I saw it in the cinema, the way that it made me feel emotionally pulled on my heartstrings like no other film I had seen before, especially with the masterful shot of rosie’s shoes. that’s what got me (and I’m pretty sure what got everyone). to be on my top 5 list, a film either has to emotionally destroy me which makes me experience emotions I never thought I had, or blow my mind. as you can see every film on this list at least meets one of those factors.
5. Now You See Me (Dir. Louis Leterrier)
finally, the awesome film that is now you see me. I admittedly am quite obsessed with jessie eisenburg in this film (unashamed) and I feel bad for my friends who saw me whilst I was at my peak obsession with this film. but all the characters / cast compliment each other really well, and either I’m just insanely easily impressed (all of my friends will definitely agree with me on this) or the ending was just mind blowing. maybe a mixture of both? either way, I also think this film has one of the greatest scores of all time. truly is a masterpiece in every sense of the word!
I will mention the most recent film I watched in the cinema was Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Pt. 1 and I was absolutely blown away by it. some excellent directing and choice of shots, costumes etc. as a media student genuinely did feel that everything (down to the last detail) was carefully thought of. also so excited for barbenhiemer I will be watching them both on the same date as a double bill — it’s the law.
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Hulk vs The Incredible Hulk
It was a surprise for me at the time to actually see a cartoon character like this be made into film, so I wouldn't mind going to check it out. It does bring back the good ol' days of watching the cartoon series and reading the comics, and also the good ol' days where I would occasionally see the really OLD TV series of Hulk that often rerun on certain times in TV, especially during the transformation when they often focus only on the eye as he transforms. LOL
Here I'll be writing the two Hulk movies I've watched:
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One by Ang Lee in 2003...
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...and one as a reboot by Louis Leterrier in 2008.
In comparison, the Louis version is probably much better than the Ang Lee version. While Louis version was closer to the original theme of the comic, Ang Lee's version is more of a self-satisfaction kind of re-imagining of the cartoon character. Though I don't mind the humour and the cuteness of the Beauty and the Beast phenomenon portrayed by Ang Lee version (seriously, the way Hulk carries Betty was very cute, almost reminds me of King Kong), it wasn't really as good as the authenticity of what Louis had portrayed in his movie (and I am a sucker for authenticity and following the theme of the original).
Though the ending for Louis version was probably a little bit...well, too normal an ending for me. If they had used Ang Lee's ending for Louis' version, maybe it would've been nicer. Coz I kinda like the "You don't like me when I'm angry" ending, sounds more of the WOW factor.
In the end, overall, I think I would probably favour Louis version than Ang Lee version.
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Titlu : Indiana Jones 5 (2023)
Eliberată : 7 iulie 2023
Durata de rulare: 107 minute.
Gen: Groază · Mister · Thriller
Stele: Ty Simpkins, Patrick Wilson, Sinclair Daniel, Hiam Abbass, Rose Byrne
Director: Louis Leterrier
Synopsis du film:
Indiana Jones 5 este un film american de groază supranatural din 2023regizat de Patrick Wilson (în debutul său regizoral ) dintr-un scenariu de Scott Teems bazat pe o poveste a lui Leigh Whannell și Teems. Este o continuare directă a Insidious: Chapter 2 (2013) și a cincea tranșă din franciza Insidious . Regizorul original James Wan servește ca producător, la fel ca Jason Blum prin bannerul său Blumhouse Productions . Ty Simpkins , Patrick Wilson , Rose Byrne, Andrew Astor, Steve Coulter, Whannell, Angus Sampson și Lin Shaye își reiau rolurile din filmele anterioare; Distribuției se alătură și Sinclair Daniel și Hiam Abbass .
După lansarea lui Insidious: The Last Key în 2018, Blumhouse a optat pentru posibilități de a produce filme viitoare în serie, inclusiv un crossover cu seria Sinister . În octombrie 2020, studioul a anunțat că Wilson va regiza și va juca noul film, Teems scriind scenariul bazat pe o poveste scrisă cu Whannell. Cu un buget de producție de 16 milioane de dolari, filmările au avut loc în august 2022 în locațiile Morris County și Madison din New Jersey City .
Indiana Jones 5 a fost lansat în cinematografe în Statele Unite de Sony Pictures Releasing pe 7 iulie 2023. Filmul a încasat 124 de milioane de dolari la nivel mondial și a primit recenzii mixte de la critici.
La nouă ani de la posesia sa, amintirile lui Josh Lambert despre experiența sa din The Further au fost reprimate. El este divorțat de soția sa Renai, iar mama sa Lorraine a murit recent. Relația lui cu fiul său Dalton a devenit tensionată, iar el încearcă să vindece lucrurile dintre ei în timp ce îl lasă la facultate, dar se termină cu ei într-o ceartă.
La prima sa clasă de artă, Dalton ajunge să deseneze o imagine cu ușa roșie folosită pentru a intra în The Further. Între timp, Josh începe să fie bântuit de spiritul unui bărbat, descoperind în cele din urmă că tatăl său, Ben Burton, credea că și-a abandonat familia când era tânăr. Dalton participă la o petrecere de frați cu colegul său de cameră Chris, unde vede fantoma unui student care vărsă constant. După ce a intrat din nou accidental în The Further, Chris îi arată lui Dalton un videoclip YouTube de Specs și Tucker, explicând cum funcționează proiecția astrală, ceea ce duce la un clip cu Elise Rainier vorbind despre The Further.
Dalton încearcă din nou să proiecteze astral, în timp ce Chris îi veghează corpul, Chris este apoi atacat de o entitate nevăzută, iar țipetele ei îl alertează pe Dalton, care se grăbește înapoi la corpul lui și vede că demonul cu fața roșie l-a chinuit în copilărie. După ce a fost avertizat de Chris să nu-și mai folosească abilitățile, Dalton primește un telefon de la fratele său Foster, care îi spune despre un vis recurent pe care îl avea când Josh încearcă să-i omoare. Acest lucru stimulează memoria lui Dalton și el își termină pictura, care arată un Josh posedat în fața ușii roșii. Un Dalton tulburat este atras în The Further, de când un posedat Josh ia atacat în subsol. El îl abordează pe Josh în timp ce încearcă să-și omoare sinele mai tânăr și ajunge transportat înapoi în bârlogul demonilor cu față roșie.
Josh începe să-și cerceteze tatăl și descoperă că s-a sinucis în timp ce era internat într-un spital de boli psihice. El vorbește cu Renai, care dezvăluie adevărul despre ceea ce s-a întâmplat cu familia lor în urmă cu un deceniu și că tatăl său avea și capacitatea de a proiecta astral, dar credea că lucrurile pe care le vedea sunt rezultatul unei boli mintale. Foster le arată o fotografie a picturii lui Dalton pe care i-a trimis un mesaj și își dau seama că Dalton este în pericol. Renai îl ajută pe Josh să se întoarcă în The Further pentru a-și salva fiul.
Cu Dalton prins în bârlogul său, demonul îi posedă trupul și încearcă să-l omoare pe Chris, dar este oprit când Josh reușește să-l găsească și să-l elibereze pe Dalton. Demonul îi urmărește prin ușa roșie și Josh rămâne în urmă pentru a o ține închisă, astfel încât Dalton să fie în siguranță, Dalton se întoarce la corpul său și pictează peste pictura roșie a ușii cu vopsea neagră, care, la rândul său, sigilează ușa adevărată și The Further permanent.
Josh întâlnește spiritul tatălui său, care îl călăuzește înapoi în lumea vie. Odată întors, Josh acceptă să ia cina cu Renai și copiii, sugerând o posibilă reuniune. În timp ce pleacă, întâlnește, fără să știe, spiritul Elisei, care îi spune că are un viitor strălucit în față. Josh conduce apoi la colegiul lui Dalton, unde tatăl și fiul se împacă, în timp ce Dalton prezintă un tablou cu Josh care duce un tânăr Dalton din The Further.
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Un film de referință din multe puncte de vedere, a devenit un clasic instantaneu care a inspirat nenumărați regizori și a dat naștere a patru continuare în câțiva ani. Acestea fiind spuse, ne putem aștepta să apară o mulțime de trivia-uri legate de Indiana Jones 5 în mass-media în lunile următoare, dar deocamdată, să ne concentrăm pe o întrebare foarte simplă.
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La un an de la ocupație, Jake conduce o campanie de gherilă împotriva RDA. În timpul unei misiuni de contrainsurgență, Quaritch și subalternii săi ii capturează pe copiii lui Jake. Jake și Neytiri sosesc și îi eliberează, ucigând câțiva dintre soldații lui Quaritch, dar Spider rămâne capturat de Quaritch, care îl recunoaște ca fiind fiul său. După ce RDA nu reușește să obțină informații de la Spider, Quaritch decide să petreacă timp cu fiul său pentru a-l atrage de partea lui. La rândul său, Spider îl învață pe Quaritch despre cultura și limba Na'vi. Conștienți de pericolul reprezentat de faptul că Spider cunoaște unde se află, Jake și familia lui se exilează din Omatikaya și se retrag pe litoralul de est al Pandorei, unde clanul Metkayina le oferă refugiu. Acolo, familia învață căile oamenilor de recif, Kiri dezvoltă o legătură spirituală cu marea, iar Lo'ak se împrietenește cu Tsireya, fiica șefului Tonowari și a soției sale, Ronal.
După ce l-a apărat pe Kiri împotriva lui Aonung, fiul lui Jake, Lo'ak își cere scuze la insistențele sale. Aonung și prietenii săi îl atrag apoi pe Lo'ak să facă o excursie pe teritoriul unui prădător de mare și îl lasă blocat. După ce a fost salvat de o fiară uriașă de mare, Lo'ak se împrietenește cu Payakan, un Tulkun - o specie inteligentă și pacifistă asemănătoare unei balene pe care Metkayina o consideră frații lor spirituali. La întoarcere, Lo'ak câștigă prietenia lui Aonung luând vina pentru călătorie, dar i se spune că Payakan este un proscris printre Tulkun. Mai târziu, Kiri se leagă de Arborele Spirit subacvatic al Metkayinei și „întâlnește” spiritual mama ei biologică, Grace, a cărei conștiință trăiește în Pandora. În timpul transei induse de legătură, Kiri suferă o criză și cade inconștient, aproape înecându-se.
Jake îi cheamă pe Norm Spellman și Max Patel pentru ajutor în folosirea echipamentului lor medical, unde o diagnostichează pe Kiri cu epilepsie și o avertizează că nu se poate conecta din nou la Arborele Spiritelor, deoarece acest lucru o poate ucide. Deși Ronal o salvează pe Kiri, Quaritch urmărește aeronavele lui Norm și Max până în arhipelagul unde locuiesc Metkayina. Aducând pe Spider cu el, Quaritch își unește forțele cu operațiunile maritime ale RDA, conduse de căpitanul Mick Scoresby, și comandă o navă de vânătoare de balene care vânează Tulkuns pentru a extrage un ser anti-îmbătrânire numit amrita. Echipa lui Quaritch face raiduri în arhipelagul, interogând triburile despre locația lui Jake fără niciun rezultat. Quaritch le ordonă apoi vânătorilor de balene să omoare tulkuni din apropierea satelor pentru a-l atrage pe Jake afară. Lo'ak se leagă mental de Payakan și află că a fost dat afară pentru că a fost împotriva modalităților pacifiste ale speciei sale și a atacat vânătorii de balene care i-au ucis mama, provocând multe morți.
Când Metkayina află despre crimele lui Tulkun, Lo'ak îl avertizează pe Payakan, urmat de frații și prietenii săi. Ei îl găsesc pe Payakan vânat, iar Quaritch îi capturează pe Lo'ak, Tsireya și Tuk. Jake, Neytiri și Metkayina au pornit să se confrunte cu oamenii și să-i salveze pe copii. Quaritch îl forțează pe Jake să se predea, dar Payakan atacă vânătorii de balene, declanșând o luptă care ucide mai mulți membri ai echipajului, schilodește nava și îi taie brațul lui Scoresby. Neteyam îi salvează pe Lo'ak, Tsireya și Spider, dar este împușcat mortal de Quaritch. Devastați, ambii părinți se întorc pentru a-și salva copiii rămași care au fost recapturați; când se confruntă cu echipa lui Quaritch, Neytiri zboară într-o furie îndurerată și îi ucide cu brutalitate pe mulți dintre ei, rupând accidental arcul tatălui ei în acest proces. Jake se confruntă cu Quaritch, care îl folosește pe Kiri ca ostatic, iar când Neytiri face același lucru cu Spider, Quaritch la început neagă relația lor, dar renunță odată ce Neytiri încearcă să-l omoare pe Spider.
Jake, Quaritch, Neytiri și Tuk sunt prinși în vasul care se scufundă. După o încăierare tensionată, Jake îl sugrumă pe Quaritch inconștient și este salvat de Lo'ak și Payakan, în timp ce Kiri îi salvează pe Neytiri și Tuk. Păianjenul îl salvează pe Quaritch, dar refuză să meargă cu el și se alătură familiei lui Jake, moment în care este primit ca un fiu adevărat. După înmormântarea lui Neteyam, Jake îl informează pe Tonowari despre decizia sa de a părăsi Metkayina. Totuși, șeful îl identifică cu respect pe Jake ca parte a clanului și îi urează bun venit lui și familiei sale să rămână. Înainte de a jura să-și reia campania împotriva RDA, Jake și familia lui își acceptă și își trăiesc noua viață pe mare.
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Telespectatorii care caută ceva similar pot urmări emisiunea originală „Dororo”. Când va fi Indiana Jones 5 pe Disney+? Indiana Jones 5 , cea mai recentă tranșă din Spider-Man: Across the
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Despre ce este Indiana Jones 5? Are o distribuție care include Florence Pugh, Harry Styles, Wilde, Gemma Chan, KiKi Layne, Nick Kroll și Chris Pine. În film, o tânără soție care locuiește într-un oraș al unei companii din anii 1950 începe să creadă că bărbatul care o conduce i-a ascuns un secret sinistru. Care este povestea Indiana Jones 5? În anii 1950, Alice și Jack trăiesc în idealizat
comunitatea Victory, un oraș de companie experimentală care găzduiește bărbații care lucrează la un proiect extrem de secret. În timp ce soții se chinuie, soțiile ajung să se bucure de frumusețea, luxul și desfrânarea paradisului lor aparent perfect.
Cu toate acestea, când încep să apară crăpături în viața ei idilică, expunând fulgerări ale ceva sinistru care pândește sub suprafață, Alice nu poate să nu se întrebe exact ce face în Victory.tdctewsg gfghf Indiana Jones 5 | Detalii film „Indiana Jones 5” este un film Science Fiction din 2023 regizat de Stephen E. Rivkin și cu Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldaña în rolurile principale.
Situat la mai bine de un deceniu după evenimentele din primul film, aflați povestea familiei Sully (Jake, Neytiri și copiii lor), necazurile care îi urmează, eforturile pe care le fac pentru a se menține în siguranță, bătăliile pe care le duc. să rămână în viață și tragediile pe care le suportă. Indiana Jones 5 Full Movie download Indiana Jones 5.
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tomorrowedblog · 11 months
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Friday Releases for May 19
Friday is the busiest day of the week for new releases, so we've decided to collect them all in one place. Friday Releases for May 19 include Fast X, Master Gardener, Sanctuary, and more.
Fast X
Fast X, the new movie from Louis Leterrier, is out today.
Over many missions and against impossible odds, Dom Toretto (Vin Diesel) and his family have outsmarted, out-nerved and outdriven every foe in their path. Now, they confront the most lethal opponent they’ve ever faced: A terrifying threat emerging from the shadows of the past who’s fueled by blood revenge, and who is determined to shatter this family and destroy everything—and everyone—that Dom loves, forever.
In 2011’s Fast Five, Dom and his crew took out nefarious Brazilian drug kingpin Hernan Reyes and decapitated his empire on a bridge in Rio De Janeiro. What they didn’t know was that Reyes’ son, Dante (Jason Momoa), witnessed it all and has spent the last 12 years masterminding a plan to make Dom pay the ultimate price.
Dante’s plot will scatter Dom’s family from Los Angeles to the catacombs of Rome, from Brazil to London and from Portugal to Antarctica. New allies will be forged and old enemies will resurface. But everything changes when Dom discovers that his own 8-year-old son (Leo Abelo Perry) is the ultimate target of Dante’s vengeance.
Master Gardener
Master Gardener, the new movie from Paul Schrader, is out today.
A meticulous horticulturist is devoted to tending the grounds of a beautiful estate owned by a wealthy dowager. When he’s told to take on her troubled great-niece as an apprentice, his life is thrown into chaos and dark secrets from his past emerge.
Sanctuary, the new movie from Zachary Wigon, is out today.
A wickedly dark comedy follows dominatrix, Rebecca (Margaret Qualley), and her wealthy client, Hal (Christopher Abbott), as they engage in a high stakes role playing game for power and control.
In the wake of inheriting his father’s hotel chain, Hal attempts to end his long and secret relationship with Rebecca. A battle of wills ensues over the course of one incredibly fraught night, with both Rebecca and Hal struggling to keep the upper hand as the power dynamics swing wildly back and forth.
Come Out Fighting
Come Out Fighting, the new movie from Steven Luke, is out today.
Set during WWII, in this military adventure, a small, specialized squad of U.S. Army African American soldiers are sent on an unofficial rescue mission behind enemy lines to locate their missing commanding officer. The squad upon battling their way through the German defenses encounter more than they bargain for when they locate a downed U.S. Army fighter pilot. With the help of their friends at the 761st tank battalion, known as “The Black Panthers,” the squad must find a way to survive and make it back in one piece.
Robots, the new movie from Casper Christensen and Anthony Hines, is out today.
Charles is a womanizer while Elaine is a gold digger. The duo learn humanity when forced to team up and pursue robot doubles of themselves.
White Men Can't Jump
White Men Can't Jump, the new movie from Calmatic, is out today.
Sinqua Walls stars as Kamal, once a promising player who derailed his future in the sport, and multi-platinum rap superstar Jack Harlow makes his movie debut as Jeremy, a former star of the game whose injuries stalled his own career. Juggling tenuous relationships, financial pressures and serious internal struggles, the two ballers—opposites who are seemingly miles apart—find they might have more in common than they imagined possible.
LEGO 2K Drive
LEGO 2K Drive, the new game from Visual Concepts Entertainment and 2K, is out today.
Welcome to Bricklandia, home of a massive open-world LEGO driving adventure. Race anywhere, play with anyone, build your dream rides, and defeat a cast of wild racing rivals for the coveted Sky Trophy!
KAYTRAMINÉ, the new album from Aminé and KAYTRANADA, is out today.
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vecna · 5 years
I’m watching the Making Of documentary for Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, and maybe I’m mishearing, but there was a single “fuck” they missed.
Louis Leterrier was acting out the part where the General was driving his sword towards Rian on the ground, and said Rian was scrambling backwards like, “AHHHH FUCK”.
Lmao it reminds me of those memes about how LotR is allowed a single fuck, so where would you put it.
Now I won’t be able to watch that scene again without imagining Rian shouting AHHH FUCK.
(Let’s be real -- if anyone needed to say fuck, it’s Rian.)
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whostolemytrousers · 5 years
The Incredible Hulk
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Dir. Louis Leterrier; Wri. Zak Penn
Do you know... this ain’t that bad? Up until the third act I reckon this could be counted as another solid Marvel movie. It’s when Abomination starts speaking and staying stuff like, “you don’t deserve this power” or some shit like that, and when Hulk manages to clap - that’s clap - out a large fire, that it sinks. It’s pretty non-stop action otherwise. And it’s fun.
Edward Norton can be Hulk. I buy that. For me, unlike RDJ being through and through Iron Man, Hulk isn't so set in stone. From the start, I bought into Norton being on the run, and I enjoyed it. He can do the running away from bad guys in a baseball caps well as the next guy. Heading into a world at the beginning where the Hulk already exists definitely helps too.
To do this, they got Louis Leterrier. The guy who made Transporter 2 - really? Him? Yeah, him. But, what he does really isn't that bad. There’s some alright CG, the pace is pretty non-stop (in a good way), Tim Roth’s villain I can actually start to understand (he’s angry too), and how they remind you of how long it’s been without an ‘incident’ is some nice foreboding. They also do well to do the whole becoming the hulk/hulkifying thing in a pre-title montage. We know all that stuff - The Amazing Spider-man could take a leaf from this book.
Sarcasm is required in relation to some aspects. Isn’t it clever how a character called ‘Mr Blue’ wears blue the whole time? I know - very clever indeed. And isn’t it great how they show Hulk’s catastrophic threat to innocent people by not showing him hurt any civilian until very near the end. I know - really great.
I’m only now realising that this is a part of the Marvel Universe, so I began to wonder about some things. Am I imagining it, or is the shot of Captain America and Black Panther in Infinity War directly referencing Tim Roth’s character chasing after the Hulk in the middle of this movie? And if Natalie Portman is the next Thor, does that mean Liv Tyler could be She-Hulk...? No. But, I like to think so.
[Link for Avengers: Endgame & Thor: Ragnarok]
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We Photoshopped an alternate cast of Avengers who almost got the roles
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Avengers stans know the end is near, which means it's time to go back to the beginning. The very beginning.
In honor of the highly anticipated film, Avengers: Endgame, Marvel fans are reminiscing over just how much our heroes have grown since their first appearances on-screen. But we want to take you back even further that that — to the casting decisions.
We've come to know and love characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe so deeply that they feel almost irreplaceable. Chris Evans is Captain America, Chris Hemsworth perfectly embodies Thor, and Scarlett Johansson brings Black Widow to life. But the MCU group could have looked totally different today if casting directors had decided to go with some of the other talented actors who were up for the roles.
SEE ALSO: 'Avengers: Endgame' dazzles with epic and emotional world premiere
Here's a wild glimpse at what our Marvel Cinematic Universe could have looked like, had 12 crucial casting choices been different.
John Krasinski as Captain America / Steve Rogers
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Blond, buff, and beardless Captain Krasinski.
Image: Mashable composite; Marvel Studios, Frazer Harrison/Getty Images
Since the 2011 film Captain America: The First Avenger, the adorably charming Chris Evans and his beard have truly mastered the role of Cap. But the patriotic, shield-wielding hero could have been played by my ultimate crush, John Krasinski. 
In 2016, The Office star told Conan O'Brien he auditioned to play Steve Rogers back in the day. He even tried on the freaking suit, but ultimately took himself out of the running after seeing a jacked Chris Hemsworth walk by and losing confidence. Since 2011, Krasinski's bulked up for roles in 13 Hours and Jack Ryan. He also grew a great beard, so we have no doubt he could have played a buff, bearded, and perhaps funnier, MCU hero.
Other rumored names considered for Cap include Friday Night Lights star Scott Porter, Gossip Girl's Chace Crawford, Magic Mike's Channing Tatum, Garrett Hedlund, Michael Cassidy, and Wilson Bethel. Even Sebastian Stan, who was eventually cast as Bucky Barnes, tried out for the part.
Tom Hiddleston as Thor
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"Hey can someone help me with this hammer?" - This Thor, probably
Image: Mashable composite; Marvel Studios, Karwai Tang/WireImage
Chris Hemsworth has a build, a voice, and a gorgeous head of hair that all scream "Thor." And yet, some other people still had the audacity to try out for the role. 
One of the most surprising was Tom Hiddleston, who I simply can't picture as our king of Asgard and God of Thunder. Hiddleston was instead cast as Thor's brother, Loki, which suits him marvelously. But let us take a moment to imagine what he would have looked like as the mighty hero.
Other actors almost worthy of holding Thor's hammer were Alexander Skarsgård, Charlie Hunnam, and Joel Kinnaman. Not to mention, Hemsworth's very own brother, Liam, auditioned to play Thor, which, I will admit would have been pretty interesting.
Emily Blunt as Black Widow / Natasha Romanoff
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"No. Shan't!" — Black Widow to the bad guys
Image: Mashable composite; Marvel Studios, Steve Granitz/WireImage
Scarlett Johansson plays the character Natasha Romanoff remarkably, but it turns out Emily Blunt was the original choice for the role of Black Widow in Iron Man 2.
Sadly, Blunt was under a contractual obligation with 20th Century Fox to star in the movie Gulliver’s Travels, so she couldn't sign on to the Marvel film at the time. And though Buffy the Vampire Slayer's Eliza Dushku also showed a serious interest in the part, Johansson ultimately stepped in.
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A (super) power couple.
Image: Mashable composite; Marvel Studios, Noam Galai/WireImage
Rather than starring alongside each other in Marvel films, Blunt and Krasinski went on to co-star in Krasinski's hit horror film, A Quiet Place, so everything worked out. Even so, our trusty Senior Illustrator, Bob, created this couple composite to emotionally torture me and also give you all a look at what could have been.
David Duchovny as Hulk / Bruce Banner
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"The truth is out there."
Image: Mashable composite; Marvel Studios, Jon Kopaloff/FilmMagic
Fans may recall Edward Norton played Bruce Banner in the 2008 film The Incredible Hulk, but he wasn't Marvel's final pick for the Avengers films. A lot of drama surrounding Norton's relationship with Incredible Hulk director Louis Leterrier and his negotiations with Marvel were reported, but Mark Ruffalo was ultimately signed.
Since we already know what Norton looks like as The Hulk, we decided to Photoshop David Duchovny, who was also rumored for the role at one point in time.
Timothée Chalamet as Spider-Man / Peter Parker
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Oh will wonders ever cease?
Image: Mashable composite; Marvel Studios, Gregg DeGuire/Getty Images for Turner
Forget Tobey Maguire, Tom Holland is our Spider-Man now and we adore him. But Spider-Man also could have been played by Call Me By Your Name cutie Timothée Chalamet, who auditioned for the part along with others like Josh Hutcherson, Nat Wolff, Liam James, and Asa Butterfield.
My initial thought was that Chalamet wouldn't be dorky enough to play Spider-Man, but now WHO KNOWS, because he really pulls off the suit.
Zachary Levi as Star-Lord / Peter Quill
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"Forget Fandral, I'm Star-Lord now." — Zachary Levi in a spaceship
Image: Mashable composite; Marvel Studios, Victor Chavez/Getty Images
We know Chris Pratt completes the MCU Chris Trinity as Star-Lord, but Chuck and Marvelous Mrs. Maisel star Zachary Levi was interested in the role back in the day, and honestly? He might've been great.
Actors like Jim Sturgess, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Lee Pace, Joel Edgerton, Jack Huston, and even Eddie Redmayne were also associated with the role early on, but Pratt joined the Guardians of the Galaxy family, while Levi went on to star in Shazam! and play Fandral in Thor: The Dark World and Thor: Ragnarok.
Olivia Wilde as Gamora
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It ain't easy being green.
Image: Mashable composite; Marvel Studios, Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images
We all know Gamora as the brilliant Zoe Saldana, who memorably stood up to her adopted father, Thanos, in Avengers: Infinity War. However, the green Guardians of the Galaxy character was reportedly offered to House star Olivia Wilde.
Nicolas Cage as Iron Man / Tony Stark
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Iron Man and Star-Lord plotting to steal the Declaration of Independence.
Image: Mashable composite; Marvel Studios, Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images
Since Robert Downey Jr. played Tony Stark in the 2008 film Iron Man, we couldn't envision anyone else in the maroon and gold suit. Perhaps least of all, Nicolas Cage. And yet, he was one of the names rumored to be in the running.
Sam Rockwell and Tom Cruise were also on the list, but, I mean, we really had no choice but to Photoshop Cage.
Saoirse Ronan as Scarlet Witch / Wanda Maximoff 
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"Call me Scarlet Witch like you said you would" — Saoirse as Wanda Maximoff, channeling Lady Bird
Image: Mashable composite; Marvel Studios, Isabel Infantes/PA Images via Getty
If Elizabeth Olsen hadn't been cast as Scarlet Witch we might have seen Lady Bird star Saoirse Ronan join the MCU family... maybe. 
Rumor has it that Joss Whedon had Ronan in mind when scripting Avengers: Age of Ultron, and the young star appeared to show interest in a role, saying, "I love Joss and I love those films, and I love his handle on them and how he portrayed these kinds of superheroes. So yeah, I’d love to be in it."  
Later, Ronan reportedly passed on the film, which is when Marvel decided to cast Olsen.
Morris Chestnut as Black Panther / T'Challa
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Could've been king.
Image: Mashable composite; Marvel Studios, Paras Griffin/Getty Images
Chadwick Boseman absolutely slayed as T'Challa in Marvel's hit film Black Panther, and we can imagine no one better suited to rule as king of Wakanda. But in the name of Photoshop, here is Black Panther reimagined as Morris Chestnut, since he was among the names associated with the role.
Josh Hartnett as Loki
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Image: Mashable composite; Marvel Studios, Charley Gallay/Getty Images 
Tom Hiddleston, who thankfully was not cast as Thor, was cast as Loki. But if Hiddleston didn't snag the role, it seems Josh Hartnett could have stepped up and took the villain's greasy black wig for a spin. Hmm...
Joaquin Phoenix as Doctor Strange
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Why so serious?
Image: Mashable composite; Marvel Studios, Isiah Trickey/FilmMagic
Benedict Cumberbatch has nailed the art of portraying strange on-screen, so it's no surprise he shines as Marvel's Doctor Strange. But the casting list for Stephen Strange was ridiculously stacked. 
Joaquin Phoenix was one of the top contenders for the part, but explained in an interview with Little White Lies that he felt he made the right move in turning it down, explaining, "I think everybody was really happy with how things turned out. All parties were satisfied."
In addition to Phoenix, Jared Leto, Ewan McGregor, Oscar Isaac, Matthew McConaughey, Ethan Hawke, and Jake Gyllenhaal were also reportedly considered.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Ant Man / Scott Lang
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Honey, I shrunk the JGL.
Image: Mashable composite; Marvel Studios, Steve Granitz/WIreImage via Getty
Finally, there's Ant Man. We know the shrinking superhero as the ageless Paul Rudd, but word has it that Joseph Gordon-Levitt was a front-runner for the part, too. If we're judging by our Photoshop, then JGL looks hilarious in the Ant Man suit. But who knows, maybe he could've been great.
It's fun to look back at this hilariously random group of superheroes who we could've been watching on the screen for the past decade, but really makes us appreciate the team of Avengers we ended up with.
WATCH: 'Avengers: Endgame' is smashing pre-sale box office records
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enchantedliving · 7 years
We talk with Toby Froud about Netflix's upcoming Dark Crystal prequel!
Yesterday, the faerie community, and indeed all those who love beautiful and fantastical storytelling, received momentous news when Netflix officially announced their upcoming project, slated to begin filming in fall. A prequel series to the beloved 1982 Henson/Froud film, The Dark Crystal, it will run for ten episodes and include state-of-the-art puppet creations from the imaginations of our own friends and Faerie Magazine contributors, Brian and Toby Froud. The series is called The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, and our minds are racing with guesses as to what characters and stories might be included.
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The original film, The Dark Crystal, featured a world imagined by renowned fairy artist Brian Froud (conceptual designer) that was a surreally accurate three-dimensional recreation of his artwork. Froud’s imagination combined flawlessly with Jim Henson’s vision and skill, and the film is now considered a fantasy masterpiece. With Jim Henson’s Creature Shop and Brian and his impressively-skilled puppeteer and artist son, Toby, involved in the project, we have no doubt that the project will be a rousing success.
Deputy Editor Grace Nuth was able to give Toby Froud a quick phone call to ask him some questions about the project.
Faerie Magazine: How hard has it been to know this project was happening and not be able to share it?
Toby Froud: We’ve been on this around five weeks or so. When people have asked us “will Dark Crystal ever happen again” and things like that, my mom and I have had to keep quiet, and say “well, possibly,” and things like that.
FM: Way back at the first Faeriecon, your parents were guests, and announced the possibility of another feature film, so this has been a long time coming.
TF: It has! The idea of doing a sequel has been kicking around for twelve years or so. They did the Power of the Dark Crystal stuff for this big sequel feature, and it never really got off the ground. But then after the resurgence from the Hensons doing all of these competitions, [ex: Jim  Henson’s Creature Shop Challenge on SyFy] and having the fan base be what it is today, it just so happened that they caught the idea doing of a prequel, using all of the writing and lore of the world that now exists in recent years. Netflix said yes, so it became this idea that the Hensons would think in a different way, a prequel instead of a sequel. And now here we are.
FM: Were you and your father directly approached by Netflix, or by the Hensons?
TF: By the Hensons. It’s a Henson-Netflix production. We are a part of the Hensons’ development to build the creatures and world under management of Netflix.
FM: You and your father have worked together in creative capacities informally throughout your life. Was the creation of “Granny” for Lessons Learned the first time you had him create a creature, and you then translated it into a three dimensional puppet?
TF: It was, for a film together. We certainly have done a lot of puppets…Ignatz [Toby’s Froudian puppet, seen at many fairy events like Faeriecon] was my father’s design, and my creation. But Granny was our coming together for film.
FM: Do you anticipate the creations on this Dark Crystal project happening similarly, with him creating the concepts and you interpreting those concepts in three dimensional puppets, or do you and your father plan to work together to create the concepts as well?
TF: We are doing both. What’s very interesting is I am working alongside my father right now in the conceptual designs. I am translating his designs still as well, into three dimensional forms. What is bigger and is the amazing part is the translation of them into puppets. My father and I are giving them these characters; we are developing these ideas with the Hensons…and Louis Leterrier, and Lisa Henson and my father and I are figuring this out, creating this visual. Then the team of the Jim Henson’s Creature Shop, this amazing team, are creating the puppets for us.
FM: Has work already begun on pre-production?
TF: I am in the studios in L.A.! I’m working with them on a daily basis, designing and also fabricating with them. Then my father is in England, and he is designing from there. So work has begun fast and furious!
FM: Of course you can't tell us anything about new creations, but what is your favorite type of creature in the world of the original Dark Crystal film? Are there any that you are especially eager to bring to life?
TF: Ooh…That is a tough question. I love them in different ways: To revisit all of the Skeksis…To be able to build a Mystic again, things like that. To be able to envision in the new world with new technology and modern times, bringing these creatures up to date in certain ways. I am so excited to see Aughra on screen as well. So that sort of thing is what I can’t wait for. I’m excited to see the new creatures of the world and also the expansion of the world itself. And then we are revisiting certain things of the old world too…that’s what I’m excited for.
FM: Will your mother be assisting on this project as well, or just a father/son duo?
TF: Wendy is certainly consulting on this, especially with the Gelflings, because she did Jen and Kira originally. So I’m working closely with her and also my father. But she was the sculptural designer for those, and so she’s invaluable to our new process.
FM: How does it feel creating a large-scale work that your young son can grow up watching, just as you watched Dark Crystal and Labyrinth growing up?
TF: It’s…I mean it’s amazing. Beyond amazing. This project is very interesting because it’s a legacy. It’s a dream to do this. What is fascinating is that I am the same age my father was when he started The Dark Crystal. So what’s really interesting is that that’s coming to light. It’s wonderful that I get to work with him and the Hensons on this thing. It’s far more than just another project. And yes, to continue that, and to have my son grow up and see this project eventually. It’ll be interesting.
There’s a lot of pressure from fans and from the world. We’re trying. And what will be wonderful is actually the new: the new ways, new look, new feel. The director coming in and putting his vision into this, and the producing team, and Netflix. It’s quite an interesting and wonderful marriage. I think it will benefit, in a lot of ways. I’m excited to see what director Louis Leterrier does: bringing the camera to life in new ways I think the audience will really enjoy.
Netflix is an amazing juggernaut of a company that has great creative taste in what they’re providing the world, and things to come. It’s brilliant. A very clever match.
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Starring Dane DeHaan, Cara Delevingne, Clive Owen, Rihanna, Ethan Hawke, Herbie Hancock, Kris Wu, Sam Spruell, Alain Chabat, Rutger Hauer, Peter Hudson, Xavier Giannoli, Louis Leterrier, Eric Rochant, Benoit Jacquot, Sasha Luss, Aymeline Valade, Elizabeth Debicki, Olivier Megaton and the voices of Robbie Rist and John Goodman.
Screenplay by Luc Besson.
Directed by Luc Besson.
Distributed by STX. 137 minutes. Rated PG-13.
Writer/director Luc Besson obviously has an active imagination and a smart artistic eye. He has been responsible for some fine films over the years: Léon: The Professional, La Femme Nikita, The Fifth Element, even the first Taken movie. So, I’m not sure why at this point in his career, he pretty much insists on being the French Michael Bay.
On the plus side, many of the special effects in Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets are mostly rather impressive and mind-boggling. On the minus side, the movie looks and feels grimy, the dialogue is awful, the action is not exciting, the actors are lifeless, the characters are annoying, the leads have no romantic or physical spark, and the story is absolutely fucking ridiculous.
Oh yeah, and the plot basically revolves around a cute alien lizard creature that poops magical energy pearls. Yeah, you read that right.
Back in the ‘80s, small exploitation houses like Cannon Films and Vestron used to make cheap space adventures to play third in a drive-in triple-feature or to loiter unnoticed in the sci-fi sections of video stores – cheesy crap along the lines of Battle Beyond the Stars, Galaxina, Saturn 3, Megaforce and the like. Valerian probably belongs in this sorry company, though honestly it may not even be good enough to pass muster even with these pathetic losers. If nothing else, none of these older films took themselves seriously.
And those films were made on a shoestring budget, while Besson wasted $225 million dollars to make this visually interesting, but storyline-bankrupt space opera.
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets seems to think it is an important film, a potential blockbuster, possibly even the beginning of a long-running series. (Please, God, no!)
What it really is, and I cannot stress this enough, is a completely muddled and ridiculous waste of over two hours of your life; an orgy of mindless violence, sparkless romance, crass political commentary and pseudo-philosophy. Watching a blank screen for that long would be more intellectually and emotionally stimulating.
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets is apparently based on a French comic book series I’ve never heard of called Valérian and Laureline. I can’t really speak on how good or bad the series is, though since it is a long-running cult favorite I must assume that it’s better than its cinematic cousin.
A big part of the problem is, quite simply, the two leads are awful. Dane DeHaan, who is a competent actor, seems to be channeling Bruce Willis in one of the later, bad Die Hard sequels. He never quite comes off as an action figure, and he has zero romantic or sexual chemistry with his winsome co-star. He sets off more sparks with a giant blue tub of goo alien shapeshifter (voiced and periodically played by pop star Rihanna) than he ever has with his stunningly beautiful hard-ass co-pilot, who he keeps asking to marry him.
About that co-star… Cara Delevingne is gorgeous, but did not connect with a single emotion. I know it’s easy pickings to point out that the supermodel can’t really act, but her monotone line readings and lack of facial expressions quickly got distracting. I’ll even give her the benefit of the doubt that it was not totally her fault. She’s a model, not an actress. A smarter (or at least more conscientious or actor-friendly) director could have probably coaxed a better performance out of her. Besides, forced to recite the lines she was given, even Meryl Streep would have come out looking ridiculous.
The most entertaining part of Valerian was Rihanna on a stripper pole. Let’s face it, you don’t have to sit through this movie to find footage of Rihanna on a stripper pole. Another oddball cameo (in fact, it was in the same section) was Ethan Hawke’s affected (and borderline offensive) performance as an effeminate, lisping, face-pierced space pimp. And how the hell did they talk respected jazz-fusion musician Herbie Hancock into doing a cameo role in which his character was only shown on video communication monitors?
If Valerian isn’t the worst movie this year, it’s going to be pretty damned close. It’s certainly the dregs of what I have seen so far. Expect to see this movie on a whole slew of year-end “Worst of 2017” lists.
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2017 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: July 21, 2017.
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fabioferreiraroc · 4 years
10 filmes premiados escondidos no Amazon Prime Video
O catálogo do Amazon Prime Video esconde ótimos filmes que, na maioria das vezes, os espectadores nem sabem que estão disponíveis no Brasil. Para ajudar os cinéfilos, a Bula reuniu em uma lista dez produções de diferentes gêneros que foram premiadas em festivais de cinema e estão no acervo da plataforma de streaming.
O catálogo do Amazon Prime Video esconde ótimos filmes que, na maioria das vezes, os espectadores nem sabem que estão disponíveis no Brasil. Para ajudar, a Bula reuniu em uma lista dez produções que foram premiadas em diferentes festivais de cinema ao redor do mundo e estão no acervo da plataforma de streaming. Entre eles, estão “O Sacrifício do Cervo Sagrado” (2018), de Yórgos Lánthimos, que ganhou o Prêmio de Roteiro no Festival de Cannes; e o clássico “If….” (1969), Lindsay Anderson; vencedor da Palma de Ouro em Cannes, a maior honraria do evento. Os títulos estão organizados de acordo com o ano de lançamento.
Aliens, Flamingos & Ecstasy (2019), Tomer Eshed e Rory Byrne
“Aliens, Flamingos & Ecstasy” é composto de oito curtas-metragens animados para adultos. Os filmes apresentam visões ousadas e satíricas sobre temas como tecnologia, ficção científica e fantasia. Essa combinação eclética foi exibida e elogiada em alguns dos festivais mais importantes de cinema, como Cannes, Sundance, Annecy e Siggraph.
Estrada de Sonhos (2018), Pedro von Krüger
Os antepassados do cineasta Pedro von Krüger vieram para o Brasil para ajudar na construção das ferrovias, no final do século 19. Devido à sua relação afetiva com os trilhos de ferro, neste documentário ele traz à tona a história das locomotivas nacionais, discorrendo sobre momentos, lembranças e registros de pessoas que vivenciaram esse símbolo da modernidade e do progresso no passado.
Estrelas de Cinema Nunca Morrem (2018), Paul McGuigan
Quando o jovem ator Peter Turner conhece Gloria Grahame, ele não imagina que se trata de uma atriz famosa, que já venceu um Oscar na juventude. Agora, ela leva uma vida decadente. Aos poucos, os dois se aproximam e se apaixonam, apesar do preconceito da sociedade. O destino acaba separando o casal, mas, anos mais tarde, Gloria reaparece pedindo ajuda a Peter, pois está sofrendo com uma doença incurável.
O Sacrifício do Cervo Sagrado (2018), Yórgos Lánthimos
Steven é um cardiologista casado e pai de dois filhos. Ele é muito conceituado em sua área, mas na verdade é alcoólatra. Quando um paciente morre durante uma cirurgia executada por ele, Steven decide se aproximar do filho do homem, Martin, de 16 anos. Ele começa a presentear o garoto e o apresenta para toda a família. Mas, quando Martin percebe que está sendo deixado de lado, elabora um plano de vingança contra o médico.
Post No Bills (2017), Robin Hays e Andy Poon
Em um mural, Noodle Boy, o personagem do anúncio de um restaurante, admira Miss Fortuna, a figura de uma propaganda de doces. Noodle Boy percebe que um homem está chegando para pintar de branco todos os cartazes e pregar novos por cima. Caso não fujam, eles serão apagados pela tinta. Então, ele começa a correr para salvar Miss Fortuna e levá-la para um lugar seguro.
Suburbicon: Bem-Vindos ao Paraíso (2017), George Clooney
Nos anos 1950, Suburbicon é uma comunidade modelo dos Estados Unidos, uma vizinhança onde todos vivem em harmonia. Mas, tudo muda com a chegada dos Meyers, uma família negra. Os moradores, cheios de argumentos racistas, se reúnem para decidir se os Meyers devem ou não ser expulsos do bairro. Enquanto isso, dois homens invadem a residência da família Dodge e ninguém percebe.
O Esquema de Ponzi (2014), Dante Desarthe
O filme conta a história de Carlo Ponzi, um imigrante italiano que chegou aos Estados Unidos em 1903 sem nenhum dinheiro. Inteligente, ele encontrou uma forma de enriquecer às custas das economias de pessoas honestas. Anos depois, criou o primeiro esquema de fraude em grande escala (pirâmide), negócio que o transformou rapidamente em uma figura influente e muito rica.
Night Train to Lisbon (2013), Bille August
Raimund, um professor suíço, salva uma mulher que se preparava para pular de uma ponte. Quando ela vai embora, esquece o casaco com Raimund. No bolso da peça, ele encontra um livro de um autor português, Amadeu do Prado, e um bilhete de trem para Lisboa. Obcecado com a qualidade da escrita do livro, Raimund decide usar a passagem para ir até Lisboa conhecer a história do escritor.
Cão de Briga (2005), Louis Leterrier
Danny foi tirado das ruas por Bart, um perigoso gângster que o treinou como cão de guarda, sempre pronto para atacar. Danny se tornou uma arma mortal, mas nunca imaginou uma vida diferente para si. Até que, por acaso, ele conhece Sam, um cego afinador de pianos que o ensina a viver entre os humanos. Mas, Bart não aceita o afastamento de Danny e começa a persegui-lo.
If…. (1969), Lindsay Anderson
Mick Travis é um adolescente que estuda em um colégio público tradicional da Inglaterra. Ele está no último ano e odeia cada minuto que passa no colégio, principalmente pelas tradições ultrapassadas e castigos violentos aplicados pelos professores. Infeliz com sua realidade estudantil, Mick se torna o líder dos Crusaders, um grupo de alunos anarquistas que luta por mudanças e melhorias na educação.
10 filmes premiados escondidos no Amazon Prime Video Publicado primeiro em https://www.revistabula.com
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englishmansdcc · 5 years
Netflix unveil final THE DARK CRYSTAL: AGE OF RESISTANCE trailer ahead of Aug 30th launch
.@Netflix unveil final THE @DarkCrystal: AGE OF RESISTANCE trailer ahead of Aug 30th launch @DarkCrystalProd #TheDarkCrystal #AgeOfResistance
From the mind of Brian Froud, via the aesthetics of the Jim Henson Company and now translated onto the small screen by director Louis Leterrier, THE DARK CRYSTAL has always been a world of incredible imagination and powerful mythology.
With new series AGE OF RESISTANCE, the story now comes to Netflix this August with an impressive budget and a stellar cast featuring the likes of – deep breath!…
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