#Lord Daruk
laurence--l · 2 years
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The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild Illustration inspired by Jimmy Cauty's Lord of the Rings art piece
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amiharana · 8 months
Bored with nothing to do so I’m requesting streamer au again 😕🏃🏻‍♀️🤙
ask and ye shall receive ☝️😌✨ i mentioned in the tags that the last time i posted about streamer au that i wanna write the champions going to twitchcon and sharing an airbnb together sooo 👹
i'm actually not too sure how to incorporate the location of twitchcon into this au, because (1) i've never been to twitchcon actually KJDJFKKJS and (2) it depends on whether or not hyrule is divorced from the u.s. & the rest of human society e.g. a universe where hyrule is the country analogous to the u.s.... for purposes of this au, i've been kind of writing hyrule as a city that all the champions live in, so maybe it can be somewhere in the u.s.? what state does the city of hyrule give LOL
reading the wikipedia about twitchcon tells me that most of the cons have been held in san diego, CA so all the champions fly there together for the con, and could you just imagine them at an airport 😭 like you know those tiktoks of people either traveling with their family or their friend group and in each case there's always like the dad/dad-friend who's in charge of everything, from being there super early to holding all the passports, etc? because i can totally see daruk being that guy HAHAHKDJHFDKJ
outside of being a streamer, daruk is a dad irl and the oldest of the champs so he quite literally sees all of them as his kiddos 🥹 the flight will be at like 5pm but daruk insists on being there at the airport at 9am, he'd write labels on each of the champions' luggage with their contact information, he would put all their plane tickets into a manila folder and keeps a death grip on it until they reach the desk for boarding 😭 the dad instinct has been Activated ✅ and then when they get on the plane, daruk gets his little travel neck pillow on and conks the fuck out once the plane takes off 😄
before i continue, here's the plane seating configuration i was thinking of in my head:
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most planes are usually three-seaters instead of two but for purposes of this ficlet idrgaf 🤞🤓 move along and get with the fantasy 🙏❤️
urbosa will just be chilling to herself (i have this image of her with earphones in and also knitting? no one knew that urbosa was a knitter including me), sidon is talking to zelda's manager impa, and mipha and zelda are talking and giggling to themselves bc they're gfs now <3 but link and revali? woof. these homos are totally going to be shyly holding hands on the plane the whole time, and then when they land, zelda will post a selfie of her looking extremely unamused on the plane next to mipha giggling, with link in the background looking at revali with wide eyes blushing while revali is holding up their intertwined hands to his lips.
in my head, this is gonna be set after the LOH show from the last streamer au ask, but before the date that revali had planned during the show. so throughout the entirety of the event, from the plane rides to and from twitchcon to the sitting together at their panel, revali and link have Hella Tension with each other. since the date that revali had planned during the LOH hasn't happened yet (they have a day in mind though hehe), they're both anticipating it and are also in this limbo stage of being exclusive but not really having an actual label on their relationship. all they know is they really enjoy each other's presence and perhaps they'd like to be around each other more often :>
but link is still insecure and still quite surprised that revali even returns his interest, that the date has been planned and is on an actual, real day and that revali wants to go out with him, and oh goddess revali wants to go out with him. it has him sitting tensely in his seat, nearly sweating because this has to be some sort of fever dream, right? revali, a streamer infamous for his rather arrogant, brutal words and attitude, who has had all the disparaging insults to say about link, and doesn't miss a single chance to rag on him. this couldn't have been the same revali who looked at him so fondly through the camera on the LOH stream, who has taken note of everything link says offhandedly, who sent him a heart in their discord dms (and revali never uses emojis). this has to be some elaborate prank on link and—
he feels a sharp tap on the side of his head, knocking him out of his downward spiral, and he looks up, rubbing his head and ready to bicker with zelda, but it isn't zelda who's hit him. revali stares down at him, one knee on the plane seat and his hands on the headrests in their row and in front of them.
"stop thinking so loud," revali says, before finally sitting in his seat properly. "it's painful to watch."
link scoffs and rolls his eyes. "any more painful than watching you fall in the xp farm while you were making it?"
"maybe don't hit me while i'm building next time and i won't fall in," revali snips back.
"you were wearing an elytra."
"and with what space, pray tell, could i have used to gain altitude? it's a vertical column, you absolute fool, the only way was down."
"and down you went, so i could take all your xp," link replies cheerfully.
revali rolls his eyes as he finishes settling into his seat. "and you'll still use all of that on the worst combination of enchantments possible." they both fall silent, the quiet din of voices around the plane their background noise.
"what were you thinking about?" revali then says quietly, suddenly. link glances at him and is surprised to find the other man staring at him with genuine concern. butterflies come to life in link's stomach, so he averts his eyes, down at his fidgeting hands in his lap. there was no eloquent way to phrase his worries about their date to revali, of all people.
"don't tell me you have flight anxiety now," revali murmurs. it sounds like it was meant to be a joke, but it misses its mark when link doesn't answer, fingers still fidgeting in his lap. "link?"
"i'm not worried about flying or the plane," link mutters. "i've traveled by air before plenty of times, it's not that."
"then what's got you all locked up like this?" revali replies, in the same quiet voice. link still doesn't say anything. "link..."
then, revali reaches for the blond's hand, smoothly intertwining their fingers and bringing it upwards, propping his elbow on the armrest between them. link's eyes widen, blinking, and he slowly moves his gaze from his lap to their intertwined fingers, and then to revali's face. he only stares back, a rather soft look in his eyes, and the butterflies in link's stomach burst to life again.
"you don't have to tell me if it's something personal," revali says, and his tone is so gentle, link thinks he's going to melt in his seat right there. is this the same revali who called him a fool less than a minute ago? "but don't bottle it all up or you'll end up exploding. it'll only make things worse and we wouldn't want that, would we?"
link stares at him with the same wide eyes for a moment longer, and then nods once slowly. "yeah, i guess you're right," he whispers, and after another second, he squeezes revali's hand softly. it seems to make revali's gaze soften even further, and he squeezes back.
"is there anything i can do to help?" revali murmurs. link blinks at him, and suddenly, it feels like the floodgates have opened and he can't stop himself from telling the truth.
"it's the date," link blurts aloud, his cheeks warming and turning pink. shit.
revali's head tilts to the side slightly. "the date?" he repeats. "the one we—?"
"yeah," link whispers. under revali's gaze, filled with such genuine concern, he feels shy again and he looks back down at the other hand in his lap. "it's just... i know we talked about it already, but it just doesn't feel real, like it's all some prank, you know?" he giggles nervously, his left leg beginning to bounce. "knowing you, i wouldn't put it past you to plan one as elaborate at this either, but even if it wasn't a prank, i can barely wrap my mind around that it's actually going to happen."
revali doesn't say anything for a couple moments, and it makes link more nervous, his leg bouncing a little faster, his heart pounding a little harder. please say something, he thinks to himself.
"you know," revali says finally, still in that ever so gentle tone, "we don't have to do the date." and link's heart drops to his stomach. "it was never something i was going to force on you, especially not on that pathetic joke of a show. don't feel like you have to go on a date with me to please your fans if it makes you uncomfortable—"
"no," link says, whipping his head to look at revali with wide, horrified eyes. "th-that's not what i was trying to say, i do want to go on the date with you." admitting it out loud makes link blush and he wants to melt into a puddle in revali's surprised green gaze, but he can't keep shying away. so link steels himself and maintains eye contact with revali, taking a breath before continuing. "i do want to. please trust me on that, i do. i'm just nervous about it because..." link swallows. "i like you, like a lot, and this date is like, confirming that you like me back and actually planning to go on it is insane, because i never thought you'd really return my feelings and what if you back out? because i'm not gonna stop you if you don't wanna go on the date anymore, but i want to go on it so bad 'cause—"
"hey," revali cuts him off, with a strangely soft voice. "breathe for me, darling."
link blinks and then lets go of a long breath he didn't know had accumulated in his lungs. revali nods reassuringly and squeezes his hand again. "one more time," he says in that same soft voice, so link does, breathing in deeply and releasing it slowly. he feels much calmer now.
but then, revali presses his lips to their intertwined fingers, to the back of link's hand. "i want to go on the date with you too," revali murmurs to the skin, and link nearly shivers. "and believe me, i won't be backing out unless you do, because i like you too." he tilts his head slightly to the side. "do you think i'd be so cruel to drag this out if i truly didn't want to go? if anything, i should be worrying about whether or not you want to go through with it since i was the one who planned and proposed it."
"well, sometimes you're too proud to admit you're uncomfortable when it's about being better than me," link mumbles. "i would have been doing us both a favor..."
"i'm not uncomfortable," revali says softly, reassuringly, "but it's good to know that i wouldn't have been the first to back out." he smirks a little, but the fond look in his eyes betrays him.
link's stomach erupts into yet another swarm of butterflies, but he tries to play it off and scoffs. "this isn't a competition, revali."
"perhaps i'll make it into one, if that's what'll get into your stupid little skull that i want to go out with you too." the blond blinks and suddenly, revali's lips are grazing the tip of link's oh-so-sensitive ear. "first to back out of the date loses," he murmurs, the vibrations of his voice tingling into the shell of it.
in an instant, a million thoughts race around inside of link's head, and at the same time, he can feel his face reddening and dripping off of his skull like lava. his mouth drops and his eyes bulge out of his head, but no words come out as revali gently takes the tip of his ear between his teeth, and link all but short circuits—
"boys, i hope you're behaving yourselves back there," comes urbosa's voice. revali immediately pulls away and sits stiffly in his seat, hands in his lap, looking down. link blinks, missing the warmth though his face still burned, eyes still wide staring at revali, whose cheeks were beginning to match link's. "we have a fairly lengthy flight ahead of us, and i would hate to have to deal with you two causing any sort of trouble."
"like what, joining the mile high club?" zelda snickers across the way, only for mipha to gasp in shock, the both of them erupting into giggles.
link rolls his eyes and he catches revali's jaw tense, but the other man doesn't move from his position. letting out a breath through his nose, link sits back in his seat and looks out the window, watching the ground crew scurrying around and preparing the plane for flight. he's glad to have gotten reassurance and confirmation of their relationship now, at the very least.
but then, he feels revali's fingers slip back into his hand, warm and firm against his palm. link looks back, but revali isn't looking at him, his cheeks perhaps a couple shades darker than when he last looked. the blond just smiles and squeezes his hand, looking back out the plane window as the pilot announces readying for departure in the speakers above. revali squeezes back, and their hands stay intertwined for the rest of the flight.
TEHE THEY'RE IDIOTS IN LOVE. the ground crew are the koroks btw they flew on Great Deku Airlines 🙏 zel n miph definitely take pics of revalink holding hands and also when they fall asleep, link's head on revali's shoulder and revali's head leaning on link's... when urbosa wakes them up during landing, link only groans and tries to curl up closer to revali's side, mumbling about having another five minutes and urbosa is recording the whole thing for the champions vlog later 😹 when they get off the plane, revali is grumpy and glaring down anyone who tries to talk to him, but he adjusts himself when link leans on him sleepily, clinging to his arm 🥺 even in the rental car, link's head falls on revali's shoulder again as he snoozes and revali just stares down the rest of the champions, daring them to say anything as his own cheeks color pink 😄
by the time they get to their airbnb, link has regained some consciousness, but he keeps his head on revali's shoulder blinking sleepily until revali gently taps at his thigh to tell him to get up. there are four rooms in the airbnb, so roomies get assigned as (daruk & sidon), (impa & urbosa), (mipha & zelda), and of course, (revali & link). everyone rolls their eyes when revali and link blush at getting assigned to each other, glancing shyly at each other before looking away 😄
after that, the group begins to explore the airbnb. "this is a very nice place," mipha says politely, running her hand along the wall decor. "however, i didn't expect so much winter-themed decor in midst of summer."
zelda shrugs, following after mipha. "this place is owned by a man named pondo, who appears to have an affinity for the season." they come across a pair of bowling shoes mounted on the wall, surprisingly shiny and clean. "among... other things."
revali rolls his eyes as he follows urbosa down the similarly wintry-themed hallway to the room him and link have been assigned (where did link even go?), rolling both of their luggages along. why is revali taking link's luggage with him, you may ask? it's not like anyone asked him to take link's stuff with him either 😹
urbosa stops before one of the doors nearer to the end of the hall, leaning against its threshold and cocking her head at it. "this one's yours," she says, somewhat amused. "behave yourselves. you might be sharing a room, but we're sharing a whole house."
revali's face flushes and burns like a forest fire. "we're not going to do anything like that," he mutters, unable to meet urbosa's gaze. "we're not even official yet."
"but you're officially holding hands in public," urbosa lilts, pushing herself off of the threshold. "so that's official enough."
he makes a face at her. "i bet you're not even going to tell mipha and zelda the same thing, will you?"
urbosa sighs. "i have to keep a closer eye on both of them, actually. those two are complete menaces now that they're official." she pats at revali's shoulder. "i'll leave you to unpack."
and so revali enters the room, beginning to unpack some of his things and leaving link's stuff by the foot of the bed. when he finishes up, he flops onto the bed, staring at the ceiling of their shared room.
their shared room... revali blinks and sits up as it truly settles in that he and link are going to share a room for the week they're here. oh gods. they're sharing a room for a week, and sharing this one bed in the room. well, revali could always offer to sleep on the couch or make link do it, but he thinks about the warmth of link's hand entwined with his, link's soft sleepy expression gazing back at him, link's unruly blond hair spilling like silk all over his skin and the pillow he's laying upon— revali shakes himself out of his reverie, desperately willing himself not to blush. he shouldn't think such things when they haven't even put a label on their relationship yet—
suddenly, the doorknob turns and clicks open, and in steps link, dripping wet and dressed in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. his modesty (is it modest if you're already wet and half-naked?) is protected with only a gentle one-handed grip to hold the towel together and with his free hand, link pushes his wet bangs up and over his head. oh goddesses. it's like everything is happening in slow motion. revali's lips part, his eyes widening, and he can't look away. he should, because that would be the logical, gentlemanly thing to do, but alas... the droplets of water sliding down the ridges of link's abs are rather... enthralling...
"um," link starts, "hi. i, um, forgot to bring clothes with me to the shower."
"the shower," revali repeats dumbly, and it takes his entire will to force his eyes upward to link's face instead of his very grabbable slim waist, or the v-line slipping under the towel. link's cheeks are tinged pink and his eyes are averted as he scratches at the back of his neck.
goddess, he's adorable, revali thinks immediately before catching himself. he can't say things like this when link is practically naked!
"yeah, i needed to refresh after the flight," link says, biting his lip.
"to refresh," revali repeats, blinking. it feels like his brain is melting and reforming and melting again into a searing hunk of unintelligible meat. he can't form a single coherent, logical thought right now, completely transfixed by the enticing droplets of water sliding down link's pretty throat. refresh... oh goddess, revali needs to get out of here right now. "right, okay, shit, sorry, i'll just—"
revali makes it out of their shared room and into the backyard of the house in record time. urbosa and impa are going over plans at the breakfast nook as he zooms by, beelining for the sliding glass door that leads to the back of the house, but not before urbosa can call out, "i told you to behave!"
revali could behave, alright. but it seemed like revali jr. was going to need a little more restraint.
KFDHUSKDJFHKSDJHFFKH WELL ANYWAYS. idiots to lovers is my favorite trope for these two, like they are the ultimate little freaks ever <3
after link gets his clothes on and revali jr. calms down, the champions have a shitty little dinner composed of various fast food places that were nearby 😹 idk the last time i stayed at an airbnb, i went to get mcdonalds with my cousin in the middle of the night and now it's like a core memory, so i'm passing it onto the champs. i do love me some fries and chicken nuggets though 🤍 impa is outside taking a call at the time, but i'm thinking ab daruk n urbosa with double double burgers and animal fries from in n out..... sidon n mipha with five (5) filet-o-fish sandwiches each 😭 zelda dipping fries into her sundae :] link absolutely would have gotten something from dennys, he's chaos incarnate returning to his homeland (dennys), and revali kind of gives me the vibes that he doesn't fw fast food at all LOL, so he just gets whatever link gets to make it easier on himself, but grumbles and blushes a little when urbosa smiles knowingly at him. hehe >:]
after dinner, they all slowly file off into their rooms to wash up and get ready for bed. there's two bathrooms with showers between the four bedrooms, so they divide the two between the guys and girls. revali takes his shower after sidon, and takes a much quicker one than he's happy with. he totally seems like the type of guy that has an intricate hair care ritual/routine and would hog the bathroom for more than an hour, but link still has to take his actual shower and y'all already know down baddd revali is for him 🤣
revali comes back to their shared bedroom, his hair wrapped up in a towel, dressed in pajama pants and a large plain shirt. link is flopped on the floor of the room as he scrolls through what revali assumes to be tiktok.
"shower's yours," revali says, walking around link and sitting on his side of the bed. he takes off the wrap and bends over to towel dry his hair. "why are you on the floor?"
"my clothes are dirty so i don't wanna get in the bed with them," link says, sitting up and staring at revali. "and i'm sharing with you. i would have thought you would complain if i was in bed with my dirty clothes."
revali fights the heat crawling up his neck and swallows. goddess, they're actually going to share the damn bed. "do whatever you want," he manages in a mumble, sitting back up and throwing his hair back, grabbing the brush he left on the nightstand. "that's... very considerate of you, though."
link hums, before jumping to his feet and taking his stuff with him to the bathroom. when the door shuts with a click, revali glances back at it before letting out a sigh. can he really make it through the night sharing the bed with this heavenly creature of a man that's become rather fond of in the last few weeks?
revali is finishing up with the last of his braid when link comes back from his shower, thankfully fully clothed this time, dressed similarly with pajama pants and a shirt. but instead of practically breaking down the door, link opens it slowly and peeks inside, meeting revali's eyes and neither of them looking away, for several moments.
"are you going to come in or will you stand there the rest of the night like a ghost?" revali says finally, breaking the stare and tying the end of the braid. the only light on in the room now is the lamp beside revali on the nightstand.
link finally opens the rest of the door and shuffles quietly inside, closing it behind him before sitting at the edge of the bed. when revali looks back up, link is looking down at his lap and fingers fidgeting again, like he was in the plane. it makes revali soften, recalling why link had been anxious then.
"getting cold feet?" he says, as softly as he can. link's head shoots up to look at him, eyes wide with terror like he was on the plane when revali suggested that they didn't have to go forward with the date.
"no," the blond answers immediately, but revali can see the way his lip trembles when he says it.
"i can sleep on the couch—" he begins to offer, but link quickly shakes his head and crawls onto the bed to properly sit on it.
"no, i want to—" he starts before cutting himself off. link's cheeks pinken. "i want to... i want to share the bed... with you..."
"you don't sound very confident," revali tries to joke, but his tone is still so unbearably gentle.
link shakes his head again, and this time when he looks at revali, his face is set in an adamant expression, his brows furrowed. "i do want to share the bed with you," he says. "i can. i swear. please trust me."
for some reason, it makes revali's heart skip a beat, but he just snorts and shakes his head before settling into the bed, turning the lamp on the nightstand off. "sure," he says, tugging the blanket underneath link up. "and if i wake up in the morning with you on the floor or on the couch, i'll definitely still believe you."
link wrinkles his nose at revali (cute, he thinks), and then follows after him under the blanket on his side of bed. revali sighs as he relaxes, lying on his back as he stares at the ceiling. link shuffles beside him onto his side, and revali can practically feel those wide blue eyes staring holes into the side of his face.
"want to take a picture?" revali mumbles, already feeling drowsy. the travel fatigue was starting to get to him. "it might last longer."
"sorry," link whispers. "you're just so... beautiful."
revali almost has the energy to blush. almost. "thanks," he says instead. he shuts his eyes, and listens to the sound of link's breathing beside him. they're both quiet for a while, until revali continues in a much quieter voice, "you are too." he swears he can hear link's breath catch as he lets sleep claim him.
and it's the best sleep he's ever had in his life. usually, revali wakes up at the crack of dawn, when the light is barely creeping over the horizon, no matter what time he slept. but when he wakes in the morning, the sun is already fully above the horizon and shining through the curtains. link is curled into his side, head on revali's shoulder and an arm thrown over his stomach, revali's own arms cradling link's body, keeping him close. the blond snores lightly, but sleeps like a rock atop revali. dimly, he realizes their legs are tangled together under the blanket, but he's warm and he's comfortable. revali closes his eyes; maybe staying in bed a little while longer like this wouldn't be so bad...
but that thought is cut short with urbosa knocking on the door to their room. "wake up, lovebirds, breakfast is ready!" she calls. "make sure you look decent before you get out here."
even closed, revali rolls his eyes and lets out a soft groan. link mumbles and shifts under his arms, trying to snuggle closer to revali, who dares not move an inch as the blond makes himself comfortable once more. only when link settles, still curled around him, does revali speak again, opening his eyes.
"i'm surprised you're not jumping out of bed for food," he says softly. "i'd have thought of you as a ravenous beast with an endless hunger, or perhaps a garbage disposal unit."
link hums at him. "comfy," he murmurs in response. "still sleepy too."
fortunately for revali, he's also still too drowsy for his heart rate to pick up and link hearing it. "a couple more minutes wouldn't hurt then," he replies, letting his eyes fall shut. "breakfast can wait."
they get a max of 7 minutes cuddling together under the blankets before zelda and mipha bust down the door together, saying they're taking too long and the food is going to get cold, and i don't care if you're being cute and gay and snuggly GET UP ALREADY!!! this time, link groans and throws the blanket over their heads, clinging to revali, but he sighs and decides it's time to actually wake up. after all, revali is well-acquainted with link's large diet and he needs to make sure the blond is always eating well, right? 😁😁 link will still be sleepily, grumpily clinging to revali's arm as they make their way to the dining room since he was so comfy in the bed, and only fully wakes up when the smell of food hits his nose 😹
a couple days later, the champs have their panel at twitchcon 👁️ i don't really care enough to write a whole scene about what the champs get asked, because it'll probably just be standard questions like, "what kind of group content do you guys have planned?" or "are you guys going to make a twitchcon vlog?" ("yes") or "zelda please marry me" ("security please get this person out of here") and i just am not feeling creative enough to write all that
HOWEVER. HOWEVER. revalink during the entire panel. ooughh. oughh man. they're sat together towards the center right of the panel table (from audience pov/stage center left), giggling and whispering to each other as questions are asked, chiming in here and there to crack jokes or answer as needed, stealing glances/side-eyes at each other whenever they can. they're so silly :3
at some point, The Question gets asked; "okay this one's for link and revali. have you guys gone on the date that revali planned from the love or host, or has this all been an elaborate ruse to make us all think you were dating?"
the question catches both link and revali off-guard, the both of them blinking dumbly at it. i mean, they were expecting to be asked a question about their relationship, seeing as it was a bit public and anyone could see it from their collab streams & videos, the way they bantered on twitter or in the comments of each other's instagram posts. they weren't subtle about it at all, but of course anything could be an act on the internet.
link's cheeks begin to pinken as he glances at revali, before turning back to the questioner to respond. "well, um, so—" and finally, the sound of link's voice makes revali's brain click back into place.
"have you any decorum?" he cuts the blond off smoothly. "it's not anyone's business how our relationship is going, actually. but if you desperately wish to know, then all you have to know is that it's plenty real and though we haven't gone on the date yet, it's planned and it's happening." revali looks at link, whose head is fully turned to look back at him, utterly flustered, eyes wide and cheeks fully flushed pink. his heart softens; cute.
suddenly, revali gets an idea. as subtle as he can, he reaches under the table and takes link's hand into his, sliding his fingers down the blond's palm before lacing their fingers together. if it's possible, link's eyes get even wider, his face even darker with blush, revali's heart practically melting even more from the look on his face. "link will not be seeing anyone for a while," revali says softly, but making sure the mic catches his voice as he keeps his eyes on link, "and he's very content with our current predicament.
a chorus of "awh"s and cheers rise from the crowd, while the rest of the champions groan or roll their eyes at the display. link gives revali a small smile and squeezes his hand. revali returns the smile with a fond look and squeezes back.
"i hope you guys know they're holding hands under the table right now," comes zelda's voice through the speakers, haughty and prim. the crowd screams and shouts and cheers even louder. "it's very rich of revali to complain about you not having any decorum and then continuing to have no decorum himself in public."
"oh shush, zelda, you're holding hands with mipha under the table too," urbosa replies. zelda shrieks in opposition, mipha bursts out laughing, the crowd gets louder, but link and revali are still staring at each other, still blushing, still holding hands stuck in their own world.
and of course, people were taking videos during the panel. the entire scene from question to zelda's shrieking is recorded and posted and made edits of and retweeted and qrt'd to death, until they're #1 on trending. it's a little embarrassing; this is the most attention revali and link's relationship has ever received, especially outside of their community. but neither of them regret it. next time, maybe they'll even post a picture of them actually holding hands. <3
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aviradasa · 3 months
Welcome to my masterlist
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{Picture from Pinterest}
The umbrella Academy
The walking dead
Miraculous ladybug
How to train your dragon (all spin-off shows)
The dragon Prince mysterys of Aaravos
Once upon a time
Hazbin hotel
Helluva boss
Van helsing 2004
Hellboy 1 and 2
Labyrinth 1986
The MCU as a whole (Marvel cinematic universe)
Same with the DC universe
Avatar 1 and 2
Pirates of the Caribbean (all movies)
Sally face
Call of duty
Legend of Zelda breath of the wild/ tears of the kingdom
Assassins creed 2
Stardew valley
(Work in progress I’m reading a lot more recently so give it time any book suggestions are welcome.I’m a huge fantasy fan!!!)
David Bowie
(I’ll add more here once my will to live dies again.)
Characters I will write for:
The umbrella academy:
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
(I'm only on season 5 so if you want more characters let me know and I'll do my best!)
The walking dead:
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Miraculous ladybug:
Jagged stone
Meeting the kids jagged stone x fem!reader HC
How to train your dragon:
The dragon Prince, mystery of Aaravos:
Love long lost Aaravos x Fem!reader pt 1
Love long lost Aaravos x Fem!reader pt 2
Love long lost Aaravos x Fem!reader pt3
The sight of two stars Aaravos x Startouched elf! Reader
Once upon a time:
Emma Swan
Regina Mills (the ‘Evil’ queen)
Mr.Gold ( Rumpelstiltskin )
Mary Margaret Blanchard (Snow white)
Captain Killian ‘Hook’ Jones ( Captain hook)
David Nolan (Prince charming)
(work in progress)
Hazbin hotel:
Angel dust
Helluva boss:
Blitzø x male!reader HC
Blitzø x Gn!Reader HC
Van Helsing (2004):
Gabriel Van helsing
Anna valerious
Velkan valerious
Hellboy 1 and 2 (live action 2004-2008 movies)
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Prince Nuada
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Princess nuala
Labrynth 1986
Jareth the goblin king
Peter Parker
Tony Stark
Dr, Stephan strange
Nick Fury
Bruce banner
Steven Rodger
Bruce Wayne
Barry allen
Oliver Queen
Clark kent
Poison Ivy
Avatar 1 and 2
Jake sulley
Miles Quaritch
Javier “spider”
Pirates of the Caribbean:
Captain jack sparrow
Captain Hector Barbossa
Will Turner
Elizabeth Swan
James Norrington
Bootstrap bill turner
Davey jones
Lord Cutler Beckett
Calypso ( Tia Dalma)
Sally face:
sal fisher
Larry johnson
Call of duty:
Ghost Mw2 and 2009
Balgruuf the greater
Legend of Zelda Botw/totk:
Assassins creed 2:
Stardew valley (Sdv):
The wizard
Papa Emeritus 1 (primo)
Papa Emeritus 2 (secondo
Papa emeritus 3 (terzo)
Papa emeritus 4/cardinal copia
Aurora (we have the same name irl lol)
David bowie(going by era and current stage persona):
Ziggy stardust
Aladdin sane
The thin white duke
Major tom
David bowie
My chemical romance
Gerard way
Party poison
Mikey way
Kobra kid
Frank iero
Fun ghoul
Ray toro
Jet star
I will add Other characters to any of these lists if you would like to request a character go on ahead!
What I will write/Rules:
No bullying or harrassment to anyone or groups of people in the comments. BE NICE TO OTHERS
No homophobia
No racism
No hatred
What I will write:
Info about Aviradasa!
I go by she/they
I have a cat named Nyx!
I am Demiaroace
I love horror movies with my whole life!
I have a tendency to obsess over shows/movies for undetermined periods of time 🤣
My favorite colors are Purple, red, pink, and black
My favorite singer is David bowie!
I can't choose a favorite band cause I love to many!
The movie Labyrinth by Jim Henson with David bowie and Jennifer Connelly Is my favorite.but Van helsing 2004 is a close second
PS. When requesting please be specific to what fandom/character you want(I will do crossovers.) just so I can make sure to get everything right for ya!
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sokkas-first-fangirl · 3 months
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Dorephan buried his face in his hands, rubbing at the scar on his forehead. “Why must it always be my children?” he asked of everyone and no-one. Beseeching the goddesses. “Why our family? I would love nothing more than to hide you both away in your rooms and keep you there. If I had it my way, you’d never leave home again.”
“Daruk gave me his Protection,” Link said quietly. “Between that and Mipha’s Grace…I can keep Sidon safe, I promise.”
“Child, I’m worried about you too,” Dorephan said loudly, verging on hysterical. “I worry for you both. Son, you…You were gone. I wasn’t sure when I’d get you back, or if I’d even be alive when you returned- assuming the Shrine worked at all. And then, when you do come back, I’m forced to send you into the thick of things. Lord Jabu-Jabu help me, I can hear your mother cursing me from the Sacred Realm. I’m sure she’ll have plenty to say to me when I see her again.”
His mama. Irma.
“What was she like?” Link asked.
That one quiet question seemed to completely derail Muzu and Dorephan. Muzu backed out of Bazz’s personal space with a sigh. Dorephan looked stricken.
Even Bazz and Rivan looked like someone had just slapped them.
Mipha has more visitors. After all, her friends and people can hardly be expected to stay away.
Meanwhile, memory after memory hits Link as he and his friends catch Dorephan up on their adventures. There's many different ways to be a parent and many different ways to form a family.
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Ma Kali & Kali Mantra: Meaning, Significance, and Benefits 🪷🪬🧿
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Goddess Kali is the divine protector of the earth who is also known as Kalika in Hinduism. But due to the goddess' destructive power, Kali is also known as the Dark Mother. As per mythology, the word Kali comes from the Sanskrit word Kala, which means time. Goddess Kali, therefore, represents time, change, power, creation, preservation and destruction. The word Kali also means “the black one”, the feminine noun of the Sanskrit adjective Kala. As per spiritual texts, Goddess Kali is considered a fierce form of Durga/Parvati and the consort of Lord Shiva. Besides being a destructor of bad powers of the universe, Kali ma is also a great giver to those who do good deeds and worship her with utmost devotion. Hence pleasing Kali ma allows the native a lot of compassion and blessings.
As per mythology, Kali maa is the first of the 10 Mahavidyas or manifestations of the Great Goddess. She is usually portrayed in a form where she dances or stands on her consort God Shiva, who lies calm and prostrated beneath her. Kali Maa is worshipped throughout the country but majorly in the seas of Bengal, Assam, Kashmir, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Kerala and Tamil Nadu, along with Nepal and Sri Lanka.
Over the centuries, the Goddess Kali has taken many forms to protect the Dharma and religion and destroy the one who commits sins. Astrologers say that Maa Kalika is the most awakened goddess in Hinduism and has walked the earth in four forms – Dakshina Kali, Shamshan Kali, Mother Kali and Mahakali. All these forms have served different purposes, right from Raksha Slaughter to the healing of the earth and its natives.
Kali Mantra
Story behind the destructive form of Maa Kali
There was a notorious asura named Daruk who had pleased Brahma and thus was rewarded a boon. The boon allowed the asura to cause grief to the Gods and Brahmins. If this wasn't enough, Daruk also started setting his kingdom in heaven. Seeing this, all the Gods reached out to Brahma and Vishnu, where they were told only a lady can kill the evil Daruk.
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Hearing this, all the Devtas donned a female form and went to fight Daaruk, only to get defeated by him. Post the failure, the Gods reached the Kailash mountain to share the ordeal with Lord Shiva. After listening to the Gods, Lord Shiva looked at Maa Parvati and said, "hey Kalyani I pray to destroy the evil Daruk and save the world." Listening to this, a part of Mother Parvati entered Lord Shiva.
That part of Bhagwati Mata entered the body of Lord Shiva and due to the poison in the throat of Shiva, Bhagwati Mata turned into a black Goddess. Lord Shiva felt that part inside of him and opened his third eye and appeared as Goddess Kali in a fierce form.
Just like Shiva, Maa Kali had a third eye and a lunar line. The throat had a sign of Karla poison, and she carries a trident. Seeing the fierce form of Mother Kali, Gods and Siddhas started fleeing. With the mere hum of Maa Kali, all the Asura army including Daruk was burnt to ashes. Yet, the fierceness of Kali wasn't over. The mother’s anger began to burn the whole world. To save the world from the wrath, Shiva took the form of a child and appeared in front of Kali.
When mother Kali saw that child Shirupi, she became fascinated by that form. She embraced Shiva and started feeding him with her breasts. Soon, Maa Kali became unconscious due to Shivji drinking the wrath of mother Kali. In order to bring the Goddess into consciousness, Shivji performed Shiva Tandava. When mother Kali came back to her senses, she saw Shiva dancing and joined him, due to which she was also called Yogini.
The two forms of Goddess Kali
In Hinduism, Goddess Kali is mainly portrayed and worshipped in two forms. The first is the four-armed form, and the second is the 10-armed form, which is also known as Mahakali. Both these forms have different meanings attached to them.
Four-armed form
The Indian art portrays the four-armed Kali in black or blue colour. The eyes of Kali are red in colour which depicts rage. Her hair is shown dishevelled, small fangs sometimes protrude out of her mouth and her tongue is lolling. The Goddess wears a skirt made of human arms and a garland which is made of human heads. The four-arm form of kali stands on the calm and prostate Shiva. All her four hands hold a different thing, mainly a sword, a Trishul (trident), a severed head, and a bowl or skull-cup (kapala) catching the blood of the severed head.
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In her left hands, Kali holds a sword and a human head. Here, the sword signifies divine knowledge, meanwhile the human head signifies the human ego, which must be slain by divine knowledge in order to attain moksha.
The right hands of Maa Kali holds the Abhaya (fearlessness) and Varada (blessing) mudras, which means her devotees will always be saved as she will guide them during and after life.
The Goddess also dons a garland consisting of human heads, variously enumerated at 108 or 51, which is why she is known as the mother of all the mantras in astrology.
The ten-armed form
The ten-armed form of Kali is her Maha Kali form. In her Maha Kali form, she is depicted as shining like a blue stone. Maha Kali has as many as ten faces, ten feet and three eyes for each head. All her ten hands carry various components, each of which represents the power of one of the Devas or Hindu Gods. This power is depicted in the form of the weapons that Maha Kali carries. The implication is that Mahakali is responsible for the powers that these deities possess and the implication is in line with the interpretation that Mahakali is identical to Brahman.
At times, people also tend to worship the “ek mukhi” or one-headed idol of Maha Kali displayed with ten arms, signifying the same concept.
The power tools of Kali are the Kundalini Shakti (the power of spiritual electricity); the Kriya Shakti, the power to creatively affect the universe; and Iccha Shakti, the power of will that personally compels our physical movements and actions, while in the universe it causes the galaxies to rush away from one another into the cosmic night. The chanting of various mantras helps the native have these energies for themselves.
How to chant the Kali mantras
Goddess Kali represents the colour black, and hence darkness appeals to her. This is how you should chant the Kaali Mantras.
Although Kaali Mantra can be chanted in the morning, hours after sunset are more feasible to recite these mantras.
It is best that you chant the Kaali Mantra on a new moon day (Amavasya). Wear the colour Red during the Maa Kali mantra recitation or Puja as Red is the colour that appeases the Goddess.
Also, if you plan to keep an idol or picture of Goddess Kali while reciting the mantra, you must make sure to keep it on a red cloth.
When reciting the Mantras, offer red flowers, fruits and sweets to Maa Kali. Always sit facing the East or North direction when reciting the Kali mantras.
As soon as you begin the recital, you will feel a certain vibration filling your being with strength and confidence.
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Any Kali mantra you pick up, it is advised that you chant the Kaali mantra for 40 days to gain all its benefits.
For better benefits, don't eat non-vegetarian food or avoid eating onion and garlic as well.
Important Kaali Mantra
1. Kali Beej Mantra
Kreem is the Ekakshari beej mantra associated with Goddess Kali. As such, the beej mantra doesn't have a specific meaning, but it represents the vibrations that aid the spiritual and mental state of the mind. Chanting the Kali beej mantra connects the native with the energies of Goddess Kali. These transformational energies help the native in fighting evil forces around and within him. It is said that chanting the Kali beej mantra with utmost devotion grants different things - right from devotional to material - to the native depending upon the quality of his or her mind.
The Kali Beej mantra is:
|| ॐ क्रीं काली ||
Om Krim Kali
Meaning- K stands for full knowledge,
R means she is auspicious,
I mean she bestows booms, and
M means that she gives freedom.
‘Salutation to the Supreme.’
Benefits of chanting the Kali Beej mantra
As per astrologers, the Kali beej mantra chanting protects one from all the evil forces.
Also, chanting the Kali beej mantra with full devotion fulfils all your desires and brings positivity to the environment you reside.
The mantra is also recited to uplift the confidence of the native.
Best time to recite the Kali beej mantra After sunset
Number of times to chant this mantra 108 daily for 40 days
Who can recite the Kali beej mantra? Anyone
Chant this mantra facing East or North direction
2. Kali Mantra
Although Goddess Kali looks frightening, she always tends to listen to her devotees' prayers as she is very fond of them. The prayers are better communicated to the Goddess if the devotee chants the Kali Mantra when praying to Goddess Kali. The Kali mantra mentioned below is said to heal the native of his worries and brings him closer to God. The Kali mantra is simple and transforms the devotee to Pure consciousness to help him make better decisions in life.
The Kali Mantra is:
|| ॐ क्रीं कालिकायै नमः ||
Om Kring Kalikaye Namah
Meaning- This mantra is a sound representation of the Mother.
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Benefits of chanting the Kali mantra
As mentioned above, the Kali mantra helps in transforming the devotee into pure consciousness, meaning the chanting helps in making his mind clutter-free.
The chanting of this Kali mantra rewards the native with utmost wisdom and knowledge.
The mantra relives one of all sorts of emotional pain. If you are having a hard time controlling your emotions, this mantra is very useful for you.
The mantra is said to bring the native unmatched courage.
Best time to recite the Kali mantra After sunset
Number of times to chant this mantra 108 daily for 40 days
Who can recite the Kali mantra? Anyone
Chant this mantra facing East or North direction
3. Maha Kali mantra
The Maha Kali mantra is not used much due to its purgative nature. However, the one who properly knows how to use the mantra can benefit from the unmatched courage and strength the mantra recitation promises to deliver. Maha Kali is the great divine form of Maa Kali and bestows the natives with the power to accept things around him and change accordingly. If you chant this mantra on a regular basis, you will end up feeling a thrust of positive vibrations around you, which will prompt you to make things happen for you.
The Maha Kali mantra is:
|| ॐ श्री महा कलिकायै नमः ||
Om Sri Maha Kalikayai Namah
Meaning - I bow my head to the Divine dark goddess Mother, Kali or I salute the Divine Mother, Kali.
Benefits of chanting the Maha Kali mantra
One must appease the Divine Mother by chanting this mantra in her honour in order to obtain her grace.
The Maha Kali mantra acts like a shield that saves anyone against the tough times ahead of him.
Reciting the Maha Kali mantra brings stability to the life, and helps the native better decide what is right and what is wrong for him.
Best time to recite the Maha Kali mantra After sunset
Number of times to chant this mantra 108 daily for 40 days
Who can recite the Maha Kali mantra? Anyone
Chant this mantra facing East or North direction
4. Kalika-Yei Mantra
Some problems in our life are just way too complex. The complexity is such that they keep us on our toes, barring us from enjoying and living life as it is meant to be. The Kalika-Yei mantra is for such problems. The mantra is especially useful for students and working professionals who constantly are under the stress of life, finding it hard to manage their personal and professional goals. The mantra also aids problems, doesn't matter how big.
The Kalika-Yei Mantra is:
|| ॐ कलिं कालिका-य़ेइ नमः ||
Om Klim Kalika-Yei Namaha
Meaning - Hail to the Goddess Kali, bless us with a conscious and insightful mind. Make us intelligent and wise.
Benefits of chanting the Kalika-Yei mantra
As mentioned above, the Kalika-Yei mantra is believed to bring relief from all kinds of problems, no matter how complex it is.
The mantra chanting is really useful for students and working professionals and helps them do better in life.
The mantra is protective of your life. It saves you from the danger of bad eye/buri nazar and hence keeps your progress intact.
Best time to recite the Kalika-Yei mantra After sunset
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Number of times to chant this mantra 108 daily for 40 days
Who can recite the Kalika-Yei mantra? Anyone
Chant this mantra facing East or North direction
5. Kali Gayatri Mantra
The Kali Gayatri mantra is one of the most useful mantras if you seek quick success in life. For the natives struggling at growing in their careers, the Kali Gayatri mantra comes to the rescue as its vibrations fill the native with positive energies. The mantra provides success, well-being and happiness to the native.
The Kali Gayatri mantra is:
|| ॐ महा काल्यै
छ विद्महे स्मसन वासिन्यै
छ धीमहि तन्नो काली प्रचोदयात ||
Om Maha Kalyai
Cha Vidmahe Smasana Vasinyai
Cha Dhimahi Tanno Kali Prachodayat
Meaning - Om Great Goddess Kali, the One and only one, who resides in the Ocean of Life and in the Cremation Grounds that dissolve the world. We focus our energies on you, may you grant us boons and blessings.
Benefits of chanting the Kali Gayatri mantra
As the native chants the kali Gayatri mantra, his mind becomes divinely transformed and passes from the gross state of worldly affairs into Kali’s subtle light of pure consciousness.
The Kali Gayatri mantra helps the native in accomplishing tasks successfully.
The mantra recitation is said to free the native from all fears of life to help him take the needed step.
Best time to recite the Kali Gayatri mantra After sunset
Number of times to chant this mantra 9 times daily for 40 days
Who can recite the Kali Gayatri mantra? Anyone
Chant this mantra facing East or North direction
6. Dakshina Kali Dhyan Mantra
Dhyan is a state of mind which helps you connect with the divine in numerous ways. Also called the Karpuradi Stotra, the regular chanting of the Dhyan mantra aids the native to connect with the energies of Maa Kali, which are fearfulness, courage, boldness, valour and more. However, to have the best of this mantra, the native needs to chant the Dakshina Kali Dhyan mantra regularly and with the correct pronunciation.
The Dakshina Kali Dhyan mantra is:
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|| ॐ ह्रीं ह्रीं ह्रुं ह्रुं क्रीं क्रीं क्रीं दक्षिणकालिके क्रीं क्रीं क्रीं ह्रुं ह्रुं ह्रीं ह्रीं ||
Om Hreem Hreem Hrum Hrum Kreem Kreem Kreem Dakshina Kalike Kreem Kreem Kreem Hrum Hrum Hreem Hreem
Meaning - Salutations to the Goddess who is the preserver of earth and saves the universe from all kinds of troubles.
Benefits of chanting Dakshina Kali Dhyan mantra
Recitation of this mantra releases you from the binding web of adult pretence.
Dakshina Kali Dhyan mantra energises you with positive energy so that you can achieve your goal no matter how tough.
The chanting of the Dakshina Kali Dhyan mantra brings peace, happiness, and satisfaction to the native.
Best time to recite the Dakshina Kali Dhyan mantra After sunset
Number of times to chant this mantra 9 times daily for 40 days
Who can recite the Dakshina Kali Dhyan mantra? Anyone
Chant this mantra facing East or North direction
7. Kali Chants
Apart from Kali mantras, there are also some Kali Chants a native can chant to seek the blessing of Goddess Kali.
The Dakshina Kali Dhyan mantra is:
ॐ काली, काली! ॐ काली, काली!
नमोस्तुते, नमोस्तुते, नमो!
नमोस्तुते, नमोस्तुते, नमो ||
Om Kali, Kali! Om Kali, Kali
Namostute, namostute, namo
Namostute, namostute, namo
आनंद मां आनंद मां कलि
आनंद मां आनंद मां कलि
आनंद मां आनंद मां कलि
ॐ काली माँ ||
Ananda Maa Ananda Maa Kali
Ananda Maa Ananda Maa Kali
Ananda Maa Ananda Maa Kali
Om Kali Maa
Overall benefits of Chanting the Kali mantras
The Kali mantras are one of the most powerful mantras in astrology and thus hold the capability to protect you from the hexes.
The Kali mantra chanting resonates with vibrations that calm you down and help you in attaining peace.
Reciting the Kali mantra awakens the inner consciousness of the person, and thus brings stability to his or her life.
Chanting the Kali mantra helps you maintain cordial and harmonious relations with your family and loved ones.
If you chant the Kali mantra regularly and with full devotion, the Goddess shall bring an end to all your sufferings.
Chanting the mantra on a regular basis safeguards the native from the disasters that may bestow upon his health, wealth and happiness.
The regular chanting of the Kali mantra gives you strength thereby making you more powerful than the problems you face.
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The chanting of the Maa Kali mantra helps in making your life more radiant. You shall feel the positive vibes if you chant these mantras on a regular basis.
The mantras aid the native's financial position and help in removing all debts.
In terms of love life too, reciting the Kali mantra can help in resolving issues surrounding your love life and can help you in achieving success all the way.
It provides success, happiness, progress, and well-being.
The chanting of the mantra, and the vibrations that release from it, help in uplifting your health.
The Kali mantras ward away the bad eye and any evil that attempts to stop your growth in life.
The Mantras help you to find a good match for matrimonial purposes. Chanting of Kali Mantra ensures any delay in marriage is resolved.
The chanting of Goddess Kali Mantra brings stability to life. You can decide what is good for your life. You always end up with good decisions.
I hope you enjoyed this blog more to follow shortly,
Culture Calypso’s Blog 🪷🪬🧿
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fioreofthemarch · 10 months
Finding Her - Chapter 6
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Link makes notes, takes photos and keeps time on his quest across Hyrule, in the hopes of finding Zelda and staying sane until he does. [ Previous | Next | First | AO3 ]
Log date: 13:50, 6th month, 6th day 104AC Location: Bedrock Bistro, Eldin Weather: Hot
Couldn’t sleep. Rose before dawn, just as the stable hands were starting their day. Took my horse and rode north at first light. No time for breakfast. 
There’s a third geoglyph near here. Just north of Lanayru Wetlands. I saw it while doing the topography scan at Eldin Canyon Tower and skydived so fast towards it that I nearly landed face first on the rock. 
Found another dragon tear. Another vision of Zelda: trapped in the past still, looking for a way home. No solution yet but the people there were kind to her and wanted to help. It’s just good to know she wasn’t alone. And she has time powers now? Not surprised. Time always seemed to slow with her around. 
The next tear is not far but, Eldin first. Something definitely going on there. Death Mountain has a halo of Gloom all around it, and the lava flows have stopped so the whole place looks like dried-out nutcake. Plus every Goron I run into must’ve rolled the wrong way out of his rock bed or something, and they’ve all got glowing red eyes (in my experience, not a good thing).
Think I have it partly figured out though. Stopped over at Bedrock Bistro for lunch. Was looking forward to some rock roast (the tougher the better) but the new menu they’re carrying looks… off. I admit I’ll try anything put before me in bowl, plate or cup but this ‘marbled rock roast’? It’s creepy. It’s made of rocks and it’s creepy. And everyone is eating it. 
Just going to eat any sunshrooms I can find on the way to Goron City. Wish I’d had breakfast.
A photograph of Cooke, the owner of Bedrock Bistro, munching on a large portion of marbled rock roast. His red-hued eyes are vacant, looking at but also not at the camera. 
Caption: Could swear that rock roast is wriggling. 
Log date: 12:00. 6th month, 7th day 104AC Location: YunoboCo HQ Weather: Hot
Made it to Goron City. Finally got a second to myself. Yunobo’s been apologising for the past five minutes for attacking me. ‘I can’t believe that mask made me do all that, goro, must have been wearing it wrong!’ Had to pretend I was out of fireproof elixir and could feel myself burning up. He rocketed away in search of some. 
Wasn’t expecting Yunobo to be the one peddling the marbled rock roast. When I arrived in Goron City, he rolled up with a real rock in his shoe and next thing I know we’re battling it out at his company headquarters. Seems like that kind of thing would be bad for business.
Anyway, it sounds like Yunobo hasn’t really been himself since the Upheaval, so no hard feelings. Still got a nasty bruise on my right side from where he clipped me with his new fire power. He’s turned Lord Daruk’s old defence into one hell of an offence. Would be more impressed if it didn’t hurt so much. 
Off to Death Mountain next. On Zelda’s trail again. I think I saw her talking to Yunobo before I had to fight him to get rid of that mask, and he remembers meeting her on Death Mountain just before he got ahold of it. Says he doesn’t remember much after that. 
I just can’t shake a terrible feeling though — an ugly kind that I don’t want to write down. When I saw Zelda talking to Yunobo, I couldn’t help but call her name. I thought for sure she’d have heard me, but after the fighting was done she left without a word. Just like at the Wind Temple, back in Hebra. I want to trust her. I want to believe in her. But instead I’m just starting to get… angry.
(Did I do something wrong? To make her act like this?)
Yunobo is on the way back now. He’s carrying more elixir jars than he can handle. Better go make sure so he doesn’t break them all on accident and I really do catch fire. 
A photograph of Death Mountain, long tendrils of gurgling Gloom rising up from its peak into the sky above. The air around the mountain is hazy and red, its rim is characterised by unnatural rock shapes that are speckled with molten lava. 
Caption: A welcoming sight. 
Warning: Maximum Purah Pad operational temperature reached. The Purah Pad is not rated for temperatures above 500 degrees. 
Core functions shutdown in 17… 16… 15… Would you like to continue operating the Purah Pad?
> Yes
Please enter extreme conditions authorisation code Core functions shutdown in 13… 12… 11… 
Incorrect code. Core functions shutdown in 9… 8… 7… 
Incorrect code. Core functions shutdown in 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…
Code authorised. If the Purah Pad begins making any crackling or popping noises, evacuate the area immediately 
Log date: 14:10. 6th month, 7th day 104AC.  Location: Fire Temple, The Depths Weather: ERROR  
Quick break. Yunobo brought rock roast for lunch — the real stuff, no marble in sight.  
We followed Zelda all the way to the Depths, fighting off some kind of lava monster on Death Mountain and rediscovering the lost city of Gorondia along the way. Each time we saw her I was waving my arms, shouting her name. Then I caught sight of her on the steps of Gorondia, heading inside. I sprinted after her. So fast I almost stepped straight into a lava pool. And she didn’t even turn.
Yunobo somehow got hold of me before I fried myself. By the time he set me down on some rocks, I’d lost it. Legs scrambling, arms flailing, shouting, ‘let me go, we have to catch her!’ He had to tell me to calm down. 
So we’re taking a breather. Yunobo’s sure Zelda will be waiting for us, and that she has some grand plan and is keeping us all safe by not telling us what it is. Still hurts, hurts bad, to be ignored. 
A photo of the Gorondia, the Fire Temple, emerging from the Depths. It is flanked by lava falls and seems carved from the bedrock itself. Unseen to the photographer is a small, ghostly figure of a young woman, with blonde hair and green eyes, standing on an upper level of the enormous structure. She looks at the camera with a blank expression. 
Caption: Are you in there?
Log date: 07:00. 6th month, 8th day, 104AC.  Location: Rollin’ Inn, Goron City Weather: Hot 
It went pretty quick after all that. A welcome blur. 
Fire Temple. Five gongs. Too many minecarts, too many tracks. Just enough Soldier Constructs to take some feelings out on. Marbled Gohma (big rock crab — blow up his legs, whack his eye, repeat). Nothing I can’t do with my eyes closed. 
Then it went about the same as before: Demon King. Secret Stone. Imprisoning war. And a vision of Zelda, who is now either locked away in the past or avoiding me in the present. Eugh. I managed to cheer up long enough to congratulate Yunobo on becoming the new Sage of Fire and to accept his vow, but I think he noticed my bad mood anyway. I should apologise. Maybe fry him up some sautéed rubies. With ripened flint seasoning.
Wish I could get her out of my head. I’m lying here replaying everything I can remember about her from before the Upheaval. Travelling, talking, telling stories, evenings by the fire, mornings in bed, making crepes (with the hand whipped cream and banana slices that she liked), the fancy way she did her braids, the way she hummed to herself when writing notes, the way she smiled when teaching her class. Because I’ve been thinking — there’s only one way any of this makes sense. 
In the vision I saw, in the geoglyph, that Zonai woman said something about a forbidden way to return home that would change a person forever. What if Zelda did come back but… not all of her made it? What if she changed somehow? Maybe she’s confused. Maybe she doesn’t remember anything. I’ve been there before, I can help her. If I can find her. 
But it’s not enough. It’s not enough. It’s not a comfort to know she might gone, real gone, and always was. I can say ‘I’ll find her’ ‘I’ll help her’ but what if I can’t do any of those things. What if she isn’t herself, or doesn’t know me anymore or doesn’t want my help or anything to do with me. If it was all for nothing, how do I
How do I
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tealmussel · 1 year
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Goron Champion, Lord Daruk || BOTW
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axewchao · 1 year
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A Difficult Topic To Broach
Broach (v): To raise a sensitive or difficult subject for discussion.
In which the Rito and the Hylian have a long overdue talk.
Story's under the readmore! And it's a long one, longest I've probably ever written! Enjoy the wall of text, y'all :'D
Revali could count on one wing all the times he'd been this nervous.
His first archery competition. His first flight race. The first time another Rito showed romantic interest in him. That time he challenged his endurance by flying nonstop for several hours, followed by him crash-landing on Satori Mountain and meeting the mountain's Lord face-to-face, ending with him shrieking in pure terror as he ran away.
But this… this was something else entirely. It wasn't his pride nor his life on the line, merely his heart.
It had been several weeks since he retrieved that accursed mask from the aforementioned mountain. Several weeks of replaying everything in his head, searching for any signs of deceit or truth, and giving himself a headache from his indecisiveness. Several weeks of lying awake at night with the mask in his arms, refusing to admit that he wished the mask's owner was there with him, to have those long-winded talks he'd grown so fond of.
Several weeks of avoiding the Hylian that caused all this, either hiding out of reach on Medoh or staying out of sight as much as possible when grounded by the other Champions as a group. Daruk and Mipha ended up having Revali as both backup and a sparring partner more often, not that either of them showed any complaints. If anything, Daruk in particular was overjoyed, assuming that their normally standoffish Rito ally was finally coming out of his shell. Rather than deny it, Revali for once held his tongue, letting the loud Goron think whatever he pleased.
The proud back "pats" he could do without, though.
And Urbosa? Revali never liked it when she tried lecturing him, or gave him that look that said 'I can read you like a book.' But it seemed as though this time she was just as in dark as everyone else, only commenting on Revali's shift in behavior a few times before moving on to more important matters, like the Princess' wellbeing, along with her knight's.
Speaking of that little knight…
Revali's rage over "the incident" had mostly died down, enough for him to stomach seeing the Hylian or hearing the other man's name without sneering. The knight in question didn't seem to make any effort to seek Revali out as far as he could tell, though whether it was because of guilt or indifference remained unclear. Revali's first instinct was to assume the latter; that the other boy was back to being his unemotive, uncaring, placid-faced self after his little stunt.
But those dark circles under his eyes, the signs of neglect in his hair, his ears somehow drooping even more than they already do, the overall faded complexion he'd displayed since that fateful night…
No one would take an act that far… would they?
If he truly wished to “toy” with you as you say, would he have bothered to reveal his true self at all?
That was the question Medoh probed Revali with, one he couldn't answer. Because truthfully, he was afraid.
Afraid that everything he assumed was right. That the perfect Rito, the perfect person he was able to form a meaningful connection with, was nothing more than a wicked, heartless lie.
Just this once, he wanted to be wrong.
Asking the Hylian to meet him alone was not easy.
Something always got in the way. A new monster to fight, a Yiga ambush, the knight just not being left alone for even one damn minute. For all of Zelda's efforts to get away from her appointed knight, he always found a way to keep her in his line of sight. And when she wasn't around, someone else was. From Mipha healing his wounds, to Urbosa dragging him off for sparring or lectures or Medli knows what else, to Daruk challenging his "brother" to random tests of strength. All in an effort to "get the little guy out of his funk!" in the big lug's own words.
Regardless of his "funk" being real or not, Revali had to give the Hylian credit where it was due; enduring such a complete lack of personal space for weeks on end wasn't something just anyone could do. Not without snapping, anyway. Revali would've undoubtedly started pecking at someone or plucking his own feathers by now if he were in the Hylian's talons. Er, shoes.
Was this the reason why he only appeared as a Rito at night, then? Because that was the only free time he actually had? And he chose to spend it with—
Revali forced the faint traces of hope in his heart back down. It was too soon for things like that. That was another thing Medoh told him: to not take his first guess and run with it. The ancient bird really was trying to act like a mentor of sorts, turning this into one giant "lesson" for Revali to learn.
The timing could've been better on her end. Maybe when Revali's ability to trust others wasn't in danger, perhaps? Just throwing it out there.
Now, with all these obstacles in place, simply waiting until nightfall was obviously the correct option, right? Oh, how he wished.
Even on the nights where he wasn't too tired to think clearly, all it would take is one glance at the Hylian and Revali's nerves would fly right out the window. He gave himself excuse after excuse; it's too soon, I don't know what to say, the others will hear us, he'll humiliate me. But the topic needed to be broached, whether Revali liked it or not.
It was either that or suffer in silence forever.
So with a heavy wing and pounding heart, he reached out and grabbed the Hylian's shoulder, stopping both of them from following everyone to the Highland Stable. He ignored the way the other man nearly flinched as he leaned in from behind, his beak barely brushing against a silver-pierced ear.
"We need to talk." He whispered urgently, "Meet me in Faron Woods. Tonight."
The burgundy-haired boy hesitated before nodding, not even turning to meet Revali's eyes. In a way, Revali was grateful; he felt like he would've cracked under the stress if he had to look at those darkened purple irises again. He pulled his wing away as though he'd been burned and continued onward, leaving the knight behind.
He kept walking, even passing the princess and other Champions, eyes firmly locked on his own talons.
He didn't look back, not even when several voices called his name in concern.
Night had come much sooner than Revali would've wanted.
The sky was clear, both the stars and rising moon were in perfect view, so Revali had no need to worry about getting lost in the dark due to his damned lack of night vision. Under any other circumstance, the moonlight streaking through the trees would've been a lovely sight, but it currently failed to ease his racing mind.
As he walked (he didn't run, shut up) across Fural Plain towards the woods, Revali made the choice to wait by the entrance instead of going inside. This way, he could keep an eye out for when the man in question showed up. The last thing he wanted was to be left sitting in the woods alone like some fool.
He already made a fool of me once, no reason to let him dig the knife in.
Enough of that, Revali.
Revali nearly set off his gale in a panic. Medoh?! Gods, I told you to stop scaring me like that!!
My apologies. But my point still stands, you must stop that nonsense.
What are you talking about?
Clinging to your assumptions. You are doing it again. Medoh paused, as if sighing. And you were doing so well earlier…
Revali scoffed. I don't recall asking for your approval.
Perhaps you did not, but I will express it anyway. Medoh wasn't capable of chuckling, but Revali could practically hear it regardless. You were indeed doing well before. And it is clear that you are trying to do well now. I am glad to see that you took my words to heart.
Revali growled under his breath as he smoothed down his feathers. …Thanks.
Hm? I detect a note of… what was it again… sarcasm? Are you being sarcastic with me?
Don't give me that, you know what sarcasm is, Medoh.
Yes, yes, I am well aware. I was simply trying to calm you down with our usual banter. Medoh's tone suddenly turned to faint concern. Your mind is filled with troubled thoughts…
Revali didn't reply, his crest drooping as he looked down. He leaned against a tree and hugged himself, despite there being no chill in the air.
Are you alright?
Alright? Revali's eyes burned, How could I possibly be alright? My heart could be shattered to pieces by sunrise. How do you expect me to feel?
So you decided to confront him after all?
Aren't you literally in my head all the time?
Medoh paused again before answering, her tone switching back to that of a consultant. Revali… I understand that you are fearing the worst. But I believe that you are… how to put it… overprepared.
Revali raised a brow. What?
You have made yourself aware of the worst possible outcome. Which is, again, understandable. But in the process, you are convincing yourself that the worst result is the only one you will get. Have you forgotten what I said before?
Revali sighed. No… I haven't. But what if…
What if… Revali gulped, his heart picking up speed once more. What if he really is sorry? What then?
Medoh made a confused trill. I do not understand your question.
If he really was just using me, at least then I know what I'll do; hate him for all eternity, never forgive him, and never give him the time of day again. But… If he wasn't, then… Revali trailed off, reluctant to finish the thought.
I do not have the answer to that. What happens next between the two of you is for you both to decide.
Yeah… Revali sighed, I figured you wouldn't. He looked up, gazing toward the distant stable. I know he agreed to come, but…
I am not nearby, so I cannot see him. Nor can I currently see him through your eyes. But the night is young, and you left rather early.
That much was true. Revali had opted to leave for the forest as soon as he'd finished eating that evening. Everyone (minus Mipha and Daruk, who ate their own fill of fish and rocks respectively) had carrot soup this time, but sadly they weren't the godly Kakariko carrots, so he couldn't distract himself with a delicious meal. All he could do was eat quietly while the others talked, and steal glances at the Hylian when no one else was watching.
He has a name, you know.
Oh, shut it.
Yet another preparation, perhaps? Teaching yourself to stop addressing him by name in case the worst comes to pass?
Revali felt himself flush under his feathers, mostly out of anger than embarrassment over the beast's correct guess. Shut up!
You are better off waiting until after your suspicions are confirmed or denied before you try something like this. You have been refusing to call him by name for weeks now.
If he really is as cruel as any other Hylian, then I don't even want to think about his name, let alone utter it. Is that a crime now?
It is if you are doing it before you talk to him. Must you be so dramatic?
It's not dramatic! If he saw no reason to treat me with respect then I don't—
Honestly, Revali… Medoh cut him off, It would not kill you to hold off on your judgement a moment longer. Now be still and hold your tongue. Revali's vision suddenly gained a faint blue hue. The Divine Beast was using his eyes.
The stable. Look again.
Revali did as he was told, but wasn't sure what he was looking for. The blue of Medoh's presence made everything blend together. …What? What is it?
…He is coming. It would seem that much like you, he has no intentions of wasting time.
Wait, what-?! Revali's feathers puffed in alarm. He shook his head and blinked several times, willing Medoh's vision away. Sure enough, there he was, walking down the path towards the now-panicking Rito. His head was down, so Revali couldn't see his face, just locks of burgundy that were much duller than they should've been, even under moonlight.
His time was running out.
No no no no no, not now! Revali hid behind a tree, hoping his feathers would blend in with the foliage. How long has he-? I don't even know what I'll-! He grabbed at his frazzled crest, Medoh, help me out here!! What do I do-?!
As I said before, what happens next depends on you. Both of you, and no one else. I refuse to interfere.
You couldn't give me a better warning, at least-?! Revali mentally yelled as he frantically smoothed down his feathers.
Calm yourself. Be patient and listen to his defense. Once all has been said, then you may pass your judgement. And not a moment sooner. Do you understand?
I… I…
Do you understand, Revali?
Revali's eyes started to burn, and he shut them tight. After a moment's hesitation, he finally relented. …Yes. I understand.
Good. I will leave you to settle this mess. Do not do anything rash, and do not act as though woe is all that betides you.
Was Medoh really about to just leave him to fend for himself here?? Sure, he never asked for Medoh's assistance in this matter, or any matter at all before, but him not asking never stopped her from meddling anyway!
I wish you the best of luck, my Champion. And with that, Medoh's presence was gone.
Of all the times to leave him alone… why now? It felt like Medoh had just thrown him to the wolves. Damned beast!!
All Revali could do was curl his hands into fists as he tried to force himself to calm down. Keep a straight face. Don't let the Hylian know that his will was unsteady. He had to be firm and direct, like always. He could do this. He had to do this. He—
…was cut off by the sound of someone gasping under their breath.
Oh dear Zephos and Cyclos, he couldn't do this.
Revali looked over his shoulder, and there he was, just a couple feet away.
He felt a brief chill as he stared into those pupilless purple eyes. Eyes that once shone with a light pink glow, eyes that once made him feel a number of different things. They were still rimmed with dark circles, implying that the Hylian either became a night owl from doing gods know what after dark, or he simply wasn't sleeping well.
Revali was afraid to find out the answer. But he already knew that through the conversation they were about to have, he'd get that answer anyway.
At Revali's lack of a reply, the Hylian ducked his head again, looking down at the ground. He raised it back up when Revali cleared his throat.
"Well, it's… good to know that you're punctual." Gods, even that was hard to say. He turned his back, waving the other over with a wing. "Follow me."
He heard footsteps following behind him, and that was enough for now.
Faron Woods was bigger than it looked on a map.
And in a way, that was a good thing. It meant that when Revali found a decent spot to sit, the view was lovely without looking too cramped or foreboding. The trees overhead provided cover, but still let streaks of blue light through, making even the leaves resemble sapphires. It was a scene worth painting, or taking a picture with the Sheikah Slate.
If things went well, Revali could look back on this clearing fondly. But if they didn't…
His feathers ruffled at the idea. Ignoring the urge to smooth them back down again, he glanced over at the Hy-
You are better off waiting until after your suspicions are confirmed or denied before you try something like this.
…at Dalex, who quickly turned away from him. Even under the shade of the trees, Revali could still see how disheveled he was. He was almost tempted to call this little meeting off and send Dalex back to the stable to rest. But it was too late to turn back; they were already here, and if Revali forced himself to delay this once more, he doubted he'd ever be able to fully shake off the shame.
Revali is many things, but a coward is not, nor shall it ever be, one of them.
He crossed his arms and braced himself. "You… you know exactly why I asked you to come here. Don't you." It was a statement, not a question.
Dalex's ears twitched as he nodded. His silence didn't sit well with Revali.
"You can't nod your way out of this. You and I both know that you can talk." If he looked away as soon as Dalex flinched, then it didn't happen, right?
Be patient. Do not do anything rash.
Revali sighed, "For the last few weeks, I've… been thinking about what I'd say to you. About… that." He couldn't hide the anger in his voice, only lower it. "I thought I'd have everything worked out, like I always do. But… I don't."
Dalex said nothing, the only indication that he was still listening being the twitching of his ears.
"You…" He crossed his arms, "We both know what you did. I don't see any need to waste time pointing it all out." And if he did so, he'd either crack or succumb to rage, and he wasn't about to do either.
Yet again, Dalex said nothing, but his ears drooped impossibly lower.
"There… ever since you… 'revealed' yourself to me, there've been nothing but questions running through my head. So many questions. And every time I thought about asking you, I just…" He squeezed his arms, willing his feathers not to ruffle. Now was not the time for that.
At the third lack of a reply, Revali felt his patience wane. They'll be sitting here til dawn at this rate.
"I'd like you to look me in the eye when I'm speaking to you, Sta-… Dalex." His crest lowered at the near slip-up.
He felt a wave of regret when Dalex finally did look at him. A light breeze had tousled the bangs that normally covered half of Dalex's face, revealing the right side that was hidden from everyone despite looking just as normal as the left.
He looks so exhausted…
If Revali was wrong in the end, that sight wouldn't be leaving his memories any time soon.
"I suppose I will just say it, then…" His beak hung open, piles of questions forming in his throat as though they were at war over which one could come out first. In the end, he settled on the one that was there the longest:
"Why did you pretend to be the Sta-… him?"
Dalex blinked, clearly expecting something else. For Revali to yell again, perhaps? Like he did that night? Part of him wanted to. But just asking that one question took all the anger out of him, leaving nothing but hollow longing.
You were at your happiest when you were with him. If the way he acted as the Starling had any hint of truth, then I want you to be able to see that.
Revali didn't need night vision to see the hints of reluctance in Dalex's eyes. "I won't yell, or scream, or cut you off, none of that. I want to hear what you have to say."
Listen to his defense. Once all has been said, then you may pass your judgement. And not a moment sooner.
He saw Dalex's mouth twitch, and he bowed his head. "…Please."
He heard Dalex take a deep breath, and then…
"I… I just wanted a break."
Revali raised his head, confused. A… break? "From what?"
"Everything." Dalex's shoulders fell, and his breath hitched. "I've been training to be the Legendary Hero for so long… I couldn't do anything but train, no one would allow me to do anything else. Not when Ganon could show up at any time and destroy everything. I had to follow Her Highness everywhere she went, even if she hated my guts and wanted nothing to do with me. I have to listen to other knights acting like jealous little pricks because I got the Master Sword and they didn't."
Revali winced at that last statement, but thankfully Dalex had already covered his face with his hand.
"Everyone looks at me like I'm either a god amongst men that will save them all or the bane of their existence, and I just-" He stopped, his whole body shuddering. "…Do you remember what I said at Warbler's Nest?"
He most certainly did. How could he forget?
"My life had barely gotten started and I already had to give it up. I couldn't say no; my-… what I had to do, what I still have to do is too important. Is… is it wrong if I'm upset about it…?"
Revali told him otherwise that night… He held the Sta- Dalex's wing in his own and told him that it wasn't fair.
"If I were in your wings, I’d be completely furious.”
"All this time, I never got the chance to do anything unless I had a reason, a damn good one at that. If it wasn't necessary for my role as the Hero, then I couldn't do it. I wasn't… I'm not supposed to be anything but the Hero."
Were… were Revali's ears tricking him or did he just hear a sniffle?
"I… have to be the Hero. I can't be anything else. Not until Ganon's gone. But I…" He pushed his bangs away, eyes now shining with unshed tears. "I was just so tired."
You look like you're still tired. Revali thought to himself. "That's why you used the mask?"
Dalex rubbed his eyes, nodding. "I didn't- I wasn't trying to… to quit, or anything, I'd never do that. I just, I just wanted to get away from it, for a little while."
"But… surely you've heard about those things before. Many have claimed that they'll curse those foolish enough to wear them." Revali personally didn't believe in such things, but he heard it through the grapevine plenty of times, especially near the end of autumn.
"Yeah… I know. That's what I said to the guy that gave me the mask in the first place." A tear fell before he could stop it, and Revali felt a chill run down his spine at the hero's admission. "But… but that first night, I just kept thinking about everything. About my duty, about Her Highness, about Ganon, about y-…"
About… me? Revali's heart fluttered, and he couldn't fathom why.
"I couldn't… I couldn't handle it anymore. I put it on, turned into- into him, and…"
"…Bumped into me." Revali finished. He remembered that night clearly as well. He never thought a Rito could be so clumsy, crashing into him just as he reached his favorite landing. That could've been the only time they ever interacted, but… "…Why spend your 'break' with me, then?"
Dalex made a choked noise, like he was holding back a sob.
"We both know that I've made my… opinions on your status as the Hero very clear. By all means, you should've wanted to avoid me as much as the princess avoids you. Yet you sought out my company above anyone else's."
"I-I wasn't- I mean, I didn't-" Dalex stammered, rubbing his eyes. "I just thought… I thought that things would be different. If I didn't have that damn sword."
Revali tilted his head. "Different?"
Dalex suddenly glared, the tear streaks somehow making his expression even more intense. "Everything I said to you as… as him. Think about what those things were."
Revali was struck silent as memories rushed to the front of his mind, one after another.
"Revali, that was incredible! How're you able to hit so many bullseyes from so far away?!"
"I never thought your bow would have so much weight to it… you're stronger than you look!"
"You're really lucky you get to see your mom all the time… I can't wait to see mine again."
"You know, I was wondering… You've picked up a lot of blacksmithing know-how from your mom. More than I've ever heard, at least. What made you turn to archery, anyway?"
"Ugh, how can you stand carrots? They're awful! Wha- EWWW! Keep them away from me, you- you featherbrain!"
"I never thought there'd be so many uses for your feathers… You guys are like, masters at repurposing."
"Fly across the Gerudo Desert, huh… I never thought about what lay beyond all that sand… but if your dad came from somewhere out there, then yeah, there's gotta be something! It's not like Hyrule is the only place with life in it, after all!"
"Maybe the other Champions were blessed. That's all well and good, but… I have to agree with you, nothing can beat hard work to get where you need to be. And your Gale is… It's more than just a skill. It's literally the start of a whole new legacy for all the Rito."
And one memory in particular stood out amongst all the others:
"To be honest, Revali… I can't remember the last time I talked to someone about anything other than my-… my journey. How important it is, how 'honorable' and 'noble' it is… I'm sick of hearing that. I just want to talk about literally anything else, and… I can, with you. It… It's nice, is what I'm saying."
Dalex, the Legendary Hero, the Hylian Champion, the mightiest knight in all of Hyrule… had said those words right to Revali's face.
"Would you have believed me if I said them the way I am now?" At Revali's silence, Dalex chuckled. "Thought so… You know, hearing you actually have a problem with me being the Hero… it was refreshing, in a way."
"Wh-Refreshing?" Revali was taken aback, "I fail to see how-"
"You didn't like that I had the sword, yeah. But… you weren't a complete ass about it. You at least offered to let me prove myself to you a few times instead of moaning and groaning nonstop." Like that time he suggested they battle on Medoh's back, followed by him bailing from Dalex's lack of a response. Not one of Revali's better moments…
"And… I've seen the way you act when, uh, 'off duty,' I guess. 'Specially around kids. It's sweet."
Revali's feathers ruffled at the compliment. It was true, he'd been known to dote on the children back in Rito Village; offering archery lessons, cooking large meals to feed them in groups, telling stories of his battles against the more powerful monsters, and so on. He'd caught Dalex listening in only once, but that was apparently enough.
"But… whenever you spoke to me, it always came back to my title. That stupid sword. And I just…" Dalex sighed, rubbing his arm. "I thought that… maybe if I didn't have it, then I'd actually get to talk to you. I'd been wanting to, anyway…"
"Have you now…?" Something about that statement made Revali's heart beat just a little faster.
"And I did. And it was… probably some of, if not the best nights I've ever had in my life. I could finally be… me. I actually remembered how to do that, even after a decade of being the Hero." Dalex's smile fell as soon as it came. "But as time went by, and I got to know you more, I…"
"…You what?"
"I started to realize it- it still wasn't-" Dalex pinched his brow, struggling to find his words. "It still wasn't me. Not in your eyes. Could I really count as your friend when you didn't even know who I really was?" He stopped to sniffle before continuing, "That's… that's why I…"
"…You took off the mask in front of me." Revali finished for him.
Dalex nodded, crossing his arms. "You… you deserve a real friend. Someone that can actually speak to you without needing to hide behind a mask the whole time. When I realized what I was doing, I… I had to stop it. I was being selfish and I was hurting you and…" He stopped to take a breath, then raised his eyes to meet Revali's. "And I'm so sorry."
Had… Had Dalex ever apologized for this before? Revali couldn't remember; most of that night became a blur due to his heartbreak and rage. He wouldn't be surprised if his outburst prevented Dalex from doing just that.
Hearing it now, though… it felt real. Revali wanted it to be real, so badly.
"You… you don't have to worry about me using it anymore. The mask, I mean. I threw it away." Dalex briefly looked away to growl under his breath, "Whoever finds it can have it, for all I care…"
Now the former, Revali remembered hearing Dalex say, before Revali silenced him with a gale as he fled. And thanks to a little (er, big) birdy, Revali had undeniable proof that Dalex had completely abandoned the mask. It took a fair bit of strength to not admit that he knew already, and that said mask was now hidden away in his own home.
As for what Revali could say… was there anything? Dalex had said his piece, so…
Listen to his defense. Once all has been said, then you may pass your judgement.
"…I would say that I knew what to think about all of this… but frankly, I don't." He ran a wing through his crest, "If I hadn't blown up at you when I did, then maybe you would've said all this already. Maybe we'd already know where to go from here. Or have an idea, at least…"
Dalex fell silent once more, ears twitching at his words.
I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but… Medoh was right. I was too prepared. Now I don't know what to do.
"I… don't know if I forgive you yet. Or even at all." He didn't see Dalex wince. He didn't. "But… It doesn't seem like you're lying, at least."
He did see the stunned look cross Dalex's face. Once again, it looked as though he was expecting Revali to say something else. An accusation, perhaps? A blatant disregard of his reasons behind everything that's happened between them?
When Revali thought about it, Dalex hadn't so much as tried to beg or fish for forgiveness in the entire conversation… Was he preparing for the worst too? If he was, then that would mean he…
The possibility is there. You know this. That he truly felt remorse for hurting you so.
Revali rubbed his temples as he felt a headache come on. The constant mental back-and-forths haven't been doing him any favors these past few weeks. He was so tired…
"Are… are you alright?" Revali heard the concern in Dalex's voice, and waved it off with a wing.
"I'm fine." Without giving Dalex a chance to reply, he started to stand. "…We should head back."
It was an abrupt end, Revali knew this. And he was pretty sure that they'd have to talk about this a bit more before Revali could make a decision. But again, he was tired. This whole conversation was probably the most exhausting thing he'd experienced in weeks, and all he'd mostly done was sit and listen. At this point, he just wanted to curl up in a cheap stable bed and sleep.
He was so tired, in fact, that he didn't even think twice about offering his wing to Dalex, who took it without uttering another word. Nothing was said when he gave that smaller hand a mild squeeze, and nothing was said when he held onto it, only letting go once they exited Faron Woods.
It wasn't the wing Revali held at Warbler's Nest all those nights ago. Not even close.
But… it still felt the same.
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polls-showdowns · 6 months
Here is the list of submissions for best ghost. If you see any typos or characters on here twice under different names please let me know. If you see any you don’t think qualify lmk so I can put them up for a vote.
Here is the list:
Ghost of Christmas Past (A Christmas Carol)
Ghost of Christmas Present (A Christmas Carol)
Ghost of Christmas Future (A Christmas Carol)
Jacob Marley (A Christmas Carol)
Goofy as Jacob Marley (Mickey's Christmas Carol)
Robert and Jacob Marley (A Muppet Christmas Carol)
Mia Fey (Ace Attorney)
Boo-talcorn (Adventure Quest 3D)
Countess Rieno'o (Adventure Quest 3D)
Thadeus Glume (Adventure Quest 3D)
Clarence (Adventure Time)
Ghost Fly (Adventure Time)
Ghost Princess (Adventure Time)
Dead Crewmate (Among Us)
Wisp (Animal Crossing)
Kitty (BBC Ghosts)
Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice)
Casper (Casper the Friendly Ghost)
Kibosh (Casper's Multiple Medias)
Snivel (Casper's Multiple Medias)
Ghostly Trio (Casper's Various Media)
Mr Oshiro (Celeste)
Julian Diaz (Cemetery Boys)
Headless Horseman (Classic Halloween Monster)
The Three Ghost Children (Coraline)
Thomas Sharpe (Crimson Peak)
Legendary Chalice (Cuphead)
Dani Phantom (Danny Phantom)
Danny Phantom (Danny Phantom)
Ember (Danny Phantom)
Johnny 13 (Danny Phantom)
The Box Ghost (Danny Phantom)
Little Ghost (Das Kleine Gespenst)
Jayme Dawson (Dawson's Christian)
Gentleman Ghost (DC)
Philip Ojomo - The Wraith (Dead by Daylight )
Rin Yamaoka - The Spirit (Dead by Daylight)
Sally Smithson - The Nurse (Dead by Daylight)
Hazel Ainsworth (Dead Gorgeous)
Rebecca Ainsworth (Dead Gorgeous)
Sophie Ainsworth (Dead Gorgeous)
Bakemon (Digimon)
Soulmon (Digimon)
The Hitchhiking Ghosts (Disneys Haunted Mansion)
Kirby (Elatsoe)
The Stay Puff Marshmallow Man (Ghost Busters)
Ghost Rider (Ghost Rider)
Gozer (Ghostbusters)
Librarian Ghost (Ghostbusters)
Slimer (Ghostbusters)
Vigo (Ghostbusters)
Zuul (Ghostbusters)
Vinz Clortho (Ghostbusters)
Hetty (Ghosts US)
Isaac Higgintoot (Ghosts US)
Sasappis (Ghosts US)
Trevor (Ghosts US)
Archibald Corduroy (Gravity Falls)
Moaning Myrtle (Harry Potter)
Nearly Headless Nick (Harry Potter)
Bloody baron (Harry potter)
Fat Friar ()Harry potter
The Grey Lady/Helen Ravenclaw (Harry Potter)
Max Jägerman (Hatchetfield Series)
Hannah Grose (Haunting of Bly Manor)
The Headless Horseman (Headless)
Hua Cheng (Heaven Official's Blessing)
Sam (Holes)
Hui Buh (Hui Buh)
Reimi Sugimoto (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Alex Mercer (Julie and the Phantoms)
Caleb (Julie and the Phantoms)
Luke Patterson (Julie and the Phantoms)
Reggie Peters (Julie and the Phantoms)
Willie (Julie and the Phantoms)
William Wisp (Just Roll With It: Prime Defenders)
Leonardo Cagliostro (La Porta Rossa)
Daruk (Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
Mipha (Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
Revali (Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
Urbosa (Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
Mineru (Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom)
Rauru (Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom)
Taira no Chouki (Len'en Project)
Rioc, the King of the Dead (Lord of the Rings)
King Boo Hoo (Mario)
Ghast (Minecraft)
Barbaruffa (Monster Allergy)
Dark Phantoms (Monster Allergy)
Johnny Spirit (Monster High)
Moanatella Ghostier (Monster High)
Sirena Von Boo (Monster High)
Spectra Vondergeist (Monster High)
Ari Hauntington (Monster High)
Kyomi Haunterly (Monster High)
Porter Geiss (Monster High)
Principle Revenant (Monster High)
Rhuen (Monster High)
Skyra Bouncegait (Monster High)
Vandala Doubloons (Monster High)
Constance Nebbercracker (Monster House)
Fa Family Ancestors (Mulan)
Gauzey the Hatbox Bear (Muppets Haunted Mansion)
Morro (Ninjago)
Spirit Mari (Omori)
Brook (One Piece)
Perona (One Piece)
Negative Hollows (One Piece)
Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde (Pacman)
Aggie Prenderghast (ParaNorman)
Elaine Stritch (ParaNorman)
Misdreavus (Pokemon)
Greavard (Pokémon)
Auguste Gusteau (Ratatouille)
Phantasma (Scooby Doo)
Phantom (Scooby Doo)
The Green Ghost (Scooby Doo)
Eli Slate (Sea of Thieves)
Flameheart (Sea of Thieves)
Merrick (Sea of Thieves)
The Pirate Lord (Sea of Thieves)
The Big Creep (Shovel Knight)
Katria (Skyrim)
Tikal (Sonic Series)
Kaonashi (Spirited Away)
No face (Spirited away)
Flying Dutchman (Spongebob)
The ghost of Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen (SpongeBob Squarepants)
Ronin (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
Anakin Skywalker’s Force Ghost (Star Wars)
Luke Skywalker’s Force Ghost (Star Wars)
Obi Wan Kenobi’s Force Ghost (Star Wars)
Qui-Gon Jinn’s Force Ghost (Star Wars)
Yoda’s Force Ghost (Star Wars)
King Boo (Super Mario)
Molly McNamara (Supernatural)
Augustus Parsons (The Adventure Zone: Dust)
Carrie Krueger (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Aliénor de Canterville (The Canterville Ghost (2016 movie))
Emily (The Corpse Bride)
Bob (The Dresden Files)
Scratch (The Ghost and Molly McGee)
Hannah Grose (The Haunting of Bly Manor)
Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb)
Gerard ‘Gerry’ Keay (The Magnus Archives)
Zero (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Grace Stewart (The Others (2001 movie))
Caleb Wittebane (The Owl House)
Ben Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)
Hanako (Toilet-bound Hanako-kun)
Grandpa Seth (Troll 2)
Sadie (Twenties Girl)
Gaster (Undertale)
Mettaton (Undertale)
Napstablook (Undertale)
Mad Dummy (Undertale)
Claudia (Vampire Chronicles)
Ghost Johnson (Vargskelethor)
Sock Sowachowski (Welcome to Hell)
Jackie Taylor (Yellowjackets)
Ghost Beef (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Yami Yugi/the Pharaoh (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Professor Banner (Yugioh GX)
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joyouzz · 7 months
LU/ATLA: Air Genocide
Over one hundred years ago, the Fire Nation, under Fire Lord Ganondorf’s orders attacked all four temples of the Air Nomads to wipe them out.
It is thanks to the actions of Avatar Rauru and rebels of the Gerudo that there were survivors.
Important Figures:
Fire Lord Ganondorf
King of the Gerudo and new Fire Lord
By birthright, he was the ruler of the Gerudo but forcibly took the former Fire Lords life to claim his title as Fire Lord.
• Ordered the Fire Nation to wipe out all Air Nomads
Avatar Rauru
The Avatar of the current Era
• Defended the Southern Air Temple
• Took the Southern, Eastern, and Northern Air Temples into the sky with the few remaining Air Nomads to keep safe
Chief Urbosa
Chief of the rebel Gerudo group
• Found Ganondorf’s plans to wipe out the Air Nomads
• Lead the rebels to defend the Eastern Air Temple
• Gave her life in defending those in need
Princess Mipha
Northern Water Tribe Princess
• Near the Northern Temple during the attack
• Rushed to help, saved and healed those in need
• Killed on her way to the Western Air Temple
Monk Revali
Youngest Air Nomad to receive his tattoos
• Defended the Northern Air Temple
• Killed during the attack
Fire Nation soldier
• Refused Ganondorf’s orders
• Successfully warned the Western Air Temple
• Taken out while defending the temple
Impact on the World:
• Sent all Air Nomads into hiding
• Whenever it was to the skies or hiding their bending while remaining in the surface
• Target all remaining Air Nomads
• Sent the world into peril
• Scared the other nations
• Earth Kingdom began building its defenses
• Northern Water Tribe mourned their princess
• Southern Water Tribe Raids began
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wolfgabe · 6 months
Now I want to see Nintendo do their own Once Upon A Studio style short.
Some day I would love to see Nintendo do their own little short film similar to Once Upon A Studio with all the different Nintendo characters gathered together with a giant group photo at the end.
My ideas for who could appear.
The Super Mario Series
Toad/Captain Toad
Bowser Jr
Petey Piranha
Count Bleck
King Olly
Foreman Spike
Broque Monsieur
King Boo
The Legend of Zelda
The Skull Kid
Prince Sidon
Master Kohga
King Daphnes
King Rhoam
Chancelor Cole
The Happy Mask Salesman
Lord Girahim
Raven Beak
Mother Brain
Space Pirates
Dark Samus
Adam Malkovich
Fire Emblem
King Garrin
Black Night
Captain Falcon
Samurai Goro
Dr Stewart
Blood Falcon
Black Shadow
The Skull
Jody Summer
Buzz Buzz
Mr. Saturn
Flying Man
Dungeon Man
Master Belch
Kid Icarus
Eggplant Wizard
The Reaper
Dark Pit
Wario Land/WarioWare
Captain Syrup
Rudy the Clown
The Shake King
Queen Meralda
The Black Jewel
Princess Shokora
Jimmy T
Young Cricket
Master Mantis
Dr Crygor
The President
The Ancient Sirehound
Various Pikmin
Emperor Bulblax
Animal Crossing
Tom Nook
Mr Resetti
Tommy and Timmy Nook
Crazy Redd
Dr Shrunk
Zipper T
K.K. Slider
Daisy Mae
Don Resetti
Capn Cuttlefish
Dj Octavio
Callie and Marie
Big Man
Mr. Grizz
Commander Tartar
Crusty Sean
Annie and Moe
Lil Judd
Aunt Flow and Craymond
Mr Coco
Gnarly Eddie
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
Dixie Kong
Cranky Kong
Funky Kong
Candy Kong
Kiddie Kong
Swanky Kong
King K Rool
Tiki Tong
Lord Fredrick
Party Monkeys
Dread Kong
Ninja Kong
Karate Kong
Sumo Kong
Cactus King
Donkey Kong Jr
Spring Man
Ribbon Girl
Min Min
Master Mummy
Kid Cobra
Byte & Barq
Max Brass
Lola Pop
Dr Coyle
Yoshi Series
Burt the Bashful
Roger the Potted Ghost
Naval Piranha
Hookbill the Koopa
Raphael the Raven
Baby Mario
Kirby Series
King Dedede
Bandana Waddle Dee
Meta Knight
Whispy Woods
Mr Shine and Mr Bright
Dark Matter
Dark Mind
Queen Sectonia
President Haltmann
The Three Mage Sisters
Punch Out!!
Little Mac
Doc Louis
Glass Joe
King Hippo
Von Kaiser
Soda Popinski
Bald Bull
Don Flamenco
Great Tiger
Piston Hondo
Bear Hugger
Mr. Sandman
Super Macho Man
Xenoblade Chronicles Series
Metal Face
Riku and Manana
Star Fox
Peppy Hare
Slippy Toad
General Pepper
Wolf O Donnell
Prince Tricky
General Scales
Early Nintendo/NES Era
Mr Game & Watch
Professor Hector
Dr Mario Viruses
Mach Rider
Ice Climbers
The Condor
The Polar Bear
ExciteBike Racers
Duck Hunt Dog and Ducks
Wild Gunman Outlaws
Sable Prince
Eggplant Man
Balloon Fighter
Wii Fit Trainers
Ring Fit Trainees
Dillion and Russ
Rusty Slugger
Ryota from Wave Race
Sebastian Tute from Wii Music
Chibi Robo
The Arcade Bunny from Nintendo Badge Arcade
Nikki from Swapnote
The Flipnote Studio Frog
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stachebracket · 1 year
Round One 'Stache Match-ups
Peppino Spaghetti (Pizza Tower) vs Professor Rowan (Pokémon) Geppetto (Pinocchio 1940) vs Tim Lockwood (Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs)The Lorax (The Lorax) vs William Riker (Star Trek: Next Generation) The President (Pikmin) vs King Dice (Cuphead) Nigel Thornberry (The Wild Thornberrys) vs Kratos (God of War) Filbrick Pines (Gravity Falls) vs Mouse Kaboom (Happy Tree Friends) Tarzan's Dad (Tarzan 1999) vs Drayden (Pokémon) Morshu (Legend of Zelda) vs Magikarp (Pokémon) Luigi (Super Mario) vs Snidely Whiplash (Rocky and Bullwinkle) Dracula (Castlevania) vs Gaepora (Legend of Zelda) Hades (Hades) vs Geralt (The Witcher) Jules Winnfield (Pulp Fiction) vs Walrus Captain (A Hat in Time) Dr. Wily (Megaman) vs Charlie Swan (Twilight) King of All Cosmos (Katamari) vs Hizashi "Present Mic" Yamada (My Hero Academia) Drake (Pokémon) vs Craigor Smiff (Red Stitch Report) Blaine (Pokémon) vs Gimli (The Lord of the Rings)
Eggman (Sonic) vs Lando Calrissian (Star Wars) Archibald Dandy (The Adventures of Captain Wrongel) vs Walter White (Breaking Bad) Mung Daal (Chowder) vs Linebeck III (Legend of Zelda) Kingambit (Pokémon) vs Doc Louis (Punch-Out!!) Major Alex Louis Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist) vs Doctor Neo Cortex (Crash Bandicoot) Soichiro Yagami (Death Note) vs Murro Morton (Identity V) Baron Zeppeli (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 1: Phantom Blood) vs J. Jonah Jameson (Marvel) Wulfric (Pokémon) vs Henry Henderson (Spy x Family) Gashu Satou (Your Turn to Die) vs Stanley Hudson (The Office) Alolan Golem (Pokémon) vs Landorus (Pokémon) King Harkinian (Legend of Zelda) vs Thundurus (Pokémon) Gustavo (Pizza Tower) vs Tornadus (Pokémon) Broque Monsieur (Mario & Luigi) vs Cadmus Ebcott (Red Stitch Report) Rhys Strongfork (Borderlands) vs Agustín Madrigal (Encanto) Bob Belcher (Bob's Burgers) vs Soseki Natsume (The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles) Oscar (Duolingo) vs Professor Turo (Pokémon)
Soda Popinski (Punch-Out!!) vs Mario (Super Mario) Cliff Clavin (Cheers) vs King River Butterfly (Star vs the Forces of Evil) Stoutland (Pokémon) vs Grandpa Harley (Homestuck) Von Kaiser (Punch-Out!!) vs The Captain (BBC Ghosts) Mustache Girl (A Hat in Time) vs Tobias Fünke (Arrested Development) Chat Noir (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Randy Marsh (South Park) Wario (Super Mario) vs Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings) Kevin Ayuso (Identity V) vs Mr Pickels (Happy Tree Friends) Inigo Montoya (The Princess Bride) vs Minimus Ambus (Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye) Kricketune (Pokémon) vs Eldstar (Paper Mario) Jane Crocker (clever disguise) (Homestuck) vs Advisor Mung (Hypnagogia 無限の夢 Boundless Dreams) Saguaro (Pokémon) vs Revolver Ocelot (Metal Gear Solid) GOING TO REMATCH Waluigi (Super Mario) vs Vincenzo Santorini (Atlantis: The Lost Empire) Mr. Rime (Pokémon) vs Raikou (Pokémon) Sportacus (Lazy Town) vs Ron Swanson (Parks and Recreation) Steven Magnet (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) vs Sir Humphrey Bone (BBC Ghosts) Sea Hawk (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) vs Duster (Mother 3) Varrick (The Legend of Korra) vs King Bradley (Fullmetal Alchemist) Omni-Man (Invincible) vs Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart (Doctor Who) William Murderface Murderface Murderface (Metalocalypse) vs Lolorito Nanarito (Final Fantasy XIV) Mumbo Jumbo (Hermitcraft) vs Probopass (Pokémon) The Toy Soldier (The Mechanisms) vs Chancellor Cole (Legend of Zelda) Alakazam (Pokémon) vs Entei (Pokémon) Thom Merrilin (The Wheel of Time) vs James Gordon (DC Comics) Gomez Addams (The Addams Family) vs Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid) GOING TO REMATCH Asgore Dreemurr (Undertale) vs Taryon Gary Darrington (Critical Role) Julius Pringle (Pringles) vs Netero (Hunter x Hunter) Dudley (Street Fighter) vs Barret Wallace (Final Fantasy VII) BJ Hunnicutt (M*A*S*H) vs Daruk (Legend of Zelda) Mabosstiff (Pokémon) vs Vito Corleone (The Godfather) Cervantes (Fire Emblem) vs Don Paolo (Professor Layton) Gordan Freeman (Half-Life) vs Zangief (Street Fighter)
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imaginethezeldaverse · 8 months
What if Daruk and 'Drug Lord' Yunobo met somehow? Will poor grandpa have panic attack? ಠ_ಠ
Drug Lord Yunobo 😭😭😭
If by some divine intervention Daruk somehow ends up showing up while Yunobo is possessed by the mask, I'm almost positive it's gonna end up in a wrestling match lol. Mostly because Daruk will catch on that the something's up with the one Goron who looks drastically different from the rest, y'know, the one barking orders and being super mean?
I love Yunobo, but Daruk would definitely give his grandson the what for and probably end up yanking the mask off of his head lol. Poor Yuno would probably be so horrified 😭
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zoragrace · 3 months
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@gloryseized has entered. << i could eat it for every meal. >> handsigned by Link
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"It is quite delicious," There's something so warm and inviting about a rice bowl. If only rice imports to the domain weren't so scarce with the influx of monsters about.
One of the perks of being in a war camp, she thought to herself.
A silence fell over the group as dinner was served. The quiet was a rarity, but with food, comfort food like this, everyone truly needed a moment to enjoy something that reminded them of home. A second and enthusiastic helping filled their dishes, which caused the Princess to quip about how she may have a favorite meal.
"Though it is... missing something..."
She pulls out a small vial of deep red spice from her pack. The popo of the cork from the top is audible as she practically dumps a small pile on top of the rice. (Oh Goron Spice, her greatest weakness!)
"Would you like some? I'll apologize in advance; there's not much left... Lord Daruk has been kind enough to send me more when he returns to Goron City, but the shipments have been far and few in between."
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Meet The Competitors
Preliminaries have officially ended! Combining the winning characters from the preliminaries with the characters who received 3+ nominations during the submission period, we have officially finalized our 128 competitors. It will take some time to get the brackets and Round 1 polls together, so in the meantime here is the complete list of competitors for those who are curious.
Mustache Girl (A Hat in Time)
Count Olaf (A Series of Unfortunate Events)
Damon Gant (Ace Attorney)
The Judge (Ace Attorney)
Marvin Grossberg (Ace Attorney)
Ice King (Adventure Time)
Magnus Burnsides (The Adventure Zone: Balance Arc)
Gordito Delgado (The Adventures of Dr. McNinja)
Captain Archibald Haddock (The Adventures of Tintin)
Hercule Poirot (Agatha Christie's Poirot)
Brewster (Animal Crossing)
Heimerdinger (Arcane: League of Legends)
Iroh (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Lawrence Betelgeuse Shoggoth (Beetlejuice: The Musical)
Bob Belcher (Bob's Burgers)
Tim Lockwood (Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs)
Jet Black (Cowboy Bebop)
Watari (Death Note)
Senshi (Delicious in Dungeon)
Harry Du Bois (Disco Elysium)
The Master (Doctor Who)
Sebastian (Doki Doki Precure)
Cranky Kong (Donkey Kong)
Captain Villads (The Dragon Prince)
The Lorax (Dr. Seuss)
Ramuh (Final Fantasy)
Cervantes (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
Alex Louis Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Maes Hughes (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Kintoleski (Futari wa Precure Splash Star)
Kratos (God of War)
Lan Qiren (Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation)
Old Man McGucket (Gravity Falls)
Stan Pines (Gravity Falls)
Gordon Freeman (Half-Life)
Mumbo Jumbo (Hermitcraft)
The King of Town (Homestar Runner)
Seneca Crane (The Hunger Games)
Isaac Netero (Hunter x Hunter)
Gyro Zeppeli (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
The King of All Cosmos (Katamari)
Solomon David (Kill Six Billion Demons)
Chourou (Kira Kira Precure a la Mode)
Ganondorf (The Legend of Zelda)
Daruk (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
King Harkinian (The Legend of Zelda CD-i)
Morshu (The Legend of Zelda CD-i)
Yosemite Sam (Looney Tunes)
Gandalf (Lord of the Rings)
Gimli (Lord of the Rings)
Treebeard (Lord of the Rings)
Daisuke Jigen (Lupin III)
Tim Wright (Marbel Hornets)
Broque Monsieur (Mario & Luigi)
Mr. Sinister (Marvel)
Odin Borson (Marvel)
The Bowler Hat Guy (Meet the Robinsons)
William Murderface (Metalocalypse)
Rich Uncle Pennybags (Monopoly)
Danjuro "Gentle Criminal" Tobita (My Hero Academia)
Shouta "Eraserhead" Aizawa (My Hero Academia)
Yamada "Present Mic" Hizashi (My Hero Academia)
Master Wu (Ninjago)
Maestro (Once Upon a Time...)
Dracule Mihawk (One Piece)
Edward "Whitebeard" Newgate (One Piece)
Franky (One Piece)
Gan Fall (One Piece)
Gol D. Roger (One Piece)
Jinbe (One Piece)
Kaido (One Piece)
Killer (One Piece)
Marshall "Blackbeard" D. Teach (One Piece)
Rob Lucci (One Piece)
Sanji (One Piece)
Trafalgar D. Water Law (One Piece)
Usopp (One Piece)
Zeff (One Piece)
Darius Deamonne (The Owl House)
Dell Clawthorne (The Owl House)
Paul Blart (Paul Blart: Mall Cop)
Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Entei (Pokémon)
Kricketune (Pokémon)
Probopass (Pokémon)
Raikou (Pokémon)
Samurott (Pokémon)
Sealeo (Pokémon)
Stoutland (Pokémon)
Drayden (Pokémon: Black & White)
Captain Kamado (Pokémon Legends: Arceus)
Warden Ingo (Pokémon Legends: Arceus)
Count Dracula (Popular Culture)
Santa Claus (Popular Culture)
Inigo Montoya (The Princess Bride)
Julius Pringles (Pringles)
Agent Wyoming (Red vs Blue)
James Ironwood (RWBY)
Remus Sanders (Sanders Sides)
Norville "Shaggy" Rogers (Scooby Doo)
Sea Hawk (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Ned Flanders (The Simpsons)
Master Eon (Skylanders)
Papa Smurf (The Smurfs)
Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Kamaji (Spirited Away)
SpongeBob SquarePants (The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie)
Henry Henderson (Spy x Family)
Will Riker (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
Mirrorverse Spock (Star Trek: The Original Series)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars)
Hades (Supergiant Games' Hades)
King Bob-omb (Super Mario)
Luigi (Super Mario)
Mario (Super Mario)
Toadsworth (Super Mario)
Waluigi (Super Mario)
Wario (Super Mario)
R.J. MacReady (The Thing)
Ricky LaFleur (Trailer Park Boys)
Minimus Ambus (Transformers)
Asgore Dreemurr (Undertale)
Coran Hieronymus Wimbleton Smythe (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
Jimmy T (WarioWare)
Nigel Thornberry (The Wild Thornberrys)
Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher)
Professor Crumbs (Wizards of Waverly Place)
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ezlo-x · 1 year
i would read daruks diary but ✨i dont have the dlc✨🌈 (im sobbin rn)
thats ok! There's a zelda wiki for each champion's diary/journal you should check out! :]
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