we-are-a-dragon · 3 years
DM: After another twenty minutes, Galwyn exits his dungeon. He's crestfallen to learn he came fifth.
Tati (playing Seraph): *urgently* What about Heron's Fall?
DM: You wait another forty minutes.
M (playing Kjell): Shit.
Tati: I feel sick.
DM: Finally, there's movement. Lehkraskol emerges from the ladder, alone.
Marijn (playing Godric): Oh god.
DM: They look utterly exhausted. There's a rope around their waist; as soon as they're on solid ground, they turn and begin hauling on it.
M: I help-
Hamish (playing Thaddeus): We can't, it's against the rules. *grim*
Adam (playing Billie): We crowd as close as we can without touching them.
DM: Dragonkiller appears, climbing the ladder and leaning heavily on the rope. The bodies of the other three members of Heron's Fall are tied to their belt.
Tati: *hands over mouth* Oh god. No!
Billie: As soon as they touch the ground outside the dungeon I'm on them making Heal checks.
DM: They are cut, burned, beaten and bloody... but they are all alive. Just.
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we-are-a-dragon · 3 years
DM: Everyone is to leave immediately for Round Four, and your timer will start as soon as you reach the location of your mystery. You have been tasked with investigating why nobody has passed through the town of Rivertun in two months.
Tati (playing Seraph): Before we leave, I go over and hug each member of Heron's Fall.
DM: Esmel's eyes clear slightly and she hugs you back, faint confusion on her face, then she glazes over again.
Tati: *whimpers* When I get to Lehkraskol, I press the Sending Stone into their hand. 20 for my Thievery check.
DM: They squeeze your hand for a second, then take the stone. Nobody seems to notice except The Craftsmen. Alwel nods very slightly.
Tati: I press my forehead to Esmel's and telepath to her. -Remember who you are. Remember how much you want to protect your party.-
DM: The returning thought is faint and bland. -I know who I am.-
Tati: I give her the smallest of shakes. -Don't let this competition make you lose sight of what's really important to you.-
DM: She smiles placidly.
Adam (playing Billie): This is so creepy and awful.
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we-are-a-dragon · 3 years
DM: When everyone has gathered to hear what Round Four will be, Duke Farlaing claps his hands. He looks in high spirits again. He announces, "Good news! Heron's Fall has had a change of heart and will no longer be leaving the tournament!"
Adam (playing Billie): No!
DM: They enter the ballroom. Maria is missing. Lehkraskol looks terrified. Esmel, Rowan and Dragonkiller have horribly familiar glazed eyes.
Tati (playing Seraph): *strangled sound*
Adam: Fuck. Fuck.
Tati: I telepath to Lehkraskol. -What's going on?-
DM: *dryly* I love that telepathy exists. Lehkraskol looks helplessly at you. -I don't know. I couldn't stop them.-
Adam: I telepath to Lehkraskol. -Are you okay?-
DM: They respond to you. -No. I don't know what to do. Help us.- Farlaing crows, "Let's give them a round of applause-"
Hamish (playing Thaddeus): I call loudly, "Where's Maria?"
DM: There's an awkward pause. Farlaing says, "She appears to have left the party."
Tati: To Lehkraskol. -How did this happen? Who did this?-
DM: They're shaking. -I don't know. They woke up like this. Maria argued with Esmel and left. They won't listen to reason. I couldn't abandon them.-
Tati: *horrified* So it happens in our sleep.
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we-are-a-dragon · 3 years
DM: Heron's Fall is not planning to come anywhere near Duke Farlaing's manor again. Maria has a tavern room they can hide out in until they're able to leave Suda.
Seraph (siren sorcerer): Before we head back, I hug them all again. When I get to Lehkraskol I say, "You did so well. I'm so proud of you."
DM: They say, "Thank you. For everything."
Seraph: "You cou- no, that's not my place."
DM: They ask, "What were you going to say?"
Seraph: I telepath to them. -You could say that you've fulfilled your life debt to Esmel now. If you like.-
DM: They give you a tiny smile. -Maybe you're right. But maybe I'll stick around a while longer.-
Seraph: I hug them. -I think that would be wonderful.-
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we-are-a-dragon · 3 years
Seraph (siren sorcerer): I run after Esmel.
Billie (gnome ardent): I follow.
DM: She and the rest of Heron's Fall are in the front hall with their bags packed.
Seraph: Esmel, he just said those things to hurt you, because he's pissy about his stupid tournament. You've only been adventuring for a couple of months, right?
DM: She nods without meeting your eyes.
Seraph: You're already doing amazingly. You're coming third equal in a tournament that is challenging parties who have been running for decades.
DM: So quietly that you can barely hear her, "My whole party almost died trying to keep up with this competition. That's on me."
Godric (fairy warlock): Exactly. You've acknowledged that you aren't ready for this, and you're sacrificing your pride for their lives. That's the sign of a great leader and a great hero. If you all died today, you'd never have the chance to gain as much experience as we have. That's the only difference between us: experience. Go out there and get it.
DM: Lehkraskol puts a gentle hand on Esmel's shoulder. "You did the right thing, Esmel."
Billie: And you'll always be better than Servants of the Sun.
DM: They all laugh shakily.
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we-are-a-dragon · 3 years
DM: Alright team, let's leave it there for the night.
Adam (playing Billie): *breath whooshes out* Oh my god, this is so creepy!
Marijn (playing Godric): I did not think after last week that I could care about the tournament, but this is intense.
Andy (playing Una): Do you think we can solve Rivertun's mystery with the information we have so far?
DM: Maybe. Probably. I would love it next week if someone shows up and says "I know what's going on!"
Tati (playing Seraph): I think the whole town is one organism. Its puppets are mostly convincing until you get up close. You can't break parts of it off. It's like the most sophisticated magical angler-fish in the world. First thing next session remind me to make a Dungeoneering check to see if I've ever heard of a monster like that.
DM: I'll make a note. Next session should be interesting whatever happens.
Andy: And of course, Lehkraskol could call us at any moment.
Tati: Jesus Christ.
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we-are-a-dragon · 3 years
Tati (playing Seraph): I run over to Heron's Fall.
DM: They're talking quietly at the side of the dining room.
Tati: *urgent* Their eyes-
DM: Are clear.
Tati: *cries with relief* Thank god. Okay. I say, "Esmel?"
DM: She looks up, gives you a smile - a real smile - then hugs you tightly.
Tati: *eyes shining* I hug her tightly too.
DM: She looks slightly confused. "Lehkraskol said things have happened. We're finished the tournament?"
Tati: I give her a meaningful look and say, "Let's catch up over brunch."
DM: Lehkraskol - who is looking happier than you've ever seen them - catches on immediately.
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we-are-a-dragon · 3 years
Party recap:
Travelling Trauma Centre returned from Round Three of the tournament to what should have been a relaxing banquet. During the evening, they were approached by Alwel Mithanmyr, leader of the mysterious adventuring group The Craftsmen. He revealed that his party had noticed the glassy eyes on Duke Farlaing and Captain Vethiver, and that they - famed for their adventures in the Underdark - believed it to have all the hallmarks of mindflayer mind-control.
Still reeling from this revelation, the party stepped in when shouting broke out between Farlaing and Esmel Banksi, leader of the lowest-level party Heron's Fall. Esmel and her party wanted to leave the competition, as they had not been prepared for the level of danger and had narrowly avoided a TPK the previous week; Farlaing was angry and claimed she was ruining his tournament. TTC sided with their allies, who packed their things to leave after warm farewells with the party.
The next morning as they all gathered to hear what the next round would be, however, the campaign took a sharp dive into horror as Heron's Fall returned (sans one member) with the same glassy eyes already discussed. The only member who was lucid was the dragonborn Lehkraskol, who was terrified of what was happening to their party. TTC quickly formed a plan to help Lehkraskol save their team from the dangers they would surely face unprepared, and gave them a sending stone (contacting the other parties during rounds is grounds for disqualification). The party then found their task for Round Four was to solve a mystery in the small town of Rivertun, and reluctantly left Suda.
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we-are-a-dragon · 3 years
DM: You get to the banquet at Duke Farlaing's. Everyone is there.
Tati (playing Seraph): I run to Esmel.
DM: She smiles blankly at you.
Tati: I hug her tightly. "Esmel." I give her a gentle shake.
DM: She says, "Hi!" She's smiling at you, but her eyes are super unfocused.
Tati: I hug her again, gently this time. "I'm glad you're in one piece."
DM: She blinks slowly. "You too."
Tati: I look helplessly at Lehkraskol and telepath to them. -I'm sorry.-
DM: They reply. -I know. You did what you could.-
Tati: -We talked to Maria.-
DM: Their eyes widen. -Really?-
Tati: I nod. -She's trying to figure out how to help you. She hasn't given up on you.-
DM: -Thank god.- They look like they might cry.
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we-are-a-dragon · 3 years
DM: A few hours after you leave False Forest, there's a sound from your Sending Stone.
Hamish (playing Thaddeus): Oh, shit.
DM: Lehkraskol's panicked voice comes. "Travelling Trauma Centre, help! Help us! It's a dragon!"
Hamish: I say-
Marijn (playing Godric): No, you can't! The plan was they would contact us. We can't reply.
DM: You spend several tense moments staring at the stone. Thaddeus, you receive a sending from Duke Farlaing. "Party leaders. Heron's Fall have cheated, and are therefore disqualified from this round of the tournament."
Hamish: Oh thank god. I relay that.
Marijn: I yell, "Only from the round?? They're supposed to be disqualified from the tournament!"
Tati (playing Seraph): Perception check to see if we're being scried on?
DM: The cluster of scrying orbs is back.
Tati: I point them out via telepathy. -Careful.-
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we-are-a-dragon · 3 years
Teams of the Tournament revisited: Heron's Fall
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Leader: Esmel.
Members (left-right): Dragonkiller (goliath bard), Esmel Banksi (goblin artificer), Rowan Woodleaf (half-elf cleric), Lehkraskol (dragonborn fighter), Maria Cleaves (human bard).
Estimated level: 5-7.
Relationship to TTC: Beloved friends that must be protected.
Status: Mind-controlled by an unknown enemy (Esmel, Dragonkiller, Rowan).
Other notes: Maria is actually a high-level assassin; she has left the party and is working in the shadows to try and free them.
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we-are-a-dragon · 2 years
Teams of the Tournament: Wrap Up
The tournament arc "The Third Season" that we played a little while ago was huge for all of our characters and the NPCs we met impacted our party enormously, so I wanted to do one final post in the tournament format to show where each of them are now that we are off to new adventures without them.
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Members (left-right): Maria Cleaves (human 'bard'), Dragonkiller (goliath bard), Esmel Banksi (goblin artificer), Rowan Woodleaf (half-elf cleric), Lehkraskol (dragonborn fighter).
Leader: Esmel.
Level: 6.
Relationship to TTC: Friends and proteges.
Status: Safe, adventuring at their own pace in Suda.
Notes: Maria is not a level 6 bard. She is secretly an immortal who has probably gained high levels in most classes, and also founded the ancient empire of Gandarall and ruled it for 200 years. She's also helplessly in love with Dragonkiller.
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Members (left-right): Elinor Farlight (deva druid), Gibthorn Tallest (halfling cleric), Talwyn Brook (elf ranger).
Leader: Gibthorn.
Level: 10.
Relationship to TTC: Lower level party affiliated with our own guild.
Status: Safe, adventuring in hometown of Shibanah.
Notes: The fourth member, Damaris, has left TTC B to join our party.
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THE IRON CIRCLE (formerly Servants of the Sun)
Members: Mirror Carthryn (tiefling psion), Halfire Chilly (halfling monk), Diana Morningfall (human fighter).
Leader: Halfire (formerly Mirror).
Level: 19.
Relationship to TTC: Once enemies, now friends and allies.
Status: Safe, adventuring together in Suda for now.
Notes: They changed their party name after we finally helped them kill Destrian, their sociopathic fourth member. Mirror is currently on poor terms with TTC after accidentally taking Seraph time travelling and getting her stuck in the past for four years.
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Members: Telchal Forgemail (dwarf rogue), Alwel Mithanmyr (eladrin avenger), Glatur Forgemail (dwarf warden).
Leader: Alwel.
Level: 21.
Relationship to TTC: Friends and allies.
Status: Safe, essentially holidaying in Suda for a while.
Notes: Alwel and Seraph have recently started dating.
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Members: Seraph Vencaryn (siren sorcerer), Galwyn Til'athrin (elf monk), Kjell Michaels (half-elf barbarian), Billie Dusencank (gnome ardent), Thaddeus Goldmane (khajiit paladin), Una (genasi artificer), Godric Oakenleaf (fairy warlock), Damaris Miter (human sorcerer).
Leader: Thaddeus.
Level: 17.
Notes: Galwyn (level 27) and Damaris (level 18) are NPCs who have joined our party after the tournament; they are dating Kjell and Godric, respectively. TTC also has a retired member, Hanako (kitsune bard), who lives in Shibanah as the guildmaster.
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we-are-a-dragon · 3 years
Tati (playing Seraph): I want to go chat with Esmel.
DM: With Una or separately?
Andy (playing Una): Separately.
Tati: Separately.
DM: Heron's Fall are starting to look for a new quest. They're not sure how long they'll stay in Suda, though they have a lot of friends here now. What do you want to talk about?
Tati: I want to catch up, they've been lying very low for a few days. I tell her about Bucket Dream House because I think she'd like that.
DM: She absolutely loves it. She decides her life's mission will be to throw ritual components into a bucket and try to create her own miniature universe.
Tati: "Maybe don't, if you get bored those are real people in there."
DM: "Oh, good point. Maybe in thirty years I'll go ask Kan'kad about it instead!"
Tati: I say, "I have a gift for you." And I give her my old Command Circlet with the telepathy enchantment.
DM: She's very moved. "Seraph, this is quite a gift."
Tati: "You were one of the first people outside my party who took me seriously and was nice to me. I've really valued your friendship."
DM: She asks, "What's the etiquette around gift-giving for sirens?"
Tati: I say, "I'm not actually sure. I was separated from my family at a young age, so there's a lot I don't remember."
DM: "I'm sorry to hear that. In goblin culture, it's quite normal to reciprocate a gift with another gift. A while ago we were fighting an ice mage and he sent ice wraiths at us. Lehkraskol hit one and this came off it. It's never melted." She hands you a small, sharp, tear-shaped piece of ice.
Tati: That's so cool. I thank her.
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we-are-a-dragon · 3 years
Order of Combatants:
1) Travelling Trauma Centre (B) - level 9 Eleanor Farlight, Gibthorn Tallest (leader), Damaris Miter, Talwyn Brook
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2) Heron’s Fall - level 4 Dragonkiller, Maria Cleaves, Esmel Banksi (leader), Lehkraskol, Rowan Woodleaf
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3) The Craftsmen - epic tier(?) Glatur Forgemail, Telchal Forgemail, Alwel Mithanmyr (leader)
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4) Servants of the Sun - level 12-15(?) Diana Morningfall, Destrian Crewe, Mirror Carthryn (leader), Halfire Chilly
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5) Galwyn - epic tier(?) Galwyn Til’athrin (solo)
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6) Travelling Trauma Centre (A) - level 13
- no picture -
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we-are-a-dragon · 3 years
Teams of the Tournament: Heron's Fall
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Leader: Esmel Banksi (goblin artificer).
Members: Dragonkiller (goliath bard), Maria Cleaves (human bard), Lehkraskol (dragonborn fighter), Rowan Woodleaf (half-elf cleric).
Estimated level: 4.
Relationship to TTC: Friendly, seen as a party we can mentor.
Notes: Maria is in love with Dragonkiller, who seems to be missing their brain. Lehkraskol owes a life debt to Esmel.
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we-are-a-dragon · 3 years
Hamish (playing Thaddeus): Okay, we're making a list of everything we could do to work things out before we play out Round Five.
Tati (playing Seraph): I want to investigate Duke Farlaing's study. There might be evidence, but I also want to compare his correspondence to the handwriting sample we have from 'J', maybe we can get a name.
Hamish: Okay, good. I'd like to see if we can identify the other set of livery the servant in the prison was wearing.
Tati: The library must have records of all the noble houses' livery.
Hamish: Worth a look.
Noelani (playing Ben): Can we talk to the mindflayer?
DM: Qhezessk.
Hamish: Ballsy idea. We could request an audience.
Tati: I want to contact The Craftsmen, it's time they weigh in on everything. Since Heron's Fall are free of the mind control and back with Maria, can we retrieve our Sending Stone from Lehkraskol and put it in the dead drop for Alwel?
DM: Yes, you can do that.
Hamish: Let's talk to Galwyn too, and Servants of the Sun.
Noelani: And Maria, on her own.
Hamish: It's time to call in all our allies.
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