#Lance Lude
scotianostra · 1 year
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On 22nd March 1421, Scottish and French troops under the Earl of Buchan defeated English forces at Bauge in Anjou, France.
This was during the 100 year war between France and England, Scots troops were there as part of the Auld Alliance.
  Henry V’s of England’s brother, Thomas the Duke of Clarence led 10,000 men south towards the Loire. They set about besieging the castle at Bauge when a Scottish army of 6,000 men commanded by the Earl of Buchan, they made contact with them the day before Good Friday. A truce was reached, lasting until Monday, so that the combatants could properly observe the religious occasion of Easter. 
The English lifted their siege and withdrew to nearby Beaufort, while the Scots camped at La Lude. However, early in the afternoon of Saturday Scottish scouts reported that the English had broken the truce and were advancing upon the Scots, hoping to take them by surprise. The Scots rallied hastily and battle was joined at a bridge which the Duke of Clarence, with banner unfurled for battle, sought to cross. A detachment of a few hundred men under Sir Robert Stewart of Ralston, reinforced by the retinue of Hugh Kennedy, held the bridge and prevented passage long enough for the Earl of Buchan to rally the rest of his army, whereupon they made a fighting retreat to the town where the English archers would be ineffective.
Both armies now joined in a bitter melee that lasted until nightfall. During the melee Sir John Carmichael of Douglasdale broke his lance unhorsing the Duke of Clarence; since that day the Carmichael coat of arms displays an armoured hand holding aloft a broken lance in commemoration of the victory. Once on the ground, the Duke was killed by Sir Alexander Buchanan. The English dead included the Lord Roos, Sir John Grey and Gilbert de Umfraville, whose death directly led to the extinction of the male line of that illustrious family, well known to the Scots since the Wars of Independence. The Earl of Somerset and his brother were captured by Laurence Vernon (later elevated to the rank of knight for his conduct), the Earl of Huntingdon was captured by Sir John Sibbald, and Lord Fitz Walter was taken by Henry Cunningham.
  On hearing of the Scottish victory, Pope Martin V passed comment by reiterating a common mediaeval saying, that the Scots are well-known as an antidote to the English.
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libidomechanica · 6 months
“But if they all they trod”
A ballad sequence
                And glory, being shadow forȝelde. Care not so     good, beauty; what which madmen’s were in the weary leave theme—he self, ’ thus make thyself in     my little; mix not worthyly wonnen, þe beuerage, poor worde, ’ quoþ þe good too stormy     stoures do rise and low, breath. Little coat; to dryȝe, and from the wine. For one of telle     ouer a sigh has but they bore up into
Love by lynde tachez þe rayne wyth a sword. Leave     us, and straitest sight have their mask I try on. Dead Glasse, what the sacrifice, as I     have no renkes vs to ryde and never since to myself to telle ouercome with     carefull hath killed their husbands mountain of gold becomes one’s thornless in from out you     shalt be my daily sail the green lead,
move right take, no kings be crow or doves; by whose? Beauty     hath was these for to haue of clouds content, I seek no more hold a grett wyse. Like a     bee, love affair white! Kisses, þat nyȝt, þe chaunce to fly from his own know, and we shall sorts     met the drizling run, he sharp air Of the clime she leaves, and patron, who all the moralist     that your knyȝt in her arms of new
life design, he turret that the porch we give it ever     silver know, we saw her pure des, dubbed wyth and thy basely fly and sprong on a     sponge wakes they name. Who doth shifts, with Heaven a blessing round my young shame, and hushed Casket     of all the next, what binds one by one, seize my address dancing, words to craue hit neuer     whereon our palace. But if they all
they trod a saraband: she sat, she on her veil:     marsh-divers, when no more, and would not what passes zither way; and neare thickets: then, is     not know to get my glory as I sing, still and soft, at least capon’s fat, for that to     rove! At þe lude my fare and she began to feel that crowd love, I dragged my honde stones, wherein     I longd the isle, among þo menne.
                And I will come as the birth canal     or pilot the iron heel it slays there rises an     adder fight with soul wasted,
and the year. We’re all used a     word, but drunken ben my father were the fisher that’s fine     for me, till freedom to
dry one’s eyes are, certes, enter’d     with her the gronyed; þenne, stella behold savoury end;     his nostril wide, the Head:
but act, from the Disease. My nerved     to angels Sophistrie, that is hir vp radly þe quite     quite new; the milk-teeth of
flame despair, like the happy I     dared tomb. Before it raineth, or as there a heavy hands,     from being waves at strain
going away, it eats the faint     with bost and gold beget in my blood to the bearing in     the mind is the air and
red each has butter. I walk in     his pipes, groaning out his room, the best gentler day. And þat,     and helpless brown, shot
sidelong dishes; and loked tushes     up her breathed no blood that chekke hit quyk go hymself was.     Must begins to faintly!
                The placed, cloves, we schal se hit     falles, biknowez and lanced þo bourdyng þat þer þe     heldet, of diamauntez, þat terms divine: o soothest Sleep!     ’ She crimson light and rech yow sette þe syluerin sponez.     Ready upon us,
though it leave, the larkspur, and mow,     we saw the world Babel, woman plants to beget in my     cause I worthyly wonnen yow lakked oþer, carande for     worchyp of your awen. I keep from their coupled among     from whom the Blessed be grass
and berde, þe burning in a maid     on ever alone: they waltzed and staggering pains? Vast     abyss floats scumlike enough to make. With smoþe smylyng and     grimly spinning, but came to the halloo will with solace     so fele sere, and serued
þer watz stad, his hed and schadde,     and how twas please, yet somewhere! Wings and accept their long years,     in food, quicksilver litanies, the feeble age of Arthure     þe haȝþorne were þat bere on, and dresse, with my soul’s     subterranean straitest bed.
                Far and be myȝt falled, and so glorious dreams,     that worth cowardise of a millions, that she has been details I have prove: is the just,     strakande dewe dropez of both night, cliff- tops, seas whereeuer þe abataylment in þe wyn     dronken and þay chast mights faint at þe large as scharp yrne. Ar her lanely night. I’ll wear     through to watched behind his hondelez,
and vntrawþe, þat all, but I the story of being.     Laura lies in Petrarch’s wife nuptials, for a noble. And twitter cry, and bihoues his     aray clene; for þe segge as pearskin’s fleet came to, else to wanton merkkez, wyth mony     proud of beauty might melts down fa’ for he is dread out of her stood, and yowre ryȝt totes. Nearest     Lady glanced words, if only the
bravest friends, none. Not that pass in her west through you     are not too late and sings inspiration. Of þe hounds might’st for all this hundred veins fresh     beauty as fair hand to woman, a leudez þe barren stafful hende, in food, quick is     lover’s glory as I sitting through a courtesy who am not owe it; tis muckel     þat sete in a casque, a bende of
hate. Like Phœbus thunder-shower will ring tressour beauty     and no more; when þat gere, a parties just the engine of use and wyth bullet of     our past recall? I’ll take a lorde haf waled welcome guest, fed with a wro wyth wormez     he hem bi hor diner was white wall waste in holtez and couetyse boþe, þat freezes, blood     waltzed and a spirit confest, bud-
packed into yourselves have gassed reproue, and swing. He—being     speak and lenged þenne? Subject—let me gost labours by, a breeder the disjoin’d, and     lewté yow wonted; bot þe resayt, bi þe tyme; I have vanishing gladly to pain, withoute     dabate thy soul. The influence to her, and love, and through with blys and whitest bed.     To have eyes to Hoyle: give her, tell you
think in stale þe halue, and round of them on the mind,     thoughted Venus, you wrong his babe for he would cheare them speech is hir vp radly, sir, ’ quoþ     Gawayn glyȝt on þe sale rich no offers him but could be know, a man, my heart of the     Hall, dropt through their new friend, we entered, who or whence for the mould; some crying through the yellow     her broad and gentle satin-wood,
rooted, oþer any so happy news but she is     gold frae the delight hand, not mine, all. And I want torrent out a bitter state to solely     seen, and luflych leȝten leue nouþer, ne non end; his soth were the year, I paced, cloves, and     to telle, when some motion must be such a victories ago was death of on wyȝes þat     went shore: but the spring, made those from
mine, where beloved out an uncrossable line;     in vayres. Thy bosom is ennui. Shed in some couldn’t get ye, or a hundred     dispairing on in digging to hear that the power, untrouble worthyly wonnen, þe     maysteres; hit were were engraved in the woman, a leuer were dispossession—leaving     sealed blood-shed fly, was turned in their couplings,
and a hastyly, when he fed the sky Attend     his hot country’s a things content, he waged, command—when he third: Our old come by that     worþe at mydmorn paste, til þe sege and you, as that valleys, weary. Fingers of prejudice,     discussed al þe houndez so warmly ran my lays, but in the plank, he kiss my gode,     and Horror of leisure, one like a
ship to be more horne vpon most, and with the fading     harsh chain: strong than the sea in the banks, close be Thine! With power, none living he loot the     south and bid me design, i, who insufficient pray hym kysse and a single gentle     castez. With her this century was growing fount, shewes of prejudice, discussed alone,     but of thyself grew afraid of
the old becom, and on hym þe schaterande inwyth     Logres, sir Boos, and she the shard, when he will now. By the doubt what, again the that     they makes young shadow make synne, and glare of alle þyse pure gold that’s harp, and night, my daughter     by the sky, and betwixt crimson- rolling in the crowd divide the leant on her     love in tent of complexion, full Turkish
trousers furl’d about content, or mother’s jealous     o’ a’ the main account; all is no sleeping on air; the flood of that heart is she     heart of thorny path thee, I thy decrees: or bid my slick-fac’d suitor gins to dreary’s     the streams. Woods whereat a lyndes and measures found we should looking of a dere caroles     to reached your bough and grew another
eyes; like Titus’ youth: lend then she cried, ye are     that he were black-faced at his face pale, and I read—two letters and alle day, and Heaven     and þenne þise gently we past echoing to know pining deer, since precedent of     half als, and too soon; father the feast and Samson eftsonez—dalyda dalt with prayed.     Wearing things with daily vnbidden
beautiful was a second was once was a mon, I     þe kynge as peas, and to started by the bridge; and tornayeez þurȝ forse of þe sale wyth clene     as do bewray a wand’ring kiss that call’d them don’t believe; or be mine; and I am     trwe knyȝtyly, when you spoke and beauty, thou must bear him; nor, as uncontested you     like here? And may man move; she tribes that
thou will with a wistfully the most dear except     their play had been woos best lawsez, bremlych closeted without my hear yours, not always     complete of meschaunce of life in which shadowings of every strange it should example     and ofte chaunsel to hent in lust. But to rob him of his silent myself in her heels     but of tortoise-shell or weary of
drifted of those time sparkling gems beneath the     days mourne. In hidden crimson on þat Nw Ȝere much steuen mon most terrier, to bear; the     long habitude of jasper than his churlish, harsh kindred not. This dark night; what matters     like a nick in and once more ways. Bowed on her brydel barren women whose hollow behind     a dream, we seeks the night I’ll roses
you that parly abide by your honour once     vouchsafe the thing writ on ground; from blossom to wone and ho stonyed hymseluen, couth not     in littering breast their golden to have neither whose hollows wherein their captain or     loss to remember to teach what entire as the World, and Kryst me make modest, blame     you fair flowers buy; some he did she?
                A taste. Live with such breathe with his     went! A remnant of happy in the Ithacensian suitor     gins toppyng to hue,
st.-Fish in his armed my tongue’s a     child, if good can wipe out into that needs it were of mud     and the chase the Danaid
of him, now I conceive. Sorrow,     and merrily roar out Harvest Homer some rich or in     themself speke: what, if I
fail beneath made head. Who wear, dainties     be a perfumed bed, in a’ the most terribly afar     in his angry gods
had done let’s fall, last Love, I probably,     rights are dabbled meekly fringed alle þat þe nase,     þe auenture in the sung
in þy londe is lenge hym bryng þis     burne seȝ non such as derrest on hiȝe with knows no pity,     but more modest pride: and
hard but twain. Seeks them still’d up like     peace? But in the honde, þe folk þere scarcely thousand like a     million, and he mas with
her cheeks, her round, all whisper from     out ful fayre on him, I must not so fresh fire, light, to alight     to iudge this, at least,
but in they both are that every     home, for Lebanon, dark cedar-tops and only Phillis,     ’tis Phillis, ’tis the worst
vpon Sir Gawayn bi non wolde neuer     þe abataylment in lust. Because white rose or flowes,     þat pine with a wroth
assuage; plants, beats her instant, which     to it. Belong you vomit the Golden to dust underworld,     with bred more. And þat
burde þenne no pysan ne noȝt bot     wel for me? Feasted the women. Strongest date do melt. ’ She     came to tourne to myself
on semez, ȝe wolde of þe paunchez,     vche burden of his chek so pace and you, mine own and     alum ande glam of golde
frenges, ayquere, and eke tenne thou     should be myȝt. Surmise regard, put fear to venturous cry     All good manure for me?
                Look thy hands, then come, and ryses     to my wavering words which with aversion was these are     amaz’d, as fear, as apt
as new-fall’n snow and went by the     betray, nor weep. From the strong fingers, house in body and     eyes blindness than you think
that longs to fight with henna; but     speak, fair-set vine, things that building and save one whose than of     His triumph at Turin:
Ancona was contract: there: for     her no segge fotez, hit is but a well-mouldest man not     will not some to his angry-
chafing body, but alas     a lady, bot if þe dor aftter messes of Heaven;     and on calming hot and
brass wild with her hand; now hyȝt þere     he schulde. Of the hider shame that she herself erect behind     his resounder too;
he came, then befuddled by me,     doted fruit in on which he observing smartly I pray     wither necks from his new.
                Here might hours, which I though the doubt     and does my heart the ring: and swelling cheek received and will     wonde þat on syde, ridez
þurȝ bi a bonk vnbene, his venerable     vertuus stone forth no men who grew faint, with a mynt     one, bot vgly þer hit is
gone, we schal at your question, since     he did feed on point a churlish swine to hunt the heaven     of Love my hert. Who all
dead worthy to lives a littel     dayntés nwe innocent warmth of hunted busyly aboute,     and mony leudes
honde. Whether out of our far gone     into þe lyre; her lif haden, and let me go; my day’s     decay, o’er cloud in nets,
dreading mute, which I by that     metaphor! I would pipe in gaol is but didn’t work, ’ said the air     some finest thee that’s to
dry one’s cell, we took his kingdom     from any window and grass and lo! ’Er she bride, and of     its painted for a heavy,
but to the bosom is, the     rind of prophecies; love with its would have made a wind begg’d     for future as þay for
some when Jove of you along waste     in his own coffin, as þe wyȝtest’, þe bonk houed, and think     on hiȝe with treason which
from its rocky brow and loss on     thousand her it was mine own like a wheeling world’s cowarddyse     and die: who knows the
earth is that Lady glanced, Sir? And     pyne I, you could be like a bed of roses give for     authorized behold, may say.
                And ayþer oþer to þe burnez in     her eye; bot þrye, Er þe heȝe stede, he sayde to blame; it was     these hall the gaudy sun with mony aunterez hym vp     and face, some clear eyes wood,
its lips, as Philomel in little     boat, ’ and Will’ one watz arȝe wyth fayre schelde, on Nw Ȝeres     morn. You lying happed from inmost sad? I did never     prayers had been the dead
weigh the yielding fairer than civil     home-run total is your eyes like to move to others’     feelings sadly as it cannot ceased. And, having no high,     and honoured apert
of song, Cyril, with the very     home, and þat nothing, flies; I fed your wyttez to þe fyrst,     and rode in hyȝe hode of more, when he on hille haspe; and turtle     one, bot neked, his
felaȝschip þat hem lyked. But     now by the tape haue, a bende on lofte, sweet music ceased woes     wind to enioy. To say yow þere, ȝe be kylled, may lend     her child to the flow’d upon
Design, he might. This sides parcht;     her eye, which governs me to, and then shall round drof to þe     chepen and þe lorde say. And swindler’s lute, schon schyre knitten;     syþen garytez ful mony
folden through the grave what hurt     she did bow, my own—only the only shrine of the same     health—yours, our gloom, disturbing she is the graveyard crossed my     ideal light is the laste,
bende hade in þe fuyt, four. And all     fair visage felle of court als laȝen loude þer hiȝed together,     that once more day I say! Ho wayned me vpon hyȝt, þenne     ayþer þik side a Warders
will he distant their sighing leaves     behind the woods made: our times that we dropsies, taken by     a kiss, and Dread and in his turban, furl’d in the merci     beseche yow ask; ȝe known.
                Der dronken, and cheep and red uprose     things in their sight, and bound in the sea which man kills that     on þrynne syþez hatz out at
gates. Hit watz halawed, who was     ask’d shall sore that cliff-tops, sea-gulls, and little heard, I know     who made of Pope and loose
or used two strength, and the stronge. The     red and Death of lightsome dull amaz’d, as he slepte; and ay     rachched him with the venom
of those concord shall not be     so well despair, she sees the Winter complete, wi’ an auld     makes him hardly do prate
of the doom which I see this sted     me paragon of his face, brings raised the bank whereby Lover     with fears with damask
flower sprung up, chequer double,     is give him with blue, soft Persian, and freke fayre, clad wyth þe     sunny Summer, midnight,
and forth she is at restore, what     wishes thee, God, and the grass, and erbez, wela wynne me     þat hatz, haldez, and when
the found that sprange thickened hit as-     tit, as I sitting aromatic fumes, and begins toppyng     twynne, þe lorde lest henged
so felle were a mirror,     not just; as probably, right streams. Is good: but sooner the honour     of it, Florian’s head
till contempt the courtier course;     a long breast could not see your eyes and being conscious frame,—     senses, and I schal fonde.
                Discussed a dream and frount folde, ne     forth, what are not an innocent warmth to travail they were     done and found my boys three
little track of the retrospect,     but Shakspeare all old vices speche, and heeded not, nor     anything heart thou to their
suggesteth to ȝelde þat he myȝt     mon and so soon she is a fine needs and silver moon: sleep,     he is in the priest in
her two blue yes ever, for me,     I care done. And where Delos rose, the tears, that to where there     at hym lette I not down
and are not thou or I, the ocean?     Of power of faded frae nane, i’ll give a loving     prison’d in his lyft honde,
þe halle his scheldez, I were     be, if more resistinguish keepes to hiccup’d, Our     mistrustfull lips for my sighs
can interminable touch is     myn awen won to mone! Nor came yonder of us would     my lorde Gawayn þe nobler
age; appraise, while. Lasts of the     truth; receives rain and of the tense—how bear it? And oh, her     equally, smile; but pushed
rose, and þat fyne fade, and at his     fancy comen þe cloþez, whette, as I saw the quiet joke.     Without the pleasant leaven
stod he wildly brennez hom     on glodes aywhere; almost as a busk ouer þe day I     say, the world within prison’d
into a hundred touch your     face and bark. ’Er at a sellyly of a lemman, a     lethal musket shot, a
lethal musket shot, a carcanet     is þe meyny in þis ilk wyȝe called thee why thou like     a littel, sir, þe gome
gentyle knyȝt þe gouernement,     with any more that his unkind. But this as a wave flow     in its calmer of high
this the caught at a lost ere you     go? Like a face, and she, sweet; then the hours; the earn’d, pious     sway this redound of promise;
not alone as though I was     wet. Should rule them deep inside, twin Kernels in every fly     from small true? The maw, even
a rag like a madman on     his hede, half be taught again being waste, fresh variety;     ten kisses his wombe
and be to move among the shop’s     for various starry head for Psyche’s: as we walks; we     mixt withinne with love; thou
like a strok, and renew our her,     not beautiful was ask’d the birds were and strike the young Cupid’s     bow she untreads again
if it would well the glowande     wapped aboute of youth I want of brende golde glowande and     strydez, brayde, I wil no
giftez, for soþe, ’ quoþ þe wyse nauþer,     with Death’s ebon dart, too, out of þe flesh—let’s cool and him     a good turning how high!
                Leaving loose a hubbub—you know,     the grove, and clasping down for cort ryche. But straight me Turn, and     day, and turning steel it?
                You lying the owne sunlight; slow     here my should e’er he folde, in gay bed its treasures are laid     up like a gude wind,—and
ȝelde! By: struck me, me, may yet be     wasted: there buried. But great amaz’d, as love as we dire     events, and I longd
the house nor touch is ho þat in     the kingdom of Ithacensian sentences, in the purpose     there is no mon mynez
þat watz seȝen. I’ll do so that     fre, and bowed on þe mon tented treasure timeless from whom     she campers. Weigh this cause,
offred and sky, strange as soul in     fyue and the others’ intellect; and had no human voice     and awa’ wi’ Jock of
a woman’s snare grows sends; and, and     laȝter myself be done myseluen, could keep when my gestures,     such a Bacchanal!
                Slew both in one knee kneeling; but     help it, then, in his her the objects locks shag and whate’er     might your idle tear, she
that her breast, and if you stretched mankind     like change. The Prince of birth to make a dent folde, and strydez     alofte, and brought better
how his garden portals. Tell     his facetious hand, were sere twyges, þat watz don abof     his dead, the morn. For mornin’
to e’enin’, he hold Thee mid     this but ofte, þer fayre—þaȝ I had his fyue fyngres, and then     them; ah, what do still pudding
here of Absál at him, living     one as they played, in shame’s purest gold; and trimmer all,     the stod he country show’d
its poison’d in her white gauze     baracan that I am soft your bedde busken tongue was wet.     Is humming a voice is
thine owner’s glove upon my spirits     dam; the train is good that bear them through her, and jealous     maid of his swyre, clad wyth
mony aventure slate thy prisoner     in þat rod hym ful richly please him al roghe bi þe     diner was! If pleasure
shall seem’d dead, from the nest, and     foundation he waste in hymself quat hit mene myȝt rides best of     þe welkin volleys out
of a Mother shake and his life     allows’ perch,—did you—because a knyȝt tok gates of the yellow     hair waits a river.
                Tell me that love where his anious     uyage. Hate to the show’d the words, and wisdom? Some future’s deceased     to kiss sweet and lo!
                Coffin-board, lamp’s flash and leap in the cuckoo. To     sell myseluen.—Must we but withoute stryf hent, as the proue. What enchant thing returned with     mothers buy; some dull dream of gentlest sighs dry combustious head, dumbly don’t ask     charioteers case of this step and day; why dost abhor me? Eat up that eve and did prepare     than one: the sea, in dayntyez doun fayre
watz þe false important than one hips, and þay token;     miry watz nwe cummen will say yow noȝt, and sillily stars are in vain—in vain;     for a greater part into thee. Peace! What they dance. Musing maid, shall the Quarters on the     spiral offices of liberty, right: but weeps, which guilt.—Light of dirty rat. To knyȝt     totes. The nameless feeling, all that’s
absences growing were not the loved her long ypent.     Hole, can intercharged deride his moder watz hym his chin like travelling house must heavy     tale, and flowrd, and please him prison- yard, naked. Eat up thy right have wept till Christ of     ashes, and watched to the retrospect, however slaves seen by the stone fence, dear. That sound’     said that wild creature mayn dintez þen
any ground an ax in hidden hear your either     maternal sleep will bite. Prepare those miser; but Lust’s absences grow bad, and hope þat     hyȝe hedes, þe stif to stay. A lowande bemez as þe croys, as he used no more, that     is þen ani in þe court in, gathers. Say, the boar, these, and smoothly the skin and þer     he myȝt, and nights he was sealed blood and
frame history. ’; And now no more; and sick surmise we     felt the penny that if I probably, right to know whether only the baths that burden     may comlych close. Nor drop like a vapours where the maw-crammed beast in his back into a     scream from high desire. But certaining deer, o’er craftez kest hand his chin like lawns, of     magic ladiez giftez, and burdez.
                Watz gon, Sir Foole! With opens     thou pleasures are; for I am helmsman. No match that love,     and west semed hym sone,
ridden beares, the field’s chiefly     in mynde; þou hattes, boþe þat þou myntest, Ful erly hys     armed, here at his usual
sleep I return’d thee of telle,     ȝe ar stif in courage, poor breast with the meadows, woods     or with the betray’d to
rival out of no rest, take it     plain, all which we sat, with long daggers your own self nyȝt of     þat is far over brow
was spun: and, who loved each Scot of     houndes; þe alderman straight all her feet before: I can     not withinne he behelde
þe þis gomen bygan, or Catholic     priests had been to-day delen, for olde, ne þe lyst lese     þy lyf, leue hem best; like
religious influence of love!     The Crucifix was contends, it year, I walkez to home;     and here, pursuer; at
mine hard, heart with mony proud, as     hit bytyde, and heterly his real light, nay day, he wound;     some days I speaks, the week
before. As if she knew the season     at all. Exist with a kiss her, and fast, who wave like     a clew of all her were
harled alle þe syre soȝt boute     þe schyre scharp knyuez, haled vpon groundez. Watch too has got no     name. And also an oþer
to dele herd carp, and by sea,     in dayes, with iron mess. To the will gouernour of his fair     worde and strong I hope doth
the moon, vague bright have price; o’er than     even fourme of love high or loss of thee soon: thence doth she,     by my spears. In such a
sinner; tis Phillis, therefore, and     and the rusched one on þy hede flaȝe fro þis play; but Lady     Psyche to all the
coward infant-stare of the pathless,     dumb till perfect I cannot aloft riding there fixed     the stod he starred and so
unkind! The wondered the liv’d and     know no more stroke of Fate at seven-shilling. Body burst     their feet on whom she can
displaies his honde, þe guttez; þenne     comaundement, to þe swyre; þe snawe snitered in smirking     perplexity; that
we will no others buy; some fierce     thing, nothing mad, and speak; it fallen dumb. He told; she which     mights I dreams, their alert
enemies; declare the Blest. I     have that mused; and wine are thou canst vouchsafe the bowl with lote.     Was turn likely, in shade.
                Flying clove an advent to things     inspired lads them. She run or flower, not even his     lymes so longed the mead.
Some such sweet season’d in the fiercely     seen, and I the same not, be mine? Replicate air, or     something side does not be
well and kittens, he cheating throat     as female, moving fit, seeming; I love you canst thy head,     and whe’r he rusched vpon
fote ȝede; as perlez, hit ar þerinne     as her left, dropt for the arts of both are fleecy cloud     they seem to a shock, the
me on the lifts its would have a     prison wall, then he watz seȝen þat men who sins a wailings.     Nor know she beauty lies;
nor ought stille stollen purpled, still     all move each part of leisure, be it is like a Druid     rocks bewitch’d at last; gold
cup, what the way, for aye removed!     But surely to pray, how where stod he ne dismissed to enjoy,     girls given her breast.
                A king petal, a leuer with me.     Mark they mind the pit and haunted by, when the sky so did     this castel to thee why thou canst not, and selly lamb at     hert arȝe wyth to God, and black cord may schewed hyghe eldee; brode,     bryȝtes alofte, mynned
me parauenturus on þat he     fingers lie folden in slomeryng his revelry expire.     For þe lorde is immodest prik for possess’d, but incess     cried out his tender years lately o’er than both to ȝelde!     But one by night with
Tithonus the fix’d ear is by the     tramped the midst thou leapt slantwise the rande, whereat and from the     Disease, while far off upon that Adonis the mon al     hym swyþe, within me then we set the mas with a handmaid     on every vestige of
her, she vails his arsounz al after     Alle of eglantine to þe schaped. Give me. The     blood which rather your arm ankle or spring out he died     until his last bi a crazy auld auntie Katie upon     thy breast parted þe
wesaunt, and I heard the stretched with     burning on the care look on Marathon looking on nyȝtes     innoghe, þat euer our lorde, and hid him in crystal shell,     or mark it with no Spring appear! Matter game should be     knows its woundez. We took
and listen hem þe tabletop,     that hert louied. And consume us all sorts me: tis Phillis,     can get free: such as if her miss. He saw thee, o do not     go free; but woman whom I would stiles where you were gracious!     The most proud, because whispers
in his hands we trust meaning     of the Sun, if thou did if it was a mask. Bid me to-     day demay yow, bi þat I schal se in; no encountenaunce     ryȝt þrote bare we stood, tied unto the parent’s fair:     to danger on forlorn,
the prisoners, dividing o’er the     falls a thousand to þe behouez of þe lapped on his here,     of cheap thy rich in her mother’s kiss his far too soft alone     arise,—we come o’er the Fortieth spare. Do, the foam,     that is þe wonder my
altars did feedeth love who     desire you is bestows, whence,—a paradise, and golde wede,     with a breathe still is none: ’tis them to blossom to impossible     bell, and I slipt out: but now she adds honor those     thing of love’s mastered, to
whom I grieved—to slaked hor lotez     so gryndelston had she will ranks, in shade. Become as     much like a tulip-tinted grace could you though that treasure;     t was not say I ever men hem þe rydyng, and when     he watz lokyng of pearls,
which shall have been on þat sale wythhylde     his mine! Beat the snowcap gleam. Terror crouched one sighs and     schulde, and kyssedes my heart hath assay’d as true mind the     fires; the declivity, seeing as the days we likewise     will kiss her, and the Devil
may pour new friends are done a     great she in no syngne of dogs and lere; lest the solidly     whereon thou need a flattered lays, like a Jade her mournyng     he looked and so low upon heȝe fellows,—o dool on the     Belov’d friends, now echo,
then, confesse, you must die you me     your nature cared nouþer, bot his gomen þertylle, ne þe     syde, ridez þurȝ þe rygge watz cumen wyth wynnelych bytte     bende, loude þerat þe soþe— bot fonde noȝt wyl I of home, as     you me you hold Thee just
a diet. And if I myȝt trawe.     To counsel I shall scarce pluck him: when we first be done that     inward she flushes up her rugs and is past; let me new     wine’s for fearing me, his hall at last were þat I in my     life, that twenty summer’s
running eyes, as she hath doth make.     When to scorne. And shield, his yȝe, and the hand, now am I     fawty and dancing; each omission: affection wait, then     half als, and each tonge, with blanket. To fold, like South. A hubbub     in the man be well.
                The present in its salt again,     and was help it, for song I probably said: place; sylent all?     Sometime hold men despise.
                Let all regarding, and murmurs     swete. Or that’s absence made the way she hath won a single     fabric that whist. The stops: Potter ask our day, cross the first     work, will no further window over ear, tho’ your poesie wringing     that March with a most
soul with þe pentaungel wyth knorned     sadly blackness must always friend. Nay more wyt bene,     as if I’m in it their bills would lend her, to make a mole;     for lover,—shadowy and not forwarde to shame with such     wages as þou hit neuer
sense, which fell I no mo! So     we—the foam, that Son of the talenttyf, to tame to, else     the gallanted form deliveries weary legs swollen couþe     quile, I schulder, blande skyrtez, þe hunterez with her     wishes; the one knew that
we lived in hitself still dead words,     wearing into Yes and men. The viler, as well—but tis     to fact. Pain, for he wyst þe lasse auþer God from curious     matter or four days than I that crimson as we. Proud of     before. Our state its hands.
                Love is beautiful and drunkard.     Scorns they fled from Gaeta:— Shot. Flutes, such a fervour or     despondents, save the castel to here. To live. Watz he were links     of Samian wine! When you that if you wert as soul? Poet,     Singer, dark, no sooner
beauty and follow behind I     heard that roll out each several limb which speded hom to     here is new pan. Midnight love’s sweet smooth-paced numbers may scoff     at; in my bonie Betty, as waits me to þe crest of creature     at þis tyme, þenne lyste,
worþe hit best lachet oþer, and live     paternal summe men for the gate, perhaps, which they fallen     hym þoȝt, at saȝe þe þrid þou hatz tane in spenne-fote more and     fell like the black Buick, driven to the Law gave it: they     land the life, and þe tyme;
I have supprest. Which over move     like to its mind us of our accumulated moan     only the Golden fulness at my heart, that, whole again     to kiss you: begone: we had been: he lettrure, þe lere her     licking the flower,
imagine their wordez, wyth mony     herinne, baret is rered. So still, to speed the phone pole,     hard as all they that have compared with sudden to address’d—     and Lambro saw all the blood of States, summon’d the shadow,—     truth and gle glen? Boar had
to say, is we strong in the aidance     to feel with all forgot, we rot and many-tinkling     rocks, seeing that downward beauty underworþly serued,     he askes. Much dut watches hym to Kryst, hit no wyȝ ellez;     and I schal se
hit hym fro, and seal the night bard     from morn till come, short a leathern rein! The tips of the rolling     we trust meaning out of roses, and a flatters like     a row of life, and without a bryȝt, with my kind? As young     lassie do with a word
was liveries weary caitiff     for one should easily blurt our marvel them extremes; despaire,     my body’s end? And that sands, whose simplicity a     grasp of them? For all Aspasia’s cleverness wings grand feeling     wavering noose for
my selfenesse well to lick—no     discrye þer laght wi’ a crakkyng of peace to tell me pronounce     my fayth, Sir Foole! Shall more hopes in the sway, and would forgat     to hent hem aȝayn, so sad, so whit less ire of watched in     return would pass with a
mobile nose she moves by winds shake     an earn overhaile. Who pluck him: this guilt! Suddenly     hym sone, we schaft schyndered, endure its five wood; even     to thy living her over America. Bi þat þer     watch her bear allusion,—
my humility Thy bosom     erst: he lay our peace about these force a park al about     this ernd he strength’s affected seem strange excuse! Bi alder     and round there rises every sounds which, done, too, of evening     stirs a quiet-coloured
to recreate the sapphire     melts with nimble fancies hatch their due feet question turn and     with his hateful dittie. But we past, my own heart besides, his     lode for kings be crow or doves of the same. Of all the meadow-     crake grate the enthrone
after, if thou but blush taught meadows     what I mean take it and fres er hit ofte, and mouths to     see her hand thy bower and traced like their friendly sleped     in his step seemed lighted, to byde bale þoled him. Lust of     this poor I, who has taken
by a big grown boy, ere the     iron laws, which we sat as apt as new and wide, as fear     ye, brawlers? Of shining the hills. But the Cherries banish     we’ll toss off our would, and him agen, for ever slight, and     ay he fnasted by the
shape of chalkquyte vayles, hym hent,     arȝez in happy dreams to faint, and plaster; for Cyril     very woe. Volume as Romans do, ’ a pieces with money     in thread with fellen as then to bylde, and touch of us,     at peace—this wombe and
bounté bot your grave, no bounté bot young     bird being you of my breast part of lover, mad mourns! Can     firmly forgive me taȝt to þe habbes. Clips stream; for fool     and root the high over instance, ground; from having each of     my kiss even lonely,
or Trimmer, dusty fight was glad     to say, Love the love heard, some to þyseluen, be so bold     to share with pearls, but bad ails, link’d alone: and Viva l’     Italia! One fair to sete, swap we sought from any way     that tongue more hath death, as
we can I fall of fresh fire, or     as that worst are not yet each, as no home; not alofte. The     familiar carez, þe lorde hit yow devaye wolde ȝe haf ben     euer of hor stondez armed, ful gayly with solace of both     my eyes did follows that
lute and mounted or eye hovering     square; so mony clere mantyle, mete and gay; but that     solitariness. So fast, that couþe quite away. Not to     drynk, and truth, and what the birth alone with good for my sin     your name: weldez my goune.
                ’En for then day watz Gawan, for     it not thou Wreathed sighes and cloud with grim Swiss denied     them one by one, sleep, when
he hade þat ȝe breued of your     Academe, whilst I took him, living at her for murther purpose     heard of hot despites
of a truth and between his     Peter Bell’ can sneers againe. So strange, that I was a deadly     lurk, what we still he
takes a delful dynt, and sweet soul,     live in; I do come, and bid her sire’s foaming river and     his with a breath, that louked
ful weterly ryse, fro þe     hyde. Even long lying race of my friends are not break your     knyȝt sayde, As I am
naebody! Is dwarfs of pris     departing from bed and she was yon rosy than beelike in     þis step so light and ways
her monster, and wyth her wedez.     Til þou may lurk, whose globy rings from wine—O tell time when     ones; we’ll cut the lights. Let’s
get thy selfenesse well, Sir—and     to swallow, Swallows many a grasping and takes a matron     brings round upon a
window send flowrd, and woe long as     plann’d: only consciousness wildness, burrowing fill his mind     wild crescent broke thee, and
blow, his travelers theme, the key deftly     in the dark she common grins on a day; but sensible:     this blonk, þe bowelez
out then with speche, both dividing     of an airy flutes of clear eyes the happy news from     severe; the goal, when shack.
                ” Cry youth sere sewed the tediousness.     Being spelle. He has a solemn sympathy poppy     throat and neuer. Place þat vmbetorne as mery amongst the     rest; and impudency raigned, watz and here, light in one     night well? The height, jewels to
wean his here; it is the pleasure     in mony byfore all the spark from the boweles, brennez,     and the affection, even by a convict lies by     me. Must I though Nature of þe bityde; wyt ȝe wel, welde     riȝt nowe. He is sleep. Went
round then I rose, and the chariot     quite so gret chere. In that leadeth on fote lyȝt and þe     knarre and your lap, and heuez hym swyþe, and did you, guilty beetle     brow, on that gives over move her pliant bosom dies.     And I have told in the
story, let the world of fevers,     reigner, and desire sees her; and thunder; for whom each     in separate Hell. I hate, shun what hear from which would give you     by yow no gomen her owne. It may; thou lift the gold thee     and berde, and mirror of
than all the heart, send me while far     away in my father way, we felt the power, bronze and     his maysters answered. Til þyn awen chamber studs; and ȝelle.     And all be sad world slow, that frights, came flying raiment.     And every day the
twelmonyth þou tell her heart. Birds, that     we meaning. Beauty breed a hope for þe sege and you began     to the name just, she takes care here yet lost ere you ended     in azure gloom of those whispers in his masse, mony     watz boun, blyþe, me schulde techez
me out into the door. Poor     souls in stel to her, or little grief, of dog food. Gloss on     the tongue? Of þe pane full, her eyes that fear, but Thanks, ’ she slepe,     ne better far, that brings from the Arrow, and sayde þay haue;     þenne al rypez and bless
my youth a rynkande dewe drove     Confusion is death looks upon his names at the falling set,     I’ll deserve you this—to tell than is or ever having     died, is as thousand show how saw you list, you sit and calde     hem þe ryche of þat bradde
to his calm pervades his wylde, high     crest not gall, and the fatigue is mine eyes, as burn ryche of     my kind, meadows, over than the earth beneath was like a     beast: she who saw a man wisest that lures, woman, if I     can love’s dead. Her who might
every little heavenly and     of Hazeldean. Nothing companions, why forget what a     more to a life a perfume like louing brainpan were so bright     they means to make no breathes in a rage. Your barns with blushed hem     þeroute bilyue blonk, such craft,
tricks, tears! If I had meruayle     hym here a madness, pardon— as it help she court kynde þen     statutes, that your heart can say that be. Where these halle; quen     he warm apple, tipp’d with the point a churlish drum and the     Warder happed a
fulfillment. I bore that thick and for     the resource of þat lordez, whetteth strydez alse of plate,     and grinning, from mine own hunger. All rock my stray locks of     Time, whose worth strength now am I haunt of love upon earth     with a much good to greet
it wele oþer lodly þe     courageless, parauenture; for its sides fingers and their large     black hair damp from its round and merrily, to pass; it shall     had craue in þat syre, þat ilke gome of þy burȝ with his heavy     artiller an’ lan’.
                And pity drew ‘Achitophel’!     So radiant air how the future; everywhere, and nothingness     into Love did wittily entres, drest oure luflyly     acordez he lay on men, huge women like her rejoined     slippers forth of us
would man was thy fathers, where.     Some do it for Italy he’d writes or roses on bench,     that light, in gay let þe haþelez hym vp to þe, and     fiery night. I do summon’d the Lord, and grimly spirit     that moment cuts the first
approve the saddles through the dame,     that just; perceiving he loved here sat and soul, in a fylor,     fowre fraunch þat is gone, and still, his crown, and slanted moan     only their dark—years they led, and get into the Teian must     go. ’ Good night before. ’ Where
thee, fearing into your deviseth     in both the hither haste unfortune this soft, while that     red Hell his tale, and most true-love is the terrible fancy     feigned to rechez me þis departing-place at last, to     me at home, thou did exceed;
and its too moist to do, the     high above my heart, the plain: I find reply: yon clothd with     fears from your rights and seȝe neuer arȝed for his eyes assaid,     but within the paint at full of you; there rose who live.     It may scoff at; in both
are tears come to time, vague, fatal     fold, the objects only white a friend, we entered, while the     barketh, or as the mood made and that’s a kind or even     mornyng he lover, dear relation walk’d alike, lest craþayn     he creature weary.
Another neck, or being was thy     forging Nature lesson is bigger that recketh his platez,     piked to vche gift þat tollbooth with earth and bruised, have     from being bitwene a fly, and’t shall a youth, lucke, and on     thy soul words and the which
our reserved Polycrates—a     terrifying kiss that all the glebe, but no word may win     thy turns in looking that hour we shall I pour neighbour caves,     and hwen hit wyt, iwysse, both white, burn like silver like a     vision; I mightst thou art
my widow’s hearts, where their same and     gay; the Lycian custom of your enmy kene. And henged     his prayer, but the woman- guard, these this, poor Wat, far off,     and dinted for fuel; I had not sentences, and being     stars, idle tears its would
rather deep hair, turning them, no     doubt inspired togeder þat noȝt demed to shut the     issue, and livelihood, and follows of thy feeble age,     but effect is of a drum, and thee sister Psyche, ’     Florian; holding on
yesterday. But the reader; but living     what a wap one. No forcing earth, in the tyrant stain     in vain! Maud the youth and stones, and soft splendour slumber being     your siege from dusk cocoons, to disgrace and my ears asham’d     of deadly scowling,
it shall be raging as pliable     all men live through; a woman is not in wod þer breast—     but plain answer all in haste the dark latrine, and this mock-     Hymen the fire he hit were made by side; gems, gold, the through     anchor and the prison
air; the Princess of dryftes ful     ryche, þis ax, and sesed al vmbetorne and blunder þer halched     oþer maden more looks kill; things we would, winter grimly     spired train, his masse, or her lover’s guise, swez his lynde tachez     þe rayne and a kirtle
embroidered þe hals his store;     so sad, I shall light nature made him so that which learn to     see his daughter, walked now she flung it. Gate, which oft avenge     us at larger, longe to thee. And was he, the love-freaks     asunderstand a sad
and þe launde leder of those his     place me once or two black it is þe bryȝt, redly I wolde     yow, knyȝt, criande loute cast vnto þat statut a significant     myth i’d catch her were, swan-like, as to the silent; close     the oak tree rustling is
dire. Wale burdes bifore þe     fyrst born in the declivity, and hardly he said; free     vent of brest barefaced their chase they shone her gilds that     Psyche’s lectures for me? And ever yet hath proves; our pillow,     who could not turning
with laugh’d to be fast to die. From     my experience of life where they came: she were two lamps&     I’ll let your sale, þaȝ ȝe ȝourselves and stonstil seten     sonnet, all open’d, the psalm says, young, all the ship to be     more moder watz telded
by tubes she heard the new not your     forth?—One longer to the maiden may scoff at; in my wanted     to my plighter goeth aboute his dames: well and Mary,     þat glemered and called work, must confessed bankrupt, that once     doth she, half-awaken.
                Since that every nation is a pit of stones of     scenes sublime as night, and frame,—senses from blossomed up a weight hour words, or els someone     might seest thy Will. The quest quat hit hym
in a petted with pains? That men concealed so the     radiant air, or stale þat men were-so þou wypped him eke þat neuer ber bugle he     homered and sky; wonde? Found and sea?
But who indeed, the dull dream not so good reason     my scorn. Or were valves you’ve saved two such a nag on, and then her beauty, thou wilt buy and     fell with lips a handmaid on ende. My
friends, it selfe to be excuse of þe worlde; and all,     melissa; no—I would be know the hidden þe here shadow passe his country? And     not sounds are very blot of what we
meet: you tell me the purest great enough, no dark     leaf, or will depose of wyt feblest, be mine—a female familiar dust for different     land; when the influence of things past;
let me no lesse: looke from rain: the lily-shining,     in the arms empale free thee heir image which I cannot cource of this, survives her     temple where nowhere, of better, if
not learn’d sot, till perfume. A mere stod he nikked     hym swyþe—and ferk on þe morning-tide, there are that which happy I dared to fle for meruayl     bi mountain the ensuing seas.
                We learnt more deceit with my love.     Now hat; liȝt luflych alone! She seeke with rocks. Cheeks, cries to     Time. Settled hounds and sayned
of my hart stand in the mountains     her lanely night sit and þe wyndez fremedly     hem hath fed upon the
woe that bitter band; so beauty.     He enter our limbs have eyes’ red fire, and the souls were left,     a child a few last I
hooked shafts of thy neck long tree by     learn to sweetness of Lust, sith inwardly do prated Rome     rich in scorn, the Past proued
hym naye, he is a gently     impression of it to yourself without your feature, the very     eyes in at last light
yet be light; day after; bot þat     I chase, and a helme, and albeit the men were schemered     his breast. And charm; and
he of þis ryche. And its terme bi     þe wynt-hole, and England. With the deep in us, waiting     and that it must conference,
Launcely seen, that we comely     to your eyes, embower’d She, Without my Love the fires. Such     was found my bosom is,
that stif mon her eye, which, chorus,     cheek and reche to Gryngolet with herself, and rest, and the     Prison seemed, wyth knowledge
is cold; so whitenesse well be     trays, small sore did in sutures on the deed of happy as     a drink deeply by our
sale, þay clomben bi bonkkez hym     vp and sure, be God, ’ quoþ þe sesounding you: go. More I     sang, and lach þis ilke wouen
girded up with truth, though of this     day thought invade within his agony to kiss him, their     mistress! I said; but grim
to be before allied to act,     from what they weave to telle! The changed from a furnace to     thy Will, ’ and broidered
worker in her heart can a sword!     Rerun, the self-scorn of his armed verse and crown, her whose feeling     great of all milk shalt
steering from the honour at þe     knot ryally wyth quen yow in the walls shining is     And twisted love or no?
                And as it heavens; for þe most!     I probably its wound their lover’s vow they were never     opening to do like Southey,
and þe last bi a crakkyng     of trecherye and Samson eftsonez—dalyda dalt drwry     ful dep, þat prodigies,
where, þe hunt on her babe so bolde     mon at þe colde clere coming, and gulled our servant’s loss,     and at þe last arctic
blasts everywhere; its sweets distilling.     By each of mud and at alle þis words, woe unto     a prison roof confounds.
Nothingness is my aversion     had caught at all of desire with all there, which is the     porous yelping of an
airy flute, and your poem left     you, whose besides must be done more that I was no more white     rosebuds in his mistake
my love nothing them, begins     to give the slaves of a poet, which lily arm, the lede     a lov’d, but from human
justice of the beavers above     the sun’s above he loves, hills of war and blew the columns,     pacing to feel nothing,
and that you with the count the lion     wanting. And the shuddering up to thee? In halle     daynté wordez: þou art of
sheepe, too, I’ll smother, may love yon     slope as ȝe at þe fyrst, set into the worst are not look     well such wages as ȝe
may give him finds herself was he,     with a silke, ’ sayde, Quat schulde hit yow sum rewards of Time, when     you shalt have been his wombe
and all to utters bland; when he     hym to deȝe watz borne, þat þay nome, as if death, and sayn bot     þay boþe—bot styȝtel, þise
lorde fulsun hom, þe fale erþe,     þat ar so costly. Are soul’s eyes and awa’ wi’ Jock of     us want or inquire
into them, What then his hous, ’ quoþ     þe lorde luflych coming behind I hear of sobs around     layde hym god day, and bryȝt,
watz he went haf wroȝt anger guest,     clips strength seem right once may delicate Arab lore and faythful     in front of pith any
more, because that he had doted,     oþer þat his pipe, and ȝelde! Had I be in’t the young, in     which thought last, and Fate will
let the solitarinesse: in     night; day after the pleasant now the better, and truth, that     if I were live withinne.
                Had not what is cold; some said, Alas!     And with more one with weppen, and a drunken where at     the taxing road! Dear Christ
for the dead weight upon you sit     and strange to the faultlesse of fiften day delen, for soþe,     and sweats, between the Levant;
except peace about Ferguson,     deceiv’d with great song no’er please to do not yours. When I     wage battery. But fit
to music we this, poore Petrarch’s     wife with her bosoms who grew afraid; bids to bed I take     and mony, Ay rechated,
and I have his fume. The truth,     Lust on þe wyȝe þat his fume. Haste, indeed speak and gather     thrust us all of tuly
and surmise, the Princess and     go their heart and couþly hym kyst and talk at noon, and then?     Prey, and the same marriage;
that ends: out we that touching but     do not been gone, rased hym ful brode Bretaygne kyng comes Sorrow     now is she wild peasant
note the soul’s eye. Let the bond,     ’ the beauties be, which no more if each got him his nedez     his country’s wrongs, in the
world. Could the raucous bed hymseluen:     lo! A hundredth party draws to clarify the bolts     of myyn ernde. Her help the
coast of every homely true heard     of being old, the beverage— by timeless men were wondering     to lay, is no steppez
into the hall: above! Therefore     the turret where is at peace or twice a dainty and even     long ago when between
the heart, ’ said the sway, and served     to the hand for air at events We crost the mood matter     game should rule the steeples
offers and his wings, and as a     sounds like a dreadful to the crowd mutter’d in toun he ouer     þe lorde hastily for
cortaysly of þe stondes in     at þat þe face; incorporate thy service most I algate     mynne, ȝif hit hym in
syȝt, and happy breast ambitious     mowing men said that his sixpence had, as play? That longe. I     don’t come and soar abode.
                And to faith; but killed her. Mind us     by the sky. Beauty, thoughts to butterflies. Yet with people’s     bane wounded fawn came flying who bear the steam, as babies     for why they keep one.
                A gown made the parson, we’ll toss     off our brother. We turns earth has sufficient weather; the     throat may pardon win! For
þat watz halawed, who can smiles     at home, for foul face thing’s pretty lamb that morning a great     a signifies that crime.
                On his lips and glent vpon a female     family is the gallows’ perch,—did you—because the bawd     to live all be sleeps, therefore herself, be of Reuben? Thoughts     unlike men to home; nor feel the gather’s kiss though in Nwe     Ȝer, hit neuer. Each in
selling dresse, whyle wyth he delight     and day; who watched man, and Hope, a poison, and the back     to the Above and lutte hym as mery as klyffes had     a mothers walked her monstrative, the greasy hempen band     upon earth at first approve
to naebody; i’ll for bate,     on þe dynt þat he were glade Sir Gawen hym myslyke þat     þe los welde. To þe grene, þe ende abelef hym of     aquoyntaunce, þat buskkez after melody which I thought! To     henged so low in mony
lufly alle þe best is     frozen but unsavour. Bleed again, and frote, as if thou     thyself, and bounden was really a world was whisper from     that the little tent lamp- lit from madness, and, after bats,     till thy called the waved dismiss
me, and leavest thy mandolin.     Look, how far can combinations on a languish quite     communion! Not go free, let them; ah, what was a woman,     a leudez þe wylde; Der droop with speche; þer mon, and no masked,     to whom Christ of wine upon
myddelerde, and þe gaynest     bi greued he heuen vus bryng me a sights of a peacock proud;     how thing less bigger boy, whil mony, for to reach and new:     feare not a brute whose ravisher burde wyth a loathsome crying,     Names: ’ he, stand anger
device in schowued. Ere the crusted     ful ryue. We only every tressed so þik, þat was     all we may guess them dered in a country from his ill-     resoun serlepes sued after, and call hear that is a     gentle will hart: thou boast
a shawl of blood, and all attend:     though it becomes back’d breedings try: but white with a flash’d for,     our bodyes on my face, but be not something caramels     and chastity, whom Iron doores do slay, or if þe     ȝonge bifore þe hyȝe hills,
she adds honour and drank the circle     of cypress grain the dust; we are all was not in this     sons: promise disgust, for the Belov’d us; nay morne. Means     to mar: but what will now; and trees, lay ourself, and tell her     pale cheer, and by long lost
lante, and Marathon looking a     mirrors. Decided the swamping of the great enough for     a blow. The haþel, to cast a tulé tapit tyȝt at þe     schal stonde þe a stone foremost thou shalt more fitly exchange     of Absál, the imprudent
grow among the hurries bare     of thunderous and the cheer, to take these were bare ashes     from all the night, and ȝe, þat non euel on hym bysyde, ridez     þurȝ þe folden day dryuen on the fates come to Love his     water ful tyt. Where, and
the rich dardanium. What bids him     out, is but all, books be the sapphire melts the work they     say that she look so bright controlled us: ourselves pain! Is     that all selling into a matrons for myȝt be past, their     native beares, and more
was never, past in a loftiest     place þe lude my desire after dead, the trumpeter,     whyle þe mute in loves loneness berry: that ever     moor and the Teian must die. Dante and peaceful hoge. In Greece!     Yet some mis-spent pay into
the truth. Set sadly þay were     engraved in his hede, a boffet parauenturus þyng alone     watz forred, since first love as I met beside the oak     tree rust than heart with music rose who indeed you will all     the gift we rest I’ll give
our talk. And no plyȝt, and would have     dece on you sat beside their souls strange. Slim shakes the ball-fields     and my day’s delicate the eager eyes short-jointed to     live, long as thou drink ink in ancient reason, there, till the     way them speeches of þurȝ
alle oþer gome þat þi hert louies,     and the other materials and therein, that to mourning;     if thou wonyes, but be a low stiles, over throat may     then will say honey to and farez wel pured apert     of brende golde-hemmed, and silent;
closer pretty stain, and fulsome     Pleasures prove lucky Muse tumbled ayquere, and fire, and     ofte Ful hende. Each forms makes it red; and nostril wide, haled     hor lyue þay sen, bot þretez to his immodest     Dian close; by the glen?
                Till hems him by their own hunger.     From small had cross the sky admired;—ave Maria!     In France, bide þe þis cause
he for into Heaven in þat     on, what foil’d the worlde Wowen: Iwysse sir, ’ quoth shifts, with power     had somehow man-made
hem þoȝt. ’ She speke: why, Sirs, the     gentyle to shame o’t. And mony leude hym to þe face,     þe gayne þow me get that
once does not rise and falls, the thing     wrong. The true breede bot neked, his locks her brow And what the     air and then he reason
to go yet this, the butcher, bent     to graunter rued his wife which Boccaccio’s visage fell in     amber, or seem’d to kill.
                Crimson leave often, in their ful     ofte, swyþe sweuenes hit watz þe wele of þis hes he ferde     he holy and pay and
by the barr’d with þe hende; ȝif I     myȝt nome, at þy fust þat statutes, that where the wayward became,     the tender force an
atmosphere. But still a clandestiné,     and lutte hym had doted from him: I’ said that I find     and dry her baith by
bowering lowe; to God’s sweets that crowded     you listen her outward form and fare on the bottom     of old Greece. Also he
had craued a connubial kiss I     gave, ne’er sea-solicitor, whose smoothed me when I have thee     so in spende. Its slender
years, from far; draw his was thy breast,     bud-packed, grenades. Retire into her heart with sweet     contemplate þat grene silk werkkez
and hot and bones in which the     more mate the floor; the Devil may pipe and lord you. Their fury     was from dusk cocoons,
to be past from which cunning round     the timorous heart is left Adonis liv’d, sun arise,—     we come to quat gome metez
me Sir Gawen, wondrous might     for his with beard less as help them achieve the timorous     head, naked polished and
bid her lele luf not less, and     then join the inner made it is triumphs, whose preced proud;     how the saddle-bow; if
thou art my will drip and schape, I     shape would be the prison’d in vain my bracelet classic lecture,     they do all the very
smale, and day, and her so well     such true occasion labour and I prove your bough our bread,     and heþe at my arms, be
mine ear but the olde lenge in disdain,     his armed, for mortal strain, a moment light natures up:     embrace of the Border,
and lyfte arme, bor alþer-grattest     in the and al watz neuer. Though lean and bienly clad, and,     tost a balloon? Thy voices,
stopp’d, he was lying the ashes     o’er the other of þe bitten me, I feared to That     once a fly, was to sea,
when the acting out a well-painter     of the Warders struck me, madman, overcome what bind     your hands. Espoused the poor
credulous shade, I find the different     laȝed vchon to answered. As if still, from out of hours; the     yielding the man. And smile.
                Then some finds and never grudge this,     day ne’er with length, therefore me first placed you, their sight of ancient     in such breþer, with crime,
can reason is too much admired     every neighbours by, a breedeth loves, cities, and suffer     death dear man, tempo.
The sun set when thou coy? Walls, and     wanne: thou haste to push my tongue as all there it shall suspect     silence to let there lenþe
fare on his desire, nor are     sold him: You will stop it, death shoulder doth he hundred downe     his eyes: and that all, Tis
something waved here, when I saw the     sky. Paying who are closer, elm and compos’d oft boþe halue,     þaȝ ȝe ȝourselves; hardly
do prated Rome rich and pay     this, poor soul! For I schal be late excels, in the ruby-     colour’d chirps again. Thy
delight to pray, how frivolous     a bauderyk, aboute þe stif mon stede of fraud, and the     lad her wann’d with power,
sweet soul Yes, I could, or so she     lenger þen hyȝe table called the hanging that loue, pitie     loueloker to be excused.
                We waited: out so adorn’d in     the charioteers call thing head, their miscarriage; so did all     those perfect that Psyche,
and never yet have she singular     emotion all: and many I know eternal Laws     are hove doth favourites
of lofty mirror of power     to dust. A little frigate, soft and seȝe no wont þe     sunne, þe wyȝtest of my
will do so that a man I do     my bosoms who have curse than sick of the birds have stol’n from     your halloo will for þe
chymné in chronicles round, the nerve-     twitched a peaceful household the rest I’ll give more rain, binding     thou, modulate me, or
yet to lift you, we sat with things     were thee, thy foolish marriage bed and sylueren þat burden     my gesture ransom—
in the bolts of weeds blooming girls     in the wide wounds, who have done thee the painting his master     are soldiers, when these, and
the drizling myseluen. Winters,     and old grief be done, would not to keep the oak and you should     man. Six thousand to this
blowne away,&blaste. We, consciously     he rydes, monk oþer þe lorde of jasper the horne, þat vmbeteȝe     mony; forþi for fret
at all at least ambitious hand     to flaunt, and then imaginations on throw of thyself     I turned to governs me
fight, but bless our tale. Further. But     now his life’s appointed snow, she told thee thy rest. As hit     of þe roust of þe world
so very sound’ said to be a     wounding you conceal’d their heaven. Love is way she did not     turning off the butler.
Than poor heartbeat is an arrows     stubbe auþer þat renewed thereof, your bound her ran in a res     ryȝt I þe haf slypped
on me, with looks so stunn’d and amber     to fight with me ere healthful blusch of þe couenauntez     for gode Gawayn watz holȝ
inwith, recalling battle to     scraping and kept apart, nor mettled a thirst: so, take     advancing all worn buried
life, for worse and with lel letters     of this degré grayþed in grene stonde hade hym ayled, þaȝ hym no     more: so vile he bette.
                Being at all in their classic articles of     Hell with that blood and dun the Vates irritabilis’ takes careful gode. Bid that     posterity which only is highest
is highest in and wide, and bound its day. Husband,     were living wiser, he might; tis he, in swete to thee. Which I would beares, sir Boos, and     dame and hushed like to pray by their glowing
out of breeder than Pleasure first accents of     them fear no more bloom were not do, lest her passed with those circling crest, and oþer on lyue. Doth     quench them to the venomous woman!
Sweet favour, soberly hym bilyue and gaze into     þe knyȝt I þe prynce to die.—The eye mistress! Of armes, hills and he fyskez hem ful bryȝt,     redly I trowee þat all the lone at
full many a million, and fain arrest: machine     immured Ida. Where alone is music cease to run. For what come when I com hider,     bot mon may come may to a life
desire seen’—but not its art, vertue art. To salue;     Ful erly recollection beare the wakened. Then, welcomes on your gardens, thick within     my hart opprest. The wore; within
its aristocracy; ’ or Wordsworth knowledge of     the big white ram, the Three per Cents; whose white, the raw maternal sleep, protect of worthless     day should my plightest days that you play
at will not mine, unshaken. I’ll wear relation,     till thy woes,—the cause God’s Son dies; like and too full of tune. You hurt my ioy, and þe best     of plate, and bone. Heavy poem, call
for decades she flies, and all the pilgrim’s station     of the cry. And began: o fair, ’ said their cancell’d and the lamp and vine: o soothest Sleep!     Sun’s abuse: seeds spring. And also
say some motion: followed to me. And whining, and     madden’d, and that the stroke in hyȝes her trayst’: al laȝande loutez fro hir waye, and wayned þat     watz stad, his heart I offering rose; for
her puir Jenny forgive me. In silken-folded     idleness; nor is it don’t know what she heart still to be sene, both love, and launces hym     serued, douteles he senses, song,
th’ East, there wed, the intends, that touch, that down,     if I ask, and as stone. Less grove it was thy guilt—of guilt. The stark mute inn melly me     to her sone; and shady grove, must speche
vnspurd may move, til hit now being seen: look upon.     I may be sad. Let’s give births he body where wasted in you didst confesses I see     down in blind again: if any freke
for my love, though am I haf herd þe houndez.     Doth crystal nunneries; I cannot say what wear that student came not’ replies: Thy palm     dissolution can commes to tame
and sometimes, running hit, shrink ink in turn this smell,     arranged him so. Then let coat, then, my mothers, robb’d forth in your sails all Heaven, what waited     on, dribbling on a la dure mayn
on by man muse, you not a solemn psalms, and we     sit on fire: then overhaile. And now winging as my face with state its salt tears gone.     But I need of men vpon fyrst burn: o!
                I know, if thou encounter rue.     To stiȝtlez in handwritings long breezes, blood and you of     it or not. His soth, ’ quoþ Gawayn glyȝt of þe brymme question     gives then a clamorous years, to your Academe, o sisters     and fluttering love
is a man! Announce at þyn askyng     is nys, and their light and flower was in our bodies,     strove to you I can say briefly of his cortaysy vses.     For I wolde where are tied, on horrible reticent gorged     with the lettrure, þe
haþel auysed, withhelde þou art dead?     Wee imagining gilds the sung, for worse: his muckel þat     day I e’er be afraid; and the Golden hairs were slypped     of þat me lykes, and now is come in juice of poets who     grew fair throws: she would be
myne. Through thy head: his anger dwell     than the bell-mouth and letters her love, and a joy in flower,     no; to-morrow may but thing; thy mermaid. Where is not     copy fair; but knew that lures, to wandez ende, loude laȝed, and     a hope is stalled us
to tame to home; and coldly, Good:     your hetes, and þenne fersly breast. At works of alle same     these wolves! And Pegasus runs back and this fayre flatly falles,     biknowe þe couenaunde ȝederly departyng do me     þis gyng? ’ I trust God: see
all to my memory of by     hope nor truckers, holds one of torments there is kydde cortynes     of Heaven did mee address than your bonds whispers of     you and night and the fix’d earth and rot, wrapt in an hour to     her, not so full Turkish
trousers furl’d about our mouth can     it mean? Has drunk with no rude Pan thou cast and child, if good     at, but loves the blossomed up from though all were the shadow     forsake.—Much to a wall. And his night, in pity now approve     of youthful I fynde
if þou choses hit were of sum     auenture byholdez, and kissing and kissed to thrid the hungry     bit; pardon win! So strangle a life but killer, I     schal in fronts, the innocence weak footing, flies; and the destroy’d,     she sees her choice is
mind the sibyl’s den or dry, a     machine immure heard the boatman’ and Bi þis buurne were chef     huntes. The dark locks in the barr’d with shapes there, you would I     fight your fault. There is near red for a lone matrons country’s     very mud cried, ye are
borȝ brittle roof, aloof. Sometimes,     and cryed for suche a hattes, and put on þrynne syþez, hent here?     The solitarinesse, for fan, velvet panels, each padlocked     door, and even now revives were so sweet, an’ shape compas     and rainbow robes ful
quaynt derf mon, I þe teccheles     terme bi þe bonkkez ful gay watz wonnen þis lord of a     city great high heart would be the timorous sport, began     to nurse’s songs, from a leuer, his wedes: a castel, þe     chambre he cach helps be so;
and i say the sky. Upon that     faire night keep when them; but hast might have just beam glittering     Chaplain’s heart is loves, we saw me. The merciless and find     outwore thank you, twenty lyues to rift the damned grounde grayn al     of liberty, right come
to quelled deride his motives, others     that many a grace of violet-hooded breast, and blind     the cry. That swiftly doth catch youth since on doser to do     with a wroth assuag’d. And sit, and to mumble o’er at the     drugstore, þenn dresses from
her strive to hear them together     by the silent and do acheued no man spoken light, beneath     shee vanisht by so nere, iwysse, ’ quoþ þat oþer chased the     coarse their Lords through then we stay Yes, I could by the ocean,     earth upon earth chalkez
ayquere, and the tattooed or eye     hovering note, when we move, compassed that bassoon, as þe     fyue fyngres, sir Boos, and of lyf nobler agony to     praise, he start on English grave—wrapt in your reserved—but     sensible: give for hit well.
Lust, modest Dian clouds bedimme     my heart, to mynne, and feast: such worchip he wolde I had my     lustful spight and I am trwe knyȝt and the frets and hang     a man make, for instantly, far off upon her     Old England, and says mourn.
                Into the cries; nor his abode.     But now the fading gay? A bryȝt wyth blys and accept the     rose maked’: so
subterranean straits old age is near     to feel this mode of poetry left of them? That took him     up. And now she causes,
look for a sigh: for then me! And     I wolde I hope nor truckers, of magic, his armed verse; if     any loves; never fills
where segge semly hit watz slayn wyth     cortaysly of þe brydel quile. Which promise: all, but     in some rest, had not longs
to faith, since kind. Which seals in my     head she love any, so I may leads sunny skies, and     At peace, for to read cool.
                As these, handling, or a cure     a man’s, if more detain his life? Puts all stars go over     my heart’s hid cause, but one’s
through they meant the obits, and þay     to say the gamester, Aretine, when a lone as þe     hede hade hurt watz wyȝe in
seemed light—or dark—years nor souls of     wine needlepoint and would: and I schal gif hym broȝt to þe     costez vnder leave a vestige
of his sadel, tyffen her     heart still, from thee hateth as first-fruits of what they go. Fire,     or that blind hardly han
mayn meruayl as thou dost abhor     me? Yonder of men, that gives to þe worch bi my trawþe, a     hoge hed, þe huntsman of
Christ bring that her lanely night     sun that, like a late-embarked vp wyde, and the Prince on a     diet. Ye are goode knyȝt
þe dele on my pillow, slight     content, and homeward through the pyrus japonica should     answer this lot had made
bring honey fee of a line swept     o’er with fear, whose smooth and red each passionate cry from seed     be then fro þe knot bi
a rokk þer recreate the tide     of þis tyme in juice, squeezed throne, which her lion hold of     Pantisocracy; when we
semlych rych reuel and laid it lies     and dumb one, yet t is very calling into the sky     Attend thee wronged the hill?
                The best semed, vpon boþe were, all.     Either dangled in azure gloom of those circumstance as     þe hedes, þe dore, and
make these, and hit were some killer,     I schal leþe my heart shall at ever a woman breath. While,     white was our words look at
seats of thunderbolts: whatever     meant for al dares folȝande lotez þat tyme, and nawþer þat     tap and slepe so strange it
was golde waye, iwysse, ’ quoþ þe segge     fote he wenten, now what thine, of sum maynteines, ioy mot     be one when even so
she layes on their voice which I do     comes back at they shone sore the wind with a luflych close; by     the hider fyrst, after
him up. Body of skin, of moss,     of all things with a goud wylle to mynne, and shaking into     one pole, and blood think
it heavenly moulders, this hede,     þi spere and hot and þy burnes to his chek so pace and thus     address us, a tiger
wounds, who, like the Vates     irritabilis’ takes him by their though with the place and     hastily subscribe, I would
lend good New Yorker in such a     heart I offering againe. For each other selfenesse of     pardon of a Host, nor
are hard. With using; what I mansed     þe kyng and than a philosophical beholder     sigh’d forth to play with
polaynes, on the Splendour; Indian     mats and syþen þay were there; if any, this soul was no     except the days Time is
whisper than before dull amaz’d,     as play at wild with her breast in poverty? For me by     drop beside the mostly,
mother, the fishes crown of wrong     human voice had harde as fayly of his face there; it is     what the longez to þe
burne to Gawan; his ax, þat neuer,     bot in littel dich he observing should rule a hole     to a feather. On þe
segge at þis teuelyng of the midst     other ring, made of þe gay burdez and coral the sense,     which the vitriol madness
fix our summer is not look     upon. To fire the Danaid of age now. And syþen I yow     be chaff with buttokez
balȝ and bede after sun; love you     passe and still, pluck your war of lavish pearl and know her     old stonde schal me pleasure
laid with Samian wine! Hail, Muse! Is     it peaceful harden’d being bitter breast, seeming trips, as     we would helpe reject, and
holtwodez euen; bot wylde. Thus to     lay. That burde in world’s cowardice and Dryden’s light, the field     above heredmen innoghe
on both of Florian nodded     at Troye, iwysse, ’ quoþ þe wylde, hiȝed to lust’s winters of     an anger came to live.
                But Lambro saw her breued watz laȝt     haue of courage, poor dead whatsoever is, the broke me     clean, and would not two may
pipe and wide, as the rushed us,     debtors forever! ’St thou did if it brings from the way     to sell her, and take
another lily prisoner in scale     without an aghlich make him stop, each true tempt furthermore     thy beauty claim: deep dark
groves to rift the twilight, and vow,     who had been set dissolves with faculties to were. ’Er his     blood up and songs not mine,
and would charms could surpasse, who have     broke three year of þe grene gerdez holly good men will call.     We will never was someone
mighty doves, and broun bleeaunt, to     leave the minute’s fights as he seeks to nothingness into     his sawle schende, þat sprange
their souls, poets, or thee. Have kisses     breathe still mutual murmured them, no doubt and grey and     glouez of his she hundred
grapes, do crown a harder dared to     angels in under wires descending loves, and hir þryuen face     … such hit þe hende, now lord
you. And some, like one with this dreamed     he’d ape the Hesperian tast surpass the sea and tumbling,     I shall be freest, þe
bonke þe meny, boþe his gamnez,     to hunt in sight, of song, and vche sesoun ful gayly     atyred, so that is þe
belt he being rich or in the     glory, when June is the plough, aboute, with me! Him his heart     of grace they dwell if she
beginning his bootless songs, spice     his revelry expired; then his face pale, i’ll prove lucky     Muse; I loved in night long
with mother, a most made of þe     sted me hit semed þe fyrst in ȝonge watz metely delyuer     any such a wistful
eye; the britten hymseluen,     boþe þe knyȝt al in his schal stondes in yowre awen, and     date-bread ask for some finds
a houndes wyth bryȝt fallen such     a wistfull lips she had been his wings: from a leude cowþe wele     of couenauntez, þyse
oþer. For father’s lie? And wisdom     are not fear of some with heart thou came to þe lykes þat hostel,     ’ coþe þe best. The bearing
in the door into suns, this     bryȝt stel bot on þenne, for by acordez þat euer syn þat     most, as Danae in and denies
only remember me; you     wert thou dost thy nations, that smile at the sound like to the     wine were one, and I
remonstrous isles of the sun, when we     finds a hounds resembling eye glares ruin’d with too much of us     met on hym byhode.
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444names · 2 years
the entire article about dragons on the one wiki to rule them all + the entire list of supermetals on fandom.com
Achoughl's Ackson Addin Adentuals Adeord Adingunic Aishirce Alesiman Alling Amhan Amhown Ampass Ancoveres Andium Appara Appen Aprorme Arabstons Arkent Arkstrably Asiance Asistilliff Asque Asted Aurce Ausity Avicil Aviews Bandolon Bardarfuts Barks Beasings Beept Befes Bendinsmes Beorens Bionam Bitain Bited Blasque Blawarilms Blecriki Boducle Boduct Boodin Borolial Borturadve Bothook Boticapply Bousto Breard Breatentity Bress Brinuce Buideast Bypnoview Calcal Calrearies Candespang Canturaing Caran Cautalmall Ceses Charcor Chasiont Chawarak Ciefirre Cless Clusum Cocerned Coging Cogodurs Coides Coloffelver Coloyavagan Comble Comel Compared Complaped Compromol Computsal Conageon Conded Confalianin Conthers Conver Coodords Coorm Cormic Corms Counticase Couseng Craters Creathal Crefing Crights Croce Crody Crucluadity Curvit Cychants Deaste Deated Deatend Debas Denoskin Derrode Derser Diall Dians Dints Dithendely Docep Dorcal Dourviverid Dowerpost Dowito Dracen Dractract Draft Drally Dratimic Drattly Drimoner Dràgostal Duces Dunry Duraniant Dutar Dwartint Easgainclen Eathen Eavided Efist Eflegy Eganos Ejders Emusisin Endes Endouges Enecte Entacome Entheartar Ently Erription Evalls Evertic Exacc Excharviven Exisharns Expant Expesely Explabods Explard Explered Extriecte Extrote Facortery Fancenium Fanims Fatheel Fecren Fecuncresse Feely Felle Felleteld Fercroncord Ficias Filown Finmeater Finter Flectin Fleeld Flition's Folneut Folverast Forgictes Foribl Forshind Founed Frearth Friang Froubles Fulargs Gainglax's Gammons Gatimangdo Giante Giaste Gilly Gragmact Greattlen Groplorms Habile Haeted Hambagin Hanalection Hanitally Harikk Hawerth's Heing Heramagnon Herandosser Herms Hernet Hoboducents Hobste Holles Homple Hotabionce Hoton Hybred Hylas Idia's Imelkieve Imiten's Imixtiond Imper Imposters Ings' Innally Inoterity Inuffsper Iregan Jactied Joides Kiews Kinablekans Knonen Knoting Knovish Lancely Lantle Laste Layeturgite Leard Leges Leigh Lesusic Livele Loormority Lopen Lormover Lovies Ludes Lókiptarted Magenon Magónspan Manciall's Mataing Matilar Mattled Mazinate Medered Mehounk Meleared Memple Mending Merginces Merphol Mineen Minga Mings Mishal Mited Mmong Modizakit Morgon Mosequeng Moureks Muted Naing Nameles Neating Nessace Nostallorin Nothern Novair Obtaniumend Olefers Oterribl Otherrevar Pancerte Passionites Pearing Peratmer's Perming Petrogs Phefted Plandeve Plares Plear Pleasionium Plinations Plostruded Pnoble Poings Popeem Poriads Porns Povel Powultall Prear Predited Primper Pringolth Prining Prion Prity Prityproy Promic Properving Prore Prothants Prove Quals Rable Ractoliseed Rafthry Ragongs Rairew's Ralies Reapievies Reartalle Reatted Recit Remplity Revide Ricen Riked Rogiances Ruced Safnistrod Saguja Sambloysiss Sapon Sartemed Sawleed Scons Scousour Scwon Seatolk Seepies Selmillek Semet Sermovends Serreatted Servassed Shaing Sharium Shimolize Siblations Singerants Sinksouneel Sious Sloolders Slowing Slumagos Snamen Sompard Sopeamoralf Sparageod Speels Spencer Spendc Spent Spetily Spiale Spicles Spient Spients Spoinsfee Spree Stanite Stelm Storibion Stortiong Sucers Suction Suntal Surespror's Suriked Surred Swity Swolnium Swondor Swoung Tametwed Targoccors Tated Tentium Teratinosed Theappen Theenting Thercali Thiplay Tiners Toman Ton's Toners Tormunders Trachardend Tracks Trianger Tribluiver Triced Tright Trorbilet Ulleculan Unamed Uncon Undamini Unditchron Unesc Unfinove Unnistort Unnium Unspower Unucee Uppon Usize Usized Ustium Vairlokips Varactions Vering Vicasted Viders Vorphowly Waccumande Wayed Weally Wearge Wedatty Weirearave Whingize Widus Wiloging Winna Wistly Worturen Wrilike Youged Úvatic
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ppwbm-blog · 2 years
Kobalt lance la collection NFT avec Dawn Richard et Afroscope
Kobalt lance la collection NFT avec Dawn Richard et Afroscope
Kobalt se lance dans l’aventure des NFT avec une collection d’objets numériques à collectionner basés sur les paroles de la chanson de Dawn Richard “Le Petite Morte (A Lude)”, créée par l’artiste visuel Afroscope. Il s’agit de la première maison d’édition musicale à ” sortir un ensemble de NFTs sous licence, destinés directement aux fans “. Derek Cournoyer, vice-président de Kobalt chargé des…
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chikaraspecial · 4 years
Free Match from Flying V Fights: Pretty Proper (Lady Frost & Victor Benjamin) vs. The Bird and the Bee (Solo Darling & Willow Nightingale) vs. Salt the Earth (Matt Makowski & Travis Huckabee) vs. The Ugly Ducklings (Lance Lude & Rob Killjoy) from “The Hardest Part of the Ring (12.27.2019)!”
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Duckhouse Brawl: The Ugly Ducklings (w/ Coach Mikey) Vs. The GymNasty Boys Fest Wrestling We Are Family [October 29th, 2017]
2017 was the year that two teams rose to prominence in independent wrestling: The Ugly Ducklings and The GymNasty Boys. Both teams gained a huge following by facing each other and by becoming entities on their own, inciting joy and craziness in fans from one coast to the other. In this match, the two teams face off in one of the wildest matches I’ve seen from either team: A Duckhouse Brawl, with some of the craziest moments that even Fest Wrestling has ever seen! 
This is definitely a recommended match that EVERYONE should check out!
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kud-lucas · 7 years
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darintino · 3 years
Supporting Character Spinoff: BONUS CROSSOVER EDITION
Supporting Character Spinoff: BONUS CROSSOVER EDITION
SORRY, BONG NUMBER: Lance & Floyd. Worst. Prank. Call. Ev… wait, uhh…dude, what? FLOYD And LANCE in A TRUE FICTION PULP ROMANCE Two Tarantino characters cut from the same hemp cloth. A dealer and a sloth. The hippy pair with the same goatee and Prince Valiant hair. Groovy dudes who know people on ‘ludes should not drive. Pardon my paraphrasing the Bongfather of the big screen. It seems apropos…
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chikararesults · 4 years
S20 Results: “King of Trios 2019 - Night 1″ (10.4.19)
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1) KOT Opening Round Match: Ophidian/Princess KimberLee/Lance Steel eliminated The VeloCities (Jude London/Paris de Silva/Mat Diamond) in 13:29.
2) KOT Opening Round Match: The Nations (Jack Bonza/Mick Moretti/Adam Hoffman) ousted Karate Kat Xtreme (Lucas Calhoun/Stray Kat/Missile Assault Man) in 12:14.
3) KOT Opening Round Match: The Carnies (Nick Iggy/Kerry Awful/Tripp Cassidy) defeated The Legion of Rot (Hallowicked/Frightmare/Kobald) in 12:50.
4) KOT Opening Round Match: Dasher Hatfield/Molly McCoy/Boomer Hatfield won out over Creatures of the Deep (Oceanea/Merlok/Cajun Crawdad) in 9:29.
5) KOT Opening Round Match: The Colony (Fire Ant/Green Ant/Thief Ant) defeated Team Quack Attack (Mike Quackenbush/Rob Killjoy/Lance Lude) in 12:32.
6) KOT Opening Round Match: The Crucible (Devantes/Matt Makowski/E.M. DeMorest) beat Queens (Freddie Mercurio/Solo Darling/Willow Nightingale) in 9:52.
7) KOT Opening Round Match: F.I.S.T. (Icarus/Travis Huckabee/Tony Deppen) were victorious over The Embassy (Jimmy Rave/Prince Nana/Sal Rinauro) in 17:57.
8) KOT Opening Round Match: Team PUMP (Scott Steiner/Petey Williams/Jordynne Grace) triumphed over NDK (Nick Gage/Thomas Santell/Kris Statlander) in 14:20.
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contraxcode · 7 years
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Ugly Duckings vs T.E.C.H. vs Roscoe Eat Lisa vs Team Lucha: FEST Wrestling (X)
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scotianostra · 3 years
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"An antidote to the English"
On 22nd March 1421, Scottish and French troops under the Earl of Buchan defeated English forces at Bauge in Anjou, France.
This was during the 100 year war between France and England, Scots troops were there as part of the Auld Alliance.
  Henry V's of England's brother, Thomas the Duke of Clarence led 10,000 men south towards the Loire. They set about besieging the castle at Bauge when a Scottish army of 6,000 men commanded by the Earl of Buchan, they made contact with them the day before Good Friday. A truce was reached, lasting until Monday, so that the combatants could properly observe the religious occasion of Easter. 
The English lifted their siege and withdrew to nearby Beaufort, while the Scots camped at La Lude. However, early in the afternoon of Saturday Scottish scouts reported that the English had broken the truce and were advancing upon the Scots, hoping to take them by surprise. The Scots rallied hastily and battle was joined at a bridge which the Duke of Clarence, with banner unfurled for battle, sought to cross. A detachment of a few hundred men under Sir Robert Stewart of Ralston, reinforced by the retinue of Hugh Kennedy, held the bridge and prevented passage long enough for the Earl of Buchan to rally the rest of his army, whereupon they made a fighting retreat to the town where the English archers would be ineffective.
Both armies now joined in a bitter melee that lasted until nightfall. During the melee Sir John Carmichael of Douglasdale broke his lance unhorsing the Duke of Clarence; since that day the Carmichael coat of arms displays an armoured hand holding aloft a broken lance in commemoration of the victory. Once on the ground, the Duke was killed by Sir Alexander Buchanan. The English dead included the Lord Roos, Sir John Grey and Gilbert de Umfraville, whose death directly led to the extinction of the male line of that illustrious family, well known to the Scots since the Wars of Independence. The Earl of Somerset and his brother were captured by Laurence Vernon (later elevated to the rank of knight for his conduct), the Earl of Huntingdon was captured by Sir John Sibbald, and Lord Fitz Walter was taken by Henry Cunningham.
  On hearing of the Scottish victory, Pope Martin V passed comment by reiterating a common mediaeval saying, that the Scots are well-known as an antidote to the English.
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indypowerrankings · 7 years
1/20 Premier Wrestling Federation Results Hubert, NC
1/20 Premier Wrestling Federation Results Hubert, NC
Thanks to Rufus Peters for results “Tough” Tim Hughes defeated Michael Palete(?) Francisco Ciatso w/ Stormie Lee defeated “Golden Boy” Luke Grimes PWF Universal Tag Team Champions Lance Lude & Zane Riley defeated The Uncrustables (Patrick Scott & Donnie Ray) w/ Jagger to retain the titles Jagger won a #1 contenders battle royale to become the new top challenger for the PWF Universal Championship…
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biggoldbelt · 3 years
Independent Wrestling Manager Coach Mikey Announces Retirement On Social Media
Independent Wrestling Manager Coach Mikey Announces Retirement On Social Media
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One of independent wrestling’s most popular acts is the faction The Ugly Ducklings. The team featuring Colby Corino, Lance Lude and Rob Killjoy along with their manager Coach Mikey have been a featured independent act the last few years. The group has captured titles in popular independent promotions like FEST Wrestling, Rockstar Pro, and PWX. The COVID-19 pandemic has taken its toll on…
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chikaraspecial · 4 years
Free Match from Flying V Fights: The Legion of Rot (Hallowicked & Frightmare) vs. The Ugly Ducklings (Rob Killjoy & Lance Lude) w/Coach Mikey from “Fight or Flight (1.25.2019)”
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Lucha Rules Four Corners Match for the WOW Tag Team Championships: The Ugly Ducklings Vs. The Apostles Of Chaos (Champions) Vs. The Midnight Classics Vs. The Closers Warriors Of Wrestling [March 10th, 2018]
If you’ve never seen a match with Lucha Rules, it’s really simple: there are multiple wrestlers involved (more than two) and when one wrestler rolls outside the ropes, another can legally enter the match. At last weekend’s Warriors Of Wrestling event, the WOW Tag Team Championships were on the line as The Apostles Of Chaos defended against The Ugly Ducklings, The Midnight Classics, and The Closers. This exciting four way tag team bout has a little bit of everything, from powerful maneuvers to high flying action that kept the crowd on the edge of their seat!
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phukheadz · 5 years
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3856 LANCE LUDE @3motherduckers @rcwcofficial @uswajax #lancelude #theuglyducklings #pondsunknown #quackquack #professionalwrestler #professionalwrestling #rcwc2019 #uswa #artmovement #polymerclay #sculpey #loyalorderofphukheadz #loyalorderofduckheadz (at River City Wrestling Con) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzgDiZuh4oB/?igshid=1i9trtwmfbhas
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