#LIKE okay the mc signed the birth certificate for this kid even though he's not actually the dad for plot reasons and like
vampfucker666 · 3 years
okay also this one is 100% my fault cause i cant fuckin read lol but i misread the tags on the previously mentioned fic and thought the main character was trans as well as another character. thats part of the reason i kept reading it for so long i was like okay when they r they gonna bring this up.................... this would be a great time to bring this up................. oh hang on a FUCKING second.
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Major Crimes Re-Watch-Long Shot
The crime- 
Judge Howard Cully is shot by sniper while swearing in Dr. Massoud as the new superintendent of schools. Looks like a professional hit. Because Dr. Massoud is a Muslim he had been receiving death threats so the assumption is that he had been the target and the sniper missed and hit the judge---or did he? This is another case where Major Crimes is helping the FBI and also vying for control. Sharon seems to be able to handle this dichotomy very well. She follows the letter of the law in her dealings but is not above finding a way to circumvent those laws to keep her case. She’s always had a good professional relationship with Fritz. Even on TC Fritz always seemed to know that Sharon had Brenda’s best interest at heart and he appreciated that even though for a long time Brenda didn’t. Brenda was her own worst enemy.
“Oh, Captain, were you expecting Rusty’s father?
Daniel actually has the nerve to be pissed that neither Sharon nor Rusty has returned his calls of apology. Sharon doesn’t play into that or let him have the upper hand. He interrupted her at work and she tells him to have a seat in her office, her ground. He can wait until she is ready. Daniel isn’t happy but Sharon is the one in control here.
“The idea of taking a kid that has done that kind of stuff and putting him in a normal family, it freaked Annie out.” “I can imagine”.
Dunn is too sure that he is right to get Sharon’s sarcasm here—after all Sharon has done just that, accepted Rusty into her normal family. One thing that didn’t make sense to me is that Annie seems so appalled by Rusty and his background, yet Daniel continues to insist that he needs Rusty because Annie expects to make him a member of their family. Either she wants him around or she doesn’t, gotta make up your mind here.
“Why don’t we make a tentative appointment for you and Rusty to talk tomorrow at 4pm in the conference room here?”
Dunn is surprised that Sharon acquiesced so easily and without incriminations on his behavior. I’m sure he expected her to completely go off on him. He has no idea that she has just neatly set a trap for him.
“We can fix this. We can.” “Fixing this is, uh, a big priority as you can see.”
Sharon is looking out her window at the team as she speaks.  Dunn follows her gaze and the first person we see is Andy standing tall and glaring toward Sharon’s office, then the camera pans along and we see the rest of the team, including, surprisingly enough, Taylor, all glaring his way. Rusty’s family is not letting Dunn off the hook for this.
“We wouldn’t want to send the federal government on a wild goose chase now, would we lieutenant?” “Oh, I should hope not Captain.”
Love the amused look Andy has on his face during this exchange between Sharon and Provenza. It reminded me of the season five episode when Andy grins at Sharon and says she can be pretty sneaky. The team is learning that while Sharon follows the rules, she is also cunning enough to know how to make them work for her and is not averse to using the rules to her and her team’s advantage.
“Are you sure about this?” “Honey, I do this for a living.”
Sweet. First time we’ve heard Sharon use a term of endearment like this.
“Mr. Reyes?”
What happens to Gustavo Reyes is truly heartbreaking (and we have another Gustavo, the writers on MC really like certain names) I get why they had to kill him, to make the comparison of the ultimate sacrifice of Reyes, compared to Dunn being a piss poor dad, but it broke my heart when he was killed.  He seemed like such a nice hardworking man. It also gave insight into the fear that decent, hardworking, undocumented immigrants live with every day in this country, something that is particularly important to see in today’s horrible climate.
“I thought you were just covering your ass so we could keep our case.” “I was precisely following the law.” God, it’s like working for a hall monitor every… single… day.”
Provenza is still adjusting to working for someone who always follows the rules and always does what she promises she will do.
“Dad must be freaking out.”
Oh, this is killing Sharon—you can see the pain on her face. She knows his dad is dead, that this young boy’s life is going to be forever changed, and yet she has to pretend that he is still alive. Ouch.
“Could I have a name to put on your death certificate?”
I love this line. Sharon does want this guys name but she also wants to make sure he knows he is going to die.
“I’d like to talk to Rusty by myself.” “The people here want to be sure of my safety, Daniel.”
The look on Daniel’s face when he walks into the conference room and sees the whole team there is priceless. He knows right then that he has walked into Sharon’s carefully laid trap and he is screwed.
“And that you should have to ask why we would arrest you after seeing those pictures---“ “Just a very bad sign Danny-boy.”
Again, it’s Andy who is first there to back Sharon up and help dig the knife a little deeper right before the rest of the team jumps in to help too.
“There are two choices in front of you.”
This is very reminiscent of her scene with Jack when she shows him the two choices in front of him, adoption or divorce.
“If it’s any comfort to you Daniel, yesterday I was reminded just how much good fathers are willing to sacrifice for their children. You’re not cut out for the job.”
Daniel didn’t want Rusty because he was his son or because he felt anything for him, it was all about gaining brownie points with his fiancée—which again didn’t make a lot of sense because she seemed pretty oft put by Rusty. I like that Sharon drew the comparison with Mr. Reyes. Reyes was a truly admirable man who gave up everything for his son while Dunn wasn’t willing to give up anything to make a place for Rusty in his life.
“You may just have ruined my life.” “Good.”
Again the selfishness. Daniel never considers what Rusty has been through—is in fact embarrassed by him and his past. It’s all about Daniel and how Rusty is affecting his life.
“Congratulations kid. We should all sign on as witnesses.”
Andy is the first to congratulate Rusty and is genuinely happy for him—and wants to be part of it. Looking back, Andy has been a part of the Rusty/Sharon family from its birth.
“How weird is it that I’m happy to be an orphan?” “You’re not an orphan, Rusty. You may not have a mom and dad but you are family…You are.”
Awww… the sweet proud Andy grin. It’s like the look on the face of a husband who has just watched his wife cradle their newborn for the first time. Okay, that was pretty sappy, but you get my drift. Also, this is the first time Sharon has referred to Rusty as family—just as the first season ends. In one season, he’s gone from a belligerent, reluctant, temporary ward who Sharon originally asked to refer to her as Captain--- to family.  He started out the season wanting desperately to find his mother and in the end; he did, only it turned out to be Sharon Raydor, not Sharon Beck.  
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