#Khan Kubrat
Onoghur (Hetalia OC)
finally, she's done :D :D :D
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(and yeah, I decided to keep the eminem reference :D I also added references to bulgar culture, such as khan Kubrat's seal and the IYI symbol, I wonder what kind of rap she'd make)
character info under the cut
lived in the early medieval times, most likely was born before that
an oghur turkic tribe, name means ten tribes
onoghurs were nomads who lived in yurts. they were warriors, hunters, fishers and animal herders. also, they were famous for marten skin trade
was born somewhere in the western steppe, perhaps the lands of modern-day kazakhstan, doesn't remember where
might have been a part of the tiele confederation
doesn't remember having any parents, has two brothers, saraghur and oghur
lost contact with her brothers after they separated in the 5th century, each of them seeking a better life, they never met again
she cared about them and was attached to them. after this, she never wanted to be emotionally close to anyone, friends (avar), her husband bulgar, or even her kids (volga bulgaria, danube bulgaria, the kid representing kuber's bulgars, the kid representing alcek's bulgars)
married bulgar in the 7th century, creating a confederation called old great bulgaria, also known as patria onoghuria
the fact that her people traded with marten skin shows that onoghurs lived near forests and had contact with finno-ugric tribes, so perhaps she knew hungary's father, magyar (who, interestingly, was influenced by oghuric peoples)
if she was a part of the tiele confederation, then there's a chance she knew oghuz (turkey's ancestor) when they were kids, they probably don't remember each other though
admired avar (she even feared him a bit before they met) and became friends with him
a warrior, headstrong and freedom-loving, would never submit (her husband was similar)
also pragmatic, cool, confident, not very talkative or enthusiastic, a bit distant, easygoing, kinda smug (can find a reason to look down on anyone if she wants to), a bit thoughtful
likes to banter
genuine, honest, thinks lying is for weaklings and cowards
maybe her mbti type could be ISTP and her enneagram and tritype could be 8w9 854 sp/sx
then she married bulgar and they had kids. and khazar attacked them. if they didn't have any kids, they'd probably fight to the death.
bulgar submitted to khazar so he could give her and the kids time to escape. the kids needed her, she couldn't go and fight alongside her husband. bulgar became a soldier under khazar's rule, bleeding in wars that aren't his, just so his wife and children could live unbothered.
she, together with two of the children, went to avar's place. in the chaos, another one of the kids ended up being taken to the lower danube and another one was taken to middle volga.
at avar's place, kuber took a group of bulgars (represented by one of her kids) to the bitola field in modern-day macedonia and alcek took another group (represented by the other kid) to italy
she and avar survived until magyar and his little kid came. by that point, they were terminally ill due to their people being in a process of assimilation with the locals. they died peacefully.
her living her final days in pannonia perhaps caused a confusion between her and magyar's kid. like why do so many nations refer to magyar's daughter with a distorted version of her name - hungary, when said daugher calls herself magyar, just like her dad? :D in the 10th century, hungarians would call bulgarians nándor, which itself is derived from onoghur
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
On March 1, Bulgarians celebrate Baba Marta - one of the most beloved Bulgarian traditions, preserved to this day. We associate the holiday with the symbolic beginning of spring and the renewal of nature. On this day, everyone presents their loved ones with martenitsi – special ornaments made of white and red yarn. They are a symbol of health, luck and strength during the year. This custom is an important element of Bulgaria's cultural heritage and continues to be a favorite tradition for many Bulgarians today.
Although there are different variations and names in different cultures, the general idea of wearing ornaments associated with spring and wishes for health and luck is widespread in the region. The tradition of tying a martenitsa, made of twisted white and red woolen threads, is known not only in Bulgaria, but also in other Balkan countries such as Romania, Macedonia, Greece, Serbia and others.
The name of the holiday "Baba Marta" is associated with the mythical creature "Baba Marta" (Grandmother Marta), which is part of Bulgarian folklore and personifies the changeable month of March. She is the personification of March and is considered the sister of Golyam Sechko (Big Sechko) and Malak Sechko (Small Sechko), which represent January and February. The custom of Baba Marta is related to the beliefs and traditions associated with the coming of spring. Throughout the month, rites are performed to chase away snakes and lizards, as well as fortune-telling related to certain migratory birds.
The custom of wearing martenitsi on March 1 is closely related to the feast of Baba Marta and is the day of her arrival. Bulgarians believe that when Baba Marta laughs, it is sunny and warm outside, but if she gets angry, the wind blows and clouds hide the sun. Therefore, many of the traditions on March 1 are aimed at propitiating her. She is believed to appear dressed in red and visit only tidy and clean homes, so people clean their homes at the end of February. This spring cleaning symbolizes getting rid of everything bad and unnecessary from last year. A red tablecloth is brought out into the courtyard to please Baba Marta and attract favor to the house, according to Bulgarian stories.
The martenitsa is made of two twisted threads, mostly of woolen or cotton yarn - in white and red. In some areas, the martenitsi are multi-colored, but the red color always predominates - a symbol of life, the sun and fertility. While the white color represents purity, innocence and happiness. It is a tradition on the first day of March for the oldest woman in the family to tie a twisted white and red thread on the children's hands for health and against bad luck. Martenits are carried for a certain period of time - until the appearance of a flowering tree or the first migratory bird. They are placed on a tree or under a stone. In the latter case, you can guess - if there are ants under it, the year will be fertile. Another custom is to hang them on a flowering tree or bush or carry them to the storks' nest and only then put them on a tree. Decorated trees and bushes are traditionally seen in many places in Bulgaria and the world. It is believed that the gift of the martenitsa brings happiness and luck. That's why all people give martenitsi to their relatives and friends.
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Legend of the Martenitsi
There are many legends and traditions related to the origin of Martenitsa in Bulgarian culture. One of them tells about Khan Kubrat, the ruler of the proto-Bulgarians, who at the end of his life ordered his sons not to split and always remain friendly and cheerful. So that Bulgaria's enemies may never defeat them. Time passed, the khan died and it was time to check his vow. Then the Khazars attacked the proto-Bulgarians and captured Kubrat's daughter - Khuba.
The leader of the Huns, Khan Ashina, offered the five sons to recognize him as their ruler, and he would free their sister and conquer the Bulgarian lands. The Khan's sons did not know what to do, the choice was difficult.
The eldest son, Bayan, decided to recognize Khazar rule and stay with his captive sister. The other brothers did not agree and went to look for free land for their tribes. One brother went north, and the others, Asparukh, Kuber and Alcek, went south. Before parting, the brothers secretly agreed with Khuba and Bayan to stay with Arshina, at least until free land was found. After that, Asparuh would send them a bird tied by a golden thread to its leg as a sign to flee. The brothers went on their journey and left the captive girl and Bayan in Ashina's hands.
Soon Khuba and Bayan received the sign from the dove with the golden thread on its leg. Eventually, they escaped from the bad khan and reached the waters of the Danube. They did not know how to cross to the other shore and only the dove could show them the way. Bayan took a white thread, which Khuba tied on the leg of the pigeon. They let the bird fly, but at that moment Hunnic troops appeared and fired at them. Bayan was injured, and the beginning of the thread he was holding was stained with blood. Just at that moment, Asparukh appeared with his soldiers on the other side of the river, which caused the Huns to flee.
Asparukh helped Khuba and Bayan cross the river. He took the thread from Bayan and tied its white end with the red one. He then pinned his troops with a piece of the red thread. After that, he stood before the army and confessed that he and his brothers had disobeyed their father's advice and thus paid with their blood for their disunity. He ordered that the red and white thread never be torn, because this bloodstained thread will forever bind the Bulgarians.
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athenov · 8 months
what do u think about greece's name in hetalia? is heracles fitting? wouldn't heraclius or herakleios (or whatever was the name of that emperor who was khan kubrat's pal) fit better
Real talk, I like Herk's first name. It fits fine (although Herakleios would be a better choice for Byzantine Empire enthusiasts like me), given the massive stereotype for Greece relies on Ancient Greece.
Funnily enough I like his canon surname as well, but I don't use it in my "serious" fics
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dreamfoodbg · 5 months
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Kubrat’s third son
Kubrat’s third son – Asparuh, led his father’s tribe across the river Dnepr to settle in a naturally fortified area called Ongal among the rivers Danube, Prut and Dnestr. Soon the Proto- Bulgarians came into union with the Slavs who had already settled in the lands south of the Danube and together they recognized the Byzantine Empire as a common enemy. Out of this union was born the First Bulgarian Kingdom…
In the foundations of the new state lied elements of the social organization and the spiritual traditions of both Slavs and Proto-Bulgarians. Major position in the economic life of the Proto-Bulgarians occupied animal breeding, and in particular horse husbandry. All pastures and herds were common but unlike the situation in Slavic society, slavery was rather wide-spread among the Proto-Bulgarians. Besides with hunting and fishing, the tribes were familiar with the potter’s wheel, the art of jewellery, hide processing, carpentry and the blacksmith’s craft Tour Packages Bulgaria. The basis of further social and cultural development was provided by the monotheistic religion – with Tangra, the Supreme God of Heaven – combined with many different beliefs and cults. A sign of some advance in that culture was also the Proto-Bulgarian calendar system based on a twelve-year lunar zodiac cycle.
A map of the lands on which the first Proto-Bulgarian horde had settled.
So in the second half of the 7th century before the Slavs and the Proto-Bulgarians stood the great historical task of establishing a new state under the name of Bulgaria…
Though He Live Well Man Dies and Another Is Born, So May The Last Born Gazing on This Remember Him Who Made It…
Khan Omurtag’s inscription from the first half of the 9th c.
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tripistanbul · 5 months
New Post has been published on Vasilka
Kubrat’s third son
Kubrat’s third son – Asparuh, led his father’s tribe across the river Dnepr to settle in a naturally fortified area called Ongal among the rivers Danube, Prut and Dnestr. Soon the Proto- Bulgarians came into union with the Slavs who had already settled in the lands south of the Danube and together they recognized the Byzantine Empire as a common enemy. Out of this union was born the First Bulgarian Kingdom…
In the foundations of the new state lied elements of the social organization and the spiritual traditions of both Slavs and Proto-Bulgarians. Major position in the economic life of the Proto-Bulgarians occupied animal breeding, and in particular horse husbandry. All pastures and herds were common but unlike the situation in Slavic society, slavery was rather wide-spread among the Proto-Bulgarians. Besides with hunting and fishing, the tribes were familiar with the potter’s wheel, the art of jewellery, hide processing, carpentry and the blacksmith’s craft Tour Packages Bulgaria. The basis of further social and cultural development was provided by the monotheistic religion – with Tangra, the Supreme God of Heaven – combined with many different beliefs and cults. A sign of some advance in that culture was also the Proto-Bulgarian calendar system based on a twelve-year lunar zodiac cycle.
A map of the lands on which the first Proto-Bulgarian horde had settled.
So in the second half of the 7th century before the Slavs and the Proto-Bulgarians stood the great historical task of establishing a new state under the name of Bulgaria…
Though He Live Well Man Dies and Another Is Born, So May The Last Born Gazing on This Remember Him Who Made It…
Khan Omurtag’s inscription from the first half of the 9th c.
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mahsed · 5 months
New Post has been published on Mirela
Kubrat’s third son
Kubrat’s third son – Asparuh, led his father’s tribe across the river Dnepr to settle in a naturally fortified area called Ongal among the rivers Danube, Prut and Dnestr. Soon the Proto- Bulgarians came into union with the Slavs who had already settled in the lands south of the Danube and together they recognized the Byzantine Empire as a common enemy. Out of this union was born the First Bulgarian Kingdom…
In the foundations of the new state lied elements of the social organization and the spiritual traditions of both Slavs and Proto-Bulgarians. Major position in the economic life of the Proto-Bulgarians occupied animal breeding, and in particular horse husbandry. All pastures and herds were common but unlike the situation in Slavic society, slavery was rather wide-spread among the Proto-Bulgarians. Besides with hunting and fishing, the tribes were familiar with the potter’s wheel, the art of jewellery, hide processing, carpentry and the blacksmith’s craft Tour Packages Bulgaria. The basis of further social and cultural development was provided by the monotheistic religion – with Tangra, the Supreme God of Heaven – combined with many different beliefs and cults. A sign of some advance in that culture was also the Proto-Bulgarian calendar system based on a twelve-year lunar zodiac cycle.
A map of the lands on which the first Proto-Bulgarian horde had settled.
So in the second half of the 7th century before the Slavs and the Proto-Bulgarians stood the great historical task of establishing a new state under the name of Bulgaria…
Though He Live Well Man Dies and Another Is Born, So May The Last Born Gazing on This Remember Him Who Made It…
Khan Omurtag’s inscription from the first half of the 9th c.
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socialmgame · 5 months
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Kubrat’s third son
Kubrat’s third son – Asparuh, led his father’s tribe across the river Dnepr to settle in a naturally fortified area called Ongal among the rivers Danube, Prut and Dnestr. Soon the Proto- Bulgarians came into union with the Slavs who had already settled in the lands south of the Danube and together they recognized the Byzantine Empire as a common enemy. Out of this union was born the First Bulgarian Kingdom…
In the foundations of the new state lied elements of the social organization and the spiritual traditions of both Slavs and Proto-Bulgarians. Major position in the economic life of the Proto-Bulgarians occupied animal breeding, and in particular horse husbandry. All pastures and herds were common but unlike the situation in Slavic society, slavery was rather wide-spread among the Proto-Bulgarians. Besides with hunting and fishing, the tribes were familiar with the potter’s wheel, the art of jewellery, hide processing, carpentry and the blacksmith’s craft Tour Packages Bulgaria. The basis of further social and cultural development was provided by the monotheistic religion – with Tangra, the Supreme God of Heaven – combined with many different beliefs and cults. A sign of some advance in that culture was also the Proto-Bulgarian calendar system based on a twelve-year lunar zodiac cycle.
A map of the lands on which the first Proto-Bulgarian horde had settled.
So in the second half of the 7th century before the Slavs and the Proto-Bulgarians stood the great historical task of establishing a new state under the name of Bulgaria…
Though He Live Well Man Dies and Another Is Born, So May The Last Born Gazing on This Remember Him Who Made It…
Khan Omurtag’s inscription from the first half of the 9th c.
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fashionphotograpybg · 5 months
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Kubrat’s third son
Kubrat’s third son – Asparuh, led his father’s tribe across the river Dnepr to settle in a naturally fortified area called Ongal among the rivers Danube, Prut and Dnestr. Soon the Proto- Bulgarians came into union with the Slavs who had already settled in the lands south of the Danube and together they recognized the Byzantine Empire as a common enemy. Out of this union was born the First Bulgarian Kingdom…
In the foundations of the new state lied elements of the social organization and the spiritual traditions of both Slavs and Proto-Bulgarians. Major position in the economic life of the Proto-Bulgarians occupied animal breeding, and in particular horse husbandry. All pastures and herds were common but unlike the situation in Slavic society, slavery was rather wide-spread among the Proto-Bulgarians. Besides with hunting and fishing, the tribes were familiar with the potter’s wheel, the art of jewellery, hide processing, carpentry and the blacksmith’s craft Tour Packages Bulgaria. The basis of further social and cultural development was provided by the monotheistic religion – with Tangra, the Supreme God of Heaven – combined with many different beliefs and cults. A sign of some advance in that culture was also the Proto-Bulgarian calendar system based on a twelve-year lunar zodiac cycle.
A map of the lands on which the first Proto-Bulgarian horde had settled.
So in the second half of the 7th century before the Slavs and the Proto-Bulgarians stood the great historical task of establishing a new state under the name of Bulgaria…
Though He Live Well Man Dies and Another Is Born, So May The Last Born Gazing on This Remember Him Who Made It…
Khan Omurtag’s inscription from the first half of the 9th c.
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melnikbg · 5 months
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Roman town Nicopolis ad Istrurn
The Byzantine Empire was not able to hold back the Slavs neither by applying military force, nor by diplomatic means, much less by attracting select representatives of theirs to the army or to the administration. The local Thracian population gradually got assimilated in the immense Slavic mass. However, in their struggle against the powerful Byzantine Empire the Slavs stood in constant need of an ally. And in the second half of the 7lh century the desired allyç
The Roman town Nicopolis ad Istrurn was built by the Emperor Trajan in 107 to commemorate his victory over the Dacians with whom he fought for almost seven appeared, came from the north…
Originally Turkic-speaking tribes from the steppes of Central Asia or, according to other authors, from the Altaic ethnic community of Western Siberia, the Proto-Bulgarians became part of the general wave of the Hun incursion and resettled in the lands between the Caspian Sea and the Sea of Azov to the north of Caucasus. The name “Bulgarians” was used for the first time by a Roman historian in 354. Moving west with the Huns the Proto-Bulgarians finally reached the Byzantine provinces on the Balkans. To protect his capital in the beginning of the 6th century the Byzantine emperor ordered the construction of a wall between the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmora. Facing this new enemy Constantinople took steps in disuniting and opposing to each other the Proto-Bulgarian tribes and finally they submitted to the Avar khaganate. Some tribes dispersed in Central Europe and Northern Italy, others stayed in the steppes by the Sea of Azov Private Tours Balkan.
Proto-Bulgarian khan Kubrat
In 632 the Proto-Bulgarian khan Kubrat succeeded to overthrow the power of the khaganate and to create a powerful military and tribal union which was defined by the Byzantine historians as “Old Great Bulgaria”. An alumnus of Constantinople himself khan Kubrat led a very wise policy with the Empire and was honoured with a rank of a patrician from the emperor. He established as a capital of his state the ancient city of Fanagoria on the Taman Peninsula and this state lasted for about three decades. However, his five sons could not cope with the intertribal dissentions and soon after their father’s death the powerful Khazar Khaganate subjugated the tribes.
The elder son, Batbayan, stayed as head of the so called “black Bulgarians” under Khazar dominion. The second son, Kotrag, led his people to the middle reaches of the river Volga to found a state called the “Volga-and-Kama Bulgaria”. The fourth son, Kuber, made for Panonia and finally settled down in Macedonia. And the fifth son, Altzek, after taking a long march stopped in Italy.
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vasilkalazarova · 5 months
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Kubrat’s third son
Kubrat’s third son – Asparuh, led his father’s tribe across the river Dnepr to settle in a naturally fortified area called Ongal among the rivers Danube, Prut and Dnestr. Soon the Proto- Bulgarians came into union with the Slavs who had already settled in the lands south of the Danube and together they recognized the Byzantine Empire as a common enemy. Out of this union was born the First Bulgarian Kingdom…
In the foundations of the new state lied elements of the social organization and the spiritual traditions of both Slavs and Proto-Bulgarians. Major position in the economic life of the Proto-Bulgarians occupied animal breeding, and in particular horse husbandry. All pastures and herds were common but unlike the situation in Slavic society, slavery was rather wide-spread among the Proto-Bulgarians. Besides with hunting and fishing, the tribes were familiar with the potter’s wheel, the art of jewellery, hide processing, carpentry and the blacksmith’s craft Tour Packages Bulgaria. The basis of further social and cultural development was provided by the monotheistic religion – with Tangra, the Supreme God of Heaven – combined with many different beliefs and cults. A sign of some advance in that culture was also the Proto-Bulgarian calendar system based on a twelve-year lunar zodiac cycle.
A map of the lands on which the first Proto-Bulgarian horde had settled.
So in the second half of the 7th century before the Slavs and the Proto-Bulgarians stood the great historical task of establishing a new state under the name of Bulgaria…
Though He Live Well Man Dies and Another Is Born, So May The Last Born Gazing on This Remember Him Who Made It…
Khan Omurtag’s inscription from the first half of the 9th c.
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mirelaste · 5 months
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Kubrat’s third son
Kubrat’s third son – Asparuh, led his father’s tribe across the river Dnepr to settle in a naturally fortified area called Ongal among the rivers Danube, Prut and Dnestr. Soon the Proto- Bulgarians came into union with the Slavs who had already settled in the lands south of the Danube and together they recognized the Byzantine Empire as a common enemy. Out of this union was born the First Bulgarian Kingdom…
In the foundations of the new state lied elements of the social organization and the spiritual traditions of both Slavs and Proto-Bulgarians. Major position in the economic life of the Proto-Bulgarians occupied animal breeding, and in particular horse husbandry. All pastures and herds were common but unlike the situation in Slavic society, slavery was rather wide-spread among the Proto-Bulgarians. Besides with hunting and fishing, the tribes were familiar with the potter’s wheel, the art of jewellery, hide processing, carpentry and the blacksmith’s craft Tour Packages Bulgaria. The basis of further social and cultural development was provided by the monotheistic religion – with Tangra, the Supreme God of Heaven – combined with many different beliefs and cults. A sign of some advance in that culture was also the Proto-Bulgarian calendar system based on a twelve-year lunar zodiac cycle.
A map of the lands on which the first Proto-Bulgarian horde had settled.
So in the second half of the 7th century before the Slavs and the Proto-Bulgarians stood the great historical task of establishing a new state under the name of Bulgaria…
Though He Live Well Man Dies and Another Is Born, So May The Last Born Gazing on This Remember Him Who Made It…
Khan Omurtag’s inscription from the first half of the 9th c.
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Onoghur (WIP)
I decided to try drawing OCs in realistic style and I started with Onoghur, parodying the cover of Eminem’s 11th album, Music to Be Murdered By :D idk why this is the result when inspiration hits me I guess
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dark yellow/light yellow parts of the image are WIP, grayscale parts are the finished ones
outfit is based on findings from the Bolshe-tarkhan necropolis in Tatarstan, a republic in the Russian Federation, where pagan Bulgar burials from the 8th and the 9th century were found
in the “MUSIC TO BE MURDERED BY“ inscription, the S is supposed to be a whip, the C is an unstrung bow, the I, T, and the Es are supposed to be made out of arrows, the Ds and Bs are bows, the O references khan Kubrat’s seal and the Y represents a symbol the Danube Bulgars used
baghatur was a title that was used among many steppe peoples, it meant something like a knight, I imagine she fought in wars, so she must’ve been something like a baghatur (though she wasn’t human so idk if she had such a title)
4th century is when onoghurs were first referenced
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(a close-up)
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sunyandbulgaria · 5 months
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Roman town Nicopolis ad Istrurn
The Byzantine Empire was not able to hold back the Slavs neither by applying military force, nor by diplomatic means, much less by attracting select representatives of theirs to the army or to the administration. The local Thracian population gradually got assimilated in the immense Slavic mass. However, in their struggle against the powerful Byzantine Empire the Slavs stood in constant need of an ally. And in the second half of the 7lh century the desired allyç
The Roman town Nicopolis ad Istrurn was built by the Emperor Trajan in 107 to commemorate his victory over the Dacians with whom he fought for almost seven appeared, came from the north…
Originally Turkic-speaking tribes from the steppes of Central Asia or, according to other authors, from the Altaic ethnic community of Western Siberia, the Proto-Bulgarians became part of the general wave of the Hun incursion and resettled in the lands between the Caspian Sea and the Sea of Azov to the north of Caucasus. The name “Bulgarians” was used for the first time by a Roman historian in 354. Moving west with the Huns the Proto-Bulgarians finally reached the Byzantine provinces on the Balkans. To protect his capital in the beginning of the 6th century the Byzantine emperor ordered the construction of a wall between the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmora. Facing this new enemy Constantinople took steps in disuniting and opposing to each other the Proto-Bulgarian tribes and finally they submitted to the Avar khaganate. Some tribes dispersed in Central Europe and Northern Italy, others stayed in the steppes by the Sea of Azov Private Tours Balkan.
Proto-Bulgarian khan Kubrat
In 632 the Proto-Bulgarian khan Kubrat succeeded to overthrow the power of the khaganate and to create a powerful military and tribal union which was defined by the Byzantine historians as “Old Great Bulgaria”. An alumnus of Constantinople himself khan Kubrat led a very wise policy with the Empire and was honoured with a rank of a patrician from the emperor. He established as a capital of his state the ancient city of Fanagoria on the Taman Peninsula and this state lasted for about three decades. However, his five sons could not cope with the intertribal dissentions and soon after their father’s death the powerful Khazar Khaganate subjugated the tribes.
The elder son, Batbayan, stayed as head of the so called “black Bulgarians” under Khazar dominion. The second son, Kotrag, led his people to the middle reaches of the river Volga to found a state called the “Volga-and-Kama Bulgaria”. The fourth son, Kuber, made for Panonia and finally settled down in Macedonia. And the fifth son, Altzek, after taking a long march stopped in Italy.
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burgasbulgaria · 5 months
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Roman town Nicopolis ad Istrurn
The Byzantine Empire was not able to hold back the Slavs neither by applying military force, nor by diplomatic means, much less by attracting select representatives of theirs to the army or to the administration. The local Thracian population gradually got assimilated in the immense Slavic mass. However, in their struggle against the powerful Byzantine Empire the Slavs stood in constant need of an ally. And in the second half of the 7lh century the desired allyç
The Roman town Nicopolis ad Istrurn was built by the Emperor Trajan in 107 to commemorate his victory over the Dacians with whom he fought for almost seven appeared, came from the north…
Originally Turkic-speaking tribes from the steppes of Central Asia or, according to other authors, from the Altaic ethnic community of Western Siberia, the Proto-Bulgarians became part of the general wave of the Hun incursion and resettled in the lands between the Caspian Sea and the Sea of Azov to the north of Caucasus. The name “Bulgarians” was used for the first time by a Roman historian in 354. Moving west with the Huns the Proto-Bulgarians finally reached the Byzantine provinces on the Balkans. To protect his capital in the beginning of the 6th century the Byzantine emperor ordered the construction of a wall between the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmora. Facing this new enemy Constantinople took steps in disuniting and opposing to each other the Proto-Bulgarian tribes and finally they submitted to the Avar khaganate. Some tribes dispersed in Central Europe and Northern Italy, others stayed in the steppes by the Sea of Azov Private Tours Balkan.
Proto-Bulgarian khan Kubrat
In 632 the Proto-Bulgarian khan Kubrat succeeded to overthrow the power of the khaganate and to create a powerful military and tribal union which was defined by the Byzantine historians as “Old Great Bulgaria”. An alumnus of Constantinople himself khan Kubrat led a very wise policy with the Empire and was honoured with a rank of a patrician from the emperor. He established as a capital of his state the ancient city of Fanagoria on the Taman Peninsula and this state lasted for about three decades. However, his five sons could not cope with the intertribal dissentions and soon after their father’s death the powerful Khazar Khaganate subjugated the tribes.
The elder son, Batbayan, stayed as head of the so called “black Bulgarians” under Khazar dominion. The second son, Kotrag, led his people to the middle reaches of the river Volga to found a state called the “Volga-and-Kama Bulgaria”. The fourth son, Kuber, made for Panonia and finally settled down in Macedonia. And the fifth son, Altzek, after taking a long march stopped in Italy.
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dreamfoodbg · 5 months
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Kubrat’s third son
Kubrat’s third son – Asparuh, led his father’s tribe across the river Dnepr to settle in a naturally fortified area called Ongal among the rivers Danube, Prut and Dnestr. Soon the Proto- Bulgarians came into union with the Slavs who had already settled in the lands south of the Danube and together they recognized the Byzantine Empire as a common enemy. Out of this union was born the First Bulgarian Kingdom…
In the foundations of the new state lied elements of the social organization and the spiritual traditions of both Slavs and Proto-Bulgarians. Major position in the economic life of the Proto-Bulgarians occupied animal breeding, and in particular horse husbandry. All pastures and herds were common but unlike the situation in Slavic society, slavery was rather wide-spread among the Proto-Bulgarians. Besides with hunting and fishing, the tribes were familiar with the potter’s wheel, the art of jewellery, hide processing, carpentry and the blacksmith’s craft Tour Packages Bulgaria. The basis of further social and cultural development was provided by the monotheistic religion – with Tangra, the Supreme God of Heaven – combined with many different beliefs and cults. A sign of some advance in that culture was also the Proto-Bulgarian calendar system based on a twelve-year lunar zodiac cycle.
A map of the lands on which the first Proto-Bulgarian horde had settled.
So in the second half of the 7th century before the Slavs and the Proto-Bulgarians stood the great historical task of establishing a new state under the name of Bulgaria…
Though He Live Well Man Dies and Another Is Born, So May The Last Born Gazing on This Remember Him Who Made It…
Khan Omurtag’s inscription from the first half of the 9th c.
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mirelapink · 5 months
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Kubrat’s third son
Kubrat’s third son – Asparuh, led his father’s tribe across the river Dnepr to settle in a naturally fortified area called Ongal among the rivers Danube, Prut and Dnestr. Soon the Proto- Bulgarians came into union with the Slavs who had already settled in the lands south of the Danube and together they recognized the Byzantine Empire as a common enemy. Out of this union was born the First Bulgarian Kingdom…
In the foundations of the new state lied elements of the social organization and the spiritual traditions of both Slavs and Proto-Bulgarians. Major position in the economic life of the Proto-Bulgarians occupied animal breeding, and in particular horse husbandry. All pastures and herds were common but unlike the situation in Slavic society, slavery was rather wide-spread among the Proto-Bulgarians. Besides with hunting and fishing, the tribes were familiar with the potter’s wheel, the art of jewellery, hide processing, carpentry and the blacksmith’s craft Tour Packages Bulgaria. The basis of further social and cultural development was provided by the monotheistic religion – with Tangra, the Supreme God of Heaven – combined with many different beliefs and cults. A sign of some advance in that culture was also the Proto-Bulgarian calendar system based on a twelve-year lunar zodiac cycle.
A map of the lands on which the first Proto-Bulgarian horde had settled.
So in the second half of the 7th century before the Slavs and the Proto-Bulgarians stood the great historical task of establishing a new state under the name of Bulgaria…
Though He Live Well Man Dies and Another Is Born, So May The Last Born Gazing on This Remember Him Who Made It…
Khan Omurtag’s inscription from the first half of the 9th c.
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