#Khan Asparuh
something tells me that khan krum and vlad III draculea would've been good friends
they'd bond over their dislike of thieves and wrongdoers, the cruel punishment of such people, being cruel with their enemies (including killing thousands of their enemies' civilians) and protecting their country through any means necessary till the last breath
krum would be in awe of vlad's forest of impaled people, vlad would be in awe of the skull cup that krum made from the head of his biggest enemy, emperor nicephoros who invaded bulgaria, vlad would probably wish he could do the same with mehmet II :D
maybe they're hanging out in the afterlife, chatting, looking at their respective countries, cursing at the corruption and lawlessness and the injustice, hoping that people would rise and wipe out all the corrupt politicians, judges, lawyers, policemen, all the thugs, oligarchs, mafiosi...... ahhh, dreams :DDDDD
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ancientorigins · 9 months
Follow the captivating tale of the First Bulgarian Empire, from its founding by Khan Asparuh to the eventual decline of the Bulgars in this epic journey of ambition and triumph.
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thelazyonehere · 1 year
What if Nikolay's dead brothers: Bayan, Kotrag (Volga Bulgaria), Kuber, Alcek and Rumen (East Rumelia) came back to life as well as all other dead nations including Nikolay's parents. Basically UN creates a machine that gets all dead nations back to life.
/BTW, Bayan, Kotrag, Kuber and Alcek are Asparuh's brothers (the khan who creates Bulgaria) so we put them on the list. /
/I also think about Nikolay as a person who have been very cold and scary, but when his brothers come back to life he changes. He loves his brothers more than everything else in the world and the reason he had been acting this way is that he had missed his brothers so much so he didn't want to get that close to other people because he is scared that he will lose them too. /
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zehub · 23 days
Total renonce à explorer le plus grand gisement de gaz de Bulgarie – Euractiv FR
La société française TotalEnergies se retire des activités d'exploration pétrolière et gazière dans le gisement de Khan Asparuh, situé dans les eaux du nord de la Bulgarie, en mer Noire, indique le rapport annuel de l’autre partenaire du projet, la société roumaine OMV Petrom, cité par le Bulgarian Capital Weekly.
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xibalbaa · 4 months
What does the nation-state give you? It gives you the security that you know who you are, that you exist among others like you, who speak the same language and remember the same things—from Khan Asparuh to the taste of Zlatna Esen cookies. And at the same time they have a shared dementia about other things. I no longer remember who said that a nation was a group of people who have agreed to jointly remember and forget the same things.
Gospodinov, Georgi. (2022). Time Shelter (Rodel Angela, trans.). Liveright.
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meandrose · 5 months
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The First Bulgarian Kingdom
The First Bulgarian Kingdom: 681-1018
First steps
When in 680 the Byzantine Emperor Constantine IV Pogonate set out on a long march by both land and sea against the horde of Khan Asparuh, which had settled at the Ongle, he was probably not expecting the forthcoming utter defeat. But the danger of being subjugated by Byzantium made Slavs and Proto-Bulgarians join their efforts. Asparuh made an alliance with the neighbouring Slavic tribes and in an area close to the old Greek city of Odessos (or today’s Varna) was born the First Bulgarian Kingdom. At that time – along with the Byzantines at the passes in the Eastern Balkan Range – the Avars were a real danger from the west and the Hazars were pressing from the southeast. ..
After several successful raids of Khan Asparuh’s horsemen in Thrace Emperor Constantine finally made a peace treaty with him in 681 and this year is regarded as inceptive for the First Bulgarian Kingdom. This was the first Slavic state formation, the first medieval state in Central and Eastern Europe and, of course, one of the oldest states in Europe ever. Even though they were fewer in number and later on they were assimilated by the vast Slavic mass Tour Packages Bulgaria, the Proto-Bulgarians actually played a rather significant role in the new state for a long time – occupying most of the leading military and administrative positions. As a first capital city of the new state was chosen a place in the northeastern part of today’s Bulgaria and named PIiska.
Asparuh met his death in a battle with the Hazars in 700 and his son Tervel (700-718) took over. He succeeded to gain recognition from Byzantium and made the first territorial expansion of his state to the south-east. Some years later the Bulgarian army put Constantinople under siege. But then had to drive back the Arabs who were also attacking the Byzantine capital and that is considered to be the first defeat of Arabian forces on European land…
Khan Tervel’s death brought a political crisis in the state that lasted for some decades.
It was Telerig (768—777) who succeeded in achieving some stability. But then the turmoil was ultimately done away with by Khan Kardam (777- 802) who defeated the Byzantine army, signed a peace treaty with Constantine VI and added the south-western lands along the river Struma to his state.
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dreamfoodbg · 5 months
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Kubrat’s third son
Kubrat’s third son – Asparuh, led his father’s tribe across the river Dnepr to settle in a naturally fortified area called Ongal among the rivers Danube, Prut and Dnestr. Soon the Proto- Bulgarians came into union with the Slavs who had already settled in the lands south of the Danube and together they recognized the Byzantine Empire as a common enemy. Out of this union was born the First Bulgarian Kingdom…
In the foundations of the new state lied elements of the social organization and the spiritual traditions of both Slavs and Proto-Bulgarians. Major position in the economic life of the Proto-Bulgarians occupied animal breeding, and in particular horse husbandry. All pastures and herds were common but unlike the situation in Slavic society, slavery was rather wide-spread among the Proto-Bulgarians. Besides with hunting and fishing, the tribes were familiar with the potter’s wheel, the art of jewellery, hide processing, carpentry and the blacksmith’s craft Tour Packages Bulgaria. The basis of further social and cultural development was provided by the monotheistic religion – with Tangra, the Supreme God of Heaven – combined with many different beliefs and cults. A sign of some advance in that culture was also the Proto-Bulgarian calendar system based on a twelve-year lunar zodiac cycle.
A map of the lands on which the first Proto-Bulgarian horde had settled.
So in the second half of the 7th century before the Slavs and the Proto-Bulgarians stood the great historical task of establishing a new state under the name of Bulgaria…
Though He Live Well Man Dies and Another Is Born, So May The Last Born Gazing on This Remember Him Who Made It…
Khan Omurtag’s inscription from the first half of the 9th c.
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fashioninbg · 5 months
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The First Bulgarian Kingdom
The First Bulgarian Kingdom: 681-1018
First steps
When in 680 the Byzantine Emperor Constantine IV Pogonate set out on a long march by both land and sea against the horde of Khan Asparuh, which had settled at the Ongle, he was probably not expecting the forthcoming utter defeat. But the danger of being subjugated by Byzantium made Slavs and Proto-Bulgarians join their efforts. Asparuh made an alliance with the neighbouring Slavic tribes and in an area close to the old Greek city of Odessos (or today’s Varna) was born the First Bulgarian Kingdom. At that time – along with the Byzantines at the passes in the Eastern Balkan Range – the Avars were a real danger from the west and the Hazars were pressing from the southeast. ..
After several successful raids of Khan Asparuh’s horsemen in Thrace Emperor Constantine finally made a peace treaty with him in 681 and this year is regarded as inceptive for the First Bulgarian Kingdom. This was the first Slavic state formation, the first medieval state in Central and Eastern Europe and, of course, one of the oldest states in Europe ever. Even though they were fewer in number and later on they were assimilated by the vast Slavic mass Tour Packages Bulgaria, the Proto-Bulgarians actually played a rather significant role in the new state for a long time – occupying most of the leading military and administrative positions. As a first capital city of the new state was chosen a place in the northeastern part of today’s Bulgaria and named PIiska.
Asparuh met his death in a battle with the Hazars in 700 and his son Tervel (700-718) took over. He succeeded to gain recognition from Byzantium and made the first territorial expansion of his state to the south-east. Some years later the Bulgarian army put Constantinople under siege. But then had to drive back the Arabs who were also attacking the Byzantine capital and that is considered to be the first defeat of Arabian forces on European land…
Khan Tervel’s death brought a political crisis in the state that lasted for some decades.
It was Telerig (768—777) who succeeded in achieving some stability. But then the turmoil was ultimately done away with by Khan Kardam (777- 802) who defeated the Byzantine army, signed a peace treaty with Constantine VI and added the south-western lands along the river Struma to his state.
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tripistanbul · 5 months
New Post has been published on Vasilka
Kubrat’s third son
Kubrat’s third son – Asparuh, led his father’s tribe across the river Dnepr to settle in a naturally fortified area called Ongal among the rivers Danube, Prut and Dnestr. Soon the Proto- Bulgarians came into union with the Slavs who had already settled in the lands south of the Danube and together they recognized the Byzantine Empire as a common enemy. Out of this union was born the First Bulgarian Kingdom…
In the foundations of the new state lied elements of the social organization and the spiritual traditions of both Slavs and Proto-Bulgarians. Major position in the economic life of the Proto-Bulgarians occupied animal breeding, and in particular horse husbandry. All pastures and herds were common but unlike the situation in Slavic society, slavery was rather wide-spread among the Proto-Bulgarians. Besides with hunting and fishing, the tribes were familiar with the potter’s wheel, the art of jewellery, hide processing, carpentry and the blacksmith’s craft Tour Packages Bulgaria. The basis of further social and cultural development was provided by the monotheistic religion – with Tangra, the Supreme God of Heaven – combined with many different beliefs and cults. A sign of some advance in that culture was also the Proto-Bulgarian calendar system based on a twelve-year lunar zodiac cycle.
A map of the lands on which the first Proto-Bulgarian horde had settled.
So in the second half of the 7th century before the Slavs and the Proto-Bulgarians stood the great historical task of establishing a new state under the name of Bulgaria…
Though He Live Well Man Dies and Another Is Born, So May The Last Born Gazing on This Remember Him Who Made It…
Khan Omurtag’s inscription from the first half of the 9th c.
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mahsed · 5 months
New Post has been published on Mirela
Kubrat’s third son
Kubrat’s third son – Asparuh, led his father’s tribe across the river Dnepr to settle in a naturally fortified area called Ongal among the rivers Danube, Prut and Dnestr. Soon the Proto- Bulgarians came into union with the Slavs who had already settled in the lands south of the Danube and together they recognized the Byzantine Empire as a common enemy. Out of this union was born the First Bulgarian Kingdom…
In the foundations of the new state lied elements of the social organization and the spiritual traditions of both Slavs and Proto-Bulgarians. Major position in the economic life of the Proto-Bulgarians occupied animal breeding, and in particular horse husbandry. All pastures and herds were common but unlike the situation in Slavic society, slavery was rather wide-spread among the Proto-Bulgarians. Besides with hunting and fishing, the tribes were familiar with the potter’s wheel, the art of jewellery, hide processing, carpentry and the blacksmith’s craft Tour Packages Bulgaria. The basis of further social and cultural development was provided by the monotheistic religion – with Tangra, the Supreme God of Heaven – combined with many different beliefs and cults. A sign of some advance in that culture was also the Proto-Bulgarian calendar system based on a twelve-year lunar zodiac cycle.
A map of the lands on which the first Proto-Bulgarian horde had settled.
So in the second half of the 7th century before the Slavs and the Proto-Bulgarians stood the great historical task of establishing a new state under the name of Bulgaria…
Though He Live Well Man Dies and Another Is Born, So May The Last Born Gazing on This Remember Him Who Made It…
Khan Omurtag’s inscription from the first half of the 9th c.
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religionistanbul · 5 months
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The First Bulgarian Kingdom
The First Bulgarian Kingdom: 681-1018
First steps
When in 680 the Byzantine Emperor Constantine IV Pogonate set out on a long march by both land and sea against the horde of Khan Asparuh, which had settled at the Ongle, he was probably not expecting the forthcoming utter defeat. But the danger of being subjugated by Byzantium made Slavs and Proto-Bulgarians join their efforts. Asparuh made an alliance with the neighbouring Slavic tribes and in an area close to the old Greek city of Odessos (or today’s Varna) was born the First Bulgarian Kingdom. At that time – along with the Byzantines at the passes in the Eastern Balkan Range – the Avars were a real danger from the west and the Hazars were pressing from the southeast. ..
After several successful raids of Khan Asparuh’s horsemen in Thrace Emperor Constantine finally made a peace treaty with him in 681 and this year is regarded as inceptive for the First Bulgarian Kingdom. This was the first Slavic state formation, the first medieval state in Central and Eastern Europe and, of course, one of the oldest states in Europe ever. Even though they were fewer in number and later on they were assimilated by the vast Slavic mass Tour Packages Bulgaria, the Proto-Bulgarians actually played a rather significant role in the new state for a long time – occupying most of the leading military and administrative positions. As a first capital city of the new state was chosen a place in the northeastern part of today’s Bulgaria and named PIiska.
Asparuh met his death in a battle with the Hazars in 700 and his son Tervel (700-718) took over. He succeeded to gain recognition from Byzantium and made the first territorial expansion of his state to the south-east. Some years later the Bulgarian army put Constantinople under siege. But then had to drive back the Arabs who were also attacking the Byzantine capital and that is considered to be the first defeat of Arabian forces on European land…
Khan Tervel’s death brought a political crisis in the state that lasted for some decades.
It was Telerig (768—777) who succeeded in achieving some stability. But then the turmoil was ultimately done away with by Khan Kardam (777- 802) who defeated the Byzantine army, signed a peace treaty with Constantine VI and added the south-western lands along the river Struma to his state.
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socialmgame · 5 months
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Kubrat’s third son
Kubrat’s third son – Asparuh, led his father’s tribe across the river Dnepr to settle in a naturally fortified area called Ongal among the rivers Danube, Prut and Dnestr. Soon the Proto- Bulgarians came into union with the Slavs who had already settled in the lands south of the Danube and together they recognized the Byzantine Empire as a common enemy. Out of this union was born the First Bulgarian Kingdom…
In the foundations of the new state lied elements of the social organization and the spiritual traditions of both Slavs and Proto-Bulgarians. Major position in the economic life of the Proto-Bulgarians occupied animal breeding, and in particular horse husbandry. All pastures and herds were common but unlike the situation in Slavic society, slavery was rather wide-spread among the Proto-Bulgarians. Besides with hunting and fishing, the tribes were familiar with the potter’s wheel, the art of jewellery, hide processing, carpentry and the blacksmith’s craft Tour Packages Bulgaria. The basis of further social and cultural development was provided by the monotheistic religion – with Tangra, the Supreme God of Heaven – combined with many different beliefs and cults. A sign of some advance in that culture was also the Proto-Bulgarian calendar system based on a twelve-year lunar zodiac cycle.
A map of the lands on which the first Proto-Bulgarian horde had settled.
So in the second half of the 7th century before the Slavs and the Proto-Bulgarians stood the great historical task of establishing a new state under the name of Bulgaria…
Though He Live Well Man Dies and Another Is Born, So May The Last Born Gazing on This Remember Him Who Made It…
Khan Omurtag’s inscription from the first half of the 9th c.
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fashionphotograpybg · 5 months
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Kubrat’s third son
Kubrat’s third son – Asparuh, led his father’s tribe across the river Dnepr to settle in a naturally fortified area called Ongal among the rivers Danube, Prut and Dnestr. Soon the Proto- Bulgarians came into union with the Slavs who had already settled in the lands south of the Danube and together they recognized the Byzantine Empire as a common enemy. Out of this union was born the First Bulgarian Kingdom…
In the foundations of the new state lied elements of the social organization and the spiritual traditions of both Slavs and Proto-Bulgarians. Major position in the economic life of the Proto-Bulgarians occupied animal breeding, and in particular horse husbandry. All pastures and herds were common but unlike the situation in Slavic society, slavery was rather wide-spread among the Proto-Bulgarians. Besides with hunting and fishing, the tribes were familiar with the potter’s wheel, the art of jewellery, hide processing, carpentry and the blacksmith’s craft Tour Packages Bulgaria. The basis of further social and cultural development was provided by the monotheistic religion – with Tangra, the Supreme God of Heaven – combined with many different beliefs and cults. A sign of some advance in that culture was also the Proto-Bulgarian calendar system based on a twelve-year lunar zodiac cycle.
A map of the lands on which the first Proto-Bulgarian horde had settled.
So in the second half of the 7th century before the Slavs and the Proto-Bulgarians stood the great historical task of establishing a new state under the name of Bulgaria…
Though He Live Well Man Dies and Another Is Born, So May The Last Born Gazing on This Remember Him Who Made It…
Khan Omurtag’s inscription from the first half of the 9th c.
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vasilkalazarova · 5 months
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Kubrat’s third son
Kubrat’s third son – Asparuh, led his father’s tribe across the river Dnepr to settle in a naturally fortified area called Ongal among the rivers Danube, Prut and Dnestr. Soon the Proto- Bulgarians came into union with the Slavs who had already settled in the lands south of the Danube and together they recognized the Byzantine Empire as a common enemy. Out of this union was born the First Bulgarian Kingdom…
In the foundations of the new state lied elements of the social organization and the spiritual traditions of both Slavs and Proto-Bulgarians. Major position in the economic life of the Proto-Bulgarians occupied animal breeding, and in particular horse husbandry. All pastures and herds were common but unlike the situation in Slavic society, slavery was rather wide-spread among the Proto-Bulgarians. Besides with hunting and fishing, the tribes were familiar with the potter’s wheel, the art of jewellery, hide processing, carpentry and the blacksmith’s craft Tour Packages Bulgaria. The basis of further social and cultural development was provided by the monotheistic religion – with Tangra, the Supreme God of Heaven – combined with many different beliefs and cults. A sign of some advance in that culture was also the Proto-Bulgarian calendar system based on a twelve-year lunar zodiac cycle.
A map of the lands on which the first Proto-Bulgarian horde had settled.
So in the second half of the 7th century before the Slavs and the Proto-Bulgarians stood the great historical task of establishing a new state under the name of Bulgaria…
Though He Live Well Man Dies and Another Is Born, So May The Last Born Gazing on This Remember Him Who Made It…
Khan Omurtag’s inscription from the first half of the 9th c.
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mirelaste · 5 months
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Kubrat’s third son
Kubrat’s third son – Asparuh, led his father’s tribe across the river Dnepr to settle in a naturally fortified area called Ongal among the rivers Danube, Prut and Dnestr. Soon the Proto- Bulgarians came into union with the Slavs who had already settled in the lands south of the Danube and together they recognized the Byzantine Empire as a common enemy. Out of this union was born the First Bulgarian Kingdom…
In the foundations of the new state lied elements of the social organization and the spiritual traditions of both Slavs and Proto-Bulgarians. Major position in the economic life of the Proto-Bulgarians occupied animal breeding, and in particular horse husbandry. All pastures and herds were common but unlike the situation in Slavic society, slavery was rather wide-spread among the Proto-Bulgarians. Besides with hunting and fishing, the tribes were familiar with the potter’s wheel, the art of jewellery, hide processing, carpentry and the blacksmith’s craft Tour Packages Bulgaria. The basis of further social and cultural development was provided by the monotheistic religion – with Tangra, the Supreme God of Heaven – combined with many different beliefs and cults. A sign of some advance in that culture was also the Proto-Bulgarian calendar system based on a twelve-year lunar zodiac cycle.
A map of the lands on which the first Proto-Bulgarian horde had settled.
So in the second half of the 7th century before the Slavs and the Proto-Bulgarians stood the great historical task of establishing a new state under the name of Bulgaria…
Though He Live Well Man Dies and Another Is Born, So May The Last Born Gazing on This Remember Him Who Made It…
Khan Omurtag’s inscription from the first half of the 9th c.
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alllifebg · 5 months
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The First Bulgarian Kingdom
The First Bulgarian Kingdom: 681-1018
First steps
When in 680 the Byzantine Emperor Constantine IV Pogonate set out on a long march by both land and sea against the horde of Khan Asparuh, which had settled at the Ongle, he was probably not expecting the forthcoming utter defeat. But the danger of being subjugated by Byzantium made Slavs and Proto-Bulgarians join their efforts. Asparuh made an alliance with the neighbouring Slavic tribes and in an area close to the old Greek city of Odessos (or today’s Varna) was born the First Bulgarian Kingdom. At that time – along with the Byzantines at the passes in the Eastern Balkan Range – the Avars were a real danger from the west and the Hazars were pressing from the southeast. ..
After several successful raids of Khan Asparuh’s horsemen in Thrace Emperor Constantine finally made a peace treaty with him in 681 and this year is regarded as inceptive for the First Bulgarian Kingdom. This was the first Slavic state formation, the first medieval state in Central and Eastern Europe and, of course, one of the oldest states in Europe ever. Even though they were fewer in number and later on they were assimilated by the vast Slavic mass Tour Packages Bulgaria, the Proto-Bulgarians actually played a rather significant role in the new state for a long time – occupying most of the leading military and administrative positions. As a first capital city of the new state was chosen a place in the northeastern part of today’s Bulgaria and named PIiska.
Asparuh met his death in a battle with the Hazars in 700 and his son Tervel (700-718) took over. He succeeded to gain recognition from Byzantium and made the first territorial expansion of his state to the south-east. Some years later the Bulgarian army put Constantinople under siege. But then had to drive back the Arabs who were also attacking the Byzantine capital and that is considered to be the first defeat of Arabian forces on European land…
Khan Tervel’s death brought a political crisis in the state that lasted for some decades.
It was Telerig (768—777) who succeeded in achieving some stability. But then the turmoil was ultimately done away with by Khan Kardam (777- 802) who defeated the Byzantine army, signed a peace treaty with Constantine VI and added the south-western lands along the river Struma to his state.
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