#Just wing it Zenkichi
shadowedresolve · 7 months
"So, you're Jayden?"
There's a friendly smile on Zenkichi's face as he holds his hand out for a handshake in greeting. It's not often he gets to meet a reporter, and while he can admit they sometimes make him a little nervous - he knows there are a lot of reporters out there doing good work, too.
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"I read your recent article - it was pretty impressive. So, is there some reason you wanted to see me?"
@tres-fidelis ( starter for jayden! )
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twilightknight17 · 5 months
"Guys, holy fuck" - Part 2
Hit the image limit on the other post so I broke it up so I could scream more. XD
So where were we?
Right, right, Shadow Toshiro.
Once the shadow goes down the first time, he goes one-winged angel and turns into a god damn horror monster version of Eri that is GIANT. And that, my dudes, was a fight. That thing had so much health. It was great. :D
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Now for some info:
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Okay, that makes sense.
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Yep, all that, we’ve seen and understood already. Still good.
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But why, though? What makes her different? Why can she switch forms? Why is she still basically a separate entity from him? Did you just not want to lose your new character? I almost feel like I’d rather have had a P4 boss fight that ended with Toshiro getting his persona, and have Erina just be his cognitive Eri, based on his memories. Because this is… confusing. Nothing has worked like this in the past, unless I seriously overlooked something.
Yeah, I know, Aki and Mai and Ideal Maki were a thing, but Maki was a Wild Card and also had the DEVA system bolstering her cognition. No one else’s persona has been able to turn into a person and just chill with everyone after their awakening. Erina is basically her own fully-formed person. Like… I don’t know. It’s weird. I’m having trouble wrapping my head around it.
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All right, yeah, let’s go with that for now.
There’s like, a slight implication here that Toshiro’s shadow wasn’t actually his shadow, but just something pretending to be his shadow? Especially since he never like, reconciled with it. After the giant Eri, it just disappeared. But I only pinged that after the fact, because while we’re just standing here trying to figure out what the hell is going on with Erina, god shows up to yell at us.
“Be not afraid” and all.
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I kid you not, I was internally screaming, “YALDABAOTH? IS HE POSSESSED BY THE REMNANTS OF YALDABAOTH TRYING TO SEIZE POWER AGAIN?” But no, doesn't have Yald's stupid feet. This is:
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Who the fuck is you, and why does it look like your head exploded off your neck? Are you sure you’re not Yald?
Anyway, this bitch keeps calling us “children” and “lambs” and “pathetic” while it explains who the fuck it is.
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I don’t like it, and it doesn’t like our persona abilities. It calls them a “mask of madness, one which will assuredly drive man to ruin.” So it offers a deal: It can remove our powers, and along with them, our memories of this whole horrible adventure, and in exchange, it will put us safely back in the real world. It’s nice like that, even though we’re “infidels who had the audacity to defy a god.”
Hey. You. Got some bad news about all the other gods I’ve met. Wanna know what happened to them? :3
But we shouldn’t answer now! We’re high off a lucky win and our emotions are compromised. We should think it over and tell it our answer when we’re ready. And then Salmael fucks off into the sky. Are we sure that’s not a weird misspelling of Samael? Are you connected to Shido somehow?
Toshiro gets like a thousand points for being completely chill about a god falling out of the sky to tell us we suck. Zenkichi was a lot less calm about the whole thing. XDDD The Thieves, Toshiro, and Erina agree that they’re not giving up their powers, so we’re gonna have to kill god again. But how? How do we follow god into the sky? Whatever shall we do?
Oh, guys. Do you hear that noise?
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Lavenza is here in the Velvet Room Train to pick us up and take us to the sky. No, she doesn’t know why it’s like that all of a sudden. We DO NOT CARE. THIS IS GREAT. Toshiro almost manages to offend her, but we’ve got things to do, so we just put another pin in that.
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And that is where I had to stop. It asked me if I wanted to save and I was like “yes, I cannot handle any more Epic right now.” My GOD. I’m so excited Lavenza gets to be more involved, because that’s how I tend to characterize her. She wants to be more hands-on than her siblings or Igor. And she’s not afraid to snark at the others. It’s nice to have the whole team in the Velvet Room again. ^_^
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Never change, Yusuke. :P
Actually, isn't this a good thing? If Akira's Velvet Room is now manifesting as a train, maybe that symbolizes him moving forward into the future? Scramble put him back in prison, but this game hasn't. Maybe this is the Velvet Room's final form for him?
Next time: Into the goddamn abyss to once again dethrone god, I guess????
Final note: I’m constantly amused by the one-off poses the sprites have. One single use of the sprite where Makoto’s hugging Morgana. One of Toshiro holding Erina/Yuki. And now apparently one of Makoto throttling Ryuji so he can’t interrupt Futaba and Toshiro. X’D Wow. Pls stop picking on Ryuji, Atlus.
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akechi-stole-my-heart · 11 months
goro akechi, crow
In the past several months I've read several books about crows and ravens and learned quite a bit about the mythology and symbolism of the crow in cultures around the world, as well as the behavior and understanding of crows in modern society, so I thought I'd share a few of the most notable parallels I found to Akechi's character.
This is a myth that I suspect a lot of people already know but was entirely new to me when I read about it. In short, there is a legend in England that when the ravens leave the Tower of London the British monarchy will fall. The British go so far as to clip the wings of the ravens that live in the Tower of London to keep this prophecy from coming true. I'm not sure if this parallel to Akechi was done purposefully, but nonetheless, it does call back to his story. Akechi is the Raven in Shido's Tower. When he left the tower by killing Shido's puppet and sacrificing himself for the Thieves, Shido's rule ended soon after as a direct consequence.
Crows are known in the modern day for representing death and destruction, but their portrayal in myth is far from so one-note. Crows are portrayed with reverence, and are just as often seen as positive figures as negative ones. They're often noble creatures that represent hope and rebellion just as much as they do death and chaos. They are very often tied to the sun, with the shine of their black feathers and rule during the day (often contrasted with owls of the night) used symbolically in myth to point out their dualistic nature. In Japanese mythology, the crow is a messenger of the goddess of the sun.
As an extension of the previous point, there are a lot of myths throughout the world that tell stories about how ravens were originally white, but were turned black for whatever reason--usually, as a curse or a punishment. There are so many variations of this myth, but one example is the tale of the raven and Apollo. Apollo, the Greek god associated with the sun, fell in love with the nymph Coronis, but Coronis was unfaithful to him. The white raven delivered this news to him, and in his anger, Apollo burned the raven's wings, turning it black.
Crows are often tricksters and rebels in myths. They're intelligent creatures that can fool even the gods.
Crows are often figures of fate, foretelling the deaths of others. Fate is a strong motif/theme of Persona 5, as Akira is running from his own fate of death throughout the story, and escapes it by opposing Yaldabaoth and rebelling against tyranny. Meanwhile, Akechi dies because he fails to escape his own fate set forth by Yaldabaoth. However, crows are often seen as above death, having near eternal lifespans or even being immortal altogether--perhaps a hint that Akechi may have survived after all.
Crows are the servants of Odin in Norse mythology, aiding him in the battlefield along with wolves. Odin is the ruler of the gods and eventually becomes the enemy of Loki when he brings Ragnarok, so in the context of Akechi's story, he may be seen as a parallel to Shido.
And, as additional reasons why Akechi should have been in Strikers, crows are known for working together with wolves, helping them find dead animals to eat and sharing in the spoils of their kills. (Zenkichi's code name is Wolf.) Also, Pandora is sometimes portrayed with a crow on her shoulder as a symbol of hope for the future. (Pandora is Sophia's true Persona.)
As for the science of crows, they are crafty and intelligent creatures, among the most intelligent of all animals other than humans, even surpassing apes in many areas. They're mischievous and known for being troublemakers. Crows mate for life and are known as being very sociable creatures. Even the lonesome raven will often have companions.
Who is stronger than hope? Death. Who is stronger than the will? Death. Stronger than love? Death. Stronger than life? Death.
But who is stronger than Death? Me, evidently. Pass, Crow.
-"Examination at the Womb-Door" by Ted Hughes
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rattled-shadow · 2 months
I accidentally made a furry au for persona 5
Well, kind of
It's an au where everything is the same but everyone has animal ears (kemonomimi). So, they're not quite furry lol
I'm unofficially calling it my kemonomimi au or km!au
More details on how animalistic everyone is:
Depending on the animal they are, everyone has the ears, appendages (eg. tail, wings, tentacles) and even teeth and tongue of their creature
It is more common for people to be one animal but hybrids exist
There is a loose rule that if two people are genetically related, they, at least, share some animal traits
They do not have both animal ears and human ears, just animal ears
The characters I've come up with so far:
(If you have any ideas for the characters I'm missing or have better ideas for the ones that aren't, tell me! Also feel free to ask me about my choices (most have explanations lol))
Let's start with the ones who I'm most solid on: Palace rulers
Kamoshida - ram
Madarame - a goat peacock hybrid. He has the wings and tail of a peacock and ears and horns of a goat
Kaneshiro - cat (maaaybe calico)
Futaba - she has the same tentacles as Necronomicon coming from her back. The sclera of her eyes are black and her irises are glowing green. She can disguise these traits to make her look like she's an octopus girl
Okumura - wolf
Sae - crocodile
Shido - lion ears and a (golden) snake tail. He also has teeth similar to a lion and a forked tongue. Humorously, he's still bald
Yaldabaoth - he has a big ol' mechanical serpent tail and vaguely feline ears made out of wings. Mecha dragon <3
Maruki - he has the same tentacles of Azathoth coming from his back. His sclera is black and his irises are glowing blue. Just like Futaba, he can disguise these traits to make himself look like a squid man
Now for ones I'm less solid on: the Phantom Thieves
Ren - black cat
Morgana - the only change is his human form gaining his cat ears and tail
Ryuji - maybe monkey or lemur (either with gold fur or black fur he dyes gold)
Ann - jaguar
Yusuke - fox
Makoto - crocodile
Futaba - see above lol
Haru - wolf
Akechi - he has the tail and wings of a crow but has the same sharp teeth and forked tongue as his dad
Sumire - squirrel
Zenkichi - wolf or dog
And now for confidants (and co.):
Yoshida - sun bear
Iwai - monitor lizard
Kaoru - gecko
Sojiro - probably civet lol
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Morgana: Here they come, Zenkichi! Get ready!
Zenkichi: Ready how?! Agh, never mind - guess I just gotta wing it!
Tohru: you have a giant sword on your back, USE IT.
Zenkichi: HOW.
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ginnyicyidragon · 3 years
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[SPOILERS!] Just Wing It
After Zenkichi’s awakening and confused of his new outfit, he has to face Shadows on his own and Morgana told he has to fight. It’s funny once they gotten their Persona, they would automatically go with it
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burningartwork · 3 years
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Persona 5: Zenkichi the Apostle
HOLY MOLEY. I’m done. I finished them all! I can’t even believe this! I started by drawing Ryuji in August of 2020 on a whim and now, it’s April 2021. I just can’t believe I’m done with the Major Arcana... wow. I’ll need a little break. lol I’ll still post stuff but just... I need to use other colors now. lol
SO, for the Apostle Arcana, unlike the other cards, the Apostle doesn’t exist in regular Tarot. He is in fact, inspired by the Hierophant in the Thoth deck. While one could just reuse the idea on the Hierophant, (Knowledge, Teaching & Tradition) We are given a meaning in Persona 5 Strikers by Lavenza:
“Representing both fairness and compassion, the Apostle walks the road of life upholding his beliefs as well as his perceptions of the law”
So I used some Tarot symbolism to create a pictoral narrative for this card. In my head, the Apostle (unlike the Heriophant) is a more ACTIVE follower of a religious order. The idea of upholding beliefs & laws matches in idealized missionary types. The key represents sacred knowledge and he’s offering it to us, the reader. In his hand he has his case file representing something important to him as well as his mission by way of the law. I wanted to give him a compassionate look as well. We can argue that this version of him is his realized version of his story.
Others: 00- Joker the Fool 01- Morgana the Magician 02- Makoto the Priestess 03- Haru the Empress 04- Yusuke the Emperor 05- Sojiro the Hierophant 06- Ann the Lovers 07- Ryuji the Chariot 08- Akechi the Justice 08R- Akechi the Justice REVERSED (spoilers) 09- Futaba the Hermit 10- Chihaya the Wheel of Fortune 11- Caroline & Justine Strength 12- Iwai the Hanged Man 13- Takemi the Death 14- Kawakami the Temperance 15- Ohya the Devil 16- Shinya the Tower 17- Hifumi the Stars 18- Mishima the Moon 19- Yoshida the Sun 20- Sae the Judgement 21- Joker the World Back- Igor: back of the cards P5R1- Yoshizawa the Faith P5R2- Maruki the Councillor P5S1- Sophia the Hope P5S2- Zenkichi the Apostle Artist- Denise the Artist Box- Wings of Rebellion
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apostlearcana · 3 years
Zenkichi gritted his teeth, adjusting his stance unconsciously and gripping the sword in his hand. The odds were impossibly stacked; there looked to be hundreds of them, and he was very unsure as to how he was going to do this. The kids were experienced in this sort of thing, and Hasegawa certainly was not against a murderous army of things that sought to kill him.
The girl pointed at Hasegawa, and Morgana’s eyes went round. “Here they come, Zenkichi; get ready!”
“Ready how?!” the man yelped, pulling the blade off his back, and shaking his head as well. “…gah, never mind.” He pulled it up and back. “Guess I just gotta wing it!”
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smolstarthief · 2 years
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I posted 151 times in 2021
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#like there was actually a good idea being presented about sending one member to be bait and they turned it down for that stupid ass reason!
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55 notes • Posted 2021-08-27 03:20:14 GMT
Phew! Here's a quick Shadow Maruki! Idk why I decided to include the cape from his Metaverse outfit but I kind of wanted to combine the two somehow.
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56 notes • Posted 2021-07-13 04:32:05 GMT
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(Inspired by a conversation between me and my boyfriend a while back)
“He’s a cop!/He killed people!”
Yeah, and so what? That’s not the point at all! You can dislike the characters, just don’t be an asshole and use the same (shallow) excuses over and over! I’m tired of it!
89 notes • Posted 2021-05-20 03:16:57 GMT
Idk if this would be a "hot take" or not but...
Personally, I don't think Akechi NEEDS a redemption arc at all.
You all can still write fanfics on the topic, I'm not gonna stop you at all! Sometimes they can be handled well! But it honestly goes against his character and arc and that's why it bothers me when people STILL insist that he should get a redemption arc as opposed to say... Maruki or even Konoe? Even though it goes against his character? But regardless of whether Royal is considered canon or not, it still kind of irks me a bit the more I looked at and analyzed his character. I mean... Look at BOTH of his All Out Attack portraits!
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104 notes • Posted 2021-11-07 04:11:39 GMT
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"Do you finally acknowledge your hubris? All this time you refused help, even now despite your insistence that you've changed... You will surely fall to your own demise with charred wings if you keep up this charade... You seek freedom? True salvation? Then I will grant you your new wings so that you may fly again... Just don't lose sight of yourself and burn again... I am thou, thou art I... Rise above your torment and take flight once more!"
"Help me fly, ICARUS!!"
I did it.... I finally DID IT! I did my own take on PT!Maruki! I love how he turned out!
Codename: Adam (a reference to the Adam and Eve motif associated with him (that and Adam was casted out of paradise along with Eve so it still fits with what I'm going with here with this design))
Persona: Icarus (I personally felt like the story/myth fit Maruki pretty well, he flew too close and fell with his hubris but (unlike Icarus, who met his demise) that doesn't mean he can't be saved and redeemed)
I know people would often have him be all white and gold but... I couldn't help but think that the black and gold is a good way to show that he's symbolically a "fallen god" now along with fitting the story of Icarus still a bit.
Melee Weapon: His staff in canon, but probably modified more for battle. Helps with magic use too.
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162 notes • Posted 2021-12-02 02:30:19 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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shadowtarot · 3 years
CHM - Mitsuru is back at Gekkoukan b/c maybe the Kirijo Group (who own the school) is (re)developing a (new) wing or something (any excuse will do). Ryuji ends up running into her (either on accident or , "by coincidence". Your pick).
Chariot’s Mystery Part 8
Cleaning Time finally came to close at Gekkoukan, and Ryuji checks the time on his cellphone. He notices that the IM Group for the Phantom Thieves has been super active while he’d been washing the windows. Going to a private space not too far out of the main building, he scrolls through the messages to read up. Zenkichi apparently was put on a case involving a string of Psychotic Breakdowns, and had made contact with Maruki. Given what needed to be gleamed from him, Ren seems to have made the executive decision to add him to the IM group.
“No huge issues there, I suppose. Makes long distance meet ups easier...” Ryuji mumbles to himself. He then starts to add his own two cents into the chat, keeping his eyes focused on the screen the whole time. His guard was let down, and footsteps approach him. Heels clacking on the stone walkway. “Excuse me.” A firm female voice states. Ryuji keeps typing.
“I said....” She places a hand on his shoulder. “Excuse me.” Ice cold...that was the feeling he was getting. Locking his smartphone and putting it in his pocket he glances up at whoever the hell was talking to hi- And then he saw. No ‘effing way... That’s...that’s the Kirijo chick. Same one Futaba was looking up...  “What do you want?” Ryuji shows no sign of flinching as he glares at Mitsuru. “I gotta get home pretty soon.” “You didn’t seem you were in that much of a hurry if you could waste that much time standing around and texting.” Mitsuru states bluntly. “I only want to talk to someone from the school about something, and you happened to be the first student I came across.” Bullshit! If anyone would do, you wouldn’t be coming halfway across the school! The whole mild-mannered stick wasn’t Ryuji’s forte, but he was flying solo here. He just needed to get out of the situation. “Look, I seriously don’t have the time to answer any sorta questions right now. I’m a Third Year, and I need any time I have to get my work done. And as the owner of this school, you don’t want to cause any blemishes, do you?” He starts to walk off. Mitsuru doesn’t peruse him, but as Ryuji walks away...he can still feel that icy glare practically freezing his back solid. Once he’s well on his way home, Ryuji takes out his phone and calls Ren. “Shit just got serious...that Kirijo chick just approached me.” He says. Ren is quiet on the other end of the line. Moragana then speaks. “This is bad...make sure you aren’t followed on your way home. Ren’s gonna call Futaba and let her know.” “Right. Let Gramps know too.”
Ryuji then hangs up. Yaosoinaba, Yasogami Front Gate: Ren starts to call Futaba, looking more serious then he has in weeks. “Whoa...not every day you actually call me. Don’t tell me stuff’s going on in Inaba...” Futaba states. “Ryuji got approached by Kirijo...as in the person.” Ren says, his voice quiet as to not be overheard. “For real?!” Futaba exclaims, Mishima being heard shushing her. “He’s most certainly being targeted at this point. And we don’t know how many of those people that were connected to that group are at the island.” Morgana adds. “Futaba, I need you to get Mishima to check something with the Phan-site. If we really are being targeted by this group...then they’d be digging though any sort of site or account that’d be connected to us, no matter how indirect.” Ren looks around as he talks, making sure there’s no one lurking. “Rodger! I’ll have him check it ASAP!”
Futaba then hangs up. “Ren, how safe do you think Ryuji will be on his own?” Morgana asks they begin to resume walking the rest of the way home. “If he was able to blow off one person, he should be fine for now. If Zenkichi feels the need to head to the island, he’ll have back up then.”  Ren glances up at the sky. “But for once, can we just not get involved with all this mess?”
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burningartwork · 4 years
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Persona 5: Ryuji the Chariot
Got obsessed with making this this weekend because I FINALLY had personal time & saw a pose his action figure was making and I just NEEDED to do it. Love me this good boy. Also, I didn’t want to make the horses so out they went! lol Will I do ALL the Tarots? We’ll see. I did it! 🃏 UPRIGHT: Control, willpower, success, action, determination 🃏 REVERSED: Self-discipline, opposition, lack of direction
Others: 00- Joker the Fool 01- Morgana the Magician 02- Makoto the Priestess 03- Haru the Empress 04- Yusuke the Emperor 05- Sojiro the Hierophant 06- Ann the Lovers 07- Ryuji the Chariot 08- Akechi the Justice 08R- Akechi the Justice REVERSED (spoilers) 09- Futaba the Hermit 10- Chihaya the Wheel of Fortune 11- Caroline & Justine Strength 12- Iwai the Hanged Man 13- Takemi the Death 14- Kawakami the Temperance 15- Ohya the Devil 16- Shinya the Tower 17- Hifumi the Stars 18- Mishima the Moon 19- Yoshida the Sun 20- Sae the Judgement 21- Joker the World Back- Igor: back of the cards P5R1- Yoshizawa the Faith P5R2- Maruki the Councillor P5S1- Sophia the Hope P5S2- Zenkichi the Apostle Artist- Denise the Artist Box- Wings of Rebellion
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burningartwork · 3 years
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Persona 5: Sophia the Hope
I started out with the praying pose I did for her Tarot card but people just liked this pose more and since the tarot technically doesn’t exist… I can kinda do what I want. lol
The Hope card is from the Visconti-Sforza deck like Faith. Hope depicts: hope, optimism & positivity! In the original card, Hope is holding an anchor. It’s meant to represent a safe return for those that go out to sea. So I wanted to keep that symbolism there for Sophia’s card. I had to build the BG from scratch but took some light inspiration from the original card. It looked like there was a wall & the theme of waiting for people to return from a voyage needed some sign of water.
Sophia anchors the group when they’re normally pretty lost so I think it works well! To emphasize her digital nature, I made her surroundings seem slightly pixelated to imply the world around her is actually digital. She points to a star, a tool for navigation or even a symbol of wishes! I just “hope” that symbols of hope are enough since I had little to work with! lol.
EDIT: Added a number for my deck.
Others: 00- Joker the Fool 01- Morgana the Magician 02- Makoto the Priestess 03- Haru the Empress 04- Yusuke the Emperor 05- Sojiro the Hierophant 06- Ann the Lovers 07- Ryuji the Chariot 08- Akechi the Justice 08R- Akechi the Justice REVERSED (spoilers) 09- Futaba the Hermit 10- Chihaya the Wheel of Fortune 11- Caroline & Justine Strength 12- Iwai the Hanged Man 13- Takemi the Death 14- Kawakami the Temperance 15- Ohya the Devil 16- Shinya the Tower 17- Hifumi the Stars 18- Mishima the Moon 19- Yoshida the Sun 20- Sae the Judgement 21- Joker the World Back- Igor: back of the cards P5R1- Yoshizawa the Faith P5R2- Maruki the Councillor P5S1- Sophia the Hope P5S2- Zenkichi the Apostle Artist- Denise the Artist Box- Wings of Rebellion
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burningartwork · 3 years
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Persona 5: Takemi the Death
Wasn't sure if I wanted to add more in to the BG but I felt like simple is best. If the Tarot card has portrayed Death as a saintly figure, I feel like that would have been just the touch I would have likedbut the imagery doesn't work with the pic. Anyways, she's helping people back from the dead instead of reaping them. The Death Tarot doesn't have the name in the card to promote its positive qualities like Change, Transition, Transformation & rebirth. Takemi is literally helping people who believed they were dying back so I think it works with her tarot. This was a tough one guys, I had very little to work with.
Others: 00- Joker the Fool 01- Morgana the Magician 02- Makoto the Priestess 03- Haru the Empress 04- Yusuke the Emperor 05- Sojiro the Hierophant 06- Ann the Lovers 07- Ryuji the Chariot 08- Akechi the Justice 08R- Akechi the Justice REVERSED (spoilers) 09- Futaba the Hermit 10- Chihaya the Wheel of Fortune 11- Caroline & Justine Strength 12- Iwai the Hanged Man 13- Takemi the Death 14- Kawakami the Temperance 15- Ohya the Devil 16- Shinya the Tower 17- Hifumi the Stars 18- Mishima the Moon 19- Yoshida the Sun 20- Sae the Judgement 21- Joker the World Back- Igor: back of the cards P5R1- Yoshizawa the Faith P5R2- Maruki the Councillor P5S1- Sophia the Hope P5S2- Zenkichi the Apostle Artist- Denise the Artist Box- Wings of Rebellion
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burningartwork · 3 years
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Persona 5: Caroline & Justice Strength
OMG... I totally forgot to post this here! I actually finished them before Justice Reversed but it just escaped me to post it here. Sorry gang. Strength is actually more about hidden strength in the TDM so....
Others: 00- Joker the Fool 01- Morgana the Magician 02- Makoto the Priestess 03- Haru the Empress 04- Yusuke the Emperor 05- Sojiro the Hierophant 06- Ann the Lovers 07- Ryuji the Chariot 08- Akechi the Justice 08R- Akechi the Justice REVERSED (spoilers) 09- Futaba the Hermit 10- Chihaya the Wheel of Fortune 11- Caroline & Justine Strength 12- Iwai the Hanged Man 13- Takemi the Death 14- Kawakami the Temperance 15- Ohya the Devil 16- Shinya the Tower 17- Hifumi the Stars 18- Mishima the Moon 19- Yoshida the Sun 20- Sae the Judgement 21- Joker the World Back- Igor: back of the cards P5R1- Yoshizawa the Faith P5R2- Maruki the Councillor P5S1- Sophia the Hope P5S2- Zenkichi the Apostle Artist- Denise the Artist Box- Wings of Rebellion
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burningartwork · 3 years
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Persona 5: Denise the Artist
Technically not a REAL Tarot card but... me! lol It's a bonus card I'll be putting in the deck to lead to my store, social media... maybe even videos! And yeah, it's me with the decks. lol No need for watermarks here! lol
Just Zenkichi left!
Others: 00- Joker the Fool 01- Morgana the Magician 02- Makoto the Priestess 03- Haru the Empress 04- Yusuke the Emperor 05- Sojiro the Hierophant 06- Ann the Lovers 07- Ryuji the Chariot 08- Akechi the Justice 08R- Akechi the Justice REVERSED (spoilers) 09- Futaba the Hermit 10- Chihaya the Wheel of Fortune 11- Caroline & Justine Strength 12- Iwai the Hanged Man 13- Takemi the Death 14- Kawakami the Temperance 15- Ohya the Devil 16- Shinya the Tower 17- Hifumi the Stars 18- Mishima the Moon 19- Yoshida the Sun 20- Sae the Judgement 21- Joker the World Back- Igor: back of the cards P5R1- Yoshizawa the Faith P5R2- Maruki the Councillor P5S1- Sophia the Hope P5S2- Zenkichi the Apostle Artist- Denise the Artist Box- Wings of Rebellion
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burningartwork · 3 years
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Persona 5: Chihaya the Wheel of Fortune
The wheel of fortune is actually about Cyclical Change, Destiny, Luck, Opportunity & Winning. Here I denote her most major changes which is coming from her small town to the big city. In her town, she was seen as a monster which is why her mini Chihaya is upside down on the wheel, denoting her leaving that negative life. Then her upright figure his her falling into her fortune telling and while the stone she sells is a negative aspect, it was a new cycle of her life. Big Chihaya is holding the Fool card which is her meeting Joker and her actively using her interaction with Joker as another change. The sword which in the P5 arcana is normally attacking a phase of life (& passively watching/guarding over the wheel in the Tarot de Marseilles) is on the ground, symbolizing her rejecting fate which is something she learns from Joker. The sun beams are just about her devine (legitimate) powers.
Others: 00- Joker the Fool 01- Morgana the Magician 02- Makoto the Priestess 03- Haru the Empress 04- Yusuke the Emperor 05- Sojiro the Hierophant 06- Ann the Lovers 07- Ryuji the Chariot 08- Akechi the Justice 08R- Akechi the Justice REVERSED (spoilers) 09- Futaba the Hermit 10- Chihaya the Wheel of Fortune 11- Caroline & Justine Strength 12- Iwai the Hanged Man 13- Takemi the Death 14- Kawakami the Temperance 15- Ohya the Devil 16- Shinya the Tower 17- Hifumi the Stars 18- Mishima the Moon 19- Yoshida the Sun 20- Sae the Judgement 21- Joker the World Back- Igor: back of the cards P5R1- Yoshizawa the Faith P5R2- Maruki the Councillor P5S1- Sophia the Hope P5S2- Zenkichi the Apostle Artist- Denise the Artist Box- Wings of Rebellion
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