#Jonas Silva
tofuist · 4 months
naomi & goro with 菊地成孔「Rosinha」
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promessas-de-deus · 2 years
O manto espiritual de Deus é tão forte, que Ele cobre quem é ungido e além de cobrir, Ele revela os mistérios de seu poder.
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404badwolf · 6 months
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Corin Silva: “Me and Louis Hofmann – my geezer. My brother. Smashed it pal.”
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well... we'll see :)
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delgadomkt · 2 years
Líderes abrem 54ª Expoagro com destaque para potência do agro sustentável
Líderes abrem 54ª Expoagro com destaque para potência do agro sustentável
Na programação da 54ª Expoagro, há um “Road Show para 27 jornalistas e influenciadores do agro” de 9 Estados do Brasil, que visitarão fazendas e sua produção em Cuiabá e Campo Verde Por Jonas da Silva/AGRONEWS® Lideranças do agro fizeram abertura da 54ª Expoagro e destacaram a potência global do agro de Mato Grosso e brasileiro cuja missão é ter equilíbrio entre produção e…
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jerriemofos · 4 months
Since its the January transfer window, i'll be talking about players that i would love to see at Arsenal!
Obviously, with the registered players being at the max, it's not realistic for new signings to come in this window. So these are players that i think will massively improve our squad in the summer especially if we do want to make it far in the uwcl and win the wsl!
Also, i would like to make another post about players that i will not be opposed to leaving in the summer to get better players in 🤔 but idt yall are ready for that conversation yet
1) Maëlle Lakrar
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Amazing young defender, very attacking minded, fits in the playstyle of how jonas wants our defenders to be
Hard worker, loves to get interceptions in, 1v1 duels to win the ball back (i love defenders like this)
Tactically intelligent, able to get into good positions to intercept players and loves to progress the ball forward to quickly transition into attack
At 170cm, she handles aerial duels well and can be used as a threat in set pieces
Quite pacey and can handle speedy forwards when in transition
A lot of big clubs have already started enquiring about her as her contract ends in 2024, would be a shame if Arsenal lose her to a big rival.
2) Sakina Karchaoui
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One of the best left-footed fullbacks in the world right now, very attacking minded defender, which again is how jonas loves our defenders to be
Only 160cm but what she lacks in height, she makes up for in work ethic, loves to be higher up the pitch to get involved in attacks but tracks back well to defend when caught in transition
Loves to get interceptions in, 1v1 duels to win the ball back, often both having a high rate of success
Same as Maëlle, her contract ends in 2024 and the opportunity to get a worldclass fullback on a free should not be missed. She will be a massive upgrade on Arsenal's left-back position.
3) Chiamaka Nnadozie
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Goalkeepers are a harder one to judge because you cannot rely on stats, so this analysis is based on eye tests
At 23 years old, one of the best young goalkeepers in the world right now
180cm, an excellent height for a gk
Had an amazing WWC23 run as a starter for Nigeria
Currently, also having an amazing uwcl run with Paris FC
Very impressive aerial abilities for a young keeper (imo can be considered worldclass)
Great outside the box, able to play out from the back effectively
Although at times her decision making can be better, but with the right coaching, she's on her way to be a worldclass gk
Amazing gk for both Paric FC and Nigeria at only 23 years old, why not snatch her up? (if you can't beat her, buy her)
4) Angel Mukasa
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21 years old, still needs more experience but at her age, shes phenomenal
No data on her height but from eye tests, probably around 170-180cm
Excellent shot-stopping
Great positioning, never caught out of focus
Her distribution is a stand out trait, amazing at her age
Great composure, doesn't make rash decisions in stress
In the uwcl against barca femení, if it weren't for her, FC Rosengård would've conceded more than 7 goals, she was phenomenal in that game
Not my choice for a starting keeper but would be an excellent 2nd keeper until she gains enough experience to be 1st choice
5) Kerolin Nicoli
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NWSL MVP 2023, NWSL Best XI First Team 2023, Runner up for NWSL Golden Boot 2023 (what more can i say 🤷🏽‍♀️ she's a baller)
Lethal in the attacking third, loves 1v1 duels, excellent dribbling
Unselfish player, will pass to a teammate if needed but also loves taking shots at goal too
Right-footed player but is excellent at the left
Versatile player, can play on the left and right (as a winger or midfielder), up top but also as a CM
Not much else to say except that she will be lethal in Arsenal's left hand side. Just imagine Karchaoui, McCabe and Kerolin on our left 😮‍💨
Other players that i will love at Arsenal but too unrealistic:
Naomi Girma
Merle Frohms
Misa Rodriguez
Stina Johannes
Antônia Silva
Jule Brand
Morgan Weaver
Ary Borges
Anyways, if you've actually read the whole thing, thanks! I'm quite disappointed with the lack of movements in this window so i've decided to write it here.
Do you agree with this list? Any other players that you will like to see at Arsenal as well? Lemme know i would love to here you thoughts! (pls refrain from hateful words, if you don't like this list at all. criticism is fine but keep it civil)
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savemebrics23 · 7 months
Em Nova York, Lula aposta em reuniões bilaterais para viabilizar acordos comerciais
Presidente do Brasil se reuniu com oito autoridades durante Assembleia da ONU e abordou financiamento ambiental e investimentos em energia renovável
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O presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) aproveitou a ida a Nova York, nos Estados Unidos, durante a 78ª Assembleia Geral da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU), para se reunir com ao menos oito autoridades em encontros bilaterais. Ele privilegiou acordos e discussões sobre questões ambientais e energias renováveis.
Na quarta-feira, 20, Lula se reuniu com o presidente dos EUA, Joe Biden. O encontro era o mais aguardado. Os dois assinaram um documento em defesa do trabalho digno, iniciativa criada pelos governos brasileiro e norte-americano. Os líderes também falaram sobre democracia, transição energética e proteção ao meio ambiente.
Estados Unidos
“É muito importante que vejam o que está acontecendo no Brasil neste momento histórico de transição ecológica, mudança de matriz energética, de investimento em energia solar, eólica, biomassa, biodiesel, etanol e hidrogênio verde. Ou seja, há uma perspectiva de trabalho em conjunto excepcional entre Brasil e Estados Unidos”, afirmou Lula.
Já o presidente americano ressaltou a preservação do meio ambiente. “Trabalharemos juntos para resolver a crise do clima, mobilizando centenas de milhões de dólares para preservar a Amazônia e os ecossistemas cruciais da América Latina. Trabalharemos na cooperação atlântica, promovendo crescimento econômico. As duas maiores democracias do hemisfério ocidental estão defendendo direitos humanos no mundo”, declarou.
Os EUA são o segundo maior parceiro comercial do Brasil, atrás apenas da China. Em 2022, o comércio entre os dois países movimentou US$ 88,7 bilhões, sendo US$ 37 bilhões em exportações brasileiras.
Lula se encontrou com o primeiro-ministro da Noruega, Jonas Gahr Støre. Os dois conversaram sobre financiamento ambiental e investimentos em fontes renováveis de energia. Segundo o governo federal, a Noruega é um dos principais investidores estrangeiros do Fundo Amazônia, juntamente com a Alemanha, e tem liberado verbas para projetos na região desde o início do ano.
A reunião também abordou questões comerciais, uma vez que o Brasil é o principal parceiro da Noruega fora da Europa. O país europeu tem investimentos nas indústrias de petróleo, gás e mineração, com destaque para o alumínio em território nacional. Em 2022, o volume comercial entre os dois países foi de US$ 2,35 bilhões. O Brasil exportou US$ 1,35 bilhão em alumínio e soja e importou US$ 1 bilhão, principalmente em adubos e fertilizantes.
O Brasil e a Noruega mantêm parcerias nas áreas de energia, ciência, tecnologia, educação e meio ambiente. Em vigor estão acordos que estabelecem iniciativas bilaterais em pesquisa e desenvolvimento no setor de petróleo e gás, aquicultura e recursos pesqueiros, tributação, cooperação econômica e entre administrações aduaneiras.
O premiê norueguês ainda falou sobre a importância da presidência brasileira no G20, grupo que reúne as 20 principais economias do mundo. O mandato é rotativo, e o Brasil assume o cargo em 1º de dezembro.
Lula também se reuniu com o presidente da Confederação Suíça, Alain Berset. Em pauta esteve o acordo comercial entre o Mercosul e a Associação Europeia de Comércio Livre. O grupo é formado por Suíça, Noruega, Islândia e Liechtenstein.
No ano passado, o comércio entre Brasil e Suíça movimentou US$ 3,6 bilhões. A parceria se estende para projetos de neurociências, saúde, energia e meio ambiente. Há perspectivas de cooperação em nanotecnologia, tecnologia da informação e das comunicações, energias renováveis e ciências humanas e sociais.
Na reunião, Berset disse que vê com bons olhos o papel do Brasil no combate às mudanças climáticas. Foram citados a onda de calor que atinge o Brasil e os eventos climáticos extremos no Rio Grande do Sul e na Líbia.
A Assembleia da ONU foi uma oportunidade para o presidente se encontrar com Olaf Scholz, chanceler alemão. Nas redes sociais, Lula escreveu: “Conversamos sobre o acordo Mercosul-União Europeia, que considero importante fecharmos ainda neste ano, e sobre a atual conjuntura mundial. Visitarei a Alemanha em dezembro, quando teremos dois dias de trabalho entre nossos governos para aprofundarmos a cooperação, os laços e os investimentos entre nossos países”.
A preservação do meio ambiente, a transição energética e a industrialização verde estiveram em discussão no encontro com o presidente da Áustria, Alexander Van der Bellen.
“Falamos sobre a COP30, em 2025, em Belém, e sobre a importância da transição energética. Ele falou do interesse das empresas austríacas em buscar oportunidades de investimento no Brasil, e o convidei a visitar nosso País com uma missão empresarial para estreitarmos laços econômicos”, informou Lula nas redes sociais.
Com o presidente do Paraguai, Santiago Peña, foi debatida a integração entre os países, que estão ligados pela Itaipu Binacional. A usina responde por 8,72% da demanda de energia elétrica brasileira e é responsável por 86,4% da energia consumida no território paraguaio.
O Brasil é o principal destino das exportações paraguaias, com 36,9% do total. Desde 2021, o País é o que mais investe no Paraguai, superando os EUA. Outras obras, como o corredor bioceânico para facilitar o fluxo de mercadorias e a conclusão da ponte entre Presidente Franco e Foz do Iguaçu, foram mencionadas na conversa.
No primeiro encontro com o presidente da Ucrânia, Volodymyr Zelensky, o tema em foco foi a solução para o conflito entre Ucrânia e Rússia. “Tivemos uma boa conversa sobre a importância dos caminhos para construção da paz e de mantermos sempre o diálogo aberto entre nossos países”, escreveu Lula.
Já o ministro das Relações Exteriores do Brasil, Mauro Vieira, afirmou que os presidentes instruíram as equipes a continuarem em contato. Lula garantiu que um representante vai participar das reuniões do Processo de Copenhague, para discutir possibilidades de paz entre os países.
O outro encontro bilateral aconteceu entre Lula e o presidente da Palestina, Mahmoud Abbas, que cumprimentou o presidente pelo discurso na abertura da Assembleia Geral da ONU e o convidou para uma visita oficial ao país.
No evento, Lula criticou o sistema de governança global, que ainda não conseguiu chegar a uma solução para o conflito entre Palestina e Israel.
“Não haverá sustentabilidade nem prosperidade sem paz. Os conflitos armados são uma afronta à racionalidade humana. A promoção de uma cultura de paz é um dever de todos nós. Construí-la requer persistência e vigilância. É perturbador ver que persistem antigas disputas não resolvidas e novas ameaças. Bem o demonstra a dificuldade de garantir a criação de um Estado para o povo palestino”, afirmou Lula.
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satanscure · 5 months
hello hello ! my name is sammy , i'm twenty five and go by they / them pronouns . welcome to satanscure , a discord exclusive roleplay account where i am reblogging resources such as : wanted fcs , wanted plots , mature content and other aspects that relate to my writing wants .
as a partner , i'm really big on worldbuilding . be prepared for me obsessing over our things , creating manips / edits , playlists , headcanons , threads , and more .
i also write fxm , mxm , fxf ships as well as poly ships . i do not prioritize ships over another so expect fun times all around .
for triggers / limits , i will go as far to say that i relatively do not have any boundaries but i will not write anything involve : noncon , dubcon , incest , scat or anything too .. in that realm of things .
below the cut as a list of my favorite faces + could also serve as a most wanted list as well !
femme :
aisha potter . ana de armas . alexa demie . becky g . camila morrone . chloe bailey . cindy kimberly . dina denoire . dua lipa . ester exposito . hailee steinfeld . halle bailey . laura harrier . lily - rose depp . leigh - anne pinnock . madelyn cline . madison bailey . melissa calma . mishti rahman . nicole wallace . normani . priscilla quintana . ryan destiny . sabrina carpenter . samantha logan . shay mitchell . sofia carson . sydney sweeney . victoria monet . yara shahidi . zahara davis . zendaya .
hommes :
abel carden . aj saudin . andre lamoglia . alex fitzalan . alex pastrana . alvaro mel . aron piper . avan jogia . casey deidrick . charlie hunnam . charles melton . chase stokes . cody christian . corrado martini . dacre montgomery . dominic fike . drew starkey . dylan o’brien . evan mock . fai khadra . fernando lindez . froy gutierrez . gavin leatherwood . gus kenworthy . hootie hurley . jacob elordi . jonathann davis . jordan fisher . keith powers . luke hemmings . luis capecchi . manu rios . mason gooding . matthew daddario . matthew noszka . michael evans behling . niall horan . nick jonas . omar apollo . oscar issac . rafael silva . sebastian stan . sergio momo . tom hardy . tom holland . tommy martinez . trevor jackson . tyler posey .
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wqbytop150 · 5 months
Top 140 for the week ending November 26, 2023
Other Boys -Marshmello, Dove Cameron -1/10weeks ''peak 1x2 the weeks of 11/19, 11/26''
I'll Be There -Robin Schulz, Rita Ora, Tiago PZK -3/6weeks
See You Again -Vicetone, Anna Clendenning -2/9weeks ''1x2 the weeks of 11/5, 11/12''
Spend the Night -BJ the Chicago Kid, Coco Jones -7/10weeks
Strangers -Kenya Grace --4/6weeks ''peak3''
Diamond Therapy --Diplo, Walker & Royce, Channel Tres -6/8weeks
One Last Dance -Imanbek, Ali Gatie -8/9weeks
Go Off -- Mike Candys -5/9weeks ''peak5''
^Good Morning --Timmy Trumpet, Alie Farber, YOU -12/7 weeks ''peak4'' ^
Summertime Friends --The Chainsmokers -10/10weeks '' peak1x2 the weeks of 10/22, 10,29''
More Baby --Chris Lake, Aluna -13/10weeks ''peak5''
Hangin' On - A R I Z O N A -11/13weeks ''peak1x4 the weeks of 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15''
Wanna Dance --Alie Farber, James Carter, VARGEN -9/8weeks ''peak9''
Nevada -Vicetone, Cozi Zuehisdorff -14/6weeks
AEIOU --PNAU, Empire of the Sun -28/6weeks
At Your Worst--Calum Scott -18/12weeks ''peak5''
Living In A Haze--Milky Chance -22/21weeks ''peak2x2''
Sorry Now --A R I Z O N A --15/7weeks ''peak5''
Jungle --Alok, The Chainsmokers, Mae Stephens -25/10weeks
One With the Wolves --Robin Schulz -23/13weeks ''peak7''
Stress You --Lucas Estrada, SUPER Hi -21/9weeks
Dark Skies --A R I Z O N A -31/7weeks
Dreaming --Marshmello, Pink, Sting -26/4weeks
Drums --James Hype, Kim Petras -24/7weeks
***Waiting --LP Giobbi, Redfield, DJ Rae - (new)
Dreamteam --Galantis, Neon Trees -64/3weeks
Get Dirty --Return of the Jaded, Tommie Sunshine -27/3weeks
Tension --Kylie Minogue -99/3weeks
Boyfriend --USHER -17/13weeks ''peak10''
Light On --Markus Schulz, Sarah de Warren -34/18weeks ''peak10x2''
Tied to You --Elderbrook -19/9weeks ''peak2''
Your Hired --NEIKED, Ayra Starr -140/7weeks
Strangely Sentimental --Anabel Englund -16/24weeks ''peak1x1 the week of 9.3.23''
Jealous --Pascal Letoublon, IZKO, Jordan Rys -113/2weeks
From this Day On --Andrew Rayel, JES -30/22weeks ''peak1x2 the weeks of 9/10, 9/17''
Following The Sun --SUPER Hi, NEEKA -32/17weeks ''peak4''
Elevator Eyes --Tove Lo -33/13weeks ''peak9''
Body Count --Jason Derulo -35/13weeks ''peak12''
De Selby Part 2 --Hozier -36/17weeks ''peak5''
Moon --Locklead -41/12weeks ''peak26''
Lost & Found --Gorgon City, DRAMA -39/18weeks ''peak8''
Stranger On A Train --SUPER Hi -42/13weeks ''peak25''
The Beautiful Letdown -Switchfoot, Jonas Brothers -43/12weeks ''peak17''
It's In My Head --Provoker -44/8weeks ''peak19''
Smiley Water --Mike. -46/10weeks ''peak24
***You --Svidden, Seeb -(new)
We Could Be Love --Hayden James -47/11weeks ''peak38''
Dressed For A Funeral ---Groupthink, Sunday Scaries -38/25weeks ''peak 16''
eMtunzini --Muzi -37/15weeks ''peak12''
Jacare --Sofi Tukker -49/28weeks ''peak2''
Why You? --Adam Melchor -40/11weeks ''peak20''
Heat Rising--Pete Tong, Jem Cooke, Jules Buckley -117
Hip Trumpets ---Yolando Be Cool, KVISION -53/11weeks ''peak20''
Die For A Night --A R I Z O N A -55/27weeks ''peak1x3 the weeks of 8/13, 8/20, 8/27''
In My Zone --S.O. GIDI -122/11weeks
We Should Get Married --Dan & Shay -56
It's Euphoric --Georgia -45/29weeks ''peak19''
Vogue --NOIZE -58/8weeks ''peak35''
What We Know --Lucas & Steve, Conor Byrne -65/7weeks
All Night --Charlie Houston -60/9weeks
Padam Padam --Kylie Minogue -50/21weeks ''peak2''
Champagne Shit --Janelle Monae, Latto, Quavo -63/5weeks
Bite Marks --Ari Abdul -62/4weeks
Makeba --JAIN (Ian Asher remix) -48 /10weeks ''peak42''
Down Like That --Bryson Tiller -61/11weeks
What Do You Do? --Jess Glynne -124
Waiting 4 U --Laidback Luke, Ralphi, (Jake Silva Remix) -118/12weeks
Weird & Bizarre --Posh Chocolates -123/6weeks ''peak30''
Phone--MEDUZA, Em Beihold, Sam Tompkins (Lili Chan remix) -68/2weeks
Dress Code --Mau P -66/7weeks
Just Think --Video Age -72/3weeks
In The City --Charlie XCX, Sam Smith -70
Dare--Gorillaz -29 (throwback comeback)
Midnight Zone --Astrality, TAPE ANGEL -69
The Tower --Future Islands -97/2weeks
Run Free (Countdown) -- Tiesto, R3HAB -71
If Only I --Loud Luxury, Two Friends, Bebe Rexha -51/17weeks ''peak9''
Motive--Armin Van Buuren -52/19weeks ''peak8''
The Feeling--Lost Frequencies -54/7weeks
The Worst Person Alive --G Flip -57/15weeks ''peak38''
Subterranean --Miss Monique, AVIRA, LUNA -81/7weeks
Moonlight--Laidback Luke, GATTUSO f/Antrex -5915weeks ''peak15''
Joy (Up the Street) -Joy Anonymous -73/3weeks
Fight My Demons --Yung Bae, Barney Bones, Levan Kali -74/4weeks
Feel It (Club Edit) -Jazzy -75/7weeks
Ohh LALA --Idris Elba, Sasha Gigi -76/4weeks
Save My Love --Destiny Rogers -93/4weeks
To Love Someone --Benson Boone -20/2weeks
Blur ---KREAM, Marlo Rex -77/7weeks
Heartbeat Highway---Cannons -78/2weeks
Made Up My Mind ---Jonah Kagen, Lily Meola -79/2weeks
Killing Me ---Conan Gray-103/2weeks
Cheap Thrills --Walker & Royce, Barney Bones -100/2weeks
Fall Again ---Hayla -82/2weeks
Never Trust A Liar----Bae & Her Business -111/2weeks
Turn You Up ---Kaskade, Winn Winn -83/4weeks
Jaguar --Yaeger -98/2weeks
Stranger ---Thomas Day -106/2weeks
On My Way ---SIDEPIECE f/ Faouzia -88/7weeks
Overdrive ---Ofenbach, Norma Jean Martine -94/2weeks
Directions --Biskuwi -61/2weeks
Rinse It -Devault -80/3weeks
Rescue Me -Andrew Rayel -84/3weeks
Forever Gold -Siskin -85/7weeks
Can't Take It Slow -Citizen -86/4weeks
Shades -Andrew Rayel -87/2weeks
The Greatest Thing Alive --Mark Knight, Green Velvet, James Hurr -89/4weeks
Desire -Nicky Romero, TELYKAST, Linney -90/7weeks
It's Gone -Kaskade, Crayskool -91/4weeks
Alone -Andrew Rayel, Amanda Collis -92/4weeks
Heart Still Beating --Nathan Dawe, Bebe Rexha -95/2weeks
Bigger Than the Song -Brittney Spencer -96/8weeks
Guarantee -Black Eyed Peas, J Rey Soul -101/8weeks (off next wk)
Alcohol -X Ambassadors, BRELAND -102/2weeks (off next weeks)
The Little Mushroom that Got Away -Sultan+Shepard, Lane8 -104/7weeks
Fever -Lewis Thompson, PUNCTUAL, HIGHT -105/7weeks
Collide -Nightlaspe, FABER -108/2weeks
Talk -Elly Duhe -109/2weeks
Houdini --Dua Lipa -110/2weeks
Memories -Sam Feldt, Sofiloud -112/4weeks
Closer -Fetish -114/2weeks
Stardust -Jazzy -115/3weeks
Strong Enough -Jonas Bros. & Bailey Zimmerman -116/2weeks
Simulation -Showtek -119/2weeks
Lighter -Steve Aoki, Paris Hilton -120/4weeks
Bitter -Freya Ridings -121/11weeks
Ecstasy -MEDUZA, GENESI -125/5weeks
My Own Advice --William Black, ILLENIUM, Aluna Springsteen -126/5weeks
Sad Forever -Lauren Spencer Smith -127/6weeks (off next weeks)
You're So High -Eli & Fur -128/7weeks
Preacher --Ownboss, Outflux, No/Me -129/4weeks
Better Off (Alone Part III) -Alan Walker, Dash Berlin, VIKKSTAR -130/5weeks
Me & My Guitar -Jax Jones, Fireboy DML -131/11weeks
Heard It Like This -ACRAZE, Joey Valence & Brae -132/4weeks
Sunday--Dermont Kennedy -133/4weeks
On My Love -Zara Larson, David Guetta -134/9weeks
One Of the Girls --Troye Sivan -135/4weeks
It Takes Two --Camila Cabello, Anna Kendrick, Justin Timberlake -136/4weeks
Location -Lost Frequencies, A7S -137/5weeks
Dancing at the Disco -J Worra, Cherry Tooth -138/6weeks
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monsieuroverlord · 6 months
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January Solicits are posted!
source here
We're seeing the launch of the next phase of Krakoa/X-Men Era, including the Resurrection of Magneto, Rise of the Powers of X, Fall of the House of X, Dead X-Men (featuring the elected X-Men Team from the last Hellfire Gala) and Wolverine's Sabretooth War!
Also, Marvel Meow is making its print debut!
Wolverine #41 written by Ben Percy and Victor LaValle, art by Cory Smith and Geoff Shaw, main cover by Leinil Francis Yu.
Get ready for the showdown to end all showdowns – WOLVERINE VS. SABRETOOTH!
"It’s been years since these heavy hitters have crossed paths in the Marvel Universe, but as Krakoa falls, so rises SABRETOOTH – and he’s out for revenge! They threw VICTOR CREED in the PIT, but he’s free and, wielding an army of Sabretooths, will prove once and for all why he is LOGAN’s ultimate nemesis. Co-written by literary powerhouses Benjamin Percy (WOLVERINE, GHOST RIDER) and Victor LaValle (The Changeling, SABRETOOTH) and drawn by artistic dynamos Cory Smith (CONAN, GHOST RIDER) and Geoff Shaw (WEAPONS OF VENGEANCE, WOLVERINE: PATCH), don’t miss the inaugural issue in this multi-shipping saga leading up to the landmark issue #50!"
Marvel Meow #1
Writing and art by Nao Fuji, Variant cover by Chrissie Zullo
Marvel’s most fearsome – and furriest – heroes are here to save the day and beg for treats in the process! Follow Chewie, Liho, Alpine and the rest of the Avengers’ feline friends as they cause a few cat-tastrophes…and maybe vanquish some villains in the process! Whether it’s crashing Captain Marvel’s apartment or defeating Doc Ock, you can always count on these cats for some cute chaos! Collecting the hit Infinity Comic series from Marvel Unlimited and featuring a brand-new cover and exclusive new story!"
Resurrection of Magneto
written by Al Ewing, art by Luciano Vecchio, main cover by Stefano Caselli
"On Krakoa, resurrection from the dead was as easy as completing a circuit – but Krakoa fell. The time of easy miracles is over, and only the hard roads are left. Now it falls to Storm – as the epic conclusion to the Krakoan age looms – to bring their oldest enemy home to fight against the FALL OF THE HOUSE OF X…but after all he did, and all that was done to him, can Magneto bear to return?"
Dead X-Men
Written by Steve Foxe, art by Vincenzo Carratu, Bernard Chang, and Jonas Scharf, main cover by Pepe Perez
When the world turned against Krakoa, these five mutants lost their lives…but their mission as X-Men is just getting started. To preserve Xavier’s dream, they must accomplish the impossible – or die again trying! Spinning out from RISE OF THE POWERS OF X, discover…who are the DEAD X-MEN?!"
Rise of the Powers of X
Written by Kieron Gillen, art and main cover by R. B. Silva
Ten years ago, the mutants returned from their exile to try and reclaim the Earth from the forces of Orchis. They failed.  Now, within the victorious Orchis with their gauntlet choking the world, Nimrod and Omega Sentinel put their plan within a plan into action. They are to summon their binary god to consume everything in their accession. All that stands between them is the X-Men. What can they do? They’re the X-Men. They’ll find a way. That’s their power. So begins a story beyond time and space, with the rise of powers beyond our petty human intelligence. From writer Kieron Gillen (IMMORTAL X-MEN, UNCANNY X-MEN) and artist R.B. Silva (POWERS OF X, CAPTAIN AMERICA: SYMBOL OF TRUTH) comes half of the story that will bring the Krakoa Age to its conclusion!"
Fall of the House of X
Written by Gerry Duggan, art by Lucas Werneck, main cover by Pepe Larraz
Mutantkind has never had a greater fall. From the highs of Krakoa – their own glorious nation, a place where they were safe and happy – to the lowest of lows. Outlawed, hunted, killed, most of their kind missing or dead, and now, one their greatest leaders, Cyclops, is on trial facing a death penalty. Ready or not, the time has come for the X-Men to make their final stand against the forces that have struck them low. The day is now. The place is here. The tale of the house Xavier built will long be told…and few will forget this darkest chapter. From writer Gerry Duggan (X-MEN, MARAUDERS, UNCANNY AVENGERS) and artist Lucas Werneck (IMMORTAL X-MEN, TRIAL OF MAGNETO) comes half of the story that will bring the Krakoa Age to its conclusion!"
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promessas-de-deus · 1 year
Lindo é o amor de Deus!
– Jonas Silva
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404badwolf · 6 months
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BTS "All the Light We Cannot See"
📸 Photo by Benia Lovag & Oscar Hoppe
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estiloconsultorias · 2 months
Camarote Salvador: Bruna Marquezine, Sasha, Gio Ewbank, Juliana Paiva, José Loreto e mais famosos prestigiam terceira noite de evento
Maior festa de Carnaval do Brasil, o Camarote Salvador reuniu diversos famosos que foram aproveitar a folia baiana neste sábado de Carnaval (10). Entre eles, Giovanna Ewbank, Bruna Marquezine, Sasha, João Figueiredo, Hugo Gloss, Mari Gonzalez, Juliana Paiva, Danilo Partezani, José Loreto, Jonas Sulzbach, André Martinelli, João Silva, Marcus Majella, Marcela Fetter, Rodrigo Lima e outros. A…
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moon-meridian · 9 months
hello, friends! here is a collection of some of my favorite faces. i'll update this list as i come into contact with faces that i've been introduced to and want to interact with. please keep in mind that this list is just what comes to mind, i love new faces so feel free to suggest new ones to me !#happyroleplaying
aaron paul, aaron taylor-johnson, aaron tveit, adam dimarco, adan canto, alan ritchson, alberto rosende, alexander calvert, alexander skarsgard, alex fitzalan, alfie allen, alfonso herrera, alfred enoch, alvaro rico, andre lamoglia, andrew garfield, andrew matarazzo, andy samberg, angus cloud, antoni porowski, antony starr, armie hammer, aron piper, austin butler, avan jogia, ben barnes, bill skarsgard, blair redford, blake jenner, bob morley, boyd holbrook, brandon flynn, brant daughtry, brenton thwaites, brian j. smith, bright vachirawit chivaaree, cameron monaghan, casey cott, carter jenkins, chace crawford, chadwick boseman, chance perdomo, charles melton, charlie coxx, charlie heaton, charlie hunnam, charlie weber, chase stokes, cheyenne jackson, chris evans, chris hemsworth, chris messina, chris pine, christian navarro, christopher abbott, chris wood, cody christian, cody fern, cole sprouse, colton haynes, curran walters, dacre montgomery, daniel sharman, darren barnet, darren criss, david castaneda, david castro, david corenswet, dean geyer, dominic cooper, dominic sherwood, drey ray tanner, drew van acker, dylan minnette, dylan o'brien, dylan sprayberry, dylan sprouse, ed westwick, eka darville, eric dane, evan peters.
felix mallard, finn jones, finn wittrock, froy gutierrez, gavin leatherwood, gong yoo, grant gustin, gregg sulkin, gus kenworthy, hart denton, hasan minhaj, henry cavill, henry zaga, herman tommeras, hero fiennes-tiffin, hugh dancy, ian bohen, ian harding, ian somerhalder, itzan escamilla, iwan rheon, jack falahee, jack quaid, jack mulhern, jack o'connell, jacob artist, jacob elordi, jai courtney, jan luis castellanos, jared padelecki, jason momoa, jedidiah goodacre, jensen ackles, jeremy allen white, jeremy jordan, joe dempsie, joe keery, joel kinnaman, joel mchale, joe manganiello, jonathan groff, jon bernthal, jon krazinski, jordan fisher, jorge lopez, joseph gilgun, josh hartnett, joshua bassett, justin hartley, justin theroux, karamo brown, karl urban, kit harrington, kj apa, kyle allen, liam hemsworth, logan shroyer, louis partridge, lucien laviscount, luke evans, luke pasqualino.
manny jacinto, manu rios, matt bomer, matthew daddario, mark pellegrino, mason gooding, maxence danet-fauvel, max irons, max riemelt, mena massoud, michael cimino, michael trevino, michael vlamis, michele morrone, michiel huisman, miguel bernardeau, miguel herran, mike colter, miguel angel silvestre, miles heizer, milo ventimiglia, nathan parsons, nicholas galitzine, nick robinson, nico mirallegro, nico tortorella, nikolaj coster-waldua, noah centineo, nolan gerard funk, oliver jackson-cohen, oliver stark, omar ayuso, omar rudberg, oscar isaac, paul wesley, penn badgley, pol granch, rafael silva, rahul kohli, rami malik, richard madden, ricky whittle, riz ahmed, robert sheehan, rome flynn, ronen rubenstein, ross lynch, rudy pankow, rupert grint, ryan guzman, ryan kelley, ryan potter, sam claflin, sam heughan, samuel larson, scott eastwood, sean teale, sebastian de souza, sebastian stan, shiloh fernandez, skeet ulrich, steven strait.
taron egerton, taylor zakhar perez, theo james, thomas doherty, timothy granaderos, timothy olyphant, toby kebbell, toby wallace, tom ellis, tom hiddleston, tom holland, tom hopper, tom pelphrey, tyler blackburn, tyler hoechlin, tyler lawrence gray, tyler posey, wentworth miller, zac efron.
austin porter, benito ocasio (bad bunny), brandon arreaga, charlie puth, dominic fike, edwin honoret, harry styles, jack gilinsky, jack harlow, jaden smith, joe jonas, lil nas z, machine gun kelly, nick jonas, nick mara, omar apollo, shawn mendes, troye sivan, zayn malik, zion kuwonu.
bang chan, choi chanhee, choi minho, christian yu, han seungwoo, jackson wang, jay park, jung ki-suck, kim jennie, kim jisoo, kim jongdae, kwon hyuk lai, kuan-lin, lalisa manoban, lee dae-hwi, lee tae-min, mark yien tuan, ong seong-wu, roseanne park, taehyung, wong kunhang, wu yi fan, xiao dejun, and yan an.
adam senn, adil haddaoui, adrien sahores, agustin bruno, arthur gosse, billy vandendooren, bo develius, brad skelly, brooklyn beckham, cameron dallas, casey jackson, christian hogue, daniel abohzira, daniel bederov, david gandy, derek chadwick, desire mia, diego barrueco, francisco lachowski, gage gomez, gui fedrezzi, harvey newton-haydon, isha blaaker, ivan kozak, jacob bixenman, janis danner, jamie dornan, joe collier, jordan torres, juan betancourt, julian schratter, kit butler, lenny izaguire, manu rios, marlon teixeira, marvin cortes, matthew noszka, matty carrington, maverick mcconnell, michael yerger, neels visser, nick bateman, nicolas simoes, nyle dimarco, ollie loudon, owen lindberg, rafael lazzini, rafael miller, reese king, richard diess, robbie satchwell, sean opry, simon loof, simon nessman, tanner reese, tom webb, vinnie hacker, will higginson, xavier serrano, zander fitzpatrick
gus kenworthy, noah beck, ryan garcia, vlad hoshin.
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Norway makes new pledge to Amazon Fund
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Norway on Monday announced an additional USD 50 million donation to the Amazon Fund, which finances conservation efforts in the rainforest. This is Norway’s first new donation since 2018.
Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre said in a statement that “a 50 percent reduction in deforestation in the Amazon by 2023” is a result of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s “demonstrable ability to take targeted action.”
The announcement was made during an Amazon Fund event at this year’s United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai.
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pdmtsn · 9 months
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Various - Hidden Waters: Strange And Sublime Sounds Of Rio De Janeiro (2023)
A1 Ana Frango Elétrico - Saudade A2 Pedro Fonte - Clichê A3 Bala Desejo - Lua Comanche A4 Ava Rocha - Boca Do Céu A5 Exército De Bebês - Avós Da Experiência
B1 Thiago Nassif - Soar Estranho B2 Negro Leo - Mulato B3 Mari Romano - Amélie B4 Rosabege - Sigo Num Site/Mármore B5 Dora Morelenbaum - Vento De Beirada B6 Cadu Tenório, Juçara Marçal - Candombe - La Cacundê Lauê
C1 Jonas Sa - Gigolô C2 Troá - Bandeide C3 Marcelo Callado - Simbora C4 Ovo Ou Bicho - Moços C5 Lê Almeida - Apreço Antigo C6 Vovô Bebê - Briga De Família
D1 Joana Queiroz - Dois Litorais D2 Raquel Dimantas - Flecha Azul D3 António Neves, Thiaguinho Silva - Das Neves D4 Letrux - Dorme Com Essa D5 Os Ritmistas - Sambolero
Genre: Jazz, Latin, Funk/Soul Style: Bossa Nova, MPB, Candombe, Samba, Funk
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